Soccer Unit Plan Guide

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Soccer Unit Plan Guide

2022 Soccer World Cup

Unit Plan by: Griffin Contini

University of Lethbridge

Practicum School - CCHS


The 2022, Soccer World Cup will use multiple pedagogies of instruction including

Teaching Games For Understanding, Direct Instruction, and Sports Education Model. Using

these pedagogies will enhance student learning, promote an inclusive, safe, and positive

environment for all students to feel like their strengths are being represented. The goal of this

unit is to provide students with lots of experiential learning through mini-games, as well through

a tournament format that not only promotes competitive play, but also proper sportsmanship and

teamwork to create a positive and inclusive community.

The Soccer World Cup is a 10-day long unit that brings students through a range of

activities to help grow their soccer skills. The first 4 classes will be used as a form of pre-

assessment and integration into a review of basic soccer skills such as, retaining, passing, and

shooting mainly using direct instruction and TGFU. Class 5-7 will be used to apply what

students have learned in various gameplay settings. The end of class 7 will be used a preparation

for World Cup team formation, as well as celebration and cheer creations. Class 8 plays the role

of Opening Ceremonies with various mini-games teams will compete in to earn extra points

towards winning the World Cup. Classes 9-10 is when the round robin tournament begins.

Teams will be awarded points for wins, best handshake, sportsmanship, etiquette, effort (most

heart), and achieved steps. Having a points system using objectives other than purely wins helps

to reinforce positive behaviors and respect for oneself and others, as well as to promote a healthy

active lifestyle. It encourages students to be involved and create an etiquette for play that they

will not only use in sport, but also life. For those students who like to be competitive, they will

have ample opportunity to be competitive. However, for those who enjoy physical education

more recreationally, they will have an opportunity to feel more included in the learning process
of soccer and have fun, reinforcing one’s motivation to be active, and have positive associations

with physical education and living an active lifestyle. Students will be assessed using exit slips,

participation, a quiz on soccer rules, a performance task, as well as a reflection that will be

completed at the end of the unit. Exit slips will use a technological approach and which we will

use videos and social media having students respond to technical and etiquette factors they

learned or would like to attempt. Their performance task will be given to them at the beginning

of the unit in which they will identify and explain the execution of behaviors and shots that

professional players execute.

 Win = 3
 Tie = 1
 Lose = 0
 Achieved Steps = 1 (to earn this point, team members must get a minimum of 200 steps
per games)
 Best Celebration = 5
 Best Cheer = 5
 Best Sportsmanship = 5

Having a points system using objectives other than purely wins helps to reinforce positive

behaviors and respect for oneself and others, as well as to promote a healthy active lifestyle. It

encourages students to be involved and create an etiquette for play that they will not only use in

sport, but also life. For those students who like to be competitive, they will have ample

opportunity to be competitive. However, for those who enjoy physical education more

recreationally, they will have an opportunity to feel more included in the learning process of

soccer and have fun, reinforcing one’s motivation to be active, and have positive associations

with physical education and living an active lifestyle. The use of mini-games and the Soccer

World Cup will be used to apply what students have learned into an inclusive game setting where

students work together to encourage team and individual forms of accomplishment. This is part
of my attempt to motivate my students, and encourage them to play and practice disc golf for fun

and be active lifelong learners.

Students will be assessed using exit slips, participation, a performance task, as well as a

progression reflection that will be completed at the beginning and end of the unit. Exit slips will

use a technological approach and which we will use videos and social media having students

respond to technical and etiquette factors they learned or would like to attempt. Their

performance task will be given to them at the beginning of the unit so they have adequate time to

research a video, and record their findings using the provided template.

