Quiz 3 SV E

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Name: __________________________ Date: _____________

1. Identify the type of distribution pattern that occurs when the majority of the data values fall to the left of the mean? A) negatively skewed B) symmetrical C) left skewed D) positively skewed

2. Which choice is another term that can be used to describe a normal distribution: A) discrete distribution B) negatively or positively skewed C) bell curve D) independent variable

3. If a normal distribution has a mean of 30 and a standard deviation of 5, then A) the median is 35 and the mode is 25. B) the median is 30 and the mode is 30. C) the median is 30 and the mode is 35. D) the median is 25 and the mode is 35.

4. Find the probability P ( z < 0.37) using the standard normal distribution. A) 0.6443 B) 0.6300 C) 0.1443 D) 0.3557

5. Find the area under the standard normal distribution curve between z = 2.05 and z = 2.05.

A) B) C) D)

0.9876 0.4938 0.4798 0.9596

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6. Find the probability P(0.72 < z < 0.11) using the standard normal distribution. A) 0.7796 B) 0.2204 C) 0.0900 D) 0.3504

7. In a standard normal distribution, what z value corresponds to 17% of the data between the mean and the z value? A) 0.52 B) 2.10 C) 0.44 D) 1.25

8. Find the z value to the right of the mean such that 85% of the total area under the standard normal distribution curve lies to the left of it?

Answer ______________ (please round to 2 decimal places)

9. If a normally distributed group of test scores have a mean of 70 and a standard deviation of 12, find the percentage of scores that will fall below 50. A) 45.25% B) 6.75% C) 35.54% D) 4.75%

10. The average hourly wage of workers at a car wash is $6.50/hr. Assume the wages are normally distributed with a standard deviation of $0.45. If a worker at this car wash is selected at random, what is the probability that the worker earns more than $6.75? A) 27.6% B) 5.2% C) 28.8% D) 42.1%

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11. The average gas mileage of a GMAC Runabout is 30.0 miles per gallon. If the gas mileages are normally distributed with a standard deviation of 0.75 miles per gallon, find the probability that the runabout has a gas mileage of between 29.8 and 30.2 miles per gallon. A) 0.290 B) 0.270 C) 0.105 D) 0.210

12. In order to be accepted into a JB University, applicants must score within the top 5% on the SAT exam. Given that the exam has a mean of 1000 and a standard deviation of 200, what is the lowest possible score a student needs to qualify for acceptance into the JB University? A) 1330 B) 1250 C) 1100 D) 1400

13. X is a normally distributed random variable with a standard deviation of 3.50. Find the mean of X if 12.71% of the area under the distribution curve lies to the right of 14.49. (Note: the diagram is not necessarily to scale.)

A) B) C) D)

11.6 10.0 13.4 10.5

14. The difference between a sample mean and the population mean may be referred to as ______________________. A) the variance B) skewness C) sampling error D) the standard deviation

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15. If the standard deviation of a normally distributed population is 44.0 and we take a sample of size 16, then the standard error of the mean is A) 4.0 B) 44.0 C) 2.8 D) 11.0

16. The average age of cars registered in the United States is 96 months. Assume the population is normally distributed with a standard deviation of 15 months. Find the probability that the mean age of a sample of 36 cars is between 98 and 100 months? A) 6.4% B) 44.5% C) 28.8% D) 15.7%

17. Sand dollars on Madagascar have an average diameter of is 4.50 centimeters with a standard deviation of 0.70 centimeters. If 9 Madagascar Sand Dollars are chosen at random for a collection, find the probability that the average diameter of those Madagascar Sand Dollars is more than 4.22 centimeters. Assume that the variable is normally distributed. A) 0.820 B) 0.385 C) 0.885 D) 0.615

18. The length of pop songs are normally distributed and has a mean of 170 seconds and a standard deviation of 30 seconds. Find the probability that a random selection of 16 pop songs will have mean length of 161.23 seconds or less. Assume the distribution of the lengths of the songs is normal. A) 0.38 B) 0.12 C) 0.62 D) 0.88

19. A forest ranger estimates that 50% of the deer in her park carry a certain type of tick. For a sample of 300 deer selected at random, what is the chance that 155 or fewer deer have this tick? A) 0.737 B) 0.263 C) 0.864 D) 0.475

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20. A newspaper reported that 6% of Canadian drivers admit to reading the newspaper while driving. If 500 drivers are selected at random, find the probability that exactly 40 will admit to reading the newspaper while driving. A) 0.6% B) 1.3% C) 4.7% D) 2.0%


The term describes the ___________________. A) maximum error of estimate B) unbiased estimator C) interval estimate D) confidence interval

z /2


22. What is the value of used in describing the confidence interval shown below.

A) B) C) D)

