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Beaconhouse School System

Mathematics Walton Campus Class: VII

Extension Task (Mathematics)

Q# 1.Solve the following blanks.

a) HCF of 80 and 160 is______.

b) The value ³√ 125 __________.

c) The L.C.M of 13, 78.and 26 is ---------------

d) The value of 73+ 72 is ------------

e) The next two terms of the sequence 1, 8,27, 64 are ________

f) 40% of 200 is ------------

Q.2 Find the prime factorization of 200

Q3. The Complementary Angle of 80 is ------------------

Q.4 The Supplementary Angle of 06 is -----------------

Q,5 An isosceles Triangle has -------- sides equal.

Q.6 The interior angles between two parallel lines add up to ----

Q.7 Find the sum of Interior Angles of a 30-gon

Q8 Round off the 8.7790 correct to

i) the nearest to whole number

ii) the nearest to 1decimal place

Mathematics Class VII

Q9. Arrange the following in ascending order.

11.5 ,−13 ,−10 ,−7 , 0 , 2 ,1.2

Q10 Separate Rational and Irrational Numbers

1/4, 5, 2.343434……, 22/7, 1.45372……. ,

³ √ 1000 , √ 12 50

Q.11 Write first 20 Prime Numbers and first 20 Odd Numebers.

Q.12 State the no of Significant figures of the following numbers


a) 20.0035 b) 10.445

c) 12.00 d) 00. 0445

Q13. Given that the prime factorization of 9261 is 3³ x 7³, find ³√ 9261.

Q 14 HCF of 240 ,100 -------------

Q 15 The value of ³ √ 27000 ------

Q 16 The L.C.M of 4.and 6 is -------------

Q 17 Write down the value of 20__________.

Q 18 Write prime number that add up to 54

i) _________________ ii) ___________________

Q 19 Consider the sequence 6, 15, 24, 33, ______

i) Find, in term of n, a formula for the nth term of the sequences.

ii) Hence, find the 100 th term of the sequence,

Mathematics Class VII

Q 20 Consider the sequence 6, 15, 24, 33, ______

i) Find, in term of n, a formula for the nth term of the sequences.

ii) Hence, find the 100 th term of the sequence.

Q 21 Consider the sequence 16, 25, 34, 43, ______

i) Find, in term of n, a formula for the nth term of the sequences.

ii) Hence, find the 150 th term of the sequence,

Q # 22. A shopkeeper sells candles in packets of 20 and candle stands in packet of 8. What is the least number of
candles and candle stands Ali should buy so that there will be one candle for each candle stand.

Q 23. Evaluate the following:

a) (24-26) – (40-30) ÷ 5
b) 23 – ( -2x3) + (2+3)

Q 24 Find the sum of interior angles of 12 polygons.

Q 25.Construct a ABC with a side AB= 6 cm ,˂ B= 800 ,BC = 7cm.

Measure the length AC.

Q 26 Plot the following coordinates on a grid join the dots to make the shape and Reflect it across the line

x = 0.

A = (4, -1) B= ( 5, 1) C= ( 5, 3).

Q 27 Translate the same shape using the vector ( )

Note: Use the graph sheets already available in the copy.

Q.28 Construct a Rhombus ABCD if AB= 45 cm ,˂ B= 600

Q 29 Write the order f Rotational Symmetry and number of Line of Symmetry of the following letters.

B, D, T. X, I

Mathematics Class VII

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