My Philosophy for Teaching Physical Education

My philosophy for teaching physical education is centered around creating an inclusive

environment where students feel safe and welcomed into a classroom free from judgement of

physical ability, body image, beliefs, background, and race. I believe in being understanding,

empathetic, respectful of others’ situations in life and in school and want my students to provide

the same courtesy to one another. I will provide a classroom where students will have the

opportunity to grow physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally to become future role models

for those around them. Students can accomplish tasks on their own and be given responsibilities

to stay more engaged to foster belonging and independence. This allows me to go around and

provide more feedback so students are given optimal standards in growing their skills. I also

believe students’ strengths are multidisciplinary and should therefore be represented in Physical

Education. Not only do I want my students to build their fundamental skills in an activity, but I

also want them to build their fundamental skills in growing to become a good person. This unit

revolves around building communication and inclusivity to create an environment where

everyone can not only flourish with their various skills, but also become active role models in

their own communities. The World Cup provides many opportunities that diversifies how

students can be successful, reinforcing one’s motivation to live an active lifestyle, reinforcing the

desire and belief to be active lifelong learners.

Classroom Management

The first day of class will be spent going over safety guidelines and expectations which

will be communicated clearly and concisely. My goal is to create structure efficiently. Because

soccer is a sport that involves lots of flying balls and moving people, setting clear and concise

expectations becomes even more important. These rules on safety and expectations will be

reiterated, discussed, and reinforced at the beginning of each class. There will also be a

safety/expectation chart displayed to help remind and reinforce what is expected of students.

Students who are misbehaving will have to sit out, reflect, and talked with about how their

behavior is affecting the class, and remind them of my expectations to promote change.

Behaviors that are meeting or excelling expectations will be positively reinforced with words of

encouragement and praise in order to have model for others. To regain attention, I will use a

whistle call to signal when to stop and pay attention.

Stage 1 – Desired Results
General Outcomes:
G. O. A: Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement
activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an alternative
environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor pursuits.
G. O. C: Students will interact positively with others.
G. O. D: Students will assume responsibility to lead an active way of life.
Established Goals:
A8-5 demonstrate ways to receive, retain and send an object with varying speeds, accuracy and
distance in skills specific to an activity.
A8-6 select, combine and perform manipulative skills by using elements of space awareness, effort
and relationships, with and without objects, to improve performance.
A8-10 select, combine and perform activity-specific basic skills in a variety of games.
SO: A8–11 be able to identify and evaluate specific strategies and tactics that coordinate effort
with others; e.g., team/fair play, in order to achieve a common activity goal.

C8–3 demonstrate etiquette and fair play.

C8-5 recommend practices that contribute to teamwork.
C8-6 identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others.

D8–3 select and apply rules, routines and procedures for safety in a variety of activities.
D8-4 design and perform warm-up and cool-down activities.
D8-5 appraise or judge movement experiences for safety that promote an active, healthy lifestyle;
e.g., safe use of equipment.
D8-6 monitor, revise and refine personal goals based on interests and abilities.

Understandings: Essential Questions:

Students will understand…
 How can developing skills through
 The importance of respecting the rules of mini-games improve performance and
a game, self, and others. strategy?
 How developing skills through mini-  Why is warming-up so important
games plays a role in improving before you begin playing?
performance.  How does practice promote an active,
 How important a warm-up is before healthy, and positive lifestyle?
playing a high-risk injury sport.  How do you work efficiently with a
 The value of working as a team to achieve team to achieve a common goal?
a common goal.  Why is it important to control your
 The importance of self-regulation in a emotions during a high-intensity
high intensity and emotional environment. environment?
 The positive value of participating in  What is the importance of being safe
sports daily with an emphasis on safety, while participating in sport?
and spatial awareness.  What is the importance of spatial
awareness in soccer?
Students will know…  Students will be able to… 

SO: A8–5 demonstrate ways to receive,  Progress the basic skills of passing,
retain and send an object with varying retaining, travelling, and shooting.
speeds, accuracy and distance in skills  Experience walking, running, with the ball
specific to an activity  Demonstrate retaining the ball for oneself
and from opponents.
 Demonstrate the differences between
stopping a pass, redirecting a pass, and
changing directions after a pass.

SO: A8–6 select, combine and perform  Discover and strategize when the
manipulative skills by using elements of appropriate time is to use each type of
space awareness, effort and relationships, shot.
with and without objects, to improve  Examine different techniques to position
performance. oneself to make the best pass/shot choice,
while avoiding opponents.

SO: A8–10 select, combine and perform  Use various shots/passes and techniques in
activity-specific basic skills in a variety of mini-games to enhance experiential
games. learning.
 Use various skills to both attack and
defend the opposition.

