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Mayaka Morina, S.Pdi.M.Pd

Created By:
Bunga Shopania


Endorsement Of The Material English Paper

Name : Bunga Shopania

NIM : 200102113
Study Program : English

Lecturer Teaching Author

Mayka Morina, M. Pd Bunga Shopania


First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished writing
the paper.
The porpuse in writing this paper is to fulfill the assigment that given by Mrs. Mayka
Morina as lecturer.
In arranging this paper, the writer trully get lost challenges and obstructions but
with halp of many individuals, those obstructions could passed. Writer also realized
there are still many mistekes in process of writing this paper.
The writwr realized tha trhis paper still imperfect in arrangment and the content.
The writer hopes that this English material will get good marks.

Sinabang, Jan 3th, 2020


Table of Contents
Endorsment Page...........................................................................................i
Table of Contents............................................................................................iii
First Material..................................................................................................1
A. Noun Sanse................................................................................................1
B. Noun Function ..........................................................................................1
C. Kind of noun..............................................................................................3
Second Material .............................................................................................4
A. Understanding of Reading........................................................................4
B. Type of Reading.........................................................................................4
Third Material.................................................................................................5
A. Meaning of Verbs......................................................................................5
B. Types of Verbs...........................................................................................5
Fhourt Material...............................................................................................6
A. Simple Present Tanse Meaning.................................................................6
B. Simple Present Tanses Formula................................................................6
C. Examples and Sentences...........................................................................7
D. Simple Present Funcation..........................................................................7
Fifth Material..................................................................................................8
A. The meaning the of adjective....................................................................8
B. Kinds of Adjective......................................................................................8
C. Adjective Exaample...................................................................................8
Sixth Material.................................................................................................9
A. The Meaning of Articel A, An and The.......................................................9
B. Definite Article and Indefinite Article........................................................9
C. Zero Article Without A, An and The..........................................................9
Seventh Material............................................................................................10
A. The Meaning of the Present Continuous Tanses......................................10
B. Present Continuous Tense Formula..........................................................10
C. Functions and Examples of Sentences Present Continuous Tanse...........10
D. Examples of Sentence Present Xontinuous Tanse....................................10
Eighth Material.................................................................................. 11
A. Undesrtanding the Simple Past Tense.......................................................11
B. Simple Past Tanse formula........................................................................11

Ninth Material................................................................................................11
A. Understanding Practice with Future Tense...............................................11
B. Simple Future Tense Formula....................................................................12
C. Use of the Simple Future tense.................................................................12
D. The difference between Will, Shall, and Going to.....................................12
Tenth Material................................................................................................13
A. The Meaning of Present Perfect................................................................13
B. The Present Perfect Formula.....................................................................13
C. Example sentence Present Perfect............................................................14
Eleventh Material...........................................................................................14
A. The Meaning of Conjunctions...................................................................14
B. Kinds of Conjuctions..................................................................................14
C. Example of Conjunction.............................................................................14
Twelfth Material.............................................................................................15
A. Pronoun Material.....................................................................................15
B. Types and Examples of Pronoun Sentence..............................................15
C. Pronoun-Antecedent agreement.............................................................18
Thirteenth Material........................................................................................19
A. Understanding Parallel Structure..............................................................19
B. Parallel Structure Rules.............................................................................19
C. Example of Sentence Paraller Structure....................................................19

First Material
A. Noun Sanse
In Indonesian, nouns are usually called nouns. This noun or noun is a group of words
that are meant to denote something, such as a living thing, thing, or place.
Now that you know the definition of a noun or noun, it’s your turn to find out what
function it has. The following is the function of the noun.

B. Noun Fuction
Nouns have several functions, including functions as direct and indirect objects, verb
subjects, and many more.

Direct and Indirect Object

Direct objects usually aim to answer what and whom questions after the action verb
in a transitive sentence. While the indirect object aims to answer questions to whom
or of what.

Nouns as objects can be direct objects and indirect objects. When a noun becomes
an object, it will usually be accompanied by pronouns, determines (a, an, the), and
so on.

