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Journal of Building Engineering 29 (2020) 101150

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Analysis of the functional performance of different mortars with

incorporated residues
Gina Matias a, b, Isabel Torres a, b, c, *, Filipe Rei d, Filipe Gomes d
ITeCons – Inst. Research Tech. Dev. Construction, Energy, Environment and Sustainability, 3030-289, Coimbra, Portugal
ADAI/LAETA, Association for the Development of Industrial Aerodynamics, University of Coimbra, 3030-289, Coimbra, Portugal
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra, 3030-788, Coimbra, Portugal
Primefix - Colas e Argamassas T�ecnicas, Lda., 3780-244, Aguim, Anadia, Portugal


Keywords: Mortars provide protection to constructive elements and contribute significantly to thermal and acoustic comfort
Mortar of the indoor environment. Taking into account the technical and ecological requirements of the mortars in­
By-product dustries, it is fundamental to use more recycled or natural raw materials, and products with lower environmental
impact. Also, the development of multifunctional mortars suited for different substrates ensures more versatility
Eco-friendly construction
of the products. Looking to address these issues, this paper presents the development of mortars incorporating
several different by-products: cork, glass and rubber. For this purpose, mortars with these three by-products were
developed and improved to obtain optimized compositions. Thermal and acoustic behaviour were analysed and
fire reaction was also tested. These mortars were also applied in exterior walls and its physical and mechanical
behaviour was analysed. Very promising results were obtained. It was possible to fit these mortars into the
specification standard for CE marking of mortars for rendering and plastering.

1. Introduction The countries involved should take urgent action and develop stra­
tegies to mitigate the greenhouse effect, which should be periodically
The finishing coatings of buildings such as plasters and floor coatings reviewed to ensure the requirements of the agreement.
present a crucial rule in what concerns to solutions’ durability, health­ In this way, it is fundamental to establish a strict control of economic
iness and energetic consumption related to their use. In this way, the activities with a significant impact in terms of pollutant emissions (solid
development of multifunctional mortars as an integrated solution for and gaseous) and to adopt sustainable measures to reduce the exploi­
sustainable and eco-friendly construction represents an important tation of natural resources. This requires strategies directed to innova­
achievement, which replies to the most recent markets requirements and tion, climate and energy.
also to the concerns related to climatic changes. With this study was The construction sector has an increased responsibility for CO2
intended to develop and characterise technical multifunctional mortars emissions, with 6.4% of all direct emissions corresponding to the con­
for plastering of new buildings or to constructions with rehabilitation struction phase, and in particular to the preparation/transformation of
needs, which allow reducing energetic consumption and increase the building materials and 12% to indirect emissions associated with the
durability of coatings and constructive elements associated to them. production of electricity and heating of buildings (Fig. 1) [1]. The SASB
The Paris Agreement resulting from the last United Nations Frame­ (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board) (2014) listed some actions
work Convention on Climate Change, in December 2015, recognizes the related to the concerns associated to sustainability for building materials
threat and irreversibility of climate change. This document establishes industry, of which stand out:
as a fundamental goal “Holding the increase in the global average
temperature to well below 2 � C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing � Reducing greenhouse gas emissions directly from production and
efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 � C above pre-industrial other pollutant emissions that may affect public health and
levels, recognizing that this would significantly reduce the risks and ecosystems;
impacts of climate change”.

* Corresponding author. University of Coimbra / ITeCons - Institute for Research and Technological Development in Construction Sciences / ADAI-Laeta, Portugal.
E-mail addresses:, (I. Torres).
Received 23 July 2019; Received in revised form 26 November 2019; Accepted 23 December 2019
Available online 3 January 2020
2352-7102/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Matias et al. Journal of Building Engineering 29 (2020) 101150

Fig. 2. NIR fluorescent coatings [15].

