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“New Direction in Management of Cardiovascular Disease

and Comprehensive Approach to Obesity”

Harris Hotel Sentraland Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia

12 – 13 October 2019

Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University

Jln, Prof. H. Soedarto, SH, Tembalang, Semarang-Indonesia
Phone : +6224 76480919 Fax : +6224 76486849
Email :ictmhs2019@fk.undip.ac.id
Website : ictmhs.fk.undip.ac.id

Proceeding of The 3rd International Conference on Translational Medicine and Health Sciences
“New Direction in Management of Cardiovascular Disease and Comprehensive Approach
to Obesity”

Editorial Team :
Gemala Anjani, PhD
Fillah Fithra Dieny, S.Gz, M.Si
Deny Yudi Fitranti, S.Gz, M.Si
Faizah Fulyani, M.Sc, PhD
Dr.dr. I Edward Kurnia Setiawan L., Sp.PK., M.Si.Med
Sri Padma Sari, S.Kep., MNS

Layout Editor : Rachma Purwanti, SKM., M.Gizi., Ida Kristiana, S.Gz., Nur Azkiyati
Faizah, S.Gz

Cover Design : Vita Gustin Almira, S.Gz


This 3rd International Conference on Translational Medicine and Health

Sciences (ICTMHS) Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University (ICTMHS 2019)
held in Semarang, Indonesia on October 12-13, 2019. ICTMHS has specific theme
: New Direction in Management of cardiovascular disease and comprehensive
approach to obesity. This conference series provided an international forum to
present, discuss, disseminate, and exchange innovative ideas and recent
development in the field of translational medicine and health sciences. This
conference also provided participants opportunities to develop their professional
networks, learn from other colleagues and meet leading personalities in medicine
and health sciences. The participants of this conference were included: health
practitioners (nutritionist, doctor, nurse, psychiatrist, pharmacist, etc), lecturers
from health education institutions, researchers from multidisciplinary studies
(biology, physics, chemistry, engineering, etc), and health science students.
International Conference on Translational Medicine and Health Sciences
(ICTMHS) 2019 proceeding span over 3 topic: Nutrition, Medicine, and Nursing
which are balanced in content, manageable in term of number of contributions, and
create an adequate discussion space for trending topics. Effort taken by peer
reviewers contributed to improve the quality of papers by provided constructive
critical comments, improvements and corrections to the authors are gratefully
appreciated. We are very grateful to the ICTMHS advisory committee, technical
committee, student and administrative assistants from institute management who
selflessly contributed to the success of this conference. Also, we are thankfull to all
of the authors who submitted papers so the conference became success. It was the
quality of their presentations and their passion to communicate with others
participants that really made this conference series a grant success.

Last but not the least, we are thankful for the enormous support from Faculty
of Medicine, Diponegoro University for supporting in every step of our journey
towards success. Their support was not only the strength but also an inspiration for

Organizing Committee
Email: ictmhs2019@fk.undip.ac.id

Organizing Comitte

The 3rd International Conference on Translational Medicine and Health Sciences

“New Direction in Management of cardiovascular disease and comprehensive

approach to obesity”

The organizing committee includes the following people:

Steering Committee : Dr. Dwi Pudjonarko, M.Kes, Sp.S(K)
: Dr. dr. Hermina Sukmaningtyas, M.Kes., Sp. Rad
: dr. Achmad Zulfa Juniarto MSi.Med., Sp.And., Ph.D
: Dr. dr. Udadi Sadhana, M.Kes. Sp.PA
: Dr. Untung Sujianto, S.Kp.,M.Kes
: Dra. Ani Margawati, M.Kes., Ph.D
Organizing Chairperson: Dr. Diana Nur Afifah S.TP.,M.Si.
Vice Project Manager :Ns. Heni Kusuma, S.Kep.,M.Kep.,Sp.Kep.KMB
: Dr.dr. I Edward Kurnia Setiawan L., Sp.PK., M.Si.Med
Secretary : Dewi Marfu'ah Kurniawati, S.Gz, M.Gizi
: Choirun Nisa, S.Gz, M.Gizi
: Prisca Nurdiana, SE.
: Kris Dyah Kurniasari, SE
: Pradipta Ary Pamungkas, S.Kom
: Maria Kristina, SE
Treasurer : Winda Oktoraninggar, SE
: Dedy Setyo Soeparno, A.Md
: Alviana Kartikasari, SE
Scientific Committee : Gemala Anjani, PhD
: dr. Nani Maharani, MSi.Med.,Ph.D
: Megah Andriany, S.Kp., Sp.Kom.,M.Kep., Ph.D
: Faizah Fulyani, M.Sc, Ph.D
: Sri Padma Sari, S.Kep., MNS
: Ns. Nana Rochana, MN
: Fillah Fithra Dieny, S.Gz, M.Si
: Deny Yudi F, S.Gz, MSi
: Dian Widanarta, S.Hum
Program Committee : Ayu Rahadiyanti, S.Gz, MPH
: Hartanti Sandi Wijayanti, S.Gz, M.Gizi
: Dra. Agnes Esti Soedarman, M.Si
: Ns. Niken Safitri D.K.,M.Si.Med

Publication & Documentation: Rachma Purwanti, S.KM, M.Gizi
: Yunila Dwi P, S.Kom
: Margiyono, A.Md
Food & Beverage : Nurmasari Widyastuti, S.Gz, MSi.Med
: Fifi Nurhayati, SKM
Facility & Equipment : Evi Silitoma K
: Wahyu Bimo
Transportation : Moh. Iswanto
: Wahyu Erlangga

Table of Contents

Cover Page .......................................................................................................................... i

Preface............................................................................................................................... iii
Organizing Comitte ......................................................................................................... iv
Table of Content............................................................................................................... vi

Nattokinase and Related Enzymes for the Prevention and Treatment of Vascular Diseases
............................................................................................................................................ 1
Zhuang Yao1 and Jeong Hwan Kim
Cardiovascular Health Promotion ....................................................................................... 2
Umaporn Boonyasopun Ph.D. RN
Weight Management for Patient with Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease ...................... 3
Professor Ahmad Alkhatib R.Nutr, M.Sc, Ph.D, CISSN, FHEA, FRSM
Robots and Intelligent Machines: Human Caring Science, and Technological Competency
as Caring in Nursing ........................................................................................................... 4
Rozzano C. Locsin, RN; PhD, FAAN, Professor Emeritus
The Magnitude of CVD Burden and Its Risk Factors in Indonesia .................................... 5
Obesity and male infertility ................................................................................................ 6
Achmad Zulfa Juniarto
Trained Nurse-led education and counseling of heart failure self-care model “PrOMiSe”
decrease clinical outcome on re-admission and/ or mortality in heart failure patients in
hospital, Indonesia .............................................................................................................. 7
Rita Sekarsari, Elly Nuracmah, Ratna Sitorus and Anwar Santoso
Translational Research in Heart Failure Therapy ............................................................... 8
Bambang Budi Siswanto
The Effect of Prebiotic Yoghurt and Soyghurt With Sappan Wood (Caesalpina sappan L)
on Fasting Blood Glucose, Insulin, Triglyserides,Cholesterol and MDA Levels of Pre-
Metabolic Syndrom Rats..................................................................................................... 9
Ninik Rustanti, Shorea Augusta Chrisanti Suwandi, Gita Hanna Zakiyah, Badrotul
Kiromah, Dewi Marfu’ah Kurniawati, Rachma Purwanti, Deny Yudi Fitranti, Gemala
Anjani, Diana Nur Afifah
Evidence-Based Nutrition in the Weight Loss Management ............................................ 10
Etika Ratna Noer
Dietary Patterns, Metabolic Syndrome, and Related Complications among Middle-Aged
and Older Adults ............................................................................................................... 11
Ahmad Syauqy
Literature Review: Mental Health Promotion in Elderly with Chronic Illness................. 12
Nurullya Rachma
Relationship between Discomfort and Anxiety in Patient with Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention ....................................................................................................................... 13
Yuni Dwi Hastuti, Evi Dwi Mulyani
Loneliness in Elderly: a Contributing Factors and Future Intervention ............................ 14
Sri Padma Sari
Inter-Professional Education (IPE) as Approaching to Decrease Maternal Malnutrition . 15
Fatikhu Yatuni Asmara

Biomarker Profiling for Cardiovascular Risk in Patient with Type II Diabetes ............... 16
Banundari Rachmawati
Low HDL Level and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease: from Clinic to Genetic ............... 17
Udin Bahrudin
Early Adiposity Rebound and The Risk Of Obesity in Later Life .................................... 18
Maria Mexitalia

Community Health and Nutrition

Relationship between Body Type (Somatotype) and Bone Density in Adult Women Aged
31-50 Years ....................................................................................................................... 19
Rani Ridowahyu Saphira, Nurmasari Widyastuti, Deny Yudi Fitranti
The Relationship between Iron Deficiency and Bone Mineral Density in Young Female
Athletes ............................................................................................................................. 20
Dias Khairunnisa Pradita, Fillah Fithra Dieny, Dewi Marfu’ah Kurniawati, A. Fahmy
Arif Tsani, Deny Yudi Fitranti
Risk Factors for Eating Disorders in Young Female Athletes .......................................... 21
Suryawati, Fillah Fithra Dieny*, Rachma Purwanti, A. Fahmy Arif Tsani, Nurmasari
Understanding Healthy Body and Dieting of Youth Athletes Among Javanese Muslim
Parents ............................................................................................................................... 22
Nur Setiawati Dewi, Piyanuch Jittanoon, Wantanee Wiroonpanich
Fasting Habits, Sleep Duration, Energy Availability, and Chronic Energy Deficiency
(CED) Risk in Santriwati (Female Students of Islamic Boarding School) ....................... 23
Umu Nur Faradila, Hartanti Sandi Wijayanti, A. Fahmy Arif Tsani, Nurmasari
Widyastuti, Deny Yudi Fitranti, Fillah Fithra Dieny
Sociodemographic Predictors for Smoking Persistency among Young Male in Indonesia
.......................................................................................................................................... 24
Vitri Widyaningsih, Ari Probandari, Sumardiyono, Yusuf Ari Mashuri

Psychology/Critical Care
Monitoring and Evaluation Study between Student’s Grade Point Average, Mental
Capacity Index and Basic Personality Index..................................................................... 25
Innawati Jusup, Gunawan Hang, Hadiati Titis, Sumekar TA
Will Self-Compassion Relieve Distress?: a Correlational Study among Indonesian
Undergraduate Students .................................................................................................... 26
Amalia Rahmandani, Yohanis Franz La Kahija, Salma Salma
The Effect of Quantum Psychology Relaxation on Anxiety among Cancer Patients ....... 27
Chandra Bagus Ropyanto, Henni Kusuma, Yuni Dwi Hastuti, Niken Dyan Safitri
Kusumaningrum, Susana Widyaningsih
Holistic Support Group Therapy Using Application of Information Technology ‘SADARI
HD’ on the Quality of Life among Hemodialysis Patients ............................................... 28
Henni Kusuma, Yuni Dwi Hastuti, Susana Widyaningsih, Suhartini, Chandra Bagus R,
Relationship between Loneliness and Self-Efficacy among People with Schizophrenia in
Indonesia ........................................................................................................................... 29
Anandya Dewi Larasati Yunanto, Eva Chrisma Angelina Panggabean, Sri Padma Sari
The Effect of Vital Sign Direct Therapy on Patient Acute Treatment in the Intensive Care
Unit ................................................................................................................................... 30
Muhamad Ibnu Hasan, Untung Sujianto, Reni Sulung Utami

Modified Sleep Hygiene (MSH) Reduces the Level of Pain in Critically Ill Patients in the
ICU.................................................................................................................................... 31
Heru Suwardianto, Dyah Ayu Kartika Wulan Sari

The Effect of Oral Astaxanthin on Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (Tnf-α) Level at
Aqueous Humour of Wistar Rats Glaucoma Model ......................................................... 32
Prabowo, Fifin L. Rahmi, Riski Prihatningtias, Arief Wildan, Trilaksana Nugroho,
Maharani Cahyono
Effect of Topical DLBS 1425 Toward Matrix Metalloproteinase – 9 Expressionon
Trabecular Meshwork of Wistar Rats ............................................................................... 33
Kartika Cindy F Sitorus, Trilaksana Nugroho, Fifin Lutfia Rahmi
The Effect of Curcuma xanthorriza Gel on Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus-
Infected Second-Degree Burn Wound in Rats .................................................................. 34
Irfan Kesumayadi, AyyasiIzaz Almas, Ilham Nur Hakim Rambe, Rebriarina Hapsari
The Effect of Apium graveolens (Linn.) Extract on the Number of Neutrophils and
Angiogenesis in Wound Incision of Sprague Dawley Rat ................................................ 35
Yanuar Hendra Wijaya, Muflihatul Muniroh, Endang Mahati, Vega Karlowee,
Hermawan Istiadi, Indah Saraswati
Analysis of the Effect of Herbal Mask Protection against the Difference in Level
Superoxide Dismutase 3 and Reactive Oxygen Species in the Employees of the Textile
Industry ............................................................................................................................. 36
Khoirun Nisa’, Udadi Sadhana, Suprihati, Yan Wisnu Prajoko, Awal Prasetyo
Analysis of Herbal Mask Protection Effect on Tumor Necrosis Factor-α andInterleukin-6
Levels in the Employees of the Textile Industry .............................................................. 37
Resti Ariani, Awal Prasetyo, Yan Wisnu Prajoko, Suprihati, Udadi Sadhana
Radiotherapy as Future Treatment for Recurrent Keloid: a Case Report ......................... 38
Nawangsih C H, Setyarto M R, Firli D
The Differences of PPT and PPTK Ratio in Trauma Patient for Determining Transfusion
.......................................................................................................................................... 39
Nalurita Ng, Dian Widyaningrum

Effect of Glycosylated Haemoglobin with Microalbuminuria and Albumin Creatinin
Ratio in Type 2 Diabetes................................................................................................... 40
Vitasari Indriani, Wahyu Siswandari, Andreas, Tri Lestari, Vidya Dewantari
The Effect of Black Garlic Extract Cream on the Healing Process of Diabetic Ulcer
Wistar Rats ........................................................................................................................ 41
Farohatinni’mah Alhadi, Pradya Rahmawati Subagyo, Putri Kusumadewi Kurniawati,
Adjeg Tarius, Ika Vemilia Warlisti, Ferdy Kurniawan Cayami, Endang Mahati
Randomized Controlled Trial: Effect of Supplementation of Folic Acid, Vitamin B6,
Vitamin B12 in Combination to Inflammatory Status of Diabetic Neuropathy Patients .. 42
Etisa Adi Murbawani, Enny Probosari, Siti Fatimah Muis, Heri Nugroho H.S, Amalia
Sukmadianti, Martha Ardiaria, Farida Martyaningsih, Nurhasanah
Egfr Mutation Status in Lung Adeno andAdenosquamous Carcinoma Based on Age and
Sex Predilection at Dr. Kariadi Hospital in 2017 to June 2019 ........................................ 43
FaizaRizky, Franky Yusuf, Dik Puspasari
The Role of Cell of Origin Profiling Using Immunohistochemistry to Predict Survival of
Indonesian Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Patients ..................................................... 44

Hermawan Istiadi, Udadi Sadhana, Dik Puspasari, Ika Pawitra Miranti, Vega
Karlowee, Awal Prasetyo
Effect of HILT and LLLT in Improving Quality of Life in the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome45
Andriaz Kurniawan, Erna Setiawati
Correlation between Sujin Cervical Neuralis Foraminal Stenosis Grading System with
Cervical Radiculopathy Clinical Scores: Study of Degenerative Disease with MRI
Examination ...................................................................................................................... 46
Linggawati Tanujaya A. Gunawan Santoso, CH.H.Nawangsih, Nurdopo Baskoro,
Nasirun Zulqarnain, Hermina Sukmaningtyas
Epilepsy Surgery in Radiological Normal Appearing Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in
Indonesia ........................................................................................................................... 47
Thohar Arifin
Quantification of T2 to Asses Intractable Medial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy with Normal
MRI Using Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) .................................................. 48
Hermina Sukmaningtyas, Jacub Pandelaki, Meira Dewi Kusuma Astuti, Diah Fauziah,
I. Riwanto, Zainal Muttaqin

Nutritional Intervention
Effectiveness of Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griff Leaf Extracton Blood Glucose Levelin
Wistar Rat ......................................................................................................................... 49
Aditya Leonoreza, Tifanni Excelinda, Jasmine Elnitiarta, Dwi Retnoningrum
Protective Effect of Brewed Robusta Coffee Leaves (Coffea canephora) on Fasting Blood
Glucose and GLUT 4 in Metabolic Syndrome Rats ......................................................... 50
Suci Eka Putri, Gemala Anjani, Nurmasari Widyastuti, Choirun Nissa, Rachma
Purwanti, Anang M Legowo, Nyoman Suci Widyastiti
Effect of Brewed Robusta Coffee Leaves (Coffea canephora) Triglyceride (TG), High
Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and Malondialdehyde (MDA) Study in Metabolic Syndrome
Wistar Rats ........................................................................................................................ 51
Amali Rica Pratiwi, Nyoman Suci Widyastiti, Anang M. Legowo, Nurmasari
Widyastuti, A. Fahmy Arif Tsani, Hartanti Sandi Wijayanti, Gemala Anjani
Karika Fruit Juice (Carica pubescens) Reduces Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-α)
and Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG) Levels inType 2 Diabetes Mellitus Wistar Rats ........ 52
Triya Ulva Kusuma, Septi Nur Rachmawati, Gemala Anjani, Muflihatul Muniroh
Carica pubescens Fruit Juice Improved SOD, Triglyceride, and High-Density Lipoprotein
Level in Type 2 Diabetes Rats .......................................................................................... 53
Septi Nur Rachmawati, Triya Ulva Kusuma, Muflihatul Muniroh, Gemala Anjani
The Effect of Tempeh Gembus on Malondialdehyde and Superoxide Dismutase Enzyme
Levels in Rats with Diet-Induced Metabolic Syndrome ................................................... 54
Pristina Adi Rachmawati, Diana Nur Afifah, Ninik Rustanti, Gemala Anjani, Achmad
Zulfa Juniarto
The Effect of Goat Milk Kefir Fortified Vitamin D3 on Interleukin (IL)-18 Levels in
Diabetic Rats ..................................................................................................................... 55
Kurnia Dwi Anggraeni, GemalaAnjani, Binar Panunggal, Martha Ardiaria, Choirun
Modeling Impact of Stunting On Morbidity, Development, Hamoglobin Levels as
Evidence Based Intervention of Community in Toddlers Stunting in Pemalang District. 56
Arwinda Nugraheni, Aras Utami, Ani Margawati, Firdaus Wahyudi, Hari Peni
Julianti, Dodik Pramono
Sprague Dawley Rat Albumin Levels after Complementary Feeding Formula with Fish
Protein Hydrolyzate (FPH) Substitution ........................................................................... 57

Nazulatul Asmak, Kusmiyati-Tjahjono DK, Ekowati Chasanah, Yusro Nuri
Fawzya,Pujoyuwono Martosuyono, Nuryanto, Diana Nur Afifah
Goldenberry and Cucumber Juice Against Systolic Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Rats
Model Induced 8% NaCl: an Experimental Study ............................................................ 58
Amilia Yuni Damayanti*, Dianti Desita Sari, Fiki Husna
Effectiveness of Moderate Intensity Aerobic and Jogging Combination on Body Weight
and Body Fat Percentage in Obese Young Adult.............................................................. 59
Eko Cahyo Fatristanto, Ria Ambarwati, Dian Luthfita Prasetya Muninggar, Sunarto,
Arintina Rahayuni
The Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Perceived Stress, Body Image, and Cortisol Level for
Premenstrual Syndrome .................................................................................................... 60
Sri Sumarni, Syarief Taufik Hidayat, Dwi Pujonarko, Hardhono Susanto
Diet and Antioxidant Supplementation Prevent Cardiovascular Disease ......................... 61
Study of Goat Milk and Goat Milk Yogurt as an Adjuvant Therapy on Malaria ............. 62
Merinta Sada, Anang M Legowo, Gemala Anjani

Risk Factors Affecting Obstructive Sleep Apneain Coronary Heart Disease Patients ..... 63
Windy Rizkiana, Farokah, Rery Budiarti
The Differences of Electrolyte and Cardiac Markers Levels in NSTEMI and STEMI
Patients .............................................................................................................................. 64
Freddy Ciptono, Banundari Rachmawati, Meita Hendrianingtyas
Correlation of Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) and C-Reactive Protein (CRP) with S-100B
Level in Ischemic Stroke .................................................................................................. 65
Veronica Prawira, Nyoman Suci Widyastiti, Edward Ksl, Hexanto M
Radial Shock Wave Therapy Effect to Upper Limb Motor Function in Stroke Patients
Receiving Infrared Therapy and Stretching Exercises ...................................................... 66
Betharossi CW, Rudy Handoyo
Comparison of the Effectiveness between Fentanyl and Clonidine in Reducing
Hemodynamic Response Changes Post Laryngoscopy and Endotracheal Intubation ...... 67
Mohammad Sudrajat, Rio Kristian Nugroho, Satrio Adi Wicaksono, Doso Sutiyono
Anesthetic Management in Patient with Intradural Tumor at the Level of Thoracic
Vertebrae 12–Lumbar Vertebrae 1 with Suspected Schwanoma Accompanied by
Congestive Heart Failure Nyha Ii and Atrial Fibrillation ................................................. 68
Satrio Adi Wicaksono, Sulistiyati Bayu Utami, Doso Sutiyono

Correlation between Prolactin Level and the Fertility Quality of Life (FertiQoL) among
Indonesian Infertile Patients ............................................................................................. 69
Juniarto A.Z., Fulyani F, Herlina E.C, M.Ariani M.D., Chalimi A., Iskandarsyah A
Correlation of Infertility Self-Efficacy Scale to Satisfaction with Life Scale in Male
Infertility Patients.............................................................................................................. 70
Juniarto A.Z., Herlina E.C., Fulyani F., Ariani M.D, Fathurrahaman, Sawitri R
The Difference of the Effectiveness of Health Education Intervention between Using
Video and Booklet to Knowledge of Cervical Cancer Prevention ................................... 71
Salma-Melati Pertiwi, Bunga-Ayu Gifara, Aras Utami, Julian Dewantiningrum,
Saekhol Bakri
Correlation between Serum Bilirubin Level with Haematologyc Scoring System and
Serum Amyloid a Level in High Risk Neonates ............................................................... 72

Irenne Elly M. Sitompul, Purwanto Adhipireno, Herniah Asti W

Functional Food
Encapsulation Efficiency of Vitamin D3 in Alpha-lactalbumin during Storage ............... 73
Anastu Regita Nareswara, Aiska Zhafira Alamsyah, Diana Nur Afifah, Binar
Panunggal, M. Sulchan, Ali Khumaeni, Gemala Anjani
Rate of Physical Appearance Changes on Yellowness in Salak during Preservation in
Room Storage.................................................................................................................... 74
Widia Pangestika, Ahmad Ni’matullah Al-Baarri, Anang Mohamad Legowo, Mulyana
Hadipernata, Wisnu Broto
Total Phenolic Content, Antioxidant Activity and Organoleptic Test of Nata de
Pinabetween Various Parts of Honey Pineapple Variety (Ananas comosus [L.] Merr. Var.
Queen) ............................................................................................................................... 75
Dwi Yuniar Intan Sari, Hartanti Sandi Wijayanti, Diana Nur Afifah
The Quality of Synbiotic Ice Cream (Organoleptic and Melt Speed) Establishment Based
on Tanduk Banana an Alternative of Obesity Youth Snack in Karawang ........................ 76
Ratih Kurniasari, Linda Riski Sefrina
Effect of Variation Addition Red Dragon Fruit Peel in Yogurt on Organoleptic Properties,
Protein, Lipid, and Flavonoid Content .............................................................................. 77
Mardiana, Natalia Desy Putriningtyas
Low Energy and High Fiber Cookies from Yellow Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) ...... 78
Riva Mustika Anugrah, Dyah Kartika Wening
Formulation of Biscuits with Yellowfin Fish Flour (Thunnus albacares) and Terubuk
Flour (Saccharum edule hasskarl) as Complementary Feeding to Improve Children
Nutritional Status in Papua ............................................................................................... 79
Dian Irianita Br Manik, Nuryanto, Diana Nur Afifah

Conicity Index as Indicator for Obesity in Adolescents ................................................... 80
Indri Mulyasari, Galeh Septiar Pontang
Overweight and Obesity in Childhoodwere Associated with the Number of Families and
Mother's Occuppation ....................................................................................................... 81
Muhammad Irwan Setiawan
Factors that Influence Eating Disorders in Obese Female Students ................................. 82
Azaria Nafisah Pahlavie, Enny Probosari, A. Fahmy Arif Tsani, Fillah Fithra Dieny
Omega-6/Omega-3 Fatty Acid Ratio Serum, Omega-3 Fatty Acid Index, and hs-CRP
Serum in Obesity Adolescents Aged 16-18 Years ............................................................ 83
Iken Rahma Mahesty, Mohammad Sulchan, Apoina Kartini
Correlation of Serum Cortisol Levels with Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference 84
Michael Kevin Mahardi, Nyoman Suci Widyastiti, Dwi Retnoningrum
Correlation of Waist Circumference with Monocyte Lymphocyte Ratio, Hemoglobin, and
Hba1c in Obesity............................................................................................................... 85
Okty Prahalanitya, Meita Hendrianingtyas
Metabolic Characteristics and Nutrition Intake on Woman with Metabolically Obese
Normal Weight (MONW) ................................................................................................. 86
DenyYudi Fitranti, Fillah Fithra Dieny, Dewi Marfu’ah Kurniawati, Rachma
Purwanti, Betsi Kusumaningnastiti, Iqlima Safitri

Effect of Kelor (Moringa oleifera) Leaves Extract against Uterus Pregnant Mice and
Teratogenic Influence on the Fetus ................................................................................... 87
Desy Armalina, Neni Susilaningsih, Indah Saraswati, Eva Annisa
Soluble Endoglin Serum in First and Second Trimester as Preeclampsia Predictor ......... 88
Dhanu Ari Atmaja, Agoes Oerip Poerwoko
Effectiveness of Combination of Bensons Relaxation and Dhikrto Decrease Blood
Pressure and Anxiety in Primigravida with Hypertension ................................................ 89
Tri Susilowati, Noor Pramono, Siti Fatimah Muis
The Effect of Peer Education with Mindful-Start Method on Anxiety Level in
Primigravid Pregnant Women........................................................................................... 90
Yuniar Ika Fajarini, Akbar Amin Abdullah
Factors Affecting Ethical Behaviors and Implementation Ethical Principles in Clinical
Nursing Practice ................................................................................................................ 91
Rr. Sri Endang Pujiastuti

Correlation of Iron Accumulation and Calcium Defficiency as Possible Risk Factor for
Sarcopenia in Elderly Women: a Study Using Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry
(DXA) ............................................................................................................................... 92
Wardhani A R., Harahap I H., Sukmaningtyas H., Ngestiningsih D.
Analysis of Serum Vitamin D Level and its Correlation with Bone Mineral Density in
Javanese Elderly Women .................................................................................................. 93
Lusiana Batubara, Dwi Ngestiningsih, Hermina Sukmaningtyas, Ainun Rahmasari
Gumay, Etisa Adi Murbawani, Enny Probosari, Faizah Fulyani
Correlation between Interleukin-6 and Total White Blood Cells Counts with Bone Mass
Density among Indonesian Elderly Women ..................................................................... 94
Faizah Fulyani, Peter Ivan Hadiprajitno, Frederica V. Agustina, Lusiana Batubara
Correlation between Vitamin D and Cognitive Function in Elderly................................. 95
Nihayatul Istianah, Dwi Ngestiningsih, Innawati Jusup, Andrew Johan
The Effects of Aikido Basic Exercise on Functional Lower Extremity Strength in Healthy
Elderly ............................................................................................................................... 96
Luluk Qurrota Aini, Tanti Ajoe Kesoema
Effect of Chair-Based Exercise Compared to Senam Lansia in Improving Mobility in the
Elderly ............................................................................................................................... 97
Niken Widya Ananingrum, Endang Ambarwati
Attending Frequency toward the Implementation of 4 Pilar Gizi Seimbang for Elderly
Participant of Kader Kesehatan Purnabakti BTPN Salatiga Program............................... 98
Ratih Trestya Sarwoningrum, Choirun Nissa, Rachma Purwanti, Oky Setiarso

Day 1
Serum Cortisol Levels and Iron Homeostasis Parameters in Stressed and Non-Stressed
Medical Students............................................................................................................... 99
Nyoman Suci Widyastiti, Natalia Dewi Wardani, Dwi Retnoningrum, Banundari
Mental Disorder in Obesity ............................................................................................. 100
Mahesa Permana Kardis, Alifiati Fitrikasari
The Impact of Low Self-Esteem on the Mental Health of Female Prisoners: a Systematic
Review ............................................................................................................................ 101
Etty Eriyanti, Megah Andriany, Muhammad Muin

Screening Mental Health Problem, Counselling and Counselling Training to Sintren
Dancer in Pemalang ........................................................................................................ 102
Natalia Dewi Wardani, Ani Margawati, Titis Hadiati, Widodo Sarjana A.S., Innawati
Eudemonic Wellbeing of Elderly People during the First Year after a Stroke: a Pilot
Study ............................................................................................................................... 103
Ramadhan Putra Satria, Megah Andriany, Nurullya Rachma
Effects of Mindfulness on Stimulating Hope and Recovery among People with
Schizophrenia.................................................................................................................. 104
Halimah Wenny Yulina Astuti, Murti Agustin, Sri Padma Sari, Diyan Yuli Wijayanti,
Widodo Sarjana
Human Immunodeficiency Virus – Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Patient with
Multiple Myeloma .......................................................................................................... 105
Ursula Nauli Malau, Herniah Asti Wulanjani
Subtle Clinical Manifestation in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Clinically and
Laboratory Case Diagnosis and Follow Up .................................................................... 106
Edward Kurnia Setiawan Limijadi, Lisyani B. Suromo
Correlation of Benzene Metabolite with Haematology Parameters in Leukaemia Cases107
Ade Delpita, Nyoman Suci Widyastiti, Ariosta Setyadi, Yetty Movieta Nency
Correlation between sTfR, 25-hydroxyvitamin D and N-mid-Osteocalcin Level among
Multiple Blood Transfussion Thalassemic Patients ........................................................ 108
Villa Sekar Cita, NyomanSuci Widyastiti, Dian Widyaningrum, Yetty Movieta Nency
Bone Marrow Involvement of Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma (CTCL)........................... 109
Peggy Loman, Imam Budiwiyono, Ariosta, Nyoman Suci Widyastiti, Dik Puspasari,
Bone Marrow Metastasis of Neuroblastoma in 16-Month Old Child : a Case Report ... 110
I Gede Ardy Surya D, Nyoman Suci Widyastiti, Meira Dewi Kusuma Astuti, Bambang
The Factors that Influence the Length of Hospitalization of a Medical Patient after
Getting a Colorectal Cancer Surgery .............................................................................. 111
Ahmad Wasil, Saekhol Bakri, Abdul Mughni, Yan Wisnu
Epidural Analgesia: Collaboration between Anesthesiologist and Neurosurgeon to
Manage Post-Spine Surgery Pain.................................................................................... 112
Satrio Adi Wicaksono, Doso Sutiyono
Comparison of Mechanical Ventilation Duration in Postoperative Patient with Ventilator
between Midazolam or Propofol Sedation in Intensive Care Unit Dr. Kariadi Hospital 113
Satrio Adi Wicaksono, Aisyahani, Jati Listiyanto Pujo
In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Coconut Fiber Ethanolic Extract as an Alternative
Therapy Against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus ..................................... 114
Mardelia Nur Fatana, Fadzila Nur ‘Aini, VincentiusBonaverrel Dominico, Rebriarina
The Effect of Orthosiphon Spicatus on Hematologic Parameters in Wistar Rats Induced
by Lead Acetat ................................................................................................................ 115
Dwi Retnoningrum, Nyoman Suci Widyastiti, Ariosta
Variant Hb Analysis Detected on HbA1c Examination using Capillary Electrophoresis
Method ............................................................................................................................ 116
Anwar S, Rachmawati B
Correlation between Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) and Red Cell Distribution Width
(RDW) on Chronic Kidney Disease Patients .................................................................. 117
Anita Tri Hastuti, Edward Kurnia Setiawan Limijadi

Correlation between Kang MRI Cervical Canal Stenosis Grading System with Cervical
Spondylotic Myelopathy Clinical Score ......................................................................... 118
Angelina Yashinta, A Gunawan S,CH Nawangsih,Bambang Satoto,Farah Hendara
Ningrum, Hermina Sukmaningtyas
Improvement of Functional Independence Measure (FIM) Scores Measured after
Comprehensive Rehabilitation in Patient after Spinal Meningioma Evacuation ............ 119
Erina, Erna Setiawati
Comparison of Improvement of Low Back Pain in Obesity and Non-Obesity Patients with
Magnetotherapy .............................................................................................................. 120
Hari Peni Julianti
The Effect of Addition Kinesiotaping in Proprioceptive in Knee Osteoarthtiris Patients
Grade II and III Who Get Weight-Pulley System Exercise ............................................ 121
Reggy Injo, Lanny Indriastuti
Medical Rehabilitation in Patient with Spastic Tetraparese et Causa Spinal Schwanoma: a
Case Report ..................................................................................................................... 122
Herlina Gunawan, Rahmi Isma A.P
The Correlation between Cotinine Levels in Active Smokers with Color Blindness .... 123
Riski Prihatningtias, Maharani, Edward Kurnia Setiawan Limijadi, Meita

Day 2
Formulation of Baby Biscuits with Substitution of Wood Grasshopper Flour (Melanoplus
cinereus) as an Alternative Complementary Food for Children Aged 12-24 Months .... 124
Turmala Dewi, Alfia Nur Vidiarti, Deny Yudi Fitranti, Dewi Marfu’ah Kurniawati,
Gemala Anjani
Analysis of Fe, Ca, and Zn Minerals in Instant Powder with Substitution of Fish Protein
Hydrolyzate (FPH) as Complementary Feeding ............................................................. 125
Astrid Rossalia Putri, Syaiful Anwar, Ekowati Chasanah, Yusro Nuri Fawzya,
Pujoyuwono Martosuyono, Nuryanto, Diana Nur Afifah
Nutrient Content and Physical Properties of Instant Baby Porridge Substituted with
Freshwater Clams Flour (Pilsbryoconcha exilis) ............................................................ 126
Laila Febinda Fatma, Diana Nur Afifah, Dimas Tri Anantyo, Mulyono, Teddy Wahyu
Nugroho, Firdaus Wahyudi, Nuryanto
Analysis of Nutrient Content and Shelf Life from Freshwater Snails (Pila ampullacea)
Instant Baby Porridge ..................................................................................................... 127
Kholifiyah Ihsani, Diana Nur Afifah, Dimas Tri Anantyo, Mulyono, Teddy Wahyu
Nugroho, Firdaus Wahyudi, Nuryanto
Nutritional Status and Dental Caries among Islamic Primary School Children ............. 128
Amilia Yuni Damayanti, Joyeti Darni, Ruskiah Octavia
Correlation between Characteristics of Pregnant Women and Knowledge about Anemia
during Pregnancy in Semarang ....................................................................................... 129
Anggorowati, Dwi Susilowati, Sari Sudarmiati, Elsa Naviati, Artika Nurahima, Fatikhu
Yatuni Asmara
Satiety Profiles in Obese and Normal Adults after High-Carbohydrate Diet Ingestion . 130
A. Fahmy Arif Tsani, Scholastica Avelia Widowati, Fillah Fithra Dieny, Nurmasari
Widyastuti, Anis Septiyani
Effect of Temperature Storage toward Glucose Levels of Rice...................................... 131
Purbowati, Riva Mustika Anugrah
GLITEROS Enteral Formula for Patients with Hyperglycemia Based on Tempeh Flour
and Yam Flour ................................................................................................................ 132

Virginia Sutikno, Ayu Rahadiyanti, Deny Yudi Fitranti, Fillah Fithra Dhieny, Diana
Nur Afifah, Choirun Nissa
Analysis of Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load and Acceptability of Enteral Formulas
Based on Tempeh Flour and Yam Flour as Innovations for Hyperglycemic Patients .... 133
Lilis Wijayanti, Nuryanto, Ayu Rahadiyanti, Deny Yudi Fitranti, Fillah Fithra Dhieny,
Gemala Anjani, Choirun Nissa
Microbiology Quality and Shelf Life Analysis of Enteral Formulas Based on Tempeh
Flour and Yam Flour for Patients with Hyperglycemia .................................................. 134
Wahyu Ilmi Annisa, Martha Ardiaria, Ayu Rahadiyanti, Deny Yudi Fitranti, Fillah
Fithra Dhieny, Diana Nur Afifah, Choirun Nissa
Total Lactic Acid Bacteria, Fiber Content, and Physical Properties of Nata De Pina
between Various Parts of Honey Pineapple Variety (Ananas Comosus [L.] Merr. Var.
Queen) ............................................................................................................................. 135
Ayu Yovita, Aryu Candra, Diana Nur Afifah
The Increasing of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) in Metabolic Syndrome Rats by Robusta
Coffee Leaves (Coffea canephora) ................................................................................. 136
Vita Gustin Almira, Gemala Anjani, Binar Panunggal, Choirun Nissa, A. Fahmy Arif
Tsani, Hartanti Sandi Wijayanti, Rachma Purwanti, Nurmasari Widyastuti
Relation Between Blood Calcium and Bone Mass Density in Menopause Women ....... 137
Ismayanti F, Sukmaningtyas H, Baskoro N, Ngestiningsih D, Lusiana
Correlation Between Bone Mass Density and Blood Iron Serum Level in Elderly Women:
a Study using Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) ........................................... 138
Swastika MA., Batubara L., Ngestiningsih, D., Sukmaningtyas H.
Correlation between Sarcopenia and Bone Mass Density (BMD) in Menopause Women
(Study with Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA)) ............................................. 139
Lestari D, Batubara L, Ngestiningsih D, Sukmaningtyas H
Effect of Chair-Based Exercise Compared to Senam Lansia in Improving Quality of Life
in the Elderly ................................................................................................................... 140
Soracca Fellicita Sugiarto, Sri Wahyudati
Correlation Between HbA1c and Triglyceride Level with Coronary Stenosis Degree in
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Coronary Heart Disease ................................................. 141
Laily Adninta, Indranila Kustarini S, Imam Budiwiyono, Edward Kurnia Setiawan
Management of Patient after Mitral Valve Replacement Surgery with Pulmonary
Hypertension and Thyroid Storm: a Case Report ........................................................... 142
Mohammad Sudrajat, Satrio Adi Wicaksono, Widya Istanto Nurcahyo, Sulistiyati Bayu
Utami, Mochamad
Predictors of Quality of Ife (QoL) among Stroke Survivor after Six Month Onset: a
Systematic Review .......................................................................................................... 143
Fitria Handayani, Reni Sulung Utami, Niken Safitri D.K., Chandra Bagus R., Yuni Dwi
Ovarian Ectopic Pregnancy in Seemingly Healthy Woman: a Case Report ................... 144
Brian Mendel, Yuyun Lisnawati
Smart Mother Classes: Coping Skill and Antenatal Education Toward Coping Skill
Ability, and Anxiety Level among Pregnant Women ..................................................... 145
Runjati, Sri Rahayu
Posthemorragic Postpartum Hysterectomy Et Causa Uterine Atony .............................. 146
Ridzki Hastanus Sembada

SEffectiveness of Guidelines on Documenting Diagnosis and Intervention of Android-
Based Nursing on Quality Improvement Documentation of Diagnosis and Nursing
Interventions ................................................................................................................... 147
Arif Puji Atmanto, Aggorowati, Muhammad Rofii


Nattokinase and Related Enzymes for the Prevention and

Treatment of Vascular Diseases
Zhuang Yao1 and Jeong Hwan Kim1;2*
Div. of Appl. Life Science (BK21 Plus), Graduate School, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju
Korea 52828
Institute of Agriculture and Life Science, Gyeongsang National University
Corresponding author: jeonghkm@gnu.ac.kr


Nattokinase (NK, or subtilisin NAT, EC is a serine protease

belonging to subtilisins, and secreted by some strains of Bacillus subtilis. NK
shares very high similarity in amino acid sequence with other subtilisins, but NK
shows very strong fibrinolytic activity unlike other subtilisins, making it a unique
enzyme. Previous studies have shown that NK can be used as an alternative for
drugs used for the treatment of thrombosis, a common cause of cardiovascular
infarction and stroke, which are the most common causes of human death globally.
Unlike thrombolytic agents such as t-PA, urokinase, and streptokinase, NK has
advantages including easy oral administration, less expensive, longer half-life
inside body, and less side effects. Studies also have shown that NK exerts multiple
beneficial effects, and they are fibrinolytic, anti-artherosclerotic, blood pressure
lowering, neuroprotective, and anticoagulant effects. Because of these properties,
attention on NK as a new preventive and curing agent for vascular related disease
is on the rise. Further studies on NK are also required, especially on the issues of
absorption of NK in intestinal tracts, pharmacokinetic properties in blood, and
modification of NK into more active and stable forms. We have isolated Bacillus
species with strong fibrinolytic activities from Korean traditional fermented foods,
and they include B. amyloliquefaciens, B. velezensis, B. pumilis, and B.
licheniformis strains in addition to B. subtilis strains.Their fibrinolytic enzymes are
quite similar with NK, produced as a preproenzyme and the mature enzyme has
molecular weight of 27-28 kDa. Their structural genes have been cloned and
expressed in heterologous hosts such as E. coli and B. subtilis. We are trying to
construct Bacillus strains with improved fibrinolytic activity through directed
evolution methodlogies. Eventually, the constructs will contribute for the
production of fibrinolytic enzymes with improved properties in a large scale.

