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Signal Analysis

Group Presentation - Part II

By Adane M.,Temesgen T. and Yonas D.

INSA-Signal Analysis Team.

Addis Ababa, Oct 2022

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1 Introduction

2 Frequency Analysis of Signals Using DFT

3 DFT and FFT

4 DFT-FFT Algorithms

5 Application areas

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Discrete Time signals

A discrete-time signal  x[n] is represented for finite samples of

There are different kinds of Discrete time signals in DSP, some
of them are
Periodic signals and aperiodic signals:-A signal is periodic
with period N (N > 0) if and only if x[n + N] =x[n] for all n.
Even / Odd signals:-The discrete-time signals x[n] is even
when x[-n] = x[n] and The discrete-time signals x[n] is odd
when x[-n] = -x[n].
Causal and anti causal:-A discrete-time signal x[n] is said to
be causal when x[n]=0 for n < 0 A discrete-time signal x[n] is
said to be anti-causal when x[n]=0 for n 0.

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Frequency Analysis of Signals Using DFT

Frequency Analysis of Signals Using DFT

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Frequency Analysis of Signals Using DFT

Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is used for performing
frequency analysis of discrete time signals.
Laplace transform: for the analysis of continuous time signals
and systems
Discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT): is the Fourier
transform of discrete signal that is absolutely summable.
Z-transform : a useful tool in the analysis of discrete-time
signals and systems.
Laplace and z-transform show transforms of right-sided or
left-sided functions, but no true two-sided infinite duration
A finite duration, or periodic, function f(t) can in general be
decomposed into a sum of trigonometric or complex exponential
functions called Fourier series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Numerically computable representation (transform) of the input

sequence; (a finite but complete representation) that can be
used to reconstruct the original signal.
Only the Discrete Fourier Series (DFS) and Discrete Fourier
Transform (DFT) are computable transforms.

Here the representation of a digital signal in terms of its

frequency component in a frequency domain is important. The
algorithm that transforms the time domain signals to the
frequency domain components is DFT.
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DFT Cont..

A periodic sequence may be decomposed into component

sequences that comprise a harmonic series of complex
Since a sampled sequence is bandlimited, it follows that the
frequency of the highest harmonic is limited to the Nyquist rate.
The normalized frequencies of the harmonics are 2piK/N.

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DFT properties
1 Parseval’s Relation: energy of the sequence is the same as
energy of the DFT coefficients.

2 Conjugate Symmetry: The DFT of a real input sequence is

3 The DFT is periodic in both n and k, and linear as well.
4 We can use direct DFT calculation or DFT calculation using fft
5 used to analyse the magnitude and phase characteristics of the
6 The reciprocal of the DFT coefficients can be used to generate a
time domain filter suitable for circular convolution.
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Fourier transform:-an extremely powerful algorithm that
computes the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of a sequence,
or its inverse (IDFT).
The DFT is obtained by decomposing a sequence of values into
components of different frequencies but computing it directly is
often too slow to be practical.
An FFT rapidly computes such transformations by factorizing
the DFT matrix into a product of sparse (mostly zero) factors.
The magnitude square of the Fourier transform, tells us how
much power the signal x(t) has at a particular frequency f.
With the development of efficient FFT algorithms, it is faster to
implement a convolution operation in the frequency domain
than in the time domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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FFT Cont..
inplace and I/O:the fft calculated entirely inside its original
sample memory and it dosenot require aditional buffer memory,
whereas I/O needs additional ones.
Radix 2 fft:means the number of output points of the fft are in
power of 2.
natural and bit reversal: If the input of the fft samples are fed
into the fft processor in a natural indexed order, we call it
Natural, whereas the reversed order with the LSB becomes MSB
and vise verca is called bitriversal.
Decimation in time: decomposed into even and odd
components, we call it DIT FFT.
Decimation in Frequency: first half and second half
component decomposition , we call it DIF FFT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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FFT Cont..

The input and output relationship can be summerized using

matrix operation with the twiddle factors.

The bit reversed order of the input and the output would be

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The idea behind the FFT is the divide and conquer approach, to
break up the original N point sample into two (N/2) sequence.
DFT is a discrete version of FT whereas FFT is a faster version
of the DFT algorithm.

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DFT-FFT Algorithms

DFT-FFT Algorithms

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DFT-FFT Algorithms

DIT Radix-2 FFT Algorithm

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DFT-FFT Algorithms

DIF-Radix-2 FFT Algorithm

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DFT-FFT Algorithms

DFT-FFT manual example

for the input x=[1 2 3 4] we can calculate the DFT , DIT-FFT

and their inverse as follows.

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Application areas

Application areas

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Application areas

DFT Application

DFT can be used in many digital processing systems across a

variety of applications.
calculating a signal’s frequency spectrum.
solving partial differential applications.
detection of targets from radar echoes.

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Application areas

FFT Application

FFT has been widely used for acoustic measurements.

spectral analysis in analog video measurements
large integer and polynomial multiplication
calculating Fourier series coefficients and calculating

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1 Digital Signal Processing with Matlab Examples, Volume 1

Signals and Data, Filtering, Non-stationary Signals,
Modulation), Jose Maria Giron-Sierra, 2017

2 MATLAB Programming with Applications for Engineers,

Stephen J. Chapman
3 Schaum’s Outline of Digital Signal Processing, (Monson

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Thank you!

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