sunlight in the region near infrared radiation (780 at 2500 nm) [3–5], as
exemplified in Fig. 2. This type of coatings, in some cases referred to as
“cool coatings” or “NIR (near-infrared) control surface coatings”, have
been analysed by several authors, and have shown good performance
when applied to roofing, walls and glass, directly on surfaces or incor­
Fig. 1. CO2 emissions by economic sectors [1]. porated into elements such as wall, floor and roof tiles [2–14]. Signifi­
cant reductions in the surface temperature of the coatings were recorded
� Management of the origin and efficiency of energy sources used in in the studies, which are necessarily reflected in the reduction of the
the production process; energy consumption of the buildings.
� Mitigation of the effects arising from the extraction of raw materials; The addition of NIR pigments in mortars of natural hydraulic lime by
� Development of innovative solutions to reduce the impact of the final Gobakis et al. [2] allowed reducing the superficial temperature of walls
product life cycle. with external environmental exposure, with a contribution to reduce the
energy consumption of buildings of up to 20%. The addition of glass
Several research projects have been developed over the last few years beads further increased this value to about 30%.
with the aim of reducing pollutant emissions, using sustainable mate­ Ma and Zhu [7] developed cements with microencapsulated pig­
rials and reducing energy needs through the design and development of ments and verified that a specific combination of pigments allows, at a
eco-efficient building systems. In this context, the energetic and room temperature of 10 � C, the increase of the surface temperature, by
hygrothermal performance of buildings, conditioned mainly by the absorption of the radiation, at about 3 � C, when compared to common
characteristics of the external elements, especially the coatings, acquire Portland cement, ensuring the increase of thermal comfort inside
special relevance. Coatings are also mainly responsible for the overall buildings during winter. On the other hand, with this combination it was
durability of the construction, so its performance as a protective element also possible to obtain surface temperatures of the coatings, with a room
of the constructive solution has direct consequences from an economic temperature of 30 � C, similar to those of white Portland cement, which
and environmental point of view. allows reducing energy consumption related to air conditioning during
Considering sustainability and environmental issues, the develop­ summer.
ment of technical mortars with the incorporation of recycled products or Soumya et al. [4,5] found that the application of a film with zinc
by-products from other industries, as well as the inclusion of products oxide pigments to glass surfaces not only allowed the increase of the
that contribute to mitigation of the effects of CO2 emissions is also reflectance capacity, with a decrease in surface temperature, but also the
particularly relevant. With this aim, it has been sought to develop increase in resistance to ice. Self-cleaning properties conferred by the
mortars with multifunctional characteristics to answer to the various photo-degradation ability attributed by the pigments were also
demands and concerns of the current markets regarding durability, observed.
technical and energy efficiency, aesthetics and comfort.
The incorporation of products, often referred to as “intelligent”,
which respond to external actions such as temperature, radiation, 1.2. Sustainable mortars: incorporation of by-products
rainfall or humidity, have deserved the commitment of many re­
searchers in the development of different construction products. Among Recent environmental requirements have led to the study and
these are: products with capacity for absorption, reflection and trans­ development of ecological mortars incorporating by-products from the
mission of solar radiation, visible and infrared; products that promote agricultural and industrial sector. Processing of organic products or raw
self-cleaning of surfaces and elimination of micro-organisms; materials materials for industry generates tons of waste that are often incinerated
with biocidal properties; products with fluorescent pigments, with or landfilled. These processes have a considerable “ecological footprint”,
coloration conditioned by incident radiation. which can be minimized by introducing wastes into other productive
activities. In this sense, cement-based products such as blocks, concretes
and mortars incorporating glass residues, ceramic [15,16], cork
1.1. Near-infrared fluorescent pigments [17–20], rubber [21], polymer materials, among others have emerged
The ability to regulate the emission or absorption of radiation of In addition to the ecological advantages of the use of these by-
mortars may be conferred incorporating pigments from compounds such products, it also has benefits in terms of hygrothermal [23–25], acous­
as titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, cerium dioxide and tin dioxide. tic [18,19] or mechanical performance of concrete and mortars.
Used in aqueous dispersion or in microcapsules and incorporated in For the presented study, which main objective was to develop
various types of coatings [2], these pigments have a high reflectivity of multifunctional technical mortars, the feasibility of the incorporation of

