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CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Monthly Press Pack

CSS Past Papers MCQs Compilation
Paper Attempting Strategies
Quick Facts
Essay of the Month & Much More!

Volume 03
August Edition
CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Kamil Mushtaq Saif Khattak

4th in KPK 4th Position PAS, CSS 2021

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

to be
by China’s

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CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Nearpeer’s Team
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Russia )
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Creative Director Namra Nasir invited to SkillBox
(Edtech Giant in Russia) for international
learning projects.
collaboration on skills-based learning projects.

This Marks
Css Chronicles
Third Year
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successfully with
more than 200,000

meet & greet
Awesome interaction of
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Economic Doldrum.


CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

CSS Chronicles Volume 2 | Edition 6

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CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2
CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Monthly round up 7

National 11
1. Digital Conveyancing in Pakistan 12
2. Criminal Law in Pakistan post 18th Constitutional Amendment 16
3. Perils in the Education System of Pakistan 19
4. SRB Setting Remarkable Trends in Tax Administration 23

International 25
1. Who is Winning the War in Ukraine? 26
2. How Bangladesh has Outpaced India and Pakistan Economically? 29
3. What does Joe Biden’s Visit to KSA Mean for US-KSA Relations? 32
4. The dollar is Flying High in Pakistan: How does it Happen? 36

Monthly Press Review 38

Essay Special 61

Wisdom Archives: Will Durant on War 64

Legal Diaries 70

Screening Test Alert 75

1. General Ability 76
2. Islamic Studies 77
3. English (Prepositions) 78

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CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2
CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Dates Events

1 Clearing the air about who gets to rule Punjab, the Supreme Court ordered a run-off
election for the office of the chief minister on July 22, after by-elections on 20 general
seats are held, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) notifies five PTI candidates on
reserved seats and some provincial lawmakers return after performing haj.

2 Russia claimed to have captured the strategic Ukrainian city of Lysychansk and the
entire frontline Lugansk region as a mayor said six people were killed by Russian shelling
to the west.

3 North Korea criticized the United States, South Korea and Japan`s recent agreement on
strengthening military cooperation to be a means to materialize a US plan for a military
alliance like NATO in the region.

4 In a historic move, the Sindh Assembly unanimously passed a law fixing half per cent
quota for transgender persons at public sector institutions in the province.

5 NATO`s 30 allies signed an accession protocol for Finland and Sweden, allowing them to
join the nuclear armed alliance once parliaments ratify the decision, the most significant
expansion of the alliance since the 1990s.

6 The military secured the nod of the Parliamentary Committee on National Security`s for
peace talks with the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) after conceding to the
Pakistan Peoples Party`s demand for the process to be overseen by a parliamentary

7 Pointing out that women`s participation in the workforce is greatly constrained, a World
Bank study says at 20 per cent, Pakistan`s workforce participation rate for women is one
of the lowest both in South Asia and globally.

8 The World Health Organization released a report on the vaccines currently in develop-
ment to prevent infections caused by antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) bacterial patho-

9 Pakistan is the second-worst country in terms of gender parity, according to a report

released by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

Women in the healthcare sector face a larger gender pay gap than in other fields,
10 earning 24 per cent less than men, according to a joint report prepared by the Interna-
tional Labour Organisation (ILO) and the World Health Organisation (WHO).

11 Pakistan could face a serious problem as its foreign exchange reserves fast depleting
amid rising external debt servicing.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Dates Events

12 The country`s superior and lower judiciaries are dealing with a huge backlog of 2.144
million cases as 4.102m cases were decided and 4.06m new cases were filed during
2021, it emerged.

13 From Pakistan`s perspective, talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are com-
plete, and it is just the internal process of the crisis lender, which would come out with a
formal announcement on the successful completion of the seventh and eighth quarterly
reviews of a stalled loan programme.

14 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced a staff-level agreement with Pakistan
that will not only help resume the suspended loan programme and pave the way for a
$1.18 billion disbursement but is also expected to alleviate Sri Lanka-like default fears at
least in the short term and unlock funding from other multilateral lenders like the World
Bank and the Asian Development Bank.

15 The federal government decided to tighten the noose around those individuals using
digital platforms for character assassination and harassment and posting `unethical`
content on social media.

16 Nine terrorists were killed and a havildar was martyred during an operation against the
killers of Lt Col Laig Baig Mirza, an army officer who was kidnapped earlier this week while
travelling to Quetta from Ziarat, the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in a state-

17 Russian shelling of a town in eastern Ukraine killed six people, Kyiv said, as EU ministers
meeting in Brussels insisted that the pressure of Western sanctions on Moscow was

18 Moody`s Investors Service termed the staff level agreement (SLA) signed by Pakistan
with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the revival of its programme as `credit
positive` and hope d it would ease pressure on declining foreign exchange reserves.

19 Pakistan received record remittances of over $31 billion in the financial year 2021-22
(FY22), an increase of 6.1 per cent over FY21, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) reported.

20 Blaming political factors for the latest downturn in currency and share markets, Paki-
stan`s economic managers tried to reassure that macroeconomic fundamentals were
stabilizing and $8.5-10 billion inflows have been lined up from friendly countries against
a financing gap of $4bn estimated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

21 Pakistan and Afghanistan reached an agreement to facilitate bilateral trade, especially

coal for use in power generation to bridge the shortfall in electricity production in the
wake of the high cost of furnace oil in the international market.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Dates Events

22 Pakistan`s $33.5 billion external financing needs are fully met for 2022-23, the central
bank chief said, adding that `unwarranted` market concerns about its financial position
will dissipate in weeks.
North Korea accused the United States of manufacturing biological weapons in Ukraine,
echoing a Russian claim dismissed by the United Nations in March.

24 The import of inexpensive medicines for cancer treatment from Russia, which came to a
halt in February after Russia`s invasion of Ukraine, resumed after more than five months
as the banks have started opening Letters of Credit (LCs) for the trade.

25 Pakistan remains the largest refugee hosting country in Asia and the Pacific as 1.5 million
Afghans still prefer to stay in this country, even though one year has elapsed since the
US forces beat a hasty retreat from Kabul.

26 In a decision that was awaited with bated breath by political observers, the media and
all the parties involved, the Supreme Court declared Chaudhry Parvez Elahi as the duly
elected chief minister of Punjab for securing 186 votes against the 179 of his opponent,
PML-N`s Hamza Shehbaz, in the July 22 runoff poll for the coveted office of the province.

27 The current account deficit (CAD) swelled to $17.4 billion in FY22, which could be the
most painful shock for an economy already in trouble with serious imbalances.

28 Pakistan and China emphasized the need for stability in Afghanistan as Foreign Minister
Bilawal BhuttoZardari met his counterpart in the Taliban administration, Amir Khan
Muttagi, for the first time.

29 The ruling coalition in Punjab comfortably won the contest for the Punjab Assembly
speaker`s office, though the polling process was marred by allegations of violation of the
secret ballot method.

30 Sri Lanka issued an urgent appeal to tackle rapidly spreading malnutrition among
children as its economic crisis leaves nine out of 10 people dependent on state hand-

31 Rising food and energy prices saw inflation surge by 24.93 per cent the highest jump in
over 14 years in the first month of the new fiscal year.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2
CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Digital Conveyancing in Pakistan
Criminal Law in Pakistan post 18th Constitutional Amendment
Perils in the Education System of Pakistan
SRB Setting Remarkable Trends in Tax Administration

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Digital Conveyancing in
Sania Saleem

The Role of E-Governance in parency, increasing convenience, and eventually increasing gross
Promoting Sustainable Devel- domestic product (GDP) growth. It allows a way for citizens to be
opment involved directly in state affairs, reducing overall costs and broad-
ening the control of a government. E-government has had a
Contemporarily, living in this remarkably positive influence on the success and development of
digitalized era, information developing countries.
technology (IT) serves to pro-
mote a knowledge-based soci- Conveyancing is a legal process of creating, transferring, and
ety. Electronic governance is a dealing with an interest in land to use, possess, and dispose of the
combination of information property. At Present, the existing system of manual conveyancing
and communication technolo- results in anxiety and tension for all the people involved because
gy (ICT) in all the operations of its inbuilt shortcomings. However, it is anticipated that a com-
analyzing the potential of the prehensive electronic conveyancing (e-Conveyancing) system
government to satisfy the capable of facilitating
requirements of the local
public. E-governance is •electronic conveyancing of documents,
well-known for its unique char- •online investigation of the title of the property,
acteristics in minimizing •networked communication between the parties,
corruption, enhancing trans- •simultaneous registration and completion, etc.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

would address these deficien- electronic commerce. …. The public rightly seeks a more expedi-
cies resulting in a reduction of tious and much less stressful system of dealing with land.”
delays, saving time and money,
and bringing more transparen- The joint report also vindicated that: “Nevertheless, however inevi-
cy to the system. Nevertheless, table it may now seem, there is a legitimate public expectation
for many jurisdictions, the laws that the change to an electronically based system for dealings
relating to the transfer of prop- with land will produce clear and demonstrable benefits”.
erty are extremely complicated It is expected that a comprehensive electronic conveyancing
hence making it not as conve- (e-Conveyancing) system which is
nient to convert paper-based
systems (built up over several • paperless,
centuries) to a wholly opposite • without Registration Gap,
electronic process. • with complete Chain Transparency,
• with the permanent connection between practitioners and the
The unprecedented revolutions Land Registry,
taking place in information and • secured and fraud-resistant,
communication technology • with facility for Simultaneous Money Transfers
(ICT) are transforming econo- • capable of facilitating electronic conveyancing of documents,
mies and societies across the • online investigation of title,
globe. The spread of ICT is • networked communication between the parties, and
affecting the methods all simultaneous completion and registration would address the
stakeholders in the business weaknesses of the manual conveyancing system.
process communicate with
each other and how they pro- The suggested system is also expected to provide the property
cess and store data. Internet is owners with better services; transaction intermediaries, such as
now the new commonplace for notaries, conveyancers, estate agents, and surveyors new tools to
business-to-business and cus- improvise the services they offer and to modernize their internal
tomer/client-to-business office procedures; the financial institutions with a more organized
transactions. As the Law Com- system of payments and improved services; office IT system sup-
mission and Land Registry of pliers with more business in the form of demand for more software
England put it in their joint to interact with existing cases and office management systems;
report: “Dealings with land and the government agencies with greater efficiency in service
cannot remain unaffected by delivery, payment receipt, and information collection. To conclude,
the general development of the introduction of e-Conveyancing can radically reorganize the

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

process of land conveyancing, legislative changes to legalize the Honorable Court that, “the
not only in terms of working the practices of statement of accounts is a
better but also in terms of work- • Digital Signature, computer-generated docu-
ing in a way that can be han- • electronic documents, ment and under the provisions
dled completely electronically • electronic transfer and of Electronic Transactions Ordi-
giving the customers a more • execution of deeds and nance, 2002 a computer-gen-
efficient, and eminent service. contracts, erated document carried the
• Electronic Fund Transfer etc. presumption of truth attached
Digital-Conveyancing; Digital Signature therewith. According to the
Hurdles A Digital Signature is a mode by provisions of Section 3 of the
Security is one of the key which digital information is Electronic Transactions Ordi-
elements for all modes of con- authenticated. It is basically nance, 2002, an electronically
veyancing including not only analogous to ordinary physical generated document would
physical, logical, and procedur- signatures on paper, imple- not require any signature. By
al security measures but also mented using techniques from virtue of the Electronic Trans-
the security of e-documents or the field known as Public Key action Ordinance, 2002 a legal
data. Data stored by the com- Cryptography. According to cover has been provided to the
ponent authorities have to be this technique, the Private Key electronic forms by categoriz-
protected against any loss, (secret), is used for signing the ing that their legal recognition
corruption, and access by document and the Public Key and admissibility, etc. would
unauthorized personnel. The (freely distributed), is used for not be called in question, if the
e-Conveyancing service verifying the signature. This same has not been attested by
requires gaining the confidence kind of signature ensures a any witness, in case the same is
of users by strictly adhering to high level of assurance of the in the electronic form. We
an appropriate threshold of electronic identity of consum- observe that rapid changes
security. The risks, the data, and ers and users for having have occurred in the recent
processes of digital-Convey- distinct content integrity with years as old and conventional
ancing would be exposed are electronic transactions hence system of banking has been
discussed under the following enhancing privacy and securi- done away to a great extent”. In
five categories ty. this regard, reliance was
placed upon Habib Metropoli-
Digital Conveyancing can In Mrs. Saima etc. Versus the tan Bank Ltd. v. Mian Abdul
become reality by bringing in Bank of Punjab, It was held by Jabbar Gihllin and another.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Benefits of E-Signatures in Pakistan with an MD reference that is much the same as

The introduction of E-Signature in Pakistan has traditional paper mortgage deeds. Afterward,
provided beneficial as to the following aspects; Conveyancers create online mortgages,
accessing the Land Registry and completing
• Improves affordability and accessibility. the details of the borrower with a relevant MD
• Customer-friendly and only electronic device reference. Conveyancers provide borrowers
is required for its use. with the link needed to access the online mort-
• More Transparency by using E-Signatures gage deed, which is signed digitally. Online
• Sense of security as payments are involved. entries are added as soon as the mortgage is
• Protection and privacy via a vis personal infor- ready for completion.
• It enhances the establishment of confidence of Way Forward
a consumer to make the online authorization of Although Introducing an e-Conveyancing
documentation and transactions. system in any country is a highly complex pro-
• It offers apportionment of liability on electronic cess calling for a thorough roadmap that can
systems. ensure successful digitally-driven conveyanc-
• E-Signatures also Eradicated Stamp Duties ing. A set of general proposals for the produc-
tive implementation of a Digital-Conveyancing
Benefits of Electronic Conveyancing system may be carried through the following
The benefits of electronic conveyancing steps,
• Protection from the risk inherent in delays as • Self-Restraint
settlements are registered immediately • Step by Step Approach
• Depletion in risk associated with using • Win-Win Situation
cheques in settlement • Human Resource Management
• Elimination of the time and cost involved in • Empowerment and Accountability
hiring staff or agents and their attendance at • Business Requirements
land registries • Business Change
• Multiple updates of any activity on the title • Stakeholder Relationship Management and
post exchange Governance
• Pre-settlement lodgment checks can be • Legal Issues
accessed, reducing risks involved in post-set- • Technical Issues
tlement requisitions from the Land Titles Office
• Immediate distribution of the proceeds of sale Conclusion
after the settlement There is a legitimate public expectation that
• Assists in overcoming Inefficiencies of e-Conveyancing for dealings with all settle-
paper-based conveyancing ments would prove beneficial for society in a
• More Cost beneficial vis-à-vis paper-based very clear and demonstrable way. Although all
conveyancing around the world e-Conveyancing is in its
• Online transactions are more simplistic with infancy and the developments are heading
e-signature authentication. towards one common goal of bringing trans-
parency, accountability, and efficiency in deal-
Land Registry provided the method stating the ings by making use of the emerging technology
working of online conveyancing as follows; to serve people in a more economical and
Online mortgage deed templates would be pro- user-friendly mode.
vided by the Land Registry. Mortgages will be
produced in a format that will ultimately depend
on the lenders planning to use the mortgages,

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Criminal Law in Pakistan post 18th

Constitutional Amendment
Malik Huzaifa

Constitutionally, the Govern- from these three legislative lists federal list and a concurrent
ment of India Act 1935 envis- mechanism, yet it preserved a list.
aged a federal system of gov- centralised system of gover-
ernance in Pakistan. The Act nance, this way three legisla- It is significant to chalk out the
divided the legislative powers tive lists were reduced to a constitutional history of Paki-
through three legislative lists single legislative list. The ‘three stan to understand how the
between the federation and the legislative lists’ paradigm was relations between the federa-
provinces. These three legisla- revived yet once again by the tion and provinces, and inter-
tive lists were a federal list, a Interim Constitution of Pakistan provincial relations came into
provincial list, and a concurrent 1972, which distributed the play in running the government
list – a list that shared the legislative powers based on machinery. It may also be
ambit of legislation between these lists. At the time of writing noted that the distribution of
provinces and federation. This the 1973 Constitution, the distri- legislative powers affects the
historical constitutional legacy bution of legislative powers functioning of the government
was carried forward by the was once again debated, because the links of responsi-
Indian Independence Act of wherein the nature of the gov- bility  and authority are drawn
1947 and the Constitution of the ernment was kept federal and accordingly. In 2010, the 18th
Islamic Republic of Pakistan centralised;  however, the constitutional amendment was
1956. Conversely, the constitu- number of legislative lists was passed to the constitution of
tion of Pakistan 1962 deviated reduced from three to two – a Pakistan. This amendment

