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2600 Legarda Street, Sampaloc, Manila

Senior High School Department

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DLP Concept Notes #4


Reference: Practical Research for Senior High School 2

At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a. Demonstrate understanding of Guidelines in Formulation of a Research Topic
b. Formulate a research title.
c. Present a research title

Guidelines in Formulating a Research Title

1. The title must contain the following Elements (depending on the nature of the study)
● The subject matter or research problem
● The setting or locale of the study
● The respondents or participants involved in the study
● The time and the period when the study was conducted
2. The title must be broad enough to include all aspects of the study but should be brief
and concise as possible
3. The use of terms as “Analysis of _____” A study of _____” An investigation of
_______and the like should be avoided
4. If the title contains more than one line, it should be written in inverted pyramid
5. When typed or encoded in the title page, all words in the title should be in capital
6. If possible, the title should not be longer than 15 substantive words
7. Avoid a long, detailed title that gives too much information
8. To shorten the title, delete the terms “assessment or evaluation if these are already
emphasized in the text


From your proposed topic, formulate a research title that follows the guidelines above.
Your research title will be checked according to your compliance.

Follow the format below in formulating your own research title:

Broad Topic: Young Entrepreneurs and Their Impacts on the Economy

References: (minimum of three)

Foreign Sources
• Title: Exploring Entrepreneurial Readiness OF Youth and Startup Success
Components: Entrepreneurship Training as a Moderator
• Author/s: Seun Azeez Olugbola
• Year of Publication: 2016
• Name of Journal/Publication: 2017 Journal of Innovation & Knowledge.
Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U.
• Link:!
• Notes/Important Information: This study aims to investigate the relationship
between the start-up success factor and undergraduate students' preparation for
new business start-up. Youths need encouragement from all parties involved,
including the government, educators, relatives, friends, and religious
organizations, whether through financial support or another form of assistance.
Therefore, many young people who are willing to take the risk of starting a new
business are quite concerned about the issue of access to resources like motivation
and capital.

• Title: Student Readiness to Start Their Own Business

• Author/s: Marcin Waldemar Staniewski and Tomasz Szopiński
• Year of Publication: 2015
• Name of Journal/Publication: Portal of Croatian scientific and professional
journals – HRČAK
• Link:
• Notes/Important Information: Merely encouraging young citizens to engage in
business activity is pointless and borders on being unethical because successful
entrepreneurs must possess the knowledge and skills that are needed to operate in
the long term. This is the only sensible type of 'entrepreneurship' from the
perspective of the individual entrepreneur and the economy as a whole. Relevant
knowledge and skills should not be provided only to business or economics
students but should be available to all students without regard to academic major.

• Title: High School Learner’s Interest and Readiness to Start a Business: Evidence
from South African Schools
• Author/s: Rylyne Mande Nchu, Robertson K. Tengeh, Lorraine Hassan, and Chux
Gervase Iwu
• Year of Publication: 2017
• Name of Journal/Publication: The Philpapers Foundation
• Link:
• Notes/Important Information: The current entrepreneurship education programme
limits the development of creativity among school leavers because there are few
practical activities to inspire learners to become creative and innovative. The
study also found that successful business owners who can serve as mentors and
role models are not used in the teaching of entrepreneurship education and in our
opinion this creates a misalignment between theory and practice of
entrepreneurship education.

Local Sources

• Title: Role of Education in Encouraging Youth Employment and

• Author/s: Gozun, Brian, C. and Rivera, John Paolo, R.
• Year of Publication: 2017
• Name of Journal/Publication: Philippine E-Journals (PEJ)
• Link:
• Notes/Important Information: The education increases the wage-earning capacity
of the youth. This increases the tendencies of the youth towards employments
more than entrepreneurship. This study also emphasizes the importance of
entrepreneurship in economic prosperity and wealth creation; there is a need to
increase the interest and participation of the youth in programs and curriculum
that foster the entrepreneurial spirit which could lead to both employment and

• Title: Business Mentor: The Advantages of Starting a Business at a Young Age

• Author/s: Armando Bartolome
• Year of Publication: 2017
• Name of Journal/Publication: ABS-CBN News
• Link:
• Notes/Important Information: Some of advantages building your own business at
a young age are young entrepreneurs can more easily adapt to any kind of
environment, age, and culture. Young entrepreneurs have more energy,
motivation, enthusiasm and creativity. The younger you are, the better you are at
tolerating risk. Young people are also more resilient and are unlikely to give up
until they reach their goal. Most young entrepreneurs who truly love what they do
end up starting multiple businesses, thus becoming serial entrepreneurs.
Moreover, the new businesses they start are better run than the last one they built
because experience has made them better entrepreneurs.

Research Question 1: How prepared are the young entrepreneur students to face the
challenges associated with entrepreneurship?
Research Question 2: What are the advantages and disadvantages of business ownership
that young entrepreneurs may encounter?
Research Question 3: Will the youth's capability to maintain their business performance
be affected by the resumption of face-to-face classes?

Research Title: The Readiness in the Business Industry of Youth Entrepreneur Students
of Arellano University - Juan Sumulong Campus

. Each indicator checked will be worth a point, for a total of 10 points.

Title contains subject matter or research problem

Contains setting or locale of the study

Contains respondents or participants involved in the study

Contains time and the period when the study was conducted

Includes all aspects of the study in a concise word (3pts)

Avoids explicit words or phrases such as “Analysis of _____” A study


Written in inverted pyramid if title is more than one line

No longer than 15 substantive words


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