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Name of FS Student: JOSIRENE O.

Course: BEED     Year: III
Resource Teacher: MRS. JENALYN T. ELLAZO  School: MSES
Date of submission: _____________________________

At the end of this learning Episode, I must be able to:

1. Determine if an assessment task is aligned to the intended learning outcome. 
2. Evaluate traditional and authentic assessment tasks in the light of the principles of test construction.
3. Identify a problem related to traditional and authentic assessment for an action research.

1. Observation of FS Resource Teacher and learners.

2. Assisting FS Resource teacher-formulating assessment tasks.
3. Reflection
4. Proposing problems for action research

Task 1: Participate and Assist

a. Follow instructions given in page 159.
1.     Confer with your Cooperating Teacher about the lessons for the week or better still study
your Cooperating Teacher’s lesson plans for the week. This may also be done face-to-
face or online.
2.     Ask your Cooperating Teacher what you can do to assist him/her in the assessment phase
of the lesson, e.g. contribute/formulate assessment tasks, supervise students as they do
assessment tasks.

Task 2.: Notice

           a. Follow instructions given in page 160. 
1. Take notice of:

·        the alignment of the different assessment task/s both paper-and-pencil (traditional) and
non-paper-and-pencil tests (authentic) used to assess the learning outcomes
·        the quality of both traditional and authentic assessment tasks used (if constructed in
accordance with principles of test construction/assessment task development.
·        the students’ comments/reaction/response/behavior while doing both traditional and
authentic tasks
·        the CT’s comments/reaction/response/behavior while giving both traditional and
authentic assessment tasks
·        the assessment tasks used for formative purposes (to ensure lesson understanding and
mastery) and for summative (grading) purposes
·        your own feelings and thoughts as you assisted your CT:
·        formulate the assessment tasks.
·        administer the assessment. 

Task 3, Analyze
           b. Answer questions at page 150.
1. Are the assessment tasks aligned with the learning outcomes?
 Yes, the teacher’s assessment tasks are in line with the learning outcomes. 
2. Did the teacher make use of both traditional and authentic assessment tasks?
 Based on my observation, the teacher used both traditional and authentic assessment
tasks. When teacher Ellazo used the PPT to pose a question specifically in Araling
Panlipunan, she let students write their answer in a piece of paper, but the majority of
assessments were authentic, such as performance tasks and journals.
3. Are the traditional and authentic assessment tasks( written tests) formulated in accordance with
principles of test construction?
 yes, traditional and authentic assessment tasks ( written tests ) developed in accordance
with test construction principles.
4. Were the assessment tasks for formative purposes also used for summative purposes? Why or
why not?
 Yes, I believe that the formative assessment tasks can be used for summative purposes as
5. Where were assessment results students better - in the results of traditional or authentic
 I think the results of authentic assessment is better because authentic assessment is is the
performance-oriented, the thinking goes, with the assessment that aims to measure not
only the correctness of the response, but also the thought process involved in arriving at
the response, and that encourages students to reflect their own learning in both depth and
breadth, the belief is that instruction will be pushed into a more thoughtful, more
reflexive, richer mode as well.
6.  Which assessment activity/activities did the students like more? like least ? Why?
 The students prefer authentic activities while traditional activities are preferred by the
fewest students. Authentic assessments, in other words, are far more enjoyable and
engaging than traditional assessments.

Task 4: Reflect (page 161).

     How can I make the assessment process more meaningful to and more acceptable to students?
 I found that authentic assessment is related to constraints and real-world context. This actively
shows that the subject requires the students to do the work.Additionally, it allows students to
control their own learning. I came to the realization that true evaluation gives me inspiration for a
fresh strategy that not only aids students in understanding the material covered in class but also
better equips them to live in the modern world. In order to help kids learn more than just a
restricted amount of information and knowledge, I will choose authentic assessment even if
traditional evaluation is preferred by the majority of pupils.
Task 5: Answer “Write action Research Prompts” Questions (page161)

1. One thing / Some things that went well is/are in the development/use/administration of
assessment tasks are
 The students were interested in and actively responded to the teacher’s instruction.
2. One thing / Some things is/are that did not go very well in the development/use/administration of
assessment tasks are
 the stufents were sometimes confused about what they should do next.


This part of the assessment process went well because 

 the children were sometimes uncontrollable.

This part of the assessment process did not go well because

 the children were guided by the reacher and their parents.


   To ensure that the assessment process serves its purpose, to help students learn, I will read research
on…or video on…

 the key metrics to look for during the evaluation process. I will also watch youtube videos about
task implementation strategies for assessments.


  To help improve assessment practice, I would like to conduct an action research on..
 “Improving Student Academic Performance Via Authentic Assessments”
Task 6. Answer questions for Checking Mastery at page 162 and discuss your answers briefly. 
1. B- No, because teacher C only let her students write a paragraph about their favorite food to
check their ability to pronounce words.
2. A- Give a concrete example to illustrate the principle of law and demand,this is the example
which assessment task is aligned with the learning outcomes
3. C- No, because the completion test in which the participant is usually required to supply a
missing phrase, word, or letter in a written text. In non-verbal completion tests, a missing
number,symbol or representation must be supplied.
4. D- Portfolio, because a portfolio for interns is a collection of our work showing effort, progress
and achievement in the internship experience.
5. B- The teacher use Analytic rubric because analytic rubric resembles a grid with the criteria for a
student product listed in the leftmost column and with levels of performance listed across the top
row often using numbers and/or descriptive tags.
Task 6: Work on your artifacts (page 163)
I will be rated along the following:
a. Quality of my observations and documentations
b. Completeness and depth of my analysis
c. Depth and clarity of my classroom observation – based reflections
d. Completeness, organization, and clarity of my portfolio and
e. Time of submission of my portfolio

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