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1.0. Background to the Study
“Communication refers to the process by which information is transmitted and
understood between two or more people” (McShane & Von Glinow, 2005). The word
communication has a rich and complex history. It first appeared in English language in the
fourteen century, taken from the Latin word communication which means to impact, share or
make common. Bateman (2002), defined communication as the transmission of information
and meaning from one party to another through the use of shared symbol. It is a well known
fact that communication plays a coordinal and integrating role in the management of the
affairs of any organization whether in the function of planning, organizing, staffing, leading
or controlling. Communication is one of the primary areas for understanding human behavior,
Rami (2000). Communication is an essential tool for management, which is used to carry the
whole organization as a single being.
Communication is an integral part of the organizational process as the flow of
communication up and down the organizational hierarchy has its effects on efficiency,
decision- making and morale of organizations. Thus, effective communication is regarded as
the foundation of organizations today (Witherspoon, 1997; Von Krogh e al., 2000).
Communication strategies are common in the business world, where they are used as part of a
business plan, detailing how to communicate with various groups of people.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Without doubt a high percentage of inefficiency and misunderstanding in organization
can be traceable to inadequate and insufficient understanding of information.
Since communication is said to be the nervous system of any organized group. Davis (2002).
No doubt there are some problems associated with effective communication on
organizational performance these include.
i. Poor listening and premature evaluation when people do not listen carefully to what is
being said to them, this will in turn result to premature evaluation
ii. Information overload: When information is too much it will lead to misinterpretation
iii. Difference in status and power between the sender and the receiver of information is
another barrier to effective communication.
iv. Selective perception: people tend to perceive what they expect to perceive in
communication, it means that they hear what they want to hear and ignore other relevant
information. 1
v. Attitude: This is the predisposition of an act or not to act in certain way. It is a mental
position regarding a fact or state. Clearly, if people have made up their minds, they
cannot objectively listen to what is said. According to Katz (2000) he stipulated that the
fundamental problems in communication arise from two assumptions.
(a) On the part of the speaker or writer
(b) On the part of the listener or reader.
1.3 Research Questions
Undoubtedly an effective communication in an organization is the strategy for
enhancing and directing the performance of any organization in this present day complex and
competitive environment that not withstanding the following questions will be asked.

(a) Does effective communication affect the performance of an organization?

(b) How can organizational performance be enhanced by effective communication?
(c) What is the impact of the environment on both inflow and outflow of communication in
the organization?
(d) What are the major factors responsible for the difficulties encountered in the interpersonal
communication between top level managers and lower level managers?
This research question will be answered in the objective of the study.

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The specific objective of the study is to determine and evaluate on the strategies of
enhancing organizational performance through effective communication. The specific
objectives of the study include.
i. To examine if effective communication has effect on organizational performance.
ii. To ascertain if organization environment affect communication process
iii. To verify if communication difficulties affect various management cadre in the

1.5 Research Hypotheses

In this research work some hypothesis are formulated by the use of the null and the
alternative hypothesis. For the purpose of testing. The null hypothesis is denoted by Ho,
while the alternative hypothesis is denoted by Hi:

Hypothesis One
Ho: Effective communication does not contribute to organizational performance.
Hi: Effective communication contributes to Organizational performance.
1. Hypothesis Two
Ho: Organizational environment does not affect organization communication process
Hi: Organizational environment does affect organization communication process
2. Hypothesis Three
Ho: A Communication difficulty does not affect various management levels in organization.
Hi: communication difficulties affect various management levels in organization.

1.6 Significance of the Study

i. The research work will be of immense benefit to various forms of organization in
Nigeria at the conclusion of this research work, both top and low level managers in
Nigeria organization would be able to view communication as a means by which
people are linked in an organization to achieve their common objective.
ii. This research work will be of importance to Nigerians because it would describe the
various methods techniques and means by which effective communication as a
strategy for enhancing organizational performance.
iii. More so, this study would produce an insight for top middle and low level managers
in organizations in Nigeria to understand the importance of effective communication
and ensure observance of this for optimal performance.
iv. The research work would be a useful source of materials for information, teaching and
for future research purposes.
v. Finally this study will assist in knowing the benefit to be enjoyed and derived that
really emphasizes on the concept of organizational communication as a strategy for its
organizational growth and performance.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The research work is to study the effectiveness of communication as a strategy for
enhancing organizational performance with regard to Nigerian Breweries Plc.
The scope of this study is not intended to embrace in detail all that may have been required to
develop the topic of the study because of its broad and its inherent difficulties associated with
obtaining data because of time constraints – which will hamper a useful detailed development
of the research topic. 3
More so, the studies carried out so far are
(a) The reaction of top management staff to effective communication
(b) The process that can enhance effective communication in organization.
(c) How can effective communication enhance organizational performance?
(d) Factors that account for the achievement and failure of organization

1.8 Limitations of the Study

NB Plc is a very large company with well over five thousand employees . Therefore to carry
out an aggregate study of the flow of effective communication as a strategy for enhancing
organizational performance will be a tedious task and requires much time, but this constraint
was mitigated against by carrying out the survey across the various locations and
departments in the organization.