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

amended the constitution dras- The Eighteenth Constitutional federal service structure. This
tically, the nature of relation- Amendment was passed after approach is not supported by
ships between federation and thorough scrutiny and debate.  the text of the Eighteenth
provinces was altered drasti- In calibrating the public policy Amendment and is opposed to
cally, and provinces were given space through legislation, the the intention of the legislature.
more autonomy in matters, abolition of the Concurrent
especially about the public Legislative List led to increased The classical monopoly on
interest. One of the most signifi- ‘participatory management’  of violence by the state is typically
cant changes pertained to the new subjects, that were conse- exercised by the federation
devolution of powers to the quently included in Part II of the through criminal law and its
provinces from the federation. Federal Legislative List.  These implementation. To fulfil its
For instance, subjects, minis- counter-weight steps also constitutional obligation, the
tries, and matters to legislate included rewriting Article 142(b) federation is required to see
upon were under the federal which stated that the parlia- that ‘the Government of every
government’s mandate prior to ment (Majlis-e-Shoora) and a Province is carried on in accor-
the amendment but were now provincial assembly may have dance with the provisions of
brought under the provinces’ the power to make laws relat- the Constitution.  Conversely,
control. In this context, the Eigh- ing to criminal law, criminal the provinces are under an
teenth Constitutional Amend- procedure, and evidence law – obligation to use their execu-
ment was conspicuous as it leading to the establishment of tive authority ‘subject to and
abolished the Concurrent Leg- a clear relationship between limited by the executive
islative List, resulting in the the federation and the provinc- authority of the federation.
expansion of the provinces’ es in the aforementioned While providing autonomy to
domains of authority and domains. the provinces of having their
responsibility. own laws, the Eighteenth
Furthermore, the Eighteenth Amendment also ensures that
Whilst abolishing the Concur- Amendment paved way for a the powers devolved onto the
rent Legislative List, the Eigh- repugnancy test under the provinces remain limited and
teenth Amendment also auspices of Article 143 which restricted by the federation.
amended two substantive con- stated that any provincial Most importantly, this is also
stitutional provisions, namely legislation that would be clear in the superiority of the
Articles 142 and 143 of the Con- enacted in the area of legisla- federation as established by
stitution. This provided for an tive competence of the federa- the Eighteenth Amendment,
interoperable scheme, which tion would be void and that the since any law that stood in
essentially redefined the rela- legislation of the federation contravention of the federal
tionship between the federation shall prevail.  The provincial legislature may be deemed to
and the provinces in the areas legislatures have a growing be void, despite being passed
of criminal law, criminal proce- propensity to treat the areas of later in time. However, the
dure, and evidence law.  Few criminal law as exclusive to perception of the exclusive
excerpts from Mr. Kamran Adil’s them despite the key role of the domain of the provinces in
work: “Criminal Law after the federation in the enforcement criminal matters has perpetu-
18th Constitutional Amendment: of fundamental rights, the ated over the last decade, and
A Critical Review” provides deep functioning of the criminal the mapping of legislation in
insight on this topic, which is of justice system, the implemen- the following selected areas
great value for the aspirants of tation of the anti-terrorism law,  shows this trend.
competitive exams. dealing with ‘internal distur-
bances’, the implementation of
Impact of the 18th Amendment international treaties and the
on Criminal Law constitutional provision of the

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Police Legislation after the Committee Report 2019 pro-

18th Amendment posed a model police law after
All the provinces, after the Eigh- discussing the constitutionality
teenth Amendment and of police laws in Pakistan.  The
notwithstanding Article 143 of role of the federation became
the Constitution, treated the central in the appointment of
domain of ‘police’ as exclusive the Inspector General of Police
provincial remit. They enacted (IGPs) in different provincial
their own police laws, with police departments. The courts
Sindh being the first province to have also generally shown
do so. It enacted a police law,  deference to the federation on
which became contentious on the touchstone of Articles
the eve of the transfer of the 142(b), 143, and 240 of the Con-
Inspector General of Police stitution. However, the court
(IGP) in 2016.  The difference of order cannot substitute the
opinion on the appointment of federation’s will to lead the
the IGP was then challenged in provinces and provide a feder-
the Sindh High Court and later alist interpretation of the con-
in the Supreme Court of Paki- stitutional provisions intro-
stan.  The Supreme Court of duced through the Eighteenth
Pakistan found ‘police’ to be a Amendment.
‘concurrent’ subject.  The sub-
sequent rounds of litigation Conclusion
resulted in the enactment of a The Eighteenth Amendment,
new police law,  which is again while abolishing the Concur-
under challenge to the extent rent Legislative List, devolved
of removal of the IGP and powers onto the provinces as is
transfer of officers of the Police evident through Articles 142 (b)
Service of Pakistan (PSP) cadre. and 143 of the Constitution. The
role of the federation in the
In 2011, Balochistan was the enforcement of fundamental
second province to enact a rights, in the promulgation of
new police law.  It revived the uniform police law, in manage-
colonial-era Police Act 1861 ment of internal disturbances,
which was challenged in the and the use of its executive
Balochistan High Court and the authority in collaboration with
IGP was given powers to trans- the provinces has been kept
fer/post PSP officers till the intact, against the popular
finalisation of the rules.  The perception that the federation
next was Punjab, which adopt- has no role in the law and order
ed the Police Order 2002 and of the provinces. Nevertheless,
amended it in 2013  and again it is worth noticing that the
in 2017.  Finally, Khyber Pakh- responsibility of the state inso-
tunkhwa (KP) also enacted its far as the aforementioned
own police law.  areas are concerned is shared
between the federation and
Owing to the significance of the the provinces.
subject, the Police Reforms

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Perils in the Education System of

Rai Ahmad Kamal

“Education is a matter of life as their key priority by allocat- the case of Pakistan is not
and death for Pakistan. The ing a low budget, and overlook- much different from the
world is progressing so rapidly ing the other prerequisites of discussed situation. The Paki-
that without requisite advance- quality education are left stani education system is one
ments in education not only behind in the comity of nations. of the oldest with an outdated
shall we lag behind others but Such nations become handi- curriculum from primary to
may be wiped altogether”. capped in every field as they university level. The world has
rely on other nations for their shifted to a knowledge-based
(Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali needs. Ultimately such coun- economy where innovation,
Jinnah) tries become third-world coun- pieces of training, research,
tries and they suffer in every and development are the
This is an undeniable fact that field leading from a deteriorat- prerequisites to progress. How-
education determines the fate ed economy to the crippling ever, the Pakistani education
of nations. The nations which situation of law and order. Their system is grappled with a wide
make education their foreign policy also gets com- range of complex flaws which
top-notch agenda surpass the promised and their youth are deep-rooted and demand
other nations in every field. On becomes a liability. In short, out-of-the-box solutions. It’s
the other hand, the nations anarchy becomes the fate of the 21st century, yet we haven’t
which don’t consider education such countries. Unfortunately, come out of the colonial mind-

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

set where the purpose of edu- loans from the international childhood. It is a collective
cation was to clinch the posi- financial institutions get started failure on the part of the state
tion of a cleric. In the present and the country falls into the and society. On the other hand,
scenario, the students get the debt trap. For the past 40 years, quality education should be the
education that they will get a our public sector education has top priority of any state. But, in
government job even if they been on a downward trajectory Pakistan, we see that education
have to clinch a class IV job. rather than modernizing, has never been a priority of the
This mindset perishes the adapting, and improving the successive governments keep-
innate abilities and potential of quality of education. It’s been ing aside the factor of quality
many talented students. The 75 years since we’ve got inde- education. In the fiscal year
economy of the country suffers pendence but still, our literacy 2022-23, the government has
as well because everyone rate is 62.3%, the lowest in South allocated 90.6 billion for edu-
desires to land into the public Asia. Maldives (99%) and Sri cation which is 1.5% of the GDP
service but the government Lanka (98.1%) have the highest nullifying the fact that the
due to its financial constraints literacy rate in South Asia. Paki- previous year’s budget was 1.7%
cannot entertain every individ- stan despite having all the of the GDP i.e., 91.77 billion. This
ual. Besides this, the industrial natural resources still lags in decline in the budget displays
sector suffers in a way that it education. There are several that the government doesn’t
becomes impossible for indus- lacunas in our education consider education as its top
trial sector to recruit the desired system, so our education priority. The fact is that our poli-
candidates having an innova- system demands a complete ticians have their vested inter-
tive mindset and desired skill overhauling of the system to ests due to which they keep
set. Ultimately, the industrial achieve a significant position in overlooking this sector. In India,
sector doesn’t generate the the comity of the nations. Kerala achieved 100% literacy in
targeted revenue due to the Article 25(a) of the constitution 2016 through an initiative called
lack of innovation in products obligates the state to provide “Athulyam” and became the
that don’t compete in the inter- free and compulsory to all chil- first state to do so. It was the will
national market. This results in dren of the age of sixteen years of the state through which it
low exports of the country and without any discrimination. achieved this milestone.
the country is compelled to shift However, the figures display a Another problem is financial
to imports to meet domestic very grim picture of the dismal constraints on the part of
demands which result in a wid- state of affairs where 22.8 students due to which our liter-
ening of the trade deficit and a million children are out of acy rate is low. The financial
vicious cycle of inflation, and school wasting their precious affairs compel the students to

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

give up their desire to get an multinationals and tech giants. can easily be trapped by the
education and employ them- Besides this, if we compare Non-State Actors so it’s the
selves in the workforce to India, we come to know that all responsibility of the state to
become the breadwinner for the tech giants are headed by take adequate measures to
their families. Several children Indians. The example of Sundar empower the youth through
are seen working in the hotels Pichai is obvious. The reason is skills of the modern age. The
and tea stalls to earn some that the successive Indian gov- categorization in the education
money for their families. ernments have invested a lot in system has also deteriorated.
Furthermore, the state of higher the education sector, especial- Our education system is divid-
education is also very disap- ly in the field of IT. Another ed into four categories i.e.,
pointing. In our universities, less lacuna in our education system Cambridge School, English
focus is paid to research and is the lack of collaboration Private Schools, Madrassah
development due to which our between academia and indus- School, and Government
students are unable to com- try. Due to the lack of coordina- Schools. Cambridge and
pete in the International tion students suffer a lot. When English Private Schools are so
market. The laboratories in the they enter the job market they expensive that the middle class
university are not equipped come to know that they know can’t afford them. Madrassah
with the proper materials. The nothing about the industry and Schools only pay attention to
professors don’t polish their that what they have studied is the teachings of the Quran and
skills and keep transferring the not required in the industry. Sunnah. They don’t cater to the
outdated knowledge to the Another factor that is not pres- needs of the modern age due
students and when students ent in our education system is to which many talented
enter the international market that we don’t focus on techni- students are unable to show-
or industry, they come to know cal and vocational training. case their abilities. In govern-
that their knowledge is of no Every year the universities pro- ment schools, the syllabus is
use due to the newest research duce 2-3 lacs graduates with taught in Urdu, and teachers
and advancement in science zero skill-set due to which are employed on the recom-
and technology. The higher many of them remain unem- mendations of the politicians or
education commission also ployed for years because the through a non-meritorious
doesn’t pay attention to the public sector can’t entertain system due to which the
revision of the curriculum after every graduate while the students of the government
every five years. This is the industry demands experience schools don’t acquire the nec-
reason that our universities are and skills. This unemployment essary skills to compete with
placed in lower rankings in the creates a sense of deprivation the elite class which results in
world and our students don’t in them and they enter into the the creation of class difference
clinch the top positions in top hell of crimes. Besides this, they in the country. Though the

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

previous government of PTI complete overhauling. We get the right guidance in

launched an educational need to recognize the impor- choosing their right careers.
policy and Single National Cur- tance of literacy. The federal Child labour should be strictly
riculum was introduced in the and provincial governments banned and heavy fines should
country, it faced many impedi- should frame better and be imposed on people employ-
ments in its implementation uniform policies so that every ing children. The government
across the country. It was only child might get access to qual- must engage the NGOs to
implemented in Punjab and ity education without any remove the financial con-
KPK. So SNC couldn’t achieve discrimination. For this, some straints of the students in
the desired results. After the recommendations can help remote areas. The universities
18th Amendment, the subject of improve our education system. should sign maximum MOUs
education is controlled by Education emergency is the with the international universi-
provinces. Sindh, headed by need of the hour to get 22.8 ties. Special attention must be
Pakistan People’s Party, did not million children enrolled in the paid to academia-industry
implement it. The other major schools. Special attention must linkages. The curriculum of the
lacunas are the existence of be paid to women's education universities must be revised on
ghost schools, ghost teachers, by providing scholarships and the recommendations of the
a ban on women’s education in transport facilities to women. industries. Teacher training
the tribal system across the SNC should be implemented programs and assessment
country, and a lack of focus on across the country by incorpo- criteria should be made com-
the training of teachers. In rating the recommendations of pulsory for the promotion.
Sindh, there are 11000 ghost all provinces. Government Following these measures, we
schools with no students. must increase the education can provide quality education
Teachers are getting salaries budget every year. All the pro- to our students.
thus putting a burden on the vincial governments should
economy of the country. upgrade the primary and sec-
Women are not allowed to get ondary schools. The higher
an education due to stringent secondary schools should be
tribal values. Women make up equipped with computer labs.
50% of the population. If we Career counseling depart-
keep our women away from ments should be built in
work, how can we expect our colleges so that students may
country to compete in the
international arena when 50%
of the population is not working
and not contributing to the GDP
of the country? Therefore, the
education system demands a

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

SRB Setting Remarkable Trends

in Tax Administration
Qaiser Rizwan Abbasi

In what appears to be an ed to levy, administer and the target of Rs 145 billion,

unparalleled achievement, collect sales tax on services in registering a growth of 20%; (b)
Sindh Revenue Board (SRB) has the wake of the 18th constitu- Sindh Workers Welfare
collected Rs 153.542 billion in tional amendment to the con- Fund/Sindh Workers Profit
the outgoing financial year stitution of Pakistan, has shown Participation Fund Rs 8.247
2021-22, surpassing the exemplary performance since billion, showing a growth of 19%
assigned target of Rs 150 billion its inception in 2011. Being the over last year’s collection.
by Rs 3.542 billion, which effec- largest tax-generating entity Moreover, during the year,
tively marked the growth of 20% for GoS, SRB started its journey 5,285 new registrations were
over last year’s collection of Rs from Rs. 25 billion in FY 2011-12 to made.
128 billion. This outstanding an unprecedented collection of
performance shown is particu- Rs 153.542 billion in FY 2021-22, During the outgoing FY 2021-22,
larly significant as there was no manifesting the growth of 512% the top 10 contributors to reve-
amnesty scheme unveiled on in revenue generation. nue comprise: (i) Port, Airport &
the part of SRB in this FY. Terminal Operators; (ii) Fran-
It is pertinent to mention that chise; (iii) Insurance; (iv) Con-
SRB—a provincial tax-collecting the collection of Rs 153.542 struction; (v) Labor and Man-
organization under the Govern- billion includes: (a) Sindh Sales power; (vi) Telecommunica-
ment of Sindh (GoS)—mandat- Tax Rs 145.367 billion exceeding tion; (vii) Bank; (viii) Contract

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

essary information to the

public that whether an invoice
given to them by the taxpayer
is genuine or fake. As restau-
rants shall print the prescribed
invoice bearing SRB’s invoice
number and QR code, custom-
ers can verify bill or invoice with
the help of the Mobile SRB App.
The QR code shall be verifiable
from SRB’s mobile App on the
part of the customer ensuring
that due sales tax is paid. In
case, the invoice is not genuine,
App will allow customers to
Execution; (ix) Business Support ment(s) of the government as lodge a complaint against the
Services; and (x) Stockbrokers. well as facilitating audit and business entity. Meanwhile, the
reconciliations. monitoring team shall take
With the service sector mas- necessary actions as and when
sively contributing to Pakistan’s Meanwhile, in an attempt to any discrepancy is detected.
economy, it presents serious improve the collection of Sindh
challenges for the tax-gover- Sales Tax on Services, SRB has While promoting core
nance machinery. Owing to this introduced Point-Of-Sale (POS) values—responsibility, diversity,
reason, SRB has developed IT integration system, which has teamwork, integrity, client
tools in the shape of Enterprise increasingly helped in docu- satisfaction, and above all,
Resource Planning (ERP) and menting the economy. The innovation—SRB seeks to pro-
Business Intelligence (BI) scope of the POS integration mote a taxpayer-friendly envi-
systems, which not only allow system is presently confined to ronment and holds itself
officials to engage in compre- restaurants and online market accountable to all valued
hensive predictive analysis and platforms that are required to stakeholders i.e. GoS, taxpay-
forecasting of business/taxa- integrate their POS systems ers, and society at large. With
tion trends but also provide with SRB for live reporting of utmost dedication, commit-
critical support in effectively sales invoices. This enables SRB ment, and a meritorious envi-
crafting and vigorously execut- to monitor the business activity ronment, SRB will keep on
ing policy decisions. of POS-linked restaurants as setting new revenue records in
real-time sales data is con- times to come.
In addition to this, SRB’s initia- veyed to SRB. Through its
tive of enhancing technological taxpayer-friendly campaign,
infrastructure acts as a cata- SRB is seeking to encourage
lyst for progress in terms of relevant and potential taxpay-
advancing and modernising ers to register with the SRB’s
tax administration, such as (a) system and download integra-
implementation of e-taxation; tion software to become part of
(b) filing and assessment of tax the system.
returns; (c) enabling electronic
payment of taxes; (d) real-time Further, in order to facilitate the
invoice verification; (e) sharing general public, SRB has also
information on tax assessment launched the SRB Mobile App.
between different depart- This App aims to provide nec-

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2
CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Who is Winning the War in Ukraine?
How Bangladesh has Outpaced India and Pakistan Economically?
What does Joe Biden’s Visit to KSA Mean for US-KSA Relations?
The dollar is Flying High in Pakistan: How does it Happen?