Here are examples of nouns as direct and indirect objects:

Direct Object:

Rudy Plays guitar in his room What does Rudy plays? The guitar
Lizzie married a British man Whom did Lizzie A British man

Indirect Object:

Fitra bought his dad a car For whom did Fitra buy His dad
a car
Barbara cooks a chicken for For whom does Dylan
Dylan Barbara cook a

Subject of Verb
Most people think that naous only function as a subject. In a santance, noun as
subject is in front of the verb. Noun as subject can be accompanide by determiners
(an, an, the), but also not. Depends on the subject used.
Here’s an exemple of the subject of verb:

1. Rudy is sleepping
2. A bike has stolen yesterday
3. His cafe serves coffee

Subject and Object Complement

Subject complement is complement wichh refers to the subject in a sentance. Usally
complement is a noan or a noun that comes after a lingking verb.
Examples of subject complement:

1. Brian became a writer after his a wife

2. Her father was a famous football player
3. I am the chairman of this company

Object Complement
Object complement is similar to subject complement. If subject complement
describes the subject, while object complement describes the direct object. Usually
direct objects are in the form of nouns or nouns.

Examples of object complement:

1. Rudy brought Lizzie a flower

2. Barbara cooks a chicken for
3. Fitra gives his son a bike

Object of Preposition

One of the main functions of a noun is to expres a place. Now, usally we need
preposition to describe a place. Preposition are like in, on, at.
Examples of Preposition:

1. My cat lovers to play in a large

2. I learned English at Cakap.
3. The toilet is on the first floor.

C. Kind of Noun
The following is an expanation of the types of nouns:

Common and Proper noun

Common noun are general nouns so they are not written in capital letters.
Meanwhile, propoer noun is a specific noun that requires a capital in its writing.

Countable and Uncountable Noun

Countable Noun
Countable noun is a nouns of this type can be mea sured or added. coun table nouns
have singular and plural from. The difference is that the singular begins eith articles
(a, an, the), while the plural ends while s/es.

Uncountable Noun
An uncountable noun is the opposite of a countable noun. Nouns of this type cannot
be countend and have only one from namely singular.

Examples of Countable and Uncountable nouns

Countable Noun Uncountable Noun

Burger Sugar
Smartphone Water
Eggs Gas
Fries Milk
Table Love

Concrete and Abstract Noun

Concrete noun is a noun that can be seen, touched, tasted or in other wods
recognized by the five senses. Meanwhile, abstract noun is the opposite, so it cannot
be reconized by the five senses.

Here are examples of concrete and abstract nouns:

Concrete Noun Abstract Noun

The police found my bike yesterday Some people can’t find happines
I get a new phone I get chills when you leave this room
You have an apple You have an ood imagination
You can take my mendicine You can take an English lesson from

Second Material
A. Understanding of Reading
In indonesian, reading means reading. In English, reading is a compulsory thing that
you must learn. Whitout reading, of course it is very difficult to know the meaning
in a text. Sometimes the English text contains a large number of words. Evan so, the
large number of words is no reason not to want to read, If you find it difficult to
read, there are several ways and techniques you can use to read a text. In addition,
reading has varios types.
B. Type of Reading
Intensive Reading
Intensive reading is reading severel parts of a text. This means that students do not
have to read the antire sentence in the text. Intensive reading, Students are
expected to gain knowledge and then be able to analyze it. The porpuse of intensive
reading is for students to read a short text and make it easier to find information in
the text. Intensive reading can also be used to develop greate mastery in speaking
and writing skills.

Extensive Reading
In extensive reading material, students can choose the lowest level of difficulty from
intensive reading. The aim is to train students to be able to read directly in a very
pleasant terget languange without any help from a teacher.

Aloud Reading
Aloud readingis a way of reading out loud. Reading a loud is considered to have a
very important role in reading English.

Silent Reading
Silent reading or it can be interpreted as reading softly (without sound) is a very
important skill in teaching English. The purpose of silent reading is skills and to get a
lot of imformation.

Thired Material

A. Meaning of Verbs
This type of verb is a verb that is used to describe and describe someone’s action or
activities.Action verbs do not only describe physical actions performed by humas,
animals or something, bat also describe mental actions such as thingking, imagining,
and so on.
Action verbs can be used in varios English tenses such as present tense, past tanse,
future tanse, progressive tanse because they want to show when the action or
activity accured.

B. Types of Verbs
Action verbs are of two types, namely transitive and intransitive. The difference can
be seen from the nouns or object adjecent to them.

Transivte Verb
Transitive verbs are verbs that are adjacent to a direct object. This one type of action
verb describes what the subject does to an object.

The following is an example of a transitive verb:

My parents eat friwd chicken

Lizzie married a man from
Rudi chewed his gum

Intransitive Verb
Intransitive verb are verbs as opposed to transitive verbs. So the objects adjacent to
the verb do not have the direct effect of the subject’s action.

