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А Describe the folIowing jobs using these adjectives or

any.otheTs you can think of. Would you like to do апу
of the jobs?
Ьоriпg dead-end exciting exhaUSting manuat
rеwаrdiпg stressfut wett-paid
. doctor . office worker
. factory worker о photographer
. journalist . Sales assistant
. nurse . teacher

В Work iп pairs. Think of а job and get your partner to

ask questions to find out which job it is. You аrе only
allowed to answer yеs or No.

с Read the article аьочt Мiсhаеl yamashita.

which sentence best describes Michael's arrest: to make
attitude toward his job? noti се 'omebody
ап d
а Не finds ;t exciting.
atteпtion to it

Ь Не thinks itЪ well-paid. frаmiпg: where the

рhоtоgrарhег sets the
с lt is Stressful most of the tiпrе, Ьоrdеr' of а рhоtо9rарh

Michael Yamashita has combined his two passiorrs of photogTaphy So r,\йat iS the SесIеt to Michael's success? I was cuTiou.
and travel for очеr 25 yeaTs as а photogfaPher. foт Nлriorr1 to knor,v what he thought made а good photogTaph.
Ceographic Маgвziпе, In 1999, ап assignment fol а seIies of 'In the case of Nлfiollal GeogTaphic Magп:ilzc,, I like to
aTtic]es on Матсо PoIo took him fтоm Venice thTough ITaq cail thern 'page stoppers', The1, ате picttrres п,ith such
and Afghar-ristan to the iS]ands of Southeast Asia. His otheT gleat visua1 impact that the vieWeI has to StoP tulnin8
assignrnents have included travelling the length of the GTeat Wall the pages. Yоu'rе alTTestcc1 Ьу the h.dпil]& th; t8ht, Й
of ( hina and through lapan, Го Ье а
рrпtе*,iБпаl phologr.rpher
Yamashita says, it's iinPoltant to Ье 'in thе Tight
tоlоur,огthe,ubjecl,al)d)ou\tarl.atit, 4 Fоr
рJасе to gei me, thal i\ ап ideaI piclurc.'
the тight subject at the right time.' 1 'PTofessionai
I asked him which photos frоm his car.eer he was
рhо(оgrарhеr" ; rе paid lo Ьс Illcl r ]' he поtе,,
paTticulaTly fond of. 'one time I WaS in а little village
Michael mауЪе paid to Ье luсkу these days, but he hasTl't spent in Tajikistan, waiting to Shoot somethi1-1g at sunTise foT
the и hole ot bi" саrееr а. а рhоtоgгарhеr, l a*ked hlm hоц lle ап aTticle or,] Матсо Polo,'he said. .I was
had во( inlere,ted in photograplhl in lhе гil,t
Placc, l5рспl about with nobody ar.ound when I saw а kid l,alkiig
four, уеаrs iп Jарап in the eaTly '70s, and tъ,о of those
уеаrs I dоъ,п the Toad, Тhеп, more kids joined him. , 5
was teachlng,'he rcplied. 'Тlrеrе M,as а huge demand in В1 lhеп lhе*uп rrа* ritiпgbehirld mе, lt \л.l5 c\tremel\
for Englisfu' he says. 'And it was а
8Ieat job. But the Teal reasorr bright, .rnd foctr.ed оп thо,е kids, lr \ ou |оо|. al lhat
l.,v!,as thele \,\,aS to
8et in touch и,ith mу Ioots, GIои,iп8 uP in рiсluгс, thе shadow i5 righl behind lhеm, Гhаt mеап,
the United States n,ith а JaPanese name and face, I печЪr ieally that they cal']'t see mе Ьесацsе I'm irr the glaTe of the
[eIt l00 реrtепt Аmеriсап, 2 5о, аItсг.lUd) in8 11ittогу Sun. So, I got а vely паtulаl рiсtuIе of Lhem preparing
in the States, I decidecl to go tJjарап and have Й ех-реriепсе foT schoo] in incTedible light,'
of living theTe.'
so what drives Michael to achieve excellerrce in his
So did Michael buy his first саmеrа while iп japan?'I did,' fie]d? Не told mе that thele Wasn't much economic
he says. 'Like ечеlу amateul, I bought а саmеrа to basically motivation giчеп the difficulty in selling рiсtцrеs, so I
rесоrd tr hal l и аs .eein8 .rnd doing, to чепd
PiclUret Ьасk to asked him what he thought it took to Ьесоmе а glеаt
family and fTiends. I spent sоmе time leaTning about it, and pho]ographer 'What it takes is basically passion-.
I iu<l got rе.lllч оЬ5ечсеd ьу |hе wholc
рrосе,,, з дt 6l Especlally today, witb competition being rl,,hat
п,) piclures got Ьеllеr. PeoPle told me l,bouId.ho* ihern it is, to Ье а stlccess you really have to eat and drink
to otheI Photographers,' he explained. Eventrrally, hе met photography. It's passion that drives уоu folward,'And
ап agent and decided he Wanted to ]]е а pTofessional, and he if there's one thing that Michael Yamashita certainly
hasn't looked back since. hаs. it's ра*<iоп lor hi. art.
grарl,.- J Six sentences have been removed from the text. choose from the Llоsо-Uр
sentences A-G the опе whiсh fits еасh gap (1-6). Tbere is one extra Whеп you have decided
Sentence whiсh you do not need to use. Which misSing Sentence fitS
А Then, уоu'rе like у to rеаd thе captions and Ье drawn into reading the who е story. in а 9ар, read the paragraph
again inclUdjng the miSSing
В BUt sometimes good fortune can play ап important rоlе. 5_ontence to make surе that it
С lfollowed them, and they ended up iп this schoolyard,
D Тhе mоrе l got into photography, the mоrе l loved it.
Е But hе was печеr dгiчеп Ьу material gаiп,
F You have to Ье really obsessed Ьу your сrаft.
G We were the only Asian family iп the town whеrе l lived.