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Who is Winning the War in

Hamza Tanvir

It’s been months since the sion. Russia Ukraine conflict and could lead to a
Russian army invaded has deep-seated impacts full-scale war in the long run
Ukraine. The Russian inva- on the US-led world order. between the West and
sion of the latter was a result This crisis has many other Russia.
of a historical conflict far-reaching ramifications
between the West and for the world as Ukraine is Why did Russia Invade
Russia. However, the recent one of the biggest exporters Ukraine?
invasion is a result of of wheat and fuel in the There lie multiple objectives
Ukraine’s burgeoning ties world. Although Ukraine is a behind the Russian invasion
with the European Union and small and less powerful of Ukraine. The main reason
its attempts to join NATO. country as compared to behind this invasion is the
Russia has a host of strate- Russia yet it has managed historical rivalry between the
gic objectives to achieve to defend its land for several West and Russia. This rivalry
from this invasion. On the months. Keeping in mind the dates back to the French
other hand, this conflict is power imbalance between invasion of Russia under
also a test of American the two sides, the conflict Napoléon. Since then the
credibility as the whole world seems one-sided but this is latter has seen the Western
is looking at the USA’s not the case. This conflict European states as a threat
response to Russian aggres- does not seem to end soon to its security and integra-

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

tion. This threat perception United States several times Which Side Seems Victori-
has coerced the Russian against the eastward ous?
policymakers to make the expansion of NATO. The As Henry Barbusse, a French
bordering Eastern European recent invasion of Ukraine by soldier in World War, aptly
states a buffer zone for the Russian army is also a wrote in his novel Le Feu,
Russia. After the end of the corollary of the former's “two armies that fight each
Cold War, the United States strong will to join NATO. Pres- other is like one large army
and Russia made a verbal ident Putin had demanded that commits suicide.” Both
agreement. It was a fallacy the United States to assure sides have claimed scores
of the Russian Ruler Mikhail Georgia and Ukraine will not of casualties. The Russian
Gorbachev to trust the mere be added to NATO along invasion of Ukraine has trig-
words of President Bush that with some other demands, gered a humanitarian crisis
NATO would become a more but the latter refused to not only in Ukraine but also
political organization in the accept these demands. in many other parts of the
future and it would not Ukrainian President Volody- world. The Russia-Ukraine
expand towards the east myr Zelensky’s strong urge war has driven millions of
even an inch. The former and efforts to join NATO led Ukrainian people away from
failed to realize that the to the Russian invasion of their homeland. According
world does not act on the Ukraine on 24th February to a UN report, almost 5 mil-
principles of religious moral- 2022. lion Ukrainians have
ity. NATO violated this verbal become refugees and
agreement in 1999 for the A famous American almost 7 million people have
first time by bringing Poland, philosopher and political been displaced within their
Hungary, and the Czech activist, Noam Chomsky, has country. There have been
Republic into its folds. Since also put the ounce of the multiple attacks on the
then the expansion of NATO Russian invasion of Ukraine health facilities in Ukraine. In
to Eastern Europe has on NATO and the USA as they May 2022, WHO called into
remained a concern for abjured their verbal the probe for more than 200
Russia. President Putin has agreement with Russia. attacks on the health facili-
warned the West and the ties by the Russian army.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Amnesty International has zone by the end of this year. its ally, China could also
also reported attacks on The end of the Rus- launch offensive attacks on
civilians in Ukraine in reck- sian-Ukraine conflict does Taiwan and other rising
less Russian attacks. As per not seem possible soon. powers could also follow the
Ukraine's Interior Ministry, Russia provides multiple suit. European Union is also
more than 1700 attacks were reasons for its attack on looking towards the US and
conducted by the Russian Ukraine. However, whatever could make its own army to
army on civilians till 16th July the reason may be, war can defend itself if the latter fails
2022. Recently, a prison for never be justified. Although to satisfy the former. Euro-
the prisoners of war has Russia is a big power as pean Union is mulling over
been attacked through compared to Ukraine and this option since Former US
shelling in the eastern sepa- the latter is being supported President Donald Trump
ratist part of Ukraine. Both by the West in terms of criticized NATO in 2017. All
sides are trading blame for weapons, the war could this would be detrimental to
this attack. continue for many years. the US hegemony. The West
The civilian casualties and must avoid any steps which
The humanitarian conse- the inflation could rise mani- could infuriate any other
quences of the Rus- fold as the war prolongs. The nation by creating a security
sia-Ukraine conflict are not United States has imposed dilemma. The United States,
confined to Ukraine only. The sanctions on Russia but this European Union, and inter-
humanitarian reverbera- would also mushroom infla- national organizations need
tions of the Ukraine crisis are tion across the globe. On the to adopt a pragmatic
being felt almost throughout other hand, the US sanctions approach to counter Rus-
the world. As per the UN on Russia are too little too sian aggression. As far as
report presented in April late to coerce the latter to the question that who is win-
2022, the prices of oil and halt its aggression in ning the war in
wheat have risen more than Ukraine. The Russian
300 percent in Somalia aggression on Ukraine can Ukraine is concerned, it is
where 0.7 million people had also set precedent for other clear from the aforemen-
already been displaced by nations of the world. If the US tioned details that whichev-
drought. The impacts of the fails to defend its ally, er side may stand victorious,
Russia-Ukraine war are so Ukraine, in this war, it will humanity will be at loss.
high that inflation in the US tarnish the credibility of the
has risen to a new 40-year US. It would further cement
high. The IMF has predicted the notion that to be Ameri-
that the inflation rate in the ca’s enemy can be danger-
US will rise to 7.7 percent and ous, but to be its friend is
5.3 percent in the European fatal. If the US fails to defend

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 12

How Bangladesh has Outpaced

India and Pakistan Economically?
Abdul Samad

A country that started with handsome position at the HDI, stan but also India to a con-
$8bn GDP and touched the GPI, and GGG, is not other siderable extent.
$324bn figure; which regis- than the erstwhile east wing of
tered its per capita income the land of the pure. A majoritarian view agrees to
around about $134 during the macroeconomic stability is a
time of its inception has Bangladesh has liberated key to economic growth and
stretched the amount to itself twice. Since its inception, development. Bangladesh
nearly $1969, a country which, it has been struggling with has long maintained its fiscal
though, reached out to the political upheaval like that of policy in a disciplinary way to
bailouts of the International the ongoing one in Pakistan, a have balanced fiscal
Monetary Fund and other but Dhaka has not pulled itself regime if not a surplus one.
lenders has managed the out of the socioeconomic Bangladesh has also main-
debts rather has transformed trajectory which has ensured tained its current account in
them into benefits; a country its rapid growth. Bangladesh balance largely by adopting
which has registered per se by its long-term economic an export-oriented growth
the second largest exporter of policies, exports-oriented policy as seen in the case of
garment in the world and a manufacturing regime, disci- the North East Asian countries
country which seems to be an plined fiscal policy, and through different land
epitome of a progressive enhancing social security net reforms as lucidly enunciated
economy in south Asia and has outpaced not only Paki- by Stud well in his work, How
41st largest in the world with a
CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Asia Works: Success and Fail- recorded a nearly 7% ranked 134th.

ure in the most Dynamic decrease in its economic
Region of the World. Bangla- growth. Srilanka defaulted just Such an exalted position in
desh’s garment and textile because of a widening cur- Bangladesh has not been
industries have properly rent account deficit and rap- effortless but rather backed
maintained the balance of idly depleting forex immense- by long-term revolutionary
payment regime. Though ly triggered by the mounting policies adopted by the gov-
some recent reports are trade deficit. Pakistan is facing ernment. Bangladesh has
revolving around unmasking the same dilemma even extended education to girls
Bangladesh’s plea for being though India is also struggling which has proved to be of
bailed out, the man in the with its trade deficit. immense importance. Edu-
financial authority of Bangla- cating women has brought
desh has made it clear that The most important sector in down the accelerating popu-
the possible financial support which Bangladesh has out- lation growth, early marriag-
is intended to be spent on paced both India and Paki- es, and infant mortality rate
backing and enhancing the stan in the social sector. Ban- among others. Women’s
resistance of the Bangladeshi gladesh’s performance on all workforce participation in
economy. key social indicators has Bangladesh has left India with
remarkably been well. Dhaka 30.4% in 2021 while India saw a
Thus, the possible bailout has secured 71st rank in nearly 6% decline from 26% to
should not be mistaken for Global Gender Gap 2022 pre- 20% during the last decade.
supporting the imbalanced pared by WEF based on four The growing women's partici-
economy. It means that key indicators: Education pation in the labor market has
everything is okay in Bangla- attainment, health status, largely dragged them to the
desh’s economy. Its export Political empowerment, and garment industry which has
resistance has also been economic participation. Paki- provided two-pronged bene-
proved by the rise in Bangla- stan stood at the second fits: improving women’s living
desh’s economic growth by worst among all at 145 out 146 standards and contributing to
almost 3.3% in 2020, during countries while India fell far the mounting textile and gar-
the same time when India away from Bangladesh ment exports thereby bal-

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

ancing the current account its economy has increased Pakistan behind. This is so
regime. Similarly, Bangladesh nearly 250 folds in its because Bangladesh has
has recorded the highest life fifty-year life. Bangladesh has adopted a tightrope for fiscal
expectancy rate of 72 years in outnumbered India in per discipline, preferred
the sub-continent outpacing capita income which has exports-oriented manufac-
India with 68.6 years and been recorded at $1969 turing, enhanced agriculture,
Pakistan with 66.6 years. against India’s $1935 and and industrial growth, and
Pakistan’s $1538. adopted key social reforms
The known secret behind like women's employment.
such a remarkable perfor- Taking the discussion to its Put more simply, Bangladesh
mance of Bangladesh is its end, it is unequivocally made has shielded its economy
revolutionary reforms. Ban- clear that the different perfor- against macroeconomic
gladesh has never let its polit- mance measuring indicators challenges and has ensured
ical instability mess with its starting from GDP to per social reforms. All this has
economic growth. Rather it capita income growth to made it able to outpace India
made sure to keep itself on social performance, Bangla- as well as Pakistan and
the long trajectory to progress desh has sat at the top of secure a glorious and pro-
and prosperity which is why progress pushing India and gressed future for itself.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

What does Joe Biden’s Visit to

KSA Mean for US-KSA Relations?
Taimoor Sikander

United States President CIA found proof regarding US-Saudi Relations (Brief
Joseph Biden visited the the involvement of MBS (Mu- Discussion)
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as hammad Bin Salman) in this The United States and Saudi
a United States delegation. case. He, on the other hand, Arabia have a submissive
This meeting was not abnegated this blame. Pres- relationship history. To the
expected to happen ident Biden threatened front end, this is exactly what
between the two nations as Saudi Arabia to make them may seem to a common
the relationship between a “pariah” on a global stage. man. Over time, both parties
Joe Biden and Saudi Crown This was quite arbitrary on sanctioned each other
Prince Muhammad Bin his side. However, in analyz- interests and also accom-
Salman is not of great signif- ing the current oil and petro- modated as well in the
icance over the past few leum prices globally, it was needy speck of time. This
years. Various incidents necessary to pay a visit to brief relationship study is by
have resulted in abomina- the global oil giants Saudi far needed to understand
tion between two states. Arabia. Today in this article, what it will mean for US-KSA
Followed by the murder case let us discuss the situation, relations after the recent
of the Washington Post jour- incidents, and results that meeting in Jeddah. A few
nalist Jamal Kashoggi in happened or ought to historical points are as
2018. US secretive agency happen in the future. follows:

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

I. 1945 Pact The US-backed up Israel in serving the relationship

After World War 2 ended, the this armed conflict resulting between the two states.
United States took a step in huge support and it
forward to establish indus- ended in Israeli victory. But it IV. 9/11, Involvement of KSA
trial relations with the resulted in a belligerent call Issue
Saudis. This was a step for the US. Saudi rulers in Many officials in the US had
taken to reconcile the state Riyadh’s meeting imposed a stated the direct involve-
affairs after an enormous complete oil embargo on all ment of the Saudi Arabia
loss of economical reserves. the countries backing Israel government in the Septem-
As the US is considered a including the US. ber 11, 2001 invasion by
superpower, it decided to Al-Qaeda (Muslims Mujahi-
provide general global III. 1991 Collaboration din led by Usama bin
security pronounced Saudi It was after the century of Laden). The statement
rulers in exchange for their GCC (Gulf Cooperation involved the involvement of
oil reserves and supplies. Council of 25 countries in the fifteen mujahids who were
The commodity was bal- Middle East). The Gulf war Saudi nationals. So, the offi-
anced by that. was initiated by Saddam cials berated the KSA on a
Hussain in Iraq and major global image on the base of
II. 1973, A Minor Relationship countries took a part in the some non-evident proofs.
Setback offense of conflict. Saudi That was a major setback in
Soon after the regional Arabia was included in the relations between the two
Sub-Continental affairs in Arab country’s frontier. It states which imparted neg-
Asia were resolved, the 4th provided armed bases for ative impacts to last till now.
Arab-Israeli war com- the US military to operate
menced. The United States during the war. This was a V. 2018, Jamal Kashoggi
stood up as an ally for Israel. diplomatic stance of pre- Incident

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

In 2018, Jamal Kashoggi, A To ameliorate this abated vent that at all costs.
US citizen and a Washington situation between the US
Post journalist was killed at and GCC countries, Biden Saudi Arabia’s Response to
the Saudi consulate held in tried to trigger his control the Meeting
Istanbul. The US officials and buttons on Saudis. Here is Crown Prince Muhammad
President Joseph Biden how the situation went. Bin Salman had a negative
accused the Saudi govern- political history with Joseph
ment of this murder by pro- A. Objective.1 Biden. This abhorrent situa-
viding evident proof. The To cope with the global tion took place when Biden
Saudi Crown Prince MBS was market in oil and petroleum, declared KSA a “pariah” in
especially belittled by Biden. Biden wanted to keep that his campaign before the
When Biden was campaign- balance and check by elections. So, MBS was not
ing for elections, he clearly asking Saudis to increase much pleased by his visit
stated the signs of aversion the supply. So that he can and proceeded with the
towards the MBS. This inci- pull down the oil prices in the meeting in a casual manner.
dent was also pointed out in region. Although, renunciation from
the recent meeting. Now MBS was expected.
let’s head to the frontier and B. Objective.2
back end of the meeting. The US President also aimed A. Reply to O.1
to sign business contracts of Saudi Arabia on the upper
Biden and MBS, Meeting energy, space, and technol- hand refused to increase
Focal Points ogy with Saudis and to their supply of petroleum
Followed by the past pande- accelerate their develop- and this decision included
monium, this meeting was ment firms. almost all of OPEC (Organi-
least expected to happen as zation of Petroleum Export-
Joe Biden and MBS share a C. Objective.3 ing Countries). In fact, re the
strict political history Biden hoped to escalate largest oil producer pump-
regarding past events. Pres- relations between the King- ing over 12 million barrels a
ident Joe Biden stated that dom of Saudi Arabia and day. But their refusal is right
he is in need to pay a tour to Israel for the sake of cooper- to the point because there is
the Middle East to balance ative momentum. no OPEC benefit to over-
Industrial affairs. The US come this US crisis and it
President didn’t receive any D. Objective.4 would have cost them much
personal joyful commotion In the meeting, Biden also more.
from the Crown Prince and accused MBS of the execu-
the meeting went on casu- tion of journalist Jamal B. Reply to O.2
ally. But here’s a twist. The Kashoggi in the case of As far as business contracts
event commenced followed human rights memoranda. were concerned, Riyadh and
by a fist bump between Washington have signed
Biden and MBS. That clearly E. Objective.5 agreements on the business
showed how much criticism As we know, American occu- contracts of clean energy,
Biden faced from US nation- pying ground hold has space, and also 5g technol-
als and also a gesture rep- reduced over the past years. ogies.
resenting a negative air of They are now out of Afghan-
geopolitical affairs between istan and other Arab coun- C. Reply to O.3
two states. tries. In this time frame, other Saudi Arabia or specifically
superpowers like China and MBS is not in a hurry to esca-
I.US Objectives in the Meet- Russia ought to make their late relations with Israelis.
ing move. Biden wanted to pre- Officials reported that Saudi

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Arabia is interested in Isra- diplomacy. They never let Saud clearly said after the
el’s defense projects. So, as any of their foreign relations meeting that “the Saudi
long as there is no coopera- be disturbed. They have a government is not bound by
tion on some major level high trade route for China anyone. They make their
projects, KSA will not put and also imports and own decisions and cannot
itself forward in the relation- exports oil supplies from be dictated by anyone. He
ship. Russia as well as two major ended up saying that we
global oil producers. So, if believe in our traditions and
D. Reply to O.4 Saudi Arabia tightens its are proud of our Religion
When Biden initiated the bond with the East, it would Islam.”
discussion on the Jamal be a problem for the west.
Kashoggi case and accused Americans are trying to Future Perspective
MBS of involvement in the avoid but Saudis seem to be To my analysis, the US
murder, he cleared that he is looking forward to it. ground hold has decreased
sorry for such a mistake and in the region. Despite all that,
he was not personally END Result of Relation Muhammad Bin Salman is
involved in the case. Just for In the end, the US gained not looking to prosper rela-
Americans not knowing’s, nothing much at all from the tions with the US govern-
MBS mentioned the incident meeting. Biden also faced ment. Unlike some political
where ABU-GHARIB prison- criticisms from American rulers that are bound by
ers were tormented and also nationals and was insulted American funds, MBS
the Killing of Palestinian by the Saudi government as appeared to be a devoted
journalist Abu Akleh by well regarding his past Ace of Spades in the region.
Israel. anti-Saudi statements. A He will most likely establish
well-deserved result indeed. better trade contracts with
E. Reply to O.5 Saudi’s foreign minister China and Russia as well
Saudi Arabia is a king of Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al leaving the US aside.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

The dollar is Flying High in

Pakistan: How does it Happen?
Taimoor Sikander

Pakistan's economy has Topline Securities, the Paki- lars only, just enough to pay
been in shambles for a long stani Rupee has lost more for one and half months of
time. The balance payments than 35% of its value in 2022. imports. Financial markets
crisis has been a persistent The Pakistani rupee is the direly need an influx of
threat to the economy. This second worst performer in foreign exchange reserves
has triggered numerous the region after Sri Lanka. for financial stability.
problems for the economy. This depreciation is mainly
The Pakistani Rupee has because of forex demand How does Dollar Appreciate
witnessed an unprecedent- and supply of the dollar against PKR?
ed low against the dollar. against the rupee in the It is the phenomenon of
PKR has experienced a financial markets. Foreign demand for and supply of
depreciation of more than exchange reserves are money that determines the
60 rupees against the dollar dwindling. This phenome- value of a currency. When
in just four months since the non is exerting more pres- demand for a currency rises,
coalition government came sure on the already troubled its value of it goes up and
into power. The currency greenback currency. As of vice versa. Since the dollar is
crossed Rs.240 mark against 15th July, foreign exchange the currency widely accept-
the dollar in the interbank in reserves with the central ed for payments in interna-
July month. According to bank stood at 9.3 billion dol- tional trade, it is used as a

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

yardstick to measure the

value of a currency. The
same goes for Pakistan; the
value of PKR is assessed in
dollars. Currently, PKR has
crossed the mark of 240
against the dollar in the
interbank. Pakistan is a large
importer of goods and ser-
vices. It pays in dollars
against imports in the inter-
national market. These out-
flows lead to a surge in
demand for dollars in the
economy. As already stated
when the demand for a cur-
rency surges, the value of
the currency goes up. It
gives wings to the dollar.
Similarly, another phenome-
non that leads to the deval-
uation of local currency is
the supply of money in the
economy. When supply
exceeds demand, the value
of a currency goes down. For
example, during the
Covid-19 lockdowns, all the
countries including Pakistan
gave stimulus to their econ-
omies to boost economic
activity. Pakistan had put a
stimulus of 1.2 trillion rupees
in the economy in form of
subsidies, relief to a few sec-
tors, and direct payments to
the people for aid. Further-
more, the State Bank of Paki-
stan reduced its policy rate
from 13% - 7%, and this was
kept intact for several quar-
ters till the resumption of
economic activities. It led to
an increase in the supply of
PKR in the economy and a
subsequent reduction in the
value of the currency. This is
how the value of a currency
is determined.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