Keywords: Nattokinase; fibrinolytic enzymes; Bacillus species; thrombolytic

agents; vascular diseases


Cardiovascular Health Promotion

Umaporn Boonyasopun Ph.D. RN.

Prince of Songkla University, Thailand


Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. The

traditional risk factors including hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia,
cigarette smoking, and obesity, clearly are operative at an early age to promote the
development of atherosclerosis. The best strategy to prevention of cardiovascular
disease is cardiovascular health promotion which involves five approaches; medical
or preventative behavioral change, educational, empowerment and social change.
These health promotion approaches vary in their aims, methods and effectiveness.
However, they can be combined in order to achieve optimal improvements in
cardiovascular health. Cardiovascular health promotion involves both an individual
and population level. The individual level activities include identification of those
at high risk through screening and amelioration of risk factors, primarily via
changes in diet, cigarette smoking and physical activity. The population level
activities focus on improving lifestyle to prevent risk factors from developing.
Monitoring optimum risk status throughout childhood and young adulthood results
in an important reduction of risk for cardiovascular disease.


Weight Management for Patient with Obesity and Cardiovascular

Professor Ahmad Alkhatib R.Nutr, M.Sc, Ph.D, CISSN, FHEA, FRSM*

University of Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Teesside University, England, UK
Corresponding author : drahmadalkhatib@gmail.com


Alarming increase in global obesity is affecting diverse populations which

have consequent burdens of chronic diseases such as type-2 diabetes,
cardiovascular disease, morbidities and mortalities. Physical activity and nutritional
approach are the cornerstones of lifestyle prevention of obesity. Advances in
understanding individuals’ behaviour and biological responses to different exercise
conditions are concurrent with new personalised exercise, nutritional and
behavioural tools effective for preventing obesity and cardiovascular diseases. We
demonstrated the effectivenss of a prevention lifestyle model for obesity which
combines innovative nutraceuticals with exercise and behavioural interventions and
utilises evolving “omics” technologies. Personalised lifestyle approaches for
obesity prevention, especially targeted at high risk-populations are key to addressed
diverse population needs, cultures and settings across the globe.


Robots and Intelligent Machines: Human Caring Science, and

Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing
Rozzano C. Locsin, RN; PhD, FAAN1*, Professor Emeritus2

Professor of Nursing, Tokushima University Graduate School, Institute of Biomedical Sciences,
Tokushima, Japan
Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431
Corresponding author : locsin@tokushima-u.ac.jp


The Fourth Industrial Revolution has generated marked influences in

Nursing and the health care industry. Previous revolutions freed human beings from
animal power and strength, e.g. plowing and waterwheels. Then mass production
was made possible and digitalization became fundamental to survival in a techno-
intelligent world. A multiplicity of new and advanced technologies merging
physical and biological biospheres impact all disciplines, economies and industries,
even challenging the view of what is being human. These concerns depend upon
knowledgeable undertakings driven by revolutions in science, and the demands
desired by a new generation of consumers. With technological demands framing
research and development, both Nursing and the health sciences become significant
partners in undertakings influencing health care practice. It is rather clear that future
developments in health care practice will demonstrate an environment of
dependency with technologies, in which being technologically competent is the
most sought-after qualification. How can nurses engage eagerly in technological
competency and express humanness in their caring? The theory of Technological
Competency as Caring in Nursing through the process of ‘knowing-persons-as-
caring’ ultimately provides the practice requirement for Nursing to remain relevant
in a technologically-dependent world.


The Magnitude of CVD Burden and Its Risk Factors in Indonesia


DG, National Institute of Health Research and Development, Ministry of Health, Republic of


Based on Indonesian Burden of Disease Study, Indonesia is facing an

epidemiologic transition. The Proportion of Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY) lost
caused by Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) is rising from 40% in 1990 to 70% in
2017. The proportion of DALY lost caused by Communicable Diseases (CDs) is declining
from 51% in 1990 to 24% in 2017. The rest of DALY lost is caused by injuries that has
shown a small decline from 9% in 1990 to 6.5% in 2017. The major NCDs as the leading
causes of death are cerebrovascular diseases, heart diseases, diabetes, cirrhosis, COPD,
cancer, and maternal and neonatal death. While, the major CDs are tuberculosis, diarrhea,
and lower respiratory tract infection (pneumonia). In terms of risk factors, they can be
categorized into metabolic factors, behavior, and environment. The leading causes of
metabolic factors are hypertension, dietary risks, high fasting plasma glucose, high body
mass index, and malnutrition. The major behavior risks are smoking, occupational risks,
low physical activity, and alcohol use. While, the environmental risks are air pollution,
water and sanitation, and other environmental risks (climate change). Based on Riskesdas
2018, the prevalence of heart of Indonesian population in all ages is 1.5%, with the lowest
prevalence of 0.7% in Nusa Tenggara Timur, and the highest prevalence of 2.2% in Kaltara.
Prevalence of stroke is increasing, form 7‰ in 2013 to 10.9 ‰ in 2018, with variation
across provinces. The prevalence of diabetes melitus in population aged ≥ 15 years, based
on blood plasma glucose and symptoms (Perkeni consensus 2011), is increasing, from
6.9% in 2013 to 8.5% in 2018. In facts, if using Perkeni consensus 2015, the 2018
prevalence is 10.9%. On the other hand, the prevalence of diabetes based on doctor
historical diagnosis is only 2%, so there occurred “missing persons” of about 6,5%. The
prevalence of hypertension by blood measurement in population aged ≥ 18 years is 34.1%,
with variation across provinces. But the prevalence of those are diagnosed or obtain
treatment is 8.8%, so there occurred “missing persons” of about 25.3%. The prevalence of
obesity in population aged ≥ 18 years is increasing, from 10.5% in 2007 to 21.8% in 2018.
So it is easy to understood why stroke, heart diseases, and diabetes become the major causes
of death. From the above data, in terms of research development priorities, they can be
categorized into two fields. The first field is regarding innovation in promotive and
preventive measures, including risk factors management, as well as, multi-sectoral actions.
The second field is relating to innovation in diagnostic kits, therapeutical modalities (new
drugs, stem cell therapy, biosimilar, immunotherapy, etc), as well as, supporting therapies
(functional foods, herbal medicines, etc). Research in the first field needs synergy between
researchers and programme managers, while that in the second field needs synergy amongst
ABGC (Academicians, Business, Government, and Community).

Keywords: burden of diseases study; Healthy Adjusted Life Expectancy; Disability

Adjusted Life Expectancy; risk factor; Riskesdas; heart diseases; obesity; research and
development; innovation


Obesity and male infertility

Achmad Zulfa Juniarto

Medical Biology Department, Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University


As the obesity epidemic continues to spread, more and more people are
being affected both in the short term and in the long term by the consequences.
While obesity is associated with reproductive dysfunction in both men and women
throughout their lifespan, the impact on male reproductive health has been studied
intensively. Obesity, which is an important health issue, is a common problem
among women and men of reproductive age. Obesity and overweight involves an
abnormal and excessive fat accumulation that negatively affects the health of the
body. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), if the body mass index
(BMI) equals to or is greater than 25 kg/m2, it is considered overweight, whereas
if the BMI equals to or is greater than 30 kg/m2, it is considered obesity. Obesity is
a medical condition in which excess body fat, or white adipose tissue, accumulates
in the body to the extent that this accumulation of fat might adversely affect health,
potentially reducing life expectancy. According to the WHO, approximately 1.6
billion adults were classed as being overweight and 400 million adults were obese
in 2005. Statisticians have predicted that, by 2015, approximately 2.3 billion adults
will be overweight and 700 million will be obese. Infertility is the inability of a
sexually active, non-contracepting couple to achieve pregnancy in one year. There
is less evidence explaining how obesity causes male infertility. the year in the USA;
similar findings pertaining to other mechanisms responsible for effects on male
infertility are mostly ambiguous and undefined. several mechanisms have been
proposed. Most of these mechanisms might contribute to the dysregulation of the
hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal (HPG) axis, one of the most important functions
of which is to regulate aspects of reproduction i.e.: Aromatase overactivity, White
adipose tissue as an endocrine organ, Environmental toxins and oxidative stress,
Dysregulation of the HPG axis, genetic link, Erectile dysfunction and Elevated
scrotal temperature. Various mechanisms can influence and affect male fertility. the
effects manifest in both the endocrine and exocrine functioning of the male gonads
such as altered semen parameters (Sperm count and concentration, Sperm motility,
DNA fragmentation, Normal sperm morphology) and Abnormal hormone profile
(Decreased inhibin B, Decreased testosterone : estrogen ratio)


Trained Nurse-led education and counseling of heart failure self-

care model “PrOMiSe” decrease clinical outcome on re-admission
and/ or mortality in heart failure patients in hospital, Indonesia

Rita Sekarsari1, Elly Nuracmah2, Ratna Sitorus3 and Anwar Santoso4

Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Harapan Kita Hospital


The objective of this study is to determine the effect of nurse-led education

and counseling of heart failure self-care model “PrOMiSe”to decrease re-admission
and/or mortality in heart failure patients. We used a three-model integrated
approach, the Transtheoretical, Orem and Motivational interviewing model, or
simply termed “PrOmiSe”. Quasi-experimental with control group design was used
in this study. One hundred participants with heart failure were enrolled during their
hospitalization. The intervention group received 5 education sessions during
hospitalization, 3 education and counseling sessions during outpatient clinic visits
and 2 telephone calls over a three month period from a trained nurse. Meanwhile,
the control group received usual care. Statistical analysis was performed using
independent t-test, Chi Square, Mann-Whitney test, Kaplan Meier and Cox
regression test. Results: Nurse-led model “PrOmiSe”revealed that there are
significant differences in the reduction of the re-admission and/or mortality rates
after 6 months of the patients were given intervention. Conclusion: The education
and counseling of heart failure self-care model “PrOmiSe” is effective in reducing
the rates of re-admission and/or mortality in heart failure patients. This method is
applicable to be used as one of the education and counseling models for heart failure
self-care in other hospitals.

Keywords: heart failure patient; nurse; PrOMiSe model; re-admission and/ or

mortality; self-care


Translational Research in Heart Failure Therapy

Bambang Budi Siswanto

Clinical Cardiology Division Dept Cardiology & Vascular Medicine Universitas Indonesia
National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita Jakarta
Working Group on Heart Failure, Pulmonary Hypertension, Cardiometabolic and Biomarker
Corresponding author : bambbs@gmail.com


Heart failure in Indonesia now had become the highest prevalence of

rehospitalization and mortality and high cost, as shown in ASIAN-HF registry. It
become the most three catastrophic disease that consumed mostly national health
funding, besides cancer and chronic kidney disease as shown in the latest data of
National Health Insurance. Effort should priority to this non communicable disease
besides infectious / communicable disease. To search and presenting the most
recent evidence-based data on heart failure therapy. We searching the literature
published for the last 10 years and found the most appropriate references for this
topic. Many progresses had been achieved in this last 10 years in heart failure
therapy, but many of this early diagnosis, therapy and prevention could not be
applied in Indonesia since the cost is not affordable to most of Indonesia heart
failure patients The other things that Indonesia heart failure came to hospital at the
very late stage. Also, many heart failure patients did not compliance to the
medication and not having healthy life style and poor educated. This data show that
many effort should be done for prevention of heart failure in Indonesia population


The Effect of Prebiotic Yoghurt and Soyghurt With Sappan Wood

(Caesalpina sappan L) on Fasting Blood Glucose, Insulin,
Triglyserides,Cholesterol and MDA Levels of Pre-Metabolic
Syndrom Rats
Ninik Rustanti1;2*, Shorea Augusta Chrisanti Suwandi1, Gita Hanna Zakiyah1, Badrotul
Kiromah1, Dewi Marfu’ah Kurniawati1;2, Rachma Purwanti1;2, Deny Yudi Fitranti1;2,
Gemala Anjani1;2, Diana Nur Afifah1;2
Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang,
CENURE (Center of Nutrition Research), Integrated Laboratory for Research and Services,
Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Corresponding author: ninik.rustanti@gmail.com


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of prebiotic yogurt and
soyghurt containing inulin, sappan wood and carragenan to fasting blood glucose
(FBG), insulin, triglycerides, total cholesterol, and MDA levels of pre-metabolic
syndrome rats. This type of research was true experimental research with pre-post
test control group design. Fifteen Sprague dawley rats were divided into three
groups, namely group K (control / healthy rats without treatment, n=5), P1 (pre-
metabolic syndrome rats with yogurt treatment, n=5) and P2 (pre-metabolic
syndrome rats with soyghurt treatment, n=5) at a dose of 3.4 mg / 200gBB / day for
28 days. After 28 days, there was no significant difference in FBG before and after
yogurt and soyghurt treatment. In addition, there was no significant difference in
insulin levels after intervention between three groups. The soyghurt group showed
a significant decrease in triglyceride levels before (112 ± 44.73 mg / dL) and after
treatment (60.7 ± 20.34 mg / dL). Nevertheless the decrease in triglycerides did not
differ significantly between three groups. Cholesterol and MDA levels did not show
significant differences before and after yogurt and soyghurt treatment, or between
three groups. Result indicated that consumption of prebiotic sappan yogurt and
soyghurt did not affect blood sugar, insulin, cholesterol and MDA levels in pre-
metabolic syndrome Sprague dawley rats.

Keywords: soyghurt; yogurt; fasting blood glucose; triglyserides; pre-metabolic



Evidence-Based Nutrition in the Weight Loss Management

Etika Ratna Noer

Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University


Obesity is defined as a condition of excessive fat accumulation in adipose

tissue, that causes metabolic disorders. The metabolic risk impact of obesity
increased pro-inflammatory markers. Chronic low-grade inflammation will worsen
the lipid profile such as increased triglycerides (TG), decreased high-density
lipoprotein (HDL), and leads to insulin resistance. The cornerstone of weight-loss
strategies includes dietary therapy and physical activity. The basic way to deal with
the weight-loss management is controlling the appetite. Hunger and satiety feeling
disruption are the crucial problems in dieters. Controllable satiety is a key
component to induce a negative energy balance, high compliance and promote
weight loss. In addition, the research regarding nutrition composition effect towards
satiety regulation is still unclear. Treatment must be achieved to a 5-10-percent
bodyweight reduction over a 6-month period, at a rate of 0.5 to 1 kg per week (2 –
4 kg per month). Low-calorie diets (LCDs) containing 1,000 to 1,200 kcal/day can
result in sufficient weight reduction. High protein, high fiber, and good hydration
have a potential role to accelerate weight loss. High protein increased secretion of
anorexigenic hormones and thermic effect of food, reduced orexigenic hormone
secretion, and induced alterations in gluconeogenesis. Fiber is useful to increase
transit time in the stomach, stimulates gut hormones, and gastric distension. The
water can increase satiety sense and support fat oxidation. Fish and tempeh as a
potential source of protein-rich in arginine are known to have great potential in
losing weight. The combination of aerobic and resistance training so-called circuit
training is supposed to reduce appetite. The aerobic training was aimed to increase
oxygen supply to the body and inconsequent achieving the optimal fat metabolism.
The mechanism of resistance training was focused on works when exercises take
place is reduced blood flow to the abdominal area affecting the reduction of
orexigenic hormones.

Keywords : satiety; high protein; high fiber; obesity


Dietary Patterns, Metabolic Syndrome, and Related

Complications among Middle-Aged and Older Adults

Ahmad Syauqy

Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University

Corresponding author : bang_yoki@yahoo.com


Metabolic syndrome is defined by central obesity, increased systolic and

diastolic blood pressure (BP), decreased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
(HDL-C), increased serum triglycerides (TG), and elevated fasting blood glucose
(FBG).Metabolic syndrome has been considered as a significant determinant of
cardiovascular diseases (CVDs).Moreover, individuals with metabolic syndrome
tended to have inflammation and might deteriorate the risks of CVD and metabolic
diseases.The prevalence of metabolic syndrome has considerably increased in many
countries.Therefore, the identification of modifiable risk factors may be crucial to
prevent the development of metabolic syndrome.Many factors including
demographics and lifestyle are known to be involved in the etiology of metabolic
syndrome. Among these factors, dietary patterns have demonstrated an important
role in the increased prevalence of metabolic syndrome. When evaluating the
association of diet and disease, dietary patterns consisting of complex foods with
many nutrients are more prominent influencing factors than single nutrients or diet
items. Hence, holistic dietary patterns are considered to be better at preventing the
development of diseases than single foods. Healthy dietary patterns such as the
traditional unrefined diet and the Mediterranean diet (which are both characterized
as rich in vegetables, fruit, whole grains, cereal, fish and seafood products), as well
as the low-fat diet, showed positive association with the components of metabolic
syndrome. A previous study found that a diet containing more fruit, vegetables, and
whole grains decreased metabolic syndrome and inflammation. However,
unhealthy dietary pattern including the Western dietary pattern—characterized as
rich in red meat, organ meat, processed foods, and high-fat foods—was negatively
associated with metabolic syndrome. Moreover, the Western dietary pattern might
increase the risk of metabolic syndrome and promote the production of pro-
inflammatory markers.

Keywords: lifestyle; dietary patterns; metabolic syndrome; inflammation


Literature Review: Mental Health Promotion in Elderly with

Chronic Illness
Nurullya Rachma

Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University

Corresponding author : nurullyarachma@fk.undip.ac.id


In Indonesia, prevalence of chronic disease in the elderly which continues

to increase are cardiovasculer diseases, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus.
Environment and social-economic factors, such as obesity, unhealthy eating
pattern, smoking, and lack of activity, increase risk of developing chronic disease.
This condition will negatively affect the health of the elderly is related to quality of
life. It reduces life expectancy and causes psychological problems. However, this
problem is frequently unidentified or addressed by health services, and stigma so
that prevents elderly from seeking help to promote their health. This study aims to
discribe articles related to mental health problem and promotion in elderly with
chronic illness. The design used is a literature review. Based on the collected
articles showed that the more chronic experienced by the elderly with greater
disease severity, the decrease in functional status is also greater. Chronic illness are
usually accompanied by mental health problems including mental illness, addictive
disorders, cognitive impairment, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and
developmental problems. Treatment focuses on primary prevention levels with
optimizing community empowerment. Intervention are given through individual,
families, groups, and communities. Mental health promotion in elderly with chronic
disease needs to create conditions and environment that support well-being and
enable the elderly to live healthy lives.

Keywords: Elderly with chronic illness; Mental health promotion


Relationship between Discomfort and Anxiety in Patient with

Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Yuni Dwi Hastuti1*, Evi Dwi Mulyani2
Lecturer of Adult Nursing Division, Nursing Department, Medical Faculty, Diponegoro
Student of Nursing Department, Medical Faculty, Diponegoro University
Corresponding author : yuni.dh@fk.undip.ac.id


Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) is one of the treatments for

coronary artery disease other than drug treatment and coronary artery bypass
grafting surgery. Some patients may develop psychological issue after PCI such as
anxiety. On the other hand patients need immobilization for 8-10 hours after this
procedure that might causes discomfort include physical and psycological
discomfort. The purpose of the research was to determine the anxiety and
discomfort in patients after PCI with femoral artery access and the relationship
between the two.The research was a correlation analytic study with total sampling
technique. Total sample were 80 respondents. Data collected using Discomfort
Questionnare (DQ) and Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS), then
analized by univariate analysis and bivariate analysis tecniques. The result showed
that 72.5% respondents were in moderate anxiety level and 62.5% respondents were
in moderate discomfort. The result showed the positive correlation between
discomfort and anxiety in patient after PCI with p-value 0,000 (p-value <0.05)
which mean an increase in the level of discomfort will increase anxiety. Discomfort
management such as physical exercise, music or aromatherapy can be applied to
reduce anxiety levels.

Keywords: discomfort; anxiety; PCI


Loneliness in Elderly: a Contributing Factors and Future

Sri Padma Sari

Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University

Corresponding author : sripadmasari@fk.undip.ac.id


The prevalence of loneliness has increased in the elderly population.

Loneliness has been defined as a complex of feeling accompanying to the absence
of intimation to others and the need for socialization. Many studies showed that
loneliness had impacted poor both mental and physical health among the elderly.
Various risk factors have been investigated can influence emotional and social
loneliness. Several interventions have been done to reduce loneliness in the elderly.
The previous intervention showed that educational and social support program was
effective in reducing loneliness. With technology development, the current
interventions have been examined by using high-tech technology and social media
to build social support for the elderly. The using of internet, smartphone, or web-
based intervention could effectively decrease the feeling of loneliness. One
promising intervention is the use of robotic, which provides future alternatives for
loneliness in the elderly, especially in Japan, because of their advanced technology.


Inter-Professional Education (IPE) as Approaching to Decrease

Maternal Malnutrition

Fatikhu Yatuni Asmara

Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro


Maternal malnutrition is one of problems faced by pregnant women in

Indonesia. It gives negative effects on fetal growth and development, such as
prematurity, low weight birth, and congenital disorder. IPE is introduced to solve
the problem by attaching students to supervise pregnant women in family context.
The aim of this study is to describe roles and responsibilities of students in
implementing IPE. It was involved three programs, namely medicine, nursing, and
nutrition. A small group consisted of 4-5 students have responsibility to assess
health problem (s), plan and implement the intervention, and evaluate the result.
Students give health education to the pregnant women about the importance of
nutrition during pregnancy. Nutrition need is calculated by nutrition students and
they give an example of menu for one day, while nursing students are making sure
that nutrition can be consumed by manipulating environment such as, giving music
therapy and massaging to reduce nausea. Finally, medical students can identify
effectiveness of therapy by examining sign and symptom of malnutrition in
pregnant women, such as body weight, signs of anemia both in physical appearance
and laboratory. Students are given opportunities to be more creative in making
media such as monitoring card for Fe consumption, video, flip chart, and so on.
Based on the evaluation, the level of knowledge about nutrition during pregnancy
and Fe consumption are increasing. Family member said that the program is useful
and can be sustained.


Biomarker Profiling for Cardiovascular Risk in Patient with Type

II Diabetes

Banundari Rachmawati

Fakultas Kedokteran UNDIP/RSUP dr Kariadi Semarang


Globally, an estimated 422 million adults were living with diabetes in 2014,
compared to 108 million in 1980. The global prevalence has nearly doubled since
1980, rising from 4.7% to 8.5% in the adult population. It is estimated that, patients
with diabetes have a reduction in life expectancy of about 4–8 years, compared with
individuals without diabetes. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is strongly associated
with overweight and obesity in both genders and in all ethnic groups. The risk for
type 2 DM increases with the degree and duration of overweight in individuals. The
risk for type 2 DM also increases in individuals with a more central distribution of
body fat (abdominal). Meta-analysis of 102 clinical trials evaluating the risk of
cardiovascular events due to diabetes mellitus, diabetes mellitus significantly
increases the risk of adverse cardiovascular events. Hyperglicaemia affects the
heart and blood vessels and may cause fatal complications such as coronary artery
disease( leading to heart attack) and stroke. Cardiovascular disease is the most
common cause of death in people with diabetes. Common used cardiovascular
disease biomarkers in diabetic population: First, related to cardiac stress which are:
N-terminal prohormone of b -type natriuretic peptide [NTproBNP] and high-
sensitivity troponin T [hsTnT]. Second, related to Inflammation: high-sensitivity
C reactive protein [hsCRP] IL-6, IL-15). Third, related to matrix remodeling:
matrix metalloproteinases, osteopontin and fourth related to endothelial
dysfunction: albuminuria, diabetes pathophysiology (AGEs). Other biomarkers
classified by pathophysiology are biomarkers for endothelial dysfunction such as
ADMA, for low intense inflammation such as C reactive protein, galectine 3.
Biomarkers intended for oxidative stress such as placental growth factor; for
cardiac biomechanical stress such as Natriuretic peptide, and for vascular
remodeling like GDF 15. Pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease is multifactorial,
No single biomarker can differentiate between
individuals with diabetes who will
and will not develop


Low HDL Level and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease: from Clinic
to Genetic
Udin Bahrudin

Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Diponegoro University Faculty of Medicine,

Semarang, Indonesia


Coronary heart disease (CHD) remains the leading cause of death in the
world. Low level of high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is the most common
lipoprotein abnormality found in CHD patients and associated with elevated risk of
death due to this disease. The weight of HDL level in accessing of CHD risk can be
calculated and then, the estimated 10-year CHD risk can be determined. The causes
of low HDL level could be genetic factor, environmental factor, or combination of
both factors. The crucial part of HDL cholesterol metabolism for protection against
development of atherosclerosis is attributed to its role in reverse cholesterol
transport, and ABCA1 gene is a key element in this process. Mutation in ABCA1 is
the most common among genes involved in the HDL metabolism. We did a study
to identify predicted pathogenic mutation of ABCA1 gene in Indonesian subject
with low level of HDL cholesterol. This study identified a novel variant c.5586G>A
as well as 8 reported variants c.-76dup, c.+378G>C, c.814-14dup, c.1892+24T>A,
c.936C>T, c.948G>A, c.2040C>A, and c.2311G>A. The c.2311G>A was predicted
pathogenic. Other studies found variants in other genes encoding proteins involved
in the HDL metabolism, including APOA1 and LCAT. The findings imply that the
predicted deleterious mutation of may contribute significantly to the low level of
HDL and clinical presentation of patient. Since there is problem genetic level,
genetic counseling for the patient and her/his family is warranted. Thus, future
intervention such as gene therapy or HDL replacement therapy may improve the
HDL level as well as clinical presentation of patient.

Keywords: Coronary heart disease; high density lipoprotein; genetic


Early Adiposity Rebound and The Risk Of Obesity in Later Life

Maria Mexitalia

Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University / Dr. Kariadi Hospital

Semarang Indonesia


Adiposity rebound (AR) is a timing when body mass index (BMI) increases
again throughout childhood after reaches of a nadir at around 6 years old. This corresponds
to body fat storage and is associated with preparations for pubertal growth spurt that
follows. Early adiposity rebound is defined as adiposity rebound that starts before a child
is 4 years old. It was first reported by Rolland-Cachera, that the age of adiposity rebound
predicts obesity laterlife, an earlier rebound predicts a higher risk of obesity in adolescence
and adulthood. Therefore the age of adiposity rebound is a critical period of growth. Some
risk factors associated with early adiposity rebound which are parental obesity, large for
gestational age or small for gestational age at birth and high protein intake, meanwhile
breastfeeding is protective factors for early adiposity rebound. According to the time of
occurrence, adiposity rebound can be divided into very early rebounders, where adiposity
rebound occurs in children before the age of 3.5 years; early rebounders where adiposity
rebounds occur between ages 3.5 to 5 years, with a minimum BMI of around 4.5 years
followed by an increased of 0.2 BMI units per year; and non-rebounders when there is no
increased in BMI. The prediction of early adiposity rebound on the occurrence of later
obesity can be described as Peto's "horse racing effect" where childhood is a horse race and
race position corresponds to BMI rank. In a horse race, horses near the front of the field
and / or overtaking others have a better chance of winning. This explains that the earlier
the age of adiposity rebound, the higher the occurrence of obesity in later life. But the
"horce racing effect" does not apply to children whose adiposity rebounds at the age of 7
or 8 years. The position of the horse at the start of the race becomes irrelevant after its
position later in the race is known. In addition, the early adiposity rebound is associated
with metabolic syndrome in later life. The multicenter study by Norris et showed that rapid
weight gain at an early age proved to be a risk factor for type 2 DM, especially in
combination with low birth weight baby. This risk starts with the proportional increase in
body fat that characterizes early AR, especially truncal fat, which has been linked to lower
levels of protein adiponectin, which is considered the closest determinant of insulin
resistance. Research in Japan shows that children with early adiposity rebound will develop
dislipidemia in laterlife.
In conclusion, the body mass index monitoring must be done routinely in children under 5
years old to reduce the risk of early adiposity rebound and obesity in the future.

Oral Presentation
Community Health and Nutrition

Relationship between Body Type (Somatotype) and Bone Density

in Adult Women Aged 31-50 Years

Rani Ridowahyu Saphira, Nurmasari Widyastuti, Deny Yudi Fitranti*

Nutrition Science Departement, Diponegoro University

*Correspponding author : denyyudi@gmail.com


Along with increasing age in woman, there will be decreasing of estrogen

levels and changes in the size, structure and composition of the body, so will affects
bone density. The aim of this research is analyze the relationship between body type
(somatotype) and bone density in adult women aged 31-50 years. This research was
cross-sectional study held in Ngemplak, Simongan, West Semarang with 42
subjects aged 31-50 years. The data which taken were body type, bone density
score, Body Mass Index (BMI), body fat percentage, physical activity and food
intake. The instruments that which used for measured bone density was bone
densitometery Osteosys SONOST 2000. Bivariate analysis used Pearson
Correlation and Rank-Spearman correlation test. Multivariate analysis used
multiple regression test. All body types were grouped as endomorph, mesomorph,
and ectomorph. Most of the subjects have mesomorph type, were 71,4% (n=30).
Subjects with osteopenia were 4,8% (n=2). Bivariate analysis showed that positive
correlations were found between endomorph values, mesomorph values and body
fat percentage with bone density scores. Multiple regression analysis revealed that
there were correlations between mesomorph values, body fat percentage and body
mass index with bone density scores in subjects (SC=0,533 ; p=0,037, SC=0,590 ;
p=0,011, SC= -0,643; p=0,037). In the other hand, there was no association between
age (SC=0,84;p=0,613) adequacy level of vitamin D intake (SC=0,30;p=0,857),
endomorph values (SC=0,157;p=0,338) and physical activity (SC= -
0,166;p=0,313) with bone density scores. There are significant correlations between
mesomorph values with bone density scores.

Keywords : somatotype; bone density; adult women

Oral Presentation
Community Health and Nutrition

The Relationship between Iron Deficiency and Bone Mineral

Density in Young Female Athletes

Dias Khairunnisa Pradita, Fillah Fithra Dieny*, Dewi Marfu’ah Kurniawati, A. Fahmy
Arif Tsani, Deny Yudi Fitranti

Departement of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University.

*Corresponding author: fillahdieny@gmail.com


The iron deficiency that occurs in young female athletes can cause a decrease
in bone density in three mechanisms, through the process of hydrolysis of
procollagen formation, metabolism along with vitamin D and hypoxia. The aimed
of this study is to analyze the relationship of iron deficiency with bone density in
young female athletes.A cross-sectional study design with 70 athletes aged 12-21
years conducted at the BPPLOP Central Java, Salatiga Athletics Club and Athletics
and Swimming Club Semarang State University. Iron deficiency was determined
by levels of ferritin serum, bone density measured by Bone Densitometer
Quantitative Ultrasound, body fat percentage and muscle mass measured by Body
Composition Analyzer. Bone-specific Physical Activity Questionnaire was used for
physical activity data. Nutrition intakes such as protein, calcium, vitamin D,
phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, and sodium was collected by Semi
Quantitative-Food Frequency Questionnaire. This study used bivariate analysis
with Pearson and Rank-Spearman Correlation Tests and multivariate analysis with
Multiple Linear Regression Test. A young female athlete who suffer iron deficiency
approximately 14.3%. All subjects had normal bone density. There was a
significant relationship between iron deficiency based on serum ferritin (p=0.044)
and muscle mass (p=0.002) with bone density on young female athletes. The muscle
mass variable had the strongest influence on bone density (p=0.002; adjusted
R2=0.117).This study showed that iron deficiency and muscle mass are related to
bone density, but the other factors that might have an impact on bone density must
be considered.

Keywords: iron deficiency; serum ferritin; bone density; young female athlete.

Oral Presentation
Community Health and Nutrition

Risk Factors for Eating Disorders in Young Female Athletes

Suryawati, Fillah Fithra Dieny*, Rachma Purwanti, A. Fahmy Arif Tsani, Nurmasari

Departement of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University

*Corresponding author: fillahdieny@gmail.com


Eating disorders in young female athletes is a serious psychological and

health disease which could become an early problem on Female Athlete Triad.
Eating disorders are influenced by internal and external factors. This study aimed
to determine the risk factors for eating disorders in young female athletes. An
observational study with a cross-sectional design on 86 young female athletes at the
BPPLOP Central Java, Salatiga sports club, and UNNES swimming and athletic
clubs which was chosen by a consecutive sampling method. Nutritional status was
measured by BMI z-score. Eating disorders measured by Eating Attitude Test-26
Questionnaire, Eating Disorder Diagnostic Scale for the type of eating disorders,
Rosenberg Self Esteem for Self Confidence, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-42
for stress level, and Body Shape Questionnaire for body image perception. This
study used univariate analysis, bivariate analysis with chi-square and multivariate
analysis with logistic regression test. Prevalence of eating disorders risk on young
female athletes in this study approximately 37.2%, which 9.3% of subjects were
bulimia, 5.8% were binge eating disorder, and 22.1% were eating disorder not
otherwise specified. The multivariate analysis showed that the risk factor of eating
disorders in young female athletes was negative body image perception
(p=<0.001;PR:10.5) and stress (p=0.023;PR:3.5). Meanwhile, nutritional status,
self-confidence, and type of exercise were not proven as the risk factor of eating
disorders among young female athletes. Based on this study, we can conclude that
negative body image perception and stress are the risk factor of eating disorders
among young female athletes.

Keywords: eating disorders; body image; stress level; young female athlete.