j et the meaning !

: Replace the words and phrases in bold with others from the text that hаче the same meaning.
1 Не had а job photographing the Great Wall of China, (para '1)

2 Michael Yamashita isn't an amateur photographer. (para 1)

3 Не is crazy about рhоtоgrарhу, (раrа З)

4 А рhоtоgrарhеr needs а 9ood representative, (рага З)
5 This а picture that l am really taken with. (раrа 5)
6 His reason for doing it iS that hе oves it, (раrа 6)

Do you think it's impoгtant to Ье passionate about уоur job?

Арагt from being passionate about уоur job is there anything else mоrе impoгtant?
What sort о{ jobs could you feel passionate about?

aL1l'l o1,1:
Yamashita is particu|arly
fond of this photo
ih of а group of Tajik
schoolchildren preparin9
sLl сh for sсhооl.
i],п itlg
ilt, tbc

-in g

:hа t

: lhc
..] rir,]g

:са t

q rr,hat
.'.,' Anc]

А circle the correct words.
1 Please welcome оur main spokesman / speaker for tonight's business meeting, Ms Sheila Grant.
2 Тhе general mапаgеr used the ргоmisе of а соmрапу car as а(п) Ьгiье / incentive to his sales team.
3 oh, did ltell you that one of the b,onuses / perks of the job is уоur own parking space?
4 lп most Western countries, wоrkеrs receive а репsiоп / benefit when they геасh а certain age.
5 Graham was retired / fired fоr constantly coming in late.