SO: A8–11 be able to identify and  Discuss how to work individually and
evaluate specific strategies and tactics that work with a team and the best strategy to
coordinate effort with others; e.g., achieve a desired outcome.
team/fair play, in order to achieve a  Decide how to play both offense and
common activity goal. defence on a team.

C8–3 demonstrate etiquette and fair play.  Understand the purpose of boundaries
when playing matches.
 Demonstrate effective communication
between a partner and teammates.
 Develop a mutual agreement about the
rules that are players will abide too during
 Showcase proper etiquette and fair play
through the Soccer World Cup.

C8-5 recommend practices that contribute  Apply cooperative practices and self-
to teamwork. regulatory skills to function as a team.
 Identify approaches to efficiently and
cooperatively work with others.
C8–6 identify and demonstrate positive  Respecting the integrity of others when
behaviours that show respect for self and making a decision on plays.
others.  Demonstrate a positive attitude and
honesty toward other in gameplay.

D8–3 select and apply rules, routines and  Model rules discussed in class about
procedures for safety in a variety of spatial awareness, soccer ball/equipment
activities. etiquette, stopping when cued, respecting
the fields while others are playing, and
being spatially aware and protective.

D8-4 design and perform warm-up and  Select dynamic warm-up stretches and
cool-down activities. activities that allow the body to get
physically prepared to play.
 Understand the health benefits of warm-up
both for performance, and injury

D8–5 appraise or judge movement  Demonstrate safe use of equipment.

experiences for safety that promote an  Report unsafe use of equipment.
active, healthy lifestyle; e.g., safe use of

D8-6 monitor, revise and refine personal  Reflect on skill progression from the
goals based on interests and abilities. beginning of the unit till the end of the unit
Grade 8 Unit Soccer Dates 10 Days

Date Planned to Lesson Title G SLO’s Assessment Key Questions Learning Activities Safety Instructiona Equipment/ Mot
Teach L related to this l Strategies Resources/
O Lesson Technology

Soccer A
A8–5 -Observation How can For this lesson, students will learn the -Since this is the -Direct -Soccer balls. -Go outside!
Class 1 Intro 
D A8-6 -Pre-assessment
developing skills
through mini-
primary basics to soccer such as: the
basics to retaining and passing a soccer
first class, we will
go over
-Pylons. -Use mini-
Date???? C8–6 games improve ball. expectations, and games to build
-Exit slip performance and rules that will apply both a sense of
D8–3 (demonstrating strategy? FIND OUT WHAT STUDENTS to the entire unit. competition as
skills) KNOW ABOUT SOCCER!! well as
D8-5 What is the -Soccer ball community.
importance of 1)We will discuss safety concerns, rules, etiquette:
being safe while and the importance of self-regulation in -keeping ball low. -Play
participating in soccer. Explain how to retain and travel -being spatially fun/exciting
sport? with a soccer ball before sending them aware of music during
off. others/surroundings. the mini-games.
-GIVE STUDENTS TIME TO WALK -not kicking a ball
OR JOG OUTSIDE AND in anger. -Use the
EXPERIENCE. Have pylons out, and -Holding the ball demonstrations
give a cue to go around them. when on a whistle of skills as a
cue. way to build
2) Retaining mimicry  community and
A – start with circles with outside of -Talk about how -Indirect/ encourage
foot, then inside. students will Experiential students to
B – Circles with opposite foot. WALK around the learning show off what
gym or field while they know.
3) “Shrinking Boundaries” others are playing.
-Everyone starts on one half of field. -Social media
-Goal  maintain possession of your
-Proper set-up take
down. Etiquette on -TGFU
will be an
integrative, and
own ball without an opposing player
taking and putting current form of
kicking it away, or losing it.
soccer balls away. technology use
that will get
-Players must stay within designated
-Proper gym attire. students
boundary, boundaries get smaller.
-Give time involved in
-Once your ball gets kicked away, you
-Warm-ups. between each their learning.
go to the other half of the gym where
skill for
another game begins.
-Teacher Supervisor experiential
5)Exit Slip  Students respond to post
on Phys. Ed. Instagram account. They
will provide a key term to retaining, and
how it is effective.

