Applying The Pollutuion Ocean Plastics

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Applying the 3 Stage Pollution Model: _______________________

ocean plastics


Humans waste, which is

normally dumped straight
into oceans or seas. To stop this, humans have started
Sometimes it is thrown into Replace: replacing plastics by other materials and
rivers and then eventually therefore contributating to having less
end up in the sea. plastic waste. For example Macdonals has
changed their straws which used to be
plastic straws to cardboard. They have
also removed the lid of their cups as the
material was plastic. Macdonals has
contributed in a very good way to change
this environmental problem.

In some places, the goverment has been setting
some rules about the quantity being used of
Impacts: plastic. For example in Germany the goverment
added a 20 cents fine for a plastic cup, but if it was
As plastic waste is not returned, you would get back the money paid. This
biogradable, it ends up created an impact on poor people as they
being eaten by fish, enthuthiastic to collect plastic waste and exchange
blocks their digestive they would get some money.
system and therefore
in most situations ends
up killing them.
Microplastics have also If the environmetal issue can´t be stopped from
been found in drinking coming in, then removing the pollution from the
water and in the soil ecosystem can be another solution. Some
where we grow our organizations that have ocurred in the last years
vegetables. Plastic have the mission of cleaning up oceans bu
waste makes up 80% looking at a bigger scale. For example the big
of all marine pollutions. project called "The ocean clean up"

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