The following is an example of an intransitive verb:

She walks to the kitchen

They drive slowly
Lizzie married at the Cathedral Chruch

Action Verb Tenses

As already explained, action verb can be used in several English tenses. The
following is an example of an action verbs sentence according to the tenses used:
Past Tenses:

They drove my car last night

Rudi chewed his gum
Lizze buy a phone for her dad

Present Tenses

They drive my carto buy the food

Rudy chew his gum every time he is nervous
Lizzie buy a phone for her dad

Future Tenses

They will drive my car tonight

Rudi will be chewing his gum after his performance
Lizzie will buy a phone tomorrow

Action verbs are important elements in a sentence because they describe an action
taken by someone or something.

Fourth Material
A. Simple Present Tenses Meaning
Simple present tense is a from of tanse that describes work or events that are
happening at this time. This tense from uses the firts from verb or vern 1 in the
preparation of the setence.

B. Simple Present Tense Formula

Simple Present Tense Formula (Verbal)

Subjek + Verb 1 (s/es) + Objek

Kalimat Positif (+)
Kalimat Negatif (-) Subjek + Do / Does + not + Verb 1 +

Kalimat Pertanyaan (?) Do / Does + Subjek + Verb 1 + objek

1) Use the s / es suffux only for subject such as He, She, It.
2) The s / es ending in verbs does not apply to the subject I, you, they and the
3) Add s / es only for positive (+) sentences.
4) Do pairs with I, you, we, they.
5) Does is paired with He, She, it.

C. Example Simple Present Tanse

Simple Present Tense Example:

Positif (+) Negatif (-) Pertanyaan (?)

I think I do not think Do i think ?
You think You do not think Do you think ?
We think We do not think Do we think ?
He thinks He does not think Does he think ?
She thinks She does not think Does she think ?
It thinks It does not Does it think ?
They think They do not think Do you think

Simple Present Examples in Positive Sentences:

1. I live in a small town

2. You speak english fluenty
3. We eat there times a day
4. They study English twice a
5. He speaks Japanese
6. She goes to office everyday
7. It works

Simple Present Example in Negative Sentence:

I do not (don’t) live in small town.

You do not speak English fliently.

We do not eat there times a day.
They do not study English twice a
He does not (doesn’t) speak Japanese.
She does not go to offuce everyday.
It does not work

D. Simple Present Function

In order to use the simple present tense formula correctly, we must know when this
tense is used. The following are some of the function and uses of the simple present
tense, including to express:
a. Habitual Action
Habaitual action states repetitive activity until it becomes a habit. Usually use
adverbs such as Usually, often, sometimes, every day, once a week.
b. General Truth
It means stating the truth that is generally known or everyone knows.

c. Future Condition
The meaning is a statement on something that has been schedudle or the time is
always the same either now or in the future.
d. And Other
Apart from the 2 points above, the functions and uses of the simple present include
stating the abilyty, character, nature of a person, news geadlines, or command

Fifth Material

A. The Meaning of the Adjective

Adjective is a word used to describe a noun or pronoun whice can be a person, a
place, an animal, an object or an abstract concept (thing). This English adjective is
one of the eight part of speech.

B. Kinds of Adjectives
There are several types of adjectives, including stative and dynamic adjectives, as
well as inherent and non inherent adjectives. Stative adjectives characterize
conditions that tend to be permanent (small, black, tall), while dynamic adjectives
are associated with bihavior (foolish, friendly, playful). The inherent adjective
directly characterizes the noun he describes (someone special = special

characterizes someone directly ~ someone who is special), while the non-inherent
adjective is the opposite (my old friend = not “my friend who is old”, but rather old
characterizes a friendship that is has been going on for a long time).

C. Adjectives Example

Adjectives Adjective Phrase Example

 dark Home dark chocolate (modifier
+ adjective)
 hot These hot drinks
 young Many young men (determiner +

Sixth Material
A. The meaning of Article A, An and The
A, an, the (articel) is a word used to limit the meaning of noun. Article is divided into
two kinds, namely: indefinite. There is also zero article whice means no article.

B. Definite Article and Indefinite Article

Definite Article
1) The is the article used in the definite article.
2) The is used in specific things (already clear or previously explained) including:
person, thing (object), and idea (thought).
3) It is used before both countable nouns and uncountable nouns.
Example Sentence Definite Article

1 There’s a girl in front of the bookstore. The girl worw boots. (There is a child in
front of the bookstore).
2 The place that i just visited is cozy. (the place i just visited is very comfortable).

