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The following instrument can be used to assess students’ development of fluency with
computational thinking practices (experimenting and iterating, testing and debugging, reusing
and remixing, abstracting and modularizing).

The first column indicates a question for the student (as part of a design journal prompt or
interview, for example). The second, third, and fourth columns indicate how low, medium, and
high levels of proficiency might be manifested.


Describe how you built your Student provides a Student gives a Student provides
project basic description of general example of details about the
building a project, building a specific different
but no details about project. components of a
a specific project. specific project and
how they were
Describe different things you Student does not Student gives a Student provides
tried out as you were working provide specific general example of specific examples of
on your project examples of what trying something in different things they
they tried. the project. tried in a project.
Describe revisions you made to Student says they Student describes Student describes the
your project and why you made no revisions, one specific revision specific things they
made them or only states they they made to the revised in the project
made revisions but project. and why.
gives no examples.
Describe a time when you tried Student provides no Student provides a Student describes
to do something new examples trying to general example of specific new things
do something new. trying to do they tried in a
something new in project.
the project.

Describe a time when your Student does not Student describes Student gives a
project didn’t run as you describe a situation what went wrong in specific example of
wanted that involves a the project, but not what happened and
problem with a what they wanted it what they wanted to
project. to do. have happen when
they ran the project.
Describe how you investigated Student does not Student describes Student describes
the cause of the problem describe a problem. reading through the reading through the
scripts, but does not scripts and provides
provide a specific a specific example
example of finding a of finding a problem
problem in the code. in the code.
Describe how you fixed the Student does not Student provides a Student provides a
problem describe what general example of specific example of
problems they making a change and making a change and
experienced, or the testing it out to see if testing it to see if it
solution. it worked. worked.
Describe how other ways to Student does not Student provides a Student provides
solve the problem provide an example general example of specific examples of
of trying to solve a another solution to other solutiosn to the
problem. the problem. problem.

Describe how you found Student does not Student provides a Student provides a
inspiration by trying other describe how they general description specific example of
projects and reading their found ideas or of a project that project that inspired
scripts inspiration from inspired them. them and how.
other projects.
Describe a time you used a Student does not Student provides a Student provides
part of another project as a describe how they general description specific examples of
part of your project adapted scripts, of scripts, ideas, or scripts, ideas, or
ideas, or resources resources they resources they
from other projects. adapted from other adapted from other
projects. projects and how.
Describe a time you modified Student does not Student provides a Student provides
an existing project (either describe modifying general description specific examples of
someone else’s or your own) to another project. of modifications modifications
improve or enhance it they made to another they made to other
project. projects and why.
Describe how you give credit Student does not Student names Student describes
to others’ work that you built give credit to others. people or projects documentation in
on or were inspired by that inspired them. project and/or on the
Scratch website of
the people and
projects that inspired

Describe how you decided Student provides no Student provides a Student provides a
what sprites were needed for description of how general description specific description
your project, and where they they selected sprites. of deciding to of how they made
should go choose certain decisions about
sprites. sprites based on
goals for the project.
Describe how you decided Student provides no Student provides a Student provides a
what scripts were needed for description of how general description specific description
your project, and what they they created scripts. of deciding to create of how they made
should do certain scripts. decisions about
scripts based on
goals for the project.
Describe how you organized Student does not Student provides a Student provides
the scripts describe how they general description specific examples of
organized scripts. of how they how they organized
organized scripts. scripts and why.


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