Introduce students to their performance
task assignment.
“British Bulldog”
-Goal  Get to the other side without
getting ball taken away from you by
-Must stay within boundaries.

Date Planned to Lesson Title G SLO’s Assessment Key Questions Learning Activities Safety Instructiona Equipment/ Mot
Teach L related to this l Strategies Resources/
O Lesson Technology

Soccer A
A8-10 -Observation How does 1)We will discuss safety concerns, rules, -Since this is the -Soccer balls. -Go outside!
Class 2 Intro 
D A8-11 -Demonstration
practice promote
an active,
and the importance of self-regulation in
first class, we will
go over -Pylons. -Use mini-
Date???? C8-3 healthy, and expectations, and games to build
-Self/Peer positive 2) Warm-up “British Bulldog” rules that will apply both a sense of
D8-3 Reflection lifestyle?
-Goal  Get to the other side without
to the entire unit. -TGFU competition as
well as
D8-6 How can
getting ball taken away from you by
-Soccer ball community.
developing skills etiquette:
-Must stay within boundaries.
through mini- -keeping ball low. -Play
games improve -being spatially fun/exciting
3) “Partner goal passing”
performance and aware of music during
Goal  communicate and pass ball
strategy? others/surroundings. the mini-games.
through goal. Each goal is a point.
-not kicking a ball -TGFU
What is the in anger. -Use the
Key Ideas
importance of -Holding the ball demonstrations
-Inside of foot
being safe while when on a whistle of skills as a
-Leg back/step into ball/kick/follow
participating in cue. way to build
sport? community and
(can try outside foot)
-Talk about how encourage
students will students to
Receiving (Pass with a partner)
WALK around the show off what
Absorb the ball
gym or field while they know.
Quick tap to change direction
others are playing.
-Social media
4)Closure  Give out Reflection -Proper set-up take will be an
down. Etiquette on integrative, and
BACKUP taking and putting current form of
“Soccer tag” soccer balls away. technology use
-Ball is safe, people without soccer ball that will get
are up to tag, 1 tagger. -Proper gym attire. students
-As soon as you have the ball you can’t involved in
move feet, must pass. -Warm-ups. their learning.
-Defender must give you space to pass.
-Teacher Supervisor

Date Planned to Lesson Title G SLO’s Assessment Key Questions Learning Activities Safety Instructiona Equipment/ Mot
Teach L related to this l Strategies Resources/
O Lesson Technology

Soccer A
A8-5 -Observation Why is it 1)We will discuss safety concerns, rules, -Since this is the -Soccer balls. -Go outside!
Class 3 Retaining/Pass
ing Mini-
D A8-10 -Discussion/
important to
control your
and the importance of self-regulation in
first class, we will
go over -Pylons. -Use mini-
Date???? Games
C8-3 Wordle about emotions during expectations, and games to build
Composure a high-intensity Have them think about what composure rules that will apply -Soccer Nets both a sense of
D8-4 environment? means? In soccer? to the entire unit. competition as
Exit slip -Computer well as
D8-5 (demonstrating What is the 2) Dynamic Warm-up -Soccer ball (Wordle community.
skills) importance of etiquette: website)
being safe while 3) “Soccer tag” -keeping ball low. -Play
participating in -Ball is safe, people without soccer ball -being spatially -TGFU - fun/exciting
sport? are up to tag, 1 tagger. aware of music during
-As soon as you have the ball you can’t others/surroundings. the mini-games.
move feet, must pass. -not kicking a ball
-Defender must give you space to pass. in anger. -Use the
-Holding the ball demonstrations
when on a whistle of skills as a
4) “Passing Conquest” cue. way to build
-Goal  pass as many times before community and
scoring. -Talk about how encourage
-Each pass is 1 point. If a team passes 8 students will -TGFU students to
times before shooting/scoring, they get 8 WALK around the show off what
points. If they miss the net, they do not gym or field while they know.
receive any points. others are playing.
-Play against other team who can steal -Social media
the ball at any time. -Proper set-up take will be an
down. Etiquette on integrative, and
taking and putting current form of
5) Exit slip  STICKY NOTES Class soccer balls away. technology use
Wordle  Discussion about what the that will get
importance of composure when playing -Proper gym attire. students
a high-intensity sport like soccer. involved in
-Warm-ups. their learning.