G. Matias et al. Journal of Building Engineering 29 (2020) 101150

by-products of organic and inorganic origin was evaluated and their Table 1
regional and national availability was also considered. Effect of replacing of natural aggregate with rubber.
In what concerns to organic by products, there are several studies on Property Effect of replacing natural aggregate with rubber
mortars and concrete incorporating, for example, rice husk. Several
Water absorption Non-consensual data
authors acknowledged that rice husk ash has pozzolanic properties and Bulk density Decreases with the increase of the % of rubber
there are also a few recent studies on the use of natural non calcined rice Workability Decreases with the increase of the % of rubber
husk [26,27]. Martins [28] analysed the behaviour of cement mortars Decreases with the growth of the particles size
with rice husk and straw, without any treatment and verified that, Compressive Decreases with the increase of the % of rubber (the influence of
Strength particles size is not clear)
despite the reduction of mechanical strength, the introduction of these Voids percentage Increases with the increase of the % of rubber
by-products allowed to improve thermal properties of mortars. Serrano Flexural strength Decreases with the increase of the % of rubber (the influence of
et al. [29] studied several mortars compositions with rice husk, which particles size is negligible)
demonstrated to be adequate for non-structural elements, with low Thermal insulation Increases with the increase of the % of rubber
density, high porosity and improved thermal and acoustic properties.
The incorporation of calcium chloride air introducers provided the fast
photocatalytic elements (TiO2, ZnO, CdS and Fe2O3) as inertisation
setting of the mixtures. Chabannes et al. [30,31] compared the thermal
agents trough exposure to UV radiation [36,37] and, in this way, the
and mechanical behaviour of concrete with hemp fibre and concrete
combination of these elements in multifunctional mortars might be
with rice husk. Although the mechanical strength is low, in this case, rice
husk concrete presented an improved thermal behaviour. Rossi et al.
In what concerns to inorganic by-products, mortars with glass resi­
[32] studied mortars for floors with rice husk in order to provide thermal
dues was analysed. The incorporation of this type of material in mortars
comfort and to maintain temperature and also obtained promising re­
might be beneficial in several ways. According to Oliveira et al. [38,39],
sults in what concerns to thermal behaviour of the products. Sutas et al.
partial replacement of cement by fine glass residues allows developing
[33] also registered, with the incorporation of rice husk in concrete
ecological mortars without compromising its mechanical and physical
blocks, the reduction of mechanical strength and the increase of
behaviour; Nunes et al. [40] conducted experimental studies to optimize
compositions for self-compacting mortars incorporating glass residues,
Another recently studied organic by-product is granulated cork. In
with advantages from the environmental and economic point of view.
this particular case, about 30% of product is rejected, mostly granulated.
The authors observed, not only, the possibility to replace considerable
The incorporation of cork in construction materials is an interesting
amounts of cement by recycled glass, but also the increase of the dura­
solution from the environmental, economic and technical point of view
bility of the solutions through this process. Baokuan et al. [41] identified
[17–20]. Cork is a natural cellular vegetal material, with a polymeric
an improvement in the mechanical behaviour of mortars incorporating
structure resulting from cork oak, a native species from Mediterranean
glass residues. The authors observed that fine particles of glass might
region. It is constituted by Ref. [34]:
develop reactions with the binder and act as filler and in coarse shape
