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Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Chapter 1
Complex Numbers & Functions
Lecture 2: Complex Functions

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh

Department of Mathematics
International University Ho Chi Minh City

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc


1 Powers of complex numbers

2 Roots of complex numbers

3 Complex functions and mappings

4 Complex Differentiation: Cauchy-Riemann equations

5 Conjugate and Harmonic Functions

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

De Moivre’s theorem

Exponential form of complex number z:

z = reiθ

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

De Moivre’s theorem

Exponential form of complex number z:

z = reiθ ⇒ z n = r n (ejθ )n = r n ej(nθ) .

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

De Moivre’s theorem

Exponential form of complex number z:

z = reiθ ⇒ z n = r n (ejθ )n = r n ej(nθ) .

|z n | = |z|n , arg(z n ) = n arg(z)

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

De Moivre’s theorem

Exponential form of complex number z:

z = reiθ ⇒ z n = r n (ejθ )n = r n ej(nθ) .

|z n | = |z|n , arg(z n ) = n arg(z)

De Moivre’s theorem for power of complex number z = reiθ :

z n = r n (cos nθ + j sin nθ) (1)

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

De Moivre’s theorem: Example

Example: Express 1 − j inthe form r (cos θ + j sin θ) and then

evaluate (1 − j)12

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

De Moivre’s theorem: Example

Example: Express 1 − j inthe form r (cos θ + j sin θ) and then

evaluate (1 − j)12
Solution: √
|1 − j| = 2, arg(1 − j) = −π/4

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

De Moivre’s theorem: Example

Example: Express 1 − j inthe form r (cos θ + j sin θ) and then

evaluate (1 − j)12
Solution: √
|1 − j| = 2, arg(1 − j) = −π/4

1−j = 2(cos(−π/4)+j sin(−π/4))

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

De Moivre’s theorem: Example

Example: Express 1 − j inthe form r (cos θ + j sin θ) and then

evaluate (1 − j)12
Solution: √
|1 − j| = 2, arg(1 − j) = −π/4

√ √
1−j = 2(cos(−π/4)+j sin(−π/4)) = 2(cos(π/4)−j sin(π/4))

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

De Moivre’s theorem: Example

Example: Express 1 − j inthe form r (cos θ + j sin θ) and then

evaluate (1 − j)12
Solution: √
|1 − j| = 2, arg(1 − j) = −π/4

√ √
1−j = 2(cos(−π/4)+j sin(−π/4)) = 2(cos(π/4)−j sin(π/4))

(1 − j)12 = ( 2)12 [cos(12(π/4)) − j sin(12(π/4))]

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

De Moivre’s theorem: Example

Example: Express 1 − j inthe form r (cos θ + j sin θ) and then

evaluate (1 − j)12
Solution: √
|1 − j| = 2, arg(1 − j) = −π/4

√ √
1−j = 2(cos(−π/4)+j sin(−π/4)) = 2(cos(π/4)−j sin(π/4))

(1 − j)12 = ( 2)12 [cos(12(π/4)) − j sin(12(π/4))]
= 26 (cos 3π − j sin 3π)

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

De Moivre’s theorem: Example

Example: Express 1 − j inthe form r (cos θ + j sin θ) and then

evaluate (1 − j)12
Solution: √
|1 − j| = 2, arg(1 − j) = −π/4

√ √
1−j = 2(cos(−π/4)+j sin(−π/4)) = 2(cos(π/4)−j sin(π/4))

(1 − j)12 = ( 2)12 [cos(12(π/4)) − j sin(12(π/4))]
= 26 (cos 3π − j sin 3π) = −64

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers

We can use De
√ Moivre’s
√ theorem to find roots of complex
numbers like z or 3 z.

