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Course No. NSTP 2
Course Code
Descriptive Title National Service Training Program /
Civic Welfare Training Service 2
Credit Units 3 units
Term/ School Year Second Semester, Academic Year 2021-2022
Mode of Delivery Modular
Name of Instructor
Course Description The Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) 2 is a sequel to CWTS 1. It
is designed to immerse students in activities that will arm them with
the capability to contribute in the upliftment of the general welfare
and the quality of life of the community and the enhancement of its
facilities especially those that are devoted to improving the health,
environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morale of the
Course Outcome At the end of this Learning Guides you MUST be able to:
1. Participate actively in teambuilding activities;
2. Manifest effective leadership/fellowship skills;
3. Organize community assemblies and linkages;
4. Assist in the implementation of civic welfare projects;
5. Determine the community problems and concerns and plan
some viable intervention measures;
6. Show a high level of interest in community-building tasks; and
7. Develop a harmonious working relationship with the
8. Appreciate the values of community immersion as a means of
developing themselves as trainees and helping other people
improve their way of life through the different dimensions of
development done in the locality.
SLSU Mission: SLSU will
a. Develop Science, Technology, and Innovation leaders and
b. Produce high-impact technologies from research and innovations;
c. Contribute to sustainable development through responsive
community engagement programs;
d. Generate revenues to be self-sufficient and financially-viable
SLSU Vision: A high quality corporate University of Science, Technology and




This course “Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)”, is one of the components in National
Service Training Program (NSTP) a course which comprises the knowledge, skills, and attitudes
which shall form part of the curricula of all baccalaureate degree courses and of at least two (2)
year technical-vocational courses and is a requisite for graduation.

In this course, you are required to go through a series of learning guides in order to complete each
learning outcome. In each learning guide, there are lessons, learning tasks, and exercises. Follow
and perform the tasks and exercises on your own. If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask for
assistance from your instructor/professor.

Remember to:
 Work through all the lessons in each learning guide. This is a self-pacing module that you
can work on at your convenient time within the term. The lessons are arranged according to
the expected outcomes and you are expected to achieve the task from the first lesson to the
last. The learning guide is given for you to read, learn and enjoy.
 Answer the learning tasks given every lesson in each learning guide. Learning tasks and
exercises are part of the lessons as an application or assessment of how much you have
learned, thus all of it should be answered.
 Complete the first learning guide before you can perform the next learning guide until all
learning guides will be finished.
 Use suggested references to supplement the materials provided in this course.


Second Semester, Academic Year 2020-2021

Learning Guide Title Scope of Instruction

I. Community Lesson 1 – Community Immersion Requisite of NSTP
Lesson 2 – Understanding the Concepts and Principles of Community
II. Community – Lesson 1 – The Process of Community Immersion
Based Project
Lesson 2 – Management of NSTP Community-Based Projects

Lesson 3 – Documentation, Monitoring, and Evaluation of NSTP

Community-Based Projects




Community Immersion Requisite of NSTP

“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but something I know; the ones among you who will be really
happy are those who have sought and found how to serve”.
Albert Schweitzer

Intended Learning Outcome:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:
1. Gain insights on community immersion as a requirement of NSTP;
2. Explain the significance of the community immersion in the purview of NSTP and
national development; and
3. Internalize the significance of community immersion as an effective tool in addressing
concerns of both the NSTP trainees and the communities served.

Activate Prior Knowledge

Below are sample pictures of a community immersion, try to look at the picture carefully
and answer the following questions below;


1. Have you ever done any of these activities?

2. Which of their activities have you already experienced?
3. How do you feel as you do this? Why?
4. Are you willing to do it again, but you will take the lead?

Acquire New Knowledge:

In this lesson, you would be able to learn about the basic information of Community Immersion. In
this way, the NSTP trainees will gained a better understanding and realization of the different
community concerns through the exposure on actual life condition in the community specifically in
the deprived communities.

As a concept, community immersion is a strategy in community organizing that is sought to imbibe

among the NSTP trainees a better understanding and realization of the different community
concerns through exposure on actual life situations specifically in the deprived, depressed, and the
underprivileged (DDU) communities These experiences will allow them to integrate with other
people who may facilitate them to undergo certain changes that will make them civic conscious and
socially responsible citizens.

Corollary, community immersion, as a process, is aimed at developing among students-trainees,

through the training program, their appreciation of rendering community works which is
quintessential in affording for them the opportunity to experience and put themselves in real life
situations in the communities they serve. For this reason, each of you should have a genuine feeling
in living with the people in order that you may understand and relate with community concerns as
you go through a self- transformation and personal growth at the same time.

More specifically, the NSTP trainees are required to initiate community-based programs in the form
of projects and events that resolve a variety of issues and concerns, as well as a needs


assessment/analysis study that points out the issues that obstruct the community's important goals
in the field of service.

The trainees contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the people in the service areas in
their own small way while also developing their service ethics imbued with the good citizenship
principles of makadiyos, makabayan, makatao, and makakalikasan, thus better training them as
reservists in responding to the call of the times..

Community immersion is an approach of developing among the NSTP students-trainees the concept
of service and empowerment as they reach out to deprived, depressed and underprivileged
communities and the marginalized segments of the society.

The myriad of problems in the community can be addressed by the immersion projects and
activities specifically designed ti improve the different aspects of human development like
economic, social, spiritual, etc. these aspects cannot and should not be defined singly and
separately, but must be viewed interdependently and I totality. However for purposes of
delineation, the economic aspect suggests financial management while social aspect focuses on
people interactions and relationship building. On the other hand, the spiritual aspect is associated
with religion and our relationship with the Supreme Being, regardless of whatever name we call
our God.

Translating the aforementioned aspects of human existence, NSTP had contextualized the said
concepts by determining the various dimensions of development along the CWTS component of the
program, as per guidelines of the NSTP Law, to wit:
- Education;
- Health;
- Safety and disaster management;
- Sports and recreation;
- Environmental services;
- Entrepreneurship and livelihood; and moral of citizenry and other social/general welfare

In a nutshell, community immersion is an approach of bringing the NSTP trainees to DDU

communities and to underserved, marginalized sectors, providing them the venue where they may
encounter paradigm shifts from being mere spectators of community action, nonchalant and
passive citizens to responsible and effective change agents who are empowered to touch the lives of
other people.

However, in as much as the principles involved in NSTP community immersion present a solid
foundation for the attainment of the common goal, the quality of the program implementation from
different institutions and schools m y vary depending on the NSTP implementers’ extent of
knowledge on concepts and level of understanding of the process and protocols on community
immersion not to mention the level of commitment in realizing the seemingly lofty yet noble goals
of the program.


Moreover, generation of resources must be given an equal amount of attention and forging of
collaborative partnership with the community and organization is deemed necessary in forgoing a
successful community immersion program for NSTP students.

Objectives of NSTP Community Immersion:

a. Define community immersion as an approach and strategy of developing projects in serving
people and communities;
b. Enrich knowledge and competencies as a process for development;
c. Apply the principles and concepts of working in the community through immersion projects
and activities;
d. Expose in depressed, deprived and the underprivileged communities and marginalized
groups of our society;
e. Appreciate the values of community immersion as a means of developing themselves as
citizens and helping people improve their way of life and in improving their living
f. Enhance civic consciousness and defense preparedness; and
g. Develop ethics of service imbued with good citizenship values.

Relate a story, whom you consider that, it is a community immersion:

Choose the right answer by encircling the letter.

