American Athletes - Protests - Ethans

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American Athletes: Protest

Ever since 2016, athletes in the U.S. started peacefully protesting against racial injustice
during events with the playing of the nation anthem. Because of these protests, there have been
an uprise in support and hate. Although many think these actions are disrespectful and
unpatriotic to the flag and to the people who serve for the U.S; it is amongst their rights to protest
and should not be punished for it.
It is true that America has gone through back-and-forth protests with the movement
Black Lives Matter (BLM) because of racial inequality across the county involving police. Even
with the “tragic events lately involving black men and police... America did not cause these
tragedies. They are local incidents involving local people” (Matthews 2). The police causing
these racially targeted attacks are certain people who indeed should be held accountable for their
actions, not America. The people who collectively make up America have a little percent of
racists. Not the majority of the country.
However, “If famous athletes want to make a difference, there are better ways than
protesting the national anthem” (Matthews 2). Therefore, protesting the national anthem is not
protesting the police with BLM, it is protesting, “the people who have risked their lives, been
injured, or died defending the United States of America” ( Now I do not argue that
is someone’s right to show the views, but “I do question the wisdom of these… athletes…. By
protesting the national anthem, they are protesting America” (
All in all, with the racial injustice there is perfect reason to protest just not during the
national anthem. Yet, it is among our first amendment right to do so. Therefore, people who
kneel or use other forms of protest should not be punished.

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