0.05 0.01 0.02 0.04

23. A sample of 35 different HR departments found that employees worked an average of 240.6 days a year. If the population standard deviation is 18.8 days, find the 90% confidence interval for the average number of days worked by all employees of these HR departments. A) 230.9 < < 250.3 B) 236.8 < < 244.4 C) 232.4 < < 248.8 D) 235.4 < < 245.8

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24. A study of 35 brown gerbils showed that their average weight was 4.7 ounces. The standard deviation of the population is 0.7 ounces. Which of the following is the 99% confidence interval for the mean weight per brown gerbils? A) 4.09 < < 5.31 B) 4.39 < < 5.01 C) 4.42 < < 4.98 D) 4.55 < < 4.85

25. A study of lemon trees found that the average number of lemons per tree was 725. The standard deviation of the population is 70 lemons per tree. A scientist wishes to find the 80% confidence interval for the mean number of lemons per tree. How many trees does she need to sample to obtain an average accurate to within 16 lemons per tree? A) 21 B) 20 C) 32 D) 14

26. In a study using 10 samples, and in which the population variance is unknown, the distribution that should be used to calculate confidence intervals is A) a t distribution with 10 degrees of freedom. B) a t distribution with 11 degrees of freedom. C) a t distribution with 9 degrees of freedom. D) a standard normal distribution.

27. A potato chip manufacturer samples 13 bags of potato chips off the assembly line and weighs their contents. If the sample mean is 14.2 oz. and the sample standard deviation is 0.60 oz., find the 95% confidence interval of the true mean. A) 11.6 < < 16.8 B) 13.8 < < 14.6 C) 12.9 < < 15.5 D) 14.0 < < 14.4

28. The winning team's score in 7 high school basketball games was recorded. If the sample mean is 62.3 points and the sample standard deviation is 13.0 points, find the 98% confidence interval of the true mean. A) 50.9 < < 73.7 B) 31.4 < < 93.2 C) 46.9 < < 77.7 D) 57.4 < < 67.2

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29. If a population has a standard deviation of 10, what is the minimum number of samples that need to be averaged in order to be 95% confident that the average of the means is within 2 of the true mean? A) 20 B) 97 C) 191 D) 10

30. A computer analyst conducted a study of the access speed of 45 hard drives and concluded that her maximum error of estimate was 28. If she were to conduct, a second study to reduce the maximum error of estimate to 7, about how many hard drives should she include in her new sample? A) 90 B) 180 C) 720 D) 45

31. If p A) B) C) D)

is equal to 0.76, then q is equal to ______. 0.31 0.24 0.50 0.76

32. In a study of 100 new cars, 28 are white. Find p and q , where p is the proportion of new cars that are white. A) p = 0.72, q = 0.28 B) p = 0.28, q = 0.28 C) p = 0.72, q = 0.72 D) p = 0.28, q = 0.72

33. It was found that in a sample of 90 young adult males between 20-25 years old, 70% of them have received speeding tickets. What is the 90% confidence interval of the true proportion of young adult males between 20-25 years old who have received speeding tickets? A) 0.615 < p < 0.805 B) 0.620 < p < 0.780 C) 0.591 < p < 0.812 D) 0.584 < p < 0.830

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34. Pete Jones, a manager of a Wal-Mart, wants to estimate the proportion of customers who use food stamps at his store. He has no initial estimate of what the sample proportion will be. How large a sample is required to estimate the true proportion to within 3 percentage points with 98% confidence? A) 1,067 B) 756 C) 1,509 D) 1,849

35. A university believes that 22% of applicants to that school have parents who have remarried. How large a sample is needed to estimate the true proportion of students who have parents who have remarried to within 6 percentage points with 95% confidence? A) 130 B) 276 C) 62 D) 184

2 36. What is the value for left for a 95% confidence interval when n = 18? A) 8.231 B) 7.564 C) 8.672 D) 9.390

37. Find the values for 2 and 2 when = .05 and n = 12. left right A) B) C) D) 4.575 and 19.675 3.816 and 21.920 5.226 and 21.026 4.404 and 23.337

38. What is the 90% confidence interval for the variance of exam scores for 28 algebra students, if the standard deviation of their last exam was 12.7? A) 10.4 < 2 < 16.4 B) 123.7 < 2 < 312.7 C) 122.8 < 2 < 316.5 D) 108.6 < 2 < 269.6

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39. For a random sample of 23 Asian countries, the variance on life expectancy was 7.3 years. What is the 95% confidence interval for the variance of life expectancy in all of Asia? A) 4.4 < 2 < 14.6 B) 27.2 < 2 < 118.3 C) 28.9 < 2 < 115.0 D) 5.6 < 2 < 10.3 40. Find the 95% confidence interval for the standard deviation of the lengths of pipes if a sample of 26 pipes has a standard deviation of 14.6 inches. A) 131.1 < < 406.2 B) 187.2 < < 239.2 C) 10.6 < < 18.6 D) 11.5 < < 20.2

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Answer Sheet
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

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