they allow partial replacement of common aggregate and, eventually,
� Suberine (45%) - the main component of cell walls, responsible for
correct its particle size distribution. In addition, the incorporation of
the elasticity of cork, also presents structural functions;
recycled glass might reduce the density of mortars, which will be
� Lignin (27%) - insulating compound that confers rigidity to the cell
beneficial in the cases when they are intended to use as non-structural
fills in embankments, retaining wall backfill and pipe bedding [42,43].
� Polysaccharides (12%) - components of cell walls that together with
In the previously mentioned study from Gobakis et al. [2]; the use of
lignin help define the texture of cork and are responsible for the
glass spheres allowed to increase the potential of NIR pigments,
support structure of cork cells;
contributing in a significant way to improve mortars thermal behaviour.
� Tannins (6%) - polyphenolic compounds responsible for colour;
Another recently studied residue for incorporation in construction
� Ceroid (5%) - hydrophobic compounds which in combination with
materials is recycled rubber from tires. This by-product may be recycled
suberin ensure waterproofing and airtight characteristics of cork.
through 3 different ways, which allow the reduction of the environ­
mental impact related to the extension life-cycle of this product: reuti­
Physical properties of cork provide unique characteristics to mortars,
lization, recycling or energy recovery. One way to reutilize or recycle
being able to make them lighter, ecological and with mechanical,
rubber from tires is to incorporate it in mortars. Several authors studied
hygrothermic and thermo-acoustic optimized performance. In this way,
mortars compositions with recycled rubber and the use of this by-
the following cork properties are highlighted:
product as a partial replacement of natural aggregates is well docu­
mented and supported by experimental research [44–49]. This residue
� Low density;
has become more accepted in construction due to its intrinsic charac­
� High deformability;
teristics, such as lightness (lower density), higher elasticity and higher
� Low Poison coefficient (transverse deformation);
energy absorption. It also provides improved thermal and acoustic
� High capacity to absorb impact energy;
behaviour. It was observed that the amount of rubber in mortars com­
� High capacity to dissipate energy (vibrations);
positions has a major influence on mortars properties (Table 1).
� High resistance to abrasion;
Mechanical crushing or cryogenic crushing are the two known ways
� Low thermal conductivity;
to obtain aggregates from rubber tires. In the first case, crushers and
� Low water absorption;
millers are used, steel is separated magnetically and the textiles are
� Good fire resistance.
separated from density differences. Rubber granulates are usually
separated by grain sizes, using sieves with mesh. Liquid nitrogen is used
In addition to the aforementioned characteristics, it is also note­
in the cryogenic process, in order to freeze the rubber, providing fine
worthy that it is a 100% natural and ecological product, besides it
rubber aggregate after fragmentation. In this case, the rubber is crushed
maintains itself unchanged over time by having moisture-resistant ele­
first and then transported to a cryogenic tunnel where the nitrogen input
ments and a considerable abrasion resistance.
temperature is approximately ( 192)� C and the output temperature is
Considering that organic products might react with some com­
about ( 80)� C. After crossing the tunnel and the pneumatic hammers,
pounds, several inertisation techniques for organic residues such as
the steel and textiles are separated from the rubber by a magnetic
vitrification, chemical consolidation or solidification with binders are
apparatus and with suction, respectively. Some of the most general
known [35]. However, some authors identified the potential of