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers

We can use De √ Moivre’s
√ theorem to find roots of complex
numbers like z or 3 z.
For n ∈ N, find w = z 1/n such that w n = z

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers

We can use De √ Moivre’s
√ theorem to find roots of complex
numbers like z or 3 z.
For n ∈ N, find w = z 1/n such that w n = z Let
r = |z|, θ = arg z, R = |w|, φ = arg w

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers

We can use De √ Moivre’s
√ theorem to find roots of complex
numbers like z or 3 z.
For n ∈ N, find w = z 1/n such that w n = z Let
r = |z|, θ = arg z, R = |w|, φ = arg w
De Moivre’s theorem yields r = R n and

w n = R n (cos nφ + j sin nφ) = r (cos θ + j sin θ).

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers

We can use De √ Moivre’s
√ theorem to find roots of complex
numbers like z or 3 z.
For n ∈ N, find w = z 1/n such that w n = z Let
r = |z|, θ = arg z, R = |w|, φ = arg w
De Moivre’s theorem yields r = R n and

w n = R n (cos nφ + j sin nφ) = r (cos θ + j sin θ).

Compare real and imaginary parts we get

r cos θ = R n cos nφ

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers

We can use De √ Moivre’s
√ theorem to find roots of complex
numbers like z or 3 z.
For n ∈ N, find w = z 1/n such that w n = z Let
r = |z|, θ = arg z, R = |w|, φ = arg w
De Moivre’s theorem yields r = R n and

w n = R n (cos nφ + j sin nφ) = r (cos θ + j sin θ).

Compare real and imaginary parts we get

r cos θ = R n cos nφ
r sin θ = R n sin nφ

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers

We can use De √ Moivre’s
√ theorem to find roots of complex
numbers like z or 3 z.
For n ∈ N, find w = z 1/n such that w n = z Let
r = |z|, θ = arg z, R = |w|, φ = arg w
De Moivre’s theorem yields r = R n and

w n = R n (cos nφ + j sin nφ) = r (cos θ + j sin θ).

Compare real and imaginary parts we get

r cos θ = R n cos nφ
r sin θ = R n sin nφ
R = r 1/n

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers

The last equations yield

cos θ = cos nφ sin θ = sin nφ,

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers

The last equations yield

cos θ = cos nφ sin θ = sin nφ,

nφ = θ + 2kπ k integer.

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers

The last equations yield

cos θ = cos nφ sin θ = sin nφ,

nφ = θ + 2kπ k integer.

θ 2k π
φ= + , k = 0, ±1, ±2, ...
n n

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers

The last equations yield

cos θ = cos nφ sin θ = sin nφ,

nφ = θ + 2kπ k integer.

θ 2k π
+ , k = 0, ±1, ±2, ...
n n
Substituting these R, φ into w = R(cos φ + j sin φ) gives
h θ 2k π  θ 2k π i
z 1/n = r 1/n cos + + j sin + (2)
n n n n

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers

The last equations yield

cos θ = cos nφ sin θ = sin nφ,

nφ = θ + 2kπ k integer.

θ 2k π
+ , k = 0, ±1, ±2, ...
n n
Substituting these R, φ into w = R(cos φ + j sin φ) gives
h θ 2k π  θ 2k π i
z 1/n = r 1/n cos + + j sin + (2)
n n n n

for k = 0, ±1, ±2, ...

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers

h θ 2k π  θ 2k π i
z 1/n = r 1/n cos + + j sin +
n n n n
yields exactly n different roots, corresponding to
k = 0, 1, 2, ..., n − 1.

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers

h θ 2k π  θ 2k π i
z 1/n = r 1/n cos + + j sin +
n n n n
yields exactly n different roots, corresponding to
k = 0, 1, 2, ..., n − 1.
The value for k = n is the same as that for k = 0,

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers

h θ 2k π  θ 2k π i
z 1/n = r 1/n cos + + j sin +
n n n n
yields exactly n different roots, corresponding to
k = 0, 1, 2, ..., n − 1.
The value for k = n is the same as that for k = 0,the value for
k = n + 1 is the same as that for k = 1,

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers

h θ 2k π  θ 2k π i
z 1/n = r 1/n cos + + j sin +
n n n n
yields exactly n different roots, corresponding to
k = 0, 1, 2, ..., n − 1.
The value for k = n is the same as that for k = 0,the value for
k = n + 1 is the same as that for k = 1, and so on.