How Pakistan can services abroad, send back to their overcome the menace of currency
Strengthen its Currency? home country. This adds to the devaluation. International Mone-
Following are the ways foreign exchange reserves of a tary Fund (IMF) especially extends
through which Pakistan can country. Pressure on local curren- loans to countries that are strug-
strengthen its currency: cy eases as the country enhances gling with severe balance of
foreign exchange reserves. One payments crises. PTI government
1. Increasing exports-based can assume the importance of had IMF's Extended Fund Facility
economy remittances from the fact that (EFF) deal worth $6 billion. Few
The first and foremost way when the PTI government came tranches of which have already
forward in this regard is to into power, it inherited a current been provided to Pakistan. The
increase exports. Pakistan can account deficit of $19 billion. coalition government is also in
overcome the vicious trap of However, in the financial year talks with the IMF for the resump-
currency devaluation by boosting 2019-20, the current account tion of the program. Furthermore,
its stagnant exports. Meager deficit fell sharply to just $2.9 Pakistan has also gained support
exports are a chronic problem on billion due to Pakistan's efforts to from friendly countries. China and
the part of Pakistan's economy. contain imports and the influx of Saudi Arabia extended billions of
Eight years ago, for example, massive remittances. Central dollars to be kept as reserves to
exports were recorded at $25 Bank's Roshan Digital Account boost the confidence of economic
billion. Exports till June 2021 initiative for overseas Pakistanis is stakeholders. In brief, aid from
remained stagnant at $25.6 worth eulogizing in this regard. financial institutions and friendly
billion. This is so small increase as Hence, an increase in remittances countries is the way forward to
compared to imports which can mitigate the harsh impacts of stabilize the currency.
jumped from $41.7 billion to $53.8 trade imbalance.
billion during the same period. 5. Imports on deferred payment
This stagnation is because the 3. State Bank’s intervention mode
economy could not be headed State Bank of Pakistan has also a Imports from friendly countries on
towards modern trends in the role to ease pressure on the green- a deferred payment basis are
global economy. Pakistan's back currency. SBP has two roles; another way forward to ease the
exports have been relying on the one let the dollar rise against the pressure that the local currency
same products since the 1980s. rupee, and second, to meet the has been facing due to dwindling
Pakistan could not achieve indus- surging demand for the dollar foreign exchange reserves.
trial growth. Agriculture produc- from its reserves. Both have dire Pakistan being the active country
tivity could not be boosted over consequences for the economy. It in the Muslim bloc can win this
time. Meager exports as com- is hard to let the dollar in favor easily. Previously, Pakistan
pared to imports are a huge free-floating conditions. It is also has won this favor from Muslim
breach of foreign exchange painful to maintain the exchange countries. In January this year,
reserves. This leads to the increase rate from its reserves as Pakistan Pakistan sought Liquefied Natural
in demand for the dollar against has limited reserves to meet Gas (LNG) from Qatar on a
the rupee as we pay to the interna- imports for a few months. There- deferred payment basis. In
tional community in dollars. In fore, the central bank has to November 2021, Pakistan secured
brief, increasing exports is the choose wisely in this condition to such a deal from International
effective way forward to over- help strengthen the local curren- Islamic Trade Finance Corporation
come many problems of the econ- cy. (ITFC) for the import of petroleum
omy, including financial stability. products worth $761.5 million on
4. Seeking aid from global deferred payment. The country, in
2. Boosting remittances financial institutions and this way, doesn't need to pay
Similarly, boosting remittances friendly countries immediately. This eases pressure
can help resolve the matter. Temporary help in form of aid on foreign exchange reserves and
Remittances are the inflows that from global financial institutions local currency subsequently.
people of a country, rendering or friendly countries can help

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2
CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2


CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

How to deal with his foes. He has been held

responsible for the murder
democracy or human rights.
Justin Bieber and Mon-
despots of a Washington Post col- ster-Jam motorsports sit
umnist. Yet he is also a mod- snugly alongside his des-
Published in The Economist erniser who has liberalised potic rule.
Saudi society, tamed the
For about 15 years after the kingdom’s clerics and given MBS is not alone. China is
fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, women new freedoms. Even asserting the merits of “peo-
Western foreign policy if you doubt MBS’s reforming ple-centred” human rights
seemed to rest on sure foun- zeal, Saudi Arabia produces that put peace and eco-
dations. Liberal values—de- oil that could help America nomic development above
mocracy, open markets, and its allies withstand an voting and free speech. Mr
human rights and the rule of even more dangerous man: Putin has invaded Ukraine in
law—had just prevailed over Vladimir Putin. Is the ethical what can be thought of as a
communism. America, the policy to shun MBS or sup war on Enlightenment
first and only global hyper- with him? values by a regime in thrall
power, had the clout to to a Russian brand of fas-
impose this moral code MBS also shows that Ameri- cism. When Western leaders
against terrorists and can power is less imposing entreat the global south to
tyrants. And tough love was than it seemed 15 years ago. stand up for the internation-
justified, because history Saudi Arabia has been close al system by condemning
had shown that Western to America since 1945, but Mr Putin, many say that they
values were the uncontest- MBS long snubbed Joe Biden have lost patience with
ed formula for peace, pros- by refusing to take his phone preachy, hypocritical West-
perity and progress. calls, instead palling up with erners who readily invade
an assertive Russia and a other countries whenever it
Another 15 years on, Western rising China. Saudi Arabia is suits them.
foreign policy is in a mess. To key to a region that America
see why, consider Muham- tried to mend by invading The Economist has not lost
mad bin Salman, the crown Iraq but, although America its faith in the institutions
prince of Saudi Arabia. Our and its allies are still formi- that emerged from the
summer double issue, fea- dable, the fighting has worn Enlightenment. Liberal
turing profiles and long out voters’ willingness to see values are universal. Yet the
reads, leads with a deeply their troops act as a global West’s strategy for promot-
reported portrait of MBS, as police force. Their reluctance ing its world-view is sputter-
he is known. It illustrates the is understandable. The ing and America and its
erosion of each of the three desert wars demonstrated allies need to be clear-
pillars of Western foreign that you cannot turn people er-eyed. They must balance
policy—values, power and into liberals by firing guns at what is desirable with what
that historic destiny. them. is possible. At the same time,
they must cleave to the prin-
The moral calculus turns out And history has bitten back. ciples that save them from
to be fraught. As our profile A young man in a hurry, MBS the cynicism of Mr Putin’s
concludes, the crown prince believes he can achieve desolate, truth-free zone.
has a tendency to be violent Western levels of prosperity That sounds like a counsel of
and erratic and to oppress without the inconvenience of perfection. Can it work?

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

The best way for Western chance to exert influence grubby. A clearer focus on
leaders to avoid charges of and helps solve otherwise outcomes after the Russian
hypocrisy is to refrain from insoluble problems—by annexation of Crimea in 2014
staking out moral positions means of climate deals, say; might have led to more
they cannot sustain. While or getting grain out of effective action by NATO
campaigning, Mr Biden Ukraine; or asking countries than the weak,
pledged to treat Saudi al-Shabab, an affiliate of conscience-salving sanc-
Arabia as a “pariah”. But this al-Qaeda, to help save tions they actually imposed.
month he went to Jeddah Somalia from starvation. Mr Unfortunately, Mr Biden’s
and fist-bumped MBS and Biden was right to talk to simplistic attempt to divide
was widely condemned for MBS. Emmanuel Macron, the world into democracies
hypocrisy and moral cow- France’s president, is right to and autocracies makes wise
ardice. In fact, his mistake talk to Mr Putin. Everyone trade-offs harder.
was a crowd-pleasing needs to talk to China’s
pledge that was always president, Xi Jinping. Ideals and their conse-
going to be a millstone in quences
office. There are ways to help keep The West has discovered
talks honest. In meetings you that simply trying to impose
Western leaders need to be can have your say on its values on despots like
honest about how much human rights. You can MBS is ultimately self-de-
influence they really have. temper your contact, as Mr feating. Instead, it should
The assumption that the rest Macron did after Russian marry pressure with persua-
need the West more than troops committed war sion and plain-speaking
the West needs the rest is crimes. You can insist on with patience. That may not
less true these days. In 1991 also speaking to the opposi- be as gratifying as outraged
the g7 produced 66% of tion and to dissidents. In this denunciations and calls for
global output; today, just and other things, Western boycotts and symbolic
44%. In hindsight it was leaders should co-ordinate sanctions. But it is more likely
hubris to think that dictator- with each other so that they to do some good.
ships could be cured of their are less likely to be picked off
pathologies by battalions of by a policy of divide and
human-rights lawyers and rule—by China over its treat-
market economists. Leaders ment of dissidents abroad,
ought to be clear about right for example, or the abuse of
and wrong, but when they
weigh up whether to impose
the Uyghur people in Xinji-
CSS 2023
sanctions on wrongdoers
they should assess the likely A last principle is to GRAB ANY
results rather than the acknowledge that foreign CSS COURSE AT
appearances of virtue. policy, like all government, 60% OFF
involves trade-offs. For most
Another principle is that countries that is so obvious it
talking is usually good. Some hardly needs saying. But the
say that turning up bestows West came to think that it
legitimacy. In reality, it gen- could have it all. Such
erates insights, creates a trade-offs need not be Click Here

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Who Should Be and her departure on

August 31 will come not a
To find the right person, we
need a process that is con-
the Next UN High moment too soon. sultative, transparent, and
Commissioner The question is, who should
competitive. As the United
Nations Association in the
for Human succeed her and what U.K. has said, it should be a
Rights? should be the process for
ensuring that the United
“fair, open and inclusive
appointment process.” Civil
Nations appoints the right society should be engaged
Published in The Diplomat
person to this vital role? and consulted.
Applications closed today,
Michelle Bachelet brought
and with the number of At the end of June, 63
disrepute and discredit to
human rights crises in the human rights organizations
the office of the United
world piling up – from published an open letter to
Nations High Commissioner
Ukraine to Myanmar, North the U.N. secretary-general,
for Human Rights.
Korea to Nigeria – there is a calling for the appointment
need to appoint a new High of someone who is of “high
While she spoke out on
Commissioner quickly. But it moral standing and person-
many vital human rights
is also essential to make the al integrity, and who is inde-
concerns around the world –
right appointment. pendent and impartial and
as is her job – she sold out to
possesses competency and
one of the world’s worst
What is needed is an indi- expertise in the field of
human rights violators, the
vidual who can restore the human rights.” It requires,
Chinese Communist Party
credibility of – and trust in – they said, “a human rights
regime. Her visit to China
the role of the U.N. High champion who is coura-
early this year was
Commissioner for Human geous and principled” – and
ill-judged, poorly timed,
Rights. The High Commis- a process that is “open,
badly executed, and gave
sioner is supposed to be the transparent and mer-
Beijing a propaganda coup.
world’s leading human it-based.” They are right.
Her extraordinary white-
rights advocate, the moral
washing of the Chinese
conscience of the interna- There are any number of
regime’s record – from the
tional rules-based order. strong candidates who
genocide of the Uyghurs to
They are meant to be an could be suitable. Someone
atrocities in Tibet, from the
advocate, not a diplomat or who has served with distinc-
dismantling of Hong Kong’s
a politician. Their role is to tion as one of the U.N. Spe-
freedoms and autonomy to
shine a light on human cial Rapporteurs, for exam-
the crackdown on civil soci-
rights violations and make ple.
ety and religious freedom in
recommendations – for the
mainland China – was
diplomats and politicians to South Korean academic
shameful. Her continued
then negotiate and imple- Yanghee Lee, who was spe-
failure to publish her office’s
ment. Bachelet’s problem cial rapporteur on human
report on Xinjiang is
was that she confused these rights in Myanmar from
roles and tried to be more of 2014-2020 and previously
a diplomat than the watch- chair of the Committee on
Her decision not to seek a
dog she should have been. the Rights of the Child and
second term is welcome,
chair of the Meeting of

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Chairpersons of Human
Rights Treaty Bodies, would
not be another former politi-
cian unless they are one with
US wrong to
be an excellent contender. an exemplary track record of greenlight
Former Indonesian Attor-
championing human rights.
ney-General Marzuki Darus- We have been fortunate unprovoked
man, who served as special
rapporteur on human rights
until recently with some
excellent High Commission-
attack on Gaza
in North Korea, a member of ers for Human Rights. All of
Published in Arab News
the Commission of Inquiry Bachelet’s predecessors
into crimes against humani- were people who took a
The American greenlighting
ty in North Korea, and courageous stand and led
of Israel’s unprovoked attack
chaired the Independent some groundbreaking
on the Gaza Strip is deeply
International Fact-finding initiatives. Navi Pillay initiat-
troubling. Washington justi-
Mission on Myanmar, would ed a U.N. inquiry into crimes
fied a wide-ranging attack
be another possibility. against humanity in North
that killed at least 44 Pales-
Korea. Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein
tinians, among them 15 chil-
Ahmed Shaheed, former called for an International
dren, based on a question-
foreign minister of the Mal- Criminal Court probe into
able justification.
dives who was a special the atrocity crimes suffered
rapporteur on human rights by Myanmar’s Rohingya.
As the barrage of Israeli fire
in Iran and then on freedom Louise Arbour, Sergio Vieira
caused death, destruction
of religion or belief, would be de Mello, and Mary Robinson
and fear to the nearly 2 mil-
yet another. were all distinguished
lion Palestinians besieged in
human rights champions.
the tiny enclave, the US State
Or it could be someone from
Department said that “Israel
outside the U.N. system. Let’s have someone of their
has the right to defend
There would be few better stature and experience,
choices than the director of someone with political and
the International Bar Associ- diplomatic nous, legal
But a careful chronological
ation’s Human Rights Initia- expertise and human rights
review of what happened
tive, top British lawyer Bar- experience who has the
does not provide a single
oness Helena Kennedy, QC. moral courage to recognize
piece of evidence that Israel
that the role of the High
was attacked or for it to
I have no idea whether any Commissioner for human
need this seal of approval
of the four individuals rights is to call out human
from the US.
named above have applied rights violations – and leave
or would want the job. But the diplomacy and politics
The latest round of violence
the point is, it should be to the diplomats and politi-
began last Tuesday, when
someone of their ilk. Some- cians. It is vital, for the credi-
Israel infiltrated the Jenin
one with the clout and credi- bility of the U.N. at this time of
refugee camp — a violation
bility that comes from years global crisis, that we get this
of the US-sponsored Oslo
of leading frontline human one right.
Accords — and arrested
rights advocacy, and a
Bassam Al-Saadi. Video
proven fearlessness about
from surveillance cameras
speaking the truth. It should
at his house show Israeli

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

soldiers brutally beating up hu — had signed up to it, that two-state solution and
and humiliating Al-Saadi as does not excuse the attack prayed for peace, freedom
they took him away. or the killing of innocent Pal- and dignity.
Three days later, Tel Aviv These calls are falling on
carried out another offen- Despite the unmistakable deaf ears now that his own
sive act, this time the illegal evidence of its initiation of State Department has
act of extrajudicial killing. the current round of greenlighted a violent attack
The assassination of Tayseer violence, Israel also falsely on Palestinians without any
Al-Jabari, again at his home, propagates that it was effort to begin a peace pro-
also resulted in the deaths of reacting to rockets that were cess that could lead to free-
a number of innocent Pales- launched at it from Gaza. dom — and with no attempt
tinians, including a Unfortunately, many in the by Biden to pressure Israel to
five-year-old child. Western media fell for this honor his own words.
blatant lie and repeated it
Israel claims that it carried without even attempting to Conflict resolution special-
out its actions against Pal- check whether it was cor- ists and history tell us that
estinians in Gaza as a pre- rect. you cannot end a bloody
ventative strike, aimed at a conflict only with military
leader of Palestinian Islamic The attack falls within the means. Israel may be pow-
Jihad. Israeli strategy of mowing erful, due in large part to the
the grass. Proponents of this military, financial and politi-
So, from the evidence on the strategy insist that, in the cal support it receives from
ground and by Israel’s own same way you need to cut the US and other Western
admission, the state of Israel the grass in your garden on countries, but all the military
was not attacked, meaning a regular basis, they have to power in the world will not
the US should not have given attack Palestinians on a reg- end a conflict that is largely
it the go-ahead to kill inno- ular basis to somehow keep a political one based simply
cent men, women and chil- them weak and unable to on the inalienable human
dren under the claim of carry out regular attacks. right of self-determination.
While these regular violent The oft-repeated US words
The reality, of course, is attacks against Palestinians about a two-state solution
much different. Israel’s care- are taking place, the current sound empty when any
taker government, headed Israeli government contin- neutral observer can witness
by an inexperienced former ues to adopt a no-peace the one-sided onslaught on
talk show host, is due to hold talks policy. It is refusing to Palestinians without any
a general election on Nov. 1. discuss with the Palestinians deterrence. If the US State
While Israeli commentators ways of finding a political Department honestly
may argue that the attack resolution to the conflict. believes in the right of Israe-
was based on the advice of lis to defend themselves,
the Israeli army and that all When US President Joe Biden what means does Washing-
relevant individuals — visited and met with Pales- ton think the Palestinians
including the head of the tinians in East Jerusalem should have in defending
opposition, former Prime and Bethlehem, he promised themselves from this brutal
Minister Benjamin Netanya- American support for the onslaught?

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Ayman may also take a harder line

on sensitive negotiations
education and cracking
down on journalists and
al-Zawahiri with Washington on the activists. The group will need
assassination: delivery of humanitarian
supplies and the unfreezing
to appease an angry rank
and file; simply shrugging off
The Taliban’s of Afghan Central Bank the raid and moving on will
biggest crisis assets. not cut it.