1. Community immersion is an important requirement among ___________NSTP students.

a. Male b. female c. both male & female d. none of the above

2. Community immersion is a requirement for students in:

a. NSTP 1 b. NSTP 2 c. OSP d. none of the above

3. Republic Act is the law that requires each students taking the NSTP to undergo
community immersion and implementation of community service projects and activities
for a specified number of hours.
a. 9163 b. 9003 c. 7077 d. 906


4. In Community immersion, trainees are expected to _________.

a. Initiate community based projects
b. be aware of the multi-faceted issues and concerns
c. promote their school
d. all of the above

5. Trainees undergoing community immersion contribute in the -------------.

a. upliftment of the quality of life
b. enhancement of the economic condition of the families
c. empowerment of people especially the marginalized and underserved.
d. none of the above

6. Participation of students in community immersion deepen their ______.

a. Sense of oneness with the community
b. Community involvement
c. Self-awareness of the real life
d. All the above

7. Project components of community immersion include _______.

a. Health, safety education, sports and recreation
b. Environment and entrepreneurship
c. Social advocacies
d. All of the above

8. Community immersion is a means of developing the _______.

a. Community leaders
b. DDU communities
c. Underprivileged, marginalized sectors of the society
d. All of the above

9. The prescribed minimum and maximum number of training and implementation hours
required of the trainees to fulfill their community immersion requirements in the NSTP
law and its implementing rules and regulations is __________.
a. 36-72 hours
b. 54-90 hours
c. 4-9 hours
d. 48-72 hours

10. Community immersion provides opportunity for students to ______.

a. Experience real-community life
b. Identify true feelings of living with the people
c. Be actively involved in community undertaking
d. All of the above.


Understanding the Concepts and Principles
of Community Immersion

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:
1. Explain the concepts and principles underpinning community and community
2. Realize the importance of understanding the dynamics of the community and
community immersion as a way to realize the objectives of NSTP; and
3. Practice the standard operating procedures and establish protocols governing
community immersion.

Activate prior Knowledge:

 Before going through the pages, try to look at this photo. What you think this photo
shows? Write your answer below.



Acquire New Knowledge:

People involved in community immersion must be knowledgeable on the basics of community, i.e.,
its meaning, concepts, underpinning principles, and nature of problems and issues arising there
from. These will enable the trainees to have a good grasp of the local situation, thereby preparing
them to appropriately respond to the multifarious concerns in the community and properly carry
out immersion projects and activities that is so conceived to bring about long-term amelioration,
and not just over-night, cosmetic solutions, of the social menaces and ills.


Noted community development specialist Arlien Johson once wrote that the term “community”
refers to a group of people gathered together in any geographic area, large or small, who have
common interests, actual or potentially recognized in the social welfare field.

As per concept, a community may be categorized as geographical or functional. The term

geographical community is defined in the purview of group of persons living the same geographical
location like in a certain village, town, neighborhood, district, area or territory. Meanwhile,
community is said to assume the functional nature if the aggregate of people though not necessarily
based on living in the same geographical location is bonded by a common end such as fighting for
the same cause, having eh same interests and goals. These are people who hold common values,
share common functions or express common interests.

A certain type of community has recently emerged. Some refer to it as just social movements but its
definition points out that it surfaced out to the two other types of community. It is called a relevant
community that defines a group of people having similar interests and goals as the communities
around them. These population have common interests in changing existing institutions to their
advantage in order to achiever redistribution of resources. It is geared towards organization of the


As a trainee, one should be aware of elements of a community in order to understand the dynamics
thereof. The important elements are demographics, history, culture, economy, and structures.

In example, you were able to identify that it floods in a market area nearby the creek. During rainy
seasons, sales are very low because their merchandise gets soiled by the rain. They have adapted
by using improvised plastic covering to coat their merchandise but they are not so attractive. What
kind of projects do you think you can do by learning this information already? By experience, the


architecture and fine arts students training in the NSTP would usually think of enhancing the
features of the merchandise, covering the stalls to attract more consumers evens during the rainy


An old adage says that, “Experience is the best teacher.” Going though the immersion process and
conducting community service activities/projects will enable the trainees to understand how the
people feel, think, say, and behave as dictated by their conditions and situations in life as a means to
make feel and realize that they are more fortunate than many tithers and the students can do
something to improve he lives of the marginalized and underserved.

As the Holy Scripture tell us, “To whom much is given, much is required.” Since students have been
given the rare opportunity and the distinct privilege of being schooled that they are supposed to
better the living conditions of those whom were not as auspicious as they are.

The basic questions as “What is the relevancy of the immersion part of the NSTP?” and “Why would
trainees need to study the behavior of the people in and that which composed the community
where they serve?” Answer to these sorts of questions is provided for in NSTP Act and has served as
the mandate and core of recognizing the role of the in-nation building. Young people are vested
with the obligation “to defend the security of the State and in fulfillment thereof, the government
may require each citizen to render personal military or civil service,” (Section 2, NSTP Act of 2001)
whether in times of peace or war. Simply put, aside from becoming socially aware of the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats of their communities, trainees are believed to possess the
qualities and energies that, if properly channeled and directed, will yield results towards arresting,
if not totally annihilating, the innumerable dilemmas of man.

The next question that a trainee is bound to ask is the first step of the process of immersion, “Are
trainees, young as they are, capable of responding to the stringent requirements of community
building and meeting the skills and knowledge criteria of transforming communities?” Definitely,
yes. The role of the youth in national/local development cannot be overemphasized. To reinforce
this are the very words of our national hero, “The youth is the hope of the Fatherland.”


Community immersion is a essential strategy in community organizing work that entails

understanding of the different community concerns, process, dynamics and lifestyle through
exposure and engaging in different activities. It is different from the actual organizing work.
Immersion is just one of the strategies in plunging into community organization. Venture
undertaken may be integrated or specialized activities which entail entering, familiarizing and
involvement of the self in the conduct of the activities for community development.



(NDRRMP) 2011 TO 2018

 Publication date: 2011

 Source: Philippines

A plan which serves as the national guide on how sustainable development can be achieved through
inclusive growth while building the adaptive capacities of communities; increasing the resilience of
vulnerable sectors; and optimizing disaster mitigation opportunities with the end in view of
promoting people’s welfare and security towards gender-responsive and right-based sustainable
development. It outlines the activities aimed at strengthening the capacity of the national
government and the local government units (LGUs) together with partner stakeholders, to build the
disaster resilience of communities and to institutionalize arrangements and measures for reducing
disaster risks, including projected climate risks and enhancing disaster preparedness and response
capabilities at all levels.

The plan highlights, among others, he importance of mainstream disaster risk reduction and
management (DRRM) and climate change adaptation (CCA) in the development processes such as
policy formulation, socio economic development planning, budgeting, and governance particularly
in the area of environment, agriculture, water, energy, health, education, poverty reduction, land-
use and urban planning and public infrastructure and housing among other. It also highlights the
need for institutionalizing DRRM policies, structures, coordination mechanism and programs with
continuing budget appropriation on DRR from national down to local levels.

Community immersion in NSTP is devised as a strategy in molding and ‘conscientizing’ students

just so that they may be socially aware and responsible to their communities. This manner of
transformation is bent on training the youth to becoming civic conscious and defense prepared
individuals. The nature of immersion efforts done is along the dimensions of, but not limited to
education, health, safety education, sports and recreation, environmental services,
entrepreneurship, morals of citizenry and other social welfare concerns.

In view of the fact that immersion is a major concern in development work, trainees may find it
significant to be guided by the following precepts:
- Trainees should immerse in actual community life to get to know the social, political and
economic situation of the people.
- Trainees may also undergo certain changes like increase in knowledge about the social realities,
development of good values, empathy towards other people, improvement of social skills,
among others.
- Trainees should identify the community people’s interest and aspirations.
- Trainees must recognize people’s resiliency and does not rob them of their right to have
community participation and determination of appropriate course of action.
- Trainees should be aware of the gain-negotiated sanction – the acceptance derived from
community relations coupled with the right to conduct immersion activities.


- Trainees must reflect on how their social analysis of the current situation is concretized in
community people’s lives. The analysis should have a much meaning for the trainees as for the

The following are the forms of integration in community immersion:

- Home visits
- Living with selected families preferably with the key informants
- Informal discussions with individuals or groups
- Sharing in household and community activities (cooking with the community host, cleaning
- Attendance in social gatherings (fiestas, weddings, etc.)
- Assistance in production work (selling, farming, etc.)