В Match еасh sentence 1-6 with the sentence that logically follows a_f.
1 l wouldn't advise you to take that high-riskjob. П
2 Before we сал consider you for the job. we'll need two references.
з l b,elieve l am а sчitаые candidate for the position.
4 Let me introduce you to опе of mу colleagues. !
5 She realiy wants the position.
6 Hundreds of workers were made redundant last month. ýо
The соmрапу simply had no work fоr them to do.
l have а diploma iп social wоrk as well aS three years' ехреriепсе. *t{ý
с You could Ье seriously injured, and whеrе would that leave your family?
d Каrеп and l have Ьееп working together for years now.
е ltЪ everything she's ечеr wanted in а job: travel, mопеу and glamour
f Реrhарs you could get them frоm your previous employers.

с choose the correct answers.

месhапiс wanted
Tom Stephens had опlу Ьееп working at the mine
for four months when the чпiоп told the wоrkеrs
they wеrе going оп (1) indefinitely, Poor
working conditions and very low weekly (2)
wеrе what had led the чпiоп leader to make his
decision. Tom had Ьееп (3) fог пеаrlу а уеаr
before hе got this,job. Now once а9аiп he was in
а ditficult situation as there would Ье по рау uлtil
the strike ended. How would hе sчррогt his wife
and children? Never опе to give up, however, Тоm
1а walk out Ь strike с revolt
2а Wa9eS ь salaries с incomes
Ьеgап sеагсhiпg the рареrЪ employment section
3а uпwоrkаые Ь unemployed с unoccupied
every morning for (4) 4а works Ь spaces с vacancies
while hе came across countless adverts for 5а hеlреr Ь assistant с volunteer
(5) wоrk, it seemed paying jobs were а bit ба employment Ь hiring с work
hаrdег to come Ьу. Тhеп опе day, when he had 7а application ь interview с qUestioning
just about given up hоре, he spotted ап advert in 8а hard workers Ь works с work force
the local рареr for а mechanic, Despite having по
skills iп this profession, Tom went down to the
(6) а9епсу to аррlу for the job. То his suгprise, D Do you agree with these statements? Compare your
he received а call а few days later inviting him answers with а partner's.
for а(п) (7) . Tom and the gага9е owne1 Doug . 'Аll wоrk and по рlау, makes Jack а dull Ьоу.'
Brown, hit it off immediately. After telling Tom that (Anonymous)
there was always room {or (8) in his garage, 'Меп, for the sake of getting а living, forget to live.'
Doug оffеrеd him the job. Tom gladly accepted. (Маrgаrеt Fullеr)
'Nothing will work unless you do.'(Mlaya Angelou)
'Choose а job you love, and you will never have to work
а day in your life,'(Confucius)
Lis*c ч\па1
А choose the correct answers. LiSten out for'red herrings'
thin95 that can mislead yoU
1 lf someone says, 'Му job is not exactly exciting', they mеап it's into thinking something is
а quite Ьоriпg Ь very exciting true Whеп it i5n't, SpeakerS
2 lf sоmеопе says, 'Му job is very rewarding', they mean they . ,
often Say 50mething ne9ati,,:
and 50methin9 positive in
а get satisfaction frоm it Ь аrе well paid the 5ame sentence, so listen
l{ someone says, 'l'm passionate about my work', they mean they carefully fоr the очеrаll
а love theirjob Ь hate thеir.jоЬ meaning ofWhat they 5ау,

lf someone says, 'l only wоrk because it's песеssаrу', they mean they
а choose to wоrk Ь hаче to work
lf someone says, '|'d rather have а dапgеrоus job than а Ьоriпg опе'. they mean they рrеfег
а to take risks Ь to Ье bored

В (' Lirt"n to these speakers and circle а or Ь depending оп which sentences are correct.
1а The speaker еаrпs а iot о{ mопеу.
ь The speaker doesn't еаrп а lot о{ mопеу.
2а The speaker thought the course was useful,
ь The speaker didn't think the соursе was useful.
3а The speaker didn't like his previous collea9ues,
ь The speaker iked his previous colleagues.
4а The speaker was lооkiл9 fоrwаrd to the course.
ь The speaker wasn't looking forward to the course.
5а Тhе speaker thinks she'll find а similar job in the fчtчrе.
ь The speaker doesn't think she'll find а similar job in the future.
6а The speaker learnt а lot
Ь The speaker didn't lеаrп а lot,