But over the longer term, The Taliban could also face
Published in Al Jazeera
al-Zawahiri’s killing could new threats from Islamic
exacerbate existing fissures State in Khorasan Province,
The drone attack that killed
within the group. Such inter- ISKP (ISIS-K), if they do not
al-Qaeda leader Ayman
nal churn could provide take a hard line towards the
al-Zawahiri has plunged the
openings for the emergence US. ISKP, a Taliban and
Taliban into an internal
of factions espousing more al-Qaeda rival, has already
crisis. The group has been
conciliatory and practical benefitted from the al-Za-
humiliated by a unilateral US
views but it could also lead wahiri killing because one of
military action and its
to dysfunction and danger its most senior nemeses has
relentless claims that it has
that affect governance and been eliminated. But it can
denied space to “terrorists”
raise questions about the also gain propaganda mile-
have been exposed as lies.
viability of the Taliban’s age by accusing the Taliban
future political control. of failing to anticipate the
This imperils two core, and
raid, or even of being com-
contradictory, Taliban goals:
For nearly a year, the Taliban plicit in it. ISKP fighters are
Maintaining the legitimacy
have celebrated their expul- clearly galvanised; this
of the group’s rank and file,
sion of foreign military forces week, they attempted
which includes hardened
and pledged to never let attacks on Shia observing
armed fighters and religious
them return. That is why the the Muharram holiday.
ideologues and securing
drone raid was such an em-
badly needed financial
barrassment for the Taliban The raid on al-Zawahiri also
assistance from an interna-
leadership but also for the risks alienating the Taliban’s
tional community already
battlefield commanders other hardliner allies present
reluctant to fund the Taliban
and fighters that fought US in Afghanistan, from the
because of concerns about
forces for nearly 20 years. Pakistani Taliban to Lash-
its “terrorist” ties.
Since their takeover, the Tali- kar-e-Taiba, all of which are
ban have made clear just aligned with al-Qaeda.
Initially, the Taliban are likely
how much they prioritise These groups are united in
to respond to the raid on
maintaining legitimacy from their hatred of US military
al-Zawahiri with defiance,
those constituencies: They forces, especially when
insisting they were not har-
have hosted ceremonies deployed on the soil of
bouring a terrorist and hard-
honouring the families of Muslim countries. Ironically,
ening their resistance to
suicide bombers, and held new Taliban tensions with
addressing longstanding
military parades that show- fighters could strengthen
international demands, from
case US weaponry, even the group’s narrative that it
letting older girls return to
while alienating common is distancing itself from “ter-
school to forming a more
Afghans by limiting girls’ rorists” – but they also raise
inclusive government. They

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

the risk of these groups turn- unsurprising, given the ers will not bend. They hold
ing their guns on the Taliban. especially deep ties some of the leadership’s top
between the Haqqanis and positions, and they embrace
Furthermore, in the immedi- al-Qaeda. According to ideologies that reflect the
ate term, Washington will scholars Don Rassler and Taliban’s fundamental iden-
not be keen to engage with Vahid Brown, the Haqqani tity.
the Taliban. It is furious that network has functioned
al-Zawahiri lived in central within al-Qaeda “as an In the past, the Taliban’s
Kabul, and believes some interdependent system.” supreme leadership suc-
Taliban leaders knew he was cessfully suppressed inter-
there. With the US taking a Many Taliban leaders likely nal revolts, often with force.
tough line on the Taliban, are not happy that al-Zawa- That may happen this time,
and in no mood to discuss hiri took shelter in Kabul. too. But that was easier to do
expanding assistance or Others are likely furious that when the group was an
unfreezing Afghan bank his presence has subjected armed uprising, with much
funds, the Taliban have little the group to deep humilia- less stress, without the
incentive to contemplate a tion and a potential internal heavy responsibilities of
more conciliatory position. legitimacy crisis. And others governing and addressing
US-Taliban relations, awk- likely fear someone within immense policy challenges,
ward and uneasy before the the group’s ranks shared without a galvanised rival
al-Zawahiri raid, are poised al-Zawahiri’s location with like ISKP, and without an
to become downright toxic. the CIA. Al-Zawahiri himself external event that could
once reportedly confided to cause such dramatic inter-
But relations within the Tali- al-Qaeda founder Osama nal shocks. Institutional divi-
ban could become toxic, too. Bin Laden that he did not sions were previously casual
The group’s internal divi- trust Taliban leaders and distractions; today, they
sions are well known: There they did not trust him. could become corrosive
are differences between the dangers. If these internal
fighter ranks and the civilian The missile attack humiliat- tensions become all con-
representatives long based ed the Taliban. They also suming, governance and
in the Taliban political office face the ire of the group’s political control could face
in Doha; between ideologi- rank and file. And they will threats and provide open-
cally-driven mullahs and now face even more difficul- ings for new armed opposi-
more practically minded ty in securing international tion groups. This would
leaders who support more support to address raging mean the risk of renewed
international engagement; humanitarian and econom- violence and civil war. In the
and between the Haqqani ic crises driven in great part most extreme scenario, the
network faction and Taliban by sanctions that prevent missile that tore through
authorities from Kandahar, money from flowing into the al-Zawahiri could tear apart
the group’s birthplace. country. This state of play the Taliban.
means that those factions
An individual close to that support more pragmat- For now, the Taliban appear
Sirajuddin Haqqani, the Tali- ic and conciliatory positions to be buying themselves
ban interior minister, report- may have an opportunity to time as they consider how to
edly owns the home that make a power play. And yet, proceed: They refused to
sheltered al-Zawahiri. This is the ideologues and hardlin- confirm al-Zawahiri was

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

killed and instead promised with minimal training. But as The first step is to defang
an investigation. In the the war drags on, a Russia’s military. Poor train-
immediate term, the Taliban Ukrainian victory now ing and low morale among
are likely to talk tough, con- requires its friends to be its troops have made the
demn the raid, and double more methodical in the sup- Russian military dependent
down on the same policies port they provide. on artillery fire as its fore-
that have provoked interna- most means of killing the
tional sanctions and pre- The gruelling battle in the enemy, or driving them
vented the inflow of eastern city of Severodo- backwards. At the height of
much-needed overseas netsk illustrates the chal- the fighting for Severodo-
funding. lenges faced by Ukrainian netsk Russian forces were
forces as they prepare for firing 20,000 rounds a day,
But eventually, the Taliban the next round of fighting. and they are thought to
could face an inflexion point Russia’s success there was have sufficient ammunition
as they grapple with humili- achieved in three stages. reserves to keep this up for
ation, a traumatised rank First, Russian armoured several years.
and file, more international thrusts to the north and
opprobrium, and intensify- south brought the roads But this dependence on
ing internal divisions – all of leading to Severodonetsk artillery is also a major
which will further tax their into artillery range, prevent- vulnerability. Because Russia
already-overwhelming gov- ing Ukraine from setting up has limited stocks of preci-
ernance responsibilities. its own artillery to defend the sion weapons, and even
Over their nearly 30 years of city. Second, Russian infan- fewer personnel with the
existence, the Taliban have try attacks on the city forced training to operate them, it
never experienced such a Ukrainian forces to defend relies on the mass applica-
serious crisis. unsupported positions. Third, tion of unguided shells.
Russian artillery killed and These must be moved from
Jack Watling on wounded thousands
Ukrainian soldiers.
of large depots and stockpiled
before being shuttled to
how Ukraine can Russian batteries by logistics
There is now a lull in the units. The scale of materiel
avoid a war of fighting. Ukraine has with- involved means that these
attrition drawn to a more defensible stockpiles cannot be readily
line to the west, while Rus- concealed, making them a
Published in The Economist sian forces have paused to relatively easy target. As
bring up freshly mobilised Ukraine has demonstrated
RUSSIA’S INVASION of Ukraine units and reposition their over the past two weeks,
on February 24th brought guns. As they regroup, precision long-range rocket
about a desperate scramble Ukraine and its partners strikes can effectively starve
among allies for weapons to must answer two questions. Russia’s artillery of ammuni-
equip the Ukrainian armed How can they prevent Russia tion.
forces. Countries prioritised from repeating what it did in
sending what was immedi- Severodonetsk? And how However, that merely sup-
ately available, and what the can Ukraine begin to retake presses Russia’s guns rather
Ukrainian military could use its lost territory? than removing the threat,
since Russia can just move

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

more ammunition forward. structure. Unlike the destruc- learning on the job. While
How long Ukraine can sus- tion of ammunition, which distributing some personnel
tain this suppression only suppresses Russia’s from existing units among
depends on the number of artillery, the destruction of the conscripts has helped to
rockets its partners are able headquarters—and there- raise standards, these units
to provide. The other import- fore of trained operators lack experienced com-
ant question is what Ukraine who are familiar with Rus- manders who can co-ordi-
does with the freedom cre- sia’s battlespace manage- nate combined-arms
ated by the lifting of Russian ment systems—will have a actions. If Ukraine is to con-
fire. Without the threat of more permanent effect. duct a major counteroffen-
constant shelling, it should These people cannot be sive and ultimately drive the
be possible for Ukraine to replaced quickly. Their Russian army out, these
step up its attacks on Rus- deaths will slow down the individuals must be properly
sia’s guns themselves. Russian invasion. trained and prepared. Infan-
try usually receive 28 weeks
For this, Ukraine will need its These steps combined may of training; Ukrainian volun-
allies to provide a consistent cripple Russia’s ability to teers being trained in Britain
supply of 155mm artillery seize more Ukrainian territo- are receiving just three.
ammunition for its newly ry. But a true Ukrainian victo-
acquired NATO-built howit- ry will also require liberating Ukraine’s partners could
zers. Ukraine is rapidly burn- territory that has already provide training to both
ing through its stocks of been captured. This will command staff and new
Soviet-legacy 152mm am- demand a large-scale recruits. But it is also import-
munition, and so must tran- counteroffensive. Here, it is ant to ensure that Ukraine
sition to NATO systems if it is important to appreciate that does not launch a counter-
to destroy Russia’s guns. some Ukrainian military attack before its forces are
Ukraine will also need plenty units are more capable than
of unmanned aerial vehicles others. The best, comprising
to locate targets. Russia is around five brigades—a
using electronic warfare to brigade typically comprises
prevent Ukrainian drones 2,000-4,000 troops—are
from collecting accurate highly skilled and have a
location data. One way to wealth of military experi-
suppress that interference
would be to provide Ukraine
ence. CSS 2023
with anti-radiation loitering These units, however, have
munitions: essentially, muni- been at the forefront of the
60% OFF
tions that can home in on defence throughout the past
the emissions given off by five months, have suffered
Russian jammers. heavy casualties, and are
exhausted. The bulk of
The final means by which Ukraine’s military today is
the Russian military can be made up of conscripts who
defanged is through the have received just days of
destruction of its com- training and have been
mand-and-control infra- Click Here

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

fully prepared. Otherwise it sarily demonize the British as ignorance and negligence.
risks incurring heavy casual- colonial administrators in Churchill’s condemnation
ties. Now that Ukraine’s sur- India, painting them as was regarding a British act
vival is assured, its interna- “1984”-style common histor- within a British forum; an
tional allies must properly ical enemies. The second apology to the Indian
evaluate the scale and assumption is that such a masses is still pending.
timeframe required to bring narrative paints an egre-
about victory. Ukraine can gious and violent picture of Furthermore, it is unclear
win this war, but it needs the the Crown’s apparently who is “regarding” the mas-
sustained support of its benevolent imperial rule. sacre as a “unique” incident.
friends. Third and finally, this The Western apologist that
anti-colonial narrative is defends colonialism under
Imperialist dismissed as essentially a
propaganda tool of
the garb of “rationality” is an
age-old trope that dates
Apologia: Salt on right-wing nationalists to back to the emergence of
further politically radicalize colonialism itself. The
Colonial the population against common trope associated
Wounds minorities. Problematically, with the supposedly rational
colonial apologists also commentators presumes
Published in The Diplomat operationalize “wha- their sole claim to an “objec-
taboutism” to talk about tive” vantage point. Often
The internet certainly has a practices related to local the basis for this self-ap-
bottling effect, often creat- customs (such as sati) while pointed vantage point is
ing echo chambers occu- deflecting the principal sub- their direct (albeit usually
pied by hubris, biases, and ject matter of these memo- minimal) experience or
homogeneous views. The ries: oppression and exposure to an otherwise
idea that access to the exploitation within the British alien entity. Based on this,
internet, along with the pro- civilizing mission in India. they claim that their position
liferation of liberal-progres- is elevated and absolved;
sive ideals, has instilled a In Tombs’ article, the deflec- the “I can’t be racist
true recognition of the trav- tion is most visible when because I have a black
esties associated with colo- discussing Jallianwala Bagh friend” narrative. Tombs, for
nialism is often, in truth, a (the Amritsar Massacre) as example, states that he has
misleading, opaque veil. an anomaly in an otherwise visited India “half a dozen
Robert Tombs’ recent movie benign colonial administra- times” – a fact that has
review on the Indian histori- tion. The shallow recollection apparently allowed him to
cal blockbuster “RRR” in The of developments after the capture the entire national
Spectator is a stark (but not massacre, including Chur- sentiment around British
a surprising) reminder of chill’s condemnation in the colonialism and definitively
this. British Parliament, substan- conclude that there is no
tiate the claim that the hor- hostility toward the memory
Western apologia of British rific incident was “regarded of British colonial rule. After
colonialism is based on at the time as a unique and all, he knows Indians whose
three fundamental assump- shocking atrocity.” Yet ancestors’ held office under
tions. First, films and other viewed in another light, this the British Raj.
artworks like “RRR” unneces- same example is one of

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

This narrative additionally to merely elucidate a certain they committed. The larger
implies that most of the parochial understanding of issue here is an attempt
infrequent and erratic cases India, its people, and their toward sidelining, under the
of violence that did emerge intergenerational memory. guise of objectivity and
were effectively the fault of The crux of the argument rationality, the emerging
Indian administrators, as, by here is a larger one. With voices that resent the
1920, the British were “dis- Tombs’ views serving as an exploitation and oppression
tant” supervisors. This can anchor point, it is essential to of entire civilizations in the
be tightly debated. However, look at a particular vein of interest of profit. Resistance
it still does not change the thought within Western aca- and critique of power funda-
fact that statist officers and demia aimed toward the mentally cannot exist within
enforcers made use of the absolution and obfuscation spaces that are dictated by
assent of the (colonial) state of the colonial fact (and with those being critiqued. Impe-
as well as its monopoly over it, the full import of atrocities rial sympathizers must rec-
violence against Indians – committed during colonial- ognize that resentment and
revolutionaries or not. ism across the globe). anger are (unfortunately, for
them) not a commodity that
A simple thought exercise This self-absolution requires the Empire can appropriate,
within this conception of the impressive revisionist gym- control, and reap for profit.
British Colonial Rule in India nastics, which firstly claim
reveals the relevant nuance. that anti-colonial voices are The impulse to dissociate
If, ultimately, these acts of falsely maligning the Empire from the barbarities of one’s
violence upon Indians were (read: the British). Imperial past is not an unnatural
undertaken by other Indians sympathizers seem vehe- reaction in the face of
within the British administra- mently of the opinion that accountability, but it is one
tion, who gave the right, the claims about atrocities and that must be addressed.
legal framework, the tools, human rights violations Accountability is the under-
and the socio-politico fram- committed by the EIC, and lying motive of movies such
ing for this power asymme- later the British Crown, are as “RRR,” “Lagaan,” and
try among the Indian popu- blown out of proportion; “Sardar Udham.”
lation? This is not to cover up instead, the reports of mass
the fact that socioeconomic murder, torture, and admin- It would be deviously
divides and violence did istratively facilitated fam- pedantic to assume that
exist in India before the ines were unfortunate these films are meant to be
advent of the East India events and collateral an accurate account of
Company (EIC); however, it damage in their noble and events, especially since they
has to be noted the British benevolent efforts at bring- explicitly claim to be a
cunningly weaponized these ing civilization to a barbaric fictional reimagining of the
divides for their benefit people. period in question. It is
through legal and political essential to understand here
doctrines such as the doc- Second, a portion of Europe- that literally every piece of
trine of lapse or the an academia seems to media (that is not a docu-
divide-and-rule philosophy. believe that similar atrocities mentary of some sort)
committed by other empires involved with a historical
The purpose behind looking and occupiers somehow period is at least partially
closely at such claims is not absolve them of the crimes fictional. The story of Sho-

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

sanna Dreyfus in “Inglorious nothing more than “distant” fueled and justified occupa-
Basterds” is fictional, but supervisors, implying that tion. It is, therefore, of para-
does this take away from the British-schooled officials of mount importance to point
film’s depiction of the genu- Indian descent, or in the out that the colonization of
ine terror and brutality of the words of Homi Bhabha, India does not merely
German occupation? Indi- mimic-men, were in charge denote the physical pres-
vidual events portrayed in of most of the governance. ence of the occupying
works of fiction (of such What is often ignored is that forces but extends to a psy-
nature) serve not as accu- this is precisely one of the chological intrusion into the
rate, historical accounts of central themes of such proj- very minds of people, which
actual occurrences but as ects. The operationalization was designed to fracture
an aggregate of the emo- of the “almost the same, but their sense of identity.
tions and experiences of the not quite/White” officials, as
oppressed. The story of ideological sentries, almost Postcolonial texts, of which
“Django Unchained” is like marionettes, which “RRR” is the newest para-
fictional, but it would be could oppress their own digm, are a means of
jarring to read an apologist people, is indicative of the reclaiming a subjective
claiming that it is Black pro- true horror of colonialism. expression by a people
paganda that serves to The father in “RRR,” Venkata coping with a past riddled
demonize slave owners. Rama Raju, before his disillu- with acute objectification,
sionment, exhibits a “partial dehumanization, and
Semantics may be endlessly presence” of the colonial exploitation. One must not
argued as a means of abso- within him. He is a tool that forget that colonialism was
lution of guilt. In the interest looks like those he is a project of bringing the light
of being historically accu- charged to oppress, or in of civilization to the “not yet
rate, one may only look at Thomas Macaulay’s words, wholly human” (as per Lord
the timeline of the abolition a “person(s) Indian in blood Roseberry). While it would be
of slavery in Britain and the and colour, but English in relatively straightforward, if
indentured servitude that tastes, in opinions, in morals, not a bit tedious, to list all the
proliferated in Fiji and Mauri- and in intellect.” dehumanizing acts of the
tius, among other places. British during their most
Venkata Rama Raju did not noble mission in India, it
It seems that a refresher on exist, but he is a figure that would be more profitable to
the modalities of colonialism embodies a seldom talk- look at an example of the
is in order to remind Tombs ed-about psychological ideological justifications
and others who share his dimension of colonialism. behind such practices.
perspective of the particu- The British project in India
lars of a postcolonial posi- (and elsewhere) did not To circle back to the sup-
tion. It is fundamental to any thrive merely by policies posedly “unique and shock-
constructive communica- incompatible with the land ing” Jallianwala Bagh Mas-
tion, especially one of such they were occupying or sacre, a mere five years
historic valence. violent suppression of the before the “anomalous
indigenous populace. Those event” the 1914 British Military
Tombs claims in his review were simply manifestations Manual maintained that
that the British, by the period of ideological and essential- “civilized” states were
portrayed in the film, were ly theoretical constructs that exempt from the constraints