G. Matias et al. Journal of Building Engineering 29 (2020) 101150

interesting properties of rubber aggregates are: Table 2

Thermal conductivity of multifunctional mortars.
� Reduced floatability and stability over time; By-product Designation Thermal conductivity
� Very good elastic response (reduced susceptibility to permanent
Thermal conductivity λ23,dry,mat [W/
deformation); 10 � C [W/(m.� C)] (m.K)] EN 1745
� Meets the PAH’s test (polycyclic aromatic carbonates harmlessness/
Reference Primeplaster 0,470 0,540
� Safe for health according to OSHA OMB N.� 1218–0072; Recycled Primelight 0,203 0,194
glass White
� Meets the DIN V 18035–7 related to the emission of leaching of
Primelight AM 0,204 0,202
heavy metals and organic pollutants; IR
� Does not release carbon black (does not dirty the skin or clothes); Primelight AM 0,217 0,200
� Compaction, friction and abrasion resistant; 9020
� Almost non smelling; Primelight CZ IR 0,216 0,199
Primelight CZ 0,220 0,200
� Resistant to weather and UV radiation. P3037

Cork Primecork 0,185 0,205

In the ecological and technical multifunctional mortars studied were
Primecork CZ IR 0,164 0,178
integrated by-products which might allow the improvement of their Primecork CZ 0,175 0,177
thermal and acoustic behaviour. The combination of materials features P3037
will provide the increase of mortars and other constructive elements Recycled Primerubber 0,202 0,256
durability, by the mitigation of pathologies and consequent buildings’ rubber
reduction of energetic consumption. It was intended that the final
product meets the needs of international markets, accomplishing the
requirements of the products standards and easy to apply (projecting 2.1.2. Primecork mortar
materials). This paper presents some of the results obtained for mortars Cork mortars were prepared with natural granulated cork with two
incorporating recycled glass aggregates, recycled rubber from tires and different grades: 1–2 mm e 2–4 mm, representing 11.5% of the dry
cork residues, intended for plastering purposes. NIR pigments were also constituents (in mass). It was also used 41% of Portland cement and 43%
introduced in some mortars. Characteristics such as thermal conduc­ of calcium carbonate filler. Additives used were water retaining agents,
tivity and specific heat, porosimetry, sound insulation, fire reaction, plasticizers and water reducers, setting accelerators, air introducers,
adhesive strength, controlled penetration, impact resistance and surface thixotropy agents to promote consistency and a soft finishing and
water absorption were determined and analysed. texture. A special resin to promote substrate adhesion, flexibility and
impact resistance and thickeners which change rheology and unify
2. Experimental campaign densities of binder and aggregates was also introduced. Additives
represent 3% in mass of dry constituents. In this case were also analysed
2.1. Mortars analysed mortars with the same composition, with common mineral black pig­
ments and also with IR black pigments. IR pigment was constituted by
Three different compositions of multifunctional mortars were ana­ Chromium Iron Oxide with a colour index corresponding to Pigment
lysed: One containing recycled glass, another composition with granu­ Brown 29. Mineral pigment was a synthetic black iron oxide pigment
lated cork and a third one with recycled rubber. with the reference “Chromafer 3037”. Pigmented mortars were desig­
nated as “Primecork CZ P3037” and “Primecork CZ IR”.
2.1.1. Primelight mortar
For mortars containing recycled glass it was used Poraver®, a 2.1.3. Primerubber
lightweight aggregate from expanded glass, 100% recycled and with Primerubber mortar was prepared with 29% of Portland cement,
known thermal and acoustic insulation properties. Expanded glass 12% of calcium carbonate filer, 16% of natural sand and 41% of rubber,
spheres are obtained from crushed glass which are expanded and result divided in 3 different grades, one of cryogenic dust and two with larger
in a light material, with high compressive strength, good thermal and grains. As additives, representing 3% of dry constituents mass, were
acoustic behaviour and high chemical resistance. used water repellents, stabilisers ant thickeners, resins to promote
The recycled glass aggregate represents, in the composition that was waterproofing, adhesion, flexibility and improved cohesion, an air
characterised, 39% in mass of dry components and was introduced in 3 introducer and a water reducer to improve fresh mortar’s workability
different size grades. 37% was Portland cement class II 52.5 N and 21% and a thixotropy agent to provide smoothness and better finishing, and
of calcium carbonate filler. Some additions were also used, representing also because rubber particles are cuboid, which might difficult
2%, in mass, of dry constituents: a specific resin which reduces the application.
impact of thermo-mechanic stress and promotes substrate adhesion,
flexibility and impact resistance; retainers and rheological modifiers 3. Thermal conductivity
based on starch and cellulose derivatives which promote thixotropy and
the consistency of the mortar; water repellent agents and an air intro­ Thermal conductivity of multifunctional mortars was determined
ducer to promote permeability, water absorption and lightness. Were according to EN 12664:2001 [50] and ISO 8302:1991 [51].
also analysed mortars with the same composition, with common mineral Mortars with recycled glass, cork and recycled rubber with or
yellow and black pigments and also with IR yellow and black pigments without pigments, were compared to a common commercial cement
to understand a possible improvement of the mortars’ thermal behav­ mortar, designated as Primeplaster. It was determined thermal con­
iour. IR pigment was constituted by Chrome Antimony Titanium Buff ductivity at 10 � C and thermal conductivity at 23 � C, λ23,dry,mat, esti­
with a colour index corresponding to Pigment Brown 24, for yellow and mated according to EN 1745:2012 [52]. Results are presented in Table 2.
Pigment Brown 29 for black. Mineral pigments were synthetic iron oxide It was observed that all mortars with by-products have a thermal
pigments with the reference “Chromafer 9020” for yellow and “Chro­ conductivity of approximately an half of the reference mortar. Also, the
mafer 3037” for black. Mortars with yellow pigments were designated as introduction of pigments did not interfere with this property, as all the
“Primelight AM 9020” and “Primelight AM IR” and mortars with black results obtained for each mortar are very close.
pigments as “Primelight CZ P3037” and “Primelight CZ IR”.

G. Matias et al. Journal of Building Engineering 29 (2020) 101150

Table 3
Porosimetry characteristics.
Porosimetry Primelight Primecork Primerubber
Total Pore Volume, VP (cm /g) 0,7167 0,3531 0,3753
Average Pore Diameter, dP (μm) 2,241 4,528 0,073
Porosity, P (%) 50,47 20,34 41,84