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers

h θ 2k π  θ 2k π i
z 1/n = r 1/n cos + + j sin +
n n n n
yields exactly n different roots, corresponding to
k = 0, 1, 2, ..., n − 1.
The value for k = n is the same as that for k = 0,the value for
k = n + 1 is the same as that for k = 1, and so on.
The n values of z 1/n are equally spaced around a circle of
radius r 1/n whose center is the origin of the Argand diagram.

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers

h θ 2k π  θ 2k π i
z 1/n = r 1/n cos + + j sin +
n n n n
yields exactly n different roots, corresponding to
k = 0, 1, 2, ..., n − 1.
The value for k = n is the same as that for k = 0,the value for
k = n + 1 is the same as that for k = 1, and so on.
The n values of z 1/n are equally spaced around a circle of
radius r 1/n whose center is the origin of the Argand diagram.
In exponential form:

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers

h θ 2k π  θ 2k π i
z 1/n = r 1/n cos + + j sin +
n n n n
yields exactly n different roots, corresponding to
k = 0, 1, 2, ..., n − 1.
The value for k = n is the same as that for k = 0,the value for
k = n + 1 is the same as that for k = 1, and so on.
The n values of z 1/n are equally spaced around a circle of
radius r 1/n whose center is the origin of the Argand diagram.
In exponential form:

z 1/n = r 1/n ej(θ/n+2kπ/n) ,

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers

h θ 2k π  θ 2k π i
z 1/n = r 1/n cos + + j sin +
n n n n
yields exactly n different roots, corresponding to
k = 0, 1, 2, ..., n − 1.
The value for k = n is the same as that for k = 0,the value for
k = n + 1 is the same as that for k = 1, and so on.
The n values of z 1/n are equally spaced around a circle of
radius r 1/n whose center is the origin of the Argand diagram.
In exponential form:

z 1/n = r 1/n ej(θ/n+2kπ/n) , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., n − 1. (3)

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers: Example

Example. Given z = −1/2 + j(1/2), evaluate
a) z 1/2 and b) z 1/3

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers: Example

Example. Given z = −1/2 + j(1/2), evaluate
a) z 1/2 and b) z 1/3

r = |z| = 1/ 2, θ = arg(z) = π − tan−1 1 = 3π/4

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers: Example

Example. Given z = −1/2 + j(1/2), evaluate
a) z 1/2 and b) z 1/3

r = |z| = 1/ 2, θ = arg(z) = π − tan−1 1 = 3π/4
z = 2−1/2 (cos(3π/4) + j sin(3π/4))

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers: Example

Example. Given z = −1/2 + j(1/2), evaluate
a) z 1/2 and b) z 1/3

r = |z| = 1/ 2, θ = arg(z) = π − tan−1 1 = 3π/4
z = 2−1/2 (cos(3π/4) + j sin(3π/4))
z 1/2 = r 1/2 [cos(θ/2 + 2πk/2) + j sin(θ/2 + 2πk/2)]

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers: Example

Example. Given z = −1/2 + j(1/2), evaluate
a) z 1/2 and b) z 1/3

r = |z| = 1/ 2, θ = arg(z) = π − tan−1 1 = 3π/4
z = 2−1/2 (cos(3π/4) + j sin(3π/4))
z 1/2 = r 1/2 [cos(θ/2 + 2πk/2) + j sin(θ/2 + 2πk/2)]
= 2−1/4 [cos(3π/4 + πk) + j sin(3π/4 + πk)], k = 0, 1

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers: Example...

r = |z| = 1/ 2, θ = arg(z) = π − tan−1 1 = 3π/4

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers: Example...

r = |z| = 1/ 2, θ = arg(z) = π − tan−1 1 = 3π/4

z = 2−1/2 (cos(3π/4) + j sin(3π/4))

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers: Example...