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

of the Laws of War (regard- that British students will con- underlying it all is one harsh
ing attacks on civilians, sume media such as “RRR” reality: Pummeling Palestin-
torture, treatment of prison- and will cite and discuss ians wins votes and bears
ers, etc.) in their operations them as “historical few political costs. It certain-
in and against “uncivilized” evidence.” Honestly, if this ly does so in Israel, and
states. The point remains leads to British academic arguably in other largely
that the Empire’s relation to curricula being more forth- Western countries that suffer
the Indian populace, much coming about the harrowing from widespread anti-Arab,
like its other colonies, was colonial past, this is a devel- anti-Palestinian racism.
not simply that of the self opment most welcome and
and other, but of the self and necessary. “RRR” joins a long Once again, the 2 mil-
a supposedly subhuman list of Indian films that have lion-plus Palestinians of
other. This dehumanizing criticized British rule, fiction- Gaza were the cannon
gaze of the British is evoked alized actual experiences, fodder, hemmed in their 365
in “RRR,” where a bullet is and independently adopted sq km cage for 15 years. As
deemed too expensive to be postcolonial rhetoric that is the UN special rapporteur on
wasted on “worthless trib- not often digestible to some. the Occupied Territories
als.” We believe this is because it tweeted: “Operation Break-
is more comforting to revel ing Dawn is a flagrant act of
It is not surprising, therefore, in their intended amnesia aggression.”
that (as Tombs complains) than confront their nasty,
the “villains are British,” both egregious, and simply unjust On this occasion, the Israeli
in “RRR” and in Indian history. past. leadership did not even wait
To echo Zizek, who draws
from Benjamin, the very act
of revisiting history is an
Gazans will
ideological practice of cre- continue to
ating that which one is
returning to. Apologists of suffer even as
colonial rule must be made rocket fire
aware of this as they
attempt to paint a picture of paused
benevolence and fondly CSS 2023
reminisce of a time when the Published in Arab News DISCOUNT
sun did not set on the British GRAB ANY
Empire. Hopefully, the latest Israeli CSS COURSE AT

In his conclusion, Tombs

bombing of Gaza has drawn
to a close. However, the 60% OFF
claims that nowadays, aggression through the
people will “swallow” any- blockade continues and
thing negative about British Israelis will benefit from any
imperialism. Alternatively, sense of calm.
nowadays, everyone ques-
tions the force-fed sug- Many will ponder the precise
ar-coated imperial rhetoric reasons why violence flared
of the British. He predicts up over the weekend, but
Click Here

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

for an excuse. In the past, had been even more suc- icies to his predecessors,
Palestinian groups started cessful than anticipated. whether on Gaza, Jerusalem,
firing rockets into Israel Al-Aqsa, settlements or
either for their own reasons The reality is that Israel is in ethnic cleansing. He just
or after deliberate Israeli election season. Untested tends to package it in sweet
provocations designed to Prime Minister Yair Lapid felt talk and smiles.
produce a violent reaction. it was in his interest to
demonstrate his hard-line But all of this is a mirage.
This was, according to Israeli security credentials as he Constantly bombing and
figures, a pre-emptive strike. goes up against the caging Palestinians in Gaza
But the absence of hard, self-styled “Mr. Security,” does not augment Israeli
independently verifiable Benjamin Netanyahu, who security. This attack on Gaza
evidence leaves open alter- leads in the polls. Lapid may have ended, with the
native possibilities. The Israel showed that he too can rocket and mortar fire
Defense Forces claimed: bomb Gaza without hesita- paused, and this ceasefire
“Due to the imminent threat tion. may hold, but at some point
of attack against Israeli civil- it will all kick off again. In the
ians posed by the Islamic As ever, we have been here meantime, Palestinians will
Jihad terrorist organization before. Shimon Peres have to bury 44 of their
in Gaza, we began Operation bombed Lebanon in 1996 as number and dig through the
‘Breaking Dawn’ earlier he tried, unsuccessfully, to rubble of 700 destroyed
today.” Israeli leaders were ward off an insurgent Net- homes.
quick to proclaim the assas- anyahu. Ehud Olmert
sination of Palestinian bombed Gaza at the tail end
Islamic Jihad commander of 2008 in Operation Cast
Tayseer Al-Jabari in Gaza as Lead, in advance of the elec-
a huge victory. But strangely, tions where he too lost to
given his supposed status, Netanyahu. Lapid also reck-
an Israeli army spokesper- lessly permitted further
son could not even remem- mass Jewish prayer on the
ber the man’s name. Al-Aqsa Mosque compound
on Sunday during the reli-
The head of the military’s gious holiday of Tisha B’Av, CSS 2023
Operations Directorate risking broadening the con- DISCOUNT
claimed Israel had killed the frontation. GRAB ANY
entire top brass of the CSS COURSE AT
group’s military wing. A
somewhat grand claim per-
The lesson is that you
cannot be more right than
60% OFF
haps, but it certainly includ- the right, more hawkish than
ed southern brigade com- the hawks. However hard
mander Khaled Mansour, a Lapid tries, he cannot outdo
hugely influential Palestinian Netanyahu. The other lesson
Islamic Jihad leader. By — not being learned in many
Sunday, the head of Shin Bet quarters it seems — is that
was briefing the Security Lapid is no peacenik. He is
Cabinet that the operation pursuing near-identical pol- Click Here

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Practically nobody in Israeli come to regret this if Hamas Truss has, to my knowledge,
politics is honest enough to loses any ability to exercise never once criticized Israel’s
admit that the country’s any restraint on Palestinian behavior or illegal actions.
Gaza policy is a total and Islamic Jihad and it But when Russia carries out
utter failure. It remains a becomes a more fractured, similar actions, she calls
policy of insecurity. Tel Aviv unpredictable actor. Hamas them war crimes and backs
prefers to keep Israeli soci- and the Israeli leadership sanctions. The Arab world
ety in a semi-permanent have established a modus should be truly worried if
state of fear rather than vivendi. such extremist attitudes,
develop a viable relationship coated in hypocrisy and
with the Gaza Strip and its With each round of Israeli double standards, are
residents. aggression on Gaza, the exhibited from Downing
international silence grows Street.
Just as there is no doubt louder. The US was just mon-
about the use of military itoring the situation, while This is not a two-sided con-
force on Gaza, even less the EU said it was following flict between equal parties. It
discussion takes place events in Gaza with “great is not a war. Israel occupies
about the Israeli blockade. concern.” Great concern Gaza. It is a question of sub-
Even before the bombing, means it will do nothing. No jugation and colonization.
Israel totally shut the bor- European or American lead- Israel pulverizing Palestin-
ders on Aug. 2. The Gaza ers will be interrupting their ians in Gaza is a regular,
power station had to close summer holidays. even routine, event. This
down and much of the Strip should never have become
had no electricity, with The most jaw-droppingly normalized, but sadly this is
power cuts of up to 20 hours chilling, even Siberian, state- exactly what has happened.
a day. ment came from British

Yet Palestinian Islamic Jihad

foreign secretary and likely
next prime minister Liz Truss.
A crisis of trust?
is no innocent party here. Its She produced an extraordi-
Published in Dawn
actions do not warrant the nary defense of the indefen-
war crime that is the collec- sible, stating: “The UK stands
THE most damaging fallout
tive punishment of Gaza, but by Israel and its right to
of the constant demonisa-
the Iran-backed group has, defend itself. We condemn
tion of opponents by politi-
in 2022, carried out attacks terrorist groups firing at civil-
cal leaders is erosion of
inside Israel and sought to ians and violence which has
public trust in politicians.
provoke it as well. How much resulted in casualties on
of this is an Iranian agenda both sides. We call for a swift
The PTI and parties in the
is hard to tell. end to the violence.”
coalition government
accuse each other all the
What was notable was the Anyone would think it was
time of being venal, dishon-
inaction of Hamas. Israeli Gaza that was occupying
est and corrupt. Their lead-
commanders believe that Israel, that it was Palestinian
ers and spokespersons
one success of the operation groups that attacked first.
expend more energy in hurl-
has been to drive a massive This is victim blaming on an
ing such allegations than
wedge between the two epic scale. During her entire
explaining their own policies
Gazan groups. Yet they may period as foreign secretary,
and how they aim to serve

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

the public. The words ‘daku’ Political polarization today experiencing declining
and ‘chor’ are now so com- has reached a record level public confidence in the
monly used that they are with the government and political system and govern-
firmly embedded in the nar- opposition locked in unre- ments, irrespective of their
ratives of all political parties. mitting confrontation. This political complexion. This
affects the public’s view of now appears to be wide-
Non-stop smearing of politi- leaders, especially when spread and is reflected in
cal rivals may be the new their focus and priority opinion polls across the
normal but it has serious should be on pressing eco- world.
consequences. The entire nomic challenges and alle-
political class is brought into viating the hardship people A body of literature has
disrepute by rhetoric, ampli- are going through. This does evolved that examines this
fied by the media, associat- more than cause public phenomenon, which has
ing it with scandal and disaffection with politicians. different factors to explain it
financial malfeasance. in various countries. But it
It impacts trust in political also has commonalities.
It is claimed that some lead- institutions as they are seen
ers have a Teflon quality as to be little more than vehi- Among the general reasons
nothing negative sticks to cles in a power struggle, identified are rising and
them in the eyes of their disconnected from issues of unmet expectations, a
supporters, who are willing public concern. Alienation growing gap between politi-
to discard facts even when from the political system cal elites and the public,
confronted with them. That follows. This is corrosive of conduct of leaders, govern-
happens to be true. But it democracy which needs an ments’ remoteness from
overlooks the impact on the engaged and ‘trusting’ citi- citizens, economic perfor-
general populace and on zenry. mance being critical in peo-
those who have no partisan ple’s evaluation of compe-
loyalties. When political engagement tence and the information
is disincentivised by peo- revolution that has empow-
They account for at least ple’s perception that politics ered people in unprece-
half the country’s adult pop- is shorn of public purpose, dented ways.
ulation, if turnout in general the democratic system is
elections is any guide. undermined. Confidence A key factor that emerges in
erodes in governments if the discussion are the nega-
In the 2018 polls, almost 50 they are seen to be driven by tive repercussions of political
per cent of the electorate narrow political interests polarisation in countries, both
were non-voters. Most can and lack competence. in the East and West. This is
be assumed to have no party widely viewed as a cause of
allegiance. People listening Trust is a crucial element to waning public confidence in
to allegations that sully the make any system work. Low political institutions and those
reputation of political rivals public esteem for political in charge of them.
and accuse them of being elites and governments can
‘traitors’ are left with the even create a legitimacy Non-stop smearing of politi-
impression that the entire deficit. cal rivals may be the new
political elite is self-serving normal but it has serious
and short on probity. Pakistan is not alone in consequences.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Turning to Pakistan, the con- But according to legal the establishment to take
duct of state institutions also experts, so has the higher their side rather than stay
influences public trust. judiciary on occasion. The out of politics.
Again, perceptions shape most recent illustration was
reality. the view of a significant sec- Does all of this add up to a
tion of the legal community crisis of trust in political
Institutions like the judiciary that the Supreme Court’s leaders and institutions? To
are questioned when they interpretation of Article 63-A some extent, yes. But it
are perceived to provide of the Constitution was tan- doesn’t have to be this way.
uneven and selected justice. tamount to “rewriting the
It is not a cliché that justice Constitution”. Trust can be rebuilt if politi-
must also be seen to be cal leaders learn to rise
done. This is an immutable Opinion polls show public above themselves and give
principle of any justice confidence in the army is primacy to public concerns
system. much higher than in other over partisan interests. If
institutions. Even so, the they also accept that oppo-
When people perceive history of military coups and nents are not enemies to be
double standards or unfair- the more recent experience vilified and vanquished but
ness in the application of of what is called ‘hybrid’ rule rivals in political competi-
justice it involves reputa- — in which the military tion. Confidence in institu-
tional damage. A history of involved itself in several tions too can be built if con-
controversial judgements, aspects of civilian gover- stitutional restraints and
from the judicial assassina- nance — have taken a toll on rules are observed in deeds,
tion of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto to its public image. not just words.
repeated legitimisation of
military coups, have bred
public cynicism over time
There is more public ques-
tioning now of the military’s
about the higher judiciary. role in politics and engage- Economic Woes
Exclusivist interpretations of ments in areas beyond its
who is ‘sadiq’ and who is professional remit — real or Published in The Nation
‘amin’ has not helped to perceived. Concern has long
dispel scepticism. been voiced about the Pakistan’s debt has reached
implications for democracy 88 percent of GDP, from
Moreover, when institutions of the power asymmetry March to June 2022, there
are seen to overstep their between elected and was a loss of 500 billion
role and intervene in unelected institutions. Such rupees to the national trea-
domains beyond what is is the burden of history that sury. The previous govern-
constitutionally permitted it even when the establish- ment endangered the coun-
provokes controversy and ment insists it is steering try’s economy by announc-
also diminishes public trust. clear of politics and is apolit- ing an amnesty scheme in
At times parliaments and ical, doubts are expressed reducing prices of petrol,
the executive have acted in about these claims. At times and energy manufacturing
ways that exceeded their criticism is clearly politically products and lowering taxes.
constitutionally sanctioned motivated coming from Later on, the current govern-
powers. political leaders who want ment increased the prices of

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

electricity and petroleum Among the detrimental increased, so did the price of
products at the terms of effects of the floods are the fertilizer. Thus, the expendi-
International Monetary Fund loss of life, damage to infra- ture required for cultivation
(IMF). Besides, the previous structure like dams, roads, of the rice crop has
regimes in Pakistan while bridges, agricultural prod- increased two to three times.
neglecting the agriculture ucts, livestock, irrigation sys-
sector, are now importing tems, and flood control According to National Disas-
agricultural commodities structures. Floods will ter Management Authority
worth $9 billion which the worsen price hikes and (NDMA), 3248 houses have
country used to export earli- cause shortage of edible been completely destroyed
er. domestic products in the while 5131 have been partial-
affected areas and there are ly damaged, 615 km of roads
Amidst the economic crisis, different restraints in and 49 small and big bridg-
recent floods in Pakistan, demand and supply of vari- es across the country have
and particularly in Baluch- ous basic items due to barri- been mutilated by floods.
istan, have worsened the ers in road pathways. Sig- The highest number of com-
economic scenario further. nificantly, access to clean plete houses were destroyed
In every city and region, potable water is the main in Baluchistan with a total of
unsophisticated and illegal hurdle in flood hit areas and 2536 while 1417 were partially
constructions on water unavailability of clean water damaged.
pathways are established. has the potential to aggra-
The main question is who will vate further diseases like Pakistan is generating
take care of the waterways diarrhea, vomiting and body expensive electricity from
where people have not been immune system. $14 billion worth of furnace
taken care of? According to oil, while country`s external
the Pakistan Meteorological The availability of clean debt has reached $129
Department (PMD), till the drinking water due to high billion ignoring cheaper
last week of July 2022, there demand and low supply will sources of alternative
has been 192 percent more deteriorate if there are energy. In this time, floods
rain than the average in significant and protracted have further worsened the
Pakistan. The average rain- floods. Floods have dam- situation, which have
fall in Pakistan in July is 51.5 aged rice weighing approxi- washed away multiple elec-
mm, but this year it has been mately 2.6 million tons, sug- tric poles, electric cables,
150 mm. According to PMD in arcane weighing 7.4 million gas pipelines and other
July 2022, there was 132.4 tons, cotton weighing 0.8 energy infrastructure, which
mm of rainfall in Baluch- million tons, and maize ultimately adds burden on
istan’s which is 443 percent weighing 0.4 million tons the national economy in the
more in comparison to last and many more losses have shape of spending on
decade that was 24 mm not yet been reported. Paki- restoring the damaged
approximately. This enor- stan’s imports, trade deficit infrastructure. The foreign
mous rise in precipitation and political crisis are caus- exchange reserves of merely
triggered rain induced ing a continuous increase in $8 billion have been left for
floods in the province, push- the value of the dollar and only one month of imports
ing people lives and their declining the value of rupee. and Pakistan will face further
mud houses into peril. As the price of petroleum acute inflation.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Therefore, federal and pro- the very soul of our social promotes analytical as well
vincial governments need to fabric? as problem-solving skills.
assist the flood affected Critical thinking is the key to
areas as a top priority to Of all overlapping and inter- informed decision-making.
save the national economy related factors, inherent Unlike sentimentalism that
from declining further. The flaws in the country’s edu- encourages blind political
concerned authorities have cation system share the allegiance, critical thinking
to clear the rain pathways greatest responsibility of this demands questioning the
and provide alternative road national mess. An uncritical veracity, logic and intent of
pathways to ensure access education system built on narratives and ideas. It is an
to basic commodities, food colonial remnants and effective tool to vet facts
items and clean water to veneered with religiosity from falsified notions.
avoid any further disruption could not equip the public
in the demand and supply with ideas and skills neces- Pakistan’s educational
chain. sary in the modern world. system is plagued with
Since critical thinking and anomalies. Rote learning
Education and dissent are hardly encour-
aged in Pakistan’s academic
and memorisation, dwin-
dling scope of dissent, par-
critical thinking and public discourse, soci- roting of facts, distortion and
ety keeps on wrestling with falsification of historical
Published in The Express Tribune socio-economic backward- events, outdated syllabi,
ness, intellectual stagnation authoritarian pedagogical
Have you ever reflected on and chronic elite capture. practices, dearth of
why our educational system state-of-the-art infrastruc-
failed to unlock our inherent Before analysing the coun- ture, glamorisation of the
cognitive potentials? Why it try’s intellectual dilemma, it English language at the cost
is not apt at producing is pertinent to describe criti- of content, lack of conceptu-
scientists and scholars par cal thinking in a holistic al frameworks, and lack of
excellence? Why majority of manner. Critical thinking is curricular coherence char-
our students lag far behind an active cognitive engage-
in innovation, creativity and ment in contextualising,
scientific discourse? What analysing, synthesising and
prevents democracy to take applying information col-
roots in the country? Why lected through reflection,
populism, demagoguery
and tribalism keep on defin-
observation, communica-
tion and experience. Critical
CSS 2023
ing the country’s political reasoning enables one to
landscape? What is wedg- come up with substantiated,
ing national integration? logical and well-thought out
What has been fueling intol- syntheses. It encourages 60% OFF
erance and extremist ten- research culture, which
dencies? Why has senti- helps in generating innova-
mentalism, superstitions tive ideas and creative
and elite capture been dispositions. It also bolsters
increasingly encroaching cognitive capabilities and
Click Here

