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SUBJECTIVE: Fatigue related Fatigue is a After 16 hours of INDEPENDENT : INDEPENDENT : After 16 hours of
“Sobrang to decreased subjective proper nursing 1. Established 1. To gain the proper nursing
nanghihina metabolic complaint with intervention, the rapport patients trust intervention, the
ako” as energy both acute and client will be able patient displayed
verbalized by production as chronic to perform ADLs 2. Checked 2. Response to an improved ability to
the patient . evidenced by conditions. It is and participate response and activity can be participate in
overwhelming the self- in activities at tolerance to evaluated to desired activities
OBJECTIVE : lack of energy, recognized the patient’s activity achieve the
-Body inability to state in which level of ability desired tolerance
weakness maintain usual an individual and will report
-Lethargic; routines and experiences an an improved 3. Indicate
drowsy decreased overwhelming sense of energy 3. Monitored vital physiological
VITAL SIGNS: performance sustained signs before levels of activity
T: 36.4 sense of and after tolerance.
PR: 91 bpm exhaustion and activity Tolerance
RR: 19cpm decreased frequency,
BP: capacity for duration, and
110/80mmHg physical and intensity until the
- mental work desired level
that is not achieved
relieved by
rest. However, 4. Helps promote
it is important relaxation
to know that 4. Instructed the
fatigue is not patient to
the same as perform deep
tiredness. breathing
Tiredness is exercises 5. Education may
temporary. motivate to
Fatigue is 5. Discussed with increase activity
associated the patient the level even though
with a variety need for the patient may
of physical and activity. Plan feel too weak
psychological and identify initially
conditions. activities that
lead to fatigue 6. To be free from
injury during
6. Provided
comfort and
safety 7. To prevent
measures excessive fatigue

7. Alternate
activity with
periods of rest
and 8. Time
uninterrupted management,
sleep organization skills,
and delegating
8. Teached certain tasks may
energy- help the patient to
conserving accomplish task
techniques and conserve
energy at the
same time

9. To provide proper
DEPENDENT: ventilation
9. Administered
oxygen as
10. Certain
COLLABORATION: medications such
10. Collaborated as sleep
with the medications,
attending sedatives and
physicians other contribute to
about fatigue.
optimizing Adjustment and
medications dosing could
improve symptoms
of fatigue

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