r = |z| = 1/ 2, θ = arg(z) = π − tan−1 1 = 3π/4

z = 2−1/2 (cos(3π/4) + j sin(3π/4)) b)

z 1/3 = r 1/3 [cos(θ/3 + 2πk/3) + j sin(θ/3 + 2πk /3)]

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Roots of complex numbers: Example...

r = |z| = 1/ 2, θ = arg(z) = π − tan−1 1 = 3π/4

z = 2−1/2 (cos(3π/4) + j sin(3π/4)) b)

z 1/3 = r 1/3 [cos(θ/3 + 2πk/3) + j sin(θ/3 + 2πk /3)]

= 2−1/6 [cos(π/4 + 2πk/3) + j sin(3π/4 + 2πk/3)],

for k = 0, 1, 2

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

General rational power z p , p = m/n

p = m/n, where n ∈ N, m ∈ Z

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

General rational power z p , p = m/n

p = m/n, where n ∈ N, m ∈ Z
Root formula can be extended to z p , p = :

z p = (z 1/n )m

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

General rational power z p , p = m/n

p = m/n, where n ∈ N, m ∈ Z
Root formula can be extended to z p , p = :

z p = (z 1/n )m
= {r 1/n [cos(θ/n + 2πk /n) + j sin(θ/n + 2πk /n)]}m ,
k = 0, 1, ..., n − 1

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

General rational power z p , p = m/n

p = m/n, where n ∈ N, m ∈ Z
Root formula can be extended to z p , p = :

z p = (z 1/n )m
= {r 1/n [cos(θ/n + 2πk /n) + j sin(θ/n + 2πk /n)]}m ,
k = 0, 1, ..., n − 1
=r [cos(θm/n + 2πkm/n) + j sin(θm/n + 2πkm/n)]

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

General rational power z p , p = m/n

p = m/n, where n ∈ N, m ∈ Z
Root formula can be extended to z p , p = :

z p = (z 1/n )m
= {r 1/n [cos(θ/n + 2πk /n) + j sin(θ/n + 2πk /n)]}m ,
k = 0, 1, ..., n − 1
=r [cos(θm/n + 2πkm/n) + j sin(θm/n + 2πkm/n)]
= r [cos(pθ + 2πkp) + j sin(pθ + 2πkp)], k = 0, 1, ..., n − 1

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

General Functions and Mappings

Recall: A map, or a function f : X → Y is a rule that assigns to

each element x ∈ X a unique value y = f (x) ∈ Y

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Complex Functions

If X , Y : sets of complex numbers, then f : X → Y is called a

complex function.
Complex function w = f (z): both z, w are complex variables

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Complex Functions

If X , Y : sets of complex numbers, then f : X → Y is called a

complex function.
Complex function w = f (z): both z, w are complex variables

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Real and Imaginary Parts of Complex Functions

If z = x + jy, then

w = f (z) = f (x + jy) = u + jv

where u = u(x, y) ∈ IR is real part, and v = v (x, y ) ∈ IR is

imaginary part of w

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Real and Imaginary Parts of Complex Functions

If z = x + jy, then

w = f (z) = f (x + jy) = u + jv

where u = u(x, y) ∈ IR is real part, and v = v (x, y ) ∈ IR is

imaginary part of w
w = f (z): mapping or transformation of points P(x, y ) in the
z-plane (the domain) to the image points Q(u, v ) in the w-plane
(the range).

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Real and Imaginary Parts of Complex Functions

If z = x + jy, then

w = f (z) = f (x + jy) = u + jv

where u = u(x, y) ∈ IR is real part, and v = v (x, y ) ∈ IR is

imaginary part of w
w = f (z): mapping or transformation of points P(x, y ) in the
z-plane (the domain) to the image points Q(u, v ) in the w-plane
(the range).

w = f (z) corresponds to a pair of real functions u(x, y ) and

v (x, y ) of two variables x, y

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Example 1: Linear Mappings

Consider first mapping w = (1 + j)z

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Example 1: Linear Mappings

√first mapping w = (1 + j)z
1 + j = 2ejπ/4 ,

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Example 1: Linear Mappings

√first mapping w = (1 + j)z
1 + j = 2ejπ/4 , z = rejθ

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Example 1: Linear Mappings

√first mapping w = (1 + j)z
1 + j = 2ejπ/4 , z = rejθ

w = r 2ej(θ+π/4)