Oral Presentation
Community Health and Nutrition

Understanding Healthy Body and Dieting of Youth Athletes

Among Javanese Muslim Parents

Nur Setiawati Dewi1;2*, Piyanuch Jittanoon2, Wantanee Wiroonpanich2

Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Central Java,
Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand
Corresponding author: nurse.tiawatidewi@fk.undip.ac.id


It is never easy task for youth athletes to be success in either national or

international competitions. They require the healthy body to reach the excellent
performance and to be the winner. Quantitative studies examined the correlation
between healthy body and dieting of athletes through various perspectives.
However, there is limited qualitative study to investigate the healthy body and
dieting of youth athlete from parent’s perspectives. This study explored the
understanding healthy body and dieting of youth athletes through parent’s
perspectives. A descriptive phenomenology approach using interviews and field
note are used. The nine participants were selected by snowball sampling identified
as Javanese Muslim parents of youth athletes in the East and Central Java provinces,
Indonesia. The data are analyzed with steps of Giorgi’s method. The results reveal
the Javanese Muslim parents understood healthy body and dieting with various
meanings. Healthy body related to having physical strength, performing daily
activities well, and proper bodily functions. The healthy dieting included following
Islamic and Javanese dietary, entrusting to the experts, empat sehat lima sempurna,
intake supplement regularly, and drinking more water. They applied numerous
methods to have healthy body and dieting, such as finding supports, motivation,
and direction. Their determination of having healthy body and diet was limited by
the academic stressors, high intensity of training, and lack of self-control. The
results of this study add emphasis to the importance of increasing parental
knowledge and skill on sport nutrition management to maintain healthy body of
youth athletes considering religious and cultural approach.

Keywords: healthy body; healthy dieting; Javanese Muslim parent; youth athlete,

Oral Presentation
Community Health and Nutrition

Fasting Habits, Sleep Duration, Energy Availability, and Chronic

Energy Deficiency (CED) Risk in Santriwati (Female Students of
Islamic Boarding School)

Umu Nur Faradila, Hartanti Sandi Wijayanti, A. Fahmy Arif Tsani, Nurmasari
Widyastuti, Deny Yudi Fitranti, Fillah Fithra Dieny*

Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University

Corresponding Author : fillahdieny@gmail.com


Fasting habits that are not followed by healthy balanced diet and sleep
deprivation in santriwati tend to result having low energy availability which
increased risk of Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED). This study aimed to describe
and analyze relationship between fasting habits, sleep duration, energy availability
and CED risk in Santriwati.This study was observational study with total subject is
98 santriwati in Islamic Boarding School Kyai Galang Sewu Semarang were
selected by simple random sampling method. CED risk data was assessed using arm
circumference. The fasting habits data was obtained from questionnaire consisting
related to type and duration of fasting habits, total fasting days and frequency of
meals during fasting. Energy availability data was obtained by subtracting energy
expenditure from energy intake divided by fat free mass. Sleep duration data was
obtained using Sleep Timing Questionnaire. Bivariate analysis using Rank
Spearman Test.Santriwati who CED risk was 44,9% and 76,5% subject of them
practice fasting regularly was moday-thursday fasting (51%). Total of 50,7%
santriwati often spend early breakfast. All santriwati had low sleep duration (<7
hours) and low energy availability (<30 Cal/kgFFM/day). There were no
relationship between duration of fasting habits, total days of fasting, and sleep
duration with energy availability (p>0,05), but there was relationship between meal
frequency during fasting and energy availability (p<0,001). There was a
relationship between energy availability and CED risk (p<0,05).The frequency of
meals during fasting was related to energy availability, while energy availability
was related to CED risk in Santriwati.

Keywords: Fasting Habits; Energy Availability; Sleep Duration; CED Risk;


Oral Presentation
Community Health and Nutrition

Sociodemographic Predictors for Smoking Persistency among

Young Male in Indonesia
Vitri Widyaningsih1;2*, Ari Probandari1;2, Sumardiyono1;2, Yusuf Ari Mashuri1;2
Disease Control Research GroupUniversitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
Corresponding author: vitri_w@staff.uns.ac.id


The prevalence and burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in

Indonesia are increasing. Currently, more than 24% of Indonesian people are living
with hypertension, and almost 30% are living with obesity. One major risk factor
for NCDs is smoking. This study assessed sociodemographic predictor of smoking
persistency among young male in Indonesia. We analysed the latest round of the
Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) which was conducted in 2017.
The IDHS 2017 is a nationally representative survey in 34 provinces in Indonesia.
We included data from 13,709 male age 15-24 years old who were interviewed for
the smoking pattern and sociodemographic characteristics. Statistical analyses were
conducted using STATA 15.0. Young male living in rural area were at increased
odds for smoking persistency (Odds Ratio, OR, 1.14, 95% Confidence Interval
95%CI 1.04-1.26). Those who started smoking at high-school age (13-18 years
old) were at highest odds to smoke regularly (OR 1.25, 95%CI 1.11-1.42) compared
to those who started smoking at younger age. Furthermore, male who were primary
school graduate or less were at highest odds for smoking persistency (OR 3.7,
95%CI 2.93-4.58). Our findings showed the significance of several
sociodemographic factors were related to the smoking persistence. Male who
started smoking at high school age, who lived in rural area, and had less education
had higher odds for smoking persistency.

Keywords: smoking initiation; urban; rural; age; education.

Oral Presentation
Psychology/Critical Care

Monitoring and Evaluation Study between Student’s Grade Point

Average, Mental Capacity Index and Basic Personality Index

Innawati Jusup1*, Gunawan Hang2, Hadiati Titis2, Sumekar TA3

Psychiatric and Biochemistry Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine University of Diponegoro
Psychiatric Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine University of Diponegoro
Physiology Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine University of Diponegoro
Corresponding author: innawati.jusup@fk.undip.ac.id


In 2013 the Faculty of Medicine Undip implemented an integrated module

curriculum that adopted the Problem Based Learning (PBL) system. PBL is the
integration of basic medical science with health problems into one program. The
transition to curriculum changes has an impact on the inconvenience of new
students and lecturers who prepare the PBL system. According to Innawati Jusup
(2015), there are 35.93% increase in number of students with anxiety as a result of
the new system. Impaired student performance can be related to external stress. To
determine the relationship between mental capacity index and basic personality
index with student achievement index. Analytical observational research.
Respondents consisting of 200 new students of FK Undip 2016 semester 1 & 2.
Indonesian Adult Mental Health Test: Mental Capacity Index (IKM) score and
Basic Personality Index (IKD) score, and secondary data for 2016’s student GPA
for semester 1 and 2. Average 1st semester GPA was 3.5±SD 0.5. IKM score of
7.67±SD 1.4, and IKD score of 6.95 ±SD1.7. Weak correlation between GPA and
IKM (r = 0.15; p = 0.04), weak correlation between GPA and IKD (r = 0.25; p =
0.00). A strong correlation between IKM and IKD was observed (r = 0.77; p = 0.00).
Average 2nd semester GPA = 3.4, IKM score of 7.5 and IKD score 7. Relationship
between GPA and IKM total score of ≥ 6 is significant with p = 0.03 with a weak
correlation r = 0.19, while the relationship of IPK with IKD is not significant with
p = 0.22 a weak correlation (r = 0.11). The relationship between IKM and IKD is
significant with p 0.00 and displayed strong correlations (r = 0.76). There is a
relationship between mental capacity index and basic personality index on GPA
with weak correlation.

Keywords: Curriculum; GPA; Mental Health test; Mental Capacity Index; Basic
Personality Index; OCEAN traits.

Oral Presentation
Psychology/Critical Care

Will Self-Compassion Relieve Distress?: a Correlational Study

among Indonesian Undergraduate Students
Amalia Rahmandani*, Yohanis Franz La Kahija, Salma Salma

Faculty of Psychology Diponegoro University

Corresponding author : amalia_rahmandani07@yahoo.co.id; a.rahmandani@live.undip.ac.id


Distress is a worsening psychological condition which impacts the ability to

cope with problems adequately. Self-compassion has been considered beneficial in
overcoming negative self-assessment due to inadequate coping. This study aims to
explore the relationship between self-compassion and distress among Indonesian
undergraduate students in emerging adulthood. Subjects were 552 Indonesian
undergraduate students from the Faculty of Psychology and Public Health at
Diponegoro University (MAge=20.03; SDAge=1,022; male=16%; female=84%; late
adolescence=66.5%; early adulthood=33.5%). Using the Self-Compassion Scale
from Neff (2003) and General Health Questionnaire-12, the Cronbach’s alpha test
respectively showed α=.842 and α=.841. Data analysis with Spearman’s rho and
Mann-Whitney U Test showed that self-compassion has significant negative
relation with distress (rxy=-.122; p=.004). Self-compassion is significantly related
to the social dysfunction dimension (rxy=-.180; p=.000), but not to the dimensions
of anxiety and depression symptoms (rxy=-.046; p =.284), and loss of confidence
(rxy=-.069; p=.105). Correlation between self-compassion and distress in men was
significant (rxy=-.296; p=.005), but not in women (rxy=-.081; p=.081). The
correlation between self-compassion and distress in late adolescence was
significant (rxy=-.144; p=.006), but not significant in early adulthood (rxy=-.111;
p=.134). Sex and age significantly predict self-compassion, but not distress. These
results indicate that the existence of self-compassion can predict a decrease in
distress, especially in social dysfunction dimension, men, and late adolescence.
This is supported by a significant higher level of both self-compassion in men and
late adolescence compared to that of in women and early adulthood although there
is no difference in terms of distress.

Keywords: self-compassion; distress; undergraduate student; emerging adult;


Oral Presentation
Psychology/Critical Care

The Effect of Quantum Psychology Relaxation on Anxiety among

Cancer Patients
Chandra Bagus Ropyanto1*, Henni Kusuma1, Yuni Dwi Hastuti1, Niken Dyan Safitri
Kusumaningrum1, Susana Widyaningsih2
Lecturers at Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University
Lecture at Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
*Corresponding author: chandra.ropyanto@gmail.com


Anxiety, compared to other psychological disorders, is the most common

symptom occurred in cancer patients. Quantum relaxation therapy is therapy to
explore the life experience from an individual. The experience is hoped to be a
reflection to increase self-acceptance, develop self-awareness and reduce anxiety.
The study aimed to analyze the effect of quantum relaxation on anxiety in cancer
patients. The study was a pre-posttest experimental study using a quantitative
approach. Data collection for anxiety using State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)
questionnaire. Consecutive sampling technique was used to recruit 64 respondents.
Simple randomization divided the respondents into experiment and control groups
equally. The results showed there was a significant decrease of anxiety level in the
experimental group from 48,19 to 34,66 (p = 0,001), whereas respondents in the
control group showed a slight increase of anxiety from 48.63 to 48.88 (p = 0.615).
Psychological quantum relaxation techniques proved to be effectively reduce
anxiety in the intervention group in cancer patients. Psychological quantum
relaxation techniques can be used as interventions to reduce anxiety in cancer

Keywords:Cancer; Anxiety; Quantum Psychology Relaxation

Oral Presentation
Psychology/Critical Care

Holistic Support Group Therapy Using Application of

Information Technology ‘SADARI HD’ on the Quality of Life
among Hemodialysis Patients
Henni Kusuma*, Yuni Dwi Hastuti, Susana Widyaningsih, Suhartini, Chandra Bagus R,

Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java,

Corresponding author : henni.kusuma@fk.undip.ac.id


The number of end-patients with chronic kidney disease (PGK) continues to

increase, both in the world and in Indonesia. People with CKD entering the final stage
require renal replacement therapy to survive where the majority of choices are
hemodialysis. These changes have an impact on patient's quality of life (physical,
psychological, social, and spiritual). Patients need to carry out continuous self-care and
need support from various parties. The holistic support group using application of
information technology can be facilitate interaction for people with chronic diseases,
families, and health workers to share health care information. This therapy can improve
adherence to self-care at home so that it is expected to improve the quality of life. Objective:
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of holistic support group therapy using
application of information technology ‘SADARI HD’ on the quality of life among
hemodialysis patients. Method: Design of this study, quantitative study (experiment pre-
post test 2 groups design). The media used in the control group were booklets and in the
intervention group were website application media. The technique in taking samples using
purposive sampling and obtained 30 participants with 15 participants in the control group
in the HD unit of Semarang City Hospital and 15 participants in the control group in the
Tugurejo District Hospital HD unit. The questionnaire uses the Indonesian version of
WHOQoL. Results: The pretest results showed that the control group had an average
quality of life score of 87.13, while the intervention group had an average quality of life
score of 72.6. Meanwhile, the posttest results showed the control group had an average
quality of life quality of 78, while the intervention group had an average quality of life
score of 85.6. Furthermore, in the independent t-test bivariate analysis showed that there
was a significant difference between the control group and the intervention group after
administration of therapy (p = 0.045). Conclusion: The holistic support group therapy using
information technology can improve quality of life for hemodialysis patients. This method
can be an innovation in nursing intervention in services.

Keywords: Chronic Kidney Disease; Hemodialysis; Information Technology

Application; Holistic Support Group; Quality of Life

Oral Presentation
Psychology/Critical Care

Relationship between Loneliness and Self-Efficacy among People

with Schizophrenia in Indonesia
Anandya Dewi Larasati Yunanto, Eva Chrisma Angelina Panggabean, Sri Padma Sari*

Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University

*Corresponding author: sripadmasari@fk.undip.ac.id


Loneliness has a high prevalence among people with schizophrenia. It has

impacts on decreasing quality of life and contributing factor for depression and
suicide risk. There is lack evidence investigated the incidence of loneliness whereas
the factors correlated with loneliness among this population in Indonesia. This
study aims to examine the incidence of loneliness and evaluate the associated
factors, as well as to assess the modifying effect of self-efficacy of loneliness among
people with schizophrenia in Indonesia. This was a correlational study involving
187 patients with schizophrenia who admitted to psychiatric hospitals. The data
were collected using the sociodemographic questionnaire, the UCLA Loneliness
Scale, and the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE) Correlation. Spearman
correlation and chi-square were used to analyze the data. This study revealed that
the respondents had moderate loneliness (46.30±7.585). There were no associations
between several sociodemographic characteristics and loneliness. However, there
was a significant correlation between self-efficacy and loneliness (r=-0.282,
p=<0.001). Higher self-efficacy could reduce loneliness among people with
schizophrenia. It is recommended that mental health professional, especially
psychiatric nurses provide the sources of self-efficacy to minimize the loneliness in
patients with schizophrenia.

Keywords: loneliness; self-efficacy; schizophrenia.

Oral Presentation
Psychology/Critical Care

The Effect of Vital Sign Direct Therapy on Patient Acute

Treatment in the Intensive Care Unit

Muhamad Ibnu Hasan1, Untung Sujianto2, Reni Sulung Utami2

Master Student of Nursing Program, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang,
Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
*Corresponding author:muhamad.ibnu.hasan-2014@fkp.unair.ac.id


The application of monitoring that is not accompanied by early detection and

management capabilities is one of the factors in the failure of acute management
and will affect the length of treatment and the mortality prevalence of patients in
the ICU. Vital sign direct therapy (VSDT) is a protocol for early detection and
management of patients in the ICU by using a system of activation monitoring
single parameters of track and trigger system and excalation treatment as an effort
to improve the acute management of patients in the ICU. The purpose of this study
was to determine the effect of applying VSDT to the acute management of patients
in the first 24-hour period of patients in the ICU. This research is a quantitative
study with a quasy experimental approach (quasi-experimental research) with post
test only design. The total sample from this study was 74 respondents (37
respondents in the pre-implementation group and 37 post-implementation groups).
Data was taken using observation sheets and analyzed using Chi Square Test. The
results of this study showed that the acute management in the post-implementation
group was higher than the pre-implementation (64.7% vs 51.39%; p: 0,000).
Patients with hypotension (52.94% vs. 79.36; p: 0.003) and tachycardia or
bradycardia (38.20 vs 85.75; p; 0,000) significantly experienced acute post-
implementation implementation of VSDT. The types of acute management that are
most often given include positioning, suction and collaboration in the
administration of oxygenation. Based on these results it can be concluded that the
VSDT protocol has a positive effect on the acute management of patients in the
ICU. The VSDT protocol can be applied as an early detection and management
effort in critical care rooms.

Keywords: vital sign direct therapy; track and trigger system.

Oral Presentation
Psychology/Critical Care

Modified Sleep Hygiene (MSH) Reduces the Level of Pain in

Critically Ill Patients in the ICU
Heru Suwardianto*, Dyah Ayu Kartika Wulan Sari

STIKES RS. Baptis Kediri, Jl. Mayjen Panjaitan No. 3B, Kediri, Indonesia
Corresponding author : herusuwardianto@gmail.com


The number of critically ill patients in the ICU with unidentified pain
experience is still high. Critical nurses rarely pay attention to the patient's
environment to improve comfort and reduce pain patients. Modified sleep hygiene
(MSH) is provided by modifying the noise level, temperature, and lighting in the
ICU to reduce the perception of pain. The purpose of this study was to analyze the
effect of sleep hygiene on the level of pain in critically ill patients in the ICU. The
design was Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs), subject blinding. Samples ware
170 respondents with every group are 85 respondents (intervention group and
control group). Intervention Sleep hygiene was modified level of noise,
temperature, lighting and management nursing care in the ICU. The research
instruments used were CPOT and secondary data patient. Data were analyzed using
the Wilcoxon test and the Mann-Whitney test. The results showed mean pain level
of the intervention group pretest 3.09 ± 1.35 (moderate pain) and post-test 2.55 ±
1.18 (mild pain), while in the mean control group pretest was 3.42 ± 1.46 (pain
moderate) and post-test 3.38 ± 1.44 (moderate pain). MSH significantly affects the
decrease in the level of pain (ρ = 0,000). There was a significant difference in the
pain level between the intervention group and the control group (ρ = 0,000), with
Effect size Cohen's d 0.97 (moderate effect). Modified sleep hygiene is more
effective to reduce the level of pain for critical patients in the Intensive Care Unit.
Team of critical nurses and can make a standard nursing plan for the modified
environment and applied sleep hygiene to improve comfort and reduce pain in
critically ill patients.

Keywords: Intensive Care Unit; Critically Ill Patients; Sleep hygiene; Pain.

Oral Presentation

The Effect of Oral Astaxanthin on Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha

(Tnf-α) Level at Aqueous Humour of Wistar Rats Glaucoma
Prabowo1, Fifin L. Rahmi2, Riski Prihatningtias2, Arief Wildan2, Trilaksana Nugroho2,
Maharani Cahyono*
Ophthalmology Resident of Diponegoro University/dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang
Glaucoma Subdivision Ophthalmology Department, Diponegoro University/dr. Kariadi Hospital
Corresponding author : drmaharani@gmail.com


Elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) will induce ischemia caused by

reperfusion damage. Ischemia will induce formation of inflammatory mediators
such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α). Astaxanthin is one of oral antioxidants
which has been proven can increase the level of enzymatic antioxidant in aqueous
humor. To find out the effect of oral astaxanthin on the level of TNF-α in aqueous
humor of wistar rats glaucoma model. An experimental study with post-test only
randomized controlled group design. A total of 14 rats were induced to increase
IOP of 110-130 mmHg for 60 minutes, then divided into 2 groups, control and
treatment groups. The treatment group were given oral astaxanthin once a day for
seven days. Placebo group as a control. Samples of aqueous humor were taken from
all ratsin control and treatments groups to be examined for TNF-α levels using the
ELISA method.The data were analyzed by t tests. The average TNF-α level of
treatment and control groups are 6,25± 0,39 pg/mL and 8,82±2,20 pg/mL
respectively. The level difference test of TNF-α with unpaired t test results in
significant difference of TNF-α level between control and treatment group
(p<0,05). Oral astaxanthin can decrease TNF-α level in aqueous humour, that
needed to be proved its effect on other inflammatory mediators.

Keywords: Glaucoma; oxidative stress; aqueous humor; TNF-α; astaxanthin.

Oral Presentation

Effect of Topical DLBS 1425 Toward Matrix Metalloproteinase –

9 Expressionon Trabecular Meshwork of Wistar Rats
Kartika Cindy F Sitorus, Trilaksana Nugroho*, Fifin Lutfia Rahmi

Department of Ophtalmology, Diponegoro University / dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang

*Corresponding author: trilaksananugroho@lecturer.undip.ac.id


Matrix Metalloproteinase – 9 (MMP-9) is enzyme that regulate extracellular

matrix degradation of trabecular meshwork (TM). It has been investigated that the
use of topical anti-inflammatory agent lead to decrease expression of MMP-9 in
TM and cause elevated intraocular pressure (IOP), which is the primary risk factor
for glaucoma. DBLS 1425 is bioactive fraction of Phaleria macrocarpa which has
anti-inflammatory effect. Previous study show that topical DBLS 1425 1x 101
mg/ml can decrease the expression of COX-2 on cornea of Wistar-rats. This study
was aimed to investigate the effect of topical DLBS 1425 toward MMP-9
expression on TM of Wistar-rats. Twenty two Wistar-rats were divided into 2
groups, experimental and control. The experimental group was given topical DLBS
1425 1 drop every 4 hours for 4 weeks. The experimental group was given topical
artificial tears 1 drop every 4 hours for 4 weeks. MMP-9 expression were examined
using immunohistochemistry staining. Data were collected and analyzed using
Mann Whitney test because of abnormal distribution data. MMP-9 expression
(measured with Allred score) of experimental group (0,00 ± 0,00) was lower
compared to that of control group (4,27 ± 0,91) with statistically significant result
(p<0,001). The MMP-9 expression on trabecular meshwork Wistar-rats on DLBS
1425 group is significantly lower than control group.

Keywords: Matrix Metalloproteinase-9; trabecular meshwork; DLBS 1425;

Phaleria macrocarpa.

Oral Presentation

The Effect of Curcuma xanthorriza Gel on Methicillin-Resistant

Staphylococcus aureus-Infected Second-Degree Burn Wound in
Irfan Kesumayadi1*, AyyasiIzaz Almas1, Ilham Nur Hakim Rambe2, Rebriarina Hapsari1
Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Corresponding author: irfanksy@gmail.com


Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection often

complicates burn wound. Mupirocin is the topical antibiotic of choice for MRSA
infection, and its resistance is on the rise due to its frequent and widespread use.
Newer antibacterial agents are needed to overcome mupirocin resistance. Curcuma
xanthorriza contains xanthorrhizol that has antibacterialand healing property. This
study aimed to develop and evaluate Curcuma xanthorrizaextract (CXE)-
containing gel as a topical agent against MRSA-infectedsecond-degree burn wound
in rats. CXE was obtained using maceration with 96% ethanol. Antibacterial
activity of CXE was evaluated by agar dilution method, and its minimum inhibitory
concentration (MIC) result was used to develop CXE-containing gel which was
then applied twice daily to MRSA-infected second-degree burn wound in rats. The
healing and bacterial load of the wound were evaluated in every three days,whereas
the hematological profile and the histopathology of the wound were examined after
12 days of treatment. One-Way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis test were used to
analyze the data. CXE was identified to contain xanthorrhizol, with MIC of 5
mg/ml.Three concentration (1%, 3%, and 5%) of CXE-containing gelwas
developed. Compared to the negative control, treatment with CXE-containing gels
showed significant reduction in bacterial load in a dose-dependent manner, with 1%
and 3%showed similar and 5% showed a greater reduction compared to mupirocin
ointment. There was no difference inmacroscopic healing, histopathology, and
hematological profile among groups. In conclusion, CXE-containing gel has
shownequal antibacterialefficacy as mupirocin ointment on MRSA-infectedsecond-
degree burn wound in rats.

Keywords: Curcuma; Xanthorrhizol; MRSA; Burn Wound

Oral Presentation

The Effect of Apium graveolens (Linn.) Extract on the Number of

Neutrophils and Angiogenesis in Wound Incision of Sprague
Dawley Rat
Yanuar Hendra Wijaya1*, Muflihatul Muniroh2, Endang Mahati2, Vega Karlowee2,
Hermawan Istiadi2, Indah Saraswati2
Biomedical Student -General Surgery Resident FK UNDIP / RSUP dr. Kariadi, Semarang
Staff of the Diponegoro University Medical School, Semarang
Corresponding Author: yanuar_h_wijaya@yahoo.co.id


Wounds were a challenging clinical problem. The number of neutrophils

and angiogenesis was an important element in the wound healing process. The
administration of Apium graveolens (Linn.) extract which had anti-oxidant and
anti-inflammatory effects was expected to accelerate the incisional wound healing
process when viewed from the number of neutrophils and angiogenesis. To
determine the effect of giving Apium graveolens (Linn.) extract on the number of
neutrophils and angiogenesis in incisional wounds of Sprague Dawley rats. This
study is an experimental study with "Randomized post-test with control group"
design in rats given incisional wounds on their backs. Random allocation was done
to divide Sprague Dawley rats into 4 groups (@5 rats). The number of neutrophils
and angiogenesis were seen microscopically and assessed by 2 certified
pathologists. The data were analyzed using the One Way Anova - Post Hoc
hypothesis test. The number of neutrophils and angiogenesis in the Apium
graveolens (Linn.) extract group was significantly lower than the negative control
group (p <0.05) and no difference compared to positive control group (p >0.05).
The group with Apium graveolens (Linn.) extract 70% had the lowest number of
neutrophils and angiogenesis compared to other groups (p <0.05). The application
of the topical Apium graveolens (Linn.) extract is effective in the incisional wound
healing process by decreasing the number of neutrophils and angiogenesis. The
application of the topical Apium graveolens (Linn.) extract 70% is more effective
than the extract 50%.

Keywords: wound healing; neutrophil; angiogenesis; Apium graveolens (Linn.)

Oral Presentation

Analysis of the Effect of Herbal Mask Protection against the

Difference in Level Superoxide Dismutase 3 and Reactive Oxygen
Species in the Employees of the Textile Industry
Khoirun Nisa’1, Udadi Sadhana2, Suprihati3, Yan Wisnu Prajoko4, Awal Prasetyo1*
Department of Biomedic Science, Medical Faculty Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Department of Anatomic Pathology, Medical Faculty Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Department of Ottorhinolaryngologist, Medical Faculty Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Department of Surgery, Medical Faculty Diponegoro University, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: awalpras@fk.undip.ac.id


Employees who work in the dyeing area almost inhale compounds such as
indigo and formaldehyde coloring agents. Fabric masks are used every time in the
work environment, but with low density and replaced every two months. The source
of exogenous ROS will remain inhalation and result in a decrease in SOD 3 in the
respiratory tract. Herbal masks with modified Nephrolepis exaltata extract are the
latest breakthrough to increase SOD 3 and reduce respiratory area ROS. To prove
that Nephrolepis exaltata herbal masks can protect the airways as indicated by an
increase in SOD 3 levels and a decrease in ROS levels in nasal wash fluid in textile
industry employees. The research was conducted using a pre-post randomized
control trial design in a textile factory. Determination of samples based on inclusion
and exclusion criteria, divided into groups of regular masks (N=20) and herbal
masks (N=20). The nasal wash test was carried out before and after using the
research mask for eight weeks, then the ELISA test for SOD 3 and ROS was carried
out. Respondents were followed up every ten days. Data analysis with SPSS version
25, differences in SOD 3 and ROS levels after using research masks were tested by
the Independent t-test and Mann-Whitney test.SOD 3 and ROS levels in the regular
and herbal mask groups experienced a significant decrease (P=0.001; 0.001) after
using a research mask for eight weeks. There were no differences in SOD 3 and
ROS levels in the regular and herbal mask groups (P=0.074; 0.457). The difference
in SOD 3 and ROS levels was higher in the herbal mask group SOD 3=(-27.24);
ROS=(-161.25). Herbal masks are better at reducing SOD 3 and ROS levels than
regular masks.

Keywords: herbal masks; regular masks; Nephrolepis exaltata; SOD 3; ROS

Oral Presentation

Analysis of Herbal Mask Protection Effect on Tumor Necrosis

Factor-α andInterleukin-6 Levels in the Employees of the Textile

Resti Ariani1*, Awal Prasetyo2, Yan Wisnu Prajoko2, Suprihati2, Udadi Sadhana2
Biomedical Masters Student - Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Biomedical Teaching Staff - Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: biomedicresti@gmail.com


The dyeing area is an area with high exposure to irritating chemicals. Masks
used by employees may not provide sufficient protection respiratory tract since their
low-density properties of which will worsen with repeated use. The risk of
continuous inhalation of reactive chemicals will trigger the occurrence of chronic
inflammation in the respiratory tract. The herbal mask is a novel invention of
personal protective equipment in polluted areas to suppress airway
inflammation.To prove the herbal mask of Nephrolephisexaltata can protect the
respiratory tract as indicated by decreased levels of TNF-α and IL-6 in the nasal
wash fluid of the employees. This study was conducted in a textile factory with Pre-
test and Post-Test Randomized Control Trial design. Subjects were selected based
on inclusion-exclusion criteria, grouped into regular and herbal mask users (n=20).
Subjects were obliged to use masks for eight weeks, underwent nasal wash
samplings pre-post usage. ELISA tests were performed for TNF-α and IL-6
readings. Data were analyzed using Mann Whitney and Independent t-test with
SPSS 25.0. TNF-α level from herbal and regular mask group showed a significant
decrease after eight weeks of usage (p = 0.001) with 24.34 pg/ml and 21.77 pg/ml
respectively. The IL-6 level of both groups increased significantly (p = 0.001) with
a difference of 4.83 pg/ml and 6.25 pg/ml respectively. There was no difference in
the levels of TNF-α and IL-6 in both herbal and regular mask groups. (p=0.185;
p=0.184). Herbal masks and regular masks both have the ability to protect the
airway tract as evidenced by a decrease in TNF-α cytokine level, but better
protection potential is shown in herbal masks. Cytokine IL-6 is considered to
perform an active anti-inflammatory role by suppressing TNF-α.

Keywords: Herbal mask; regular mask; tumor necrosis factor-α; interleukin-6;


Oral Presentation

Radiotherapy as Future Treatment for Recurrent Keloid: a Case


Nawangsih C H1*, Setyarto M R2, Firli D2

Diponegoro University / Kariadi General Hospital, Semarang - Indonesia
Kariadi General Hospital, Semarang - Indonesia
Corresponding author : cnawangsih@yahoo.com


Keloid is a benign growth of connective tissue specifically collagen due to

an imbalance in the skin wound healing. Keloid occurs between three to 12 months
or more. Most keloid occur at the skin, three months after injury and some cases
occur at a distance of one year or more after excision surgery. Although, surgery is
the only modality for keloids treatment, it has recurrence rate of 45 – 100%. Male
37 years old complained a lump in the left earlobe since three years ago with a
history of previous injuries. The lump was then operated 3 times and injected eight
times with corticosteroid but it grew back postoperatively. New modalities with
radiotherapy within a period of no more than 24 hours after surgery with a 3 X 5
Gy radiation dose was performed. Follow up after six months gave good results
without recurrence. Keloid has a high recurrence rate after excision surgery.
Surgery followed by radiotherapy has a low recurrence rate compared to surgery or
surgery followed by corticosteroid injections. Radiotherapy as adjuvant therapy
strelizes the connective tissue stem cell, active fibroblast and acute inflamatory
cells. Low-dose fractionated radiotherapy with electron (15 Gy in three fractions)
delivered within 24 hours of excisiongives a low recurrence rate and a low risk of
side effects in the surrounding soft tissue compared to high doses radiation per

Keywords: Keloid; recurrence; radiotherapy.

Oral Presentation

The Differences of PPT and PPTK Ratio in Trauma Patient for

Determining Transfusion
Nalurita Ng1, Dian Widyaningrum2
Residen Patologi Klinik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro
Staf Bagian Patologi Klinik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro Semarang
Corresponding author: ininaloe@gmail.com


Trauma is one of the biggest impacts of traffic accident. Based on the data
from Balitbangkes, Ministry of Health in 2012, deaths from accidents in Indonesia
are number one for productive age 15-54 years. The number of accidents in Central
Java is the second highest in Indonesia with the death toll reaching 31,000 people,
and causing losses up to 22 billion rupiah per year. The accident mortality rate is
expected to be suppressed by the efforts of preventing trauma and optimal handling
which is given as early as possible to the victims. Awareness for early detection of
transfusion needs is very necessary to reduce mortality due to trauma. The ratio of
PPT and PTTK is expected to be used as a predictor of transfusion and death in
trauma patients. A cross sectional study design was carried out on trauma patients
in RSUP dr. Kariadi Semarang in October - December 2018, by screening the initial
diagnosis based on ICD 10 coded V99.0 (unspecified transport accident). The
results of PPT and PTTK coagulation examination were obtained from the medical
record. The data are grouped into transfusion and non-transfusion (control) groups.
Research data are also classified based on death and life. The Mann-Whitney
difference test was performed on all four groups of differences. There were
differences in the ratio of PPT and PTTK in trauma patients who were transfused
vs. non-transfused with p = 0.017 and p = 0, 043 respectively. Differences of the
ratio of PPT and PTTK were also found in trauma patients who died and lived with
p = 0, 018 and p = 0, 016 respectively. There are differences in the ratio of PPT and
PTTK in trauma patients who got transfusion and died compared to their controls
(non-tranfusion and alive)

Keywords: PPT ratio; PTTK ratio; coagulation studies; trauma; transfusion;


Oral Presentation

Effect of Glycosylated Haemoglobin with Microalbuminuria and

Albumin Creatinin Ratio in Type 2 Diabetes
Vitasari Indriani1*, Wahyu Siswandari1, Andreas 2, Tri Lestari1, Vidya Dewantari3
Department of Clinical Pathology Department, Medical Faculty, Jenderal Soedirman University
Department of nternal Medicine Department, Prof Dr Margono Soekarjo Hospital, Purwokerto
Department of Bioethic and Humaniora Department,Medical Faculty, JenderalSoedirman
Corresponding author: vita.indriani@gmail.com


Diabetes mellitus is the leading cause of end stage renal disease (ESRD) and
is responsible for 30-40% of all ESRD.Objectives of the study were to assess the
diabetic nephropathy status in patients with type 2 diabetes.Glycated hemoglobin
levels over therapeutic targets (>7%) had two timesthe risk of complications for
diabetic nephropathy.ISN recommends the use of microalbuminuria and urinary
albumin creatinine ratio(UACR) for early detection of diabetic nephropathy and for
monitoring therapy.This study was to prove the relationship between Glycated
Albumin with microalbuminuria and UACR in type 2 diabetes.Cross sectional
study was done including 70 patients diabetes type 2,who attended Prolanis
program in Primary Health Care from May to November 2018.Detailed medical
history including duration of diabetes and relevant clinical examination including
fasting blood sugar (FBS),post prandial blood sugar (PPBS),HbA1c,urinary
creatinine,and urinary microalbumin were recorded for each patient.Significance is
assessed at 5% level of significance. Mean age of study population was 51,89 ±
6,78 years with female preponderance (51.1%).Mean fasting blood sugar (FBS),
post prandial blood sugar (PPBS), HbA1c, duration of diabetes, blood pressure,
microalbuminuria and urinary creatinine was 182.51 ± 74.63 mg/dL,186.25±26.72
mg/dL, 8.8 ± 1.83%, 9.37±5.96 years,138,44±14,13/84,44±19,25 mmHg,30.32±3.2
mg/day and 1.33±0.64 mg/dl respectively.Microalbuminuria (r=0.91, p≤0.05)
andUACR (r=0.67, p≤0.05) a were positively correlated with glycated hemoglobin.
Level of microalbuminuria and ACR increase with increase in duration of diabetes
and worsening of glycosylated hemoglobin.

Keywords: Albumin Creatinin Ratio; Diabetes; HbA1c; Microalbuminuria.

Oral Presentation

The Effect of Black Garlic Extract Cream on the Healing Process

of Diabetic Ulcer Wistar Rats

Farohatinni’mah Alhadi1*, Pradya Rahmawati Subagyo1, Putri Kusumadewi Kurniawati1,

Adjeg Tarius2, Ika Vemilia Warlisti3, Ferdy Kurniawan Cayami4, Endang Mahati5
Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang
Laboratory Anatomical Pathology, Sentra Patologi Akurat, Semarang
Departement of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang
Departement of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang
Departement of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang
*Corresponding author: farohatin.fatin@gmail.com


Diabetic ulcer is the most common complications of untreated diabetes

mellitus that frequently leads to amputation of the leg because of unhealing foot
ulcers. To impove wound closure in diabetic ulcers, it’s important to study the
effects of natural topical agent in wound healing. One of natural agent that can be
used is black garlic. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of black garlic
extract cream (BEC) on the different concentration to the healing of diabetic ulcer.
A total of 30 hyperglycemic rats were established by alloxan injection (175
mg/KgBW). Then wounds were created on feet of hyperglycemic rats. Rats were
divided in 6 group and topically exposed to BEC with concentrations 1%, 5%,
10%, 15%, basic cream (negative control), and gentamicin ointment (positive
control) respectively. The healing process was evaluated for up to 14 days after
wounding, using digital photographs analysis, macroscopic scoring and
histopathology analysis. Wound area in BEC 5% group was significantly smaller
than negative control group. It was supported with the number of total macroscopic
score histopathology analysis. This was show the wound healing. There was no
significant differences among other BEC groups compare to negative control and
positive control groups. In conclusion, BEC 5% accelerate the diabetic ulcer healing
process and have almost similar response of gentamicin ointment. This study
supports the use of black garlic extract for alternative therapy of diabetic ulcer.
Further observation is needed for identification the active compounds of black

Keywords: black garlic; cream; diabetic ulcer; wound healing; alloxan

Oral Presentation

Randomized Controlled Trial: Effect of Supplementation of Folic

Acid, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 in Combination to Inflammatory
Status of Diabetic Neuropathy Patients

Etisa Adi Murbawani1*, Enny Probosari1, Siti Fatimah Muis1, Heri Nugroho H.S2, Amalia
Sukmadianti1, Martha Ardiaria3, Farida Martyaningsih4, Nurhasanah5
Staff of Clinical Nutrition Specialist Programme, Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University
Division of Endocrine and Metabolic of Internal Medicine, Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University
/Kariadi General Hospital Semarang
Nutrition Department, Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University
GAKY Laboratory, Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University
Clinical Nutrition Specialist Programme, Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University/ Nutrition
Department Medical Faculty of Riau University
Corresponding author : etisatitis@gmail.com


Diabetic neuropathy is the most common complication of diabetes mellitus with

prevalence of 50%. The pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathy is complex and
inflammation plays an important role in the process of diabetic neuropathy. The
decreased inflammation status is becoming a potential target of therapy and prevention
of diabetes complication. Objectiveto know the effect of supplementation of folic acid,
vitamin B6, vitamin B12 in combination to inflammatory status of diabetic
neuropathy patients. Experimental design with randomized controlled trial.
Subjectof studydiabetic neuropathy patients. Place of study Tugurejo Hospital,
Semarang in September 2018 to March 2019, with sample size of 75
subjects(treatment and control group).Subjects of the study consists of 56 females
and 19 males. The characteristic of subject in treatment and control group is not
significantly different based on sex, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 intake, and
nutritional status. Compared with placebo, the effect of combination of folic acid,
vitamin B6, vitamin B12 supplementation is able to decrease serum Hs-CRP
significantly with mean difference of -3.0 (CI 95% -4,95, -1,08; p
<0,05.Supllementation of folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 in combination is able
to significantly decrease inflamation status.

