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WebwaSi24 do [gB1wsi04 — ty oF Sure [0110 405 VI" semester _/4™ enn S/F — lo:30 - 1:30 [24-01-2022 Our UNET- Tr Yess} om "a Aa ibility are en be Senany mous . But athe are not came. “holt Ligad implical toy are_different MI admissible eurdence is setevant butt? all idence} 1 admissible. elovan f genus ol_ubich adrnissibs lity is The _Speaiea Tn docision in Ramm Piha Nadav ys Gate A Paros Gat) Usee Slt the suphme Court explained Abe pont at Ntference between palevarty AL evibence anck ita admis bibity “Tt cout said that Jaguar dy [SALw2! 24 OE MG GOS ds Rep assign * Relwancy” and “Andina sibility” are_sed 05 —beg —sipnonyenmas with each other bub cthde degel Meidence a 3 ch are >wWlevan issib oeample coi ica, anand his wile sy betwen an advocale and nis . chiar ena be uty Adevant ord roy tae of reat protec} iwe volun bak 0 a matter 5 posing Thaw ore_nok admisttb fe con thu ottet hand, “thye ore genlain fucks asaich, -thevfhts odmissibly are nok sulemb: “Thurs -addeanissiiat lity Is qaourdad © sther Consideration an pet the cansidiration of subevancy. Criclenre In tern eotked fom A_witnes! in Croec.evamnation gq -to eBLes1>4 2 M- (e- lePUD his character -b find put bis Credibility is_admissible ‘hoop my hate nothing todo with Pact of core As per Bentham, one ted $s polevant to cvother ff the tHeck ov ference of the fiver shen spasented +o the Wine ts +o produce ox__bersuasscicm concerning Toe ex's dence A _Seme other matter Qedacdk. BS Such the cdlertion bedteen “frckom finbandvm” and» “chum Anbar? 1s cold Belevancy ds fos Se Dmed Fikgjames Stephan , Prlevant means fay lie facks tp which Ye is applied MWe So slared do each other that accord og to common cause of events gither 4aken bas Hel or wWi_walvutten with other facts, Proofs sf anders [OBE 124 4 M.ecrAv> -polad)e past ipassend ov _fituve existence, 6 Nou co-ew'stence of The otha. The word “arrevank” means “that any two facks +o which tt es applied are _so Aoted +o rach other ‘had _arcncting “to Common _coure-@ of events on taken ‘ay Half ~ od Connec!-fon wilh | tur Decks proowss er ander ier probable the -eorstence ot _ven-caidence §\ thers. Qridunce i> _herelewant when jt deed not end +o orbish a carale a bobef _ GS 4o The existence SY nom-2sti'stence Demoterial Leds which are tn jssuu. Cridence js material when jf | has an ebfeotive iyuen te or econ g om fhe ateshion ‘m_issmr. Would ste cujearce, if indroduce .dend to Joes) 4 Melee 5 Estebb'sh come (onbrourya) tre}? ‘IP so it ts material | Mono hs Immetensl Reliance tenons elahiondaip and euch : ; in [Scud QA temmiacer or haa sendy te cenuigce ‘the Judy cov iru 7 [> _evidon clo facts other than these jn_pssus tubo by human enien In 2 ped with fact in Sssut thik “the AoHer nae be. Anason ble Afdemd sredrom, Creu stantial euidince there foe. is fovnclid om Seperien Ce Ancol obserwed fack ancl Coincidences, and dfablisheses a connection betiocey, - Da—¥hown anc provad fabs OBLmS)-4 ‘ GCs Qu) UNET— |) lerm< A “ confession" j, by a person Chauged tuth @ Crime uggeation and ‘wnferen ce _aa_to any ack im {ssut_as +e relevant Pid. ue tiles ii Persens whitst heis inthe wustpdy Of police officer conlrs tt is wads immediale bresence of Onaga’ take hat be proud Or against such berson, —Thesection wall come into pay den The person in police cuakeckay is M1 conuursation wth any person otter “Anan police officer ancl teonfessea to his guilk. iSALwospgz 2 MG sGrhus