Indefinite Article
1) A or an is used in indefefinite articles.
2) This article is used for things that are not specific or have never been
expalined before, including: person, things (object), and idea (thought).

3) It is only used before the singular countable noun.
Example Sentence Indefinite Article

1 He goes to the swimming pool twice a


A. Zero Articel (Without a, an, the)

Zero Article
1) Zero article means no articel (a, an, the) which needs to be used with a noun.
2) Several types of nouns that do not or cannot use article (without a, an, the)
include names for language, sports, academic subjects, etc.
Example Senrence Zero Article

1 Can you speak Japanese?

2 That children played

Seventh Material
A. The Meaning of the Present Continuous Tense
Present continuous tense or present proggressive tense is a from of verb used used
to express an action that is taking place now (present) or plans in the future.
Because it can be used the present or future, this tense is often accompanied by an
adverbial of time to clarify it.

B. Present Continuous Tense Formula

The present continuous tense is formed with the auxiliary verb “be” which is is /
am / are-because of the present tense (present time), and the present participle (-

Is used in the subject in the form of a singular noun (such as: Tita, book) and third
person singular pronouns (such as: he,she, that): are in plural nouns (such as : boys,
men, books), plural pronouns (such as: we, they) adn you : when i was in I.

Generally, this tense only appears in actions in the form of dynamic r action verbs,
not stative verbs. Whay is that? because in general, only dynamic verbs have a
continuous form.

Here’s the present continuous tense fomula for positive, negative, and interrogative

Present Continuous Tense Formula Example of present Continuous Tense

Positive sentence (+) The ships are sailing
S + be (am/is/are) + present participle (-
Negative sentence The shps are not sailling
S + be (am/is/are) + not + present
participle (-ing)
Interrogative sentence Are the ships sailling ?
Be (am/is/are) + s + present participle (-
ing) ?

C. Function of Sentence Present Continuous Tense

1) To discuss an action that s happening right now. time expressions that can be
used include:
 Now
 at the moment
 Over the holydays
2) To discuss a plan or move to a place / conddition. imformation that can be
used includes:
 On Sunday
 At nine o’clock on Sunday
 Next week/month
 This month

3) To express irritation over the repeated action.

Eighth Material
A. Understanding the Simple Past Tense
Simple past tense is used to talk about an event that occorred in the past and also
ended in the past in a specific past tanse are indicated by a second verb which
indicates the past tense.
B. Simple Future Tense Fomula

The simple past tense sentence pattern is divided into 2 formulas, namely the verbal
simpe past tense and the nominal simple past tense.
Verbal Simple Past

(+ Subject + verb2 + object

(-) Subject + did + not +
(?) Did+ Subject + Verb1

Ninth Material
A. Understanding Exercies with Future Tense
Simple future tense is a tense to describe an event that has not started and will
accor in the future. The sentence in the simple future tense can be characterized by
the use of the words will, shall, and going to. Simple future tense is also used to
express a prediction or desire.

B. Formula Practice with Future Tense

+ Subject+will/shall+V1+object Subject+to be (am/is/are) going to+V1

- Subject+will/shall+not +V1=object Subject+to be (am/is/are)+not+going
? Will/shall+Subject+V1+object To be (am/is/are)+subject+going to+V1

C. Use of the Simple Future Tense

1. State an event that will occur in the future.
2. Declare something that has been decided to do.
3. State on offer / request / invitation to other people.
4. Expressing a decision tp do something without a plan.

D. The difference between Will, Shall, and Going to

Broadly speaking, the words will, shall, and going ti have the same meaning, which
means “will”. however, in some circumstances, the word can also have different
meanings based on the context.


Will is used for the subject I, You, They, We, He, She, It.
Shal is used for the subject I,We.
Expressing a desire and unwillingness (a deffinite possibility).
State a fact or general truth.

Example of sentence:
I will come to your birthday party tonight.
He will not buy a pencil.
I shall study tonight.
You look so tired, shall i call the doctor?.
Family will always be here wheneveryou need them.

Can be used for the subject I, You, They, We, He, She, It.
Using to be am/is/are after the subject, for example: I am going to... She is going

Expressing a wish but only as an intention .

Example sentence:
I am going to your birthday party tonight.
She is going to be a teacher.
My mom is going to buy.