Keywords: Folic acid; vitamin B6; vitamin B12; inflammation status; diabetic

Oral Presentation

Egfr Mutation Status in Lung Adeno andAdenosquamous

Carcinoma Based on Age and Sex Predilection at Dr. Kariadi
Hospital in 2017 to June 2019

FaizaRizky, Franky Yusuf, Dik Puspasari*

Department Of Anatomy Pathology, Dr.Kariadi General Hospital,Seamarang

Corresponding author : dik_puspa@yahoo.com


Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related mortality, approximately

1.59 million deaths per year worldwide. Most patient die in the first year of
diagnosis. In order to improve survival rate for the patients, it requires a well
understanding of lung cancer effective treatment. Recently, one of the most
important biomarker is the presence of specific genetic alterations in EGFR gene
that is molecular targeted therapy for (EGFR)-tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs).
This study was aim to present a profile of EGFR gene mutation based on age and
sex in lung adeno and adenosqumaous carcinoma patients at Dr. Kariadi Hospital
in 2017 to June 2019.Descriptive observational method was conducted to all patient
with lung adeno and adenosquamous carcinoma based on cytology, histopathology
and immunohistochemistry examination at anatomical pathology laboratory at Dr.
Kariadi Hospital in 2017 to June 2019.Deletion of Exon 19 is the most common
mutation with 56 cases (24.7%), peaking in 6th to 7th decade with 18 cases (32.1%)
and male predominant with 33 cases (59%). Exon 19 mutations are the most
common mutations in male with 33 cases (24%) while female with 23 cases (26%).
Exon 19 deletion is the most common EGFR mutations in patients with lung adeno
and adenosquamous carcinoma at Dr. Kariadi Hospital with peak incidence in 6th
to7th decade and male predominant. Exon 21 L858R mutation is the second most
common in lung adeno and adenosquamous carcinoma, more often in 6th to 7th
decade and female predominant.

Keywords: EGFR mutation; lung adenocarcinoma; lung adenosqumous carcinoma.

Oral Presentation

The Role of Cell of Origin Profiling Using Immunohistochemistry

to Predict Survival of Indonesian Diffuse Large B-Cell
Lymphoma Patients
Hermawan Istiadi1*, Udadi Sadhana1, Dik Puspasari2, Ika Pawitra Miranti1, Vega
Karlowee1, Awal Prasetyo1
Anatomical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang,
Anatomical Pathology Laboratory, Kariadi General Hospital, Semarang, Indonesia
Corresponding author: hermawanistiadi@fk.undip.ac.id


Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common type of non-
Hodgkin lymphoma in Asia and Indonesia. DLBCL, based on cell of origin is
divided into Germinal Center B-cell (GCB) and Activated B-cell (ABC) subtypes,
based on CD10, BCL6 and MUM1 expression. ABC subtypes usually has worse
prognosis. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between cell
of origin subtype with 2 year overall survival of DLBCL patients in Kariadi General
Hospital Semarang. This is observational analytic study of 36 DLBCL patients in
Kariadi General Hospital from January to August 2017. The data collection
including: age of diagnosis, location, stage and 2 year overall survival. DLBCL
subtype was determined using immunohistochemistry examination of CD10, BCL6
anda MUM1 protein. Data analysis used chi square test and Kapplan meier curve.
There were 18 patients with GCB subtype and 18 patients with ABC subtype. GCB
patient tend to have early stage than ABC subtype, but no significantly difference
(p: 0,171). DLBCL ABC subtype had a 2-year overall survival that was
significantly worse than GCB subtype (p: 0.026), with a 2-year survival rate of ABC
subtypes was 38,9% and GCB subtypes was 77,8%. DLBCL patients with advanced
stages also have a 1-year overall survival that is significantly worse than the early
stage (p: 0,000), with a 2-year survival rate of 14.3%. DLBCL ABC subtype
patients and advanced stages have a lower 2-year overall survival rate and thus have
a worse prognosis.

Keywords: DLBCL; GCB; ABC; overall survival.

Oral Presentation

Effect of HILT and LLLT in Improving Quality of Life in the

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Andriaz Kurniawan1, Erna Setiawati2*
Resident of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University,
Semarang, Indonesia
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist,Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University,
Semarang, Indonesia
Corresponding author : roswithaerna@gmail.com


Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common form of chronic focal
compression neuropathy in the peripheral nerves.Complaints of tingling, numbness
and pain can cause disability that lead to decrease in quality of life (QoL). One type
of conservative therapy that can be given is laser therapy. Type of laser therapy
arehigh intensity laser therapy (HILT) and low level laser therapy (LLLT). The aim
of this study is to compare the effect of two type of laser therapy on the QoL in
CTS.Nineteen patients were divided into two groups randomly,HILTand
LLLTgroup. Both groups were given treatment five days a week for two weeks with
each therapeutic dose. SF-36 questionnaire was used to evaluate the QoL before
and after intervention in both groups.There is significant difference before and after
intervention in HILT group in domain energy fatique (p<0.001), emotional well-
being (p=0.012), pain (p=0.023) and general health (p=0.008). There is also
significant difference before and after intervention in LLLT group in energy fatique
(p=0.021), emotional well-being (p=0.021) and general health (p=0.026). There is
no significant difference between two groups.Both HILT and LLLT improve QoLin
the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome patient.

Keywords: carpal tunnel syndrome;laser therapy; quality of life.

Oral Presentation

Correlation between Sujin Cervical Neuralis Foraminal Stenosis

Grading System with Cervical Radiculopathy Clinical Scores:
Study of Degenerative Disease with MRI Examination
Linggawati Tanujaya A. Gunawan Santoso, CH.H.Nawangsih, Nurdopo Baskoro,
Nasirun Zulqarnain, Hermina Sukmaningtyas*

Radiology Department Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University / Dr. Kariadi General

Hospital Semarang
*Corresponding Author: hermina_rad@yahoo.co.id


Cervical spondylosis that describes a degenerative process which

includes changes in the intervertebral disc, vertebral body, and facet joint, causes
cervical neural foramina stenosis and symptoms of cervical radiculopathy. Sujin
Kim, et al (2015), in his research on the degree of cervical neural foramina
stenosis based on T2-weighted images. The purpose of this study was to
determine the correlation between the degree of cervical neural foramina stenosis
on MRI based on Sujin with clinical scores of cervical radiculopathy. This study
was conducted prospectively with a cross sectional method for 26 cervical
spondylosis patients who underwent Cervical MRI examination at Dr. RSUP.
Kariadi Semarang. The clinical score of spondylotic cervical radiculopathy was
assessed by the Neck Disability Index (NDI) score. Degree of Neuralis Cervical
Foramina Stenosis in T2-weigthed MRI axial images assessed based on the Sujin
method. Research has received permission from the hospital ethics committee.
There was a significant correlation between the degree of cervical neural
foramina stenosis in T2- weighted MRI axial images based on the Sujin method
and spondylotic cervical radiculopathy clinical scores based on NDI scores.
There was a significant correlation between the degree of cervical neural
foramina stenosis in T2- weighted MRI axial images based on the Sujin method
and spondylotic cervical radiculopathy clinical scores based on NDI scores.

Keywords: Cervical Foramina Stenosis; Sujin Method; Cervical Radiculopathy;

Neck Disability.

Oral Presentation

Epilepsy Surgery in Radiological Normal Appearing Temporal

Lobe Epilepsy in Indonesia

Thohar Arifin*

Faculty of Medicinie, Diponegoro University

Corresponding email : thohar@fk.undip.ac.id


Around 26-30% of all temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) have normal appearing
image in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), leading to difficulty in determining
the epileptogenic focus. The surgical management in such cases can be challenging,
especially in developing countries. We collected the medical records of 154 patients
with normal-appearing MRI TLE undergoing epilepsy surgery from 1999 to July
2019 in our epilepsy centers in Indonesia. All patients underwent routine
preoperative examinations including MRI, scalp EEG, and FDG-PET when
necessary. The primary outcome of this study is the Engel classification of seizure
outcomes (baseline 12 months). Of 154 patients, anterior temporal lobectomy was
performed in 79.9%, followed by selective amygdalo-hippocampectomy and
resection surgery.Most patients were operated from left side (57.1%). The outcome
of 82 patients (53.2%). Engel class I result was reported by 69.5% and class II was
reported by 25.6%. The outcome of normal-appearing MRI TLE surgery in
Indonesia achieved favorable result.

Oral Presentation

Quantification of T2 to Asses Intractable Medial Temporal Lobe

Epilepsy with Normal MRI Using Grey Level Co-occurrence
Matrix (GLCM)

Hermina Sukmaningtyas1*, Jacub Pandelaki2, Meira Dewi Kusuma Astuti3, Diah

Fauziah4, I. Riwanto5, Zainal Muttaqin6
Radiology Department, Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University/ dr. Kariadi General
Hospital, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Radiology Department, Faculty of Medicine Indonesian University/ RSCM Jakarta, Jakarta,
Anatomical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine of Diponegoro University/ dr. Kariadi
General Hospital Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Anatomical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine of Airlangga University/ dr. Sutomo
Hospital Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Surgery Department, Faculty of Medicine of DiponegoroUniversity/dr. Kariadi General Hospital
Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Neurosurgery Sub Division, Faculty of Medicine of Diponegoro University /dr Kariadi General
Hospital, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author: hermina_rad@yahoo.co.id


MRI is reliable tool to detect hippocampal sclerosis. However, standardized MR

cannot reveal the hippocampal sclerosis approximately 20-30% cases. Post processing
quantitative analysis of hippocampal formation improves the ability to determine the
pathology. The objective of this study was to asses sensitivity of quantitative T2 using
GLCM in detecting hippocampal sclerosis and lateralization, and correlate with
histopathological features of surgical specimen on intractable MTLE. Twenty-three
consecutive surgical candidates with intractable mesial temporal epilepsy, as diagnosed
with ictal scalp video-EEG and standarized MRI. Then all patients were evaluated with T2
quantification using GLCM. The data were used to compare each patient with a control
group. Histopathological of surgical specimens were stained with NeuN, GFAP, and
Neuropeptide Y to asses neuronal loss, gliosis and axonal/mossy fiber sprouting. Ten of 23
patients had normal MRI. T2 quantification patients had higher average than control, with
cut off point 19.997. Despite quantitative T2 had no correlation with the grading of
neuronal loss, gliosis and axonal fiber sprouting, its sensitivity reached approximately
72.7%, specifity 72.7%.
We conclude T2 quantification can improve the result may be indicative for diagnostic

Keywords: T2 Quantification; GLCM; Intractable Mesial Lobe Epilepsy; Normal MRI.

Oral Presentation
Nutritional Intervention

Effectiveness of Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griff Leaf Extracton

Blood Glucose Levelin Wistar Rat

Aditya Leonoreza, Tifanni Excelinda, Jasmine Elnitiarta, Dwi Retnoningrum*

Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University

Corresponding author: dwiretnodr@gmail.com


Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease that always increasing in prevalence

from year to year. Excessive glucose intake and oxidative stress that can lead to
damage of the pancreatic cell or insulin resistance, are such factors that influence
the occurrence of diabetes mellitus. Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griff leaf contains
active metabolites such as flavonoid which able to decrease free radical levels and
can be α-glucosidase inhibitor and DPP-4 inhibitor. In this study 30 male wistar
rats were divided into 6 groups. Normal group (K-1) was given standard feed,
Negative control (K-2) was given alloxan intraperitoneally, positive control (K-3)
was given 0,9 mg/kg dose of acarbose, first treatment group (K-4) was given 50
mg/kg dose of Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griff, second treatment group (K-5) was
given 100 mg/kg dose of the leaf extract, and the third treatment group (K-6) was
given the leaf 200 mg/kg dose of the leaf extract. The blood glucose was examined
on the forth day to ensure that the rats had diabetes mellitus. After diabetes, the
positive control group was given 0,9 mg/kg dose of acarbose and the treatment
group was given Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griff leaf extract according to the
prescribed dose. One 14th day, the blood glucose was taken from the rats. Post-test
only group design is used to be the experimental design. There were significant
differences of the treatment groups (K-4, K-5, and K-6) compared to negative
control group (K-2) after treatment. The mean of blood glucose levels decreases
with increasing doses of Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griff leaf extract treatment.
The treatment groups (K-4, K-5, and K-6) are not significant compared to positive
control (K-3).

Keywords: Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griff leaf; blood glucose; diabetes mellitus

Oral Presentation
Nutritional Intervention

Protective Effect of Brewed Robusta Coffee Leaves (Coffea

canephora) on Fasting Blood Glucose and GLUT 4 in Metabolic
Syndrome Rats
Suci Eka Putri1, Gemala Anjani1, Nurmasari Widyastuti1, Choirun Nissa1, Rachma
Purwanti1, Anang M Legowo2, Nyoman Suci Widyastiti3*
Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang
Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Animal Agriculture, Diponegoro University,
Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang
Corresponding author: nyoman.suci@gmail.com


Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a metabolic disorder which can increase the

risks of diabetes andcardiovascular disease. Elevated level of fasting blood glucose
(FBG) and decreased level of Glucose Transporter 4 (GLUT4) occur in MetS.
Robusta coffee leaves (C.canephora) contain high phenolic compounds which can
decrease FBG and increase GLUT4. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of
brewed robusta coffee leaves on FBG levels and GLUT4 in MetS rats. The design
of this study is true experimental pre-posttest group. Thirty-sixmale Wistar rats
were divided into: control (K1), MetS (K2), mangiferin dose of 20 mg/kgBW/day
(X1), brewed robusta coffee leaves dose: 0,09 g/200gBW/day (X2), 0,18
g/200gBW/day (X3), and 0,36 g/200gBW/day (X4). Induced MetS by giving high
fructose high fat for 14 days. Intervention brewed robusta coffee leaves for 28 days.
Coffee leaves are processed similar tojapanese green tea process and brewed 70 ºC
warm water for 10 minutes. Data were analyzed by Paired T-Test/Wilcoxon and
ANOVA/Post hoc. The results show there was a significant decrease in FBG and
significant increase in GLUT4 (p<0,05) in each group but there was no significant
difference in FBGlevels and GLUT4 in groups X1 and X4 (p = 0,997) (p = 0,051).
In conclusion, brewed robusta coffee leaves effectively decrease FBG levels and
increase GLUT4 in metabolic syndrome rats. Giving mangiferin and brewed
robusta coffee leaves at a dose of 0,36g/200gBW/day has the same effect in
decreasing FBG and increasing GLUT4.

Keywords: metabolic syndrome; robusta coffee leaves; fasting blood glucose;


Oral Presentation
Nutritional Intervention

Effect of Brewed Robusta Coffee Leaves (Coffea canephora)

Triglyceride (TG), High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and
Malondialdehyde (MDA) Study in Metabolic Syndrome Wistar

Amali Rica Pratiwi1, Nyoman Suci Widyastiti2, Anang M. Legowo3, Nurmasari

Widyastuti1, A. Fahmy Arif Tsani1, Hartanti Sandi Wijayanti1, Gemala Anjani1*
Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang
Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang
Departement of Food Technology, Faculty of Animal Agriculture, Diponegoro University, Semarang
*Corresponding author: gemaanjani@gmail.com


Metabolic syndrome is a complex metabolic disorders that increase the risk of

cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, and all causes of death. Phytochemical
compounds play a role in improving triglyceride (TG), High Density Lipoprotein(HDL)
and Malondialdehyde(MDA) levels. Robusta coffee leaves contain phytochemical
compounds. This study aimed to prove the effect of brewed robusta coffee leaves on
decreasing TG, increasing HDL and decreasing MDA levels in metabolic syndrome rats.
The design of this study is experimental study with a pre-post test control group design.
Thirty six wistar male rats were divided into 6 groups; control group (K1), metabolic
syndrome group (K2), treatment of mangiferin dose 20 mg/KgBW/day (X1), treatment
of robusta coffee leaves brewed dose 0,09 g/200gBW/day (X2), 0,18 g/200gBW/day (X3)
and 0,36 g/200gBW/day (X4). The treatment was given in an oral gavage for 28 days.
Data were analyzed using Paired t-test or Wilcoxson and Kruskal Wallis followed by
Mann Whitney. The result showed that TG and MDA levels decreased, and HDL levels
significantly increased in the treatment group X1,X2,X3,X4 (p<0.05). The dose of
brewed robusta coffee leaves dose 0,36 g/200gBW has a better effect in decreasing TG
and MDA levels, and increasing HDL levels compared with doses 0,09 g/200gBW and
0,18 g/200gBW. The dose of brewed robusta coffee leaves 0,36 g/200gBW has the same
effect with mangiferin dose 20 mg/KgBW. In conclusion, brewed robusta coffee leaves
can decrease TG and MDA levels, and also increase HDL levels.

Keywords: Metabolic syndrome; robusta coffee leaves; triglycerides; HDL; MDA.

Oral Presentation
Nutritional Intervention

Karika Fruit Juice (Carica pubescens) Reduces Tumor Necrosis

Factor-Alpha (TNF-α) and Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG) Levels
inType 2 Diabetes Mellitus Wistar Rats

Triya Ulva Kusuma1, Septi Nur Rachmawati1, Gemala Anjani1, Muflihatul Muniroh2*
Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang,
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: dr_mufliha@yahoo.com


Chronic inflammation and hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)

can cause several organ dysfunctions. Karika is a typical fruit from Dieng which
contains number of flavonoids. It is well known that flavonoid acts as anti-
inflammation and anti-hyperglycemia which is useful for T2DM condition. This
study was aimed to test the effect of karika fruit juice on tumor necrosis factor-
alpha (TNF-α) and fasting blood glucose (FBG) levels in rats induced by HFD-
STZ, with rutin as a control. The design of this study was a randomized post-test
only control group design. Twenty-five male wistar rats were divided into 5 groups:
K- = healthy rats; K+ = diabetic rats; X1 and X2 = diabetic rats that received karika
fruit juice 4 ml/200 g BW/day and 8 ml/200 g BW/day; X3 = diabetic rats that
received rutin 10 ml/200 g BW/day. The treatments were administered orally for
30 days. TNF-α and FBG levels were measured using ELISA and GOD-PAP
method respectively. The results showed that TNF-α and FBG levels were
significantly decreased in the treatment groups (X1, X2, X3) compared to the K+
group (p<0,05). In addition, there was no significant difference on TNF-α and FBG
levels between group X2 and X3, indicating that karika fruit juice 8 ml/200 g
BW/day has similar ability with rutin 10 mg/200 g BW/day. Based on the results
above, it can be concluded that karika fruit juice can reduce TNF-α and FBG levels
in T2DM wistar rats.

Keywords: type 2 diabetes mellitus; karika fruit juice; TNF-α; fasting blood

Oral Presentation
Nutritional Intervention

Carica pubescens Fruit Juice Improved SOD, Triglyceride, and

High-Density Lipoprotein Level in Type 2 Diabetes Rats
Septi Nur Rachmawati1, Triya Ulva Kusuma1, Muflihatul Muniroh2, Gemala Anjani1*
Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University
*Corresponding author: gemaanjani@gmail.com


Insulin resistance and insulin deficiency in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)

can increase reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and reduce lipoprotein
lipase (LPL) enzyme activity. ROS can exacerbate pancreatic β-cell damage.
Whereas, the less effective function of LPL enzymes might increase triglycerides
(TG) level and decrease high-density lipoprotein (HDL) level which could lead to
cardiovascular complication. Flavonoids might able to improve insulin resistance
and increase insulin secretion in T2DM. Carica pubescens is one of the typical
Dieng fruit that has flavonoids. This present study aimed to investigate the effect of
Carica pubescens fruit juice (CPJ) on superoxide dismutase (SOD), TG, and HDL
level in high fat diet-streptozotocin-induced diabetic wistar rats. Twenty five male
wistar rats were divided into 5 groups (@ 5 rats); untreated control group (K+);
untreated diabetic group (K-); diabetic group was treated with 4 ml/200 gBW of
CPJ (X1); 8 ml/200 gBW of CPJ (X2); and 10 mg/200 gBW of rutin (X3). All rats
were terminated at the 30thday of treatment. The results showed that the level of
SOD and HDL were significantly increased in group X1, X2, and X3 compared
with K(+) while TG level significantly decreased (p<0.05). Increased level of SOD
and HDL and decreased level of TG between X2 and X3 were not significantly
different. These finding suggest that CPJ have beneficial effects on SOD, TG and
HDL level in type 2 diabetic wistar. CPJ at 8 ml/200 gBW has the similar effect
with 10 mg/200 gBW of rutin.

Keywords: Carica pubescens; type 2 diabetes; SOD level; TG level; HDL level

Oral Presentation
Nutritional Intervention

The Effect of Tempeh Gembus on Malondialdehyde and

Superoxide Dismutase Enzyme Levels in Rats with Diet-Induced
Metabolic Syndrome
Pristina Adi Rachmawati1;2, Diana Nur Afifah1;3*, Ninik Rustanti1;3, Gemala Anjani1;3,
Achmad Zulfa Juniarto4
Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro
Department of Nutrition, Health Polytechnic of TNI AU Adisutjipto, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Center of Nutrition Research (CENURE), Universitas Diponegoro
Departement of Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia
Corresponding author: d.nurafifah.dna@fk.undip.ac.id


High level of malondialdehyde (MDA) and low level of superoxide dismutase

(SOD) are markers of oxidative stress and indicate enhance metabolic syndrome.
Tempeh gembus is a food that has antioxidant properties which can decreased MDA
concentration and increased SOD enzyme activity. The aim of this research was to
determine the effect of Tempeh gembus on plasma MDA and serum SOD enzyme
levels in metabolic syndrome rats. A post-test only experimental design was used
in which 25 Sprague Dawley rats were divided into 5 equal groups of 2 control
groups (K- and K+) and 3 treatment groups (P1, P2, P3). Metabolic syndrome was
induced in the K+ control and the 3 treatment groups. Tempeh gembus were given
for 4 weeks with the doses of 2.5g (P1), 5g (P2), and 7.5g (P3). Plasma MDA levels
were measured by the Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substance (TBARS) method
and serum SOD enzyme levels were measured by the Enzyme Linked
Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) method. The statistical analysis used One Way
Anova test. Tempeh gembus significantly decreased plasma MDA levels of
metabolic syndrome rats (P=0.000) but had no significant effect on serum SOD
enzyme levels in each treatment group (P=0.449). The dose of 7.5g Tempeh gembus
was the most effective dose in reducing the plasma MDA level. Tempeh gembus in
the 3 treatment doses significantly decreased plasma MDA levels but had no
significant effect on serum SOD enzyme levels.

Keywords: malondialdehyde; metabolic syndrome; superoxide dismutase; Tempeh


Oral Presentation
Nutritional Intervention

The Effect of Goat Milk Kefir Fortified Vitamin D3 on Interleukin

(IL)-18 Levels in Diabetic Rats

Kurnia Dwi Anggraeni1, GemalaAnjani1;2, Binar Panunggal1;2*, Martha Ardiaria1;2,

Choirun Nissa1;2
Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang
Center of Nutrition Research, Diponegoro University, Semarang
*Corresponding author: panunggalbinar@live.undip.ac.id


Hyperglycemia caused an increased of oxidative stress that caused by an

imbalance of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and anti-oxidative mechanism. It
will stimulate the production of inflammatory mediators and cytokines such as
TNF-α, IL-1 and IL-18. Goat milk kefir and Vitamin D3 have a potential as
antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that can repair pancreatic β-cells
damage. This study aims to analyze the effect of goat milk kefir fortified vitamin
D3 on IL-18 levels in diabetic rats.An experimental study of randomized pre-post
test with control group design was conducted on 20 male wistar rats and divided
into 4 groups; negative control (K-), positive control (K+), kefir treatment without
fortified vitamin D3 (P1) and kefir treatment with fortified of vitamin D3. The
intervention was given for 34 days.fasting blood glucose and IL-18 were measured
before and after intervention. Blood glucose level was analyzed with GOD-PAP
method and IL-18 level was analyzed with ELISA method. Results of this research
is there was no significant increase of IL-18 levels in P1 group with a median of
56,5 (10-252,7) to 148,2 (106,8-428,3) (p=0,465) and P2 group with a median of
117,3 (91,8-146,8) to246,65 (168,8-311) (p=0,068) and there was no significant
increase in blood glucose levels in P1 group 366,9±134,77 to 462,07±156,91
(p=0,357) and P2 414,95±203,79 to 258±129 (p=0,463). Conclusion of this
research is goat milk kefir fortified vitamin D3 can maintain the blood glucose and
interleukin 18 levels.

Keywords: Kefir; goat milk; vitamin D3; type 2 diabetes mellitus; IL-18 levels

Oral Presentation
Nutritional Intervention

Modeling Impact of Stunting On Morbidity, Development,

Hamoglobin Levels as Evidence Based Intervention of
Community in Toddlers Stunting in Pemalang District
Arwinda Nugraheni*, Aras Utami, Ani Margawati, Firdaus Wahyudi, Hari Peni Julianti,
Dodik Pramono

Lecturer in Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University

Corresponding author: arwindanugraheni@gmail.com


The prevention of stunting is a national priority, where targets are more

concentrated on risk factors. Pemalang is 10 priority stunting intervention
cities/districts with a prevalence are 46.28%. However, the study for evidence-
based effects of stunting on children in Indonesia are still rarely. To model the
stunting impact on morbidity, development, haemoglobin levels as evidence based
intervention of community toddlers in Pemalang. This study used observational
analytic with retrospective cohort design study and conducted on Juli 2019, in
Kebondalem District Pemalang City. The variables are Stunting, morbidity,
Haemoglobin levels and development. Data collection was carried out by
anthropometry measurements, haemoglobin rapid test and interviews with
questionnaires. The samples were selected by multiple sampling technique, cluster
and consecutive technique. The sample of this study are toddlers aged 6- 24 months
in Pemalang. This study Compared means using Independent T Test.130
respondents found that in the group of mothers with at least junior high school
education, differences of total development between stunting and non stunting
(p=0.038) 95% CI (-3 until -0.1), hemoglobin levels(p = 0,015) 95% CI (-1.89 until
-0.26), frequent morbidity (p=0.316) 95% CI (-1.7 until 0.6). In the group of low
education mothers, Hb levels (p = 0.041) 95% CI (-2.4 until -0.05), frequent
morbidity (p = 0.77) 95% CI (-1.22 until 0.93), development (p = 0.8) 95% CI (-
0.588 until 0.47). There was a significant difference of Hb levels between stunting
and non stunting in all mother education level.

Keywords: Stunting; Haemoglobin; Morbidity; Development.

Oral Presentation
Nutritional Intervention

Sprague Dawley Rat Albumin Levels after Complementary

Feeding Formula with Fish Protein Hydrolyzate (FPH)

Nazulatul Asmak1, Kusmiyati-Tjahjono DK2, Ekowati Chasanah3, Yusro Nuri

Fawzya3,Pujoyuwono Martosuyono3, Nuryanto1, Diana Nur Afifah1*
Departement of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang
Departement of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang
Research and Development Center for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and
Biotechnology, Jakarta
*Coressponding author: diananurafifah@live.undip.ac.id


Complementary feeding is given from the age of six months to meet the
nutritional needs. Complementary feeding with the composition of skim milk and
green bean flour enriched with fish protein hydrolyzate (FPH) from kuniran fish
(Upeneus moluccensis) was chosen as a source of protein to increase the nutritional
intake of complementary feeding. The purpose of this study was to study the effect
of Sprague Dawley rat albumin levels after the administration of complementary
feeding formula with fish protein hydrolyzate substitution (FPH). This research was
a True Experimental Design research with a completely randomized design (CRD).
A total of 25 Sprague Dawley male rats were acclimatized for 4 days, then divided
into five regulatory groups. The control group was given standard feeding, T1 group
was given F1 treatment (18% skim milk, 7.6% FPH flour, and 37.8% mung bean
flour), T2 group was given F2 treatment (15% skim milk, 7.6% FPH flour, and
45.6% mung bean flour), T3 group was given F3 (18% skim milk, 6.2% FPH flour,
and 45.6% mung bean flour), and group T4 given commercial treatment
(Promina®). Giving complementary feeding through sonde for 14 days at a dose of
0.18g/50gBW per day. Albumin levels were measured before and after the
administration of complementary feeding treatment. Research data were analyzed
using Mann Withney on SPSS. Research shows that there was significant
differences in the rate of albumin levels (p>0.05). Complementary feeding formula
with the highest albumin levels in T2 (4.89g/dL).

Keywords: Sprague Dawley Rats; albumin levels; Complementary feeding; Fish

Protein Hydrolyzate (FPH).

Oral Presentation
Nutritional Intervention

Goldenberry and Cucumber Juice Against Systolic Blood

Pressure in Hypertensive Rats Model Induced 8% NaCl: an
Experimental Study
Amilia Yuni Damayanti*, Dianti Desita Sari, Fiki Husna

Nutrition Science Department, Health Science Faculty, University of Darussalam Gontor, East
Java, Indonesia
Corresponding author : amilia@unida.gontor.ac.id


The mortality rate of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) reached 17 million

deaths and over 9.4 million due to hypertension. Hypertension often called “silent
killer” and defined as blood pressure above 140 mmHg and 90 mmHg and caused
several diseases such as renal failure, cardiac diseases, and stroke. Objective to
compare the effect of goldenberry and cucumber juice against systolic blood
pressure of rats induced by sodium chloride (NaCl) 8%. Experimental laboratory
study with pre-post test design and control group trial. Sprague-Dawley rats divided
into four (4) groups with five (5) rats in each group. Treatment groups include K(-
) was given standard feed, K(+) was given Captopril 0.45 mg/200 g BW, P1
goldenberry juice 1.8 ml/200 g BW and P2 cucumber juice 1.8 ml/200 g BW for
seven days of treatment. Systolic blood pressure measured by blood pressure
analyzer with the tail-cuff method. The results analyzed by Paired t-Test to
determine the mean difference of systolic blood pressure before and after 8% NaCl
induction and juice treatment. Goldenberry and cucumber juice have a significant
effect of reducing systolic blood pressure in hypertension with p = 0.000 (<0.05).
Goldenberry and cucumber juice reduced systolic blood pressure in hypertensive
rats induced 8% NaCl.

Keywords: Cucumber; golden berry; hypertension; systolic blood pressure

Oral Presentation
Nutritional Intervention

Effectiveness of Moderate Intensity Aerobic and Jogging

Combination on Body Weight and Body Fat Percentage in Obese
Young Adult

Eko Cahyo Fatristanto, Ria Ambarwati*, Dian Luthfita Prasetya Muninggar, Sunarto,
Arintina Rahayuni

Nutrition Department, Health Polytechnicof Ministry of HealthSemarang

Corresponding author : ardiria7@gmail.com

Gymnastics and jogging are aerobic exercise which can be used as an
important component of a comprehensive plan for lowering body weight and body
fat percentage. This study was designed to examine the effects of moderate intensity
aerobic and jogging combination on body weight and body fat percentage in obese
young adult. The study is pretest-posttest control group with true experimental
design. Thirty-four young-adult obese volunteer women were randomly assigned
into two group, 1) 8-week-group intervention with semiweekly aerobic and once
per week jogging combination for 30 – 60 minutes each session, 2) the control
group, remained without training. Body weight and body fat percentage were
measured directly, energy intake were assessed using 24 hour recalls, and physical
activity were collected using PAL questionnaire. Analysis of data used Mann
Whitney and Independent sample t-test.There was no significant difference in
reducing body weight after aerobic and jogging combination intervention (p=0,78).
Body weight differences were reduced 0,88 kgs and 0,22 kgs in invervention group
and control group. Aerobic and jogging combination exercise has a caused a
significant difference in reducing body fat percentage (p=0,00). Body fat
percentage differences were reduced 2,39% in invervention group, while in control
group were increased 0,58%.Aerobic and jogging combination are effective at
reducing 0,88 kgs body weight and reducing 2,39% body fat percentage.

Keywords: Obesity; aerobic gymnastic; jogging; body weight; body fat percentage

Oral Presentation
Nutritional Intervention

The Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Perceived Stress, Body Image,

and Cortisol Level for Premenstrual Syndrome

Sri Sumarni1;3*, Syarief Taufik Hidayat2, Dwi Pujonarko3, Hardhono Susanto3

Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang
RSUP dr Kariadi Semarang
Universitas Diponegoro
*Corresponding author: marninugroho@yahoo.com


Premenstrual syndrome might impact on individual personal relationship,

behavioral changes, social interaction, lifestyle, school performance, and emotional
wellbeing. The prevalence of PMS varies around 80% on reproductive women in
several countries. The purpose of this study was to prove that an aerobic exercise
as an alternative therapy for premenstrual syndromes in decreasing perceived stress,
increasing body image score, and decreasing the level of cortisol. This is an
experimental study with randomised pre-test post-test controlled group design. The
subject was 99 PMS women which was 46 women as the treatment group and 53
as the control group. They experienced PMS, which were screened with SPAF
quesionaires during 3 month beforehand. The intervention was a 45 minutes aerobic
exercise for five days during lutheal phase. Intervention in the control group was a
form of habits when they suffered PMS. Postest was done after five days during the
lutheal. The quessionaires of perceives stress, body image, and blood sample for
cortisol level were gained pretest and posttest. The data was analysed by using
Repeated Measure Anova test. The mean age of intervention group was younger
than control group at 16 years and 18 years respectively. The menarche both of two
groups were same at 12 years. Mean of the length of menstruation in both two
groups were 7 days. An aerobic exercise has an effect on reducing cortisol level
with covariate age, menarche age, exercise habits with p value at 0.049. An aerobic
exercise has an effect on increasing body image on intervention group, even though
it was not significantly with p value at 0.245. An aerobic exercise has an effect on
reducing perceived stress after covariate age, menarche age, and exercise habit.
Moreover, it was significantly with p value at 0.007. In conclusion aerobic exercise
has an effect on reducing perceived stress and cortisol level significantly. It is
recommended that exercise should be inspire for public.

Keywords: aerobic exercise; perceived stress; body image; cortisol level.

Oral Presentation
Nutritional Intervention

Diet and Antioxidant Supplementation Prevent Cardiovascular


Dietisen at Kendal Hospital

*Corresponding author : suginigizi@gmail.com


Diets and supplementation antioxidants are an effort to prevent the

development of dyslipidemia into cardiovascular disease. To determine the
relationship between diet and antioxidant supplementation with lipid profile. The
design of this study was cross-sectional and continued with a quasi experiment
control design with pre post test. The subjects of the study were 62 employees of
Kendal Hospital, aged 35-50 years, suffering from dyslipidemia and not suffering
from metabolic or degenerative diseases based on the examination of a specialist in
internal medicine. Subjects were divided into 2, group I (30 people) were given
antioxidant supplements (tomatoes 336 grams per day) for 21 days and group II (32
people) as controls. Data analysis using the Kolmogorov Smirnov test, Pearson test
and Mann Whitney test. There was a significant relationship between energy,
protein, fat and carbohydrate intake with total cholesterol levels and triglyceride
levels and there was a significant relationship between energy and fat intake with
levels of Low Density Lipoprotein. This shows that there is a relationship between
diet and dyslipidemia. There were significant differences in total cholesterol, low
lipoprotein and triglyceride levels in the treatment and control groups. This shows
that there is a significant relationship between the administration of antioxidant
supplements and lipid profiles. Diets and antioxidant supplements prevent
cardiovascular disease.

Keywords: diet; antioxidant supplements; cardiovascular disease.

Oral Presentation
Nutritional Intervention

Study of Goat Milk and Goat Milk Yogurt as an Adjuvant

Therapy on Malaria

Merinta Sada1, Anang M Legowo2, Gemala Anjani1*

Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang,
Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Animal and Agriculutural Sciences, Diponegoro
University, Semarang, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author: gemaanjani@gmail.com


Malaria is an infectious disease caused by the Plasmodium Sp parasite.

