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Unit 1 Review A Grammar 1 Questions Find eight questions and write your answers. 3 4 fiwhat’) —} your/ WWhats | your | from? | old ( first named) | phone Where | are you B How umber? | are BAe | you |e What's your you? 7 What's | married? Are email address? your | sumame? you fiom = China 4h eet 2 4 a4 1 Complete the text. Wim Ivan. 11__a student of English. °1__ from Russia ‘Two other students in my class‘ __ from Europe and tone_ from Mexico. My partner in the class ¢ Jeanette. Her surname La Forge.*She from Belgium. Our *teacher_ Jacky. "She. from Wales. Pronouns and possessives Underline the correct word. 1 1/My name's Jim and [/my'm from England. 2 Satomn's from Japan. She/Her isn't married. She/ Her email address is satox@dinjja 3 Jan's from Poland. He/His surname's Kowalski He/His's single. 4 Jeanette and Olivier are from Belgium. They//Theirre married. They Their home is in Brussels. What's you your name and where do you/your come from 6 We're married, We /Our names are Tom and Jen We/Our aren't from England, we/ou'r from Scotland. 4 Greetings Put the convetsation in order. 1m from England. Well, nice to meet you. Tm from Poland. And you? 4 Hello. What's your name? Jan. FAN, ‘My name's Jan. Nice to meet you! ‘Oh, OK. Where are you from, Jan? Sorry? 2 Tm Jim, And you? 5 Addresses Label the card with these words and phrases. at country dot email address firstname phone number slash street surname town website ‘Rus Alvaro Ramos, 23, Campo Grande, MS BRASIL —_} tor onan pide br = = 6 Numbers Continue the lists, one, two, three, four, five ‘two, four, six, nine, ten, eleven, five, ten, fifteen, thirty forty, fifty, eleven, twenty-two, thirty-three, thirteen, thirty, fourteen, forty, fifteen, Can you read the text messages? Write the sentences, 1 HowRU? Howareyour 2 Where RU from? 3 RU@schoo? __ 4 CULSRI = 6

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