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

acterise the dilapidated research practices would Initiatives such as WWF’s

state of our education. help serve the purpose. Green Schools, WaterAid’s
These flaws lead to falsified Apart from that, teaching Clean Green School Pro-
narratives aimed at con- subjects that encourage gramme and the Notting-
trolling public behaviour of critical ideas including phi- ham Business School/UN
the masses. Enquiring losophy, epistemology, psy- PRME Champions’ Carbon
beyond the accepted sylla- chology, anthropology and Literacy Training represent a
bus is taboo. This way, the emotional intelligence patchy start. Focused on the
country’s educational would help produce a pro- formal sector, and typically
system promotes dogma- ductive and disciplined edu- English-medium schools,
tism and biasness towards cational lot. these initiatives increase
elite-centric narratives. The awareness about climate
obsolete academic curricu-
lar construct and pedagogi-
Climate change, recycling,
planting and water conser-

cal practices suffocate rea- discourse vation, largely in urban con-

soned and critical discourse. texts. This civic-centric
This is reflected in the almost Published in Dawn approach, focused on indi-
non-existent academic vidual behavioural changes
debating culture. Unlike the THE continuing political to limit emissions, will be
advanced educational sys- circus is distracting from the increasingly relevant in a
tems that encourage inno- intense monsoon, the worst rapidly urbanising Pakistan.
vation, logic, and creative in three decades. Public and But it is not close to enough.
ideas, our education system media attention is rightly
rewards rote learning, focused on the devastation Climate literacy in Pakistan
recalling of, and blind sub- — 550 dead, infrastructure varies hugely. A 2021 survey
missions. Henceforth, it acts washed away, acute food by the Ministry of Climate
as a tool to generate pre- and water shortages, espe- Change, Viamo and UNDP
dictable public behaviour. cially dire in Baluchistan. But found that 43 per cent of
This has reduced the coun- we are still not doing enough young people (aged 19-34)
try into an exclusive, intoler- to connect this devastation with digital access had a
ant and retrogressive soci- with broader climate high degree of understand-
ety. change discourse, using the ing of climate change. That
grim circumstances to, at figure dropped to 10pc
Expecting such a divisive the very least, increase among those without
educational system to pro- awareness. smartphones. But even
duce a rational and intellec- those with higher awareness
tually productive society is The 2012 National Climate knew little about the govern-
self-deception. Therefore, Change Policy called for ment initiatives to tackle
there is a dire need to recon- more climate change climate change; only 24pc
struct the country’s educa- awareness, including the surveyed knew about the
tion system at an elementa- introduction of a climate ‘Ten Billion Tree Tsunami’.
ry level. Progressive curricu- curriculum. But we remain Meanwhile, a 2020 study by
lum overhaul, conducive far off from a holistic Fahad et al on farm house-
debating culture, cognitively approach to widespread holds in four KP districts
stimulating academic envi- climate literacy. found that 73pc were aware
ronment and intensive of climate change, and that

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

most were deploying adap- share learnings from their broad-based plan to ensure
tation strategies. experiences. In this context, that all citizens understand
climate literacy is probably the magnitude of the
Boosting climate literacy best spread through com- climate crisis, and how it will
must be an urgent priority. munity workshops rather affect them in the years to
The UN has long empha- than a formal carbon-fo- come. For this, mosques and
sised “action for climate cused curriculum. madressahs must be mobil-
empowerment”, which ised to pick up the climate
encompasses education, Where formal curriculums agenda.
recognising that only are imparted, they must be
informed people can build regionalised. For example, There is precedent for this.
the skills and tactics any climate literacy project The 2015 Islamic Declaration
required for adaptation and in Gilgit Baltistan must focus on Climate Change called
resilience. The key is not to on the importance of tree on Muslims to phase out
conflate carbon literacy with cover to limit flood damage fossil fuels and take up
climate literacy. caused by glacial melt, and renewables by 2050. A Clean
denounce the practice of Energy Mosques Campaign
Pakistan’s challenge will be illegal tree logging. launched in 2016 calls on
to develop myriad educa- mosques to practise energy
tion and awareness initia- Key constituencies such as conservation and set a good
tives to target different con- local government officials example. Water-scarce
stituencies based on how need crash courses to boost Jordan is one example of a
they are likely to be affected. climate literacy. A 2016 study Muslim country where
These initiatives must be by Awais Piracha found that imams refer to Sharia law to
inclusive, region-specific, only 6pc of union council speak against pollution and
and focused on adaptation representatives tasked with mosques largely use renew-
and resilience. And they planning initiatives in Punjab able energy sources. Per-
must build public momen- had high climate literacy. haps our prayers for the
tum to make climate They had some awareness victims of the recent floods
change a top political priori- about the consequences of can also be accompanied
ty. climate change in the form by green fatwas. It will take
of food and water scarcity, all efforts to build climate
For example, we must but had no idea what to do literacy and protect Paki-
acknowledge that girls and with this scant knowledge. stanis from inevitable, recur-
women — among the most Any climate literacy initiative ring climate devastation.
vulnerable to climate for government officials
change — are less likely to must include training and
be targeted by climate cur- awareness on international
ricula in the formal school initiatives as well as technol-
system. But they are key to ogies available to map and
identifying changes and manage regional climate
stresses in local environ- vulnerabilities.
ments. They must be
informed in a timely way to While such targeted inter-
help them change practices ventions are essential, Paki-
and also empowered to stan ultimately needs a

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2
CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2


CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Essay Special:
English Essay is a subject that is considered as a nightmare for every aspirant. This
is so because less than 10% aspirants manage to pass it. There are many reasons
for this high percentage of failures: Poor English Language Skills, Wrong
Interpretation of the Topic, Time Management, Lack of Practice, and so forth. Out
of these issues, Wrong Interpretation of topics is a major reason for failure.
Aspirants fail CSS Essay even after proliferating their English, practicing essay, and
managing time due to wrong interpretation. So, this segment gives aspirants
important areas to cover along with their dimensions so that aspirants make
themselves able to get rid of the issue of wrong interpretation. Following are those

• Future of Pakistan lies in Education of its Masses
• The Highest Result of Education is Tolerance
• Our Educational System has Failed to Deliver
• Online Education: Prospects and Challenges
• Single National Curriculum: Prospects and Challenges
• Pandemic and Crisis of Education

War and Peace

• Is World Peace Possible?
• Extremism has Become an Existential Threat for Pakistan
• World Peace is an Elusive Dream
• Can we Prevent Third World War?

• Democracy has improbable future in Pakistan
• Dissent is the foundation of Democracy
• Pakistan is a Republic with democracy deficit
• Pakistani democracy lacks democratic ethos
• Liberal democracy and its future

• Globalisation has done more harm than giving benefits to mankind
• Globalisation has turned on the West 18. Has the pandemic reversed
• Globalisation is a false song

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

• Women Rights in Islam/Pakistan.
• Empowerment of Women--with reference to Pakistan.
• Emancipation of Women. (Merits and Demerits)
• Status of Women in Islam/Pakistan.
• Equality of Women (Merits and Demerits).
• Education of Women in Pakistan.
• Role of Women in Pakistan.

Social Media
• Social media: Blessing or Curse?
• Social Media has Killed our Freedom
• Man is a Social Animal but Social Media has Made it Anti-Social

• Pakistan is not a failed state but a state of failed governance
• Can presidential system improve governance in Pakistan??
• Forms of Government let the Fools Contest; Whatever is the Best Administered
is the Best

Climate Change
• There is no planet B so there must not be plan B
• Can we Survive Ecological Collapse?

• Emergence of islamophobia: Causes and Consequences
• Islamophobia is antagonist to ethos of Globalisation

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2
CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2


CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

In the year 1830, a French For five hundred centuries, World War, the Second
customs official named two thousand generations World War . . . This, to our
Jacques Boucher de have struggled for that pessimistic moments,
Crèvecœur de Perthes terrain in a calendar of wars seems to be the main and
unearthed in the valley of whose beginning is as bloody current of history,
the Somme some strange obscure as its end. Even the beside which all the
implements of flint now sophisticated mind, made achievements of civilization,
interpreted by the learned blasé by habituation to all the illumination of litera-
as the weapons with which magnitude and marvels, is ture and art, all the tender-
the men of the Old Stone appalled by the panorama ness of women and the
Age made war. These stones of historic war, from the chivalry of men, are but
are called coups de poing, or occasional brawls and raids graceful incidents on the
“blows of the fist,” for one of normally peaceful “sav- bank, helpless to change the
end was rounded for grasp- ages,” through the sangui- course or character of the
ing while the other was nary annals of Egypt, Sumer, stream.
pointed for persuasion. With Babylonia, and Assyria, the
these modest tools of death, untiring fratricide of the Such a chronicle of conflict
it seems, Neanderthal men, Greek city-states, the con- exaggerates, without doubt,
from what is now Germany, quests of Alexander and the role of war in the record
and Cro-Magnon men, from Caesar, the triumphs of of our race. Strife is dramat-
what is now France, fought Imperial Rome, the wars of ic, and (to most of our histo-
fifty thousand years ago for expanding Islam, the rians) peaceful generations
the mastery of the continent, slaughters of Mongol appear to have no history.
and, after a day of lusty hordes, Tamerlane’s pyra- So our chroniclers leap from
battle, left perhaps a score mid of skulls, the Hundred battle to battle, and unwit-
of dead on the field. In the Years’ War, the Wars of the tingly deform the past into a
First and Second World Wars, Roses, the Thirty Years’ War, shambles. In our saner mo-
modern Germans and the War of the Spanish Suc- ments we know that it is not
modern Frenchmen fought cession, the Seven Years’ so; that lucid intervals of
again in that same valley, for War, the English, American, peace far outweigh, in any
that same prize, with mag- French, and Russian Revolu- nation’s story, the mad
nificent tools of death that tions, the Napoleonic Wars, seizures of war; that the
killed ten thousand men in a the Civil War, the Fran- history of civilization—of law
day. The art that has made co-Prussian War, the Span- and morals, science and
the most indisputable prog- ish-American War, the Rus- invention, religion and phi-
ress is the art of war. so-Japanese War, the First losophy, letters and the

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

arts—runs like hidden gold in captured prey they tore or The fighting instinct enters
the river of time. cut it to pieces, often on the more obviously into the
spot, and gorged themselves analysis. Nature develops it
Nevertheless, war has to their cubic capacity with vigorously as an aid in get-
always been. Will it always the raw flesh and the warm ting food or mates; it arms
be? What are its causes in gore; how could they tell every animal with organs of
the nature of men and in the when they might eat again? offense and defense, and
structure of societies? Can it Greed is eating, or hoarding, lends to the physically
be prevented, or diminished for the future; wealth is origi- weaker species the advan-
in frequency, or in any mea- nally a hedge against star- tages of cunning and asso-
sure controlled? vation; war is at first a raid for ciation. Since, by and large,
food. Perhaps all vices were those groups survived that
The causes of war are psy- once virtues, indispensable excelled in food-getting,
chological, biological, eco- in the struggle for existence; mate-getting, and fighting,
nomic, and political—that is, they became vices only in these instincts have been
they lie in the natural the degree to which social selected and intensified
impulses of men, in the order and increasing security through the generations, and
competitions of groups, in rendered them unnecessary have budded into a hundred
the material needs of soci- for survival. Once men had to secondary forms of acquisi-
eties, and in the fluctuations chase, to kill, to grasp, to tion, venery, and strife.
of national ambition and overeat, to hoard; a hundred
power. millenniums of insecurity As the quest for food has
bred into the race those expanded into the amassing
The basic causes are in our- acquisitive and possessive of great fortunes, so the
selves, for the state is the soul impulses which no laws or fighting instinct has swelled
of man enlarged under the morals or ideals, but only into the lust for power and
microscope of history. The centuries of security, can the waging of war. The lust
major instincts of man- mitigate or destroy. for power is in most men a
kind—acquisition, mating, useful stimulus to ambition
fighting, action, and associa- The desire for mates, and and creation, but in excep-
tion—are the ultimate sourc- parental and filial love, write tional men it can become a
es of war. For thousands, half of the private history of dangerous disease, a
perhaps millions, of years mankind, but they have not cancer of the soul, which
men were uncertain of their often been the causes of goads them on to fight a
food supply; not knowing yet war. Probably the “rape of thousand battles, usually by
the bounty of husbanded the Sabine women” was the proxy. Nietzsche, nervous
soil, they depended upon the amorous result of a conflict and sickly, disqualified for
fortunes of the hunt. Having for land and food. military service, thrilled at

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

the sight and sound of cav- cowardice of mankind. In a Euripides, twenty-three hun-
alry galloping along a divided and lawless world dred years ago, attributed
such patriotism is reason- the Trojan War to the rapid
Frankfurt street, and at once able and necessary, for multiplication of the Greeks.
composed a paean in honor without it the group could
of war and the “will to not survive, and the individ- Group hunger begets group
power.” ual could not survive without pugnacity, and pugnacity
the group. Prejudice is fatal develops in the group, as in
The instinct of action enters to philosophy, but indis- the individual, organs of
into the picture as a love of pensable to a nation. protection and attack. In the
adventure, or escape from group these are called
relatives or routine. A wider Put all these passions armament; and when they
source is the instinct of together—gather into one are powerful, they may
association. Men fear soli- force the acquisitiveness, themselves, like the boy’s
tude, and naturally seek the pugnacity, egoism, egotism, consciousness of his biceps,
protection of numbers. affection, and lust for power become a secondary source
Slowly a society develops of a hundred million souls, of war. On either scale some
within whose guarded fron- and you have the psycho- armament is necessary, for
tiers men are free to live logical sources of war. Take struggle is inevitable, and
peaceably, to accumulate them in their mass, and they competition is the trade of
knowledge and goods, and become biological sources. life.
to worship their gods. Since The group, too, as well as the
our self-love overflows, by individual, can be hungry or These psychological and
an extension of the ego, into angry, ambitious or proud; biological forces are the ulti-
love of our parents and chil- the group, too, must struggle mate origins of human con-
dren, our homes and pos- for existence, and be elimi- flict. From them flow the
sessions, our habits and nated or survive. The protec- national rivalries that gener-
institutions, our wonted tive fertility of organisms ate the proximate causes of
environment and transmit- soon multiplies mouths war—those economic and
ted faith, we form in time an beyond the local food political causes with which
emotional attachment for supply; the hunger of the superficial analysis so readi-
the nation and the civiliza- parts, as in the body, ly contents itself.
tion of which these are con- becomes the hunger of the
stituent parts; and when any whole, and species war The basic economic cause
of them is threatened, our against species, group is rivalry for land: land to
instinct of pugnacity is against group, for lands or receive a designedly
aroused to the limit waters that may give more expanding population, land
demanded by the natural support to abounding life. to provide material resourc-

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

es, land to open up new sub- explain many a battle in Brit- ments is self-preservation;
jects to conscription and ish history; Spanish silver their second law is self-ex-
taxation. So the ancient explains the wars of Rome tension; their appetite grows
Greeks spread through the with Carthage; Spanish by what it feeds on, and they
Aegean, the Black Sea, and copper has something to do believe that when a state
the Mediterranean to Byzan- with German aid to Fascist ceases to expand it begins
tium, Ephesus, Alexandria, Spain. Our sinless selves had to die. Furthermore, the
Syracuse, Naples, Marseilles, a taste for sugar in 1898; and distribution of power among
and Spain; so the English far back in 1853 we pointed nations is always changing
spread through the world in our gifts and cannon at a through the discovery or
the last two centuries; and Japanese government and development of new pro-
so the Americans are persuaded Japan to trans- cesses or resources, through
spreading now. form itself into an industrial the rise or decline of popula-
nation eager for foreign tion, through the weakening
These standard provoca- markets and spoils. These of religion, morals, and
tions to conquest have been Japanese chickens came character, or through some
sharpened and magnified home to roost at Pearl H other material, biological, or
by the Industrial Revolution. arbor in 1941. psychological circum-
To make war successfully, a stance; and the nation that
modern nation must be The business cycle adds its has become strong soon
wealthy; to be wealthy it own contribution to the asserts itself over the nation
must develop industry; to causes of modern war. Since that has become weak.
maintain industry, it must, in men are by nature unequal Hence the difficulty of writ-
most cases, import food, it follows that in any society ing a peace pact that will
fuel, and raw materials; to a majority of abilities will be perpetuate a present
pay for these, it must export possessed by a minority of arrangement. Wonderful
manufactured goods; to sell men; from which it follows indeed is the treaty that
these, it must find foreign that sooner or later, in any does not generate a war.
markets; to win these, it society, a majority of goods Peace is war by other
must undersell its competi- will be possessed by a means.
tors or wage foreign war. As minority of men. But this
like as not, it will make war natural concentration of If the foregoing analysis is
for any of the goods it con- wealth impedes, by the substantially correct, we
siders vital, or for control of repeated reinvestment of must not expect too much
the routes by which they profits in promoting produc- from those who seek to end
must come. tion, widespread purchasing or mitigate war. William
power among the people; James, in his kindly way,
Greece fought for control of production leaps ahead of hoped that the enrollment of
the Aegean, the Hellespont, consumption; surpluses rise the nation’s youth, for a year
and the Black Sea, because and generate either depres- or two, in a far-flung “War
it was dependent upon Rus- sion or war. For either pro- against Nature” would give
sian grain. Rome had to duction must stop to let creative expression to the
conquer Egypt because it consumption catch up, or impulses of action, adven-
needed corn, and Asia Minor foreign markets must be ture, and association, and so
because it needed markets found to take the surplus provide a “moral equivalent
for its handicrafts and that was unpurchased at for war”; America is trying
fortunes for its politicians. home. this in its excellent Peace
Egyptian wheat, Near East- Add a few political causes of Corps; but obviously such
ern oil, and Indian cotton war. The first law of govern- measures do not reach to

