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Adidas Data Breach

The breach of the Adidas data base occurred “[on June 26] the company said….”

( The data breach occurred from the data bases being hacked. But it is unsure

who committed the hack to Adidas’ data base. There was no report of any name(s) or group to be

revealed. This causes more of an issue with more companies such as the competitor apparel

company Under Armour. According to, Under Armour also underwent an

attack via hack to their data base as well.

The data that was released from the hack onto the Adidas’ data base includes “contact

information, website usernames and passwords…” and Adidas states that there is “[no reason to

believe] that credit card information was exposed in the breach,” ( It is not

clear how many U.S. customers were affected by the data breach, but a lot of accounts got their

information leaked to the public. Yet, that public was only the U.S. as the breach only occurred

and got leaked to the United States. “The incident appears to only affect customers of Adidas' US

website,” ( All of this was caused by the undisclosed party.

Adidas themselves had to be affected by this with the security of the data, and possibly

the sales may have gone down hill after this incident as well. The reason the company might

have experienced a loss in sales would be the drastic loss of customers. Many could argue that

the customers of the apparel company would leave because of a sense of no security. Customers

will not want to stay to a company with lack of security and putting their information out at risk.

Some effects of the data breach in the long term could be a loss of customers stated above, or it
could be a generally weakened security of the data base. This would keep customers on their toes

about having their information on this website, and maybe even take it off in the near future.

The business had fixed the breach by “working with leading data security firms and law

enforcement authorities to investigate the issue.” ( The business would wound

up changing since the incident in 2018 by installing a better security system to the company

website to help prevent hacks and other types of security breaches. This helped the customers by

reassuring that with the new security installed, their information is now more secured than it was

before. So, the data base is now less susceptible to hacks. With the newly secured information

the customers are now more comfortable with keeping their information with Adidas.
Works Cited

Barrabi, Thomas. “Adidas Data Breach: US Customers Had Contact Information, Usernames
Exposed.” Fox Business, 29 June 2018,

Brook, Chris. “Adidas Breach Impacts Millions of US Customers.” Digital Guardian, 2 July

Verry, Peter. “Adidas Alerts Online Shoppers of a Potential Data Security Hack.”, 28 June 2018,

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