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Social Conditions Similarities

Philippines Today Spanish Occupation -The political structure that

Spaniards introduced during their
-Filipinos today, or the -Filipinos have limited access occupation is still used by
Philippines social of freedom and very Filipinos today.
situation, is more brazen, conservative.
-The Filipino people maintain
liberal, and carefree.
-Despite their mental, cultural aspects such as
-Philippines achieves the physical, and even controlled traditions, values, and
independence that we society, Filipinos are Christianity.
crave. However, we face a obedient colonists.
-Some idea of being conservative
variety of issues such as
-Fear accompanied the is still practiced by other Filipino
corruption, poverty,
Spanish Occupation. It’s people.
unemployment, and
because we’re run by
prejudice, and we are -The Filipino system also has a
Spaniards who are
currently dealing with a colonial mindset.
pandemic caused by the
-Appreciation to imported
Covid 19 virus. Despite the -They treat the Filipinos like
products and even to power or
fact that there is a lot of slaves. They have no
wealth was adopted by the
loss nowadays, we are all freedom during that time.
Filipino from.
fighting and thriving with However, they learn how to
the aid of our Almighty fight for their own.
-Rampant corruption by
the Government.

Name: Hernandez, Joenard, D.

Course/ Section: BSBAOM 2.1A

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