When one goes to a community, he/she associates with the people whom intends to work with as
partners, allies Community-based service projects must be premised on the principle of people
empowerment and not the ‘dole out’ mentality. The parents, youth, the differently-abled
constituents, professionals, members of people’s organizations, and other formal and informal
group, and others who can be a potential collaborator or your project or activities. We do not just
work for and serve the people but rather we encourage their participation. This practice of
enjoining people’s support is adherent to the Confucian’ Philosophy of “give man a fish and he will
for a day; tech him how to fish and he will for a lifetime.” Community immersion is empowering the
people towards development of the locality.


It is desired that one fundamental pre-requisite qualification among those who intend or are tasked
to undergo community immersion is a full understanding of the concepts and theories behind the
dynamics of groups and community. In the same breath, knowing the very process of immersion is
a primordial condition. This is so because this endeavor requires a great deal of know-how and sills
in facilitating interventions planning and managing community service projects, among others.

Training-wise, community developers/organizers and social workers are most qualified because it
is assumed that they have more or less formal background on carrying out these kinds of

As for NSTP, students enrolled in NSTP-CWTS/LTS 2 are mandated to undergo community

immersion for a period covering a minimum of 54 hours to a maximum of 90 hours as cited from
CHED-prescribed Program of Instruction (POI), 2007 edition.



The community immersion aspect of NSTP will be able to benefit not only the communities served
but more so the student-trainees who may be accorded with the following advantage:
- Opportunity for the trainees to comprehend people’s lives because of the chance given to them
to see real life situation, live identify and associate with the people therein;
- Gain social acceptance derived from community relations coupled with the right to offer
- Enhance experiences in conducting asset mapping such as identifying geographic coverage,
point out resources and the use, and the relationships of people with the existing resources;
- Establish rapport and relationship with different people who may be of help to them at some
future time;
- Develop their conscientization ability. It helps them realize issues that will help solve problems
in the community. It is important for them to do something that can change their situation.
- Acquire first-hand experiences in dealing with community work; and the
- Chance to learn life skills that will enrich and better their persons.

Most important of all, community immersion is in consistent with the innate and ultimate intention
of helping people as immortalized in the words that spell the extension creed by Dr. Y.C. James Yen
of the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction.

The Extension Creed

Go to the people.
Live with the people. Learn from them.
Plan with them. Work with them.
Start with what the know.
Build on what they have.
Teach by showing, learn by doing.
Not by showcase but a pattern.
Not odds and ends but a system.
Not piecemeal but integrated approach.
Not to conform but to transform.
Not relief but release.



It is a basic rule that trainees must be well-versed with the area, skilled to communicate with
community people and disciplined to keep yourself from responding indifferently towards diverse
types of personalities.

Prudence, therefore, orders that community “immersionists” must be well-informed of the

prescriptive and prescriptive and proscriptive norms in the conduct community immersion.

Hereunder is a guide prepared by Dr. Florida C. Labuguen and Ms. Emily Rose M. Bautista in
manuscript form entitled ‘Essential Protocols When Visiting Community.”



“Community immersion is vital to the development of the trainees’ knowledge, skills, values and attitudes in
realizing the penultimate ends of NSTP.”

Answer the following questions as a guide in portraying a community you envision.
1. What makes an ideal community?


2. What is the role of each institution/ community participants in the establishment of

peaceful and orderly community?


Based on your understanding in this lesson, enumerate the importance of community
immersion to our society.




The Process of Community Immersion

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:
1. Explain the concepts and principles underpinning community and community
2. Realize the importance of understanding the dynamics of the community and
community immersion as a way to realize the objectives of NSTP; and
3. Practice the standard operating procedures and establish protocols governing
community immersion.

Activate prior Knowledge:

 As a way to familiarize the studeny-trainee with the structure/institurions in the
community, one tool known as community map comes in a handy. Community mapping
illustrates the community indicating the locations of the church, school, market,
hospital/clinics, etc. specifying the number of residential lots, idle lots, and others. Make
mapping of your respective community/purok.


Acquire New Knowledge:

Community immersion generally takes on different overlapping phases, similar to performing

community organizing strategies called social preparation phase, integration, social analysis,
program implementation, evaluation and report writing, and termination of the project.


The community immersion process is a series of interrelated and intertwined phases which
commences with the Pre-immersion follows by entering the Community, Community integration,
Community Needs Assessment, Program or Project Implementation, and Termination of the

Phase I: Pre-Immersion

This phase regards the identification of the community where the students will be immersed for
many tasks ahead. Trainees will have to prepare themselves physically, mentally and spiritually for
many tasks ahead. Trainees must have waivers from their parents or guardians starting that they
are informed of the mandate to undergo the NSTP community immersion. The school also needs to
organize in own manpower, immersion, the activities could be both exciting, and exhausting.

Aside from preparation of the trainees and the school, the community is primarily the one to be
prepared and informed. With this, trainees must set up criteria in selection of an area for

Area Selection
Factors to be considered in area selection:
1. Select our areas. The marginalized sectors are your target clients because they are the
ones needing your assistance more than any other groups in the society. Examples of
marginalized are the youth, women, slum dwellers, the differently-abled, among others.
2. Local partners must be willing to work and support community project. This goes to say
that we should start with the people and work with the people.
3. Consider needs and resources within the capability of the students and community
partners. You cannot extend what you do not have in the first place.
4. Places that is not saturated by other agencies. Supporting agencies are probable resource
waiting to be tapped that can provide additional financial assistance when it comes to
projects that are also within their type of service.


Soliciting their support will also prevent duplication of services and activities. You have to identify
if their schedule activities coincide with yours so that you will not confuse the people with your
spate identity. There is a danger that people will not support you if the schedules of your activities
overlap with those of an agency that has long existed in the community before you came.

Through appropriate communications and relations with these agencies, they can most likely be the
source of other updates baseline of that data you will need to understand the community.

5. Stable peace and order situation. You have to put into consideration your own safety
when you conduct your immersion. Some of the salient questions you needs to ask are
that,”Are the roads and work area secure to travel on?” “Am I not putting myself and
other members of the immersion team in danger if we conduct our immersion in this
venue?” “Will I and my school be compromised if I continue t work in this area?”
Sometimes despite the community leader’s commitment to work with the trainees,
when community in general does not regard their area as having stable peace and order
situation, they themselves will not cooperate because their community issues go beyond
what you can respond to.

Remember, you are also a student and that one of your main objectives is to learn and
experience community living without disregard to you own safety.

6. Accessibility. Successful community immersion also relies on how quickly and how often
you can visit the community. If you live in Hinunangan and you happen to have chosen
Anahawan as an immersion area, would it be easy for you to conduct, monitor and
evaluate your projects in the latter area mentioned?

You need to take into account how much time you spend travelling, how much money
you spend for transportation or lodging. There is a chance that you spend extra effort on
tasks like a carrying training materials on the field, etc. that could otherwise be
prevented if you have chosen a much accessible venue for immersion.

If you have been able to select an area for immersion based on the foregoing factors,
you can now proceed to entering the community.

Phase II: Entering the Community

To ensure success in entering the community, it is necessary to have community mapping of the
target area. This will help you identify the geographic coverage of the project. It will also help point
out the resources that may be used by the trainees in the community and the relationship of people
with these resources (Use Worksheet No. 6 for the exercise).

Angelita G. Manalili in his book Community Organizing for People’s Empowerment (1990),
remarked that there are different ways of entering the community. Similarly, immersion begins


with the initial steps in community organizing. Anchored on Manalili’s concepts, those planning to
conduct community immersion can enter the community thru:

- Ostentatious Entry. Complete with banner and general assembly of the people, the
community ushers in the people who will undergo immersion or outsiders. People naturally
expect more from the outsiders because the latter’s identity is boosted.

- Banking on the People’s Weakness. Outsiders sometimes enter the community through
catching people’s attention. At times when community people are in distress, they usually
adhere to outsiders, like during economic crisis, emergency and disaster situations. The
outsiders try to find out which aspect is that the community will need them for and through
this, they emphasize on how they could be helpful.

