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1.) Develop ethical culture.

This term means creating a set of experiences,

assumptions, and expectations of managers and employees about how the organization

encourages them to behave ethically or unethically.

Explain: The company or organization must impose a culture that promotes ethical

behavior among the members of the organization through Set up seminars, workshops,

and similar ethical training programs. 

2.) Eliminate conflict of Interest. This mean eliminating the individual's personal

interests such as family, friendships, financial, or social factors that could compromise

his or her judgment, decisions, or actions in the workplace.

Explain. A conflict of interest occurs when an entity or individual becomes unreliable

because of a clash between personal (or self-serving) interests and professional duties

or responsibilities. 

3.) Foster acceptable values. This word is about nurturing descent the principles

that help an individual decide what is right and wrong, and how to act in various


Explain: This are the beliefs and standards for right and wrong. These values provide

direction and meaning to life and also inspire constructive behavior.

4.) Unbiased relationship with employees. This term defines as neutral and fair

working connection between employees and employers in the workplace.

Explain: Building of positive relationships and interactions among employers

and employees. The employers must be fair and not likely to support one particular

person in the company.

5) Accept full responsibility for every actions.  This means Taking responsibility

for your actions involves owning up to the positive and negative consequences of your

choices and behavior, rather than attributing them to external factors or others' actions.

Explain: accepting the responsibility for something that has happened, you agree that

you were to blame for it or you caused it.

6.) Boost level of dedication. This word is about increasing the extent of

commitment of an individual towards achieving objectives and life goals. 

Explain: Boosting the person willingness to give time and energy to something because

it is important.

7.) Boost fraud prevention/prohibition of bribery. This means intensifying the

implementation of a strategy to detect fraudulent transactions and prevent these

actions from causing financial and reputational damage to the customer and financial


Explain: This also mean forbidding giving of gifts to public officers under certain


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