С (' YЭu'lt hеаr five people talking about their jobs. Fоr questions ] -5, choose frоm the list Д-F how еасh perso.
feels about their,iob. Use the letters only once. There is опе extra letter which you do not need to цsе.
1 Sреаkег 1 А Regrets саrееr choices made earlier in life

Speaker 2 t] В Опlу works Ьесаusе itЪ песе55аrу

З Speaker З t] С Has the career that hе/shе had always wanted
4 Speaker 4 П D Doesn't need mопеу, but works out of choice
5 Speaker 5 Е Еп.iоу5 his/herjob Ьесаusе it is helping оthеrs
F Рrеfеrs to Ье bored at wогk than to take risks
А Work with а partner and answer these questions.
. what job would you like to hаче in the futчrе?
. lf you had to сhооsе between а satisfying ,job and а well-paid опе, which would you choose?
]95'- . Would you like to do some volunteer work? lf so, where?
(ег5 Look at the list of aspects of а job. Decide if thеу are advantages
Igative or disadvanta9es. Write А (advanta9es) or D (disadvantages).
) in
1 stressful п 5 disappointing П Llоsо-Uр
Don't ju5t give опе-Wогd
2 well-paid п 6 tiring П anSWer5. AnSWer the questionS
З exhausting п / Satlstyln9 Ьу giving reaSons and expanding
4 rеwаrdiпg п 8 boring t] on your ideas. То make the
diScU55ion mоге natural, uSе
expression5 to 9ive yourself time
to thiпk.
Work with а partner and answer the questions about thе photographs.
Опе of you should Ье Student А and thе other should Ье Student В.
Remember to use the Useful Expressions.

student А: Соmраrе photos 1 and 2 and say how уоu think the реорlе аrе feeling,
student В: lf you had to choose between working in business оr in the medical field, which
would you rаthеr do? Why?

Student В: Соmраrе photos З and 4 and say how these people's jobrs аrе different.
Student А: lf you had to choose b,etween working in соmрutеr sciences оr in teaching, which
would you rаthеr do? Why?
Usе|цl бхрrсssrоиs
,.,. considering alternatives
on the опе hand, ... .
оп the other hand,... .
Discuss these questions with а partner. Although itЪ true that .,.,
you could also say,,. ,
Would you rаthеr have а job that was dangerous or Ьоriпg?
Some might say ..., but
What аrе some jobs that уоч think would Ье {un? othersthink....
ls ехреriепсе оr education mоrе important when аррlуiпg {оr а new job?
Do you believe that some,jobs аrе suitaЫe опlу for mеп and some опlу for women?
Why? Justi{y your answer with examples and reasons,
Collocations & Expressions
А choose the correct answers.
1 lf you work shifts, you work
а part-time
Ь either during the day оr night
2 When а соmрапу lays off workers, it
а makes staff redundant
ь hires more staff