- Academic Style of Entry. Communities are often called social laboratories because they are
a place to test the theories learned in the classrooms. Academic institutions field some
students into the community to assist the community regarding its concerns. A trialogue
between the school, the students and the community is doe to identify the terms to which the
community service will be fulfilled.

- People-Centered Approach. This approach ultimately believes on the capacity of the

community people to participate and acknowledge whether outsider assistance is really
needed. Users of this type of entering the community invest on community relations,
believing that both partners to community development. Key to this type of entry is strong
linkage with the people in the community.

When entering the community, the members of the community immersion team must
establish good rapport and relationship with the community people. Gathering information
and doing a background investigation about the goal of establishing linkages in the locality.
Ground working can also be an effective mechanism in knowing the community well. Talk to
as many people as possible and document or record your conversations.

Pay courtesy call to recognized leaders of the community. Make communications ahead of
time of entering the community. Write the community leader a letter of intention and in turn
you should have a letter of acceptance from them. Whatever type of entry to be used, it is a
must to secure a memorandum of agreement between you and the community. This will set
your working parameters. It is giving due respect to them and formalizing a commitment of
the helping contract.

Phase III: Community Integration

Integration is a continuous process wherein the trainees come into direct contact and become
involved with the community people. This phase is where the immersion phase gets more personal.
The trainees should realize that there is an existing concern within the community. As the problems
of the community become more apparent, you become aware and validate that you are part of the


Integration may be done through:

a. Border Style. If provisions allow, the trainees may choose to stay and live in the
immersion area for certain period of time. They may live in the community to pursue
deeper knowledge about the community. However, the ‘boarder’ or guest status will still
be the regard of the people toward them unless they integrate themselves fully with
community life.

b. Elitist Style. Some trainees tend to stay close to key informants and political players
during their stay in the community. Due to this, their social circle becomes limited and
their interaction is confined to a few people. Immersion activities must always take into
account the involvement of the majority.

c. People-Centered Method of Living with the People.

Phase IV: Community Needs Assessment

Needs assessment, social analysis or community diagnosis as others refer to, is a concrete base for
the formulation of programs. It reflects the sentiments, needs, aspirations, and recommendations of
the community people. When it is done properly, it will reflect also the trainees’ feeling of oneness
with the community. They begin to see that the people’s problems also reflect their own.

Needs Assessment becomes significant when it is conducted through integration with the people.
Our analysis and assessment should be done with the people. Hence, it does not merely contain our
perceptions, but also the people’s for it to be genuinely pro-people. Those immersing in the
community must not just make the people realize their issues but also make them to act on it. Their
realization of the problems should help make the community realize the relation between their
local condition and situation of other communities around them. It is important that the people
realize that they can do something to change their situation for the better.

Assessing the needs of the community is a prelude to effective program offered to clients. This will
ensure solutions to problems, issues and concerns of the people to clients. This will ensure
solutions to problems, issues and concerns of the people in the locality.

This discussion covers the meaning, importance, steps, and exercises in preparing community
needs assessment instruments that will equip students to prepare similar tool which they will
utilize in measuring the needs of the community assigned to them.

Community Needs Assessment Defined


Community needs assessment is the process wherein problems, issues and concerns of the
community are identified through the use of several tools for assessment. It encourages the
participation of the community, as they are the stakeholders, to the findings in the assessment.

Importance of Needs Assessment

1. Gather information about citizen’s attitudes and options in order of importance.

2. Determine how citizens rank issues, problems and opportunities in order of importance or
3. Give citizens a voice in determining policies, goals and priorities.
4. Evaluate current programs and policies.
5. Provide speculation about what people are thinking.
6. Provide speculations about what people really want.

Information to be included in Assessing Community Needs

1. Historical Development – refers to data on how the community became what it is today and
provides insights into the kind of resources to collect and weed.

2. Geographical and Transportation Information – includes information on the community’s

patterns and population contributions.

3. Political and Legal Functions – includes strategies for community – based selection [or this
may include strategies that community uses for selecting players in the political sphere].

4. Demographic Data – includes data on age characteristics, size, race, and transience of

5. Economic Data – refers to the economic base, social, cultural, educational, recreational
organizations. This includes the values and social pattern.

I. Geographic Profile
(Data source may come from barangay or city/municipal hall)

a. Physical
I. Location/Boundaries (north, east, west, south)
II. Terrain
III. Facilities (like clinic/hospital, schools, recreation hall,
IV. Climate
V. Basic food

b. Cultural
I. History of place and people
II. Languages being used
III. Peace and order situation (usual community conflict
and/or crime24rate)
IV. Clothing (most applicable to rural setting)

II. Social
(Data comes from survey)
a. Total population
b. Total Number of Household
c. Population distribution by Gender (and Age)
d. Population distribution of Educational Attainment
e. Health and common illness
f. Recreation
III. Economic
a. Age earners in the family
b. Employment
c. Household monthly
of Community Needs Assessment Framework/Design for
Urban and Rural Setting
IV. Life Skills
a. Abilities
b. Interests

V. Spiritual Aspect
Number of people with active membership in the church

VI. Socio-Political Aspect

a. Known social programs or projects and other related community
efforts (whether existing or planned efforts)
b. Expression of satisfaction/dissatisfaction towards current social
c. Perceived community problems
d. Recognized community leaders
e. Other agencies, GO’s or NGO’s that are in the area or that serve the


1. Focused Group Discussion (FGD) with Key informants. The key informants of the
community are people who hold socially responsible positions such as educators, public
officials, clergy and business representatives or those who are active in community
events. These are the people who can provide good information that will guide and give
you better understanding on historical issues needed by the community.

2. Community Forum/Assembly. This involves holding of group events that may include the
entire community. It gives visibility to the leaders and raises the status of the


community but it requires lots of planning and publicity. This meeting can be a venue
where people can express their needs and be immediately validated by the rest of the
attendees. Participatory action research effectively uses this method.
3. Public Records. Public records like national census will provide data for social and
demographic indicators of the community. Data included are age, gender, educational
level, locality, etc. that tend to contribute to library use.

4. Survey. Survey and questionnaire s involve asking individuals in the community about
their everyday needs. This can be implemented through the following:

a. Mailing questionnaires to randomly selected members of the community

b. Performing telephone survey;
c. Handing out surveys while people are in an assembly; and
d. Posting questionnaires on your public access computer catalog.
An example of this is the Minimum Basic Needs (MBN) Form of the DSWD.

Steps in Conducting Needs Assessment

1. Establish a working committee to solicit citizen and community involvement and

develop a plan of action.

2. List important aspects that are needed to be looked upon. This may also mean
identifying the surveyor’s own capability and strength.

3. Identify the population to be surveyed. This also includes making communications with
community leaders and authorities of the identified population to facilitate other

4. Determine the information that is needed. It may be existing information which must be
collected or it may be information gathered using survey. Information like demographic
profile may be readily gathered from the barangay, municipal or city records office.

5. Select random sample of person survey. A good number of representative population to

be surveyed will contribute to the validity of the information.

6. Develop and pretest a questionnaire. Afterwards, if the questionnaire was found to be a

valid tool for measurement of data, proceed to distributing the questionnaire for
community use.

7. Collect and collate the information.

8. Analyze the data. This may be done together with the core group members of the
community. Community participation in analyzing gathered data is also important so
that they can feel ownership of the issues and concerns in their community.


9. Go back to the community for validation of information. This may be done through a
community assembly or simple community group discussion.
10. Finalize the document. Make sure that there are corresponding recommendations for
the issues and concerns in their community.

Community Assistance in Assessing Needs

1. Help identify community groups and citizens to be involved in the working committee.
2. Facilitate group discussion to identify important issues and set priorities
3. Help select the sample to be surveyed and design a system to identify respondents
4. Provide tested questions from which the working committees choose questions that
address the issues and concerns.
5. Help design a process to distribute and collect survey questionnaires, code, enter and
analyze the resulting data.
6. Provide summary reports of data
7. Suggest programs to report the result and strategies to solicit community involvement
8. Work with citizens to identify courses of action based on the information.

