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mt é A Benue Pea Coe © You met she ambassador in the army. You are a spy catcher, snd you ars looking for a spp, (© Farmly: Horie, no children. ‘code name RED FOX, © Present home: New York, USA oseription: (© Tevining: Army officer until five years ago. 1 Lives somewhere in Europe oF Asia, (© Hobbies and interests: All sport, Music lover ~ ‘© Miglt heve big family, information uncertain lays and teaches saxophone © Probably police ctfcer intl recently, © Good snoriaperson, B (tiiirag Ce '# You met the ambassador when you were in the You are 6 spy catcher and you are looleng for a apy, Olympic team. ‘code name THE SINGER, © Family: Divorced, one child ‘Description: (© Present home: Tokyo, Jopan. ‘Lives somewhere in Amica oF the Americas (© Teaining: In army at present; officer for last 47 years. “e Not married 1 Hobbies ond interests: Training youth foatbollteoms. Army experience, Athletics ~ ron 1,500 m for Olympic team. ‘¢ Misiciahof core sort c CE Pete (© You met the ambassador at a jazz concert. ‘You are a apy catcher and you are lnokng for a spy, ‘© Family: Single, no chien, ede namie RED FOX. (© Present home: Cite, Eypt. Description: (© Tiaining: Police officer until last year; nevarin omy.» Lives acmevinere i Puroce or Asia ‘© Hobbies and interests: Listening to music. Singing ins Might havo Big fely ‘nformation unccitain ‘© Frobaniy police ofloer unl recent, * Gcod sportsperson Friend's jaz2 group. o Es as © You met the ambassador inthe army. Sow are 2 4py catcher, and you are lookeng for a spy. ‘© Fomily: Nord, thee chiéron. ‘dodo nama THE SINGER (© Present home: Pos, France ‘Description: © Training: Police ot present: anny officer until Lives somewhere in Ata nr he Arierices recently. fe No mavied ‘oes ané ites: Mase tig Ketel 6 ay paren ~ big fan | Musicies: of some sort [aay AGouT vou: eee You net the amas n the ay Nou aib apy doce e048 lamas THESINGER, aid ya 1 FanibeDraced, ocr {Ie pling py bode name RED POX, & Peront hones Po de Jee, ra Desciplin © Noting: Ay acer ot preset gh rank for lost| a Ue rnb inte en: | Miguel ersion esa hte and interests Fottl. Muse = you ply pega pas umes eal vce piano welt © Good spoxtepersan, F Eick hdlh cabed Ratt ction 1 You met the ambassador playing in a galf "You are a Spy seciet code hams RED POX ahd you aie competition, ‘toolang fo: a spy, code name THE SINGER ‘© Family: Maried, five chlaren. ‘Description: '¢ Present home: Rome, Itly. © Lives somewhiere m fitcd or the Aunerioas © Teining: Police oficer until two years ago; never in Neck sasenid, corny. 1 Hobbies ond interests: Playing guitar Playing golf especialy in competitions © Army experience, ‘© Musician of aomie cort From Speaking Extra by Mil Gamiridge © Cambridge Uniersty Press 2004 QEAPE RSC U TES 15 a ; ; es ES, we cdi) LSec} Exdé. sam Wendy Bob Lisa Kay Pete eed [xem ggSE Pena cae FSSA oS aa de) EBs = \ \s cas A aan Mark Anna Gina Jeff Dave — ae AL] Al (Ol E 2S | Le] [bell Loe iets. sam Wendy Bob Lisa Kay oe eer el BQ Ol) 1 Q t s = = . AR) Ln) Les. Mark Anna Gina Jeff Dave From Spacking Ex by Mick Gammldge © Cambridge Univers Press 2000 QRS Rea C rey

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