1.9 Operational Definition of Terms

1. Communication: is the transfer of information from one person to another
2. Organization: An enterprise/business entity.
3. Performance: The rate at which something works
4. Management: People or persons in charge of organization.
5. Top level Management: Refers to the heads of any organization
6. Middle level/management: This group consists of the personnel accountants and
marketing officers this group is answerable to the top level management.
7. Lower level management: This group carries most of the information both to the top
level and middle level management and they are referred to as the supervisory level.
8. Subordinates: are directly involved in coordinating the activities of management

2.1 Conceptual Framework
Effective communication as a strategy for enhancing organizational performance.
The word communication is derived from the Latin word ‘communis’ meaning “Common”
the communicator seeks to establish “commonness” with a receiver. Hence we define
communication as the transmission of information and understanding through the use of
common symbols, the common symbols may be verbal or non verbal. Gibson, Ivancevich,
and Donnelly (2004).
According to Hoy and Miskel (2001): they see communication as simply the process
of transmitting, information from one person to another.
Also, According to GRIFFIN (2003) communication is the sharing of message idea or
attitudes that provide a degree of understanding between a sender and a receiver.
Communication is an integral component of any performance improvement approach.
Organizations eager to accomplish strategic goals establish well defined communication
strategies. A well-defined strategy is one that engages employees and aligns with the
organization’s business goals.
According to Richard et al. (2009) organizational performance encompasses three specific
areas of firm outcomes: financial performance (profits, return on assets, return on
investment); product market performance (sales, market share) and shareholder return (total
shareholder return, economic value added).

Ricardo (2001) argued that performance measures could include result-oriented behavior
criterion-based and relative normative measures, education and training, concepts and
instruments, including management development and leadership training, which were the
necessary building skills and attitudes of performance management. Hence, from the above
literature review, the term “performance” should be broader based which include
effectiveness, efficiency, economy, quality, consistency behavior and normative measures
(Ricardo, 2001).
A more accurate definition of communication can be found by looking at its original
meaning. The oxford English dictionary lists the Latin root of communicate as communicare,
which means. To make common to many shares according to this definition, when people
communicate they express their ideas to make common to many shares. According to this
definition, when people communicate they5express their ideas and feelings in a way that
is understandable (Common) to each of them they share information with each other person
has a direct effect on the other and on subsequent comments therefore communication is the
process of people sharing thoughts ideas and feelings with each other in commonly
understandable ways Hamilton and Parker (2004). Jones and George (2003) stated that
communication is the sharing of information between two or more individuals or groups to
reach a common understanding.
2.2 Review of Literature in Line with Research Hypotheses Variables.
The section of the research work basically is meant to show more insight on the
research hypothesis which guilds this study under this section, in this research work, the
researcher stated three hypotheses therefore three topics will be discussed in the subsection of
the research work.
2.2.1 Organizational Performance and Effective Communication.
Communication has been characterized as the life “Life blood” of an organization and
miscommunication has caused the equivalent of cardiovascular damage in more than one
organization. Callaghan (2004).
Communication is the process by which people attempt to share meanings. Via the
transmission of symbolic messages Stoner and Freeman (2002).
According to Bateman and SMELL (2002) They stated that, some managers believed
they should choose only one channel to communicate a message because doing so is more
efficient but multiple channels may be necessary for example with virtual terms, relying
solely on e-mail is not enough. Managers should also employ audio meetings, video
conferencing voice mail and face – to face communication. It is helpful for all team members
to be available by phone during certain hours. You should hold regular face to face meetings
and enforce attendance at scheduled virtually meetings. Regular updates status and two way
exchanges are necessary via multiple channels.
Another key to communication effectiveness is that people know how to use various
channels properly for example virtual terms should be trained on how to use software to
enhance team performance. How to use (and not use) e-mail typography to communicate
emotions and such norms as acknowledging receipt of messages and speed of response
According to (2015) , we can say that “effective
communication is a building block of successful organizations”. In other words,
communication acts as organizational blood.

Seven C’s of Effective Communication ( (2015)

There are 7 C’s of effective communication which are applicable to both written as well as
oral communication. These are as follows:

1. Completeness - The communication must be complete. It should convey all facts

required by the audience. The sender of the message must take into consideration the
receiver’s mind set and convey the message accordingly. A complete communication
has following features:
 Complete communication develops and enhances reputation of an organization.
 Moreover, they are cost saving as no crucial information is missing and no
additional cost is incurred in conveying extra message if the communication is
 A complete communication always gives additional information wherever
required. It leaves no questions in the mind of receiver.
 Complete communication helps in better decision-making by the
audience/readers/receivers of message as they get all desired and crucial
 It persuades the audience.
2. Conciseness - Conciseness means wordiness, i.e, communicating what you want to
convey in least possible words without forgoing the other C’s of communication.
Conciseness is a necessity for effective communication. Concise communication has
following features:
 It is both time-saving as well as cost-saving.
 It underlines and highlights the main message as it avoids using excessive and
needless words.
 Concise communication provides short and essential message in limited words to
the audience.
 Concise message is more appealing and comprehensible to the audience.
 Concise message is non-repetitive in nature.
3. Consideration - Consideration implies “stepping into the shoes of others”. Effective
communication must take the audience into consideration, i.e, the audience’s view
points, background, mind-set, education level, etc. Make an attempt to envisage your
audience, their requirements, emotions as well as problems. Ensure that the self-respect
of the audience is maintained and their emotions are not at harm. Modify your words in