Phase V: Program/project implementation

Project implementation deals with the actual execution of the plans. This phase of project
development includes, making the final arrangement with the target clients/community partners,
officials involved in the activities, right schedule of each event, day to day activities and needs of
clients, manpower each day of the program, monitoring and evaluation plan and other
requirements like social and recreational activities, and the culminating activities of the project.

It must be remembered always that the needs of the clients will be dominant consideration
throughout the conduct of the projects.
To ensure the success of the NSTP community service projects performed by the trainees during
their immersion time, the following must be considered:
- Program must be responsive to the needs of the clients;
- Contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of the clients;
- Maximize the resources available in the community;
- tap the potentials of the clients and give due recognition;
- objectives must be SMART with tangible results that touch the lives of the clients;
- project must be done systematically to ensure significant contributions from pre-planning,
planning stage, implementation, and evaluation;
- complete documentation must be observed as basis for reporting and for future studies;
- projects must be within the capacity and concern of the trainees that will allow them to gain
the knowledge, skills and encourage reflective action; and
- develop shared commitment among the trainees.


The following flow activities will guide you in the implementation of their project:

a. Pre-immersion - Preparation of project proposal based on community needs

- Approval of the proposal

- Once the project is approved, the trainees will prepare all

immersion requirement.
- Letter of request regarding their immersion to the community or
the partner agency signed by the Trainor and approved by NSTP
- Community immersion responds to the request by signifying their
acceptance through a letter.
- Based on the detailed program approved, the NSTP trainees will
implement the specifics of the activities as designed. The actual
immersion time will last for 8-10 meetings with the clients or
partner community. It may also depend on the design of the
b. Actual - In the course of the actual work, coordination, monitoring and
community evaluation is done to give immediate action to problems
immersion encounters and make necessary adjustments if needed.
- During this stage, trainees are required to make and complete
their journal of events which as a reference in finalizing their
tasks. Pictorials are also required to support the activities
c. Presentation of - Each group of trainees will make a narrative report. The
community presentation of documents during the post evaluation of the
service outputs program is about the community service activities conducted
during the immersion time.
d. Monitoring - Continuously done to measure effectiveness of activity.

e. Evaluation - Each group will be rated as part of the final rating given to them.
- Implementation of the project ends by the time all requirements
have been satisfactorily done.

Phase VI: Termination of Projects

Trainee-implementers must apprise their target participants of the particulars of the projects
undertaken especially in terms of time frame. This will enable their clients or partner community to
prepare for any eventualities should be implementers will terminate the project. Trainees are
advised to inform them with due respect of the status of the project and other details as may be
deemed necessary. Nevertheless, the trainees may decide to continue with the project if the


endeavor proves worthy of continuation, follow-up or replication. If the proponents and

implementers have decided to pursue and push through with their venture, they can seek the
assistance and support of the school’s extension services/community outreach unit just sustain the

If in case trainees lack hours of community immersion or did it not perform well, they are bound to
receive an unsatisfactory rating; more so, failure of compliance must be noted. If trainees go beyond
the required number of hours in the community in their conduct of the project for failure to
conform or comply with the requirements of the plan of action formulated, then a similar ‘poor’
rating should be accorded.

As trainees, one must learn how to work within the allotted time frame given, for their convenience
and also for the community’s sake. If one stays in the community beyond the agreed time, the action
can be construed by the community for something else like, extending more help (intensified
volunteerism) to them or that they could still ask for their help even beyond their capability. This
might also encourage their dependency on the implementers.

However, it is not really a problem if trainees want to extend their community services in the
community. In fact, NSTP encourages trainees to continue their community work. This time, their
services will already be regarded as their personal commitment to do voluntary work, separate and
distinct from the NSTP initiated activities. In step with enjoining NSTP students to eventually
becoming volunteer workers, the school may establish volunteer corps either under the auspices of
the school’s NSTP unit or extension services office to ensure the continuity of the immersion
program for volunteers.

Present an illustration that will depict the step-by-step process of project

Answer the following questions relative to community needs assessment.
1. What is community assessment? Why is it important in formulating NSTP projects?


Management of NSTP Community-based Projects

Intended Learning Outcome

 Define project proposal as basis of implementation
“How far you go in life
of the NSTP activities in the immersion area;
depend on your being
tender with the young,
 Apply the process of making effective project
compassionate with the
proposal based on the identified needs of the target
aged, sympathetic with
clientele; and the striving and tolerant
of the weak and strong
 Appreciate the value of making effective project because someday in life,
proposal in the NSTP program following the you will have been all of
suggested format. these.”

George Washington
Activate prior Knowledge:
 Before going through the pages, try to look at this photo. What you think this photo
shows? Write your answer below.



Acquire New Knowledge:

A community project is a term
applied to any community-based
project. This covers a wide variety
of different areas within a
community or a group of
networking entities. Projects can
cover almost anything, including
the most obvious section of concern
to any community, the welfare
element. Welfare community
projects would for example be, a
locally run and locally funded orphanage; a Christmas dinner kitchen for the homeless.

The creation of community-based projects is an essential component of NSTP community

immersion. To ensure the effectiveness of the projects' execution, the universal management
functions of planning, organization, staffing, directing, and controlling must be given due
consideration when managing NSTP projects.


A project is a time-bound task that is completed in order to build a one-of-a-kind service. It brings
together resources and channels them into a temporary framework to achieve a particular
objective. Project creation is comprised of a sequence of interconnected and often overlapping
stages. This cyclical project began with a survey of community needs, which will serve as a baseline
for developing a project or series of projects that can be implemented in a continuous or phased
manner. It is wise to provide an inventory of our resources as soon as we have defined the project
plan. Mobilizing our limited resources (men, money, materials and moment) is a fundamental thing
to do. Then implementation comes with regular monitoring to keep track of the development of the
project. Measuring the success of the project as in impact evaluation will serve purpose in revisiting
the plan to action. Afterward, the cycle goes back to round.


Community Needs

Review Plan of Project

Action Formulation

Organization of
Impact Evaluation

Project Implement the

Monitoring Project

The Project Cycle


In the formulation of a project, a planner must take into consideration the needs of the target
clients. In this undertaking, the trainer together with the trainees must assist the community in
identifying, analyzing and prioritizing the needs and concerns they must tackle. People in the
community know more about the program relevant to their needs. Developing them during the
planning process will encourage them to participate in the events. Projects must be made into a
proposal to determine their viability, contributions, justification, and basis for obtaining funding
based on the established needs. This guideline for writing a project proposal will make the trainees'
and trainers' work easier during their immersion activities. This will also provide them the proper
opportunity to prepare right data and reaction in the implementation of their plans while they will
be actually doing their tasks. A project proposal has several parts in order to complete the needed
information as basis of conducting their project.


A project proposal serves as a roadmap for both trainees and trainers in completing assignments
while immersed in the environment. It acts as the foundation for developing a schedule of events, as
well as key instruments and inputs for tracking and reviewing community initiatives.



 It guides trainees and trainors in the designing a program for their clientele
 It facilitates implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the projects.
 It serves as a database in making reports as a requirement to the course.
 It makes work easier for it serve as reference.
 It serves as a ready source of data for research work.

The Parts of a Project Proposal for NSTP Immersion Projects

There are various formats used in the preparation of a project proposal. Below is one of the
designs followed. It elicits the following information:

1. The Title. The title of the project must capture the need and present the name of
clientele to be served. It must be catchy to the readers. It must be written in all
capital letter, bold, and centered.

(A Project on Waste Management and Green Philippines)

2. Project Proponents. This part enumerates the names of persons to be involved in

the project, their year level (if trainees), rank (if trainers), contact numbers and
address or college. If there are several activities that require several leaders in every
undertaking, names must be specified per activity.

