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In the Theory of Deontology by Immanuel Kant, it states that One Must Do what is right regardless of

the Consequence. One must follow their Duty and Conform to what is stated as Right such as following
Rules. Hence, what makes an action Right is if it Conforms to the Norms rather than if it is good.
Deontology uses Rules as a Moral Compass to differentiate what is right or wrong. Regardless of What
you are Facing, it is your Duty to Follow the rules and norms.

The actions of The Captain, who was Thomas Dudley, The First mate who was Edward Stephens, And the
Sailor, who was Brookes, were not permissible. Killing an individual out of necessity Is not Allowed in any
form or shape. It is against the law and norms. Regardless if the Cabin Boy, Who was Richard Parker, was
Sick, They do not have the authority to slaughter the boy. What they did was Inhumane. The Boy could
have Lived if they Only waited.

In the other end of the Spectrum, What they did is in the gray area of what is right or wrong. They were
stranded in the sea where no land can be seen nor ships to be rescued. The Four of them were the only
people in an area with vast of water. The 2 of them, Thomas Dudley and Edward Stephens, agreed to
have a lottery as to who dies for the benefit of everyone and one of them, Brookes, disagreed. Assuming
that They all thought they were going to Die of hunger and Thirst, So, They made their own norms by
agreeing on killing the Boy who Seem to by Dying without think about the consequence as they were
Dying of hunger and thirst. For them, What is right at that moment was to be alive.

Killing the boy out of mercy and out of necessity

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