-Teacher Supervisor

Date Planned to Lesson Title G SLO’s Assessment Key Questions Learning Activities Safety Instructiona Equipment/ Mot
Teach L related to this l Strategies Resources/
O Lesson Technology

Soccer A
A8–5 -Observation How can 1)We will discuss safety concerns, rules, -Since this is the -Soccer balls. -Go outside!
Class 4 Intro 
D A8-6 -Pre-assessment
developing skills
through mini-
and the importance of self-regulation in
first class, we will
go over -Pylons. -Use mini-
Date???? C8–6 games improve expectations, and games to build
-Exit slip performance and 2) Dynamic Warm-up rules that will apply both a sense of
D8–3 (demonstrating strategy? to the entire unit. competition as
skills) 3) “Shrinking Boundaries” well as
D8-5 What is the -Everyone starts on one half of field. -Soccer ball -TGFU community.
importance of -Goal  maintain possession of your
-keeping ball low. -Play
being safe while own ball without an opposing player
participating in kicking it away, or losing it. -being spatially fun/exciting
sport? aware of music during
-Players must stay within designated others/surroundings. the mini-games.
boundary, boundaries get smaller. -not kicking a ball
-Once your ball gets kicked away, you in anger. -Use the
go to the other half of the gym where -Holding the ball demonstrations
another game begins. when on a whistle of skills as a
cue. way to build
4) Shooting Practice community and
-Set different nets up or students shoot -Talk about how encourage
against fence/wall. GIVE A TARGET. students will students to
-Shoot with knuckles/toes of foot. WALK around the show off what
-Quick run (right, left, right  if right gym or field while -Direct they know.
footed) others are playing. Instruction
-Plant -Social media
-Kick through -Proper set-up take will be an
-Follow through straight. down. Etiquette on integrative, and
taking and putting current form of
5) Closure  Talk about kicking ball soccer balls away. technology use
into face story and safety. that will get
-Proper gym attire. students
involved in
-Warm-ups. their learning.

-Teacher Supervisor
Date Planned to Lesson Title G SLO’s Assessment Key Questions Learning Activities Safety Instructiona Equipment/ Mot
Teach L related to this l Strategies Resources/
O Lesson Technology

4 Corner A
A8-5 -Observation How do you 1)We will discuss safety concerns, rules, -Since this is the -TGFU -Soccer balls. -Go outside!
Class 5 Soccer C
D A8-6 -Discussion
work efficiently
with a team to
and the importance of self-regulation in
first class, we will
go over -Pylons. -Use mini-
Date???? C8-3 achieve a expectations, and games to build
common goal? 2) Dynamic Warm-up rules that will apply both a sense of
D8-3 to the entire unit. competition as
What is the 3) Discussion  Why is spatial well as
D8-5 importance of awareness important in soccer? (Maybe -Soccer ball community.
being safe while make that first! etiquette:
participating in -keeping ball low. -Play
sport? 4) “4 Corner Soccer” -being spatially fun/exciting
-The class will be split into teams of 4. aware of music during
What is the -Each time has 1 net and a ball. others/surroundings. the mini-games.
importance of -The goal of the game is to score as -not kicking a ball
spatial awareness many points on other teams as possible in anger. -Use the
in soccer? before time runs out. -Holding the ball demonstrations
-Nets are placed to the left and right of when on a whistle of skills as a
each other forming a +. cue. way to build
community and
5) Exit Slip  Discussion about why -Talk about how encourage
spatial awareness was important during students will students to
4 corner soccer? WALK around the show off what
gym or field while they know.
BACKUP others are playing.
-Social media
5) Soccer Golf -Proper set-up take will be an
-As students are coming out of a disc down. Etiquette on integrative, and
golf unit, they can apply the disc golf taking and putting current form of
rules, except using a soccer ball. soccer balls away. technology use
that will get
-Proper gym attire. students
involved in
-Warm-ups. their learning.