Malaria has reached 219 million cases in 2017. Decreasing of parasitemia index
indicates decreasing rate of infection in malaria. Goat milk and goat milk yogurt as
immunomodulators have potential to decrease parasitemia index. This study aims
to determine the effect of goat's milk and goat's milk yogurt on the index of
parasitemia on malaria mice. This research is true experimental study with a post-
test only group design. Thirty five female Balb/c mice were divided into: K-
(control negative group), K+ (infected malaria), K+DHP (malaria, DHP drug), X1
(malaria, goat milk), X2 (malaria, goat milk, DHP), X3 (malaria, goat milk yogurt),
X4 (malaria, goat milk yogurt, DHP). Inoculation of Plasmodium was given as
much as 107/0.2 ml. The intervention was given 24 days. Data was analyzed using
Kruskal-Wallis with Post Hoc Mann-Whitney. The result showed a significant
decreased on parasitemia index (p <0.05). The mean parasitemia index in each
group: 0% (K-); 13,9% (K+); 0.60% (K+DHP); 4.68% (X1); 3.74% (X2); 3.66%
(X3); 0.82% (X4). The group that effectively reduces parasitemia index is group
K+DHP and X4. Goat milk yogurt (X3) is more effective in decreasing parasitemia
index than goat milk (X1). Goat milk yogurt dose 0.5 ml/20gBW can be adjuvant
therapy on malaria treatment.

Keywords: Malaria; Parasitemia index; Goat milk; Goat milk yogurt

Oral Presentation

Risk Factors Affecting Obstructive Sleep Apneain Coronary

Heart Disease Patients
Windy Rizkiana*, Farokah, Rery Budiarti

Departement of Ear Nose and Throat-Head and Neck Surgery Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro
University / Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: windy_rizkiana@yahoo.com


Risk factors that cause obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in patients with
coronary heart disease (CHD) can aggravate cardiovascular symptoms and end up
worsening its symptoms. The prevalence of OSA in CHD patients is difficult to
trace, since 80% of CHD patients do not undergo initial OSA screening. Analytic
observational research with cross sectional design. Sample were patients with CHD
hospitalized in the Heart Care Unit of RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang from May until
August 2018. Diagnostic of OSA was based on history, ENT physical examination,
Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) questionnaire and Nocturnal Pulse Oximetry
(NPO) examination. Statistic test sthat used were Chi-square, Fisher's exact test,
and logistic regression. A total of 90 CHD patients, 56 (62.2%) were diagnosed
with OSA. Obesity, large neck circumference, palatine tonsillar hypertrophy and
macroglossia were risk factors significantly affecting OSA (p <0.05), whereas
concha hypertrophy and septum deviation (p <0,005) did not affect OSA.
Macroglossia was the major risk factor for OSA. Obesity, large neck circumference,
palatine tonsillar hypertrophy and macroglossia have an impact on the incident of
OSA in CHD patients.

Keywords: obstructive sleep apnea; coronary heart disease; nocturnal pulse

oximetry; oxygen desaturation Index.

Oral Presentation

The Differences of Electrolyte and Cardiac Markers Levels in

NSTEMI and STEMI Patients

Freddy Ciptono1*, Banundari Rachmawati2, Meita Hendrianingtyas2

Clinical Pathology Department, Tarumanagara University Faculty of Medicine
Clinical Pathology Department, Diponegoro University Faculty of Medicine
*Corresponding author: freddy.ciptono@gmail.com


Cardiovascular disease (CVDs) is the leading cause of mortality throughout

the world. The most common form of CVDs is the myocardial infarction.
Differences of sodium, potassium, chloride, troponin I and NT-ProBNP levels on
NSTEMI and STEMI were not widely discussed. Previous studies of electrolyte
levels and NT-ProBNP gave different results. To analyze the differences of serum
sodium, potassium, chloride, troponin I and NT-ProBNP levels in NSTEMI and
STEMI patients. Analytic observational study design with cross sectional approach
was conducted in February-May 2019 involving 35 NSTEMI and 35 STEMI
patients at the Dr. Kariadi Hospital ED who were screened according to the
inclusion and exclusion criteria. The levels of sodium, potassium and chloride were
measured by the ISE method of the Advia biochemistry system. Troponin I levels
were measured by the ELFA method on Vidas mini and NT-ProBNP levels were
using the ELISA method. Differences in sodium, potassium and chloride levels
between groups were analyzed using independent t-test, differences in troponin I
and NT-ProBNP levels between groups were using the Mann Whitney U Test. p
<0.05 was considered significant. There are significant differences in levels of
sodium (p = 0.001), chloride (p = 0.030), troponin I (p <0.001) and NT-ProBNP (p
= 0.001) between NSTEMI and STEMI patients. Potassium levels do not differ
significantly between the two groups (p = 0.721). Lower levels of sodium and
chloride, higher troponin I and NT-ProBNP levels occur in STEMI rather than

Keywords: electrolyte; troponin I; NT-ProBNP; NSTEMI; STEMI.

Oral Presentation

Correlation of Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) and C-Reactive

Protein (CRP) with S-100B Level in Ischemic Stroke
Veronica Prawira1, Nyoman Suci Widyastiti2, Edward Ksl2, Hexanto M3
Resident of Clinical Pathology Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University Semarang,, Indonesia
Clinical Pathology Department,Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University Semarang, Indonesia
Neurology Department, Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University Semarang, Indonesia
Corresponding author : nyoman.suci@gmail.com


Acute inflammation and vascular dysfunction are markers of an acute phase

response to cerebral injury. Astroglial protein S100B is a recent marker of cerebral
injury and associated with the degree and severity of cellular injury in acute
ischemic stroke. Acute inflammation induce the release of C-reactive protein (CRP)
and triggers platelet activation. Platelet size measured as mean platelet volume
(MPV) is a marker of platelet activity and has been investigated in connection with
both inflammation and thrombosis. The aim of the study was to determine if MPV
and CRP values are associated with concentrations of S100B in participants with
acute ischemic stroke. Thirty-nine patients with established diagnoses of
ischemic stroke were enrolled into the study. The MPV values were examined using
an automatic hematology analyzer. CRP and S 100B levels were examined using
ELISA method. The mean MPV values, CRP levels and S 100B levels were 9.92 ±
0.71fL; 8.85 ± 5.86mg / dL and 1146.03 ± 797.09pg / ml, respectively. There was
a strong and significant positive correlation of MPV with S 100B level (r=0,687;
p=0,000) and CRP with S100B level (r= 0,645; p= 0,000).This study suggests that
MPV value and CRP level may be a useful indicator of inflammation and cerebral
injury in ischemic stroke.

Keywords : Ischemic stroke; CRP; MPV; S 100B

Oral Presentation

Radial Shock Wave Therapy Effect to Upper Limb Motor

Function in Stroke Patients Receiving Infrared Therapy and
Stretching Exercises

Betharossi CW1*, Rudy Handoyo2

Resident of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
Physical Medicine and Rehabiliation Specialist, Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University/Dr.
Kariadi General Hospital, Semarang, Indonesia
Correspondig author : beta.jan18@gmail.com


Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the world after heart disease and
cancer, and the first etiology of disability in both developed and developing
countries. In stroke there are manifestations of upper motor neuron syndrome, one
of which is spasticity, which contributes greatly to causing functional disorders in
stroke patients. Recently ESWT has been suggested as a non-invasive alternative
treatment for spasticity. Various types of ESWT modalities both radial and focused
have been used in the treatment of spasticity. To prove the effect of adding radial
shock wave therapy (RSWT) to upper limb motor function in chronic stroke
patients who receive infrared therapy and stretching exercises. This study was a
simple randomized controlled pre and post experimental design in patients with
chronic stroke. The treatment group received additional RSWT intervention in
addition to infrared therapy and stretching exercises. All study samples were
evaluated for upper limb motor function using the Motor Status Score (MSS) before
and after intervention. Then hypothesis testing is done using unpaired t test
(independent t test) or Mann Whitney test. This study showed a significant
difference between limb motor function in the treatment and control groups, before
and after interventionas evidenced by an increasing value of MSS. Addition of
RSWT has been shown to improve upper limb motor function in chronic stroke

Keywords: stroke; upper limb motor function; RSWT

Oral Presentation

Comparison of the Effectiveness between Fentanyl and Clonidine

in Reducing Hemodynamic Response Changes Post Laryngoscopy
and Endotracheal Intubation

Mohammad Sudrajat, Rio Kristian Nugroho, Satrio Adi Wicaksono*, Doso Sutiyono

Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive TherapyFaculty of Medicine Diponegoro

University / Dr. Kariadi General Hospital
Corresponding author: drsaw11@yahoo.com

Airway control under general anaesthesia can be performed using
laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation. Laryngoscopy and endotracheal
intubation produce mechanical and chemical stimuli that increase sympatho-
adrenergic activity, causing increased blood pressure, tachycardia or
arrhythmias.Various pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods have
been used to reduce the response of hemodynamic changes in laryngoscopy and
endotracheal intubation, such as fentanyl and clonidine.This studyaimed to compare
the effectiveness of fentanyl and clonidine in reducing hemodynamic response
changes after laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation. A double-blind
randomized clinical trial was conducted on 48 elective surgery patients in the
Central Surgical Installation of Dr. Kariadi General Hospital who were planned for
laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation procedures. Subjects were divided into 2
groups. Group 1 was given 2µg/kg IV of fentanyl premedication and group II was
given 1µg/kg IV of clonidine premedication 5 minutes before laryngoscopy and
endotracheal intubation procedure. At 1, 3 and 5 minutes after laryngoscopy and
endotracheal intubation, the systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, mean arterial
pressure, and pulse rate were recorded simultaneously. Premedication of clonidine
was able to significantly reduce hemodynamic changes after laryngoscopy and
endotracheal intubation at 1, 3 and 5 minutesin comparisonwith fentanyl
premedication, both in blood pressure and pulse rate (p<0.05). Premedication of
clonidine was more effective in reducing hemodynamic changes after laryngoscopy
and endotracheal intubationcompared to fentanyl premedication.

Keywords: fentanyl; clonidine; laryngoscopy; endotracheal intubation;


Oral Presentation

Anesthetic Management in Patient with Intradural Tumor at the

Level of Thoracic Vertebrae 12–Lumbar Vertebrae 1 with
Suspected Schwanoma Accompanied by Congestive Heart Failure
Nyha Ii and Atrial Fibrillation
Satrio Adi Wicaksono1*, Sulistiyati Bayu Utami2, Doso Sutiyono1
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University
/ Dr. Kariadi General Hospital
Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University /
Dr. Kariadi General Hospital
Corresponding author: drsaw11@yahoo.com


Spinal cystic intradural Schwannoma is a type of tumor that is rarely found

with an incidence of 0.3–0.5/100,000 person per year. The operative procedure of
this tumor is simple. However,some patientsshowed other comorbidities such as
congestive heart failure with low ejection fraction (EF) and atrial fibrillation. Such
cases are a challenge to the anaesthesiologist as they are most commonly
complicated by progressive cardiac failure. A 68-year-old woman was consulted to
the Anesthesiology Department indr.Kariadi General Hospital Semarang in April
2019 with chief complaint of shortness of breath since two weeks before. From the
MRI examination, there were two lobulated intradural-extramedullary cystic
lesions at the level of thoracic vertebrae 12 until lumbar vertebrae 1 (VTh12-L1)
on the anterior aspect and the lateral aspect accompanied by spinal cord
compression at that level. The drugs used for premedication are Metoclopramide
10 mg and Ranitidine 50 mg, induction using Fentanyl 100 µg, and maintenance
using Dobutamine 10 µg/kg/min, and Roculax 30 mg/hour via syringe pump, opioid
using Fentanyl 100 µg and muscle relaxant using Roculax 40 mg.Throughoutthe
surgery, the patient was hemodynamically stable and blood loss was minimal. In
patients with heart problems, a moderate reduction in heart rate often occurs, and
can induce severe bradycardia related to induction agents. It is important to
maintain the adequate cardiac output that requires inotropic agents to augment
contractility and improves circulation. The inotropic choice of β-agonist (e.g.,
dobutamine) causes less vasodilation, increased contractility, and adjuncts to
augment contractility in the setting of significant hypotension.

Keywords: Spinal cystic intradural schwannoma; congestive heart failure; atrial

fibrillation; ejection fraction; inotropic.

Oral Presentation

Correlation between Prolactin Level and the Fertility Quality of

Life (FertiQoL) among Indonesian Infertile Patients

Juniarto A.Z.1, Fulyani F1, Herlina E.C1, M.Ariani M.D.1, Chalimi A. 1, Iskandarsyah A.2*
Medical Biology and Biochemistry Division, Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University,
Department of Clinical Psychology, Padjadjaran University, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: a.iskandarsyah@unpad.ac.id


Couples with infertility are likely to receive psychosocial and psychological

stress that potentially affects their quality of life (QoL). Stress from infertility could
enhance the prolactin level, thus altering the fertility status and eventually the
success of the fertility treatment. The objective of this study is to investigate the
correlation between prolactin level and QoL among Indonesian infertile patients
and to analyze the QoL differences between male and female infertile patients. A
total of 200 infertile patients were collected by purposive sampling technique from
three private hospitals and one private obstetrician and gynecologist clinic around
Semarang, Indonesia. Quality of Life was measured with the FertiQoL
questionnaire and serum prolactin level was measured by VIDAS® Prolactin tools.
Spearman correlation test and Mann-Whitney comparison test were used to analyze
the data. Our result showed the average score of Core-FertiQoL in male and female
patients were 77,5 (SD =11,8) and 73,0 (SD =13,6), respectively. The score of QoL
between male and female patients was significantly different on the emotional
domain (p=0.002), mind/body domain (p=0.033), and Core-FertiQoL (p=0.029). In
male patients, there was a significant negative correlation between prolactin level
and the score of Core-FertiQol (p=0.008), mind/body domain (p=0.002), and social
domain (0.034). While among female patients, there is no significant correlation
observed. In conclusion, Prolactin level was negatively correlated with QoL among
male patients, but not female. Male’s quality of life is significantly higher than

Keywords: FertiQoL; prolactin; infertile.

Oral Presentation

Correlation of Infertility Self-Efficacy Scale to Satisfaction with

Life Scale in Male Infertility Patients

Juniarto A.Z.1, Herlina E.C.1, Fulyani F.1, Ariani M.D.1, Fathurrahaman2, Sawitri R3
Medical Biology and Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University
Student of Medical Faculty Diponegoro University 2016
Faculty of Psychology, Diponegoro University
*Corresponding author: zulfa_juniarto@yahoo.com


Infertility is a problem that is quite a lot experienced by married couples in

Indonesia and the world. Infertility can be a factor in the emergence of psychosocial
problems in individual patients and couples. Someone in facing obstacles or
problems in his life certainly has self-efficacy. Self-Efficacy is a belief in his ability
to do something. Someone who has good self-efficacy will tend to successfully
overcome the problem. However, someone who has bad self-effficacy will have an
impact on life satisfaction. This condition causes infertile patients to get a big
pressure on their lives, especially regarding biological, psychological, social,
economic, cultural, and relationship with their partner. Research on the relationship
of self-efficacy with life satisfaction in infertile patients with the instrument
Satisfaction with Life scale and Infertility Self-Efficacy Scale has never been done
in Indonesia. This study aims to determine whether there is a significant relationship
between self-efficacy and life satisfaction and the relationship between
demogration factors and life satisfaction in infertile patients. This research is a cross
sectional study. Patients filled out the questionnaire after filling out their informed
consent and received an explanation from the researcher. Life satisfaction is
measured using Satisfaction with Life Scale, while self-efficacy is measured using
Infertility Self-Efficacy Scale. The study sample was 105 male infertile patients
who met the inclusion criteria and no exclusion criteria were obtained from the
purposive sampling technique. Data analysis in this study used Spearman, Mann-
Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, and multiple linear regression. There was a significant
relationship between self-efficacy and life satisfaction in all SWLS domains (p
<0.001), and a significant relationship was found between income and life
satisfaction (p = 0.002). Self-efficacy affects the level of life satisfaction in infertile
patients. The amount of income affects the level of life satisfaction of infertile

Keywords: Self-Efficacy; Satisfaction with life Scale; infertility.

Oral Presentation

The Difference of the Effectiveness of Health Education

Intervention between Using Video and Booklet to Knowledge of
Cervical Cancer Prevention
Salma-Melati Pertiwi1, Bunga-Ayu Gifara1, Aras Utami2*, Julian Dewantiningrum3,
Saekhol Bakri2

Undergraduate Student. Faculty of Medicine. Diponegoro University. Semarang
Department of Public Health. Faculty of Medicine. Diponegoro University. Semarang
Department of Obstetric and Gynecology. Faculty of Medicine. Diponegoro University.
*Corresponding author: aras.utami@gmail.com


Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers among women

worldwide and it is the second highest prevalence of cancer in Indonesia. The
incidence of cervical cancer can be reduced by early detection. However, less
knowledge about cervical cancer prevention causes the delay in women making
early detection. Health education is expected to increase knowledge about cervical
cancer prevention. This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of health
education between using video and booklet to knowledge of cervical cancer
prevention. This study was a quasiexperimental with pretest-posttest control group
design and conducted in 2018. One hundred and fifty two (152) female students in
Economics and Business Faculty, Diponegoro University were divided into two
groups: 76 in video intervention groups and 76 subjects in booklet group. Sampling
was done by consecutive sampling. Knowledge was measured before and 2 weeks
after interventionby questionnaire. Data obtained were analyzed using the Mann
Whitney test. There was a significantly increase in knowledge after intervention in
each group (p<0.001). Median of knowledge scorebefore and after intervention in
the booklet group was 18 and 19, while the video group was 18 and 22. There was
a significantly higher knowledge increase in the video group compared to the
booklet group (p<0.001). Health education about cervical cancer prevention using
video is more effective than using booklet.

Keywords: Health education; video; booklet; knowledge; cervical cancer

Oral Presentation

Correlation between Serum Bilirubin Level with Haematologyc

Scoring System and Serum Amyloid a Level in High Risk

Irenne Elly M. Sitompul1*, Purwanto Adhipireno2, Herniah Asti W3

Resident of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central
Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang,
Central Java
Department of Clinical Pathology, Kariadi Central Public Hospital,Semarang, Central Java
Corresponding author: irenneipoel@gmail.com


Bilirubin role as anti-inflammatory in high risk neonates observed in several

inflammation case which can evaluate with haematologyc scoring system (HSS)
and serum amyloid A (SAA).To prove the correlation between serum bilirubin level
with haematology scoring system and serum amyloid A level.Cross sectional
analysis involved 40 neonates who were admitted to high risk infant care room at
RSUP dr.Kariadi Semarang during January 2018 - April 2018. The hematologyc
scoring system was examined by haematology analyzer by flowcytometry method,
serum bilirubin levels with a chemistry analyzer, SAA levels using the ELISA
method. Statistical analysis used Spearman's correlation test. Correlation value
between total, indirect and direct bilirubin levels with HSS value (r = 0.118, p>
0.05; r = 0.095, p> 0.05; r = 0.116, p> 0.05, respectively) and between total, indirect
and direct bilirubin levels with SAA levels (r = 0.027, p> 0.05; r = 0.051, p> 0.05;
r = 0.152, p> 0.05) in high-risk neonates. There are no correlation of serum bilirubin
levels with HSS value and SAA levels in high-risk neonates.There is enhancement
SAA level in neonates.

Keywords: Serum bilirubin; HSS value; SAA level;High risk neonate

Oral Presentation
Functional Food

Encapsulation Efficiency of Vitamin D3 in Alpha-lactalbumin

during Storage

Anastu Regita Nareswara1, Aiska Zhafira Alamsyah1, Diana Nur Afifah1, Binar
Panunggal1, M. Sulchan1, Ali Khumaeni2, Gemala Anjani1*
Departemen Ilmu Gizi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Diponegoro
Program Studi Kimia, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika, Universitas Diponegoro
*Corresponding author: gemaanjani@gmail.com


Vitamin D deficiency causes rickets in children and will precipitate and

exacerbate osteopenia, osteoporosis, and fractures in adults. It has been associated
with increased risk of common cancers, autoimmune diseases, hypertension, and
infectious diseases. A circulating level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D of >75 nmol/L, or
30 ng/mL, is required. Fortification program of vitamin D in daily food products is
one of an effective way to increase vitamin D in food. Since vitamin D is a sensitive
vitamin, encapsulation of alpha-lactalbumin is needed to protect it from the
environments, such as light, heat, and oxidation. In this study, vitamin D3 will be
encapsulated with alpha-lactalbumin. The objective is to obtain the stability and the
structure of vitamin D3 encapsulated with alpha-lactalbumin. Encapsulation
eficiency (EE) measured by UV-VIS spectrofotometer with wave length 264 nm.
Structure of vitamin D3 encapsulated with alpha-lactalbumin obtained by scanning
electron microscope (SEM) with 4 different magnification. In this study, vitamin
D3 was succecfully encapsulated with alpha-lactalbumin with an EE 94,89%. It can
be last for a week, stored in a cool temperature. The coating of alpha-lactalbumin
increased the solubility of vitamin D3 in the system. The structure of the
encapsulation shows that alpha-lactalbumin has one site for vitamin D3. During the
hydrophobic interactions of vitamin D3 with alpha-lactalbumin, the conformation
of protein changes and hydrophobic surface of the alpha-lactalbumin increases.
Finally we can conclude that encapsulation efficiency of alpha-lactalbumin is high,
but the shelf-life is short. The morphology shows the hidrophobic binds between
vitamin D3 and alpha-lactalbumin.

Keywords: vitamin D3; alpha-lactalbumin; encapsulation; storage; food


Oral Presentation
Functional Food

Rate of Physical Appearance Changes on Yellowness in Salak

during Preservation in Room Storage
Widia Pangestika1*, Ahmad Ni’matullah Al-Baarri2;3*, Anang Mohamad Legowo3,
Mulyana Hadipernata4, Wisnu Broto4
Department of Nutrition Science, Diponegoro University, Semarang
Central Laboratory for Research and Service Diponegoro University, Semarang
Food Technology Department, Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro
University, Semarang
Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, Ministry of Agriculture,
*Corresponding author: albari@live.undip.ac.id ,widiawidi.wp@gmail.com


Discoloration was one of indication of food damage including in fruits since

the change may be used as quality measurement. Salak became one of the
commodities that often experience the browning reaction that may change the color.
Since the yellow was close to the consumer preference along the preservation, this
color should be identified as polyphenol change. This research determined the color
level of yellow using digital color meter of salak that was stored in room
temperature in aseptic treatment for 15 days. As result, discoloration was appeared
in salak and it was clearly determined the change since a week of storage. Rate of
discoloration was able to be detected highly after one week of storage. As
conclusion, the discoloration of yellow color and rate of salak could be detected
specifically based on the day of storage. This research may open the information
for consumer to predict the storage time of salak based on the appearance of yellow

Keywords: physical appearance; yellow color; salak; browning; storage.

Oral Presentation
Functional Food

Total Phenolic Content, Antioxidant Activity and Organoleptic

Test of Nata de Pinabetween Various Parts of Honey Pineapple
Variety (Ananas comosus [L.] Merr. Var. Queen)

Dwi Yuniar Intan Sari1, Hartanti Sandi Wijayanti1;2, Diana Nur Afifah1;2*
Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof H.
Soedarto, SH, Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia
Center of Nutrition Research (CENURE), Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof H. Soedarto, SH,
Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia
Corresponding author: d.nurafifah.dna@fk.undip.ac.id


Oxidative stress caused by excessive production of free radicals or lack of

antioxidants in the body. Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of honey
pineapple variety between various parts of the fruit can protect the body from
oxidative damage. This study aims to analyze the total phenolic content, antioxidant
activity and organoleptic of Nata de pina between various parts of the fruit. This
study was a two-factors randomized experimental study with variations of Nata de
pina from fruit peel, fruit flesh, fruit core, and fermentation processing. Analysis of
total phenolic content used Folin–Ciocalteu reagent and antioxidant activity were
determined by using the 2.2'-diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazy (DPPH) assays. Total
phenolic content of Nata de pina was ranged from 102.37-249.99 mg of GAE/100
grams of samples while the IC50 DPPH was ranged from 101.71-555.45 ppm.
There was a difference of total phenolic content and antioxidant activity between
each various parts of fruit and the fruit core presented the highest content. There
were significant differences in the organoleptic test included color (p=0.030), flavor
(p<0.001), texture (p<0.001) and the fruit flesh had the highest score. Nata de pina
between various parts of honey pineapple variety fruit contains total phenolic
content and antioxidant activity. The best-recommended product was nata de pina
from pineapple fruit core.

Keywords: nata de pina; honey pineapple variety; total phenolic content;

antioxidant activity.

Oral Presentation
Functional Food

The Quality of Synbiotic Ice Cream (Organoleptic and Melt

Speed) Establishment Based on Tanduk Banana an Alternative of
Obesity Youth Snack in Karawang

Ratih Kurniasari*, Linda Riski Sefrina

Nutrition Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Singaperbangsa Karawang

Corresponding author : ratih.kurniasari@fkes.unsika.ac.id


Ice cream is one of the dairy products that is very popular among many
people and is the most popular frozen food in the world. Modification of ice cream
is needed to increase health benefits for consumers. Synbiotic ice cream is made
from processed milk which is fermented with lactic acid bacteria and combined
with prebiotics derived from foods that contain lots of inulin or
fructooligosaccharide (FOS). Tanduk banana is one of the cheap and easy to find
prebiotic food sources in Karawang. This research aimed to determine speed of
melting and organoleptic symbiotic ice cream with the addition of tanduk banana.
The ingredients used are fresh milk, egg yolk, cream, sugar, stabilizers, horn
bananas, yogurt starter cultures (Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus
thermophilus, and Lactobacillus acidophilus). The treatment in this study was the
addition of horn banana T0: 0 g, T1: 74.19 g, T2: 47.39 g, T3: 15.74 g. Data analysis
using quantitative and qualitative descriptive. The results showed the longest
melting ice cream speed in T3 treatment, while the ice cream melting speed was the
fastest in T0 treatment. Organoleptic test results are most appreciated by panelist is
in treatment T3 with light yellow, a fairly typical banana aroma, good taste, and
soft texture. Synbiotic ice cream with the addition of 15.74 g tanduk banana is the
longest melt and the most preferred.

Keywords: Synbiotic ice cream; tanduk banana; melting rate; organoleptic

Oral Presentation
Functional Food

Effect of Variation Addition Red Dragon Fruit Peel in Yogurt on

Organoleptic Properties, Protein, Lipid, and Flavonoid Content
Mardiana, Natalia Desy Putriningtyas*

Nutrition, Departement of Public Health, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang,
Jl. Sekaran Gunungpati, Semarang, Indonesia
Corresponding author: natalia.desy12@gmail.com


Red dragon fruit peel can be processed into yogurt. Yogurt is a coagulated
milk product obtained from the lactic acid fermentation — yogurt made from
various milk, whether fresh milk, skim milk, or even full cream. The additions of
red dragon fruit peel may enhance the taste and the therapeutical values. In this
study, the organoleptic properties, protein, lipid, and flavonoid content of yogurt
upon the addition of red dragon fruit peel and difference lactic acid bacteria were
investigated. Red dragon fruit peel enriched yogurt (20%, 25% w/w) with
difference lactic acid bacteria were prepared, and the organoleptic properties,
protein, lipid, and flavonoid content were determined. Hedonic scale test form was
used for measuring organoleptic properties, such as flavor, taste, texture, color, and
overall properties. The hedonic level was done by twenty semis trained panelist. All
red dragon fruit peel enriched yogurts with lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus,
Bifidobacterium and Streptococcus thermophilus) generally showed higher protein,
lipid and flavonoid content compared to red dragon fruit peel enriched yogurts with
Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. Flavour, color, taste and
texture, and overall organoleptic properties between groups were significantly
different. There was no difference in protein, lipid, and flavonoid content but
different in organoleptic properties. The addition of 25% red dragon fruit peel into
yogurt which contains Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus
was preferred by the panelist.

Keywords: yogurt; red dragon fruit; peel; organoleptic properties; flavonoid.

Oral Presentation
Functional Food

Low Energy and High Fiber Cookies from Yellow Pumpkin

(Cucurbita moschata)
Riva Mustika Anugrah*, Dyah Kartika Wening

Nutrition Study Program, Faculty of Health, Ngudi Waluyo University

*Corresponding author: rivamustika86@gmail.com

This purpose of this research to determine the differences in yellow
pumpkin cookies substituted with mocaf flour and yellow pumpkin cookies of
wheat flour seen from the acceptability and analysis of nutrient content. The
experiment was conducted to make cookies with a ratio of yellow pumpkin: mocaf
flour 50:50 (F1), yellow pumpkin: wheat flour 50:50 (F2), and then analysis of
energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate by proximat test. The acceptance test received in
25 subjects taken by purposive sampling. Data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney
test. The results showed nutrient content / 100 g of yellow pumpkin cookies
substituted mocaf flour were energy: 459.71 kcal, Protein: 1,12 g, fat: 36.35 g,
carbohydrates 31.94 g and fiber 43.59 g whereas nutritional content / 100 g of
yellow pumpkin wheat flour is energy: 587.72 kcal, Protein: 4.79 g, fat: 40.87 g,
carbohydrate 50.19 g and fiber 21.42 g, there is no difference in color, texture, taste
and aroma of both (p≥0.05). Pumpkin cookies substituted with mocaf flour have
lower energy, fat and carbohydrates content and higher fiber but have the same
acceptance of both.
Keyword: Cookies; Yellow Pumpkin; Mocaf flour; Low energy; High Fiber.

Oral Presentation
Functional Food

Formulation of Biscuits with Yellowfin Fish Flour (Thunnus

albacares) and Terubuk Flour (Saccharum edule hasskarl) as
Complementary Feeding to Improve Children Nutritional Status
in Papua

Dian Irianita Br Manik 1, Nuryanto1;2, Diana Nur Afifah1;2*

Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof H.
Soedarto, SH, Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia
Center of Nutrition Research (CENURE), Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof H. Soedarto, SH,
Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia
Corresponding author: d.nurafifah.dna@fk.undip.ac.id


The use of yellowfinfish and terubukin Papua is still limited. This study aims
to determine the contribution of biscuit with yellowfinfish flour and terubuk flour
as complementary feeding to improve the nutritional status of children in Papua. A
completely randomized single factor-experimental study by using three formulation
of yellowfin fish flour and terubuk flour F1(1:3), F2(1:1), F3(3:1). The
carbohydrate content analysed with by differencemethod, fat by soxhletmethod,
protein by Kjeldahlmethod, fiber by gravimetrymethod, iron and phosphorusby
spectrophotometry method. The physical properties of texture used a texture
analyzer. Organoleptic used hedonic test. Consumption of serving was based on
30% protein needed per day. Statistical analysis used the One Way ANOVA test,
Kruskall-Wallis test, Tukey test and Mann-Whitney test. Complementary feeding
biscuits F1, F2 and F3 contain energy (435.58; 426.85; 436.71kcal), protein (13.86;
15.75; 17.33g), carbohydrate (23.19; 24.79; 20.45g), fat (20.58; 20.40; 20.62g),
fiber (26.22; 20.63; 25.25g), iron (3.76; 4.03; 3.68mg), and phosphorus (267.70;
266.36; 275.79mg). Complementary feeding biscuits have physical properties,
density (0.64; 0.68; 0.70g/ml), reconstitute test (20; 20; 25ml) and texture test
(468.78; 299.55; 408.05gf). Complementary feeding biscuit can be accepted by
panelists. Serving size of complementary feeding biscuit with yellowfinfish flour
and terubuk flour was 45 grams. Complementary feeding biscuit with yellowfin fish
flour and terubuk flour fulfils 30% of children’s protein needed per day from four
pieces of biscuit or equal to 45 grams of biscuit.

Keywords: biscuits; complementary feeding; yellowfin fish flour; terubuk flour.

Oral Presentation

Conicity Index as Indicator for Obesity in Adolescents

Indri Mulyasari*, Galeh Septiar Pontang

Program Study of Nutrition, Faculty of Health Science, University of Ngudi Waluyo,

UngaranTimur, Central Java 50512, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: imulgizi@gmail.com


This study aimed to assess the association of Conicity Index (CI) with Body
Mass Index (BMI) and Percent Body Fat (%BF) and evaluate the accuracy of CI
for identification of obesity in adolescents. The sample of this cross-sectional study
was consisted of 620 adolescents (283 boys and 337 girls) aged 14-18 years.
Correlation was tested using Spearman analysis. Obesity was based on age-and-sex
specific percent body fat cut-off values of body fat reference curves for children
from Growth Foundation. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analyses
was used to assess the accuracy of CI as diagnostic test of obesity in adolescents.
CI was significantly correlated with BMI (boys : r=0.485, p<0.0001; girls : r=0.302,
p<0.0001) and %BF (boys : r=0.544, p<0.0001; girls : r=0.347, p<0.0001)for both
sexes. Area under curve (AUC) of CI for the diagnostic of obesity were over 0.9
for boys and over 0.7 for girls. The cut-off values for defining obesity were 1.13
(Sensitivity (Se) and Specificity (Sp) > 0.8) for boys and 1.14 (Se and Sp> 0.6) for
girls. CI positively associated with BMI and % BF. CI is more accurate in boys than
girls for screening of excess adiposity in adolescents.

Keywords: adolecents; body mass index; conicity index; percent body fat

Oral Presentation

Overweight and Obesity in Childhoodwere Associated with the

Number of Families and Mother's Occuppation

Muhammad Irwan Setiawan*

Departmen of Public Health Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Lambung Mangkurat University

Corresponding author: portegeputih@gmail.com


The high prevalence of overweight and obesity are still in concern,

especially in childhood. Chilhood obesityare at risk of suffering from
cardiovascular disease in their adult age. The purpose of this study was to determine
the relationship between socio-economic status of overweight and obesity in
childhood. Thecross-sectional study with an observational approach was conducted
on 489 childhood aged 8-10 years at elementary schools Banjarbaru’s district,
South Borneo province during April 2019. Data were collected included Z-scores
for BMI/age, father's education, mother's education, father's occuppation, mother's
occuppation, family’s income, and the number of families. Chi-square was used to
analyze the correlation on socio-economic status and overweight/obes childhood,
then continued with logistic regression.There were no relationships between father's
education, mother's education, father's occuppation, onchildhood with overweight/
obesity (p> 0.05). However, the number of families and mother's occuppationwere
hypothesizedas strong predictorsin overweight and obese childhoodp= 0.001
95%CI (1.35-3.08); p = 0.046 95%CI (0.45-0.99) respectively. This study
concluded that overweight and obesity in childhoodwere associated with the
number of families and mother's occuppation.

Keywords: overweight; obesity; childhood

Oral Presentation

Factors that Influence Eating Disorders in Obese Female Students

Azaria Nafisah Pahlavie, Enny Probosari, A. Fahmy Arif Tsani, Fillah Fithra Dieny*

Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University

Corresponding author: fillahdieny@gmail.com


The trend of obesity were increasing among women of childbearing age,

especially among female students. In addition to an implications on health, obesity
also has an psychological implications that lead to eating disorders. Several factors
that influence eating disorders in obese female students include age, body image,
obesity level, stress level and social pressure. This study aimed to analyze the
factors that influence eating disorders (obesity level, body image, stress level and
social pressure) in obese female students. Across-sectional study design with 90
obese female students aged 19-25 years conducted at Diponegoro
Universityselected by simple random sampling technique. Weight, height, waist
circumference, and hip circumference were collected. Eatingdisorders were
measured by Eating Attitude Test-26 (EAT-26) and advanced modification
questions adopted from the Eating Disorder Diagnostic Scale (EDDS). Body image
was measured by Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ). The stress level were obtained
by Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) questionnaire. Social pressure were obtained using
the Perceived Sociocutural Pressure Scale (PSPS) questionnaire. Data were
analyzed on Pearson correlation and linear regression. There were a significant
relationship between age (p=0.009, r=0.275), body image (p=0.000, r=0.649), and
social pressure (p=0,000, r=0.461) on eating disorder. Otherwise, no significant
relationship between obesity and stress level with eating disorder (p>0.05). This
study has concluded that age, body image, and social pressure were factors that
influence eating disorders in obese female students.

Keywords: obesity; eating disorders; body image.

Oral Presentation

Omega-6/Omega-3 Fatty Acid Ratio Serum, Omega-3 Fatty Acid

Index, and hs-CRP Serum in Obesity Adolescents Aged 16-18
Iken Rahma Mahesty1*, Mohammad Sulchan1, Apoina Kartini2
Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang
Department of Public Health Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University,
*Corresponding author: kenmahesty@gmail.com


The incidence of obesity in the world has more than tripled between 1975 and
2016. International organizations and many researchers continue to look for causes
of obesity. Expected increase in income ratio with an increase in the ratio of omega-
6/omega-3 fatty acid intake from 1: 1 to 20: 1 in the last three decades. This study
aimed to describe the ratio of serum omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid, omega-3 fatty
acid index, and serum hs-CRP in obese adolescents aged 16-18 years. This
Research used cross-sectional study design with a total of 32 subjects. Omega-6
fatty acid serum, omega-3 fatty acid serum, and omega-3 fatty acid index were
analyzed using gas chromatography while serum hs-CRP was analyzed using
Turbidimetric Assay. The mean of omega-6 fatty acid serum was 3358.59 ± 845.75
µmol / L, serum omega-3 fatty acid was 281.00 ± 81.25 µmol / L, 62.5% of subjects
had omega-3 fatty acid index levels <4% (below standard), and 93.8% of subjects
had a serum omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio> 9: 1 (above standard). As many as
25% of subjects had serum hs-CRP levels> 3 mg / L. These findings suggest that
93.8% of subjects had high omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio serum and 25% of
subjects had hs-CRP serum > 3 mg / L.