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Example 1: Linear Mappings

√first mapping w = (1 + j)z
1 + j = 2ejπ/4 , z = rejθ

w = r 2ej(θ+π/4)

Point (r , θ) is mapped to point (r 2, θ + π/4)

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Linear Mappings w = αz

-Function w = αz maps origin O in z-plane into origin O in


Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Linear Mappings w = αz

-Function w = αz maps origin O in z-plane into origin O in

-It expands a magnification α

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Linear Mappings w = αz

-Function w = αz maps origin O in z-plane into origin O in

-It expands a magnification α
-It makes an anticlockwise rotation by arg α (need not > 0)

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Linear Mappings w = αz

-Function w = αz maps origin O in z-plane into origin O in

-It expands a magnification α
-It makes an anticlockwise rotation by arg α (need not > 0)
w = αz summary: ”magnification and rotation, but no

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Linear Mappings w = αz + β
α, β: complex constant, linear complex mapping: w = αz + β

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Linear Mappings w = αz + β
α, β: complex constant, linear complex mapping: w = αz + β

ζ := w − β = αz

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Linear Mappings w = αz + β
α, β: complex constant, linear complex mapping: w = αz + β

ζ := w − β = αz

w = ζ + β: Translates points in ζ plane to points in w plane a

”vector” Oβ

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Linear Mappings w = αz + β
α, β: complex constant, linear complex mapping: w = αz + β

ζ := w − β = αz

w = ζ + β: Translates points in ζ plane to points in w plane a

”vector” Oβ
All curves, are preserved under the translation

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Linear Mappings w = αz + β
α, β: complex constant, linear complex mapping: w = αz + β

ζ := w − β = αz

w = ζ + β: Translates points in ζ plane to points in w plane a

”vector” Oβ
All curves, are preserved under the translation
Linear mapping w = αz + β is a combination of translation,
rotation and magnification

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Example 2: Inversion mapping

Inversion mapping w = transforms the circle |z − z0 | = r into
|1/w − z0 | = r

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Example 2: Inversion mapping

Inversion mapping w = transforms the circle |z − z0 | = r into
|1/w − z0 | = r
Let w = u + jv , z0 = x0 + jy0 . Then |1/w − z0 | = r yields

(u 2 + v 2 )(r 2 − |z0 |2 ) + 2x0 u − 2y0 v = 1 (4)

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Example 2: Inversion mapping

Inversion mapping w = transforms the circle |z − z0 | = r into
|1/w − z0 | = r
Let w = u + jv , z0 = x0 + jy0 . Then |1/w − z0 | = r yields

(u 2 + v 2 )(r 2 − |z0 |2 ) + 2x0 u − 2y0 v = 1 (4)

-If r = |z0 |, (4) gives a straight line 2x0 u − 2y0 v = 1

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Example 2: Inversion mapping

Inversion mapping w = transforms the circle |z − z0 | = r into
|1/w − z0 | = r
Let w = u + jv , z0 = x0 + jy0 . Then |1/w − z0 | = r yields

(u 2 + v 2 )(r 2 − |z0 |2 ) + 2x0 u − 2y0 v = 1 (4)

-If r = |z0 |, (4) gives a straight line 2x0 u − 2y0 v = 1

-If r 6= |z0 |, then (4) gives a circle
 2  2  2
x0 y0 r
u+ 2 + v− 2 =
r − |z0 |2 r − |z0 |2 r − |z0 |2

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Complex Differentiation

The derivative of f (z) at z0 is defined by

f (z) − f (z0 )
f 0 (z0 ) = lim
z→z0 z − z0

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Complex Differentiation

The derivative of f (z) at z0 is defined by

f (z) − f (z0 )
f 0 (z0 ) = lim
z→z0 z − z0

-If the function f (z) has a derivative f 0 (z) that exists at all points
of a region R of the z-plane then f (z) is called analytic in R.

