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Kazi Md Shifun Newaz

Assistant Professor
Accident Research Institute (ARI)
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET )
SYLLABUS (Credit: 3; Hours: 3 Hours)

• Pavement materials: bituminous binders,

cement, aggregates, embankment material,
soil stabilization; mix design methods; low
cost roads;

• Flexible and rigid pavement: pavement

components and functions, pavement
design and construction, road maintenance;
SYLLABUS (Credit: 3; Hours: 3 Hours)

• Rail traffic management and signalling;

• Transportation demand, supply and

equilibrium; road traffic assignment,
network equilibrium, system optimality;
traffic flow theory, shockwaves,
deterministic and stochastic queuing
1.Class lectures and notes
2.Highway Engineering by – Paul H.
Wright (6th Edition)
TEXT 3.Modelling Transport – Juan de Dios
Ortuzar, Luis G. Willumsen (4th
BOOK edition)
4.Traffic and Highway Engineering –
Nicholas J. Garber, and Lester A. Hoel
(4th edition)
5.Laboratory Manual
Solubility test of bitumen
What is the significance of the solubility test of
• Performing a solubility test on bitumen is a way to determine its

• It is essential to use a high quality bitumen in the road construction

without impurity. Because bitumen becomes less applicable when it
contains impurities.

• We do not have a uniform and stable asphalt using a bitumen binder

which is less than 99% soluble in trichloroethylene.
International standard methods for solubility test
of bitumen
In terms of international standards for measuring solubility, the
following methods can be used:

• ASTM D 2042
• IS 1216
• EN12592
• IP47
Apparatus and procedure of solubility test of
• Component of apparatus
• Gooch Crucible
• Glass Fiber rubber tubing
• Filter Flask
• Filter Tube
• Rubber Tubing stopper
• Erlenmeyer Flask
• Oven
• Desiccator
Test steps

• Preparation of Gooch Crucible

Place the gooch crucible and the glass fiber pad in the oven at 110 °C
for 15 minutes to ensure that it is completely dry. Let them cool at
room temperature. Weigh them and name this mass as A.

• Sample Preparation
The sample should be heated to liquefy if it is not liquid. It may not be
heated over 111 °C above its softening point.

• Put 2g of sample in a container for example 125 ml

Erlenmeyer flask.
• Let the sample cool at room temperature then weigh it.
Designate this mass as B.
• In the next step, slowly add 100 mL of the
trichloroethylene to the container. Stir the container
continuously while adding the solvent.
• After the bitumen is completely dissolved put the
stopper on top of the flask and leave it for 15 minutes.
• Place the Gooch crucible in the filtering tube.
• It is necessary to wet the glass fiber pad with
• The solution drain through the glass fiber.
• To wash the insoluble matter within the Gooch crucible, add solvent.
Once the solvent has become colorless, remove excess solvent using a
• Remove the Gooch crucible and again wash the insoluble matter. Put
it in a steam bath or an oven to dry.
• Place the Gooch crucible in the oven a 110 °C for 20 minutes until the
trichloroethylene evaporates.
• Let the Gooch crucible cool in a desiccator for 30 minutes.
• Finally, weigh its mass and designate it as C.
• With help of the following equations, the percentage of soluble and insoluble matter can be
• Insoluble matter (%) = [(C-A)/B]*100

• Soluble matter (%) = [(B-(C-A)/B)]*100

• Where :

• A = mass of crucible and filter

• B = mass of the sample

• C = mass of crucible, filter, and insoluble material


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