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My name is Devon and I am 13 years old. I was born in Kingston; the capital of
Jamaica and I have lived here all my life. Like many kids around here my hobbies
are swimming and playing basketball. What hobbies do kids have where you live?
What do you do in your spare time?

So, Jamaica – a tiny dot in the Caribbean Sea – could easily seem small and
insignificant. Yet, my island has influenced so many trends and movements. For
example, our island is the birthplace of Reggae music – pioneered by the legendary
Bob Marley. You must have heard of him, right? Other music genres that originated
in Jamaica are Rock Steady and Dancehall which is very popular at the moment.
The religions of Rastafarianism and Pocomania originated here as well. Have you
heard about any of these Jamaican religions? What religions do people have where
you live?

We’re an island full of amazing people. One thing that we’re all proud of is our
culture. Jamaica’s motto is “Out of many, one people” and it truly represents us and
how diverse we are. Our culture is a special mix of African, Indian, Spanish, British
and even Lebanese influences. This means that our food, art, way of dressing and
even the way we talk is uniquely ours. What cultures are there where you live and
how do they influence society?

Jamaica is amazing in so many ways and an important part is being home to some
of the most gorgeous beaches around and not only that, it is full of rainforests and
mountains. We have a tropical climate so it is usually warm and the weather is
always nice enough to venture out and do some sightseeing, and not just at the
beaches. What does it look like where you live and what is the weather like? Is it
anything like Jamaica?

Would you ever like to visit Jamaica? I really hope you can come and see my
beautiful home some day. Another great thing to remember is that you don’t need to
learn another language before coming here because English is the primary language


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