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Cauchy-Riemann equations

If z = x + jy and f (z) = u(x, y) + jv (x, y), and f (z) is analytic
in some region R, then the two following equations must hold in
that region
∂u ∂v ∂u ∂v
= , =− . (5)
∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x
The equations (5) are known as the Cauchy-Riemann

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Cauchy-Riemann equations: Sketch of a Proof

A proof can be made using z − z0 = ∆x to get

∂u ∂v
f 0 (z) = +j (6)
∂x ∂x

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Cauchy-Riemann equations: Sketch of a Proof

A proof can be made using z − z0 = ∆x to get

∂u ∂v
f 0 (z) = +j (6)
∂x ∂x
and z − z0 = j∆y to get

∂v ∂u
f 0 (z) = −j . (7)
∂y ∂y

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Cauchy-Riemann equations: Sketch of a Proof

A proof can be made using z − z0 = ∆x to get

∂u ∂v
f 0 (z) = +j (6)
∂x ∂x
and z − z0 = j∆y to get

∂v ∂u
f 0 (z) = −j . (7)
∂y ∂y

Observe that the formula (6) and (7) can be used to evaluate
f 0 (z).

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Cauchy-Riemann equations
If z is given in the polar form z = rejθ then

f (z) = u(r , θ) + jv (r , θ)

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Cauchy-Riemann equations
If z is given in the polar form z = rejθ then

f (z) = u(r , θ) + jv (r , θ)

and the Cauchy-Riemann equations are

∂u 1 ∂v ∂v 1 ∂u
= , =− . (8)
∂r r ∂θ ∂r r ∂θ

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Cauchy-Riemann equations
If z is given in the polar form z = rejθ then

f (z) = u(r , θ) + jv (r , θ)

and the Cauchy-Riemann equations are

∂u 1 ∂v ∂v 1 ∂u
= , =− . (8)
∂r r ∂θ ∂r r ∂θ
And the derivative f 0 (z) can be evaluated using either
 ∂u ∂v 
f 0 (z) = e−jθ +j (9)
∂r ∂r

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Cauchy-Riemann equations
If z is given in the polar form z = rejθ then

f (z) = u(r , θ) + jv (r , θ)

and the Cauchy-Riemann equations are

∂u 1 ∂v ∂v 1 ∂u
= , =− . (8)
∂r r ∂θ ∂r r ∂θ
And the derivative f 0 (z) can be evaluated using either
 ∂u ∂v 
f 0 (z) = e−jθ +j (9)
∂r ∂r
or  1 ∂v j ∂u 
f 0 (z) = e−jθ − . (10)
r ∂θ r ∂θ

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Cauchy-Riemann equations

Example 1. Verify that the function f (z) = z 2 satisfies the

Cauchy-Riemann equations

∂u ∂v ∂u ∂v
= , =−
∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x

and determine the derivative f 0 (z).

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Cauchy-Riemann equations
Solution. Let z = x + jy. Then
f (z) = z 2 = (x + jy)2 = (x 2 − y 2 ) + j2xy = u + jv
u = x 2 − y 2, v = 2xy

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Cauchy-Riemann equations
Solution. Let z = x + jy. Then
f (z) = z 2 = (x + jy)2 = (x 2 − y 2 ) + j2xy = u + jv
u = x 2 − y 2, v = 2xy
We have
∂u ∂u
= 2x, = −2y
∂x ∂y
∂v ∂v
= 2y, = 2x
∂x ∂y
So, Cauchy-Riemann equations are satisfied.

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Cauchy-Riemann equations
Solution. Let z = x + jy. Then
f (z) = z 2 = (x + jy)2 = (x 2 − y 2 ) + j2xy = u + jv
u = x 2 − y 2, v = 2xy
We have
∂u ∂u
= 2x, = −2y
∂x ∂y
∂v ∂v
= 2y, = 2x
∂x ∂y
So, Cauchy-Riemann equations are satisfied.
∂u ∂v
f 0 (z) = +j = 2x + j2y = 2z
∂x ∂x
Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Derivative of exponential functions

Example 2. Verify that the function f (z) = eaz , where a is a

real constant, satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann equations

∂u ∂v ∂u ∂v
= , =−
∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x

and show that f 0 (z) = aeaz .