4. Porosimetry

Mortars’ porosimetry was analysed considering the procedure

described by the standard ISO 15901–1:2016. It was used a mercury
Porosimeter Autopore IV 9500, from Micrometrics, able to reach 60000
psi. The behaviour of the samples submitted to intrusion and extrusion
of mercury, with the variation of the pressure during the test, provides
some information on its pore structure. The equipment’s software pro­ Fig. 4. Reference brick wall for airborne sound insulation tests.
vides total pore volume, VP, in cm3/g, the average pore diameter, dP, in
μm and the porosity, P, in %. It was also possible to observe the differ­ room, considering, at least one position of the loudspeaker and
ential intrusion (ml/g) vs pores diameter (nm) curves for each sample.
recording two decays in, at least, three positions of the microphone
Fragments of samples with more than 28 days of curing were used and
(Engineering Method). The normalized airborne sound insulation curve
they were previously dried to constant mass. Results are presented in
is determined according to ISO 10140–2:2010 [53] and the airborne
Table 3 and Fig. 3.
sound insulation index is calculated according to standard ISO
It was observed that all mortars contain pores with size diameters
717–1:2013 [54]. Tests were performed in cubic horizontal acoustic
mostly between 0,5 and 90 μm (Fig. 3) and Primerubber is the mortar
rooms (a source room with 5.65 m edges and concrete walls 25 cm thick
with smaller pores. Primelight is the mortar with higher porosity and
and a receiving room with edges of 5.85 m and concrete walls with a
total pore volume and Primecork presented the lowest porosity (about
thickness of 50 cm) with a multi-analyser acquisition system with five
half the porosity of Primerubber). Except for Primecork, multifunctional
channels a microphone and a swivel giraffe, and two airborne sound
mortars present high porosity when compared to common mortars,
which usually have porosities around 20% and 30%. The higher po­
Specimens were constituted of a simple ceramic brick wall with
rosities of Primerubber and Primelight might be beneficial in what
nominal dimensions of 300 mm � 200 mm x 150 mm. Bricks were set
concerns to water vapour permeability and drying capacity of these
with a traditional rendering mortar with horizontal thickness of 20 mm
mortars. Also, observing the results obtained for compressive strength,
and vertical thickness between 10 mm and 35 mm (Fig. 4). The opening
from a parallel study from the same authors (Table 8), the higher po­
between acoustic rooms where the specimens were assembled measures
rosities of Primelight and Primerubber do not compromise the
3.16 m � 3.16 m, corresponding to an approximate area of 10 mm2.
compressive strength of the mortars.
Airborne sound insulation was determined for several combinations of
specimens plastered in one or both sides of the brick wall.
5. Airborne sound insulation
Weighed sound reduction index, RW, was determined considering
sound levels measured at several different frequency bands and sound
Airborne sound insulation was determined according to standard ISO
reduction index at each measured frequency.
10140–2:2010 [53]. First it was registered the sound level of the emis­
It was tested a wall without any plastering, a wall with Primeplaster
sion room, for two different positions of the loudspeaker and along the
(reference mortar) on one side and on the two sides. For Primelight it
scan of the mobile microphone. Simultaneously, it was recorded the
was tested a wall without any plastering, a wall with Primelight on one
sound pressure level on the receiving room during the rotation of one
side and a wall with Primelight on both sides. For Primecork it was
mobile microphone and for the same two positions of the loudspeaker in
tested a wall without any mortar, a wall with Primecork on one side, a
the source room; It was measured the background noise along the scan of
wall with Primecork on both sides and a wall with Primecork on one side
the mobile microphone in the receiving room, with the loudspeaker
and Primeplaster on the other side. The results of RW obtained for each
turned off and it was measured the reverberation time in the receiving
combination are presented in Table 4.

Fig. 3. Pore size distribution (Pore size Diameter vs. Differential Intrusion).

G. Matias et al. Journal of Building Engineering 29 (2020) 101150

Table 4
Weighed sound reduction index, RW.
By-product Designation Weighted Sound Reduction Index, RW
Range: RW � 72 dB (C100-3150; Ctr 100-3150; C100-5000; Ctr 100-5000) [dB]

Brick wall without Brick wall plastered Brick wall plastered on one side with Primeplaster and on Brick Wall plastered with
plastering on one side the other side with multifunctional mortar multifunctional mortar on both sides

Reference Primeplaster 38 ( 1; 2; 1; 45 ( 1; 4; 0; 4) – 46 ( 1; 5; 0; 5)
Recycled Primelight 39 (0; 2; 0; 2) 43 ( 1; 3; 0; 4) – 44 ( 1; 3; 0; 3)
Cork Primecork 38 ( 1; 2; 1; 42 ( 1; 3; 0; 3) 46 ( 2; 4; 1; 4) 43 ( 1; 3; 0; 3)

It was observed that all mortars provide similar airborne sound smoke release rate and higher total smoke release. None of the mortars
insulation (RW). When combined with reference mortar, Primecork released flaming droplets or particles. Primecork obtained the maximum
presents the same Sound Reduction Index of a regular plastering mortar class for fire resistance according to this test, however, to obtain Class A
applied on both sides of the wall. it was necessary to perform additional tests. Primeplaster, which was
previously tested during another study and fully characterised with all
6. Fire reaction the necessary tests, is considered Class A.

