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OBJECTIVE: To study the characteristics of the Reflex Klystron Tube and to determine its electronic
tuning range

EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED: Klystron tube, Klystron Power Supply, Klystron Mount, Isolator, Frequency
Meter, Variable Attenuator, Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, Wave-guide Stand, Detector Mount, Klystron
Cooling Fan

THEORY: The reflex Klystron makes the use of velocity modulation to transform a continuous electron
beam into microwave power. Electron emitted from the cathode are accelerated & passed through the
positive resonator towards negative reflector, which retards and finally, reflects Electrons and the
electrons turn back through the resonator. Suppose an RF- field exists between the resonators the
electrons traveling forward will be accelerated or retarded, as the voltage at the resonator changes in
amplitude. The accelerated electrons leave the resonator at an increased velocity and the retarded
electrons leave at the reduced velocity. The electrons Leaving the resonator will need different time to
return, due to change in velocities. As a result, returning electrons group together in bunches, As the
electron bunches pass through resonator, they interact with voltage at resonator grids. If the bunches
pass the grid at such a time that the electrons are slowed down by the voltage then energy will be
delivered to the resonator, and Klystron will oscillate. The frequency is primarily determined by the
dimensions of resonant cavity. Hence changing the volume of resonator, mechanical tuning of Klystron
is possible. Also, a small frequency change can be obtained by adjusting the reflector voltage. This is
called Electronic Tuning. The same result can be obtained, if the modulation voltage applied on the
reflector voltage.


1. Setup the components and equipment as shown in Figure below

2. Set the variable attenuator to maximum position.

3. Klystron Power Supply:

3.1. Mode: AM

3.2. Beam Voltage Knob: Full Anti-Clock Wise

3.3. Reflector Voltage Knob: Full Clock Wise

4. Keep the AM-MOD knob and AM-FREQ knob at the mid position. 5. Switch ON the Cooling Fan,
Klystron Power Supply, CRO. 6. Keep the time / division scale of oscilloscope around 100Hz frequency
measurement and volt/div to lower scale.

7. Switch ON the Klystron Power Supply and Oscilloscope. Connect the Detector Mount output (BNC
cable) CRO.

8. Rotate the Beam Voltage Knob clock wise slowly up-to 300 V reading. 9. Keep AM-MOD knob to
maximum position and rotate the reflector voltage knob anti-clockwise to get modes on the CRO. The
horizontal axis represents reflector voltage axis represents output power.

10. By changing the reflector voltage and amplitude of FM modulation, any mode of Klystron tube can
be seen on an oscilloscope.


Reflector voltage(in V) o/p voltage(in V)

6 0.618

8 0.620

10 0.620

15 0.616

30 0.615

40 0.614

50 0.609

60 0.355
67 0.136

68 0.101

70 0.042

74 0

76 0.181

78 0.182

80 0.172

84 0.133

86 0

90 0.214

92 0.466

100 0.533

103 0.598

106 0.751

114 0.708

118 0.433

120 0.343

122 0.385

133 0.309

135 0.152

138 0

153 0.160

155 0.432

164 0.590
169 0.273

173 0


We can infer from this experiment that there is bunching of electrons at particular intervals of time and
because of this bunching phenomenon there are different modes visible in power vs repeller voltage
plot and we observe that as the repeller voltage is increased, the maximum power in each mode gets
increase as well. One mode consists of rising and falling in power to zero level. The modes occur after a
certain time period which is fixed.

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