message to suit the audience’s needs while making your message complete. Features of
considerate communication are as follows:
 Emphasize on “you” approach.
 Empathize with the audience and exhibit interest in the audience. This will
stimulate a positive reaction from the audience.
 Show optimism towards your audience. Emphasize on “what is possible” rather
than “what is impossible”. Lay stress on positive words such as jovial,
committed, thanks, warm, healthy, help, etc.
4. Clarity - Clarity implies emphasizing on a specific message or goal at a time, rather than
trying to achieve too much at once. Clarity in communication has following features:
 It makes understanding easier.
 Complete clarity of thoughts and ideas enhances the meaning of message.
 Clear message makes use of exact, appropriate and concrete words.
5. Concreteness - Concrete communication implies being particular and clear rather than
fuzzy and general. Concreteness strengthens the confidence. Concrete message has
following features:
 It is supported with specific facts and figures.
 It makes use of words that are clear and that build the reputation.
 Concrete messages are not misinterpreted.
6. Courtesy - Courtesy in message implies the message should show the sender’s
expression as well as should respect the receiver. The sender of the message should be
sincerely polite, judicious, reflective and enthusiastic. Courteous message has following
 Courtesy implies taking into consideration both viewpoints as well as feelings of
the receiver of the message.
 Courteous message is positive and focused at the audience.
 It makes use of terms showing respect for the receiver of message.
 It is not at all biased.
7. Correctness - Correctness in communication implies that there are no grammatical errors
in communication. Correct communication has following features:
 The message is exact, correct and well-timed.
 If the communication is correct, it boosts up the confidence level.
 Correct message has greater impact on the audience/readers.

 It checks for the precision and accurateness of facts and figures used in the
 It makes use of appropriate and correct language in the message.

2.2.2 Organization Environment and Communication.

Organization must operate in an environment the nature of any environment is such
that whatever happens in the environment will have an effect on all operating units of the
organization existing in it. For example, an organization may operate in an environment in
which there is keen competition. The keen competition may bring failure or success of the
An organization environment is composed of the institutions and forces that are in and
outside the organizational and can affect the organizations performance. The environment
typically includes suppliers. Employees, customers, competitors, union’s government
regulatory agencies. And public pressure group. Ikharehon (2006).
According to Callaghan (2004) the structure of an organization refers not only to the
physical environment in which the staff work but also to its social and psychological
environment. By this is meant such factors as the respective positions and the authority and
status of staff. It is the organization’s structure, which will influence the flow of information
within it.
Internal communication appropriate organizational structure are those which
recognizes that information flows are necessary for the smooth running of the enterprise
further more the processes used for satisfying the informational needs of the organization
must be appropriate External communication it is important that the organization is alert to
the character and quality of the communication it has with outsiders. The organization must
be able to respond appropriately to information it receives and so be aware that the
information it gives out will affect the value of its reputation with the outside world.
Therefore such information needs to be transmitted intelligently and in an appropriate format.

2.2.3 Communication Difficulties and Various Management cadres.

The following covers most of the elements in a faulty system of communication
1. Lack of sound objectives words which are vogue imprecise omitting necessary
2. Faulty organization, such as lack of definition of responsibilities, too long chains of
command and too wide spans of control
3. Too Many assumptions made by a receiver who may be too quick in evaluating the
meaning because of his inability to listen carefully.
4. Use of technical Jargon, particularly in a new specialist fields, e.g. computers in addition
the different educational and social background of recipients do not aid effective
5. The atmosphere or environment may not be normal and innocent remarks may be given
wrong interpretation Appleby (1994)
According to stoner and Freeman (2004) they stipulated that the following are the
difficulties to effective communication.
Differing Perception: This is one of the most common communication barriers. People who
have different background of knowledge and experience often perceived the some
phenomenon from different perspective.
Language Differences: Language differences are often closely related to differences in
individual perception for a message to be properly communicated. The word used must mean
the same thing to the sender and receiver. Another barrier is JARGON. Some corporations
have their own special Jargon as the management application box on corporate Jargon
"indicate people who have special interest or knowledge often forget that not everyone is
familiar with their specialized term.
Management Cadre
The various management cadre in the organization can be classified in two ways by
their level in the organization (so called first line, middle and top managers) and by the range
of organizational activities for which they are responsible (so called functional and general
First Line Managers: The lowest level in an organization at which individuals are
responsible for the work of others is called first line or first level management. A first line
manager directs operating, employees only they do not supervise other managers, example of
first line managers are the foreman or production supervisor in a manufacturing plant. The
technical supervisor in a research department and the clerical supervisor in a large office first
line managers are often called “supervisors”.
Middle Managers: The middle management can include more than one level in an
organization. Middle managers direct the activities of lower level managers and sometimes
those of operating employees as well. Middle managers principal responsibilities are to direct
the activities that implement their organization policies and to balance the demand of their
superior with the capacities of their10subordinates.
Top Managers: composed of a comparatively small group of executive’s top management is
responsible for the overall management of the organization. It establishes operating policies
and guides the organization interactions with it environment.
Functional and General Managers: The other major classification of managers depends on
the scope of the activities they manage.
Functional manager: the functional manager is responsible for only organizational
activity such as production marketing or finance the people and activities headed by
functional managers are engaged in a common set of activities.
General Managers: The general manager on the other hand oversees a complex unit such as
company a subsidiary, or an independent operating division.
According to Appleby (1994) he stipulated that levels of authority can very greatly
from two or ten or more. The number of levels depends among other things upon the number
and type of employee.
The Diagram below shows the vertical and horizontal dimension of the structure of
the organization.
Share Holders