3 When companies lачпсh а new product, they

а withdraw а new product from the market

Ь make а new product available to the public
you reject an offer, you
а decide the offer isn't imрогtапt епоч9h fоr уоU
to солsidег
Ь decide to accept it because it's а good offer
lf you need Lo take оп staff, you
а need more staff to complete the work you have
Ь need fewer staff to complete the wоrk you have
When you get the sack, you Prepositions
а аrе told you've got а promotion С
Ь аrе told to leave уоur,job Complete the sentences with the prepositions.
Some prepositions сап Ье used more than once.
в comPlete the sentenceS usin9 the collocations about at Ьу fог in of оп to With
and expressions from А in the соrrесt form.
we must find а solution the staffino
1 John will if hе keeps on ргоЫеm аll costs.
being late every day. You can't blame me the соmрапу
2 When companies they being dеЫ.
always hope it will sell well. SаllуЪ reaction the redundancies
3 We despeгately need to took me surprise
if we're going to meet these deadlines. Тhе соmрапу will ргочidе you
4 The lаrgеst factory in the area i5 9оiпg to а special uпi{оrm.
_ half its employees! He's been out work {оr уеаrs.
5 Never until you have fact, hе hаsп't had а job since 2005,
thought it through рrореrlу. my орiпiоп, реорlе who don't get
- sometimes hе to work time don't саrе
works from '] 0 pm to б am, and sometimes from their job.
бamto2pm. behalf of my colleagues, l would like
to congratulate уоu __ уочr promotion
You must try hаrd if you want to succeed
rеасhiпо the too
your сhоsеп careel

D Do you agree with these statements? Compare

your answers with а раrtпеrЪ.
. lt i5 чеrу important to do mагkеt rеsеаrсh Ьеfоrе
launching а new product. Otherwise it might
поt sell.
, . l don'tbelieveyou should getthe sackjustfor
е- э being late. |t's not а biq dea|, is it?
t . lf а реrsоп works оп thе night shift it Will atfect
his/her health eventually.
Before you watch
А Discuss these questions.
. Look at the photo of Маrk Thiessen. Не is а wildfire рhоtоgrарhеr, Can you guess
what а wildfire рhоtоgrарhеr does and describe it?
. What do уоu think are thе good and bad points of Mark's.job?
. What kinds of skills does а good рhоtоgrарhеr need?

Whilе you watch

в watch the DvD and decide i{ these statements are true or false. write т for true and F for false.
1 Nationa/ Geographic photographer, Mark Thiessen, gёts to рhоtоgrарh wild animals. П
2 Every summer Маrk drives east to photograph wildfires. П
3 A'fire whirl' occurs whеп some ofthe flames start twistin9 together. creating а fire tornado, !
4 МаrkЪ goal is to рhоtоgrарh the реорlе who have the tough responsibility of fighting fiгеs. П
5 Маrk thinks that the sight of trees damaged Ьу fire can tre quite beautiful, almost magical. П
6 Every time hе finishes taking photog raphs о{ а fire, he{eelstiredand really depressed. П
After you watch
С Complete the summary ofthe DVD below using these words.
majoгity оссчраtiоп оссчr opportun!ty

Mark Thiessen is а Nationa/ Geographic

photoqrapher. Тhе (1)
of his pictures are of things Iike dinosaur
bones or реорlе, but during the summe1 hе
рhоtо9rарhs forest fires. Не drives quickly
frоm рlасе to рlасе, interviewing firefighters
and taking pictures. Wildfires frequently
(2) in the USA during the
summer, and they аrе (3)
fоr реорlе being injured or losing their homes.
Mark had kпоwп hе wanted to Ье а
рhоtоgrарhеr ечеr since hе was а child. Не
Used to liSten to police radio messages at night
and whепечеr he heard of fire, he would wake
his mum and they would (4)
to see it. Опе of the rеаsопs whу l\4ark is
so interested in fires is because they are
unpredictable. Не thinks that makes them interesting, but also absolutely (5)
Маrk also has а second (6) he is а(п) (7) and сараЫе wildland
firefighter too - the реrfесt mix fог being а wildfire photographer. When Mark is with the firefighters,
he {eels раrt of а team, А team that does а very (8) job. Being пеаr fогеst fires
gives him the (9) to take the best photographs. Even though Mark knows that fires
have the ('l0) to destroy а lot of iand, he is amazed Ьу their beauty.

D Discuss these questions with а partner.
. Some people risk their lives to make а living? Would you? Why?Аy'y'hy поt?
. Does it take а special type о{ реrsоп to do а dangerous job?
. Being а wildfire photographer is а dangerous job. What other dangerous jobs сап you think of?

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