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1, petulant, peevish , capricious – easily irritated , annoyed

2, sulk, morose , brood over

3,handle, deal , address, manage

4, commotion, fracas, ruckus - noisy quarrel or fight

5,uproar, upheaval, out cry, hue and cry, – public - noise and shouting / strong protest, objection – to
provoke /produce / create/ cause uproar

6,unruly, rebellious, - keep an eye on this unruly workforce

7, ill mannered, uncouth , uncivilized, uncultured,

8,Fret, fuss, broad , freak, restless, fidgety, nervous, anxiety, apprehension

9,Fractious , peevish , cranky– upset or angry about small unimportant things

10,courteous, polished, refined, urbane –

11.scuffle ,skirmish, tussle – short disorganized fight, brawl – scuffle broke out

12.mock, scoff, tease,jeer, ridicule, deride, heckle,

13.rebuke, revile, reprimand,

14, enhance, improve, boost – your vocabulary

15,tyro, amateur, beginner, novice / dabbler, dilettante

16, fawner, boot licker, apple polisher, truckler , flatterer, adulator, toady – someone who (FAT)

17 innocent, naïve, credulous, gullible – easily persuaded to believe something

18 chaos, mayhem, bedlam ,turmoil, pandemonium, shambles - complete disorder and confusion

19,dilettante, dabbler – engage in activity without serious intentions

20,nefarious activity, wicked, evil, sinful

21 Appalling, lousy, pathetic - miserable , low standard

22,subpar, below average, inferior quality /mediocre performance ( acceptable)

23,events, circumstance, situation, incident, episode

24,Grimace, frown – in pain / scowl – angry expression

25,Outrageous – unacceptable, shocking behavior, remark,

26,scurrilous accusations/ charges – untrue and unfair ,false

27,subservient, servile,obsequious –

28,satirical, sarcastic, sardonic remark – criticize in humorous way

29, demeanor – way you behave , attitude, disposition

30,simpleton, dull head, dunce, imbecile, block head, numskull, moron, nitwit

31, Harangue – lengthy aggressive speech ,

32, accomplish , achievement , attain – succeed in doing something.

33,boorish, churlish, discourteous, loutish ,uncivilized behavior – rough , uneducated , harsh , rude

34,Headstrong, self willed – determined to do what they want / pleases

35, to negate, nullify, annul - make it ineffective

36,Replete – abundantly supplied , full of it Rife – crime is rife/ rampant in slum areas ( common

37,flagrant – noticeably bad, obviously evil ( F disregard, lie, abuse )

38,Blatant – glaringly conspicuous or obvious ( lie)

39,bicker , spat,squabble,dispute, - to engage in a quarrel

40.malicious, false, defamatory statement ,slander, cast aspersion, victim of calumny, denigration , mud
slinging, bad mouthing, backbiting, smear campaign

41,desultory, haphazard, random, non methodical – lacking definite plan or order , disorganized,

42,Rambling, disconnected,incoherent – talk or write in a confused way for a long time

43,gregarious, sociable, outgoing

44,confidence, assurance ,assertiveness

46,Predilection, propensity, predisposition, proclivity – habitual liking or tendency to do ,

47,Alacrity – eagerness, readiness, willingness, - cheerful readiness to do something

48,shortage, scarcity, dearth, paucity – presence of something in small insufficient quantities

49,menial jobs, unskilled, low grade,

50,grievance, shortfall, deficiency,complaints - nursing a grievance

51,emerge, appear, evolve, surface

52,self effacing, modest , meek, unassuming

53, hooliganism, goondaism, vandalism

54, Rant – speak or shout at length in angry way , tirade , harangue, polemic – verbal or written attack –
launch into a tirade

55, Ruffian , thug, rogue, rascal

56,Intriguing, curious, alluring, appealing

57,errand, chores, task, job - run his errand

58,frivolous, - not having serious purpose , facetious, - stop being facetious, this is a serious issue ,
tongue in cheek remark, flippant – lacking seriousness

59,inadvertently , mistakenly , unintentionally, unwittingly – had unwittingly broken the law

60, due to lack of time , in the interests of saving time/brevity, in view of time constraints,

61,without further ado, without any further, right away, without delay

62,reckless, impulsive, impetuous, foolhardy – not thinking of consequence of someone’s action

63,Leader – 1, decisive , assured and assertive , 2, lead by example ( inspiring, charismatic, dynamic ), 3,
take the people along 4, should not be dictatorial , rather be open to others views/ opinions and
suggestions 5,Accountability – take responsibility for things that happen around him

64, Dictatorial, authoritarian, totalitarian, tyrannical,

65, very disturbing, distressing ( emotional disturbance, distress then disorder)

66,Deriliction of duty , negligence, neglect of duty/

67,Guts, spunk, gumption - , gumption is fortitude, determination - he didn’t have the guts to try it

68, sharp, smart and sagacious, acumen – showing keen discernment, sound judgement , farsightedness

69, altercation, argument, squabble, quarrel

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