/ Group 4 and 5 – CWTS – CAFA – MAPAGKAWANGGAWA I Class

3. Implementing Units/ Implementers. It must be noted that in writing this part of

the proposal, capital letters must be used to differentiate from the project

/ Line 4 (manpower – for placing trash bins in particular areas
and distributing other materials)
Group leader:
Padora, Paolo
Tubig, Mark Anthony; Palles, Janice; Morales, Ricardo; Macuja,
Katherine; Lampitoc, Sarah; Iehayan, Carlo; Rayos, Orly; Roa,
Michelle; Robles, Vina; San Jose, Maricel; Samson, Emmanuel

Line 5 (responsible for the lecture proper)

Group leader:
Abaygar, Daryl, Van /
Agana, Joseph; Aspa, Reynan; Blanca, Jelly; Flores, Faiza; Ignacio,
John Robert; Marinas, Carlo; Mendoza, Melody; Loja, Jerica;
Morales, Michael; Acidre, Hazel; Oabel, Daniel

4. Project Duration. Specify days, weeks and months needed to complete the project.
Specify when the project will commence and when will it be finished. Attach a Gantt
chart of activity based on the length of the project.

/ Date of Implementation:
June 28-30, 2021

5. Length of Implementation. Two day implementation only. For the first day, around
6-7 hours of community work (three hours in the morning for the preparation of the
place and lecture. Another four hours in the afternoon for the distribution/
placement of the waste segregation trash bins). For the second day, monitoring and
evaluation of the activity project will be done.

6. Objectives of the Project. The objectives of the project must be written in

operational terms on what you intend to do to solve identified problem related to
the project. The characteristics of the objectives must be specific, measurable,
attainable, realistic and time bound (SMART). State properly by using the right
verbs that describe what you want to address in relation to the underlying problems
within a certain period of time.
General objectives can be framed as basis of formulating specific objectives
of the project. It must also consider the domains of learning such as the cognitive
(knowledge – mind), psychomotor (skills – body) and affective (values/ behavior –

“The general purpose of the two-day project is the maintenance
of the cleanliness in Barangay San Jose. Toward this end, the
following objectives are set:
1. To imbibe the importance of cleanliness among the
2. To increase the awareness of the community people on
the advantages of waste;
3. To solicit the support of the people in maintaining
cleanliness and orderliness through
34 waste segregation.”

7. Project Description. The following standards must be observed in writing the

project description in facilitating the drafting of the proposal:

a. Background of the project

This part requires at least three paragraphs that provide a realistic
background of the project describing the modifying issues/ problems that
have influenced the identification of the project. You can identify particular
differences or advantages over existing projects or cite issues in some
publications as proofs of underlying problems or realistic serious or of
general occurrence.

/ “We have noticed that, in some areas of the barangay, improper
waste disposal is prevalent. In like manner, the incidence of
open-hole drainage system in the locality may pose a threat on
the health condition of the residents thereat.”

b. Justification of the project

Discuss the importance of the prepared project in solving or providing action
to help solve existing problems inherent to the project. Give the expected
output of the project, benefits derived from it, and most probable recipients
of the benefits of the project. It must be written in 3-5 paragraphs.

“A survey conducted last December 10, 2006 reveals that the
barangay is faced with the problem of improper waste disposal
especially in the squatters’ area, it is for this reason that the
project is viewed as a significant intervention in setting in place
a system of waste management.”

c. Benefits derived from the project

This section should reflect the advantages or benefits that the activity will
bring about when it is implemented. If possible, it should mirror outcomes –
or the long term results that people will receive.

“The target audience will benefit from the project in terms of
acquisition of know-how on waste management, prevention of
diseases/ illnesses associated with improper waste disposal and
survey conducted last December 10, 2006 reveals that the
barangay is faced with the problem of improper waste disposal
especially in the squatters’ area, it is for this reason that the project
is viewed as a significant intervention in setting in place a system of
waste management.”

d. Coverage
The area or vicinity covered by the project and the type of clients to be
served should be reflected in the proposal. This gives focus to whom the
project is for and the extent of its implementation.

“The project will cover the 100 families of the Barangay
specifically the household help and unemployed housewives.”

8. Methodology. This part cites the activities or strategies that should be undertaken
in order to achieve the objectives of the project. It should describe the general
approach of the project, agency counterpart in case of partnership, responsibilities
and obligations, manpower requirement and the manner on how the specific
activity will be undertaken if the project calls for it.

“The lecture-seminar method will be employed in the project.
Setting up of waste segregation bins will also be done.”

9. Detailed Budgetary Requirements. In preparation of the budget, the budgetary

requirement of all activities must be considered. The amount varies depending on
the extent of the project coverage. For most instances, the bigger the project, the
larger the budget required. In many cases, budget depends on the size of
expenditures needed. Sources of fund must also be specified. Budget is prepared
using the following data.

Supplies (wood for the bins, nails, etc.)…………………………………200.00
Demonstration/ instructional materials………………………………..25.00
Sundry and other miscellaneous expenses
(food, other printing needs, etc.)…………………………………………300.00
P 1,260


Detailed Schedule of Activities

Date Time Activity People
05/30/2021 Merged line 4
Start end of preparation for
– (no particular) and 5 (all)
project Implementation
Deadline of learning materials/ (all)
06/10/2021 (no particular)
visual aids
06/30/2021 8 – 9 am Preparation for the lecture Line 5
Start of the lecture (1st part)
I. Opening Prayer
II. National Anthem
III. Opening Remarks
9 – 10 am
IV. 1st Lecture Topic
(Waste Management)
V. 2nd Lecture Topic
Break (for the attendees/ Food
10 – 10:15 am
participants of the lecture) Committee
Continuation of the lecture (2nd
VI. 3 Lecture topic (Waste
10:15 – 11:15 am
VII. 4th Lecture Topic
(Project Discussion)
VIII. Closing Remarks
IX. Closing Prayer
11:15 – 12 nn Clean up of the venue Line 4 and 5
12 – 1 pm Lunch Break (for the group)
Making and setting up waste bins Line 4
1 pm - onwards
and trash cans




1. Making the Title /

2. Project proponent/s
3. Implementing unit/ group
4. Project Duration
5. Objectives
6. Project description
a. Background
b. Justification
c. Benefits derived from the project
d. Coverage
7. Methodology
8. Budgetary Requirements
9. Detailed schedules of activities

This flowchart illustrates, in a capsule, the process of formulating project proposal based
on the results of the community needs assessment by the trainees.

Towards a Responsive Community Action


The project development approach follows a systematic process that involves determining
the needs and the problems in the community/ barangay/ purok, planning, implementing
and evaluating time-limited initiative that is undertaken to create a unique service.

These specific concerns in the development of project can be viewed in a cyclical

presentation of the various phases involved in the process known as project cycle. The
stages are as follows:

1. Community Needs Assessment

2. Project Formulation/ Planning
3. Organization of Resources
4. Implement the Project
5. Project Monitoring
6. Impact Evaluation
7. Review of the Action Plan

It is worthwhile to give due attention to the critical role played by planning in the execution
of the project. Remember, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”


Fill in the boxes for your project proposal for NSTP immersion.


Project Proponent

Project Implementing Units/Implementers

Project Duration

Length of Implementation

Objectives of the Projects

a. Background

b. Justification of the Project

c. Benefits Derived from the Project

d. Coverage of the Projects



Detailed Budgetary Requirements


Read the statements carefully. Choose the right answer by writing the letter of the correct

1. It deals with the actual execution of the plans.

a. Documentation
b. Project implementation
c. Immersion

2. The part of project proposal that cites the activities or strategies that should be undertaking
to ensure success of the project.
a. Budget
b. Background
c. Methodology

3. The primodal consideration when conducting a project.

a. Needs of the partner community or clients
b. Education
c. Available resources.