Tenth Material
A. The Meaning of Present Perfect
The present perfect tense is a form of verb that is used to express an action or
situation that has started in the past and is still continuing until now or has been
complated at a cetrain poimt in the time in the past but the effect is still continuing.

B. Present Perfect Tense formula

The present perfect tense is formed with the auxiliary verb “have” or “has”, and the
past participle (verb-3). Have is used for I, you, and plural subjects such as: plural
pronouns (such as: they, we), plural nouns (such as: boys, men), and compound
subject with the conjunction “and” (such as: you and I, Tom and Jack) : while the has

for the singular subject is like: a third person singular pronoun (such as: he, she, it).
and a singular noun (such as: Tom, Man).

Past participles are formed by adding –ed, -en, -d, -t, -n, -or-ne to the base form,
which are regular verbs. in the base form, it is an irregular verb, the past participle is

The following is the formula for the present perfect tense for positive, negative, and
interrogative sentences.

Present Perfect Tense Example Present Perfect tense

+ I have read the book

S + auxiliary verb (have/has) + past
Participle (verb-3) He has left
- I hyave not read the book
S + auxiliary verb (have/has) + not +
oast participle (verb-3) He hasn’t left
? Have I read the book
Auxiliary verb (have/has) + S + past
participle (verb-3) Has he left

C. Example of Present Perfect Tense Sentences

1 We haven’t seen Dimas recently

2 Have you ever been to Scotland?
3 Adam hasn’t received the document yet
4 We haven’t seen Dimas For two weeks
5 It hasn’t rained scine February

Eleventh Material
A. The Meaning of Conjunctions

Conjuctions are words or groups of words that function to connect two of the same
grammatical constructs, namely: a word, phrase, or group of word can be divided
into coordinate, and adverbial conjuction (conjunctive adverb).
B. Kind of Conjunctoins
1. Coordinate Conjuction
Coordinate conjunction consists of: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so (fanboys).
This conjunction is often used in compund sentences to connect two
independent clauses.
2. Correlative Conjunction
Correlative conjunction is a conjunction that is used in pairs.
3. Subordinate Conjunction
Subordinate Conjunction is a conjunction that is at the beginning of a
subordinate clause called an adverbial clause which functions to build an idea
relationship between the subordanite clause and the main clause (in the from of
an independent caluse) which froms a complex sentence.
4. Conjunctive adverb
Conjunctive adverb is an adverb or adverbial ohrase that can logically connect
two consecutive independent clauses.

C. Example of Conjunctions
Coordinate Conjunction

1 I love running and swimming

2 She wants a house, but she can’t afford it.

Correlative Conjunction

1 Both Mirza and Vina rae currently taking English classes.

2 The More we learn grammar, the less we face difficulties in writing.

Subrodinate Conjunction

1 I will can you when i get home.

2 When should be polite and humble wherever we.
3 Please open the window so that the smell will go away

Conjunction Adverb

1 I was up all night and therefore i fell a sleep at my dask
2 I was a difficult and boring task, but neverthelese she managed to finish on

Twelefth Material
A. Pronoun Material
A pronoun is a word that is used to replace a noun (noun) which can be a person,
object, animal, place, or abstract conceot.

B. Types and Examples of Pronoun sentence

Pronouns, which are one of the eight parts of speech, can be divided into personal
pronoun, demonstrative pronoun, interrogative pronoun, indefinite pronoun,
reflexive pronoun, intensive pronoun, reciprocal pronoun, and expletive pronoun.

a. Personal Pronoun
A personal pronoun is a pronoun used for a specific person, animal, object or thing.
This pronoun depends on the role (subject, object, possessive), number, personth-
th. and gender of the noun to be replaced.

1 She prefers to brisk walk to jog.

2 Your is on the table.

b. Demonstratif Pronoun
Demonstratif Pronoun is a pronoun that uses the parameter number and distance.
the pronouns that are replaced are generraly in the form of objects, but can also be
people or things.