Board of Directors

Operate business in order to

Chief executive Managing accomplish objectives

Senior Executive
Top (Function Needs) Coordinate Activities to attain
Management Objectives

Middle Assistant to senior

Management executives and Assist senior executives and
specialized sections act as their Deputies.

Supervisory Supervisors (e.g. Put management plan into

Management Foreman effective action allocation
individual work and seeing
that it is accomplished

Hypothesis three (Hi) was also formulated that:

Ho: Communication difficulties do not affect various management levels in organization.
Hi: Communication difficulties affect various management levels in organization.

Organization Pyramid.
Source Appleby (1994)
2.3 Communication Process
Communication is a process of exchanging verbal and non verbal messages. It is a
continuous process. Pre-requisite of communication is a message. This message must be
conveyed through some medium to the recipient. It is essential that this message must be
understood by the recipient in same terms as intended by the sender. He must respond within
a time frame. Thus, communication is a two way process and is incomplete without a
feedback from the recipient to the sender on how well the message is understood by him.
All messages originate from a person’s mind. The process of encoding is the way the
message is written down or spoken in order to be able to communicate with another person.
This relate to semantic level which relate how precisely the symbols and letter convinced the
desired meaning variation in word connotation by different people can alter the meaning of a
message and voice emphasizes and or facial expressions and or gestures all part of the
encoding process it is realized that the way we convene meaning by the written words,
figures diagrams, speech etc is an individual process there is a kind of uniqueness a person
encodes his/her message and again depends on the situation surrounding the message.

Fig. 001.Communication Process Model

The encoding process must take into consideration the channels of communication,
channels is the means by which information is carried or convened or transported, e.g. the
telephone and telecom services or network, television or radio, satellite link or through
internal mail system within the organization or external postal service (NIPOST) etc.
Channels are not perfect owing to occurrence of distortions, losses and delays that may occur.
Care must be taken by the information system designer to ensure that correct type of channel
is used having regard to the following.
1. Urgency
2. Sensitivity
3. Accuracy level
4. Type and nature of information
5. Cost effectiveness, and
6. Security.
Decoding is the process of achieving understanding from the message being sent decoding is
a function of attitude, experience and value system.
Thus: De = F (A, E, V)
De = Decoding
A = Attitude
E = experience
V= Value systems.
In other words not two persons can receive same message same way because we are
created unique in general, people read, see and hear what they want to read see and hear such
that decoding is an individual process. (MONOGRAPH ON ORGANIZATIONAL
2.4 Forms of Communication
According to Omoregie (2004). The major forms of communication includes vertical (upward
and downwards) Horizontal) Horizontal (Forward and backwards) communication networks
and the grapevine.
Vertical communication. This form of communication flows both up and down the
organization it is the communication that takes place between people and those above and
below them in the organization.
Upward communication as one form of communication consist of messages emanating from
subordinates to superiors until it gets to the top of the hierarchy in any organization set up
such as from teacher through their heads of department or supervisors to the principle this
forms of communication is usually13informative rather directive.
Downward communication occurs when information flows from the top downwards to the
lower level in organization such as from the principal through the heads of
department/subject heads to the teacher and finally to student or others.
Horizontal communication: this is interaction between peers or colleagues of some authority
or status such as among the heads of departments or managers.
The Grapevine this is an informal communication network among people in organization
which does not always follow channels of communication. It is capable of penetrating an
entire organization but it does not always follow the same pattern and does not necessary
coincide with formal channels of authority and communication.


This chapter of the research work focuses on the various methods and techniques
employed by the research in the course of collecting data and analyzing the data collected
with a view to finding solution to the problems already stated in the introduction of the
research work so as to achieve the set objectives of the study.

3.2. Research Design:

The research design adopted for this study was descriptive survey method. This is
because the method was deemed appropriate, as the study collected information on impact of
communication on workers‟ performance in an organization. Oniye (1997), states that the
descriptive survey deals with systematic description of an event in a very factual and accurate


3.3.Area of the Study

This research work is designed to examine the effectiveness of communication as a
strategy for enhancing organizational performance.