4. A section in the proposal that reflects the standards and realistic background of the project.
a. Background of the projects
b. Project plan
c. Action plan

5. A time-bound undertaking that is carried out to create a unique service.

a. Action
b. Plan
c. Project

6. A section in project proposal, which reflects the advantages or benefits that, may be derived
from the activity when it is implemented.
a. Title
b. Coverage
c. Benefits derived from the project

7. It serves as a basis of designing program of activities and key instruments and inputs in
monitoring and evaluating projects to be undertaken in the community.
a. Operational plan
b. Project proposal
c. Action plan


8. An office found in most higher education institutions that can potentially assist students in
their community immersion and where they plan to continue their volunteer in the
a. Guidance office
b. The school extension service office
c. Office of student’s affairs

9. It involves a series of continuation, often overlapping phases consisting of survey of felt

needs and formulation of projects or set of projects.
a. Needs assessment
b. Project development
c. Monitoring and evaluation

10. A section in the project proposal which enumerates the names of the persons involved in
the project.
a. Justification of the project
b. Project proponents
c. Detailed schedule of activities


Documentation, Monitoring, and Evaluation of Nstp
Community-Based Projects
/ Intended Learning Outcome

1. Identify the documents, monitoring and evaluation instruments needed in measuring

the success of NSTP community immersion projects;

2. Make use of the documentation technique, monitoring guides and evaluation

instruments to ensure meaningful program implementation of NSTP; and

3. Appreciate the values of having proper documentation, monitoring and evaluation of

the project for community service.

Activate prior Knowledge:

Fill up the matrix by using your observations in your barangay.

Identified Community Problem Proposed Solutions

(Issues/Concerns) (Projects/Activities)

Acquire New Knowledge:

One of the most important aspects of NSTP group immersion is project planning and execution.
It's a different matter to assess the project's progress. The trainees should not carry out plans
simply to comply; otherwise, the whole point of group immersion is defeated. As a result, the
NSTP community-based projects must be properly documented, monitored, and evaluated.

Documentation of the NSTP Project for Community Services

Documentation Define:
 Is a clear – cut proof that projects are conducted with notes and observations being
recorded as guidelines for future programs.

 It is a reservoir of information that can improve the project.


A dynamic documentation service requires information on new development in management

relevant to the work and he program. Specifically on:
1. Updated status report is a ready reference of data that can be the source of information for
NSTP, additional income and undertaking for the institution.

2. Information on the work methods used and results obtained in previous programs must be
available for new assignments.

3. Serves as references for:

a. Trainees’ information/ source data for requirements;

b. Staff personnel evidence for rating of student trainees’ performance and growth;
c. Monitoring and evaluation purposes of NSTP projects; and
d. Evidence for the support it extends in helping strengthen the extension service or
community outreach of institutions.

List of NSTP Forms Required for Documentation during Community Immersion

For trainees, they must submit the following:

1. Waiver
2. Letter of request to the barangay to conduct for immersion
3. Acceptance letter of barangay
4. Community needs assessment
5. Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) or Memorandum of Understanding
6. Narrative report format

For the trainors;

1. Copy of all documents for immersion of students
a. Waiver
b. Letter of request to the barangay to conduct for immersion
c. Acceptance letter of barangay
d. Community needs assessment
e. Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) or Memorandum of Understanding
2. Grade sheets
3. Summary list of graduates with their specialization
4. Accomplishment reports
5. Program of instruction

Monitoring of NSTP Projects

Result Monitoring Define:
 It is a systematic and continuous procedure in checking programs and projects done.

 It is an awareness of a state of a project


Monitoring of projects is done consistently and by certain measures. It is an observation of several

changes that occur over time.

In example, trainees would take note of whether there is an increasing participation among
community people in the series of projects that they conduct. Or it could be that trainees would
note of how much they are able to spend for a single sub-activity with regards to how cost-efficient
their general activities are. Monitoring provides a certain degree of background knowledge on what
else to change, to adjust and to adapt over the course of time that the project is being implemented.

Significance of Monitoring NSTP Projects

 Whether the inputs are achieved on time as planned;

 Whether the activities were conducted as scheduled; and

 Whether the outputs were produced on time or outputs were in right quantity and quality
as specified on the project design.

The produce of monitoring are summarized progress reports that are capable of triggering timely
management interventions. It serves as a means of keeping track of the status of the projects.
Who will monitor NSTP projects during community immersion?
People involved in monitoring community service projects done by the trainees taking community
immersion are the trainees themselves, trainors, barangay officials concerned, partner agencies
involved in the project and others who are not involved but are concerned with the project.
To ensure success of the NSTP projects, monitoring plan is necessary as a means of getting data for
information and input for decision making.
It includes:
 Data/ information needed in rational decision making;

 Personnel involved in the execution of the project, collection of data and problem

 Know about data are reported and to be reported; and

 Levels of implementation.

In making the monitoring plan, specific activities in the Implementation of the project are
essentially identified as basis of specifying the detailed schedule of the project.

Tools Needed For Monitoring Purposes

Professional community workers do not dare rely on their good memory to record their findings in
the community. They use some tools and processes to record, monitor and validate the soundness
of the information and activities they have. Some of the helpful tools in monitoring NSTP projects


1. Journal or Process recording. According to Merriam – Webster On – Line Dictionary, a

journal is “a) an account of day-to-day events. b.) a record of experiences, ideas, or
reflections kept regularly for private use.” Similarly, a process recording is also an
account of day-to-day events, but it deals heavily on how a certain task was performed
and achieved. This can be very useful in putting together the pieces of data gathered. A
good needs assessment is found on the strength and up-to-datedness of events being

2. Gantt chart. Created by Henri Gantt to illustrate summary breakdown of work elements,
the Gantt chart is useful in monitoring if NSTP projects are being implemented on time.

3. Summary checklist. From the start, the implementers of the project write the indicators
that need to be present to check whether there is progress. Usually, the objectives of the
project, tasks, materials, and persons involved are written on a checklist. Across these
items are columns to be checked whether they have been complied or not.

Sample Monitoring Plan Format of NSTP Projects

Operation Plan (Oplan): Clean and Green
(A Project on Waste Management and Green Philippines)

Name of Project Compliance

Proposal Making
Basis Monitoring Remarks
Requirements Complete Incomplete
Activity preparation
To determine of project proposal
Purpose project inputs, on waste
activity outputs management and
Identification of
Needs, resources, institutional level of
Data to
location, persons needs, resources of
involved particular target
Data gathering and
- needs of the target
Source of Target clients or
clients and
data partner agency
resources from the
clients and partner
Delivering survey
Use of device
related to the level
Tools for form and other
of instruction
gathering NSTP 2
- assessing baseline
record of the
Time of Before project e.g.
gathering implementation March 15-30, 2007


Frequency Once, before the Gathering data
of data conduct of the before the conduct
gathering project of the project
who will Names of students
Student assigned
gather and assigned
analyze data
For finalizing the
Finalizing the
proposal on
proposal on waste
Use of data waste
management and
management and
Record of persons
involved, tasks
Asking list assigned and
procedures to be
Attendees to
Indication of
Attendance sheet number and type of
Following specified
Duration schedule indicated
in the programme.
Depth of knowledge
and expertise on the
subject matter was
Content is presented
in commonly
Content understood terms;
examples were
Presence of waste
Waste bins and bins and trash cans
trash cans in the designated
Set up of places.
waste bins People in the
and trash community assist
cans Community the student trainees
participation in the placement of
the waste bins and
trash cans
Monitoring Monitoring and Administering and
and evaluation forms distribution of
evaluation monitoring and
evaluation forms
after every major


Written narrative
Compilation of and reflection paper
Final Report
group work with attached


In every project for NSTP, its activities require an effective system which provides information on
the extent which projects are achieving their objectives. The activities are checked if it is conducted
in an economical and timely manner. The activities contribution in the attainment of the total
objectives of program is very essential. Any information can be provided in both monitoring and
evaluation system, which provides information, required by the planners, policy makers, trainors
and the trainees involved in the program.
Evaluation Define:
 A systematic assessment of the value or worth of something.
 The value or meat of teaching-learning activities.