-Teacher Supervisor
Date Planned to Lesson Title G SLO’s Assessment Key Questions Learning Activities Safety Instructiona Equipment/ Mot
Teach L related to this l Strategies Resources/
O Lesson Technology

Soccer A
A8-5 -Observation How does 1)We will discuss safety concerns, rules, -Since this is the Sport -Soccer balls. -Go outside!
Class 6 Baseball C
D A8-6
practice promote
an active,
and the importance of self-regulation in
first class, we will
go over
Model -Soccer Nets -Use mini-
Date???? C8-3 healthy, and expectations, and games to build
positive 2) Dynamic Warm-up rules that will apply -Gymnastic both a sense of
D8-3 lifestyle? to the entire unit. crash mats competition as
3) Soccer Belly Baseball (Kickball) well as
D8-5 How do you (if outside, just have bases) -Soccer ball -Pylons. community.
work efficiently -Same rules as baseball. etiquette:
with a team to -Have to throw/kick ball to a base before -keeping ball low. -Play
achieve a the ball gets there. -being spatially fun/exciting
common goal? -Batter kicks soccer ball into field, and aware of music during
then the fielders have to throw it to the others/surroundings. the mini-games.
Why is it base before the runner gets there -not kicking a ball
important to in anger. -Use the
control your -Holding the ball demonstrations
emotions during when on a whistle of skills as a
a high-intensity cue. way to build
environment? community and
-Talk about how encourage
students will students to
WALK around the show off what
gym or field while they know.
others are playing.
-Social media
-Proper set-up take will be an
down. Etiquette on integrative, and
taking and putting current form of
soccer balls away. technology use
that will get
-Proper gym attire. students
involved in
-Warm-ups. their learning.

-Teacher Supervisor
Date Planned to Lesson Title G SLO’s Assessment Key Questions Learning Activities Safety Instructiona Equipment/ Mot
Teach L related to this l Strategies Resources/
O Lesson Technology

World Cup A
A8-10 -Observation How does 1)We will discuss safety concerns, rules, -Since this is the -Soccer balls. -Go outside!
Class 7 Prep C
D C8-6
practice promote
an active,
and the importance of self-regulation in
first class, we will
go over -Pylons. -Use mini-
Date???? D8-5 healthy, and expectations, and games to build
positive 2) Dynamic Warm-up rules that will apply both a sense of
lifestyle? to the entire unit. competition as
3) “Soccer tag” well as
How do you -Ball is safe, people without soccer ball -Soccer ball -TGFU community.
work efficiently are up to tag, 1 tagger. etiquette:
with a team to -As soon as you have the ball you can’t -keeping ball low. -Play
achieve a move feet, must pass. -being spatially fun/exciting
common goal? -Defender must give you space to pass. aware of music during
others/surroundings. the mini-games.
-not kicking a ball
4) World Cup Prep in anger. -Use the
-Holding the ball demonstrations
-Students will be formed into world cup when on a whistle of skills as a
soccer teams. cue. way to build
-These teams will create a: community and
A) Name -Talk about how encourage
B) Team Celebration for every time they students will -Cooperative students to
score. WALK around the Learning show off what
C) Team Cheer gym or field while they know.
others are playing.
-Time will be given to create these -Social media
things before the World Cup -Proper set-up take will be an
Introductions the following day. down. Etiquette on integrative, and
taking and putting current form of
soccer balls away. technology use
that will get
-Proper gym attire. students
involved in
-Warm-ups. their learning.