3.4 Sources of Data

In this research work two basic sources of collecting data were used and they are:
i. Primary Source
ii. Secondary Sources
According to Ihionkhan (2002), He stipulated that primary data are fresh data collected
specifically to solve the problem. They are data which have to be collected for the first time
by either one or a blend of
a. observation
b. Experimentation
c. Questionnaires
The design of this research work will consider the following step in achieving the purpose.
1. Biographical data and variables
2. Construction of hypothesis
3. Data collection procedure and sample size
4. Questionnaire administered
5. Instrument used
6. Method of data processing

3.5 Population of Study

The population of the study is a census of all that possess the characteristics of the
phenomena being studied. A population may be finite if all items that constitute it can be
counted or infinite in size if all item cannot be counted.
However the population of the study is the employees and management of Nigerian Brewery
PLC. Well-structured data gathering tools namely 5 linkert scale questionnaires and focus
group interviews were used to obtain relevant information and data for the research

3.6. Sampling Techniques and Sample Size

The purpose of a sample is to get a scaled down model of the total population because
the sociologist wants to generalize from the attributes, their distribution and their inter
relationships observed in his sample to the attributes of the population. Hence because the
total population might be too large to study, the researcher therefore, restricts himself to a
part of the population that represents the whole. In selecting a fair sample upon which valid
conclusions could be drawn; stratified sampling technique and random sampling technique

were used respectively. Nigeria brewery with presence in all states and local governments of
the country was selected, and a sample size of 110 respondents was used for this study.
Secondary Data
Secondary data are data that existed prior to the need to solve a problem. They are
existing information which may be useful for the purpose of specific surveys. This may be
i. Internally
ii. Externally
This is the study of general information written about the topic of study. Information here
was collected from magazines and publications already written on the subject of
3.7. Data Gathering
The data used for this study were gathered by:
1. Interview
2. Observation
3. Questionnaire
4. Referencing
The researcher in this study will use simple percentage method of data analysis and
chi – square (X2) method of testing the hypothesis is used in determining the effectiveness of
communication as a strategy for enhancing organizational performance. The formula for chi –
square is given as
X2 = ∑i (oi – Ei) 2:
Where X2 = Chi – Square
Oi = Observed frequency
Ei = Expected frequency
∑i = Summation of all items.



4.1 Introduction
This chapter contains clear and accurate findings arising from the study. The various
data generated, presented and analyzed in the preceding chapter form a variable instruments
for an intellectual exercise in presenting a coherent and concise report of the various findings,
hence, this chapter focuses on discussion of hypothesis findings and its implications based on
the analysis of the various data generated for the study and the result of the test of hypothesis
prior to this chapter.

4.2 Data Presentation and analyses of returned Questionnaires

Effort will be made at this stage to interpret and analyze the data collected for this
study during field survey. This presentation will be based on the response from completed
questionnaire. However, the first segments of the analysis deals with the Bio-data of which
classification were made on age sex, educational level, marital status and position of the
While in the second segment of the analysis, statistical tools were used to analyze data
collected, the mean, the standard deviation and the co-efficient of variable of the same study
were calculated.
18 – 25 35 31.81
26 – 35 25 22.72
36 – 45 30 27.27
46 – 55 15 13.63
56 above 5 4.54
Total 110 100%
Source field work, 2021
From the above table, out of 110 respondents, the highest percentage is which fall within the
age of years this brings to the light the maturity of respondents. It shows that their
youthfulness can be a great contributor to the development of the organization.

Male 75 68.18
Female 35 31.81
Total 110 100%
Source field work, 2021
Both male and female employees of the organization were served with questionnaire, the
breakdown and percentages are given in the above table. A greater percentage of respondents
are males while the remaining were females. It can be deduced here that male workers are
more than female workers in the organization.
Married 42 38.18
Single 68 61.81
Total 110 100%
Source Fieldwork, 2021
It can be noted from the above table that the majority of the respondent were not married this
can be attributed that the company employs singles than married people.
Primary sch. Cert 8 7.3
Secondary School certificate 30 27.3
B.Sc/HND 20 18.2
HSC/OND/NCE 25 22.7
Professional qualification 22 20.0
Post graduate diploma 5 4.5
Total 110 100%

From the above table as we observed the 18.2 of 110 respondents attained B.Sc./HND level
in their educational background, while 22.7% obtained HSC/NCE/OND certificate. Also
20.0% of the respondent’s posse’s professional qualifications while 45 have post graduate
degree. However, the secondary and primary certificate holders are employed as temporary
staff which represents a percentage of 27.3% and 7.3 respectively.
It is observed that majority of the workers in Nigerian Breweries plc. is very sound in
education. 19
The fact that majority of the respondents are well read. It is suggested that they might be
expected to be responsible and intelligent people that understands the meaning of effective
communication with their colleagues, superior and subordinate and also implement it as a
strategy for enhancing organizational performance which will reduce communication
Manager 16 14.54
Middle manager 20 18.2
Superior 30 27.3
Subordinate 35 31.9
Others 9 8.2
Total 110 100%
Source Field work, 2021

The above data shows that 14 % of the respondents are managers. Therefore the
responses received from them are highly reliable because of their academic qualification
however, the middle manager superior subordinate and other constitute86 % of the
This aspect deals with the analysis of research question – assessing the various areas of
Yes 62 56.36
No 48 43.63
Total 110 100%
Source fieldwork, 2021
From the above table 56 % of the respondents indicate that they believe in
communication. Most of the respondents that fall under “Yes” category are managers and top
management staff superior while those that fall under the “No” category are mostly

Vital Information 38 34.6
Ensure free flow of work 32 29.09
Sense of belongings 20 18.18
Reduction of conflict 30 27.27
Total 110 100%
Source filed work, 2021
Question 8 and 9: what is the various type of communication in your organization?