Fire reaction was evaluated considering the procedure described in 7. “In situ” characterisation
EN 13823:2010 þ A1:2014 [55] for products exposed to thermal attack
by a single burning item (SBI). Multifunctional mortars were applied in external walls, exposed to
The test specimens consisted of two vertical wings forming a right- environmental conditions. Two substrates were considered: Ceramic
angled corner and were exposed to flames from a burner placed at the brick walls and concrete walls. Tests were performed approximately 3
bottom of the corner. The flames were obtained by combustion of pro­ months after application.
pane gas diffuses through a sandbox and a heat output of approximately
30 kW. It was determined the total heat release from the specimen in the
7.1. Adhesive strength – “pull-off” test
first 600 s of exposure to the main (primary) burner flames, THR600s, the
lateral flame spread on the long specimen wing, LFS, the total smoke
“Pull-off” test was performed to evaluate the adhesive strength of
production from the specimen in the first 600 s of exposure to the main
mortars, according to EN 1015–12:2016 [57]. Square metal plates were
burner flames, TSP600s, the maximum of the quotient of hear release rate
used, with 50 mm � 50 mm, as presented in Fig. 5, and it was used a
from the specimen and the time of its occurrence using a THR-reshold,
manual “pull-off” equipment. The results obtained and the fracture
FIGRA, and the maximum of the quotient of smoke production rate
patterns are indicated in Table 6. It was observed that all mortars pre­
from the specimen and the time of its occurrence, SMOGRA. These pa­
sented similar adhesive strength results. Higher resistances were ob­
rameters were calculated based on the measurements performed by an
tained for recycled glass mortar applied in a concrete substrate. All
acquisition system constituted by thermocouples, a bi-directional probe
connected to a pressure transducer and a gas sampling probe connected
to O2 and CO2 analysers, The fall of flaming droplets or particles was also
recorded and the maximum possible classification of the studied mortars
considering only this test was also determined considering EN
13501–1:2009 [56]. Results are presented in Table 5. It was observed
that the lowest heat release rate and total heat release was obtained for
Primecork. Primerubber presented an higher heat release rate and total
heat release and it was the only mortar which registered a considerable

Table 5
Fire resistance.
By-product Recycled Cork Recycled
glass rubber
Designation Primelight Primecork Primerubber
Fire reaction - FIGRA (W/s) 149,15 31,67 167,61 Fig. 5. “Pull-off” test of Primecork mortar.
Exposition to LFS < < < specimen
thermal attack by specimen specimen wing
a single burning wing wing Table 6
item (SBI) - EN THR 600s 4,09 2,41 14,66 “In Situ” adhesive strength.
13823:2010 þ (MJ)
By-product Mortar Substrate fu (N/ Fracture
A1:2014 SMOGRA 0 0 29,46
designation mm2) Pattern
TSP 600s 27,97 30,49 185,85 Recycled Primelight Concrete wall 0,27 B
(m2) glass Ceramic brick 0,20 B
Fall of No No No wall
flaming Cork Primecork Concrete wall 0,14 B
droplets or Ceramic brick 0,15 B
particles wall
Maximum C-s1 B-s1 C-s2 Recycled Primerubber Concrete wall 0,17 B
class (EN rubber Ceramic brick 0,21 B
13501–1) wall

G. Matias et al. Journal of Building Engineering 29 (2020) 101150

Fig. 6. Surface resistance (left) and controlled penetration (right) (Martinet-Baronnie test).

mortars presented a type B fracture pattern, corresponding to a cohesion Primerubber does not have a high compressive strength, it has good
fracture, occurring in the mortar itself. In these cases, the adhesive impact strength, mostly due to the high capacity of rubber to absorb
strength is greater than the test value. impact energy.