Number Distance Pronoun

Far That
Near This
Far Those
Near These

Example of Sentences:

1 This is the most interesting book i’ve ever


2 Is this your wallet?

c. Interrogative Pronoun
Pronoun Interrogrative is a pronoun used to make a quetion. These English
pronouns include.
 Who
 What
 Which
 Whom
Example of Sentences:

1 Who is that man?

2 What are you doing?

d. Relative Pronoun
Realitive pronoun is a pronoun to from a realivie clause (adjectuve clause). In the
realitive clause, a realitive pronoun can fanction as subject, direct object, or
possessive. These pronouns include:
 Who
 Whom
 Whose
 Whice
 Thas
Example of a Realitive Pronoun Sentence:

1 The book which i bought yesterday is really interesting.

2 The respon whom (who = informal) you met yesterday was my neighbor.

e. Indefinite Pronoun
Indefinite pronoun is a pronoun for people, things, or things in general (not specific).
These pronouns can be singular, plural, or one of the two.

 anybody/ayone
 everybody/
 somebody,someone
Singular ,one
 nobody
 anything
 everything
 something

 nothing
 another
Singular  each
 either
 neither
 enough
 little
 less
 much
 both
 several
 many
Plural  few
 fewer
 ones
 all
 none
 some
Singular/  any
Plural  more
 most

Example of indefinite Pronoun:

1 You did everything right.

2 She said something about going home.

f. Reflexive Pronoun
Reflexive Pronouns are pronouns that are used to express that the subject of a
sentence receives the action of the verb (reciplocal action).

Singular Myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself.

Plural Yourselves, ourselves, themselves.

Example of Reflexive Pronoun Sentence:

1 I’m going to buy myself new jeans.

2 Stop blaming yourself.

g. Intensive Pronoun

Intensive pronoun is a pronoun that is used to emphasize the antecedent (noun or
other pronoun in a sentence reffering to it).
the shapes is the same as a reflexive pronoun.

Example of an intensive pronoun Sentence.

1 The badroom itself is fine, but the bathroom is cramped.

2 I belive happines is a choice and therefore I myself am responsible for my own

h. Reciprocal Pronoun
Reciprocal pronouns are pronouns that are used when two are more subjects take
the same action againts each other. This pronoun consists of: each other and one

Example of a recprocal pronoun sentence:

1 They love each other.

2 The five mountaineers helped one another during the strom.

i. Expletive Pronoun
Expletive are “empty words” or words that do not add meaning, but are useful for
emphasizing certain parts of a sentence. There/it is form expletive constructs.

Example of expletive pronoun sentence:

1 There is no food in my
2 It was easy to meet him.

C. Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
Pronoun-antecedent agrement is a match between pronoun and antecendent in
terms of number, person, and gender. antecendent itself is a word, phrase, or clause
that is replaced by a pronoun. This agreement is necessary of course if there are
both in the sentence.

1 You should take off yours there.

2 I had complated my owm tasks, and my collegues tried to dump theirs on me.

Thirteenth Material
A. Undestanding Paraller Structure
Paraler structure or parallelism means sentence elements that have the same
function using the same grammatical construction or pattern. These sentence
elements include words, pharase, and clause. Using paraller structures in sentences
will make your writing clearer and more enjoyable to read.

B. Paraller Stucture Rules

Some rules and example of paraller structure sentences connected by the
coordinate conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) in a list or series, if the
connected elements are preceded by article (a, an. the) or preposition (eg to, at, in,
under, below), the article or preposoyion is used on each element or only on first


1 Wrong:
While Rezky was sleeping, his bag and what its contents disappeared.

While Mario was sleeping, his bag and its contents disappeared.
2 Wrong:
The air force base may be in the north, the south, west, and east.

The air force base may be in the north, the saouth, the west, and the east.
3 Wrong:
The show will be held in Bandung, Jakarta, Semarang, an in yogyakarta.

The show will be held in Bandung, Jakarta, Semarang, and Yogyakarta.

In order to describe the subject matter which is the subject of this paper, of course
there are still many shortscomings and weaknesses, due to limited knowledge and
lack of reference or references in the title of this paper.
Hopefully this paper gets good grades.

Name : Bunga Shopania
NIM : 200102113
Date of Birth : May 31th, 2003
Place of Birth : Sinabang
Religion : Islam

Pengertian, Fungsi, dan Jenis Noun (Kata Benda) | blog.cakap.com


blog.cakap.com › action-verbAction Verb:

salamadian.com › simple-present-te...SIMPLE Presents

www.wordsmile.com › pengertian-...Adjective

Articles (a, an, the): Pengertian dan Contoh Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

Present Continuous Tense: Pengertian, Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat



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www.wordsmile.com › pengertian-...Conjunction (Kata Hubung): Pengertian,
Macam, dan Contoh ...

www.wordsmile.com › pengertian-...Pronoun (Kata Ganti):...

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