Which of them do you prefer most from the questionnaire, it was observed that the various
type of communication in the organization were mainly upward downward, lateral and
horizontal communication.
Upward communication 25 22.7
Downward communication 30 27.3
Literal communication 30 27.3
Horizontal communication 25 22.7
Total 110 100%
Source fieldwork, 2021
It can be observed from the above table that the respondents that preferred upward
communication are the subordinate 22.7% while those who fall, under downward
communication are the managers with 27.3%.
The reason given by most of the managers is mainly to inform subordinate on information
they want to pass and execute and also to impact some knowledge about the basic and
necessary things to the subordinate, the subordinate on the other hand prefer upward
communication because it gives them a sense of belonging in the organization it helps them
in passing view, opinions, contributions and complains to the superior, to enhance the
performance of the organization.

Table 4.9
Position No of Respondent Percentage %
Impact 67 60.90
Give instruction 43 39.09
Total 110 100%
Source Fieldwork, 2021
The data above shows that majority of the respondents prefer downward communication
because they can impact knowledge on both subordinate and others.
Table 10
Responses No of respondent Percentage %
Ask questions 30 27.3
Make Enquiries 22 20.0
Accept information 28 25.5
Discuss with others 30 27.3
Total 110 100%
Source field work, 2021
From the above table, 27.3% claim to ask questions when there is an error while
another 27.3% claim to discuss with others. Some 20.0% respondents will make Enquires,
while 23.5% will accept information when there is an error of information
Table 11
Responses No or respondents Percentage %
Suggest and share view 64 58.2
Keep you opinion 14 12.7
Carryout necessary action 32 29.1
Total 110 100%
Source Fieldwork, 2021

Table 12:
Responses No responses Percentage %
Meeting 57 51.8
Memo 20 18.2
Telephone 33 30.0
Total 110 100%
Source field work, 2021
The responses gave an example of how they communicate with their suppliers, customers and
clients and the highest rate form of communication was through meeting with the customers,
while the lowest is through memos.
Responses No or respondents Percentage %
Misinterpretation 40 36.4
Misconception 36 32.7
Carryout necessary action 34 30.9
Total 110 100%
Source: Fieldwork, 2021
Table 14
Responses No of respondents Percentage%
Intimidation 27 24.6
Lack of Co-operation 55 50.0
Anogancy/Arrogance 15 13.9
Egoism 13 11.8
Total 110 100%
Source Field work, 2021
The above table shows that respondents lack of co-operation 50% mostly rampant in
the organization thereby affecting communication flow in the organization.

Table 15:
Responses No of Respondents Percentage %
Prompt dissemination of information 34 30.9
Adequate enlightenment of staff 28 25.5
Adequate training on effective communication 48 43.6
Total 110 100%
Source field work, 2021
The respondents gave several ways to solve the problem of communication in the
organization 43.3% state that adequate training on effective communication would enlighten
Table 16
Responses No of Respondents Percentage %
Friendly 56 50.90
Indifferent 28 25.45
Cold 6 5.45
Formal 20 18.2
Total 110 100%
Source: Field work, 2021
The above table shows that most respondents are friendly towards their colleagues.
Table 17
Responses No of respondent Percentage %
Below 10% 12 10.9
10% - 40% 58 52.7
40% - 80 40 36.4
Total 110 100%
Source: Field work, 2013
Table 18
Responses No of respondent Percentage %
Every day 68 61.8
Twice a week 22 24 200
Three times a week 12 10.3
Once a week 8 7.3
Total 110 100%
Source Field work, 2021
In the above table 61% of respondent read the notice board everyday to get information?
Table 19
Responses No of respondent Percentage %
I have no time to read 52 47.27
I don’t like news 25 22.7
I don’t think, it is necessary 33 30
Total 110 100%
Source: Fieldwork, 2021
Majority of the respondent claim they do not have time to read the notice board


Table 20
Responses No of Respondents Percentage %
In good faith 58 52.8
Wave it aside 12 10.9
Do not listen to it 28 25.45
Do you give him/her a chance 20 18.2
Source fieldwork, 2021
Majority of the respondents claim, they would take the advice of a new staff of the company
in good faith while others stated otherwise.
Responses No of respondent s Percentage %
Agreed 48 43.7
Strongly agree 29 26.4
Disagree 26 23.7
Undecided 7 6.4
Total 110 100%
Source: fieldwork, 2021

This section attempt to test the hypothesis stated in chapter one of the research work. In doing
this related questions to questionnaire were used. The chi – square method of statistical
testing was employed.
X2 = (oi – ei) 2
Ho: Organizational performance does not depend on effective communication
Hi: Organizational performance depends on effective communication
Variables Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Total
Agree Disagree Row
Top level management 20 12 4 3 39
Middle level management 15 2 8 1 26
Lower level management 8 12 16 9 45
Total Columns 43 26 28 13 110
X2c = 132.52 > X2t (0.05) = 12.392, d.f = 6, n= 110
Decision rule reject Ho if X2 calculated > xt table value otherwise accept Ho:
Decision since the calculated value of X 2 (132.52) is greater than (>) the X2 table value of
12.39 we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.
Conclusion we therefore conclude that: Organizational performance depends on effective