to _ confess if net +o the Police officer _himcel#, at beast ~Semeem dls. thus hu Cambeddion is Likely to suffer fr bdlog plan h ‘Rotting free _and Vout The_word — ~tuttndsy dots not mean The formal custody it metas ~police control even if be 2xercised ino home jn a Pen place. of in “Ce cootee ob joumey “and hot 2 n i A nacchiate Vai sence of Polite officers is pot necessary JS S Jeng Gd the owned person are aware at dhs place wh t i i iabbe kes ho dotfere nce - \3BLws 124 8 IMs GPUS owl ni SIONS Ore i an} QA women arreated cpr murcllro youn boy won diff i'n wt IN) Shu Leh dor the police stabi and she confess In Wu's absence 0} i - (- ia_oyi of his criminal te The , (ete (O_dhere Te acumoed was -plen 40 a doctor for trader) Dh police wan sdand)ng wks dy the door, the Aces ee) tonfessed tothe doctor A _ceomfessi Son, Whi |e | custody, bwrheard bg pokice officer (Bros 4 MidpGav> A Confession may eter in any orm. T+ mas he mad tp the court itself when it wil) be Known 0A sien ay to an ay dn which Cayce tt ts called an extra |udiriod ootession ‘At may “even consist of convereation ot oneself tohich_ sray be produc ¢ In euidence ¢f cuetheard ay Gaxther. ker. example Qn Sahoo Vs State Jy UP AIR AACE acwred who oor charg ad with perdu pf davgleler shy Law —wstth_tihem hn always seen querrebing oad Seen tom athe aay dy. mucclir 9sing out dt the pornb saying _yorda to Heck. “T fous finished her With her ths daily quarrel.” Pu _thalement war held to be (SBLwsi24 Mucav> te_etdance, fer He i's hot he fox c h etsy ‘the Aclevancg — ol he tentessin thod H_ Should be conmyniceted fo Lome other Person . Tr word “statement” In Seitten A vi ae ts issi i i ol b conte ssion whether it ts common! cated t_anighady or Aot. Such ectrat| dicted confess'on ran beta _basts/) Klar Gnuiction Nu statement “shaud be Cltar, speorhic anduembiyaus. td The court camot tebe ch tho ‘thy witness shauld be sable to reproduce VW _contessiona 19 Bus )24 \\ MenCrAas -Ocured perm | S er war hitd Thak In tu absense mf any seaen dp shew -why and how {li acer had _vebased uth a _cnfiden before ‘him, Thr confession war hell to be tmpmbable, aj we a on Whore the com fession Supposed fo haue been ymade ty he former president A willege yancha yas: almost a weels ater Xue ocerance in Jhe Latter reithor Au duce ik_to writting Nor _carvico) the accused do ths Jolie The ce jer severed ours the confession held lo pot Aclrable \ eLwsirg [2d ™. &¢.G-AVS Bura- 5 OndT- tH Dn_prowis ion ot Section US of the Indian violence AF that an “Expert rean Person who has Specia) Knowledge ‘Shills or anes of the etbertenee in any J the_follaa! ag -—@ Forer'gn [ovo (@) Science ® Handwriting (4) Art Finger _jmpression Such tnowlidae gathered by him by prachice jabser~ Valo ot doper Suditr. fer ceample Medical officer confined only -}o Fins Sublets or deli an trentioned — gz Some. 1S Buw2S|24 M.G-GAUS \3 SY Aas hs ovr eblenen =. — Subjects on wht ch zxepert con teatity Qa ferein lave = can be broud by Q fy enidence of person Pesally skilled mit © _By direct Arterence tothe books printed ae published Ci or bo : i. Ww) th Ho , “Dee” I> na ubé on'gf\ nad Sense_of handicrakk sad | predession and set JOBLWS]24 1: GGUS t4 and 7 . i . ‘a ain “cutence”” and "prt" anck the acpert opinion Storr smatters are acbevent ‘ Opinion: ~The vale o n i c "5 only Co tue, A! ja) knowled 9 ot medicne and seig.eny and as such he is An experk. Opinions of Aica) oft shy sian SI pa OT a medica) op: Cy | physio uta con or may 2 adn? ora Sinai Ve 5 aii _coyrsputen spo Sorm _an oPinion. Ts! court vzi}t Acceph Te opinion O thar Oebert Which Suppor tay Airco IO BLws [2-4 IN: 6 - GAYS \5 ~Curidlance tw thr cave hanchortting I advisory WM notre . The e0pert_anq_teoraipares Neth The handuniting Ta court shalt mertibe Gisah Gar and cawhon ot The Hme of datemining les JenultAs and novi A banda sep y sey perobahi tity and ier y certai nity. On question f) Arandeontting Dy person, du. ob inion dy Ales bandtonh' , bx pork is Aebyant bok jt > nol aemcdy die A fond yori) Jopuwsing iC Mn. CCAS —Stypaibicance AL exert Evidence. Gepert opinion become admissib Je only when the ober} is e¥amine 08 a wilness na court. The yard orn cepert Ts nok admissible unless thy gperk gies Rea Son =fetuling The opinim. and his evidence ts tested by SS - i \ ee j ‘1 , n assistance of -epurks, the bw han Aisben sed, woth wBLs|24 MG -G AUS It Modul Bohman Vs state J) mycere (142 these The pinion of a professional Goldsmith an Purity J gal. n \ e 2 cs He ) et im experience. Tare past be Seneaing Th 2per fy SEtUdA and_fos aduguate Enowke doe dy Ane the sabjeck te wan hid in State SH? V: Tay Lal 41474 V+ har been hed that on_sspperiance Police officer Jpermited to_gius eabert!” evidence an cle havo on Acci den doogesous hiving Phere were po patina andl _eorure 4 d had ro quollectim a aceiclint. [geLwsi24 M.l-GAUS \o Qu -& Uwrt- jv Section WS of Ae Tudlau Cuidence Ach 1847 _ko be ___esbs ve Paewigan, shake Wet olds Wim in be out, \9bLws129 4 Ml Gra0S Side—ho_applay Ha _dochine of oxtopfal "Tes nepnesentation ust be anode bay one Reson to _auetiis penicn oT ~Aeprercukation rade Must be os to fucks — Oud not on to tu Laws. 3. Tha _nepmereutation nut the wade oto an _ Rack 4s _nepriexeustation mut be wae i 0 wiantier ORLWS ILA I leGaus, yo —Etcephien, 40 _Ectoppel iWin Lodvire hoes not Ap phy —usbon ola pastes Sano Was aul xo Wwaoutledae ot dhe Huuiagt tn _ AloSy ynatker, Gaps , ~mequichio. Vishowld met come tw Coratick he Meo atahrer aud equate ted bi r hao ta a_decision. 4A JF coursot ho applied eyfosacl Hus. Aoveneign ooo pense \obLwstLF MG GAS 2 [SB LWSI24 Mir GArud japrrs24 Mle-LeAUS 23 oud wih Aemeued. Sed on. We sh Hoe adian Cridence Rok apediticsiy ded ile tue comet LW S| eeeanos 24 | Qurtle) Unwt-v | Seetim 6 Staten that No bamister atomey with * hs CUcnt Xpress com sent +b cusclace any h 4 4 5 i °. joe ___ ‘The _purpose of u's employment OA such barrister OLws| 27 Vintec Gont5 25 ox voFil_in couse of his embloytment aa svch showing — Thad ony crime oy fraud how been tmmniHed since the _cammence men + A. he atplau teak < a LU fA immeatevial Wwhethor the attention A Sch laveriter Padus _abteenex = uni | WAA oF wan Seal dla cie Bat st ehh is | wok. Com 1 b Chient 1 — |OBLw at) MC GAYS 26 Cmmuiicahon made ba a_cltnk tp bus vob) dorths OTPos e fs Sv Qe on fo be Aisclased. “Te prohibition attends to al) commun icetion hy ‘ ‘ng Gr Lo) M.G- GAYS Ne Ta Ma care Rev Cox Vs Railton 19a 4 The 1Ob LW [ry M. UreeAu5S bat beh are Has commanes' on a Mus cxivre ajo ee -pusiose of tbadng quae cxtnelped in coals “ak labios MG AUS 24 Secondly, My a Naoye Budo ion Mav ce@sryce. ol Me cous dd Wore Auch sloxusctlion, Te bcd ranged usta —suslneraBewweut —evcager o Saussien — ain Me cco bpaalas o\ Yan accesed dbtiog — Voi it bye auioud oslidy Ire Gs allaned to 2 A Qu Os Hane urbon Mao has fiat Ye cama poole.

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