Keywords: Omega-6/Omega-3 Fatty Acid Ratio; Omega-6 Fatty Acid; Omega-3

Fatty Acid; hs-CRP.

Oral Presentation

Correlation of Serum Cortisol Levels with Body Mass Index and

Waist Circumference

Michael Kevin Mahardi1*, Nyoman Suci Widyastiti2, Dwi Retnoningrum2

Graduated student, Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University, Semarang,
*Corresponding author : michael.mahardi@gmail.com


Cortisol is a major glucocorticoid which synthesized in fasiculata zone of

adrenal cortex. Cortisol is known as “stress-hormone” which involved in physical
and/or emotional stress. Obesity is a light inflammatory condition because adipose
tissue produce a pro-inflammatory mediators. Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist
Circumference are tools for assessing adiposity in clinical and research settings.The
aim of this study was toasses serum cortisol level and its correlation with BMI and
waist circumference.We performed an analytic observational study with a cross-
sectional design of 51 healthy men aged 18 - 22 years, cortisol, BMI and waist
circumference were measured. Serum cortisol was measured using sandwich
ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay), BMI calculated as weight in
kilograms divided by height in meters squared and waist circumference was
measured at the level of the umbilicus. Mean serum cortisol levels was 108.84 ±
39.29 ng / mL; mean BMI was 23.19 ± 11.24 kg / m2, and mean waist
circumference was 79,17 ± 11.24 cm. The mean BMI and waist circumference were
in the range of normal reference values.There was significant correlation between
serum cortisol level and BMI or waist circumference (p< 0.05).There is a significant
correlation between serum cortisol level and BMI or waist circumference with state
of normal BMI (non obese) probands.

Keyword Cortisol; body mass index; waist circumference.

Oral Presentation

Correlation of Waist Circumference with Monocyte Lymphocyte

Ratio, Hemoglobin, and Hba1c in Obesity
Okty Prahalanitya*, Meita Hendrianingtyas

Clinical Pathology Resident Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University,

Corresponding author : dr.okty@gmail.com


Obesity is a condition of excessive BMI, accompanied by accumulation of

abnormal fat, especially visceral fat. Visceral fat accumulation can be known by
measuring waist circumference. Chronic inflammation in obesity, especially central
obesity can cause insulin resistance. Monocyte lymphocyte ratio (MLR) is one of
the inflammatory markers that is cheap and easy to examine. Chronic inflammation
in obesity can cause an anemia detected by hemoglobin influencedby quality of life,
activity, and nutrition . HbA1c, one of the glucoseparameters that can increase
because insulin resistance. Cross-sectional study of 46 obese young adults, based
on WHO criteria duringMay-September 2018 was done. MLR was measured by
manual calculation of differential counts hematology analyzer. Hemoglobin was
measured byhematology analyzer and HbA1c was measured by high performance
liquid chromatography (HPLC). Pearson test was performed for analyzing data with
p<0.05 was significant. Waist circumference had significant weak positive
correlation with MLR and HbA1c respectively (r = 0.376 p = 0.010 ; r = 0.378 p =
0.010) and waist circumference had significant moderate positive correlation with
Hb (r = 0.452, p= 0.002). There was significant weak positive correlation between
waist circumference and MLR, and HbA1c. There was significant moderate
positive correlation between waist circumference and Hb in obesity. Future
examination of inflammatory parameters and anemia is needed for further study.

Keywords:Waist circumference; MLR; H; HbA1c.

Oral Presentation

Metabolic Characteristics and Nutrition Intake on Woman with

Metabolically Obese Normal Weight (MONW)
DenyYudi Fitranti1;2*, Fillah Fithra Dieny1;2, Dewi Marfu’ah Kurniawati1;2, Rachma
Purwanti1;2, Betsi Kusumaningnastiti1, Iqlima Safitri1
Nutrition Science Department, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University
Jln. Prof Soedarto SH, Tembalang, Semarang, 50275
Center of Nutrition Research (CENURE) Jln. Prof Soedarto SH, Tembalang, Semarang, 50275
Corresponding author : denyyudi@gmail.com


Metabolic syndrome can be found on individual with normal weight

(Metabolically Obese Normal Weight/MONW). Eating habits and lifestyle
changing in early adulthood can be the risk of metabolic syndrome in person with
normal weight. The purpose of this study was to identify metabolic characteristics
in woman with MONW and to analyze the correlation of nutrition intake with
metabolic syndrome on woman with MONW. This is observational study with cross
sectional design at 5 offices in Semarang. The sample in this study was 64 subjects.
Inclusion criteria of study subject were women aged 25-40 years and BMI < 25
kg/m2. Study subject was chosen by using consecutive sampling method. The data
of nutrition intake was obtained by using Food Frequency Questionnaire. HDL
cholesterol, fasting blood glucose and triglyceride were analyzed. Analysis data
was conducted by using Pearson correlation and Rank Spearman. There was 51.6%
of subject had central obese. There were 17 subject (26.6%) had low HDL
cholesterol. Hypertension occurred to 14.1 % subject. There was 51.6% of subject
had metabolic pre syndrome and 10.9% of subject had metabolic syndrome. There
was positive correlation between energy, fat intake and waist circumference. There
was positive correlation between carbohydrate intake and fasting blood glucose and
triglyceride. The higher protein intake, the higher HDL cholesterol. The most
common indicator of metabolic syndrome on woman with MONW was central
obesity and low HDL cholesterol. The factors related to the prevalence of metabolic
on woman with MONW was macronutrient intake.

Keywords: MONW; metabolic syndrome; nutrition intake

Oral Presentation

Effect of Kelor (Moringa oleifera) Leaves Extract against Uterus

Pregnant Mice and Teratogenic Influence on the Fetus
Desy Armalina*, Neni Susilaningsih, Indah Saraswati, Eva Annisa

Medical Faculty Diponegoro University, Semarang

Corresponding author: desy.armalina@gmail.com


Moringa as a source of additional dietary. It contains 9 essential amino acids,

calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc and vitamins A, C, E and B which have
a major role in the immune system. Previous study found that Moringa can
increased the average levels of haemoglobin, after 3 months therapy of
breastfeeding mothers. Otherwise in India, Moringa use broad wide to avoid the
unnecessary pregnancy. Administration of 100 mg/kg body weight of the alcoholic
extract in rats resulted in 100% abortion, while doses of 50 and 25 mg/ kg body
weight of the alcoholic extract resulted in 44.86 % and 26.26 % abortion. The aim
of this study was to evaluate the influence of Moringa leaf extract in uterus pregnant
mice uterus, teratogenic effect on the foetus and its phytochemistry of Moringa
leaves. An experimental laboratory design was conducted in 20 pregnant female
Balb/c mice. They were randomized into 4 groups. Group K was not given anything.
Group P1-P3 were given moringa leaf extract during pregnancy age 7-18 days with
dose of 10, 20 and 30 mg/kgBB. On day 19, cesar surgery was performed to take
the uterus, count the number of living foetus, dead foetus, disability and other
morphological abnormalities. Phytochemical analysis is performed quantitatively
and qualitatively. We found no significant for comparation between all group. The
abortificient effect was also observed in the uterus where it causes endometrial
epithelium damage of the uterine gland as well as making the endometrial milieu to
become unfavourable for the implantation of the fertilized ovum. Qualitative
analysis results showed that there were alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, steroids, and
tannins in Moringa leaf extract. Quantitative testing of steroids showed that
Moringa leaves contained steroids of 1057.6 ppm. The ethanol extract of Moringa
leaf has shown no uterus effect and therefore for the dose in the research was still
save for consumption during pregnancy.More research should be accompanied to
know the effects on other organs and hormones.

Keywords: Moringa Oleifera; Uterus; Teratogenic; Extract; Phytochemical.

Oral Presentation

Soluble Endoglin Serum in First and Second Trimester as

Preeclampsia Predictor
Dhanu Ari Atmaja*, Agoes Oerip Poerwoko

Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Dr. Kariadi
Hospital, Semarang
Corresponding author: dhanuatmaja@gmail.com


To determine whether high serum levels in first and second trimester

pregnancies can increase incidence and can be used as predictors of preeclampsia.
This prospective cohort study was conducted at Dr. Kariadi Hospital and satellite
hospitals from January to November 2018. Study sample was normotensive
pregnant women with singleton alive pregnancy aged 13 weeks-19 weeks 6 days.
Measurement of sEng was done on all samples, and were followed until delivery or
preeclampsia. Samples were analysed using ELISA method. Prevalence of
preeclampsia was 27.6%. There were no differences in subject characteristics. We
found significant increase of sEng levels in pregnant women with
preeclampsia/eclampsia compared to normotensive women (7.99±0.27vs6.95±
0.19vs5.60±0.19, respectively, p<0.001). The sEng cut-off value was 7.08 ng/ml,
with sensitivity 75.47% and specificity 74.1%. sEng can be used as a predictor of
preeclampsia. High sEng levels during the first and second trimesters have 4.69
times increased risk in developing preeclampsia/eclampsia.

Keywords: Soluble endogline; sEng; preeclampsia; eclampsia.

Oral Presentation

Effectiveness of Combination of Bensons Relaxation and Dhikrto

Decrease Blood Pressure and Anxiety in Primigravida with
Tri Susilowati1;2*, Noor Pramono1, Siti Fatimah Muis1
Doctoral Program in Medical/Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro
Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Corresponding email: trisusilowati.shinta@gmail.com


In Indonesia, hypertension occurs in nearly 5-15% of pregnancies, and

associated with infant, maternal morbidity, and mortality. Anxiety are conditions
that were commonly experienced by pregnant women which can be at risk of
preterm birth, fetal growth restriction, and low birth weight. Prior studies of non-
pregnant adults have demonstrated the effectiveness of a variety of relaxation and
dhikr therapies in reducing blood pressure (BP) and anxiety. The aim of this study
was to evaluate the effectiveness of combination Bensons relaxation and dhikr on
BP and anxiety among primigravida with hypertension (PH). A Randomized
Controlled Trial with pre and posttest control group was conducted to PH in
Semarang City on 2018-2019. The 76 PH samples were randomly selected, 38 in
each experimental group (EG) and control group (CG). The tools used for data
collection procedure were sphygmomanometer and Zung Self-rating Anxiety Scale.
Benson relaxation and dhikr therapy were administered to those in the EG twice for
28 days. All the participants had mean pretest systolic BP: 140mmHg, diastolic BP:
91mmHg, anxiety score: 39.3 (EG), 35.7 (CG). After Benson relaxation and dhikr
therapy had mean posttest systolic BP: 118mmHg (EG), 137mmHg (CG), diastolic
BP: 83mmHg (EG), 93mmHg (CG), and anxiety score: 36.5 (EG), 38.9 (CG). There
were a significant reduction in mean posttest systolic BP (aOR = 6.08, 95%CI =
1.15-32.23), diastolic BP (aOR = 17.77, 95%CI = 4.13-76.41), and anxiety (aOR =
5.81, 95%CI = 1.50-22.45). The study concluded that Benson relaxation and dhikr
therapy were an effective non-pharmacological intervention in the treatment of BP
and anxiety in PH. The integrated antenatal care program are recommended to use
the Benson relaxation and dhikr therapy as one of the standard non-pharmacological
managements in primigravida with hypertension.

Keywords: Bensons relaxation and dhikr; blood pressure; anxiety; primigravida;


Oral Presentation

The Effect of Peer Education with Mindful-Start Method on

Anxiety Level in Primigravid Pregnant Women
Yuniar Ika Fajarini1;2*, Akbar Amin Abdullah2
Doctorate Program of Medical/Health Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro,
Semarang, Indonesia
Department of Nursing, STIKES Duta Gama, Klaten, Indonesia
Corresponding author: yuniar007@gmail.com


Anxiety will have a negative impact on pregnant women from the time of
pregnancy to childbirth, such as an uneasy fetus that inhibits its growth, slows down
the contractions of the uterine muscles, and others. Anxiety will be more common
in primigravida mothers in the third trimester. Research on mindful-START based
peer education to the level of anxiety in pregnant women in the Gunem Community
Health Center work area, Rembang, Central Java has never been done before.
Anxiety can endanger the mother and fetus so researchers wanted to do this study.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of peer education on the mindful-
START method against pregnancy rates in pregnant women who requested labor.
The study design used quasy experiment with one pretest - posttest group. 20
respondents were divided into 4 groups doing group self-help activities 6 times in
three weeks to solve problems. This therapy is a procedure of mindfulness
combined with aromatherapy, and Benson's Relaxation Technique with dhikr. Data
were analyzed using Wilcoxon test. The results showed about peer education with
mindful-START methods on anxiety level analysis of labor in primigravid pregnant
women in the working area of Gunem Health Center marked by a p-value of 0.002
p <0.05. Experience and information obtained during self-help groups with
mindful-START method can obtain coping resources for pregnant women so that
adaptive coping can be obtained and stress problems can be overcome.

Keywords: Self-help groups; stress; mindfulness; pregnant women; dhikr.

Oral Presentation

Factors Affecting Ethical Behaviors and Implementation Ethical

Principles in Clinical Nursing Practice
Rr. Sri Endang Pujiastuti*

Health Polytechnics Semarang, Central Java Semarang

Corresponding author: rarastuti@yahoo.com


Nursing intervention is to provide quality healthcare and maintaining and

improving professional intervention. Ethical principles is considered as an essential
dimension to implement of all healthcare professions including nursing services.
Moreover, it has a central role in nurses’ and nursing students to have professional
standard moral behavior toward patients, which strongly influences on patients’
rights and patients’ advocacy. The method of this research described quantitative
and qualitative research design that conduct in central java Semarang Indonesia.
The purposed of this research to describes the ethical behaviors and analysis factors
affecting implementation Ethical Principles in Clinical Practice. The Results of this
study showed the characteristic of values, behaviors, and the mental behaviors of
nursing students because of clinical situation. The respondents of this research
showed ethical behaviors in clinical practices regarding ethical principles showed
that the nursing students provide nursing care with ethical behaviors including
advocacy, lack of autonomy, respect patient’ rights and justice for services. Factors
affecting implementation ethical behaviors described (1) ethics learning, (2)
culture, (3) good professional nursing students. Also, Nursing students participate
to patient’s health improvement and quality care. In conclusion, Professional ethics
constitutes legitimate norms or standards that govern professional behavior of both
client and families. Indeed, professional ethics addresses obligations of a profession
and responsibilities practice towards psychiatric patients who are served.

Keywords:Ethical Principle; nursing participate; professional nursing.

Oral Presentation

Correlation of Iron Accumulation and Calcium Defficiency as

Possible Risk Factor for Sarcopenia in Elderly Women: a Study
Using Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA)

Wardhani A R.1*, Harahap I H.1, Sukmaningtyas H.1, Ngestiningsih D.2

Radiology Department, Diponegoro University / Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang
Internal Medicine Department, Diponegoro University
Corresponding author: Arif_Rahman_Wardhani@yahoo.com


Sarcopenia has a high incidence among the elderly, with significant negative
effects on the quality of life. The pathogenesis of sarcopenia is complex, and many
factors are involved in its development and progression. Sarcopenia might be
associated with iron accumulation given that (1) age-related iron accumulation was
found in the skeletal muscle, (2) excess iron could cause skeletal muscle damage
or atrophy, and (3) patients with sarcopenia showed higher levels of serum ferritin.
Recent studies also suggest that blood calcium level may influence body weight
and composition. Low calcium intake was associated with low particular fat mass.
We aim to asses the relationship between iron and calcium serum level with
sarcopenia based on Asian Working Group of Sarcopenia (AWGS) consisted of
skeletal muscle mass index (SMI), handgrip strength, and gait speed test. Blood
iron and calcium serum levels acquired from blood test on the spot and transported
to laboratory. There were 28 women aged 60 years and older participated in this
study.Individuals with routine calcium and iron intake were excluded. All the
participants in this survey signed an informed consent. We found that calcium
serum level and iron serum level was negatively correlated with sarcopenia.
Participants with sarcopenia appear to have normal calcium serum level and normal
iron serum level, the same as those without sarcopenia (p>0.05). Our study
suggests no associations between sarcopenia with neither calcium serum level or
iron serum level. These findings enhance our knowledge that pathogenesis of
sarcopenia with iron and calcium status remains unclear.

Keywords: Sarcopenia; iron accumulation; calcium defficiency; sceletal muscle;


Oral Presentation

Analysis of Serum Vitamin D Level and its Correlation with Bone

Mineral Density in Javanese Elderly Women
Lusiana Batubara1*, Dwi Ngestiningsih1;2, Hermina Sukmaningtyas3, Ainun Rahmasari
Gumay4, Etisa Adi Murbawani5, Enny Probosari5, Faizah Fulyani1
Department of Medical Biologi and Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University,
Semarang, Indonesia
Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University, Semarang,
Department of Medical Radiology, Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University, Semarang,
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Department of Clinical Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang,
*Corresponding author: f.fulyani@fk.undip.ac.id


Vitamin D is a fat-soluble secosteroid which plays a major role in skeletal

metabolism. A complex between biologically active Vitamin D (1,25(OH)2-D) and
its receptor serves as a transcription factor for various genes involves in bone
homeostasis. Several studies have shown a significant correlation between vitamin
D status and osteoporosis. However, data regarding vitamin D deficiency in the
Indonesian population are rarely available. This study aims to analyze vitamin D
levels among Javanese elderly womenand analyze its correlation with Bone Mineral
Density (BMD). A cross-sectional study was conducted in 75 healthy Javanese
elderly women aged 60-84 years old. Serum Vitamin D was measured by enzyme
link immunoassay using 25(OH)-D ELISA kit. BMD was measured by Dual
Energy X-ray Absorptiometry(DXA) and data obtained were used to calculate T-
Score. Mean (±SD) serum 25(OH)-D level was 14.97 ng/mL and 73.3% of the study
population (n=55) had vitamin D deficiency. There is no correlation between
vitamin D and BMD lumbar, femoral neck or T-score (p=0.064, -0.215; p=0.443, -
0.090; and p=0.109, -0.187 respectively). BMD lumbar, femoral neck and T-score
was negatively correlated with age (p=0.040, -0.238; p=0.001, -0.377; and p=0.010,
-0.295 respectively) and positively correlated with Body Mass Index (BMI)
(p=0.000, 0.525; p=0.000, 0.516; and p=0.000, 0.520 respectively). In conclusion,
this study shows that there was no correlation between serum vitamin D level and
BMD. On the contrary, we noticed that an increased in age or a decreased in BMI
was contributed to the loss of BMD which later may lead to osteoporosis.

Keywords: BMD; Vitamin D; Osteoporosis; DXA; Elderly.

Oral Presentation

Correlation between Interleukin-6 and Total White Blood Cells

Counts with Bone Mass Density among Indonesian Elderly

Faizah Fulyani, Peter Ivan Hadiprajitno, Frederica V. Agustina, Lusiana Batubara*

Medical Biology and Biochemistry division, Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University,

Semarang, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: tj.batubara@gmail.com


Osteoporosis is an age-related disease mainly characterized by low bone mass

and increased bone fragility. It occurs due to homeostasis disruption between
osteoclast and osteoblast activities, which mainly regulated by endocrine and
metabolic function. In addition to that, several pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1,
IL-6, and TNF-α) have been linked as an important factor in developing
osteoporosis. The objective of this study is to confirm the connection between IL-
6 and total white blood cells count with Bone Mineral Density (BMD) in Indonesian
elderly-women. A cross-sectional study was performed in 40 healthy Javanese
elderly-women aged 60-84 years old. Serum IL-6 concentration was measured by
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, using a commercial ELISA kit. Femoral
BMD was measured by Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry(DXA) and total white
blood cells (WBC) counts were obtained from a well-standardized commercial
laboratory. Mean (±SD) of IL-6 concentration, total WBC counts, and femoral
BMD were 6,076 ± 4,735 pg/mL, 7,308±2,04 109/L and 0,721±0,103 g/cm2,
respectively. Out of 40 participants, 53% (n=21) were diagnosed with osteoporosis,
25% (n=10) osteopenia and 22% (n=9) normal. Spearman analysis showed no
significant correlation between femoral BMD with IL-6 levels (p=0.166, r =-0.223)
or with total WBC (p=0.084, r=0.277). We conclude that IL-6 and WBC are
unlikely associated with BMD in Indonesian elderly women.

Keyword: Osteoporosis; Bone mineral density; White blood cell; IL-6.

Oral Presentation

Correlation between Vitamin D and Cognitive Function in Elderly

Nihayatul Istianah1*, Dwi Ngestiningsih2, Innawati Jusup2, Andrew Johan3
Under Graduate Students Of Medical Faculty Diponegoro University
Department of Biochemistry. Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University.
Department of Psychiatry. Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University.
Corresponding email:nihayatull24@yahoo.com


In the elderly people tend to decline from cognitive function and low levels
of vitamin D in the body deficiency due to the decreased cutaneous synthesis and
dietary intake of vitamin D. Cross sectional study was perfomed to elderly above
60 years old at Posyandu Lansia Semarang. Subjects of this study consisted of 38
elderly chosen with randomization sampling method. Data used in this study are
primary data where cognitive function was assessed using MMSE ( Mini Mental
State Examination) and vitamin D level was measured in plasma using ELISA
(Enzyme Link Immunoasorbent assay). Hypothesis testing used Somer’s D
test.Twelve patients (31.6%) with normal vitamin D values (mean = 21.46 ng/ml)
showed 5 patients had mild cognitive impairment and 1 patient had moderate
cognitive impairment with the most cognitive impairment domain on visuospatial.
fifteen patients (39.5%) with vitamin D insufficiency (mean = 17.37 ng/ml) showed
that 6 of them had mild cognitive impairment with the most decline in the domain
of cognitive function in memory, visuospacial, and attention disorders. Eleven
patients (28.9%) with vitamin D deficiency (mean = 8.80 ng/ml) showed that 4 of
them had mild cognitive impairment with the most decline in the domain of
cognitive function in attention and memory. Using the Somers D test showed that
there were no significant relationship between vitamin D levels and cognitive
function in the elderly (p= 0.418, r= 0.109). After adjusting for educational there
were a significant correlation between the educational level and cognitive function
in the elderly (p = 0.009).

Keywords: Vitamin D; cognitive function; elderly.

Oral Presentation

The Effects of Aikido Basic Exercise on Functional Lower

Extremity Strength in Healthy Elderly
Luluk Qurrota Aini1*, Tanti Ajoe Kesoema2
Resident of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist, Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University/Dr.
Kariadi General Hospital, Semarang, Indonesia.
*Corresponding author: luluk.jan18@gmail.com


It is well known that aging impairs muscle strength, thus increases risk of
frailty. The common aerobic exercise for elderly joining Senior Club is Senam
Lansia. Recreational exercise modified from martial arts are popular nowadays,
such as Tai chi and Aikido. Aikidomeets the principle of resistance exercise by
body weight shifting mechanism in lower limbs. To study the effects of Aikido
Basic Exercise (ABE) on the functional lower extremity strength in elderly
practicing Senam Lansia. An experimental study with pre and post-test controlled
group design was conducted in Medical Rehabilitation Unit,Dr. Kariadi Hospital
Semarang. 30 healthy elderly, aged 60 – 70 years old, were randomly divided into
2 groups (ABE group and Control Group). ABE group practiced Aikidobasic
exercise twice a week for 8 weeks, 90 minutes/session,whereas control group
performed Senam Lansia once a week. Five Times Sit to Stand Test (FTSTS Test)
was perfomed to measure fungtional strength of lower extremity. There were
statistically significant difference of FTSTS Test before and after intervention in
ABE group (9.96±2.13 vs 8.47±1.97; p=0.001) and no significant difference in
control group (9.71±2.65 vs 9.50±2.54; p=0.281). The difference of those groups
was statistically significant (p=0.006, Mann Whitney test). Aikido basic
exercisecan be adopted as a recreational exercise to improve muscle strength of
lower extremity in elderly.

Keywords: Aikido basic exercise; Senam Lansia; muscle strength; lower extremity;
5x sit to stand test.

Oral Presentation

Effect of Chair-Based Exercise Compared to Senam Lansia in

Improving Mobility in the Elderly

Niken Widya Ananingrum1*, Endang Ambarwati2

Resident of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University, Dr.
Kariadi General Hospital, Jl. Dr. Sutomo 16, Semarang 50244 Indonesia
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist, Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University,
Dr.Kariadi General Hospital, Jl. Dr. Sutomo 16 Semarang 50244 Indonesia
*Corresponding author: nikenwidya81@gmail.com


A hallmark of the aging process is an alteration of body composition. In

elderly, there is a change in the composition of the muscles, bones and joints that
can limit a person in daily activities, especially related to weight bearing activities
such as standing and walking. For this reason, other alternatives are considered to
increase the accessibility of physical exercise in a sitting position. The purpose of
this study is to compare the effect of chair-based exercise to senam lansia in
improving mobility in the elderly in nursing home. Senam lansia has become a
routine program in the elderly nursing home.Twenty four participants were divided
into Chair-Based Exercise group (CBE group) and Senam Lansia group (SL group).
Twelve participants in CBE group was participated in chair-based exercise five
days a weekfor six weeks and twelve participants in SL group was participated in
senam lansia five days a weekfor six weeks. DEMMI (de Morton Mobility Index)
was used to evaluate mobility before and after intervention in both group.There is
statistically significant difference before and after intervention in mobility
evaluated by DEMMI score in both group (p=0,002). There is no significant
difference between two grups. Chair-based exercise and senam lansia improve
mobility in the elderly.

Keywords: Chair-based exercise; elderly; mobility

Oral Presentation

Attending Frequency toward the Implementation of 4 Pilar Gizi

Seimbang for Elderly Participant of Kader Kesehatan Purnabakti
BTPN Salatiga Program

Ratih Trestya Sarwoningrum1, Choirun Nissa1*, Rachma Purwanti1, Oky Setiarso2

Departmen of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro
Senior Manager PT BTPN Tbk
*Corresponding author: nissaeyong@gmail.com


Kader Kesehatan Purnabakti BTPN is program which adopt elderly

posyandu program with several adjusments include implementation of time,
provided services and peer counseling. Counseling material provided is related 4
Pilar Gizi Seimbang. With various adjusments, quite a lot elderly come
continuously. For that it needs to be examined correlation attending frequency
toward the implementation of 4 Pilar Gizi Seimbang for elderly participant of kader
kesehatan purnabakti BTPN Salatiga program. The cross sectional study design
with 44 elderly aged 60-74 years was selected by consecutive sampling method.
The research was conducted in BTPN Salatiga branch office. The data were taken
include general characteristics data, dietary diversity data using food recall 1x24
hours, physical activity using Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ),
Perilaku Hidup Bersih Sehat (PHBS) implementation using checklist and measured
of body weight dan height. Data analysis using Chi Square. Statistical analysis
showed no correlation between attending frequency toward dietary diversity (p
0.1000), physical activity (p 0.383), PHBS implementation (p 0.357) and nutrition
status (p 0.068) in elderly participant of Kader Kesehatan Purnabakti BTPN
Salatiga Program. In conclusion, there were no correlation between attending
frequency toward dietary diversity, physical activity, PHBS implementation and
nutrition status.

Keywords: Elderly; 4 Pilar Gizi Seimbang; Attending Frequency; Kader Kesehatan

Purnabakti BTPN Program.

Poster Presentation
Day 1

Serum Cortisol Levels and Iron Homeostasis Parameters in

Stressed and Non-Stressed Medical Students
Nyoman Suci Widyastiti1*, Natalia Dewi Wardani2, Dwi Retnoningrum1, Banundari
Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang,
Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Corresponding author: nyoman.suci@fk.undip.ac.id


Stress is defined as a non-specific body response to pressure. Medical

students are requiredto deal with various kinds of stress, including bothdaily life
andcollege-related stress. The Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS) is
among the available stress assessment tools. Psychological stress causes
physiological changesin the body and disrupts homeostasis, such as the endocrine
system and iron metabolism. Cortisol hormone is a known biological marker of
psychological stress. The aim of this study was to assess whether there were
differences in serum cortisol levels and iron metabolism homeostasis parameters
between the stressed and non-stressed group. We performedan analytic
observational study with a cross-sectional design. Semester 2 students from Faculty
of Medicine, Diponegoro University, were consecutively enrolled for this study.
The students were divided into two groups based on their DASS scores. Serum
cortisol levels and iron metabolism homeostatic parameters were measured and
compared to check for between-group differences using independent t-test. Out of
a total of 43 enrolled students,23 (53.5%) were assigned to the stressed group and
the rest (46.5%) to the non-stressed group. There were no significant between-group
differences in the serum cortisol, hepcidin, serum iron, total iron-binding capacity,
ferritin, and C reactive protein levels (p=0.29; p=0.55; p=0,09; p=0.26; p=0.41; and
p=0.14, respectively). There areno differencesin the serum cortisol level and iron
homeostasis parameters between the stressed and non-stressedindividuals.

Keywords: Stress; Cortisol; Iron; Hepcidin; Medical students

Poster Presentation
Day 1

Mental Disorder in Obesity

Mahesa Permana Kardis1, Alifiati Fitrikasari2*
Medical Doctor
Lecturer Medical Faculty Diponegoro University
Corresponding author : fitrisutomo@yahoo.com


Obesity is a condition of incompatibility between body weight and height

that shows a value above the normal range of body mass index. Obesity has an
impact on the individual's psychological developmental processes. Limitations of
Research on the relationship between obesity and mental disorders lead researchers
to be interested in knowing whether there are incident and type of mental disorders
in obese individuals. The purpose of this study is to find out whether there are
incident and type of mental disorders in obese individuals. The method was cross
sectional in the sample of obese students college according to the WHO Asia Pacific
obesity criteria (BMI ≥ 25 Kg / m2), screening for mental disorders using MINI
ICD 10. Results obtained were 8 from 45 respondents experiencing mental
disorders. The type of mental disorder was found with overall anxiety disorder and
depression of 3 people each, distimia as many as 1 person, and mania in the past as
many as 1 person.The relationship between incident mental disorders and
respondent characteristics showed not significant. The relationship between types
of mental disorders with a history of mental disorders in the nuclear family showed
significant results. The researcher concluded that there were mental disorders in
obese individuals and most mental disorders were depression and overall anxiety

Keywords: obesity; mental disorder.

Poster Presentation
Day 1

The Impact of Low Self-Esteem on the Mental Health of Female

Prisoners: a Systematic Review
Etty Eriyanti1*, Megah Andriany2, Muhammad Muin2

Master of Nursing Student at the Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro
Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang
*Corresponding author: eriyanti.etty@gmail.com


The experience of living in prison is an unpleasant experience because it has

many stressful situations that cause prisoners to have negative beliefs about
themselves. Negative beliefs from inside and outside of female prisoners cause low
self-esteem. Low self-esteem has a negative impact on the mental health of female
prisoners. The aim of our study was to find out the impact of low self-esteem on
mental health of female prisoners. The following electronic databases were used to
locate studies: Scopus, Science Direct, EBSCO, Psychology and Behavioral
Sciences Collection, MEDLINE and google scholar. The search was completed in
July 2017. Eligible literature met the following criteria: level self-esteem of female
prisoners, low self-esteem of female prisoners, and effect of low self-esteem. Nine
Meta-analyses and systematic reviews articles were identified showed there was a
negative impact of low self-esteem on the mental health of female prisoners. The
impact of low self esteem on the mental health of female prisoners causes the
development of a number of mental disorders and social problems, as depression,
anxiety, anorexia nervosa, bulimia, violence, substance abuse, high-risk
behaviours, and borderline personality disorder, in addition to feelings of
hopelessness, suicidal tendencies, and attempted suicide.

Keywords: Impact of low self-esteem; mental health; female prisoners.

Poster Presentation
Day 1

Screening Mental Health Problem, Counselling and Counselling

Training to Sintren Dancer in Pemalang
Natalia Dewi Wardani1*, Ani Margawati2, Titis Hadiati1, Widodo Sarjana A.S.1, Innawati
Psychiatry Department, Medical Faculty, Diponegoro University
Nutrition Department, Medical Faculty, Diponegoro University
*Corresponding author: anatdew@gmail.com


Sintren Dancer has trance experience when dancing. Sintren dancer with
psychosocial problem will easily have trance state on Sintren. Screening mental
health comorbidity on Sintren dancers which has psychosocial problem are
necessary. This study will give counselling for Sintren Dancer with mental health
comorbidity. Counselling training for primary health care staffs will accommodate
primary health care to help Sintren Dancer with mental health problem. This is
qualitative study with ethnography approach.Five Sintren dancers has conflicts in
their family, two dancers with economic problem and one dancer with education
problem. Four Sintren dancers have dysthymia and one has Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder. Primary health care staff had traumatic experience when helping
psychotic person, some of them afraid to give counselling to people with mental
health problem. After Counselling training, primary health care staffs have more
confidences and motivation to do counselling to people with mental health problem.
Sintren Dancer has psychosocial problem and mental health comorbidity such as
Dystimia and PTSD and needed routine counselling. Distance and economic
condition made them difficult to have routine consultation with psychiatrist.
Counselling training to primary health care staffs can help Sintren Dancer have a
routine counselling in primary health care.

Keywords: screening mental health; counselling; sintren dancer.

Poster Presentation
Day 1

Eudemonic Wellbeing of Elderly People during the First Year

after a Stroke: a Pilot Study

Ramadhan Putra Satria1, Megah Andriany2, Nurullya Rachma2

Student of Nursing Master, Diponegoro University
Nursing Department, Diponegoro University
*Corresponding author:poetra090@yahoo.com


Elderly people recovering after stroke have physical and psychological

impairment which will change their life. Research of eudemonic wellbeing is very
rarely performed, just for subjective wellbeing and does not focus on elderly
people’ experiences after stroke. Design used in the research was a pilot study. The
participants were elderly people aged over 60 years and had stroke at least 1 year.
The interview results conducted to the participants were they can’t work, are
surrender, had financial shortage, had hope to a full recovery, and their
grandchildren were their life support. The participants’ response during interview
was watery eyes showing sad expression. After stroke, the elderly people had
appreciable effect in their life that was still productive. The effect gave negative
impact in their psychological condition. Can’t work and earn a living were main
things due to imperfect physical condition. Family care was applied to assist the
elderly people’ recovery after stroke; the family had a contribution in their recovery
so that it gave a support to live their life. The further research could be focused on
eudemonic wellbeing for the family who took care of the elderly people after stroke.

Keywords: eudemonic wellbeing; elderly after stroke.

Poster Presentation
Day 1

Effects of Mindfulness on Stimulating Hope and Recovery among

People with Schizophrenia

Halimah Wenny Yulina Astuti1*, Murti Agustin1, Sri Padma Sari1, Diyan Yuli
Wijayanti1, Widodo Sarjana2
Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University
Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University
*Corresponding author: wenny.yulina@gmail.com


Hope plays an essential role in the recovery process for people with
schizophrenia. Current studies showed that people with schizophrenia reported
having low hope. There is growing evidence that mindfulness has positive effects
on mental health in people with chronic illness, including people with
schizophrenia. There are limited studies evaluating mindfulness on schizophrenia.
This study aimed to examine the effect of mindfulness on hope and recovery among
people with schizophrenia. A quasi-experimental study was carried out on 54
patients with schizophrenia in a psychiatric hospital based on purposive sampling
and divided into the intervention group and the control group (27 patients in each
group). The intervention group received 4-sessions mindfulness while the control
group received standard care. Data was collected through a demographic
questionnaire, the Schizophrenia Hope Scale (SHS-9), and Recovery Assessment
Scale (RAS). Mann-Whitney test and t-test were used to analyse the data. After the
intervention, the mean of hope in the intervention group was higher than in the
control group (39.17 and 15.83, respectively) as well as in the mean of recovery
(85.78±7.24 and 75.74±4.01, respectively). There were significant differences in
hope and recovery between the two groups (p< 0.001). This study showed that
mindfulness can be one effective intervention to increase hope and promote
recovery processes in people with schizophrenia.

Keywords: Hope; Mindfulness; Recovery; Schizophrenia.

Poster Presentation
Day 1

Human Immunodeficiency Virus – Acquired Immunodeficiency

Syndrome Patient with Multiple Myeloma
Ursula Nauli Malau1, Herniah Asti Wulanjani2
PPDS-1 Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University, Semarang
The Member of Functional Medical Staff Clinical Pathology, RSUP Dr.Kariadi Semarang
Corresponding author: sigenlaladut88@gmail.com


Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a set of symptoms and

illnesses that caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection. Multiple
Myeloma (MM) is malignant plasma cells. HIV patients have been reported to have
a 4.5-fold increased risk of MM. Mechanism of increasing MM frequency in HIV
is not well understood. HIV is thought to have an indirect role in the plasma cell
malignancy. A29 years old man with HIV in therapy comes with fever as main
complaint. Physical examinations show fever, anemic conjunctiva and there are no
enlargement lymph glands and organomegaly. Hematology analyzer shows
pansitopenia, rouleaux, eosinophilia and monocytosis. Sodium, potassium and
chloride are decrease. Calcium, ureum and creatinine are increase. Viral load is high
and CD4 is low. Plasma cells in the bone marrow are 12%. Bence Jones protein is
positive. SPE and immunotyping shows monoclonal gammopathy-IgM Lamda.
Bone survey shows multiple lytic lessions.Correlation between HIV and plasma
cell malignancy is unclear. Changes in immune system regulation, non-specific
antigenic stimulation, and cytokine dysregulation are suspected as causes of plasma
cell malignancy. MM development in HIV faster in non-HIV, could be caused by
HIV antigens. ARV combination therapy can reduce the risk of malignancy by
suppressing HIV replication, increasing immunity or reducing inflammation.
Thalidomide has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antiangiogenic
effects. The diagnosis HIV-AIDS with MM are based on patient history, viral load,
CD4, anemia, deterioration of kidney function, hypercalcemia, multiple lytic
lesions and monoclonal gammopathy-IgM Lamda.