Ho: Organizational environment does not affect communication.
Hi: Organizational environment affect communication.
Variables Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Row
Agreed Disagreed Total
Top level management 10 7 13 8 38
Middle level management 8 14 4 2 26
Lower lever management 20 5 12 9 46
Total columns 38 26 28 18 110
X2c = 22.42 > X2t (0.05) = 12.392, d .f = 6, n= 110
Decision rule reject Ho if x2 calculated > x2 table value otherwise accept Ho.

Decision since the calculated value of x2 (22.42) is greater than (>) the x2 table value of 12.39,
we reject the null hypotheses and accept the alternative hypotheses conclusion we
therefore conclude that organizational environment affect communication.


Ho: Communication Difficulties does not affect various management levels in organization
Hi: Communications Difficulties affect ruinous manage mat level in organization
Variable Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree Ron Total

Top-level management 15 11 19 3 48

Middle level management 13 7 6 3 29

Lower level management 20 11 1 1 33
Total columns 48 29 26 7 110
X2c = 53.62 > X2t (0.05) = 12.392, d .f = 6, n= 110
Decision Rule Reject Ho if X2 calculated > X2 table value otherwise accept Ho.
Decision Since the calculated value of X2 (53.62) is greater than (>) the X2 table value of
12.39 we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.
Conclusion we therefore conclude that communication difficulties affect various
management level in organization.

1.1 Summary of the Study
The central theme of this study is the effectiveness of communication as a strategy for
enhancing organization performance.
In this research study it was revealed that communication is the nervous system of any
organized group though it suffers a lot of difficulties in the sending and receiving process
both internally and externally, but yet it is the only means by which ideas feeling, emotions
and all forms of interpersonal relationship can be communicated.
It was found out that organizational performance depends on effective communication and
also organization environment affect communication.
It seems to me that communication is a possibility and a challenge which we all should
explore in our various organizations.
1.2 Discussion of Findings and Its Implications
From the research investigation that was conducted on the effectiveness of communication as
a strategy for enhancing organizational performance, in the Nigerian breweries plc Nigeria
the following point were drawn.
As a matter of policy, there is a clearly defined system of communication in the organization.
The effect of communication was examined with the aid of research instrument with face to
face discussion among people.
Besides the basic of the findings which was the introduction to the topic on communication
expression was contributed to the organization and the general environment with reference to
its origin its purpose, its function its processes and barriers. This finding shows the critical
implication of communication as a strategy that can enhance organizational performance.
These have been short listed and includes
1. It was discovered through investigation that communication interaction between the
various departments in the company is adequate and encouraging to employees. The
communication system in the organization is not motivating
2. Control of performance in an organization i.e. identifying observing and correcting
standards as well as performance in achieving appropriate courses of action in achieving
appropriate courses of action.
3. The motivation of people towards the use of the various communication models and
specific theory was encouraged by activating is energizing plans organization of people
and equipment into appropriate courses of28actions
4. Result of findings in the usual method of communication indicated that the company has
no particular method of communication it combines both oral and written methods
effectively and the combination was proved to be the most appropriate method of
communication for the organization use.
5. Workers are not allowed to participate in decision making in their various departments
as a result of which management only come to know about their grievances through
emergency meetings with them. And this has led to the development of the informal
communication system (grapevine) in the organization.
6. It should take step to compensate for the fact that some groups are “Isolated” from
communication chains.
1.3 Conclusion
It is evident that the objectives of this study have met to a great extent the effectiveness of
communication in an organization which creates a significant impact in the effectiveness and
efficiency of the organizational performance.
Attempt was made at examining the various objectives of communication in an organization
and also linking it relevance with organizational performance.
However, it is important to mention that the pattern of communication in the organization
should serve to indicate both the areas where communication is most deficient and the
channels through which information can be made to flow most effectively.
In conclusion I will state here that communication in an organization should be recognized
and influenced by the appropriate cadre of management and subordinates in the organization.