Importance of Evaluation
 It provides trainers/trainees and other people an idea of the activities’ progress and
 Results serve as basis for empowerment in carrying out activities.
 It provides an avenue of making program revision and adjustments.
 It provides opportunity for the trainees to experience and develop skills in conducting

What to Evaluate?
There are five aspects of evaluating the NSTP Project in order to be successful namely:

1. Effort
In measuring the efforts exerted in the project, the trainees use the input evaluation
type which identifies available resources both in human (personal), material resources
such as money, education tools, methods or techniques, and the activities undertaken.

2. Effect
In assessing effect, trainees and the like measure the outcomes of the efforts made.

3. Adequacy
In measuring adequacy, trainees need to look into the effectiveness of the project in
terms of the number of clients being served.

4. Efficiency
This is done by determining the cost benefit analysis by the trainors of the trainees, and
identifying the benefits derived from the program.


5. Process
In evaluating the NSTP Project, one should answer the questions on how and why the
project worked or did not work. It also responds to the question on how the different
project inputs can be utilized to arrive at good outcomes.

It must be considered that evaluation of projects is a continuous process and it has no

end unless the project ceases to exist.

/Who Will Conduct Evaluation of the NSTP Projects?

The NSTP Project is done by and through the following:
 Trainees themselves
 Trainers/ facilitators
 NSTP Office personnel
 With a given reference, CHED/ TESDA as outside evaluators
 Follow-up studies, if there are any

How are the NSTP Projects Evaluated?

1. Identification of the objectives.
- It must be in behavioral terms.
- It must include the domains of learning which served as basis of assessing their
knowledge, skills and attitudes.

2. Examine program activities and implementation procedures.

- What are the activities identified to meet the objectives?
- How are these activities undertaken?
- Did it achieve the objectives of the program?

3. Indicators of expected outcome.

- Are the methods/ approaches relevant to the project?
- Are the materials appropriate for the activity?
- Are there changes among clients on the following:
- Knowledge?
- Attitude (values, belief, habits, practices)?
- Skills?

When Do We Evaluate?
Evaluation must be undertaken before, during and after the project.
Pre-actively evaluation is done before the conduct of the project to provide baseline
information on knowledge, skills, attitudes, and other characteristics of the target clients.
Specifically, it provides data on the clients’ needs, strength and weaknesses regarding the


Evaluation of an ongoing project is necessary to time out how the project is progressing. It
answers questions like: Is the project executed on planned?; Are there problems in the
program implementation?; What problems have been encountered?; What solutions or
actions are being taken to attain project objectives?
Post-evaluation of activity determines whether project objectives have been attained or are
the clients show measureable gain in knowledge, attitude, and skills. It also ascertains the
amount of change that has taken place in the clients.

Evaluation Form (Sample)

Name of Project: _______________
Implemented on: ______________
Proponents: ____________________

Fill out this form to evaluate student performance and project rating. Number one is the lowest
while five is the highest. NA means that the item is not applicable for rating.
I. Effort Exerted

ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 NA
Achievement of objectives of the program such as:
1. To enhance and broaden the knowledge of the people about
maintaining the cleanliness on their place;
2. To discuss to community people the effects and help that
waste segregation could do for them in the community; and
3. To work with the people in making waste segregation bins.
Methodology used
1. Included community people in activities such as planning and
2. Utilized community needs assessment, environmental
scanning, etc. to understand people’s needs.
3. Validated needs assessment and verified appropriate
methodology for use in activity.
4. Used varied techniques for the attainment of the project


II. Effect Attained

ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 NA
1. Changes in the physical structures or infrastructures and
improvements are visible.
2. Impact on social structures.
3. Participation of community people and local agencies.
4. Program is appropriate to learning objectives of the students.
5. Encouraged critical thinking among participants and partners
to the project/ activity.
6. Encouraged participants to push through similar or auxiliary
7. Sustainability of the program.

III. Adequacy

ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 NA
1. Materials used for demonstration and other works were
2. Participation of community people and local agencies was
3. Program served a minimum required number of participants
(15 persons).
4. Program can be maintained with minimal use of other

IV. Efficiency in the Use of Resources

ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 NA
1. Made use of local resources and personnel during project
2. Activities are cost-effective and well budgeted.
3. Alliance and partners were able to help in project

V. Process of Conduct

ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 NA
1. Communications and information are well served to the
participants and partners in the projects/ activities.
2. Documentations are recorded and kept.
3. Monitoring and evaluation are continuously conducted.


In summation, the flow chart below is the step-by-step process in the conduct of community
immersion activities and projects under the auspices of the National Service Training Program.

How Do We Conduct Community Immersion Activities in the Light of NSTP?

1. Students make a letter of request regarding their immersion addressed to the partner group
signed by the trainer/ coordinator and approved by the NSTP Coordinator/ Director.
2. Community partners will respond to the request signifying their acceptance.
3. Students, based on the needs identified with the community partners, will propose a
4. Students will prepare a detailed program schedule.
5. Students will go on actual immersion and project implementation to assigned areas.
Monitoring and Evaluation is intensified at this phase.
6. Students prepare a narrative report of the activities.
7. Each group will submit the narrative report in compliance of the requirement.
1. Students make a letter of request regarding their immersion addressed to the partner
group assigned by the trainer/ coordinator and approved by the UNSTP Coordinator/

2. Community partners will respond to the request signifying their acceptance.

3. Students, based on the needs identified with the community partners, will propose a

4. Students will prepare a detailed program schedule.

5. Students will go on actual immersion and project implementation to assigned areas.

Monitoring and Evaluation is intensified at this phase.

6. Students prepare a narrative report of the activities.

7. Each group will submit the narrative report in compliance of the requirement.

Figure 5.1. NSTP communication flow taken from the TUP-UNSTP.

Documentation is a reservoir of information that can improve future programs. It is vital to the
management to avoid duplication and repetition of mistakes and contributes more to greater
efficiency and effectiveness in operation. Hence, it must depict absolute truth of events and other
important data for future reference and source of information.


Result monitoring is a systematic and continuous process in checking projects done during the
NSTP immersion. During the event, it determined whether the inputs are achieved on time or as
planned and whether outputs were maximized as required. It manifests the progress and identifies
interventions needed as a way of keeping track on the status of the project. It must be carefully
planned in order to obtain desired result as input to decision-making.

Evaluating the impact of the project is an attempt to assess as to whether the project, in general, has
made a difference in the lives of target audience. It enables you to determine the effect/s of the
project had on the clienteles.

If all the aforementioned requirements are fully met, then we can truly quantify and qualify to what
extent we have touched the lives of the people.


Prepare an evaluation instrument that will measure the success of the project that you have
implemented. You may refer to the sample evaluation form presented earlier.
I. Title of the Project: _________________________________

II. Criteria (Revise criteria to evaluate the project)

Trainer’s Signature



Read the statements carefully. Choose the right answer by encircling the letter of the correct

1. The process of preparing clear-cut proofs that the projects are conducted with notes and
observation being recorded as guidelines for future programs of the NSTP.
a. Monitoring
b. Documenting
c. Evaluating

2. The ready reference of data that can be the source of information for NSTP.
a. Status report
b. Terminal report
c. Narrative report

3. The document that pictures out the event for the community immersion.
a. Accomplishment report
b. Status report
c. Program of instruction

4. It is the systematic and continuous procedure in checking programs/ projects done during
the community immersion.
a. Evaluation
b. Monitoring
c. Documentation

5. The product of monitoring which is capable of triggering timely management interventions.

a. Daily report
b. Weekly status report
c. Summarized progress report

6. The persons involved as the end users of the NSTP projects who are also involved in
monitoring and evaluating projects.
a. Parents
b. Trainors
c. Trainees and community partners

7. It is a plan necessary as a means of gathering data for information and input to decision
a. Action plan
b. Project plan
c. Monitoring plan


8. A document that accounts day-to-day events of any NSTP immersion venture.

a. Gantt chart
b. Summary checklist
c. Journal and process recording

9. It is a systematic assessment of the value or worth of something like of a NSTP project.

a. Evaluation
b. Monitoring
c. Documenting

10. Evaluating the impact of the project means:

a. Contributes more efficiently
b. Determines whether the input are properly used
c. Assessment whether the project has made a difference


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