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Derivative of exponential functions

Solution. Let z = x + jy. Then
f (z) = eaz = ea(x+jy ) = eax ejay = eax (cos ay + j sin ay) = u + jv
u = eax cos ay , v = eax sin ay

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Derivative of exponential functions

Solution. Let z = x + jy. Then
f (z) = eaz = ea(x+jy ) = eax ejay = eax (cos ay + j sin ay) = u + jv
u = eax cos ay , v = eax sin ay
We have
∂u ∂u
= aeax cos ay , = −aeax sin ay
∂x ∂y
∂v ∂v
= aeax sin ay, = aeax cos ay
∂x ∂y
So, Cauchy-Riemann equations are satisfied.

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Derivative of exponential functions

Solution. Let z = x + jy. Then
f (z) = eaz = ea(x+jy ) = eax ejay = eax (cos ay + j sin ay) = u + jv
u = eax cos ay , v = eax sin ay
We have
∂u ∂u
= aeax cos ay , = −aeax sin ay
∂x ∂y
∂v ∂v
= aeax sin ay, = aeax cos ay
∂x ∂y
So, Cauchy-Riemann equations are satisfied.And
∂u ∂v
f 0 (z) = +j = aeax (cos ay + j sin ay ) = aeaz
∂x ∂x

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Derivative of circular functions

ejz = cos z + j sin z

So, we can express cos z and sin z as

ejz + e−jz ejz − e−jz

cos z = , sin z =
2 2j

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Derivative of circular functions

ejz = cos z + j sin z

So, we can express cos z and sin z as

ejz + e−jz ejz − e−jz

cos z = , sin z =
2 2j

d d
(sinz) = cos z, cos z = − sin z
dz dz

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Derivative of circular functions

ejz = cos z + j sin z

So, we can express cos z and sin z as

ejz + e−jz ejz − e−jz

cos z = , sin z =
2 2j

d d
(sinz) = cos z, cos z = − sin z
dz dz
Note: cos z, sin z may not be bounded as in the real case!

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Derivative of hyperbolic functions

We define hyperbolic functions

ez − e−z ez + e−z
sinh z = = −j sin jz, cosh z = = cos jz
2 2

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Derivative of hyperbolic functions

We define hyperbolic functions

ez − e−z ez + e−z
sinh z = = −j sin jz, cosh z = = cos jz
2 2

d d
(sinh z) = cosh z, (cosh z) = sinh z
dz dz

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Properties of Complex Differentiation

d df (z) dg(z)
(f (z) + g(z)) = +
dz dz dz
d dg(z) df (z)
(f (z)g(z)) = f (z) + g(z)
dz dz dz
d df dg
(f (g(z)) =
dz dg dz
d  f (z)  g(z)f 0 (z) − f (z)g 0 (z)
dz g(z) g(z)2

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Conjugate Functions

A pair of functions u(x, y) and v (x, y) of the real variables x, y

satisfying the Cauchy-Riemann equations

∂u ∂v ∂u ∂v
= , =−
∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x

are called conjugate functions.

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex
Powers of complex numbers Roots of complex numbers Complex functions and mappings Complex Differentiation: Cauc

Harmonic Functions

A function that satisfies Laplace’s equation in two dimensions is

said to be harmonic. That is, u(x, y) is harmonic if

∂2u ∂2u
+ = 0.
∂x 2 ∂y 2

If f (z) = u(x, y ) + jv (x, y ) is analytic, then both u and v are

harmonic. Therefore, u and v are conjugate harmonic
functions. This kind of functions has applications in many

Assoc.Prof. Mai Duc Thanh Chapter 1 Complex Numbers & Functions Lecture 2: Complex

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