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Individual assignment

Consumer behaviour (MKT201)

Lecturer: Trần Tuyết Minh

Name: Trần Cẩm Tú
Roll number: HS170764
Class: MKT1704

Table content:
1. Introduction
1. Overview of the brand/product/service/idea
2. STP Strategy
3. Aims: Analyse the impact of culture on consumer behaviour
2. Body part
1. Definition of culture and related factors
2. Definition of consumer behaviour
3. Culture of the country
4. Consumer behaviour in purchasing that product in that country
5. Analyse the impact of culture on consumer behaviour in that country
3. Conclusion
4. References

1. Overview of the brand/product/service/idea)

Highlands Coffee is Vietnam's leading coffee and fast food chain, offering a Vietnamese experience
steeped in the country's cultural identity. In 1995, a young overseas Vietnamese businessman - David
Thai - returned to Vietnam. The Highlands Coffee brand was created in 1999 out of a love for
Vietnam and a passion for coffee. Starting with packaged coffee products in Hanoi in 2000, the
company has grown rapidly and developed into a well-known coffee shop brand, and continues to
expand its business both at home and abroad. In 2002, the Viet Thai Group, the owner of Highland,
was established. Since 2009, the company has opened 80 sales outlets in 6 provinces and cities in
Vietnam. To date, the chain has grown to over 500 stores and is considered the largest coffee chain in

2. STP Strategy
The Highlands Coffee menu is considered diverse and delicious, including filter coffee, phindi,
espresso, freeze, tea, bread, cakes and some other drinks. In addition, Highlands Coffee also offers
roasted and ground coffee, 3in1 instant coffee, canned coffee, and especially products from the
"Highlands Coffee Shots of Vietnamese Beauty" cup line.
When it comes to customer service, Highlands Coffee has always focused on creating a comfortable
and exciting atmosphere for customers to enjoy their coffee every day. There's nothing like sitting in
the shop, having a cup of coffee, enjoying the cool air, reading a few pages of the newspaper, and
listening to soft, relaxing music. Of course, all the stress and anxiety will be left behind. At the same
time, the staff at Highlands Coffee are known to always be customer friendly and serve their
customers with the best spirit. Typically, after joining the company, they participate in a three-day
professional development program. The Highlands process is very simple, saving customers time and
making shopping easier. When customers come here to order and pay, staff take the order, process and
decorate the drink, and when it's ready, they push the button to call the customer to pick up the meal...
Highlands Coffee's target customers are middle-class consumers, office workers and young adults.
Drinking coffee in this shop also makes customers feel like they belong to the upper class. Or the
upper class customer who always makes an appointment at Highlands Coffee - a place with a brand
reputation to confirm their class.

3. Aims: Analyse the impact of culture on consumer behaviour

Regarding products, Highlands Coffee has been divided into 3 main groups: Drinks and Food. First,
drinks include Café (Cafe Phin Sua Ice is the mainstay), Tea (Golden Lotus Tea is the mainstay),
Freeze (Freeze Green Tea is the mainstay). These are the 3 "best sellers'' products and bring Highlands
the most revenue. Second, about food products. The Highlands have bread and cakes. In addition to
the common choice in most modern coffee shops of cakes, Highlands's shop also uses bread to add to
its menu as a leading product. Because bread is a favourite food of all ages, all walks of life. In
addition, this is a dry food, easy to cause thirst. When customers order bread at this store, it always
comes with a glass of water. So the choice of bread is considered a wise and wise thing of this brand.
Finally, Highland has launched many products with beautiful designs for customers to take away to
serve the needs and desires of Vietnamese people who like convenience, novelty, and uniqueness,
such as thermos flasks, porcelain cups, plastic glass…
Body part

1. Definition of culture and related factors

Culture is the system of values, beliefs, traditions and norms associated with a particular society,
regime, religion or nation and passed down from generation to generation.
Culture is the primary and fundamental cause of human needs and behaviour. The values, cognitions,
preferences, behaviours, habits, and behaviours we observe when purchasing goods all contain
cultural identity. Consumers of different cultures have different consumption patterns. Europeans
consume very differently from Asians. Therefore, to be successful, Vietnamese exporters need to
carefully study the consumption culture of importing countries.
A consumer's culture determines his or her overall priorities for different activities and products. It
also determines the success or failure of certain products and services. A product that offers benefits
that align with the benefits expected by members of the culture at all times is more likely to be
accepted in the marketplace. It's hard to measure the success or failure of a particular product.
The cultural system consists of three aspects: ecology, social structure and ideology. Ecology is the
way a system adapts to its habitat. Social structure is the way people maintain an orderly social life.
Ideology is the spiritual character of a nation and its relationship to the environment and social

