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Joise Daria M.

Alabo BSMLS 3-A9

HEMA RBC Questionnaire

1. Variation in shape in which cell assumes a pocket book roll

a. Acanthocytes
b. Blister Cell
c. Echinocytes
d. Biscuit Cells
Acanthocytes = irregular cell
Blister Cell = Bite cell
Echinocytes = Sea urchin Cell
2. All of the following are connected to Crenated Cells, except:
a. Bleeding ulcers
b. Sea urchin cells
c. Cirrhosis
d. None of the answer
e. Echinocytes
Rationale: All of the following connected to Crenated cells
which it describes the appearance and the association of
disease in Crenated Cells.
3. Associated disease of Pappenheimer Bodies
o Hb H Disease
o Thalassemias
o Post-splenectomy
o Megaloblastic anemia
o G6PD
a. Only 2 are correct in the choices
b. Only 1 are correct in the choices
c. Only 3 are correct in the choices
d. All of the above
e. None of the answer
Rationale: Hb H Disease is associated disease of HgB
inclusions while the G6PD is the associated disease od
Heinz Body
4. Decrease in the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood or it can
arise if there is insufficient hemoglobin or the impaired
a. Polycythemia
b. Normochromic Cell
c. Anemia
d. Hyperchromic Cell
Rationale: Polycythemia means increase in the oxygen
carrying capacity of the blood while Normochromic and
hyperchromic are the variation of hemoglobin content
5. The severity of the anemia is gauged by the degree of reduction
in hemoglobin, cardiopulmonary adaptation, and the rapidity
of progression of the anemia.
a. False
b. True
Rationale: Chapter 19; page 285
6. It refers to the production of erythroid precursors cells that are
defective, in which it undergoes apoptosis in the bone marrow.
a. Normal erythropoiesis
b. Ineffective erythropoiesis
c. Insufficient Erythropoiesis
d. None of the answer
Rationale: Normal Erythropoiesis occurs in bone BM and
also under control of the hormone Erythropoietin while
Insufficient Erythropoiesis refers to a decrease number of
erythroid precursors
7. The reticulocyte count serves as an important tool to assess
the bone marrow’s ability to increase RBC production in
response to an anemia. The IRF is helpful in assessing early
bone marrow response after treatment for anemia
a. Both statement is correct

b. Only 1st statement is correct

c. Only 2nd statement is correct

d. Each statement is incorrect

Rationale: See Chapter 19; page 287

8. In variation of Staining Property, this refer to a condition

wherein the red cell is stained with various shades of blue with
tinges of pink
a. Hypochromasia
b. Polychromasia
c. Hyperchromasia
d. None of the given answer
Rationale: Hypochromasia red cells appear pale while
Hyperchromosia red cell appear deeply stained to abnormal
9. Which is true about the following?
a. 1+ Area of central pallor is 3/4 of the cell diameter
b. 2+ Area of central pallor is 1/2 of cell diameter
c. 3+ Area of central pallor is 2/3 of cell diameter
d. 4+ Thin rim of hemoglobin
Rationale: 1+ Area of central pallor is 1/2 of the cell
2+ Area of central pallor is 2/3 of cell diameter
3+ Area of central pallor is ¾ of cell diameter
10. In variation of size, which defect has an abnormal
cytoplasmic maturation but normal nuclear maturation.
a. Megalocyte
b. Microcyte
c. Macrocyte
d. Normocyte
Megalocyte and Macrocyte is has both abnormal nuclear
maturation but normal cytoplasmic maturation.
11. In variation of shape, which type has a defect of ATP
deficiency due to prolonged storage of anticoagulated blood.
a. Elliptocytes
b. Codocytes
c. Echinocytes
d. Spherocytes
Elliptocytes defective in spectrin and in Band protein 4.1
Codocytes defective in cholesterol and LCAT
Spherocytes defective in spectrin deficiency
12. In variation of shape, which type has a defect in Lecithin
Cholesterol Acyl Transferase.
a. Elliptocytes
b. Codocytes
c. Echinocytes
d. Spherocytes
Elliptocytes defective in spectrin and in Band protein 4.1
Spherocytes defective in spectrin deficiency
Echinocytes defective is due to abnormal lipid content of the
13. In the Presence of inclusion bodies, all of the following is
are true except:
a. Diffuse Basophilia; COI: Precipitated RNA
b. Heinz Body; WS: Not Visible
c. Pappenheimer bodies; COI: Iron
d. Basophilic Stippling; SS: Dark blue-purple, fine or coarse
punctate granules distributed throughout cytoplasm
Rationale: Diffuse Basophilia composition inclusion is
14. Which is true in the following?
o Normocyte: 6-8 (within range)
o Macrocyte: >8
o Microcyte: 8
o Megalocyte: 9-12 (>8)
a. Only 3 are correct in the choices
b. Only 2 are correct in the choices
c. Only 1 are correct in the choice
d. All of the above
e. None of the answer
Rationale: Microcyte is the only wrong on the given
choices beause Microcyte cell has less than 6um ( <6)
in size
15. Associated disease of Basophilic Stippling
a. Myelodysplastic syndrome
b. None of the answer
c. Lead Poisoning
d. Both a and c
Rationale: Both are the Associated disease of the
Basophilic Stippling. See Chap 19; oage 289; Table 19-3
16. In the Presence of inclusion bodies, all of the following is
are true except:
a. Diffuse Basophilia; WS: Bluish tinge throughout cytoplasm
b. Heinz Body; WS: Not Visible
c. Pappenheimer bodies; COI: Denatured Hemoglobin
d. Basophilic Stippling; SS: Dark blue-purple, fine or coarse
punctate granules distributed throughout cytoplasm
Rationale: Pappenheimer Bodies composition inclusion
17. In variation of Staining Property, this refer to a condition
wherein the red cell is deeply stained to abnormal thickness of
a. Hypochromasia
b. Polychromasia
c. Hyperchromasia
d. None of the given answer
Rationale: Hypochromasia red cells appear pale while
Polychromasia are stained with various shades of blue with
tinges of pink.
18. Causes of Hypochromasia
a. Myelodysplastic syndrome
b. Decrease hemoglobin concentration
c. None of the answer
d. Lead Poisoning
Rationale: Myelodysplastic syndrome and lead Poisoning
are Associated disease of Basophilic stippling
19. A red cell which have an increased Hb content and
wherein the central light area is smaller than the normal
a. Polycythemia
b. Hyperchromic Cell
c. Normochromic Cell
d. Anemia
Rationale: Polycythemia and anemia refers to the
amount of oxygen carrying in the blood, while
Normochromic Cell refers to erythrocytes w/ normal
amount of hemoglobin
20. In variation of size, in which condition where the red cells
vary in both size of macrocytes and microcytes coexist on the
same smear
a. Macrocytosis
b. Spherocytosis
c. Anisocytosis
d. None of the given answer
Rationale: Characteristics of Hyperchromasia

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