-Teacher Supervisor
Date Planned to Lesson Title G SLO’s Assessment Key Questions Learning Activities Safety Instructiona Equipment/ Mot
Teach L related to this l Strategies Resources/
O Lesson Technology

World Cup A
A8-10 -Observation How can 1)We will discuss safety concerns, rules, -Since this is the -Soccer balls. -Go outside!
Class 8 Intro/Mini-
D A8-11 -Demonstrating
developing skills
through mini-
and the importance of self-regulation in
first class, we will
go over -Soccer nets. -Use mini-
Date???? C8-5 Skills games improve expectations, and games to build
performance and 2) Students will start the World Cup rules that will apply -Pylons. both a sense of
C8–6 strategy? Ceremonies with a showcase of their to the entire unit. competition as
cheer and celebration. well as
D8–3 How do you -Soccer ball community.
D8-5 work efficiently
with a team to
3) Teams will have a chance to earn
extra points in the world cup by playing
-keeping ball low. -Play
achieve a mini-games that encompass the skills we -being spatially fun/exciting
common goal? have learned through the unit. aware of music during
others/surroundings. the mini-games.
What is the A) “4 Corner Soccer” -not kicking a ball
importance of -The class will be split into teams of 4. in anger. -Use the
spatial awareness -Each time has 1 net and a ball. -Holding the ball demonstrations
in soccer? -The goal of the game is to score as when on a whistle -TGFU of skills as a
many points on other teams as possible cue. way to build
before time runs out. community and
-Nets are placed to the left and right of -Talk about how encourage
each other forming a +. students will students to
WALK around the show off what
B) “Relay race” gym or field while they know.
-Students line up behind the end line. others are playing.
-One player weaves through cones the -Social media
soccer ball, and must sprint back and -Proper set-up take will be an
pass it off to their next player. down. Etiquette on integrative, and
-The next player in line cannot leave taking and putting current form of
until the other player has crossed the end soccer balls away. technology use
line. that will get
-Proper gym attire. students
involved in
C) “Caterpillar Line” -Warm-ups. their learning.
-Students must stand in a line, and kick -Cooperative
the ball through their everyone’s legs. -Teacher Supervisor Learning
-Once the ball passes through their legs,
they have to run to the front of the line
and repeat.
First time to make it to the other side of
the field wins.

Date Planned to Lesson Title G SLO’s Assessment Key Questions Learning Activities Safety Instructiona Equipment/ Mot
Teach L related to this l Strategies Resources/
O Lesson Technology

World Cup A
A8-10 -Observation How do you 1)We will discuss safety concerns, rules, -Since this is the Sport -Soccer balls. -Go outside!
Class 9 Opening C
D A8-11 -Showcasing
work efficiently
with a team to
and the importance of self-regulation in
first class, we will
go over
Model -Soccer nets. -Use mini-
Date???? C8-5 skills achieve a expectations, and games to build
common goal? 2) Team Dynamic Warm-up. rules that will apply -Pylons. both a sense of
C8-6 -Exit slip to the entire unit. competition as
Why is it 3) The FIRST 3 rounds of soccer games well as
D8-3 important to will begin. -Soccer ball community.
control your etiquette:
emotions during -There will be 2-3 shortened soccer -keeping ball low. -Play
a high-intensity pitches, so flow stays high and -being spatially fun/exciting
environment? motivation increases. aware of music during
others/surroundings. the mini-games.
What is the -Games will be 10 mins long (~3 games -not kicking a ball
importance of per class). in anger. -Use the
being safe while -Holding the ball demonstrations
participating in -Exit Slip  Step count. when on a whistle of skills as a
sport? cue. way to build
community and
-Talk about how encourage
students will students to
WALK around the show off what
gym or field while they know.
others are playing.
-Social media
-Proper set-up take will be an
down. Etiquette on integrative, and
taking and putting current form of
soccer balls away. technology use
that will get
-Proper gym attire. students
involved in
-Warm-ups. their learning.

-Teacher Supervisor
Date Planned to Lesson Title G SLO’s Assessment Key Questions Learning Activities Safety Instructiona Equipment/ Mot
Teach L related to this l Strategies Resources/
O Lesson Technology