2. Definition of consumer behaviour

Consumer behaviour is the study of how individuals, groups, and organizations choose, purchase, use,
and dispose of goods, services, ideas, or experiences to meet their needs and desires (Kotler and
Keller, 2006). Consumer behaviour combines ideas from a range of disciplines, including psychology,
biology, chemistry and economics. The study of consumer behaviour is important because it allows
marketers to understand what influences consumers' purchasing decisions and how this can help
marketers decide how to present their products in a way that will have the greatest impact on
consumers. Understanding consumer buying behaviour is an important key to attracting and retaining
customers and converting them into your purchases.

3. Culture of the country (That you chose to analyse)

Culinary culture is a natural culture derived from life. For many ethnic groups and countries, food is
not only a material culture, but also a spiritual culture. Through the food, you can learn about the
cultural characteristics that reflect the dignity and cultural level of the nation. Vietnamese cuisine
includes not only dishes and recipes, but also a natural living culture. As a country rich in history and
geographically diverse, each region in this S-shaped land has its own dishes and specialties.
Vietnamese cuisine refers to the cooking methods, the principles of mixing spices and the common
eating habits of all Vietnamese. Although there are more or less differences between regions and
ethnic groups, Vietnamese cuisine still contains a common meaning that is said to refer to all the
popular dishes in the Vietnamese community.

4. Consumer behaviour in purchasing that product in that country

Whenever people want to go to a luxurious but reasonably priced cafe, people will think of Highland.
Most people enjoy coming to Highland to exchange business with partners, people you meet and
family. Besides, some people come here as a habit and to relax in the middle of a tiring time.
Therefore, Highland has focused mainly on customers who are office workers, students and students
with income from 10-20 million a month. In order for customers to be convenient and comfortable
when coming to the store, Highland is often available at office buildings, commercial centers, densely
populated areas and tourist attractions. In the early morning and arrangement, customers often buy
bread for breakfast and a cup of coffee or tea to enjoy while working. In the evening, groups of friends
often meet, buy drinks and cakes to talk.

5. Analyse the impact of culture on consumer behaviour in that country

Each cup of Highland's rich coffee is created from the coffee gardens laden with beans in the fertile
highlands of Vietnam. After each plan, each coffee is carefully selected by us "by hand". The staff is
responsible for protecting the best of the whole bean coffee delivered to Highlands Coffee's factory.
Here, skilled coffee roasters with unique roasting secrets will give the coffee days back, full of
flavour. Highlands Coffee's unique roasting secret has been elevated to art. Roasting time and
temperature are important factors given the coffee reaching its absolute peak of flavour. It is the origin
of Vietnamese-style coffee. In addition, Highland also relies on the taste of bread of the majority of
Vietnamese people to serve. The sandwiches are only 19 dong but have brought a great source of
revenue for Highland and also made users not need to worry about where to go to be able to buy cake
and buy coffee to serve a singing meal. Highland the special title to be comfortable and convenient for
customers with a special menu and luxurious look of each product.

With more than 20 years of establishment and development, Highland has been the pride of
Vietnamese coffee. Highland has put on the top the convenience and comfort of customers but also
extremely modern and high-class. Therefore, Highland will always be the destination for meetings
with partners and friends. With the development of coffee in the present and in the future, Highland's
Vietnamese coffee cups will always be enjoyed and appreciated by domestic and foreign customers.

References, 2022, tất tần tật về thương hiệu Highlands Coffee - menu, danh sách cửa hàng
Highlands, retrieved 25 October 2022:, 2021, Chiến lược marketing Highlands Coffee nào thành công tại Việt Nam?, retrieved
25 October 2022:, 2022, chiến lược Marketing của Highlands Coffee: giá trị Việt trong ly cà phê, retrieved
25 October 2022:, 2022, Highlands Coffee: Thương hiệu bắt nguồn từ cà phê Việt Nam, retrieved
25 October 2022:

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