Keywords: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; Human Imunodeficiency

Virus; Multiple Myeloma; Monoclonal Gammopathy.

Poster Presentation
Day 1

Subtle Clinical Manifestation in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus:

Clinically and Laboratory Case Diagnosis and Follow Up
Edward Kurnia Setiawan Limijadi*, Lisyani B. Suromo

Departemen of Clinical Pathology of Medical Science Faculty of Diponegoro University

Corresponding author : liemsianhok@yahoo.com


Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease that

causes systemic inflammation that attack various organs leading to mild to severe
clinical manifestations. Lupus erythematosus involves a complex immune system
that begins with a variety of precipitating or risk factors. SLE cases in pediatric
patient are not a common case compared to adults who are mostly undetected at
primary health-care facility, especially with subtle clinical manifestations. SLE
disease, like other autoimmune, can not be cured, but can be controlled, so detection
is necessary as early as possible so that further progressivity can be controlled. A
12-year-old child came with a rash on the face confirmed by a physical examination
as malar rash and discoid rash, examinations of the other systems were
unremarkable. Laboratory results showed a positive antinuclear antibody (ANA)
and anti double-stranded DNA antibodies (dsDNA). Other laboratory tests such as
complete blood count, liver function test, kidney function test and urinalysis were
found within normal limits. Based on these information, we conclude that the
diagnosis was SLE with subtle clinical manifestation. Patient monitoring for
evaluation needs to be done at least every 6 months as a scoring of the activity of
disease and organ damage. The evaluation includes signs and symptoms, laboratory
work-up such as complete blood count, organ function test, urinalysis, and
immunologic parameters.

Keywords: systemic lupus erythematosus; pediatric; subtle clinical manifestation

Poster Presentation
Day 1

Correlation of Benzene Metabolite with Haematology Parameters

in Leukaemia Cases

Ade Delpita1, Nyoman Suci Widyastiti2*, Ariosta Setyadi2, Yetty Movieta Nency3
Student of Clinical Pathology Specialist Program, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University,
Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang,
Department of Child Health, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Corresponding author: nyoman.suci@fk.undip.ac.id


Leukemia is a progressive malignancy of blood-forming organ characterized

by abnormal proliferation of precursors of leukocyte. The use of benzene can pose
serious risks to health. Chronic exposure to benzene causes decreased of red blood
cells formation and leading to leukemia. The aim of this study was to prove
correlation of benzene metabolite (urinary phenol) with hematology parameters
(Erythrocyte Index, Absolute Neutrophil Count, Absolute Lymphocyte Count,
Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio and Reticulocyte Count) in Leukemia cases. Cross
sectional study was conducted on 30 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
patients in Kariadi Hospital from March to May 2018. Urinary phenol level was
measured by Spectrophotometer and the parameters of Erythrocyte Index, Absolute
Neutrophil Count, Absolute Lymphocyte Count, Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio and
Reticulocyte Count were calculated using hematology analyzer. The correlation
among the parameters was analyzed using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient
test. The median of urinary phenol on ALL patients was 247,72 (70,63-2218,97)
mg/l. There was significant correlation between urinary phenol level and absolute
lymphocyte count (r = -0,537; p = 0,002), but there was no significant correlation
of urinary phenol level with erythrocyte index, absolute neutrophil count, absolute
lymphocyte count, lymphocyte neutrophil ratio and reticulocyte count.

Keywords: Benzene metabolite; Phenol; Haematology; Absolute Lymphocyte

Count; Leukaemia.

Poster Presentation
Day 1

Correlation between sTfR, 25-hydroxyvitamin D and N-mid-

Osteocalcin Level among Multiple Blood Transfussion
Thalassemic Patients
Villa Sekar Cita1, NyomanSuci Widyastiti2*, Dian Widyaningrum2, Yetty Movieta
Resident of Clinical Pathology Specialist Program, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University,
Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang,
Department of Child Health, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Corresponding author: nyoman.suci@fk.undip.ac.id


Patients with major thalassemia and transfussion dependent are at increased

risk of 25-hydroxvitamin D deficiency, but the patomechanism still remains
unclear. Ineffective erythropoiesis and or iron overload are hypothesized to be
correlated with vitamin D deficiency and bone formation in multi-transfused
thalassemia.This study investigates association between sTfR as the iron overload
marker with serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and serum N-mid osteocalcin levels
in patients with multi-transfused thalassemia.An analytic observational study with
crosssectional approach was conducted in February – June 2019 involving 28 major
thalassemia children hospitalized at the Dr. R. SoedjatiGrobogan Public Hospital
and Dr. R. SoetrasnoRembang Public Hospital also met inclusion and exclusion
criteria. Serum sTfR, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, and N-mid osteocalcin levels were
measured using the ELISA method. Correlation between each parameter were
analyzed using Spearman and Pearson correlation test, which p <0.05 was
considered significant.Median, minimum, and maximum valueof serum sTfR and
N-mid osteocalcinwere 0.66 (0.48;2.86) mg/L and 11.68 (0.47;35.6)
ng/mLrespectively, while the meanvalueof serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D was
19.89±6.73 ng/mL. Correlationbetween serum sTfRwith 25-hydroxyvitamin D and
N-mid osteokalsin serum were r=0.225, p=0.249;r=-0.56,p=0.765 respectively,
while the correlationbetween serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D serum and N-mid
osteokalsinwas r=-0.537,p=0.003.There is no significant correlations between
serum sTfR with serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and serum N-mid osteocalcin,
whereas serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D is moderate negatively correlated with serum
N-mid osteocalcin.

Keywords: thalassemia; multi transfusion; sTfR; 25-hydroxyvitamin D; N-mid


Poster Presentation
Day 1

Bone Marrow Involvement of Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma

Peggy Loman1*, Imam Budiwiyono2, Ariosta2, Nyoman Suci Widyastiti3, Dik Puspasari4,
Resident of Clinical Pathology Department Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University,
Department of Clinical Pathology Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University, Semarang
Department of Clinical Pathology Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University,Dr.Kariadi
Department of Anatomic Pathology Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University,Dr.Kariadi
Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University,Dr.Kariadi
Coresponding author : drpeggyloman@gmail.com


Cutaneous T cell Lymphoma (CTCL) is an uncommon subtype (4%) of

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, characterized by infiltration of neoplasma T cell
lymphocyte at the skin. The prevalence is more common in male than female (1.6
: 2 to 2 : 1) and predominately affect the middleaged (55-60 y.o). The classification
of CTCL by WHO-EORTC was based on clinical signs and histopathology
markers, which the two most common (three quarters of all cases) types are mycosis
fungoides (MF) and Sézarysyndrome (SS). The clinical signs are similar to other
skin conditions which oftenly cause misdiagnosis. The most common
extracutaneous spreadings are to liver, spleen and lungs, whereas approximately
20% to the bonemarrow. A 61 y.o. man was admitted to the Emergency Roomof
Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang, because of 2 months weakness all over the body,
bed-lying, fever, body weight decreased, gasp, sweaty and upper abdominal pain.
Skin patches appeared since 4 months before, started at the face then to the body,
hands and feet. The complete blood count results shown normocytic normochronic
anemia and trombositopenia (Hb 7,5 g/dL, MCV 84 fL, MCH 28,6 pg, trombosit 6
x 103/uL) with circulated sezary cells. Lymphadenopaty was detected at the
abdominal CT-scan assay and the Bone Marrow Punction test revealed lymphoma.
The skin biopsy (histopathology assay) result was patch stage of mycosis fungoides
(T-cell lymphoma). Multidiscipline teamwork is very necessary in diagnosing
CTCL because the manifestations are not specific. Accurate diagnosis and staging
are important to define the prognosis, furthermore immunophenotyping and
immunohistochemistry assyas to confirm the diagnosis.

Keywords: Cutaneous T cell Lymphoma (CTCL); mycosis fungoides; Sézary

syndrome; bone marrow involvement.

Poster Presentation
Day 1

Bone Marrow Metastasis of Neuroblastoma in 16-Month Old

Child : a Case Report
I Gede Ardy Surya D.1*, Nyoman Suci Widyastiti2, Meira Dewi Kusuma Astuti3,
Bambang Sudarmanto4
Resident of Clinical Pathology Department Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University,
Department of Clinical Pathology Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University, Semarang
/ Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang
Department of Anatomic Pathology Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University,
Semarang / Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang
Departement of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University, Semarang / Dr.
Kariadi Hospital, Semarang
Corresponding author : ardysurya@gmail.com


Neuroblastoma is an embryonic malignancy of the nervous system originating

from sympathetic neuronal pluripotent cells (neuroblasts). Neuroblastoma is the most
common malignancy in children less than 1 year old. Patients with advanced disease
often experience bone marrow involvement categorized as stage 4 and 4S based on the
International Neuroblastoma Staging System (INSS). Infiltration to bone marrow in
children over the age of 1 year is categorized as high-risk neuroblastoma.A 16-month-
old child presented to the emergency room with complaints of weakness, gum bleeding,
and bleeding spots on the skin. MSCT results found tumors in the thoracic spinal cord
XII - lumbar vertebra II. In the bone marrow aspirate there was a non-hematopoietic
cluster (neuroblastoma cell). Urinary Vanillymandelic Acid (VMA):> 8 mg / 24 hours.
Immunohistochemistry of NSE and CD 56 were positive.Clinical presentation of
neuroblastoma are varies. Metastasis generally occurs in bones and bone marrow. The
urine VMA test increases in 90% of cases of neuroblastoma. Definitive diagnosis was
obtained either through histological diagnosis of tissue using a light microscope with or
without immunohistochemical examination, or increased VMA in the urine, or
examination of metastasis in bone marrow aspirates.Positive VMA examination,
appearance of neuroblastoma cells in the bone marrow aspirate and
immunohistochemistry staining confirm the diagnosis of neuroblastoma with bone
marrow metastasis. The spread of tumors to the bone marrow is an indication of poor
prognostic in patients, thus finding bone marrow metastasis is important to determine
staging and therapy.

Keywords: Neuroblastoma; bone marrow metastasis; immunohistochemistry

Poster Presentation
Day 1

The Factors that Influence the Length of Hospitalization of a

Medical Patient after Getting a Colorectal Cancer Surgery

Ahmad Wasil1*, Saekhol Bakri2, Abdul Mughni3, Yan Wisnu3

Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University
Lecturer, Departement of Public Health Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University
Lecturer, Departement of Surgery Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University.
*Corresponding author: ahmadwasilfuadi@gmail.com


Colorectal cancer is one of the malignancies that often occurs in large

intestine tissue, including colon and or rectum. The length of hospitalization is the
important thing to be noticed because it directly affects the cost that the medical
patient should pay.The aim of this study is to identify the factors that influence the
length of hospitalization after laparotomy and laparascopy in surgery department of
RS Dr. Kariadi Semarang. This research used cross sectional design. Sample of
research was taken from the data of patient’s medical records that suffer from
colorectal cancer in RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang since 2013 until 2018. Data were
taken by using purposive sampling method. There find 54 samples that form the
criteria of inclusion and exclusion, 27 samples of laparatomi and 27 samples of
laparaskopi. The normality of the numerical scaled data was tested by using
smirnov-kolmogorov method, and finally find abnormal data that would be tested
by using mann whitney method. The nominal average duration of the
hospitalization after getting collorectal surgery was (14 +- 3,4) with the minimum
value was 9 days and the maximum one was 21 days. According to the kind of
surgery , the duration of hospitalization between laparatomi and laparoskopi
showed the statistic result that means p<0.05. Infection caused by the injury of the
surgery would affect the length of hospitalization as well. Factors that influence
the duration of hospitalization are kind of surgery and the existence of infection
caused by the injury of surgery.

Keywords: colorectal cancer; duration of hospitalization; infection.

Poster Presentation
Day 1

Epidural Analgesia: Collaboration between Anesthesiologist and

Neurosurgeon to Manage Post-Spine Surgery Pain
Satrio Adi Wicaksono*, Doso Sutiyono

Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University

Dr. Kariadi General Hospital
Corresponding author: Drsaw11@yahoo.com


Postoperative pain remains a major problem in postoperative patients and it

has become the responsibility of anaesthesiologist and surgeon. Spine surgery
causes severe postoperative pain. Epidural analgesia offers a lower pain score and
fewer analgesic need than systemic conventional analgesia in spine surgery. We
reported two cases of postoperative pain management in patients who underwent
spine surgery with epidural analgesia as the main modality. The first patient had
inferior paraplegic flaccid type due to a compression fracture of thoracic vertebrae
11-12. Thesecond patient had hernia nucleus pulposus (HNP) of lumbar 4-5, lumbar
5 and sacral 1. At the end of the surgery, neurosurgeon inserted an epidural catheter
to epidural space. After surgical wound closure, 10 ml of bupivacaine 0.125% was
injected via an epidural catheter shortly after the patient was positioned supine.
Postoperative pain was managed by injecting bupivacaine 0.125% continuously.
Patients was also given paracetamol 1000 mg every 6 hours. Epidural drug
administration provided good safety, extended analgesia and decreased incidences
of respiratory making it a promising route of drug delivery for postoperative
analgesia. Epidural catheters could be placed intraoperatively by surgeons under
direct vision which increased the success rates. Epidural analgesia for postoperative
pain relief has been used for all kinds of spine surgery. After surgery, the patient's
condition was stable, there were no complaints. Numeric rating scale (NRS) for 48
hours postoperatively was less than 2. Hemodynamics were stable. No side effects
were found regarding this treatment. Epidural catheter insertion at the end of
surgery ensures that the epidural catheter is inserted in the precise location. Epidural
analgesia in spine surgery is effective in managing post-operative pain.

Keywords: Epidural analgesia; spine surgery; postoperative pain.

Poster Presentation
Day 1

Comparison of Mechanical Ventilation Duration in Postoperative

Patient with Ventilator between Midazolam or Propofol Sedation
in Intensive Care Unit Dr. Kariadi Hospital
Satrio Adi Wicaksono*, Aisyahani, Jati Listiyanto Pujo

Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University /

Dr. Kariadi General Hospital
Corresponding author: drsaw11@yahoo.com


Sedation in intensive care can improve the outcome and make the patient
more comfortable, however it is potential to prolong the mechanical ventilation
duration and length of stay (LOS). Midazolam is a currently used drug, yet its
duration may prolong in patients with organ failure. Propofol is a high clearance
drug and no active metabolite sedative that can be used to reduce patient’s
mechanical ventilation duration and LOS. To compare mechanical ventilation
duration and sedation cost in intensive care unitin postoperative patients sedated
using midazolam and propofol. A cross-sectional observational study was
performed to 30 postoperative patients with mechanically ventilated in intensive
care. They were randomly divided into two groups, each consisted of 15 patients.
Group I was administered with 0.02-0.08 mg/kg intravenous bolus of midazolam,
continued with 0.04-0.2 mg/kg/hour infusion. Group II was administered with 1.5-
2.5 mg/kg intravenous bolus of propofol, continued with 5-80 µg/kg/min infusion.
Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS) score target was -1 to -2, evaluated in
1-hour post sedation and every 4 hours. Data of mechanical ventilation duration,
RASS score mean, and sedation cost were taken. The mean difference between two
groups was tested by non-parametric Mann Whitney test.There was no difference
in mechanical ventilation duration between midazolam and propofol group (54 vs
52 minutes, p= 0.299). There was no difference between RASS score between
midazolam and propofol group (-1 vs -1, p= 0.695). There was no difference in
sedation cost between midazolam and propofol group (50.400 vs 45.600, p=
0.151). Propofol had a lower sedation cost than midazolam in postoperative patients
with mechanically ventilated in intensive care, yet the difference is insignificant.

Keywords: Propofol; midazolam; sedation; ICU; mechanical ventilation duration.

Poster Presentation
Day 1

In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Coconut Fiber Ethanolic

Extract as an Alternative Therapy Against Methicillin-Resistant
Staphylococcus aureus

Mardelia Nur Fatana, Fadzila Nur ‘Aini*, VincentiusBonaverrel Dominico, Rebriarina


Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang

Corresponding author: fadzila234@gmail.com


Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection has caused

significant problem worldwide due to its limited therapeutic options and higher
morbidity, mortality, and hospital cost. MRSA is virtually resistant to all beta-
lactam antibiotics, except the fifth generation of cephalosporin. Vancomycin has
been the cornerstone therapy for MRSA infections, and this, as expected, has led to
increased resistance of MRSA to vancomycin. Exploration to find alternative
antibacterial is warranted. In the present study, we aimed to determine the activity
and the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of coconut fiber extract against
MRSA. Ethanolic extract of coconut fiber was produced using maceration
technique. Phytochemical analysis of the extract showed the presence of flavonoids
and tannins. The MIC of coconut fiber extract against MRSA ATCC 43300 and
clinical-isolated MRSA were determined using the agar dilution method at a
concentration ranging from 10 mg/ml-0.3125 mg/ml. Coconut fiber extract was
shown to inhibit the growth of MRSA. The MIC of coconut fiber extract for both
MRSA ATCC 43300 and clinical-isolated MRSA was 5 mg/ml. The present study
gives essential early result of potential antibacterial activity of coconut fiber extract
against MRSA. Further investigation is needed to confirm the potential activity of
this extract in treating MRSA infection.

Keywords: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; coconut fiber extract;

flavonoids; tannin; MIC.

Poster Presentation
Day 1

The Effect of Orthosiphon Spicatus on Hematologic Parameters in

Wistar Rats Induced by Lead Acetat

Dwi Retnoningrum*, Nyoman Suci Widyastiti, Ariosta

Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University

*Corresponding author: Dwiretnodr@gmail.com


Lead exposure has a negative impact on health, especially in the

hematological system which can cause abnormalities in erythrocytes, leukocytes
and platelets. Orthosiphon spicatus is one of the herbal medicines in Indonesia that
has been used in several diseases because one of its ingredients is an antioxidant.
This study aims to prove the effect of Orthosiphon spicatus on hematologic
parameters in wistar rat induced by lead acetate. Quasi experimental using posttest
only group design. The samples were 30 male wistar rats, divided into 5 group, K(-
) was given standard feed, K(+) given standard feed and lead acetate 30
mg/KgBB/day, P1, P2, P3 group were given standard feed, lead acetate and
Orthosiphon extract with each dose of 50, 100, 200 mg/KgBB/day for 14 days. One
way Anova were used for statistical analysis. Hemoglobin level and leukocyte
count in all group were not different (p=0,56 and p=0,25). There were significantly
difference in platelet count between group (p=0,035), mean value K(-), K(+), P1,P2
and P3 were 900.000±171.363, 656.611±200.701, 868.666±133.927,
929.666±162.389 and 937.666±147.532/mm3 respectively. Post hoc test result were
difference between K(-) with K(+) p=0,016, K(+) with P1 (p=0,032), P2 (p=0,008)
and P3 (p=0,006). There is a decrement of platelets number in lead acetate
exposure. Orthosiphon spicatus may increase platelet counts in wistar rat induced
by lead.

Keywords: Orthosiphon spicatus; hemoglobin; leukocytes; platelets.

Poster Presentation
Day 1

Variant Hb Analysis Detected on HbA1c Examination using

Capillary Electrophoresis Method
Anwar S1*, Rachmawati B2
Program Specialist Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University / Dr.
Kariadi Hospital, Semarang.
Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University / Dr. Kariadi
Hospital, Semarang.
Corresponding author: syaifulamwar82@gmail.com


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease with characteristics of

hyperglycemia. One of the parameters of glycemic control is glycated hemoglobin
(HbA1c). There are Several Hb variants that can Affect the HbA1C results items,
namely: Hb F, Hb E, Hb S. Detection of Hb variant on HbA1C examination HbA1C
will cause false low results and this is very important Because It will Affect Clinical
Therapy in Patients with diabetes mellitus. To see and analyze the influence of Hb
variants detected on examination HbA1C using the capillary electrophoresis
method. This study was a retrospective descriptive study of 100 diabetes mellitus
Patients who Examined HbA1c hemoglobin variants detected by using the capillary
electrophoresis method. Of the 100 Patients who Examined the HbA1C Capillary
Electrophoresis method Patients there were 50 who were not affected by
hemoglobin variants. Hb Hb F variants detected were as many as 14 Patients with
2 Patients having normal Hb F> (1-2%). Hb E as many as 25 Patients and Hb S 11
Patients. HbA1C examination using the Capillary Electrophoresis method can
detect the hemoglobin variant, it is Necessary to be careful in interpreting the
HbA1C results and need to be careful in choosing the method of checking for
glycemic status.

Keywords:Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c); Hb F; Hb E; Hb S.

Poster Presentation
Day 1

Correlation between Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) and Red

Cell Distribution Width (RDW) on Chronic Kidney Disease
Anita Tri Hastuti, Edward Kurnia Setiawan Limijadi*

Clinical Pathology Department, MedicalFaculty of Diponegoro University, Central Java,

Corresponding author :liemsianhok@yahoo.com


Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) describes abnormal structural and

functional kidney conditions that mark a decrease in GFR. Erythropoietinproducing
peritubular cells are partially or completely damaged by the severity of kidney
disease, causing inadequate erythropoiesis and anemia. Anemia is one of the factors
causing erythrocyte size variations assessed by the red cell distribution width
(RDW). The relationship between GFR kidney function and RDW is currently little
studied, this encourages researchers to conduct a study of the correlation between
GFR and RDW in patients with chronic kidney disease. Retrospective observational
analytic study with cross sectional approach was conducted in 45 chronic kidney
disease patients in RSUPdr. Kariadi Semarang in December 2018-January 2019.
Data include age, weight, urea and creatinine serum, and RDW. Calculation of GFR
values using the Cockroft Gault formula. Statistical tests using Spearman’s
correlation, p<0.05 were considered significant. The median (minimum-maximum)
GFR and RDW are respectively 20 (6-35) mL/min /1.73m2; 15.7 (12.8-20.6)%. The
correlation test of GFR with RDW is r = -0.468 with p=0.001. Ureum, creatinine
and RDW have significant different in chronic kidney disease between stadium 3,
4, and 5 (p=0.001). There is a moderate negative correlation between GFR and
RDW in patients with chronic kidney disease. Red cell Distribution Width(RDW)
can be used as a parameter to evaluate declining of kidney function in patients with
chronic kidney disease stage 3-5.

Keywords: Glomerular Filtration Rat; Red Cell Distribution Width; Chronic

Kidney Disease

Poster Presentation
Day 1

Correlation between Kang MRI Cervical Canal Stenosis Grading

System with Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Clinical Score

Angelina Yashinta, A Gunawan S,CH Nawangsih,Bambang Satoto,Farah Hendara

Ningrum, Hermina Sukmaningtyas*

Radiology Departement Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University / Dr. Kariadi General Hospital
*Corresponding Author:hermina_rad@yahoo.co.id


Cervical spondylosis along with disc and vertebral body degeneration is an

important health problem in general population. Cervical spondylosis causes
cervical canal stenosis dan spinal cord changes with cervical myelopathy
symptoms. Yusuhn Kang, et al (2010) made a new MRI grading system for cervical
canal stenosis based on sagital T2 weighted images. The aim of this study is to
analyze correlation between Kang MRI Cervical Canal Stenosis Grading System
with Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Clinical Score. In this study, we
prospectively analyzed 26 patient with cervical spondylosis using cross sectional
method who undergone cervical MR examination at Dr. Kariadi General Hospital
Semarang. Cervical spondylotic myelopathy was examined by using modified
Japanese Orthopaedic Score (mJOA) dan Myelopati Disability Index (MDI).
Cervical canal stenosis grading on T2 weighted sagittal image based on Kang
method. The study was approved by the local ethics committee. There were no
correlation between cervical canal stenosis grading on sagittal T2 weighted images
based on Kang method with cervical spondylotic myelopathy clinical score based
on mJOA score and MDI score. No correlation between cervical canal stenosis
grading on sagittal T2 weighted images based on Kang method with cervical
spondylotic myelopathy clinical score

Keywords: cervical canal stenosis; Kang; cervical spondylotic myelopathy;

modified Japanese Orthopaedic Score; Myelopathy Disability Index.

Poster Presentation
Day 1

Improvement of Functional Independence Measure (FIM) Scores

Measured after Comprehensive Rehabilitation in Patient after
Spinal Meningioma Evacuation

Erina1, Erna Setiawati2*

Resident of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist, Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University,
Semarang, Indonesia
Corresponding author : roswithaerna@gmail.com


Spinal meningiomas are often localized to the thoracic level and symptoms
from a spinal meningioma are determined by the location of the mass. We present
a case of a 65-year old woman who suffered paraplegia due to a thoracic spinal cord
tumor (meningioma). Thoracic mass was detected in level Th.4-5 on magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI). The patient underwent tumor evacuation laminectomy
using endoscopic procedure and the patient’s neurologic symptoms were partially
relieved. The Functional Independence Measure (FIM) is a widely accepted scale
used to measure the functional abilities of patients undergoing rehabilitation. There
was significant improvement of FIM scores after the patient underwent six weeks
outpatient comprehensive rehabilitation program. We concluded that early
comprehensive rehabilitation was effective for patient after tumor evacuation to
regain functional ability.

Keywords: Functional Independence Measure (FIM); outpatient; rehabilitation;

spinal meningioma

Poster Presentation
Day 1

Comparison of Improvement of Low Back Pain in Obesity and

Non-Obesity Patients with Magnetotherapy

Hari Peni Julianti*

Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University

*Corresponding author: hari_peni@yahoo.com


To prove the improvement of low back pain (LBP) in obese and non-obese
patients by administering magnetotherapy. The design of this study was a
randomized controlled trial. The subjects of this study were 30 chronic mechanical
LBP patients aged 25-45 years old divided into 2 groups, 15 people in the obese
group and 15 in the non-obese group. Obesity is determined by using Body Mass
Index (weight (kg) / height (m2) > 25 kg/m2). Both groups were given
magnetotherapy lumbosacral syndrome program (15 minutes, 38 mT, 10Hz), and
standard therapy in the form of ergonomics education and back exercise 3 times a
week for 9 times. The pain was measured using Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). The
data obtained were processed statistically using paired and unpaired T-tests. There
were differences in the decrease in VAS before and after magnetotherapy in the
obese group (mean VAS = 6.40 and 3.27; p = 0.00) and non-obese (mean VAS =
7.07 and 1.53; p = 0.00). There was a higher decrease in VAS (p = 0.01) in the non-
obese group (mean 5.53) compared to the obese group (mean = 3.00). Improvement
of LBP with magnetotherapy is better in non-obese patients than in obese patients.

Keywords: Low Back Pain; Obesity; Magnetotherapy.

Poster Presentation
Day 1

The Effect of Addition Kinesiotaping in Proprioceptive in Knee

Osteoarthtiris Patients Grade II and III Who Get Weight-Pulley
System Exercise

Reggy Injo1*, Lanny Indriastuti2

Resident of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Dr. Kariadi General Hospital, Semarang,
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist, Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University, Dr.
Kariadi General Hospital, Semarang, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: Reggy.injo@gmail.com


Knee osteoarthritis is a major health problem. Knee osteoarthritis is a chronic

and progressive disease. It can lead to destruction of cartilage and deterioration of
the proprioceptive of the knee. Kinesiotaping have a positive effects to improving
function. Existing studies also reported that kinesio taping has several therapeutic
mechanisms to support the joints. To evaluate the effects of kinesiotaping and
weight-pulley system on knee joints proprioceptive in patients with knee
osteoarthritis grade II and III. This is a simple randomized controlled trial. 27
participants who met the inclusion criteria were included in this study.The subjects
then carried out simple randomization, and divided into two groups. All participants
treated with weight-pulley system exercise. The intervention group received
kinesiotaping. The Kinesiotaping was installed for 3-5 days and then released for
24 hours, following the weight-pulley system exercise schedule with EN-Tree for
3 weeks with a frequency of 3 times per week. Poprioceptive is measured from Joint
Position Sense (JPS) before and after treatment using a goniometer. The
proprioceptive was measured at 45°. There is significant improvement of JPS at
knee joints in the Kinesiotaping group pre vs post treatment (p = 0.025) but not in
without Kinesiotaping group (p = 0.161). There is also significant difference after
treatment between Kinesiotaping group vs without Kinesiotaping (p = 0,009).
Kinesiotaping improves proprioceptive in patients with Osteoarthritis genu grade II
and III.

Keyword:Kinesiotaping; Knee Osteoarthritis; Proprioceptive.

Poster Presentation
Day 1

Medical Rehabilitation in Patient with Spastic Tetraparese et

Causa Spinal Schwanoma: a Case Report
Herlina Gunawan1*, Rahmi Isma A.P2
Resident of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist, Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University/Dr.
Kariadi General Hospital, Semarang, Indonesia.
Corresponding author : herlina.jan18@gmail.com


Spinal schwannomas are the most common intradural extramedullary spinal

tumors that grow from nerve sheath, approximately 30%. These benign tumors can
occur thoroughout the spinal canal, but most frequently seen in the cervical and
lumbar region. They can put compression to spinal cord, and cause severe
neurological symptoms, like weakness in the limb, sensoric, and autonomic
disturbance. These will affect someone’s daily living activities and participation in
community. Medical rehabilitation is needed to help patients to return to his/her
former functional ability and increase his/her quality of life after underwent
operative resection of the tumor. A 38-year-old woman complained of progressive
spastic tetraplegia with numbness and tingling sensation in her inferior extremities.
She could not do her activity daily living independently or walk by her own,
moreover doing her role as a housewife. After doctor found the spinal schwannoma,
operative resection program was planned. She also got rehabilitation program pre-
operation, post-operation, and after discharged from hospital, including home
program. After 1 month of rehabilitation program, the patient is able to walk and
do her activity daily living independently. Although the main treatment of spinal
schwannoma is operative resection, medical rehabilitation play an important role in
returning patient’s former functional ability and increase patient’s quality of life.

Keywords: Schwannoma; Spinal Tumor; Tetraplegia; Medical Rehabilitation

Poster Presentation
Day 1

The Correlation between Cotinine Levels in Active Smokers

with Color Blindness
Riski Prihatningtias1*, Maharani1, Edward Kurnia Setiawan Limijadi2, Meita
Ophthalmology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia
Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang,
Corresponding author: riskiprihatningtias@gmail.com


Consumption of tobacco is one of the causes of toxic optic neuropathy. The

purpose of this study was to analyse the correlation between cotinine levels in active
smokers with color blindness, which is one of the symptoms of toxic optic
neuropathy.This study was an observational analytic study in 33 smokers and 35
control samples. Examination of cotinine levels was taken from blood samples
which were then examined by Calbiotech reagents. Examination of color vision was
done by Farnsworth Munsell 15 Hue. Statistical analysis was done using Spearman
correlation test. There was a significant difference (p<0.001) between the mean
score of the color blindness error in the control group (0.24) and the smoker group
(4.83). Similarly, a significant difference was found (p<0.001) between the blood
cotinine level of the control group (0.44 µg/ml) and the smoker group (64.59
µg/ml). There was a significant correlation between the scores of color blindness
and blood cotinine levels, with p<0.001 and r = 0.493, in the total sample, but in
each group, neither control group nor smoker group had a significant correlation
between scores for color blindness and blood cotinine levels. Blood cotinine level
cut-off points were equal to or greater than 1.70 µg/ml, with 100% sensitivity, and
100% specificity. This blood cotinine level was to distinguish whether or not there
was a score of color blindness error. There was a significant correlation in the total
sample between blood cotinine levels and color blindness error scores, where the
higher the blood cotinine level, the higher the score for color blindness.

Keywords: Cotinine; smoker; color blindness

Poster Presentation
Day 2

Formulation of Baby Biscuits with Substitution of Wood

Grasshopper Flour (Melanoplus cinereus) as an Alternative
Complementary Food for Children Aged 12-24 Months
Turmala Dewi, Alfia Nur Vidiarti, Deny Yudi Fitranti, Dewi Marfu’ah Kurniawati,
Gemala Anjani*

Nutrition Science Program, Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University Semarang

*Correspondence author: gemaanjani@gmail.com


The provision of supplementary food is an effort to overcome nutrition

problems in vulnerable groups such as children aged 12-24 months. Giving
inadequate supplementary food can cause malnutrition. The prevalence of
malnutrition in Yogyakarta, Indonesia in 2017 was 8.26%. While, in this region
there is an kind of insect, wood grasshopper, that commonly consumsed as local
food as a source of protein. Objective: In this study we used wood grasshopper flour
to substitute wheat flour in the form of baby cookies and analyze the amino acid,
energy, and nutrient content; protein quality; and organoleptic properties.
Method:An experimental study of a complete randomized one factor by substitution
of wood grasshopper flour with variations in substitution of 0%, 5%, 7%, and 10%.
Wood grasshopper is obtained directly from Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta.
Results: Substitution of wood grashopper flour could enhance energy, protein,
dietary fiber, zinc, and amino acid content level of lysine, leucine, phenylalanine,
arginine. Whereas, could decrease carbohydrate and methionine content. The most
suitable energy, nutrient content, quality protein, and the preferred organoleptic of
baby biscuits and fullfil the Indonesian regulation of supplementary food is the
formulation with the substitution of wood grasshopper flour as much as 5%.
Conclusion:The serving size of baby biscuits with the substitution of wood
grasshopper flour are 6 pieces (60 grams). Consumption of one serving size of baby
biscuits with the substitution of wood grasshopper flour can meet 24-38% of the
RDA of children’s protein aged 12-24 months in all formulations.

Keywords: Complementary food; baby biscuits; wood grasshopper flour; nutrient


Poster Presentation
Day 2

Analysis of Fe, Ca, and Zn Minerals in Instant Powder with

Substitution of Fish Protein Hydrolyzate (FPH) as
Complementary Feeding

Astrid Rossalia Putri1, Syaiful Anwar2, Ekowati Chasanah3, Yusro Nuri Fawzya3,
Pujoyuwono Martosuyono3, Nuryanto1, Diana Nur Afifah1*
Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang
Agroecotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture, Diponegoro
University, Semarang
Center for Research on Product Processing and Biotechnology, Marine and Fisheries, Jakarta
*Corresponding author: diananurafifah@live.undip.ac.id


Complementary Feeding is a transition of the baby's intake over 6 months to

meet nutritional needs in addition to breast milk. Complementary Feeding which
contains complete nutritional components, one of which is mineral. The mineral is
an element that is needed by the body which has an important role in overall body
function. While minerals that are important for children's growth and development
can prevent stunting, namely Calcium (Ca), Iron (Fe), and Zinc (Zn). This research
was carried out on the three best formula Complementary Feeding instant powder
results of optimization after testing using the Response Surface Methodology
(RSM) on the main ingredients of protein source fish protein hydrolyzate (FPH),
Mung beans and skim milk. This study aims to determine the mineral content of Fe,
Ca and Zn in instant powder samples that have been determined and is a laboratory
observation study conducted in laboratories equipped with IPB using the AOAC
method (2012): 999.11 (9.1.09) using the Atomic Spectrometry Absorption
technique ( AAS). From the analysis results obtained formula Fe sequentially
formula 3 (38,547 mg / 100g), formula 2 (25.143 mg / 100g), and formula 1 (22.770
mg / 100g). The Ca content is formula 1 respectively (65.152 mg / 100g), formula
3 (62.036 mg / 100g), and formula 2 (53.555 mg / 100g). Zn conjunctions are in
formula 3 (5,751 mg / 100g), formula 2 (2,562 mg / 100g), and formula 1 (2,375
mg / kg). From this data it can be concluded that the best formula in this analysis is
formula 3 with Fe content of 38,547 mg / 100g, Ca 62,036 mg / 100g, Zn 5.751 mg
/ 100g.

Keywords: Fe; Ca; Zn; Fish Protein Hydrolyzate (FPH); Complementary


Poster Presentation
Day 2

Nutrient Content and Physical Properties of Instant Baby

Porridge Substituted with Freshwater Clams Flour
(Pilsbryoconcha exilis)
Laila Febinda Fatma1, Diana Nur Afifah1, Dimas Tri Anantyo2, Mulyono2, Teddy Wahyu
Nugroho2, Firdaus Wahyudi2, Nuryanto1*
Nutrition Science Department, Diponegoro University
Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University
Corresponding author: nyt_gizi@yahoo.com


The prevalence of stunted children under two years was 37.6%. This was
caused by practice of complementary breastfeeding. Freshwater clams was a local
food enriched with high-protein and zinc that potential to be nutritionally rich
complementary foods. This was subtituted with full cream milk in instant baby
porridge. The purpose of this study was to analize the effect of freshwater clams
flour substitution on energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, fiber, zinc, calcium, and iron
content as well as physical properties (bulk density, water absorption, and
solubility) in instant baby porridge.The design of this study was a single factor
completely randomized design with the ratio of freshwater clams flour as subtituted
in the instant baby porridge was5% (F1) and 10% (F2).There was an effect of
substitution of freshwater clams flour (Pilsbryoconcha exilis) on energy,
carbohydrate, protein, fat, moisture content, ash, crude fiber, calcium, iron and zinc
(p = 0.0001) in instant baby porridge. Variation in the percentage of freshwater
clams flour substitution did not significantly influence the bulk density (p=0,085),
solubility (p=0,05) and water absorption (p=0,341). Instant baby porridge F0
contains protein, calcium, iron and zinc that didn’t meet the requirements. Instant
baby porridge F1 has protein and zinc levels that didn’t meet the requirement but
calcium and iron levels meet the requirements. While the level of protein, iron,
calcium and zinc on instant baby porridge F2 meet the requirement. Instant baby
porridge with the substitution of freshwater clams flour increased the nutrient
content which includes protein, fiber, calcium, iron, and zinc but decreased
carbohydrate and fat content. All formulations had a bulk density and solubility that
appropriate to the requirement. Water absorption did not meet the requirements.

