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Where does Italy rank tourism?

Tourism in Italy. Italy recorded a total of thirty-eight million tourists in 2020, ranking 6th in the
world in absolute terms.

How many tourists visit Italy?

Overall, while the number of international tourist arrivals in Italy peaked at over 96 million in
2019, the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic drastically changed this scenario, with inbound
tourist arrivals in the Mediterranean country totaling around 41 million in 2021.

Italy - International tourism, number of arrivals

italy number of arrivals was at level of 38.4 million in 2020, down from 95.4 million
previous year, this is a change of 59.73%.

Italy - International tourism, number of departures

In 2020, number of departures for Italy was 21.4 million. Though Italy number of
departures fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to increase through 2001 -
2020 period ending at 21.4 million in 2020.

Top 10 most visited citizens in Italy

In 2018, Italy had over 428 million visitor nights. Of those, 216,5 million were foreign guests.
The following cities are the top 10 most visited:

★ Venice (Veneto): had 37,04 million nights, (74,17% of those, foreigners) then making it
the most visited city in Italy;

★ Bolzano (Trentino-Alto): Then, had 32,4 million nights, 68,2% of those foreigners

★ Rome (Lazio): had 29,8 million visitor nights, and 23,6% were international visitors;

★ Trento (Trentino-Alto): had 17,7% million visitor nights, 41,6% of those were foreigners;

★ Verona (Veneto): Then, Verona had over 17,2 million visitors, 77,4% of those were
international tourists;

★ Rimini (Emilia-Romagna): Rimini was visited for over 15,9 million people, only 23,8%
were international visits;
★ Milan (Lombardy): with more than 15,4 million visits, Milan is number 7. 60% of the
visitors were foreigners;

★ Florence (Tuscany): Then, had 14,7 million stays, 73,2% being internationals;

★ Naples (Campania): with 13,1 million night visits, 55% of those foreigners;

★ Brescia (Lombardy): and finally, number 10, Brescia, with 10,4 million nights, 71,4% of
those by international tourists.

Development of the tourism sector in Italy from 1995 to 2020

The following chart shows the number of tourist arrivals registered in Italy each year. Anyone who
spends at least one night in the country but does not live there for more than 12 months is considered
a tourist. Insofar as the survey included the purpose of the trip, business trips and other non-tourism
travel purposes have already been excluded. The number of people passing through within the same
day, and e.g. crew members of ships or flights are also not considered as tourists in most countries. If
the same person travels in and out more than once within the same year, each visit counts again.

Data in the chart are given in millions of tourists. The red line represents the average of all 14
countries in Southern Europe.

Revenues in tourism
In 1995, tourism revenues amounted to 30.41 billion USD, or about 2.6 percent of the gross national
product. This corresponded to about 55.71 million tourists at that time and roughly 546 USD per
person. Within 25 years, the country's dependence on tourism has decreased slightly. Before the
outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, sales took up $51.91 billion billion, 2.6 percent of gross national
product. Thus, each visitor spent an average of $544 on their vacation in Italy.

In 2020, tourist receipts plummeted due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Of the $51.91 billion billion
(2019), only $20.46 billion billion remained. This is a 61 percent decrease in Italy.
All data for Italy in detail

Year Number of tourists

2020 38.42 m
2019 95.40 m
2018 93.23 m
2017 89.93 m
2016 84.93 m
2015 81.07 m
2014 77.69 m
2013 76.76 m
2012 76.29 m
2011 75.87 m

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