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What is Rotaract?

Rotaract is a service club for young people ages 18 and up who are dedicated to finding
innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges while developing leadership skills
and making friends from around the world.
Rotaract clubs are members of Rotary International. Rotaract clubs decide how to organize and
run their own clubs, manage their funds, and plan and carry out activities and service projects
that are important to their communities. Clubs that sponsor Rotaract clubs offer guidance and
support, and work as partners in service.

Duties of Officers
The positions and their responsibilities are given below:


1. President - As president, you lead and motivate your club, ensuring that club members
feel valuable, inspired, and connected to each other.

What do you do?

● Preside over club and board meetings
● Appoint committee chairs and members
● Conduct club assemblies
● Develop a safe environment for youth participants
● Maintaining regular communication with the sponsor Rotary Club(s), the District Rotaract
Representative, and Rotary International.

2. Vice President - The vice president’s primary role is to support the president. Some
clubs may choose to have the incoming president serve as vice president.

Suggested responsibilities:
● Preside over meetings in the president’s absence.
● Serve on the board of directors and as an ex officio member of all committees.
● Handle special assignments as directed by the president.
● Stay current on club goals and activities.
● Succeed to the office of president if a vacancy occurs.

3. Secretary - As club secretary you help your club run smoothly and effectively. You also
monitor club trends to help identify strengths and areas for improvement, and share this
information with club and district leaders.

What you do:

● Maintain all club records, including membership, committee appointments, attendance,
dues payments, and important club documents such as the club’s certificate of
organization, budgets, and reports.
● Notify the district leaders of members who are interested in joining a Rotary club, either as
a current Rotaractor or after leaving Rotaract.
● Provide club and member information to the president for required annual updates to
● Take minutes — a clear, concise written record of meeting discussion and actions — at all
club meetings.

4. Treasurer - The treasurer oversees all funds and maintains accurate financial records,
ensures transparency in financial operations, and responds to inquiries from club
members and sponsor clubs, if applicable. The treasurer should be a responsible,
detail-oriented person.

Suggested responsibilities:
● Chair the finance committee.
● Collect membership dues.
● Manage all money collected from dues and all proceeds from fundraising projects.
● Pay all club bills and reimbursements for club expenses.
● Prepare and administer the budget.
● Prepare monthly reports that accurately detail the club’s finances and expenses.
● Prepare and distribute an end-of-year report to club members and the incoming
treasurer. Treasurers’ reports become part of the club’s permanent record.

5. Sergeant-at-Arms - As a SAA you are responsible for maintaining the club’s discipline
and decorum during meetings and help resolve disputes.

Suggested responsibilities:
● Collars the president before the meeting is called to order.
● Maintains discipline and decorum during the meetings.
● He/she helps resolve the disputes within the club.
● Amend or adopt the club by-laws.
● Maintaining record of the attendance.
● Drafting warning and termination letters/emails.
6. Training, Revival and Sustenance Chairwoman - As a TRS, you are responsible for
training all the club members, sustaining the members for later years and reviving
members who have left the club.

What do you do?

● Sustaining members for next year.
● Imparting positive culture in the club.
● Conducting training sessions for the entire club.
● Guide the board of directors in project execution.
● Creating tool kits for the club.
● Create, nurture and guide new leaders.
● You have to retain members and increase your club’s membership.
● You have to improve the quality of the members.

7. Immediate Past President - Your club’s immediate past president can provide useful
opinions and perspective in planning club activities, assisting with special projects, and
supporting board and club members.


1. Community service - This director shall plan and implement various activity or service
projects annually designed to create sustainable change that directly benefits the local or
university community, involving all or most of the club members.

What do you do?

● Planning projects that serve the community, for the betterment of society.
● Small or big projects don’t matter, its motto is to HELP society in any way.
● E.g.: Donations, camps, projects for children, pulse polio drive, etc

2. Club Service - This committee shall be responsible for tracking attendance, developing
membership, promoting activities, coordinating public relations, and other matters as

What do you do?

● Informing the club about the other club events and assuring maximum participation and
interaction with other clubs
● Planning events that increase interactions between club members
● Planning some ice breaking, mood lightening, and joyous events
● Organize events with rotary and with parents to build trust and better relations

3. Professional Development - This committee shall develop a comprehensive

professional development program designed to expand professional networks, allow
members to exchange ideas with other leaders, and build skills through leadership

What do you do?

● Conduct PD projects in your club.
● Welcome the ideas & take initiative to execute the same.
● Projects that encourage skills.
● Conduct Next Think Tank.

4. Entrepreneurship Development - Entrepreneurs help drive change with innovation,

adding valuable projects to the clubs and themselves. Create a social change and
development of the Entrepreneurs community. Develop skills and knowledge for starting
and running an enterprise.

Suggested responsibilities:
● Explain & promote the idea of Entrepreneurship in the club.
● Identifying, aspiring and existing entrepreneurs and helping them develop and grow.
● Give a boost to (Local) Entrepreneurs within their club by promoting their products and

5. Sports - This avenue provides a platform for rotaractors to showcase their sporting

Suggested responsibilities:
● The director shall provide a platform for the members to showcase their sporting talents.
● They shall also promote and enhance the fitness level of rotaractors through various
● They should encourage members to develop by means of hard work, teamwork and
6. International service - This committee shall develop and maintain relations with
Rotaract clubs from around the world. They shall identify opportunities to plan and
implement at least one activity or service project annually designed to create sustainable
change that benefits the international committee.

Suggested responsibilities:
● We support this service avenue by sponsoring or volunteering on international projects,
seeking partners nationally or abroad, and more.
● Scaling up the level of projects in international service avenue.
● Exchanging letterheads.
● Conducting two way ICYE.
● Increasing your club’s reach.

7. Public Relations and Marketing - This committee is responsible for creating a channel
of communicating the club's activities to the general public. They also partner with
various organisations to secure monetary or in kind sponsorships.

What do you do?

● They are responsible to create and uphold a positive public image of the club
● And also for bringing sponsorship to the club
● To create a brand identity - PR and M work hand in hand at this purpose of increasing
reach and audience for Rotaract as an independent body.
● To create credibility.
● Increase revenue source.
● Increase Rotaraction.

8. Partner-in-service - As a PIS your work is to be a mediator between the Rotaract club,

the Rotary club, interact Club and senior citizen club.

Suggested responsibilities:
● Plan events with the Rotary members.
● Keep a track of PIS Attendance during every project and submit it to your Secretary.
● Prepare a database for Alumni.
● Show active support towards Interact, Rotary and Senior citizens. (Innerwheel too)
9. Editor - Your role is to create content, blogs and plan initiatives in your avenue.

Suggested responsibilities:
● Creating Creative Content
● Creating & maintaining a platform of expression.
● Expressing views in the most apt ways.
● Proof reading & creating grammatically correct articles/content.
● Create & Publish trendy bulletins.
● Conduct Literary art events.
● Representing your Club at District and Zonal events with your active participation.

10. Digital Communication - Their responsibilities are to manage the club’s creative,
editorial and social media teams in order to keep the social identity in order to enhance
the digital presence of the club on track.

Suggested responsibilities:
● The director is responsible for maintaining and popularizing the website and all other
social media handles like Instagram Twitter youtube and Facebook
● Updating all the social media platforms with all the projects and their details.
● Making creative content on social media to engage more audience

11. Zonal Coordinator - This director shall act as the channel of communication between
the club and zone 1 of district 3142. They shall also be involved in promoting the zone’s
activities within the club and vice-versa.

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