Keywords: Instant baby porridge; freshwater clams; physical properties; nutrient


Poster Presentation
Day 2

Analysis of Nutrient Content and Shelf Life from Freshwater

Snails (Pila ampullacea) Instant Baby Porridge
Kholifiyah Ihsani1, Diana Nur Afifah1, Dimas Tri Anantyo2, Mulyono2, Teddy Wahyu
Nugroho2, Firdaus Wahyudi2, Nuryanto1*
Nutrition Science Department Diponegoro University
Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University
Corresponding author: nyt_gizi@yahoo.com


Qualityof instant baby porridge leads to nutrient content, consumer’s

acceptanced and shelf life. The use of freshwater snail flour (Pila Ampullacea) as
substitution in the product increases the product nutrition value The aim of the
study is to analyze to nutrients content, the acceptance and shelf life of baby
porridge freshwater snail (Pila ammpulacea) instant. The study is a randomized
experimental design. Samples of instant baby porridge substituted with freshwater
snail flourwith variation of 0% (KS 0), 10% (KS I) and 15% (KS II). Acceptability
test uses organoleptic test and Arrhenius for shelf life analysis.Substitution of
freshwater snail flour could affectnutrient content levels of carbohydrate, protein,
fat, fiber, water, ash, iron, zinc, and calcium (p<0,05). Furthermore, the substitution
could affect the consumer’s acceptance properties include color, flavor, texture and
taste (p<0,05). The shelf life testing for 15 days obtained results, formula KS 0 in
35oC, 45oC and 50oC is 7,13; 2,13 and 2,16 month respectively. Formula KS I in
35oC, 45oC and 50oC is 39, 40 41 days. Formula KS II in 35oC, 45oC and 50oC is 6
years 7 months, 6 years 8 months and 6 years 9 months. Based on nutrient content
analysis, substitution of freshwater snail flour could have enhanced protein, zinc,
iron, calcium, and fat. Obtained shelf life of the best formula (10%) temperature
35oC has a shelf life of 39 days, 45oC has a shelf life of 40 days and 50oC has a
shelf life of 41 days.

Keywords: Freshwater snail flour;baby porridge; nutrient content; Shelf life.

Poster Presentation
Day 2

Nutritional Status and Dental Caries among Islamic Primary

School Children
Amilia Yuni Damayanti1*, Joyeti Darni1, Ruskiah Octavia2

Nutrition Department, Faculty of Health Science, University of Darussalam Gontor, Ngawi.
Pharmacy Department, Faculty of Health Science, University of Darussalam Gontor, Ngawi.
*Corresponding Author: amilia@unida.gontor.ac.id


The caries condition that occurs in children can cause a condition of

malnutrition. Teeth that are not well formed, dated, or painful due to caries can
cause inadequate food consumption, because children who lose some of their teeth
cannot eat well and often cannot eat except soft food, then followed by indigestion
and imperfect health conditions, which have implications for children's nutritional
status. This study aimed to analyse the relationship between nutritional status and
caries status of the Islamic Primary School children. School children aged 10-12
were selected from a Islamic Primary School in Ngawi as the study sample with a
total 112 responden. Anthropometric measurements were taken using digital scales
for weight and microtoice for height. The nutritional status was calculated using the
standard of Z-Score (BMI/Age). Dental caries were diagnosed in primary dentition
according to World Health Organization criteria and in permanent dentition
according to the DMF-T index. Overall, the measured BMI, height, and weight of
each subject were recorded at the same time of the clinical examination. Statistical
test used Mann-Whitney U test. The results of the nutritional status analysis showed
that 66.1% participants were normal, 16.1% were obese, 13.4% were overweight,
and 4.4% were thin. The prevalence of dental caries was 100% in nutritional status
that is relatively thin, 89.2% in normal, 80.0% in overweight and 72.2% in obese
students. There were significant differences in nutritional status between the caries
and non-caries groups (p=0,034). Socialisation of weight monitoring is needed to
reduce the incidence of dental caries in school children.
Keywords: dental caries; normal weight; overweight; obese.

Poster Presentation
Day 2

Correlation between Characteristics of Pregnant Women and

Knowledge about Anemia during Pregnancy in Semarang

Anggorowati*, Dwi Susilowati, Sari Sudarmiati, Elsa Naviati, Artika Nurahima, Fatikhu
Yatuni Asmara

Nursing Department Medical Faculty Diponegoro University

Corresponding author: anggorowati@fk.undip.ac.id


Anemia is one of problems during pregnancy which affect on mother

mortality.Knowledge of pregnant women about anemia is needed to prevent anemia
during pregnancy.The aim of this research was to analyze correlation between
characteristics of pregnant women and knowledge about anemia. Cross sectional
study was conducted which involved 264 participants. Cluster sampling was chosen
as a method to collect the participants, namely pregnant women who do antenatal
care in Primary Healthcare Center.Research tools was questionnaires of knowledge
about anemia. Data analysis used spearman rank. Result showed that most of
participants have enough knowledge about anemia. There was a correlation
between knowledge and Fe consumption (p=0,020), while there was no correlation
between knowledge and other characteristics, namely age, level of education,
gravid, and history of anemia. A good knowledge about anemia will give a good
effect on habit of Fe consumption. It is important to implement an innovative
education method in health education of anemia during pregnancy, and it is
suggested to use application in smart phone.

Keywords: anemia during pregnancy; Fe consumption; knowledge.

Poster Presentation
Day 2

Satiety Profiles in Obese and Normal Adults after High-

Carbohydrate Diet Ingestion
A. Fahmy Arif Tsani1, Scholastica Avelia Widowati2, Fillah Fithra Dieny1, Nurmasari
Widyastuti1, Anis Septiyani1*
Department of Nutrition Science, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Panti Rini Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: anisseptiyani7@gmail.com


The aim of this study was to determine the difference of satiety profiles in
obese and normal adults after high-carbohydrate diet ingestion. Thestudy design
was experimental with pre-post group. Twenty three subjects aged 20-23 years were
given two isoenergetic meal tests: a high carbohydrate meal test with high GI and
a high carbohydrate meal test with low GI. Satiety level data were obtained through
filling in the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) questionnaire at the time before meals,
in the 0th minute, and every 30 minutes until the 180th minute after meals. Shapiro-
wilk test was used for checking normality of the data. The difference of satiety
profiles in obese and normal adults was analyzed by independent sample t-test.
Satiety changes over time in each group were analyzed by Paired t-test. The results
of this study showed that the average of fullness in obese subjects (207,81±63,03)
was lower than normal subjects (141,97±37,65), the average of hunger, desire to
eat, and prospective food consumption (PFC) in obese subjects (46,31±28,48;
37,39±26,86;40,08±20,83) were higher than normal subjects (54,80±15,92;
46,20±16,56; 49,09±14,17). There is a significant difference of satiety profiles in
obese and normal adults after high-carbohydrate diet ingestion (fullness p<0,05).
Obese subjects have lower satiety (fullness) than normal subjects after high-
carbohydrate diet ingestion.

Keywords: Satiety; Fullness; Nutritional status; High-Carbohydrate diet.

Poster Presentation
Day 2

Effect of Temperature Storage toward Glucose Levels of Rice

Purbowati*, Riva Mustika Anugrah

Nutrition Study Program, Health Science Faculty, Ngudi Waluyo University, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author: purbowatigz@gmail.com


Rice is a food source of carbohydrates that can be disgested into glucose.

Consuming rice will incrase blood glucose levels. Storage temperature can effect
glucose levels in rice. The aim of this study was to know the differences in glucose
levels of rice stored in magic com and stored at room temperature. This study used
a completely randomized design with 2 treatment groups (rice stored in magic com
and rice stored at room temperature) and 5 repetitions. Glucose levels were
measured by using the Luff Schoorl method. The kruskal wallis test was used to
analyze differences in the glucose levels of rice stored in the magic com and stored
at room temperature. The glucose level of rice stored in magic com for 6 hours was
3.31%, and for 12 hours was 2.16%. Whereas the glucose level of rice stored at
room temperature for 6 hours was 2.60%, and for 12 hours was 2.16%. Bivariate
analysis showed that there were differences in rice glucose levels stored on the
magic com and stored at room temperature for 6 hours, but there was no difference
in storage for 12 hours.

Keywords: rice; glucose levels; storage temperature

Poster Presentation
Day 2

GLITEROS Enteral Formula for Patients with Hyperglycemia

Based on Tempeh Flour and Yam Flour

Virginia Sutikno, Ayu Rahadiyanti, Deny Yudi Fitranti, Fillah Fithra Dhieny, Diana Nur
Afifah, Choirun Nissa*

Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

*Corresponding Author : nissaeyong@gmail.com


Critically ill patients were susceptible to hyperglycemia during the

treatment in the hospital. This condition could reduce immunity and increase the
risk of mortality. The use of commercial diabetes-specific enteral reduces blood
glucose level but increase the cost of hospitalization due to the long term period.
Therefore homemade enteral formula was developed using tempeh flour and yam
flour. GLITEROS comes from glycemia, tempeh and Pachyrhizus erosus.
Arginine, glycine, and isoflavone contained in tempeh flour could improve insulin
secretion. On the other side, inulin in yam flour could control increasing blood
glucose levels. This study analyzed viscosity, macronutrient content, dietary fiber
and protein digestibility of GLITEROS enteral formula for the patient with
hyperglycemia. GLITEROS made from tempeh flour, yam flour, soybean oil, skim
milk, maltodextrine, and sugar. This study was an experimental design with three
groups formula, A1 (1:1), A2 (5:3), A3 (2:3). Variable in this study were viscosity,
energy density, energy content, carbohydrate, protein, fat, dietary fiber, and protein
digestibility with three repetitions and duplicated on it. Data was analyzed using
Kruskal Wallis and One Way Anova. A1 formula has the highest carbohydrate
(62%), dietary fiber (25.59%) but fat (10.49%) lower than A2 and A3 formula. A2
formula has 0.98 kcal/ml density energy and 984 kcal energy, 11,73 cP lower than
A3 and A1 formula. A3 formula has the highest density energy(1.13 kcal/ml),
energy (1132.45 kcal), 36.10 cP viscosity but protein (14.89%) lower than A1 and
A2 formula. A1 formula meets viscosity, energy density, energy content and protein
of enteral formula for hyperglycemia patient based on American Diabetes
Association (ADA), Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA), American Society of
Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) requirements.

Keyword: Hyperglycemia; Enteral Formula; Tempeh Flour; Yam Flour.

Poster Presentation
Day 2

Analysis of Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load and Acceptability of

Enteral Formulas Based on Tempeh Flour and Yam Flour as
Innovations for Hyperglycemic Patients

Lilis Wijayanti, Nuryanto, Ayu Rahadiyanti, Deny Yudi Fitranti, Fillah Fithra Dhieny,
Gemala Anjani, Choirun Nissa*

Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Corresponding author: nissaeyong@gmail.com


Low glycemic index formula are recommended for patients with

hyperglycemia. Altough tempeh and yam flour contain fiber, arginine, glycine,
inulin and alpha-linolenic acid that can be used as ingredients for enteral formulas
of hyperglycemic patients, the evidence in reducing the glycemic index has not been
proven. This study analyzed the differences of glycemic index (GI), glycemic load
(GL) and acceptability of enteral formula based on tempeh flour and yam flour for
hyperglycemic patients. An experimental study with completely randomized single
factor design, by using the three ratio of tempe flour to yam flour A (2:3), B (1:1)
and C (3:5). The glycemic index test uses a one-shot case study model on 30 women
selected. Acceptabbility test (hedonic test) was held on 30 semi-trained panelists.
Data analysis using the kruskal wallis test, mann withney, and independent t test.
The GI of formulas A, B and C were 101.15, 96.36 and 41.06. The GL of three
formulas were 114, 86, and 41. Panelists like the color, aroma, and texture of
formulas A, B and C, while the taste of the formula was considered to be neutral.
The results showed there were significant differences between the GI and the flavor
of formulas A and C (p = 0.002), (p = 0.011) and B and C (p = 0.013), (p = 0.036).
There was no difference between color, aroma and texture of the formulas (p>
0.005).There are significant differences of the GI and the acceptability in taste
attributes between formulas A, B and C. Formula C has the lowest GI and GL but
requires improvement of taste attribute.

Keywords: Hyperglycemia; Enteral Formula; Tempe Flour; Yam Flour; Glycemic

Index; Acceptability.

Poster Presentation
Day 2

Microbiology Quality and Shelf Life Analysis of Enteral Formulas

Based on Tempeh Flour and Yam Flour for Patients with
Wahyu Ilmi Annisa, Martha Ardiaria, Ayu Rahadiyanti, Deny Yudi Fitranti, Fillah Fithra
Dhieny, Diana Nur Afifah, Choirun Nissa*

Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

*Corresponding author : nissaeyong@gmail.com


Critically ill patients with hyperglycemia have an increased risk of

developing infection. Food safety is one of the most important consideration in
making homemade formulas. Storage time affects the number of microorganisms.
Powder formula is a solution to suppress microbial growth, although it is still
susceptible to oxidation. This study aimed to analyze the value of TPC, Salmonella,
E. coli and shelf life of enteral formula.This study was a completely randomized
experimental design of one factor, namely the length of storage for values of TPC,
Salmonella and E. coli with variations in storage for 0, 1, 2, and 3 hours at room
temperature. Data on the TPC test was analyzed using Kruskal –Wallis. The
temperature used for shelf life with TBA based-Arrhenius equation is 250C, 350C,
and 450C for 28 days. There was a difference in the length of storage of 0, 1, 2, and
3 hours on the value of TPC. The TPC value at 0 and 1 hour did not exceed the
normal limit. The value of Salmonella was negative/25 g and < 3/g for E. coli. The
shelf life of enteral formulas was respectively 250C, 350C and 450C for 44.89, 28.26
and 18.32 days. The longer the length of storage, the higher the TPC value. In
accordance with the Indonesian standard (SNI), there is no contamination of
Salmonella and E. coli in the enteral formula. The longest shelf life is at 250C.
Keywords: Enteral Formula; Microbiology Quality; Shelf Life.

Poster Presentation
Day 2

Total Lactic Acid Bacteria, Fiber Content, and Physical

Properties of Nata De Pina between Various Parts of Honey
Pineapple Variety (Ananas Comosus [L.] Merr. Var. Queen)

Ayu Yovita1, Aryu Candra1;2, Diana Nur Afifah1;2*

Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof H.
Soedarto, SH, Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia
Center of Nutrition Research (CENURE), Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof H. Soedarto, SH,
Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia
Corresponding author: d.nurafifah.dna@fk.undip.ac.id


Fiber is one of the nutrients that are important for health. Adequate fiber
intake prevent several diseases such as stroke, colorectal cancer, hearth disease, and
diabetes mellitus. One of the foods that have high fiber content is nata. This study
aims to analyze the total lactic acid bacteria, fiber content, and physical properties
of nata de pina between various parts of honey pineapple variety. This study was a
one-factors randomized experimental study with variations of nata de pina from
fruit peel, fruit flesh, and fruit core. Analysis of total lactic acid bacteria using Total
Plate Count (TPC) methods and fiber content using enzymatic-gravimetric
methods. Data described the physical properties by thickness using calipers, yield
using scales, texture using texture analyser, and color analysis using digital
colorimetri. There were significant differences in total lactic acid bacteria between
the treatment group of nata fermented water 12th hour (p<0.001), 2nd day (p<0.001),
4th day (p<0.001), 6th day (p=0.007), and 8th day (p=0.047). The highest total soluble
and insoluble fiber of nata de pina from the pineapple peel (1.92% and 0.049%).
There were differences in physical properties test that include thickness, yield
(p<0.001), and texture. There were differences in color analysis that include
lightness (p=0.005), redness (p=0.012), and yellowness(p=0.002). Various parts of
honey pineapple affects total lactic acid bacteria, fiber content, thickness, yield,
texture, and color of nata de pina.

Keywords: nata de pina; honey pineapple variety; total lactic acid bacteria; fiber
content; physical properties

Poster Presentation
Day 2

The Increasing of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) in Metabolic

Syndrome Rats by Robusta Coffee Leaves (Coffea canephora)

Vita Gustin Almira1, Gemala Anjani1;2, Binar Panunggal1;2, Choirun Nissa1;2, A. Fahmy
Arif Tsani1;2, Hartanti Sandi Wijayanti1;2, Rachma Purwanti1;2, Nurmasari Widyastuti1;2*
Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof H.
Soedarto, SH, Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia
Center of Nutrition Research (CENURE), Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof H. Soedarto, SH,
Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia
Corresponding author: widyastutinurmasari@gmail.com


Metabolic syndrome is a group of symptoms with obesity as the main

determinant. Obesity increase oxidative stress which results in an imbalance
between free radicals and antioxidants. Robusta coffee leaves is a source of
antioxidants that can increase antioxidant levels in the body. The study was
conducted to prove the effect of Robusta coffee leaves on the activity of superoxide
dismutase (SOD) in metabolic syndrome rats. An experimental study of randomized
pre-post test with control group design was conducted on 36 male Wistar rats.
The rats besides the control group 1 were fed with high fat-fructose diet (HFFD)
for 14 days. Samples were divided into 6 groups, each of 6 rats: control group 1
healthy rats without treatment (K1), control group 2 rats without treatment (K2), rats
were given 20 mg/kg of mangiferin (X1), groups X2, X3, and X4 were given Robusta
coffee leaves with each of dose is 0,09 g/200gBW, 0,18 g/200gBW and 0,36
g/200gBW. Each dose of coffee leaves was steeped with 3,6 mL of water at 70°C
for 10 minutes. The intervention was given for 28 days. The metabolic syndrome
was achieved with blood glucose level 131.14-132.70 mg/dl, triglycerides 153.49-
157.18 mg/dl, and HDL 24.59-26.22 mg/dl. The highest increased in SOD levels in
group X4 (35.78±8.27) (p=0,000). The intervention of Robusta coffee leaves 0,36
g/200gBW is the most effective dose in increasing SOD levels in metabolic
syndrome rats.

Keywords: superoxide dismutase; antioxidant; metabolic syndrome; Robusta

coffee leaves

Poster Presentation
Day 2

Relation Between Blood Calcium and Bone Mass Density in

Menopause Women

Ismayanti F1, Sukmaningtyas H1, Baskoro N1, Ngestiningsih D2, Lusiana3

Author In Equal Work-Radiology Department, Faculty Of Medicine Diponegoro Universit/Dr.
Kariadi General Hospital Semarang
Internal Medicine Department, Faculty Of Medicine Diponegoro Universit/Dr. Kariadi General
Hospital Semarang
Medical Biology And Biomechemistrydepartment, Faculty Of Medicine Diponegoro Universit/Dr.
Kariadi General Hospital Semarang
Corresponding author : Fajri_ismayanti@yahoo.com


Calcium is the most important specific nutrient in achieving optimal bone

mass. Previous studies have shown correlation between calcium intake and the
osteoporosis cases. In Indonesia, there have been no studies to assess the relation
between blood calcium levels and bone mass density. Bone density is total mineral
density in bone compared to normal or standard unit with a score and it can be
measured using a Bone Mineral Density test. This study was conducted to find out
the relation between blood calcium levels and bone mass density in menopause
women and 84 menopause women were chosen as the sample. This study was an
observational analytic study with a cross-sectional approach carried out
prospectively based on the results of Bone Mineral Densitometry. This study uses
the Spearman Rank Correlation test (p> 0.5).In this study blood calcium level was
found ranging from 8.9 to 9.9 mg/dl with median value of 9.5 and average value of
9.5 was found in respondents with normal BMD results of 4.76%(n=4) while blood
calcium levels ranging from 8.7 to 9.6 mg/dl with median value of 9.0 and average
value of 9.4 with results of BMD osteopenia 47.6% (n=40) and blood calcium levels
ranging from8.7 to 9.6 mg/dl with median value of 9.5 and average value of 9.5
with osteoporosis BMD resluts of 47.6% (n=40). There was no difference in mean
blood calcium levels between groups with bone mass density (p> 0.005).

Keywords: Elderly; Menopause; Bone Mineral Densitometry, Blood Calcium

Poster Presentation
Day 2

Correlation Between Bone Mass Density and Blood Iron Serum

Level in Elderly Women: a Study using Dual Energy X-Ray
Absorptiometry (DXA)
Swastika MA.1*, Batubara L.1, Ngestiningsih, D. 2;3, Sukmaningtyas H.1
Radiology Department, Medical Faculty, Diponegoro University/dr.Kariadi Central Hospital
Biochemical and Physiology Department, Medical Faculty, Diponegoro University
Internist Department, Medical Faculty, Diponegoro University
Corresponding author : Monikaprilia24@gmail.com


Osteoporosis can interfere the life quality in elderly. Because bone mineral
density will decrease by age, bones will also become less dense. Calcium, one of
the main bone minerals, plays an important role in preventing osteoporosis. Vitamin
D has role in calcium metabolism, while some micronutrients such as Fe (iron
serum) have an important role in collagen synthesis and vitamin D metabolism. To
make a diagnosis of osteoporosis, chossen radiological imaging modality is used as
the gold standard, known as Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA), to
measure bone mineral density. Blood iron serum levels are collected separately
through laboratory tests. There are no specific studies conducted to find correlation
between BMD and blood iron serum levels in elderly women. This study is intended
to evaluate BMD scores and blood iron serum levels. This is an observational study
with cross sectional approach. All subjects appeared to have normal blood iron
serum levels. Osteoporosis was identified in 53,5 % of the sample (n=16),
osteopenia in 36,7 % of the sample (n=11), and the normal BMD score was 10 %
of the sample (n=3). It can be concluded in this study that there was no significant
correlation between Bone Mass Density and Fe (blood iron serum) levels

Keywords : Elderly; BMD; DXA; blood iron serum level

Poster Presentation
Day 2

Correlation between Sarcopenia and Bone Mass Density (BMD) in

Menopause Women (Study with Dual-Energy X-Ray
Absorptiometry (DXA))
Lestari D1*, Batubara L 2, Ngestiningsih D, 2;3 Sukmaningtyas H1
Authors in equal work - Radiology Department, Diponegoro University / Dr. Kariadi Hospital
Medical Biology and Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University
Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University
Corrseponding author : dinarlestari83@gmail.com


Menopause women are at higher risk for sarcopenia and osteoporosis. The
reason is not only associated with significant morbidity of those two but also related
to their social costs and health care costs. Both of these risks are uniquely related
to their similarity in pathophysiology and diagnostic methods. The goal of this study
is to identify the relation between Bone Mineral Density (BMD), anthropometric
characteristics, muscle-strength, muscle-mass and physical performance in
menopause women. This study was an observational study with a cross sectional
design performed on 37 menopause women who were assessed by X-ray Dual-
energy absorptiometry (DXA) on the femoral neck and whole body to determine
BMD and relative skeletal mass index (RSMI). Muscle strength was assessed by
handgrip strength tes (HGS) and physical performance was carried out with the gait
speed test. 12 samples were classified as sarcopenia (32.4%) and 25 samples were
grouped as non sarcopenia (67.6%). Osteoporosis was identified in 48.6% of the
sample (n=18), osteopenia in 43.2% of the sample (n=16), and normal BMD in the
8.1% sample (n=3). Mann-Whitney Sig. (2-tailed) 0.008 (p<0.05). The results
demonstrated that there was a positive correlation between BMD with sarcopenia.
Keywords: Bone Mineral Density; Sarcopenia; DXA; Menopause

Poster Presentation
Day 2

Effect of Chair-Based Exercise Compared to Senam Lansia in

Improving Quality of Life in the Elderly
Soracca Fellicita Sugiarto1*, Sri Wahyudati2
Resident of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,Medical Faculty of Diponerogo University,
Dr.Kariadi General Hospital, Jl. Dr. Sutomo 16, Semarang 50244 Indonesia
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist, Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University,
Dr.Kariadi General Hospital, Jl. Dr. Sutomo 16, Semarang 50244 Indonesia
*Corresponding author: felicita_sugiarto@hotmail.com


Elderly is vulnerable to multiple health disorders that lead to decrease in

quality of life (QOL). Exercise has clear evidence in developing health and well-
being. The common exercise by Ministry of Youth and Sports is Senam Lansia that
is performed standing and may be difficult and crucial for elderly with limited
mobility. A recent research developed the principles of chair-based exercise (CBE)
for older people. The aim of this study is to compare the effect of CBE and Senam
Lansia on the QOL in the elderly.24 elderly were divided into CBE group and
senam lansia (SL) group. CBE group was given chair-based exercise 5 days a week
for 6 weeks and SL group was given senam lansia with the same frequency. SF-36
questionnaire was used to evaluate the QOL before and after intervention in both
groups.There is significant difference before and after intervention in CBE group
in domain energy (p=0.02), emotional well-being (p=0.01), pain (p=0.04) and
general health (p=0.01). There is also significant difference before and after
intervention in SL group in domain energy (p=0.03), emotional well-being
(p=0.005) and general health (p=0.04). There is no significant difference between
two groups. Both CBE and senam lansia improve QOL in the elderly.

Keywords: chair-based exercise; elderly; quality of life

Poster Presentation
Day 2

Correlation Between HbA1c and Triglyceride Level with

Coronary Stenosis Degree in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with
Coronary Heart Disease

Laily Adninta1, Indranila Kustarini S2, Imam Budiwiyono2, Edward Kurnia Setiawan
Magister Biomedik of Medical Science Faculty of Diponegoro University and Clinical
Pathologist of Columbia Asia Hospital Semarang
Departemen of Clinical Pathology of Medical Science Faculty of Diponegoro University
Corresponding author : liemsianhok@yahoo.com


The mortality of coronary heart disease (CHD) in type 2 diabetes mellitus

(DM) increases 2-4 times more than non-diabetic because of coronary stenosis. One
of the risk factors for CHD in type 2 DM is dyslipidemia. Hypertriglyceridemia
plays important role in atherosclerosis coronary arteries theoritically. Level of
glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) may be a parameter that predict coronory
stenosis degree in type 2 DM with CHD. This study was cross sectional
observasional analytic. Fourty patients of type 2 DM with CHD in Kariadi Hospital
on September 2013 was taken by inclusion and exclusion criterias. HbA1c level in
plasma was measured by turbidimetric immunoassay method. Triglyceride level
was measured by enzymatic methods. Coronary stenosis was based on coronary
angiography result as percentage. Spearman correlation test was used and p< 0,05
was significant. Mean HbA1c and trygliseride level was 8.89± 1.498 % and 220.97±
92.24 mg/dL. The correlation test between HbA1c and triglyserides level with
coronary stenosis, respectively was p <0.001, r = 0.665; p = 0.001, r = 0.501. Futher
more, correlation between HbA1c and triglycerides was p = 0.002, r = 0.466.
HbA1c and triglyceride levels increase in line with the increasing stenosis severity
of coronary heart disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. These two
parameters can be used as marker to evaluate patients with diabetes mellitus who
has significant stenosis and develop towards more severe heart disease condition.

Keywords: HbA1c; triglycerides; coronary stenosis; type 2 DM with CHD

Poster Presentation
Day 2

Management of Patient after Mitral Valve Replacement Surgery

with Pulmonary Hypertension and Thyroid Storm: a Case Report
Mohammad Sudrajat1, Satrio Adi Wicaksono1*, Widya Istanto Nurcahyo1, Sulistiyati
Bayu Utami2, Mochamad1
Department of Anesthesiology And Intensive Therapy Faculty Of Medicine Diponegoro
University / Dr. Kariadi General Hospital
Department of Cardiology And Vascular Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Diponegoro University /
Dr. Kariadi General Hospital
Corresponding author: drsaw11@yahoo.com


Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a complex arterial pulmonary pressure disorder with

multiple aetiologies. The fifth group of PH classification by World Health Organization
(WHO) was the group with unclear multifactorial mechanisms, includes patients with
thyroid disorders. Thyroid storm is a rare, but life-threatening condition. We reported a
case of patient after mitral valve replacement (MVR) surgery with PH and thyroid storm.
A 57-year-old male complained shortness of breath for 7 years. He had a history of
hyperthyroidism and have receiving treatment. Preoperatively, he had no goitre detected.
Laboratory studies revealed a subclinical hyperthyroidism status. His electrocardiogram
showed atrial fibrillation with normal ventricular response and his echocardiogram
demonstrated left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF68%), severe mitral regurgitation,
mild tricuspid regurgitation and high possibility for PH. He underwent MVR surgery. After
surgery, patient was transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU). Four hours
postoperatively, patient developed thyroid storm. Hemodynamic data showed mean arterial
pressure 72mmHg, heart rate 226 times/min, temperature 39oC, SpO2 100% and thyroid
function showed low TSH (<0.05 uIU/mL), high fT4 (25.4 pmol/L), and high T3 (3.3
nmol/L). He was immediately administered with propranolol, propylthiouracil,
hydrocortisone, and lugol. The recognized triggers for thyroid storm include trauma,
infection, and pregnancy. It was likely that the trauma of cardiac surgery triggered thyroid
storm in this patient. Standard therapy for thyroid storm was multimodal, including anti-
thyroid, beta blockers, iodine, and glucocorticoid. The post-operative period represented a
high-risk time for PH patients. There are hemodynamic goals for PH, such as avoids the
elevation in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), avoids myocardial depressants and
maintains systemic vascular resistance (SVR), myocardial contractility and preload.
Thyroid storm complicating mitral valve surgery with PH was rare, but was important
because it was life-threatening. Comprehensive management could decrease morbidity and
mortality of thyroid storm.

Keywords: mitral valve replacement surgery; pulmonary hypertension; thyroid storm.

Poster Presentation
Day 2

Predictors of Quality of Ife (QoL) among Stroke Survivor after

Six Month Onset: a Systematic Review

Fitria Handayani*, Reni Sulung Utami, Niken Safitri D.K., Chandra Bagus R., Yuni Dwi

Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia

Corresponding author: fitriaha@yahoo.co.id


Quality of life has been reported to be influenced by many factors with rather
complex interactions. Many stroke survivors after six months onset experience
anxiety and depression. In addition, the patient's motor function is also still
disturbed. The aim of study was to investigate the predictors of Quality of Life
(QoL) among stroke survivor after six months onset. A systematic search in
Medline, Academic Search Complete, CINAHL, Psychology and Behavioural
Sciences Collection was performed with terms “Stroke”, “six months”, and
“Quality of Life”. Search was limited to articles were published between 2008 and
2019, written English, using multivariate analysis and cross-sectional study. The
subject is stroke survivor six months after onset. Quality assessment of the articles
was performed using the Critical Appraisal Skills Program (CASP) evaluation
method. Thirty-seven articles were identified and 7 articles met the inclusion
criteria. The predictors of QoL among stroke survivor six months after onset were
age, gender, depression, anxiety, eating disabilities, urinary incontinence, Barthel-
Index, and social support. The predictors of quality of life should be considered in
gaining the nursing intervention to accomplish good QoL among stroke survivor in
early years after onset.

Keywords: Stroke Survivor; Predictors; Quality of Life.

Poster Presentation
Day 2

Ovarian Ectopic Pregnancy in Seemingly Healthy Woman: a Case

Brian Mendel1*, Yuyun Lisnawati2
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia,
Persahabatan General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: brianmendel17@gmail.com


Ovarian ectopic pregnancy is a rare variant of ectopic pregnancy,

responsible for approximately 3% of all ectopic pregnancy cases. Ovarian
pregnancy should be diagnosed early since it could lead to internal hemorrhage and
hypovolemic shock condition. However, preoperative diagnosis of ovarian
pregnancy is not easy. Therefore, the objective of this case report is to describe a
case of ovarian pregnancy and to analysis what we should have done as a general
practitioner when encountering this case. In this case report, a woman in
reproductive age present with lower abdominal pain with no menstrual cycle
irregularities or hemodynamic instability. After excluding non-gynecologic
abdominal pain and having positive test pack results, transvaginal ultrasonography
should be done to support the preoperative diagnosis. Every woman in child-
bearing age present with acute abdomen should be thought of ectopic pregnancy
until proven otherwise. The selection of medical procedures should take into
consideration the preservation of fertility, especially for young patients or woman
considered of having more kids.

Keywords: Ovarian pregnancy; ultrasonography.

Poster Presentation
Day 2

Smart Mother Classes: Coping Skill and Antenatal Education

Toward Coping Skill Ability, and Anxiety Level among Pregnant
Runjati*, Sri Rahayu

Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Jl Tirto Agung Pedalangan Banyumanik Semarang

*Coresponding author : runjati@yahoo.com


Antenatal education is considered as standard care for pregnant woman,

unfortunately this class does not provide enough skills to the women to cope with
stress during pregnancy and delivery. In the other side, study literature claims that
coping skill is truly essential for mother to cope with and minimize the stress which
leads to serious risk for both mother and baby. This study aims to prove the impact
of smart mother classes to improve coping skills ability and decrease anxiety level
among pregnant women.This study used a randomized pre-test post-test control
group design in which the ages of mother (28 – 34 weeks) in Semarang City
Region were selected randomly. The mothers were randomly assigned to be an
experiment group (N=40) and a control group (N=40) that distributed in 8 regions.
The experiment group was given smart mother classes that did antenatal classes
and coping skill, while the control group was given antenatal education only. The
data collection was conducted in 4 weeks. Coping skill ability and anxiety were
taken at the first week before the intervention and fourth week after the
intervention. The data analysis employed dependent sample t-test and independent
sample t-test.There is a significant change over coping skill ability for the
intervention group (p<.01), but not in the control group. Furthermore, there is also
a significant change in the decrease of anxiety level in the intervention group
(p<.01). Smart mother classes are predominantly effective to reduce anxiety level
and enhance coping skill ability among pregnant women. Thus, it is important for
pregnant women to provide smart mother classes during pregnancy.

Keywords:smart mother classes; Coping skill, Anxiety level, antenatal classes

Poster Presentation
Day 2

Posthemorragic Postpartum Hysterectomy Et Causa Uterine


Ridzki Hastanus Sembada*

Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University

Correspondence author: ridzkihastanus@gmail.com


Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is an important cause of maternal mortality

(MM) around the world. Seventy percent of the PPH corresponds to uterine
atony. Postpartum hemorrhages are obstetrical complications, which can rapidly
become life threatening. They are defined as follows: a blood loss of either more
than 500 ml after vaginal delivery or more than 750 ml after a Cesarean section.
This type of hemorrhage is described as severe when the blood loss consists of more
than 1500 mL, more than 500 mL/min, or when hemoglobin concentration drops
by at least 4 g/dL. They can either be primary, when a blood loss of more than 500
mL occurs over the first 24 hours postdelivery, or secondary, when excessive
bleeding occurs between the first 24 hours and 12 weeks post-delivery. A 28-year-
old G1P1 postpartum with uncomplicated caesarian sectio, is readmitted to
operating theatre four hours after delivery due to increased vaginal bleeding. She
reports that the bleeding began on the first hour after delivery and has increased in
severity each subsequent hour. The obstetrics team has ruled out uterine atony as
the cause of bleeding. Patients with severe hemorrhage and hypovolemic shock, the
most important therapy is intravascular volume resuscitation, to reduce the
possibility of target organ damage and death. The current proposals of transfusion
therapy in massive hemorrhage point is early transfusion of blood products and use
of fresh frozen plasma, in addition to packed red blood cells, to prevent maternal

Keywords: Uterine atony; pregnancy; hemorrhage management.

Poster Presentation
Day 2

SEffectiveness of Guidelines on Documenting Diagnosis and

Intervention of Android-Based Nursing on Quality Improvement
Documentation of Diagnosis and Nursing Interventions
Arif Puji Atmanto*, Aggorowati, Muhammad Rofii

Nursing Masters Study Program Faculty of Medicine Undip

*Corresponding author Email: ariefpuji58@gmail.com


Various research since 2013-2018 shows that the writing of nursing care
documentation in most health facilities especially hospitals until now has not been
optimal. This is caused by several factors such as nurses preferring to interact with
patients, the low understanding of nurses about writing documentation and
recording nursing care work is felt to be quite burdensome so that a practical and
easy-to-use guideline is needed and easily installed on a smartphone so nurses
easily apply and can save nurse time in documentation. This study aims to
determine the effectiveness of guidelines for documenting diagnoses and
interventions based on android nursing on improving the quality of documentation
of diagnoses and nursing interventions. The design of this study was quasi
experiment with pre-post test with controlled group. The population in the study
were 161 nurses in the inpatient room in SM Hospital. Samples were taken by
purposive sampling technique, namely nurses implementing class III inpatient
rooms and for evaluation using nursing care documentation samples. The results of
the study in the intervention group showed good quality documentation of
diagnoses and nursing interventions before the intervention 31.4% and after the
intervention rose to 97.1%, whereas in the control group the quality of the
documentation of nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions was good from
45.7% before the intervention decreased to 11.4% after intervention. Guidelines for
documenting diagnoses and nursing interventions based on android effectively
improve the quality of documentation of nursing diagnoses and interventions from
a mean: 1.31 to 1.97 with a p value of 0,000, this means guidelines for documenting
diagnoses and nursing interventions based on android effectively improve the
quality of documentation of diagnoses and nursing interventions.

Keywords: Documentation Guidelines; Nursing care; Quality; Application.

Poster Presentation
Day 2


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