PERFECT TENSES - More Practice + Solutions

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1 More Practice PERFECT TENSES

teacher Rafa Cano

2º bachillerato

1 Choose the correct answer.

1. I … to Paris many times, but this trip is the most exciting.
a. have been c. will have been
b. had been d. was
2. Tim couldn’t do the homework because he … his books the day before.
a. have lost c. didn’t lose
b. had lost d. will have lost
3. They had read the book before they … the film.
a. saw c. will have seen
b. had seen d. has seen
4. By the time you read this letter, I … the country.
a. had left c. will have left
b. have left d. left
5. He … cooking before he got the job.
a. hasn’t studied c. hadn’t studied
b. won’t have studied d. didn’t study

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Simple or Future
Perfect Simple.
1. I …………………………… (already move) out of the city when you arrived in 2001.
2. John …………………..……… (not read) the book by next week.
3. The dogs ……………………… (not eat) yet. Can you feed them?
4. The film starts in an hour. ……………………… they ……………………… (finish) their homework by then?
5. How much money ……………………… the children already ……………………… (spend) on sweets?

3 Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous.
1. Why did you go to the doctor?
Because . (my leg / hurt / all week)
2. Do you like Martin?
I don’t know. I . (just meet / him)
3. Did you go out with Janis yesterday?
No, I . (not see / her / for a week)
4. Why is his electricity bill so high?
Because he . (use / the air conditioner / 24 hours a day)

4 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the affirmative or negative of the Present Perfect
Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous.
swim • do • shop • cook
1. I hope you’re hungry. I ……………………… all day!
2. Robert ……………………… well at school before his parents hired a tutor.
3. We ……………………… for hours when we decided to give up. We weren’t going to find the jacket we wanted.
4. Your hair is wet. ……………………… you ……………………… ?

1 More Practice PERFECT TENSES
teacher Rafa Cano

2º bachillerato

5 Choose the correct answer.

1. So you’re finally here! I waited / have been waiting / had waited for you since ten o’clock.
2. Why won’t you have come / didn’t you come / haven’t you come to Sam’s party last night?
3. I’m not hungry. I will have had / have had / have been having dinner.
4. Dan left the football team because he has been suffering / had been suffering / has suffered from poor health.
He’s feeling better now and may return.
5. By this time next year, they will have travelled / have travelled / have been travelling to India.

6 Choose the correct answer.

1. When you woke up this morning, I already made / had already made / have already made breakfast.
2. Had the food / Has the food / Will the food have already burned by the time you arrived?
3. In ten years’ time, everyone has forgotten / had forgotten / will have forgotten about his book.
4. He had been / has been / will have been in poor health for years before he became a vegetarian.
5. I hadn’t had / haven’t had / won’t have had a good appetite ever since my last illness.
6. We have finished / will have finished / had finished our preparations by the time the cooking competition begins.

7 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Simple or
Future Perfect Simple.
1. I’m trying to change my diet. I ……………………………… (not have) any fast food for at least a month.
2. ……………………………… you ……………………………… (finish) baking the birthday cake before the guests arrive?
3. He won’t be at school tomorrow because he ……………………………… (catch) a terrible cold.
4. By the time I got to the restaurant, it ……………………………… (already close).
5. You ……………………………… (not lose) enough weight to fit into those trousers by next week.
6. ……………………………… they ……………………………… (hear) about the film before you told them about it?
7. By the time you called, I ……………………………… (already recover) from the accident.
8. He looks terrible. How long ……………………………… he ……………………………… (be) in poor health?

8 Choose the correct answer.

1. I have been trying / had been trying to save money, but I haven’t succeeded.
2. He has been working / had been working for hours, and the house is finally clean.
3. She hadn’t been eating / hasn’t been eating well for a long time before she became ill.
4. They finished writing the cookbook last month. They had been working / have been working on it for a year.
5. You are unfit because you haven’t been exercising / hadn’t been exercising.

9 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous.
1. He’s an expert in art history. He ……………………………… (work) in a museum for ten years and he loves his job.
2. She’s upset because she ……………………………… (not get) good marks at school.
3. Dan ……………………………… (not plan) to eat the whole cake, but it was so delicious, he couldn’t stop.
4. I’m worried about Shelly. She ……………………………… (catch) one cold after another.
5. By the time he came home, the children ……………………………… (sleep) for hours.
6. We ……………………………… (work) all day, but we’re stopping now.

10 Complete the questions in the dialogue with the correct perfect tense. Pay attention to the words in bold.
Dan: 1. all morning?

1 More Practice PERFECT TENSES
teacher Rafa Cano

2º bachillerato
Ellen: I’ve been watching cooking programmes on TV.
Dan: 2. ?
Ellen: I’ve been interested in cooking since last year. I went to a doctor and he told me that my diet was terrible.
Dan: 3. before you went to the doctor?
Ellen: No, I hadn’t been feeling ill, but I was exhausted all the time.
Dan: 4. ?
Ellen: I had been eating a lot of fast food.
Dan: 5. lately?
Ellen: Lately, I’ve been eating more home-cooked meals and salads.
Dan: 6. ?
Ellen: My mum and I have been preparing these meals together.
1 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. c
2 1. had already moved
2. won’t have read
3. haven’t eaten
4. Will ... have finished
5. have ... spent
3 1. Because my leg has been hurting all week.
2. I don’t know. I have just met him.
3. No, I haven’t seen her for a week.
4. Because he has been using the air conditioner
24 hours a day.
4 1. have been cooking
2. hadn’t been doing
3. had been shopping
4. Have … been swimming
5 1. have been waiting 4. had been suffering
2. didn’t you come 5. will have travelled
3. have had
6 1. had already made 4. had been
2. Had the food 5. haven’t had
3. will have forgotten 6. will have finished
7 1. haven’t had 5. won’t have lost
2. Will … have finished 6. Had … heard
3. has caught 7. had already recovered
4. had already closed 8. has … been
8 1. have been trying 4. had been working
2. has been working 5. haven’t been exercising
3. hadn’t been eating
9 1. has been working 4. has been catching
2. hasn’t been getting 5. had been sleeping
3. hadn’t been planning 6. have been working
10 1. What have you been doing all morning?
2. How long have you been interested in cooking?
3. Had you been feeling ill before you went to the doctor?
4. What had you been eating?
5. What have you been eating lately?
6. Who has been preparing these / those meals?

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