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Professional News

Paulding County High School  Dallas, GA  August 16, 2022  Ethan Schwartz

V Dressing Professionally
When showing up to a(n) event, work, or
maybe an interview you need to be V Avoiding Conflict With A
dressed based on the event. If it is an Customer
event like a BBQ or a company dinner, When the customer that is already upset
then you would wear something more with their experience with wherever you
causal. Something like khakis and a work, the worst thing that could happen
dress shirt. Now, if the occasion is more is getting in a conflict. Not only is this
professional you must wear more like a bad because it could cause a scene, but
suit. because the following could (all)
happen. Lose the job, get pressed with
charges (if physical), and ever the
company could be pressed with charges
(again if physical). Therefore, you must
try your best to reason with the customer
even if they are rude.

V Necessary Customer Service

With customer service you must be nice.
It is just the expectation for many
bosses. You also must be very helpful
when a customer asks you for help you
must do because it is your job.
V Safety In The Workplace
V How To Deal Appropriately
When operating anything in the workplace
With An Upset Customer such as a microwave, or coffee machine, it is
When a customer start is upset with their always good to be cautious. Because if you
product or service you must be very are not you could cause harm towards you,
helpful for them, if you are not, they others, and the workplace in general.
could get more upset with their
experience and could cause a scene. So,
what you will want to do is reason with
the customer and address and help them
with their issue.

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