7.3. Controlled penetration (Martinet-Baronnie test)

7.2. Surface resistance (Martinet-Baronnie test)
Controlled penetration, which allows evaluating the resistance of the
To evaluate the mortars surface resistance it was performed the
inner layers of the mortars, was determined by the Martinet-Baronnie
Martinet-Baronnie test by the means of the sphere impact. It was used a
test. A steel nail is guided by a small opening in the base of the equip­
Martinet-Baronnie equipment, presented in Fig. 6 (left), with a sphere
ment and introduced, in three different stages, in the mortar, with a
with a diameter of approximately 50 mm and weighting 0.5 kg. Results
known mass (276 g). Penetration of the nail is measured for the three
consist in the diameter of the impact area observed in the mortar, and
mass drops and it was measured in three different points of the mortar’s
are presented in Table 7. Five measurements were performed for each of
surface. An example of the test is presented in Fig. 6 (right) and results in
the multifunctional mortars.
Table 9. It was observed that Primecork is the mortar with deeper
It was observed that all mortars presented a low impact diameter.
penetration and Primelight presents lower penetration.
Results for recycled rubber mortar were particularly low. For this
mortar, impact area was hard to define once this mortar has high energy
7.4. Water absorption under low pressure
absorption capacity and easily recovers its initial condition. For a better
understanding of these results, the data obtained was compared to
Water absorption under low pressure was determined according to
compressive strength and elasticity modulus tests performed in a par­
the test method N.11.4 recommended by RILEM [58,59]. Three vertical
allel study, from the same authors. Compressive strength results,
Karsten tubes graduated to 4 ml were used, as exemplified in Fig. 7, for
determined according to EN 1015–11, and dynamic elasticity modulus,
each mortar. The amount of water absorbed was registered after 5, 10,
determined based on the standard EN 14146, are presented in Table 8. It
15, 20, 30 and 60 min. Water absorption curves were determined
was not detected any direct relation between impact resistance and
considering the volume of water vs. time. Absorption curves are pre­
compressive strength or dynamic elasticity modulus. Primecork ob­
sented in Fig. 8. Water absorption ratio, in ml/min, was also determined
tained the highest compressive strength and lower elasticity modulus of
and the results and corresponding standard deviations are presented in
the three mortars; however, it is the mortar with the highest impact
Fig. 9.
diameter. Primerubber has the lowest compressive strength and, how­
It was observed that Primerubber absorbs less water when compared
ever, it is the mortar with lowest impact diameter. Although
to the other mortars and also that this mortar has the slowest water
absorption rate. The lowest water absorption of Primerubber might be
Table 7 related with the pore size distribution, since this mortar presents an
Surface resistance (Martinet-Baronnie test).
average pore diameter much lower than the others. In what concerns to
By- Mortar Diameter Average Standard Variation Primecork, despite this mortar presents the lowest porosity, the average
product designation (mm) diameter deviation coefficient
pore diameter is the highest, which might explain the high water ab­
(mm) (mm) (%)
sorption. However, all mortars presented low values of water absorption
Recycled Primelight 1,7 1,5 0,17 10,87 under low pressure when compared to some bibliographic references
glass 1,7
Cork Primecork 1,7 1,8 0,08 4,70
1,7 Table 8
1,8 Compressive strength, RC and dynamic elasticity modulus, EdL.
Recycled Primerubber 0,1 0,1 0,05 39,12
By-product Mortar designation RC (N/mm2) EdL [MPa]
rubber 0,1
0,2 Recycled glass Primelight 4,8 1870
0,2 Cork Primecork 5,7 520
0,1 Recycled rubber Primerubber 4,6 910

G. Matias et al. Journal of Building Engineering 29 (2020) 101150

Table 9
Controlled penetration (Martinet-Baronnie test).
By-product Mortar 1st Penetration 1st Penetration average 2nd Penetration 2nd Penetration 3rd Penetration 3rd Penetration
(mm) (mm) (mm) average (mm) (mm) average (mm)
(total penetration)

Recycled Primelight 5 5 7 8 11 12
glass 5 8 12
6 10 13
Cork Primecork 11 11 22 22 32 32
10 22 31
12 22 33
Recycled Primerubber 7 8 11 13 17 18
rubber 10 16 21
7 12 16

8. Discussion and conclusions � Except for the mortar with recycled rubber, all mortars present an
acceptable behaviour in what concerns to direct fire exposure.
An experimental campaign was carried out to assess the behaviour of � All mortars present a quite adequate adhesive strength, without any
ecological and technical multifunctional mortars containing by-products signs of cracking, and with a cohesive adhesion fracture pattern.
which might allow the improvement of their thermal and acoustic � All mortars, especially recycled rubber mortar, present a very good
behaviour. Some hygrothermal, acoustic, physical and mechanical impact resistance, without signs of cracking after impact.
properties of plastering mortars containing recycled glass aggregates, � The controlled penetration is acceptable for all mortars, and mortar
recycled rubber from tires and cork residues were evaluated and with recycled glass presents a quite lower value of penetration. This
compared to a common cementitious mortar without by-products. The result is coherent with adhesive strength as this is the mortar with
conducted tests allowed accessing some of the technical benefits of higher mechanical resistance.
introducing the mentioned by-products in common cementitious � Multifunctional mortars in general present low water absorption
mortars: under low pressure and recycled rubber mortar is the one with a
lower water absorption rate, which might be explained by the fact
� Thermal conductivity reduces to an half of the common values of a that this mortar presents the lowest average pore diameter.
cementitious mortar.
� Mortars incorporating recycled glass and recycled rubber presented Therefore, replacing common sand with by-products from glass
high porosities which do not compromise compressive strength or residues, rubber residues and cork may be a promising technical, eco­
water absorption. nomic and environmental solution.
� The introduction of these by-products does not affect the acoustic Further studies should be conducted to characterise other parameters
behaviour of a standard brick wall plastered with a regular layer of related to mechanical behaviour (flexural strength, adhesive strength
mortar. with different substrates) and physical behaviour (water vapour
permeability, capillary water absorption, salt resistance), and also to
analyse the influence on the use of IR pigments with natural light

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial

interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.

Fig. 7. Water absorption under low pressure.

Fig. 8. Water absorption curves. Fig. 9. Water absorption ratio.

G. Matias et al. Journal of Building Engineering 29 (2020) 101150

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