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

the major sources of inter- provision for every factor, shortages of food; it would
national strife. The League of and prevision for every seek territorial outlets for the
Nations (except under detail. This cannot be done expansion of congested
Briand and Stresemann) in an occasional moment populations. A permanent
was a conspiracy of the stolen by statesmen from commission might study the
victors to preserve their internal affairs; it requires access of industrial nations
gains; it had to fail as soon the fulltime attention of to material, fuels, and mar-
as the fertility and industry of first-rate minds. The incen- kets. It should be a major
the defeated had altered tives to war are so numerous function of the Department
the balance of national and powerful that each of of State to wage peace vig-
power prescribed by the them should be the major orously and continuously on
Treaty of Versailles. The life concern of an international every front.
of nations cannot be commission specifically
straightjacketed into immu- appointed for its consider- In the end we must steel
tability. Pacifism would be a ation and adjustments. ourselves against utopias
cure for war if it could sur- There are so many special- and be content, as Aristotle
vive the call to arms and ists, economists, and diplo- recommended, with a
national defense; the same mats lying around (to use slightly better state. We
English youth that had, in the this verb in a purely physical must not expect the world to
Oxford Union, vowed never sense) that we might well improve much faster than
to take up arms for England, distribute them into com- ourselves. Perhaps, if we can
took them up manfully missions severally assigned broaden our borders with
against Hitler. to examine the economic intelligent study, impartial
causes of war, to hear the histories, modest travel, and
Vague appeals to the con- disputing groups patiently, honest thought—if we can
science of mankind to put to investigate possibilities of become conscious of the
an end to war have had little conciliation, to make specif- needs and views and hopes
effect throughout history, for ic and practicable recom- of other peoples, and sensi-
there is no conscience of mendations to their govern- tive to the diverse values
mankind. Morality is a habit ments, and to do their work and beauties of diverse cul-
of order generated by cen- without the explosive excite- tures and lands, we shall not
turies of compulsion; inter- ment of publicity. We must so readily plunge into com-
national morality awaits isolate the germs of war at petitive homicide, but shall
international order; interna- their source, and sterilize find room in our hearts for a
tional order awaits interna- them with understanding wider understanding and an
tional force; conscience and negotiation. almost universal sympathy.
follows the policeman. A We shall find in all nations
wise people will love peace One such commission qualities and accomplish-
and keep its powder dry. would study the problems ments from which we may
generated by reckless learn and refresh ourselves,
An effective approach to the human fertility. It could pro- and by which we may enrich
problem of war will proceed, mote policies and methods our inheritance and our pos-
not by large and generous of family limitation wherever terity. Someday, let us hope,
emotions, but by the specific the birthrate (minus the it will be permitted us to love
study and patient adjust- death rate) is outrunning the our country without betray-
ment of specific causes and visible or prospective means ing mankind.
disputes. Peace must be of subsistence; it would pre-
planned and organized as pare international proce-
realistically as war—with dures for mitigating local

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2
CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Published in Courting the Law

Marbury v. Madison is considered a landmark decision of the
Supreme Court of the United States, sometimes referred to as the
most important decision in American constitutional law. The princi-
ples laid down in this case over two centuries ago have significantly
contributed to the development of Pakistan’s constitutional law and
towards the independence of Pakistan’s judiciary, including the
power of judicial review, the doctrine of separation of powers and
the supremacy of the written Constitution.

The case resulted from a petition to the Supreme Court of the United
States by William Marbury, who had been appointed as Justice of
the Peace for the County of Washington in the District of Columbia
by President John Adams. The seal of the United States was affixed
to Marbury’s commission by the Secretary of State, James Madison,
but the commission was not delivered to him before the expiration
of Adams’ term as President. Marbury petitioned the Supreme Court
to force Madison to deliver the commission to him.

John Marshall, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, identified three
main issues in the case.

a. The first issue was whether Marbury had a right to the commission
he was demanding.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

b. The second issue was laws must have furnished a
whether the laws of the remedy for the violation of a
country afforded Marbury a vested legal right. The
remedy if he had a right to Supreme Court went on to
the commission and that conclude that since Marbury
right had been violated. had a legal title to the office,
he had a consequent right
c. The third and most to the commission. Madi-
important issue was wheth- son’s refusal to deliver the
er it was within the Supreme commission was held to be
Court’s jurisdictional power a plain violation of Marbury’s
to issue a writ of mandamus right, for which the laws of
as the remedy sought by the country afforded him a
Marbury. remedy.

Decision It was while deciding the

The Supreme Court decided third issue that the Supreme
the first issue by declaring Court laid the foundation for
that since the commission the exercise of judicial
had been signed by the review. Article III, Section 2 of
President and sealed by the the United States Constitu-
Secretary of State, Marbury tion provides that the
had been appointed to Supreme Court shall have
office. Further, it was held original jurisdiction in all
that since the law creating cases affecting ambassa-
the office gave the officer a dors, other public ministers
right to hold the office for five and consuls, and those in
years and that an appoint- which a state shall be party;
ment was not revocable, the in all other cases, the
withholding of the commis- Supreme Court shall have
sion by Madison was an act appellate jurisdiction. How-
not warranted by law but ever, the Judiciary Act of
violative of a vested legal 1789, which established the
right belonging to Marbury. judicial courts of the United
States, had given the
On the second issue, the Supreme Court the authority
Supreme Court held that to issue writs of mandamus
since the government of the to public officers. This had
United States had been led to a conflict between a
termed a government of provision of the Constitution
laws and not of men, the and an act of the legislature.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

While attempting to resolve rule to particular cases must that the court may satisfy
this conflict, the Supreme of necessity expound and itself that the person is not
Court established the interpret that rule. If two laws being held in custody with-
supremacy and para- conflict with each other, the out lawful authority or in an
mountcy of the written Con- Courts must decide on the unlawful manner; and
stitution over any other law operation of each.”
ordinarily passed by the leg- d. An order requiring a
islature and declared any In the context of Pakistan, person holding or purporting
law repugnant to the Con- the power of judicial review to hold a public office to
stitution to be void. It was has been conferred upon show under what authority
decided that the provision of the courts through Articles of law he or she claims to
the Judiciary Act which 184 (3) and 199 of the Con- hold that office.
enabled Marbury to bring his stitution of Pakistan 1973.
claim to the Supreme Court Article 184 (3) gives the The power of judicial review
was unconstitutional since it Supreme Court the power to was exercised by the
purported to extend the make an order under its Supreme Court of Pakistan
Supreme Court’s original original jurisdiction regard- for the first time in Federa-
jurisdiction beyond that ing questions of public tion of Pakistan v. Moulvi
which Article III, Section 2 of importance with reference Tamizuddin Khan. Moulvi
the Constitution had envis- to the enforcement of any of Tamizuddin Khan chal-
aged. the fundamental rights lenged the dissolution of the
under the Constitution. Arti- Constituent Assembly by an
The Power of Judicial cle 199 gives the High Courts order of the Governor Gen-
Review the power to make the eral. The challenge was
Marbury’s greatest contri- following orders under writ initially upheld by the Sindh
bution to the development jurisdiction: Chief Court, but the Federal
of Pakistan’s constitutional Court held that the Act of the
law was the creation of the a. An order directing a legislature which conferred
power of judicial review. person performing functions the power upon the Sindh
Under judicial review, in connection with the affairs Chief Court to issue the writ
actions undertaken by the of the federation, a province, was constitutionally invalid.
executive and legislative or a local authority to refrain
branches of the government from doing anything that he There have been instances
are subject to review by the or she is not permitted to do of judicial review of discre-
judicial branch. Through the by law, or to do anything tionary executive powers in
exercise of this power, a that he or she is required to cases involving the dissolu-
court may invalidate or do by law; tion of Assemblies under the
strike down laws that are in now defunct Article 58(2)(b)
conflict with the terms of a b. An order declaring that of the Constitution. In Kha-
written Constitution. The any act done or proceeding waja Muhammad Sharif v.
power of judicial review was undertaken by any such Federation of Pakistan, the
laid down in Marbury by person has been done or Lahore High Court declared
Chief Justice John Marshall undertaken without lawful the President’s Order
in the following words: authority and is of no legal dissolving the National
effect; Assembly to be unconstitu-
“It is emphatically the prov- tional and void. The decision
ince and duty of the Judicial c. An order directing that a was later upheld by the
Department to say what the person in custody be Supreme Court.
law is. Those who apply the brought before the court so

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

More recently, in District Bar Critics in Pakistan have American form of govern-
Association, Rawalpindi v. termed this power as “un- ment. The need for separa-
Federation of Pakistan, a democratic”, arguing that it tion of powers was first iden-
decision that has been criti- vests in an unelected judi- tified by James Madison,
cized for upholding the ciary the power to review often referred to as the
establishment of military and declare void the actions father of the United States
courts as constitutionally of an elected legislature. Constitution. Madison
valid, the Supreme Court of However, it may be argued sought to strike a balance
Pakistan, while dismissing that this criticism is without between empowering the
the petitions challenging the merit since the judiciary has government sufficiently for
Twenty First Amendment to been tasked with interpret- its tasks while at the same
the Constitution, held in a ing the law and upholding time limiting it from over-
majority judgment that any the sanctity of the Constitu- reaching the individual. In
order passed, decision taken tion. Justice (R) Fazal Karim Federalist No. 51, he noted
or sentence awarded by writes that the courts in that the partition of power
military courts would be Pakistan are not concerned among the several depart-
subject to judicial review by with the goodness or bad- ments of the government
High Courts and the ness of impugned public was necessary as a means
Supreme Court on the actions, instead, their sole of keeping each other in
grounds of being coram non concern is with the constitu- their proper place.
judice (without a judge), tionality and lawfulness of
being without jurisdiction, or any public action. The power Article 175 (3) of the Consti-
suffering from mala fide of judicial review is given to tution of Pakistan 1973 envis-
intent. the courts in Pakistan by the ages the separation of
Constitution itself, which powers by providing that the
Why Judicial Review Is reflects the will of the people. judiciary shall be separated
Important Therefore, this power can be progressively from the exec-
The power of judicial review termed as a democratic utive. The separation of
serves as one of the checks power. Moreover, the legis- powers was defined in Flying
and balances in the separa- lature cannot be allowed to Cement Company v. Feder-
tion of powers and ensures arbitrarily amend any provi- ation of Pakistan through the
that the executive and legis- sion of the Constitution as it identification of the roles of
lature do not exceed their deems fit – the courts must each branch of government.
authority. As per US Chief interfere where necessary in The Lahore High Court held
Justice, John Marshall, it is order to uphold the princi- that the primary function of
the duty of the courts to ples of natural justice, equity the legislative branch was to
interpret the provisions of a and good conscience. legislate the laws, the
written Constitution and primary function of the
uphold it as the paramount The Doctrine of Separation executive branch was to
law of the land. In order to of Powers execute the laws and the
preserve the sanctity of the The second contribution of primary function of the judi-
written Constitution, judges Marbury to the development cial branch was to judge the
in Pakistan have rightfully of Pakistan’s constitutional laws. In Asadullah Khan
resorted to the exercise of law was to provide a model Tareen v. Government of
judicial review to invalidate for separation of powers by Baluchistan Health Depart-
laws interpreted by them to defining the boundary ment, the Baluchistan High
be repugnant to the provi- between the constitutionally Court held that the Consti-
sions of the written Constitu- separate executive and tution had made it the
tion. judicial branches of the exclusive responsibility of

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

the judiciary to ensure the over any other law passed laid down by the courts in
sustenance of the system of by the legislature. US Chief Pakistan. In Shirin Munir v.
separation of powers based Justice, John Marshall, noted Government of Punjab, the
on checks and balances. In in his decision that all those Supreme Court of Pakistan
Shaheen Akhtar v. Govern- who had framed written held that the written Consti-
ment of Punjab, the Lahore Constitutions contemplated tution was the source from
High Court held that the them as forming the funda- which all governmental
power of judicial review was mental and paramount law power emanated, and it
a great weapon in the hands of the nation. Consequently, defined its scope and ambit
of judges, but judges ought the theory of every such so that each functionary
to have observed constitu- government must have acted within his or her
tional limits in the form of been towards an Act of the respective sphere. In Mu-
separation of powers set by legislature, repugnant to a hammad Rafique v. Mu-
Pakistan’s parliamentary written Constitution, being hammad Ismail[12], the
system on the exercise of void. Therefore, it was held in Sindh High Court held that in
such beneficial power. Marbury that any act of the all common law jurisdictions
legislature repugnant to the like Pakistan having a writ-
The Supremacy of the written Constitution would ten Constitution, it was the
Written Constitution not bind the courts and nei- duty of the courts to carry
The third and final contribu- ther would it oblige them to out and interpret the inten-
tion of Marbury to the devel- give it effect. tion of the Parliament as
opment of Pakistan’s consti- envisaged in a statute or Act
tutional law was the estab- The supremacy and para- of Parliament, unless the
lishment of the supremacy mountcy of the written Con- same had been ultra vires to
of the written Constitution stitution has also been duly the Constitution itself.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2
CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

General Ability
Islamic Studies
English (Prepositions)

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

General Ability

1. 1, 2, 5, 14, __________? 6. |2|-|-2|-2^2-(-2)^2=?

(A) 38 (A) –8
(B) 39 (B) –6
(C) 40 (C) –4
(D) 41 (D) –2

2. The value of the function f(x)=x^2-6x+7 7. What is the sum of the sequence:
at x=2 is? 2+4+6+ ….. +98+100 = ?
(A) 1 (A) 2450
(B) –1 (B) 2500
(C) 2 (C) 2550
(D) –2 (D) 2600

3. -4^2+(-4)^2=? 8. What is the sum of the numbers: 1, 2, 3,

(A) 0 4, ….. 99, 100 ?
(B) 1 (A) 5000
(C) 32 (B) 5050
(D) –32 (C) 5100
(D) 5150
4. What is the sum of the first 12 numbers
of the series: 2 , 6, 10, 14, …. ? 9. In a class of 60 students the ratio of
(A) 260 boys to girls is 3:2. How many girls are
(B) 268 there in the class?
(C) 280 (A) 21
(D) 288 (B) 22
(C) 23
5. What is the inverse of the function (D) 24
(A) 3-2x 10. What is the volume of a right-circular
(B) 1-2x cylinder in cm² having radius 2cm and
(C) 2x-1 height 7cm?
(D) \frac{x+3}{2} (A) 86 cm2
(B) 88 cm2
(C) 90 cm2
(D) 92 cm2

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

Islamic Studies

1. The word “Ramadan” literally means 6. “Gateway to knowledge” is the title of

(A) holy (A) Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A)
(B) training (B) Umar Farooq (R.A)
(C) practical guidance (C) Usman ibn Affan (R.A)
(D) scorching heat (D) Ali al Murtaza (R.A)

2. Who added second Azan (or Adhan) for 7. For 18 years, Prophet ________ suf-
Friday prayers? fered from skin disease.
(A) Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) (A) Musa (A.S)
(B) Umar Farooq (R.A) (B) Ayub (A.S)
(C) Usman ibn Affan (R.A) (C) Haroon (A.S)
(D) Ali al Murtaza (R.A) (D) Shoaib (A.S)

3. “Atique” is the title of 8. How many sons did Prophet Muham-

(A) Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) mad (PBUH) had?
(B) Umar Farooq (R.A) (A) 1
(C) Usman ibn Affan (R.A) (B) 2
(D) Ali al Murtaza (R.A) (C) 3
(D) 4
4. Who established the department of
police for the first time in the history of 9. How many daughters did Prophet Mu-
mankind? hammad (PBUH) had?
(A) Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) (A) 1
(B) Umar Farooq (R.A) (B) 2
(C) Usman ibn Affan (R.A) (C) 3
(D) Ali al Murtaza (R.A) (D) 4

5. “Ghani” is the title of 10. Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani is buried in

(A) Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) (A) Baghdad
(B) Umar Farooq (R.A) (B) Tehran
(C) Usman ibn Affan (R.A) (C) Damascus
(D) Ali al Murtaza (R.A) (D) Jerusalem

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

English (Prepositions)

1. Solar energy is _____ expensive to be 6. I am afraid __________ cats.

used widely. (A) to
(A) so (B) from
(B) such (C) of
(C) too (D) with
(D) that
7. We did not have __________ ques-
2. This bank branch is open _____ eight tions for the lecturer.
_____ five. (A) none
(A) by, until (B) any
(B) from, to (C) some
(C) between, or (D) no
(D) during, till
8. Octopuses have not only large brains
3. He came _____ the room and jumped __________ also a well-developed
_____ the swimming pool. nervous system.
(A) out, in (A) but
(B) out, into (B) and
(C) out of, into (C) are
(D) out of, in (D) and have

4. She bought some pictures when she 9. The manager __________ everyone
was _____ holiday _____ December, go home an hour early on Friday after-
and now she is going to hang them noon.
_____ the wall. (A) allowed
(A) in, in, along (B) let
(B) on, for, on (C) permitted
(C) on, in, along (D) got
(D) on, in, on
10. He came in London __________
5. Emily is falling _____ the horse. August 14, 2010.
(A) off (A) in
(B) from (B) on
(C) above (C) for
(D) of

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

General Islamic English

Ability Studies

1 D D C
2 B C B
3 A A C
4 D B D
5 D C A
6 A D C
7 C B B
8 B C A
9 D D B
10 B A B

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 2

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