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José Eduardo Luquín Rodríguez


Friday September 2nd, 2022

Week 3: Vocabulary

1. Adjectives and nouns
- Aggressive
Characterized by or tending toward aggression (Wordreference)
- Anger
A strong feeling of displeasure or rage (Wordreference)
- Athletic
Physically active and strong; good at athletics or sports (Wordreference)
- Attractive
Providing pleasure or delight, especially in appearance or manner (Wordreference)
- Belief
Something that you believe (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Calm
Peaceful, quiet, and without worry (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Classmate
Someone who is in the same class as you at school (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Colleague
An associate or coworker typically in profession or in a civil or ecclesiastical office
and often of similar rank or status (Merriam-Webster)
- Considerate
Caring about and respectful of others (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Depressed
Unhappy and without hope (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Depression
A feeling of sadness, or a type of mental illness that causes long periods of
unhappiness (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Embarrassed
Feeling ashamed or shy (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Enemy
A person who hates or opposes another person and tries to harm them or stop
them from doing something (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Feeling
The fact of feeling something physical (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Fit
Healthy and strong, especially as a result of exercise (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Flatmate
A person who shares an apartment with another person (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Foreigner
A person who comes from another country (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Generous
Willing to give money, help, kindness, etc., especially more than is usual or
expected (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Gift
A present or something that is given (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Handsome
A handsome man is physically attractive in a traditional, male way (Cambridge
- Healthy
Strong and well; good for your health (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Idol
Someone who is admired and respected very much (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Peaceful
Without violence (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Peer
A person who is the same age or has the same social position or the same abilities
as other people in a group (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Plump
Having a pleasantly soft, rounded body or shape (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Pretty
Pleasant to look at, or (especially of girls or women or things relating to them)
attractive or pleasant in a delicate way (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Sadness
The feeling of being unhappy, especially because something bad has happened
(Cambridge Dictionary)
- Skill
An ability to do an activity or job well, especially because you have practiced it
(Cambridge Dictionary)
- Skinny
Very thin (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Stable
A stable person is mentally healthy (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Stranger
Someone you do not know (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Talent
A special natural ability to do something well, or people who have this ability
(Cambridge Dictionary)
- Thin
Having little extra flesh on the body (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Thought
The act of thinking about or considering something, an idea or opinion, or a set of
ideas about a particular subject (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Thoughtful
Showing care and consideration in how you treat other people (Cambridge
- Trustworthy
Able to be trusted (Cambridge Dictionary)
2. Collocations and expressions
- Save time
To complete a task in a shorter amount of time by doing it more quickly or
efficiently (The Free Dictionary)
- Make a difference
To have an effect (Collins Dictionary)
- Keep in touch
To continue to talk to or write to someone (Merriam-Webster)
- Break the ice
To relieve shyness or reserve, especially between strangers (Collins Dictionary)
- Make trouble
To act or behave in a troublesome manner; to cause problems or issues (The Free
- Keep a promise
To fulfill or be faithful to a promise one has made (The Free Dictionary)
- See red
To become very angry (Collins Dictionary)
- Feel blue
To feel sad, somber, or glum (The Free Dictionary)
- Be green with envy
To be very unhappy because someone has something that you want (Cambridge
- Be tickled pink
Extremely pleased about something (Collins Dictionary)
- Be the black sheep of the family
A person who has done something bad that brings embarrassment or shame to his
or her family (Cambridge Dictionary)
- Be as good as gold
(of a child) to behave very well (Cambridge Dictionary)

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