Recommendations: Effectiveness of communication as a strategy for enhancing

organizational performance in Nigerian Breweries plc.
The researcher has been able to identify some of the barriers to effective communication the
researcher hereby, makes the following recommendations for consideration by the
appropriate authorities to enable them make necessary changes for efficient and effective
organizational performance these includes:
1. Management should ensure that managers and staff upskill themselves in the area of
effective and proactive communication, employee can be sent on training or take
advantage of virtual learning platforms.
2. Organizations should have a well-developed and widely accepted policies and
procedures that will guide and control the organizational system and process of
communication. 29
3. Managers and leaders to create an enabling environment of trust and safety where open
and honest communication can thrive.
4. Feedback platforms such as CEO blog; CEO open lines; Managers hotlines, customer
care desks; whistle blowing lines; suggestion boxes etc. should be made available to
workers in the organization and orientation should be given to employees on it uses and
In addition the following steps should be taken by organization managements to overcome
communication barriers that render organizations’ communication process ineffective and
i. Eliminating differences in perception: The organization should ensure that it is
recruiting right individuals on the job. It’s the responsibility of the interviewer to
ensure that the interviewee has command over the written and spoken language. There
should be proper Induction program so that the policies of the company are clear to all
the employees. There should be proper trainings conducted for required employees
(for eg: Voice and Accent training).
ii. Use of Simple Language: Use of simple and clear words should be emphasized. Use
of ambiguous words and jargons should be avoided.
iii. Reduction and elimination of noise levels: Noise is the main communication barrier
which must be overcome on priority basis. It is essential to identify the source of
noise and then eliminate that source.
iv. Active Listening: Listen attentively and carefully. There is a difference between
“listening” and “hearing”. Active listening means hearing with proper understanding
of the message that is heard. By asking questions the speaker can ensure whether
his/her message is understood or not by the receiver in the same terms as intended by
the speaker.
v. Emotional State: During communication one should make effective use of body
language. He/she should not show their emotions while communication as the
receiver might misinterpret the message being delivered. For example, if the conveyer
of the message is in a bad mood then the receiver might think that the information
being delivered is not good.
vi. Simple Organizational Structure: The organizational structure should not be
complex. The number of hierarchical levels should be optimum. There should be a
ideal span of control within the organization. Simpler the organizational structure,
more effective will be the30communication.
vii. Avoid Information Overload: The managers should know how to prioritize their
work. They should not overload themselves with the work. They should spend quality
time with their subordinates and should listen to their problems and feedbacks
viii. Give Constructive Feedback: Avoid giving negative feedback. The contents of the
feedback might be negative, but it should be delivered constructively. Constructive
feedback will lead to effective communication between the superior and subordinate.
ix. Proper Media Selection: The managers should properly select the medium of
communication. Simple messages should be conveyed orally, like: face to face
interaction or meetings. Use of written means of communication should be
encouraged for delivering complex messages. For significant messages reminders can
be given by using written means of communication such as : Memos, Notices etc.
x. Flexibility in meeting the targets: For effective communication in an organization
the managers should ensure that the individuals are meeting their targets timely
without skipping the formal channels of communication. There should not be much
pressure on employees to meet their targets.


I. Communication in organization will remain the “nervous system” of any organized
group. Employers and employees of an organization should be able to influence the
use of communication in order to enhance the organizational performance for the
purpose for further studies; research should be carried out in the area of identification
and management of communication barriers in organization.

II. Also research should be carried out to examine and ascertain the various
communication styles and strategy of management and the effect on organization


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1. Age group [a] 18 – 25 years [ ] [b] 26 – 35 years [ ] [c] 36 – 45 years [ ] [d] 46 – 56 years [ ] [e]
56 and above
2. Sex [a] male [ ] [b] Female [ ]
3. Marital Status [a] Single [ ] [b] Married [ ]
4. Qualification _____________________________________________________
5. Position in organization_____________________________________________
6. Do you believe in and accept communication in your organization [a] Yes [ ] [b] No [ ]
7. Kindly give reasons to your choice
8. What are the various types of communication in your organization?
9. Which of these do you prefer most?

10. Kindly State your reasons.

11. How would you rate the following method of communication?
Very effective Effective Non effective
1. Conference
2. Staff Meeting
3. Challenge
4. Notice boards
5. Bulletin
6. Joint consultative
7. Internal Memo

12. When there is a perceived error in information passed to you do you

[a] Ask question [ ]
[b] Make enquires [ ]
[c] Accept information [ ] 34
[d] Discuss with others [ ]
13. If you have information that would help to promote and make your company successful would you
[a] Suggest and share view with others
[b] Keep you opinion to your self [ ]
[c] Carryout necessary action alone [ ].
14. How does your organization communicate with its various public (suppliers customers, clients)
[a] Telephone
[b] Email
[c] Letter
15. What are the difficulties likely to arise from communicating with the various public?
16. How does this affect organization’s performance
17. Kindly state the communication barriers in your organization
18. How would you check or solve these problems?

19. Do you relate well with your colleagues at work?

[a] Yes [ ] [b] No [ ]
20. How would you categories your relationship with your subordinates?
[a] Friendly [ ]
[b] Indifferent [ ]
[c] Cold [ ]
[d] Formal [ ]
21 How do you rate your listening ability?
[a] Below 10% [ ] [b] 10% = 40% [ ] [c] 40% - 80% [ ]
22. Do you read your organizations?
[a] Editorials [ ]
[b] Notice Boards [ ]
[c] Bulletins [ ]
[d] Circulars [ ]
[e] Internal Memo [ ]
23. How often
[a] Twice a week [ ]
[b] Three times a week [ ]
[c] Once a month [ ] 35
[d] Everyday [ ]
24 If you do not, why?
[a] I have no time to read [ ]
[c] I don’t like news [ ]
[d] I don’t think it is necessary [ ]
25. How would you take an advice of a new staff of the company
[a] in good faith [ ] [b] Wave it aside [ ] [c] Do not listen to it [ ] [d] Do not give him/her a chance [ ]


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