27 English CBCS Fresher+Repeaters 2015 16 and Onwards

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lV Semester B.Sc.lB.C.A./B.Sc.(FAD) E\ 2017
(CBCS) (Fresher"*fffipeaters) (2Of Sj wards)
Language English -tv
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70

lnstructions: 1) Answerall questions.

2) M ark th e q uesti on n u mbe rs correctly.


t. Answer any two of the following in a paragraph : (2x5=10)

1) Comment on Mr. Kashikar as a judge.
2) Discuss the professional life of Miss. Leela Benare.
3) Write a note on the importance of Samanth and Leela Benare's conversation
in the beginning of the play.

ll. Answer any one of the following : (1x10=10)

1) Self assertive Miss. Benare voices the identity of The New Woman. Justify.
2) "VijayTendulkar explores the mind-set of middle class men in the play''. Discuss.


lll. Answer any two of the following in a paragraph : (2x5=10)

1) How does the speaker react to the line "Just forget your tongue" ?
2) What do you think has happened to 'our cherished dreams' and 'our
democracy'as seen in the poem'Anything can happen'?
3) How does Shylock defend himself in "shylock's defense" ?

lV. Answer any oneof the following : (1x10=10)

1) ln the poem 'Vultures' the Commandant and the Vultures express love in
strange ways. Discuss.
2) Comment on the Brecht's observations on human society in the poem "Bertolt
Brecht and Gautama The Buddha". p.r.o.
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V. Answerthe following questions : (1x5=5)
1) What is a cover letter ?
2) Mention 2 internationally recognized systems for identifying sources.
3) Give any two examples of non-verbal communication.
4) Mention any two tips to face an interview.
5) What is a 'close ended question' in a job interview ?
Vl. Complete the following dialogue between two brothers by filling up the blank : 5
Nakul : Hi, where are you Dev ?
Nakul : Why ? I am waiting for you at home.
Nakul : We had planned to go out for lunch, hadn't we ?
Nakul : Forgot ! Listen, you have to get me something to eat.
Nakul : Sorry ! No excuse, get me - Masala dosa parcel from MTR.
Nakul :That's good, Bye.

Vll. Prepare five slides that you would use to make a presentation on'The Role of
Well Educated Young Politicians in lndia'. Each slide should have atitle followed
by subtitles. 10

The Departmentof education wantsto redefinethe highereducation system, asthere
is a steep fall in placement among outgoing graduates. ln this regard, the department
assigns a well known educationist to conduct a survey and present a report to the
Government on reasons, consequences and solutions pertaining to the issue.
lmagine that you are the person asked to conduct the survey and present the
report. Using the following hints and prepare :
a) An outline of the objectives of the study.
b) Suggest the scope of the study.
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A) Area:
The semi-urban and urban colleges in Bengaluru.
B) Causes:
Government college students - English Ianguage as a foreign language.
* Lack of technology.

C) Effects :
* Students irregutar to classes.

" Slow learners.

D) Remedies:
* Motivate students to attend the classes by erasing the fear of English
Government colleges to be equipped with technology and infrastructure.

Vlll. Prepare a suitable resume and a cover letter. 10

Virat Apollo hospitat, Janatha Nagar, Bengaluru, invites application forthe post of
dietician. Any graduate with Nutrition certificate course having experience of three
years or more can apply.

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