BCT3002 - Embedded-System-Architecture-And-Design - Eth - 1.0 - 66 - BCT3002 - 61 Acp

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BCT3002 Embedded System Architecture and Design L T P J C

3 0 2 0 4
Pre-requisite CSE2016 Syllabus version
Course Objectives:
1. To make the student to design, implement and explore hardware and software design using
appropriate techniques and tools.
2. Ability to understand comprehensively the technologies and techniques underlying in building
an embedded solution to a wearable, mobile and portable system.
Course Outcome:
1. Learn embedded systems basic, system modeling, computational tools and control for
embedded systems operated in real time.
2. Extend their skills in analysis, approach, optimization and implementation
3. Design, test and critically evaluate embedded solutions to real world situations using
(embedded) computer systems interfaced to hardware.
4. Distinguish Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS) from workstation/server Operating System
(OS) and differentiate real-times scheduling from traditional OS scheduling.
5. Identify roles of hardware and software in networked embedded systems
6. Illustrate current and future industrial challenges and emerging embedded systems engineering
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 2,5,11
Module:1 Introduction to Embedded System 4 hours
Definition of an Embedded System – Characteristics/Attributes of Embedded Systems –
Challenges in embedded system design –Formalism for system design, Example- embedded
Module:2 Embedded System Processor 7 hours
Embedded system processor- PIC, ARM- Programming input and output, Supervisor mode,
Exception , traps, Co-processors, Memory System Mechanisms , Introduction to programming
in Embedded C.
Module:3 I/O interfacing 7 hours
CPU Bus, Memory Device, IO device - Timers, watch-dog timer, counters, UART, Sensors and
actuators interfacing, LCD controller, Keypad controller, Stepper motor controller, ADC
Converters, Real time Clock, Component Interfacing, Designing with microprocessor , Design
Example: Alarm Clock.
Module:4 Program Design Analysis 4 hours
Components for embedded system, Models of program, Assembly, linking, loading, Compilation
techniques, Program optimization.
Module:5 Real Time Operating System (RTOS) and Networks 9 hours
RTOS vs General purpose operating system, Multiple tasks and Multiple process, Preemptive
RTOS, Priority based RTOS, Inter process communication- Shared memory communication,
Message communication and Signals. Distributed Embedded Architectures, Networks for
embedded Systems, Network based design, Internet Enabled System.
Module:6 Layers of embedded system 6 hours
Embedded Design life cycle, Embedded System modeling, Layers of an Embedded System –
hardware layer – Application layer – Software Layer – middleware. EDLC Approaches,
Interfaces to the external world.
Module:7 Reconfigurable Embedded System 6 hours
FPGA- The Role of FPGAs, FPGAs types, FPGAs vs Custom VLSI, Fine - Grained and Course
- Grained Reconfigurable Architecture, Case Studies.
Module:8 Recent Trends 2 hours

Proceedings of the 61st Meeting of the Academic Council [18.02.2021] 138

Total Lecture hours: 45 hours
Text Book(s)
1. Wayner Wolf, Computers as components – Principles of embedded computing system
design, 4th edition,Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2016

2. Kamal R. Embedded systems: architecture, programming and design. Tata McGraw-Hill

Education; 2011.
Reference Books
1. Shibu, K. V. Introduction to embedded systems, 1st edition, Tata McGraw-Hill
Education, 2009.
2. Vahid, Frank, and Tony D. Givargis. Embedded system design: a unified hardware/software
introduction, 1st edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
3. Zhu Y. Embedded Systems with ARM® Cortex-M3 Microcontrollers in Assembly
Language and C. E-Man Press; 2014.
4. Wolf W. FPGA-based system design. Pearson education; 2004 Jun 15.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Assignment / Quiz / FAT / Project / Seminar

List of Experiments (Indicative)
1 Introduction to Software Development Tools 2 hours
2. Programming in Embedded C 4 hours
3. Programming in 8051Handling Port 5 hours
4. Interface to Switches, LEDs, and 7-segment displays 4. 5 hours
5. Interface to a Hexadecimal Keypad, Interfacing real time clock and 5 hours
serial port.
6 Interfacing stepper motor and temperature sensor 2 hours
7. Writing programs to perform user output to the LCD 2 hours
8 Writing Interrupt Service Routines 5 hours
Total Laboratory Hours 30 hours
Mode of evaluation: CAT/FAT
Recommended by Board of Studies 11.02.2021
Approved by Academic Council No. 61 Date 18.02.2021

Proceedings of the 61st Meeting of the Academic Council [18.02.2021] 139

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