World Cup A
A8-10 -Observation How do you 1)We will discuss safety concerns, rules, -Since this is the Sport -Soccer balls. -Go outside!
Class 10 Finale C
D A8-11 -Showcasing
work efficiently
with a team to
and the importance of self-regulation in
first class, we will
go over
-Soccer Nets. -Use mini-
Date???? C8-5 skills. achieve a expectations, and games to build
common goal? 2) Team Dynamic Warm-up. rules that will apply -Pylons. both a sense of
D8-3 -Exit slip to the entire unit. competition as
Why is it 3) The FINAL 3 rounds of soccer games well as
-Peer feedback important to will begin. Quarter finals, semi-finals, -Soccer ball community.
control your and final. etiquette:
emotions during -keeping ball low. -Play
a high-intensity -There will be 2-3 shortened soccer -being spatially fun/exciting
environment? pitches, so flow stays high and aware of music during
motivation increases. others/surroundings. the mini-games.
What is the -not kicking a ball
importance of -Games will be 10 mins long (~3 games in anger. -Use the
being safe while per class). -Holding the ball demonstrations
participating in when on a whistle of skills as a
sport? 4) Exit Slip  Step Count cue. way to build
community and
-Talk about how encourage
students will students to
WALK around the show off what
gym or field while they know.
others are playing.
-Social media
-Proper set-up take will be an
down. Etiquette on integrative, and
taking and putting current form of
soccer balls away. technology use
that will get
-Proper gym attire. students
involved in
-Warm-ups. their learning.

-Teacher Supervisor

Learning Assessments
Outcomes Title Pre-assessment Exit Slips Participatio Performanc Reflection
n e Task
Type Formative/ Formative/
(Formative/Summative Summative Summative
) Formative Summative Summative
Weighting 10% 40% 30% 15%
A8–5 demonstrate ways to
receive, retain and send an object
with varying speeds, accuracy and
distance in skills specific to an

A8–6 select, combine and perform

manipulative skills by using
elements of space awareness,
effort and relationships, with and
without objects, to improve X X X X X

A8–10 select, combine and

perform activity-specific basic
skills in a variety of games.

A8-13 select, perform and refine

activity-specific skills in a variety
of pursuits; e.g. wrestling.

C8–3 demonstrate etiquette and X X X X X

fair play.

C8-5 recommend practices that

contribute to teamwork.

C8–6 identify and demonstrate

positive behaviours that show
respect for self and others.

D8–3 select and apply rules,

routines and procedures for safety
in a variety of activities.

D8-4 design and perform warm-up

and cool-down activities.

D8–5 appraise or judge movement

experiences for safety that X X X X
promote an active, healthy
lifestyle; e.g., safe use of

D8-6 monitor, revise and refine

personal goals based on interests
and abilities.
Assessment Tool Overview
Assessment PoS Brief Description Assessment
AS Learning
OF Learning
Tool Outcomes Learning
Pre-assessment A8-5 On the first 3 days of the unit, students will
warm-up by retaining and passing a soccer ball
A8-6 with a partner or 2 as a form of pre-assessment.
C8-3 This gives me an opportunity to observe the
C8-6 various skill levels of each student. It will also
build my understanding of their individual
D8-3 fundamental movement skills, and soccer skills X
before advancing into more complex tasks.

Exit Slips A8-5 For 7 out of 11 classes, students will have an

exit slip to formatively/summatively assess their
A8-6 knowledge. This will provide me a better
C8-3 understanding of what they need to learn more
C8-6 of. Four of these exit slips will be worth 10% of
the students total summative grade (based off
D8-3 completion). Exit slips include

 Class 1  Students respond to post

on Phys. Ed. Instagram account. They
will provide a key term to retaining,
and how it is effective. (Worth 3%)
 Class 3  Sticky Notes/Class
Wordle – Discussion about what the
importance of composure when
playing a high-intensity sport like
soccer. 1 key term for every student
will be turned into a Wordle. (Worth
 Class 5  Discussion about why
spatial awareness was important
during 4 corner soccer? (Worth 3%)
 Class 9  Step Count
 Class 10  Step Count

Participation A8-5 (APPENDIX A)

Not only are students expected to attend each
A8-10 class, but also try to the best of their abilities.
C8-3 Students will be required to have a positive X X
C8-6 attitude, be safe, adhere to and demonstrate
D8-3 Soccer rules of proper etiquette and
D8-6 Every class, students will be marked on a 5-
point scale.

Fail  if students have 4 or more unexcused

absences, students will be receiving an
unsatisfactory (failing) grade.

Performance A8-5 (APPENDIX C)

Task on Skills A8-6 This Performance Task will be given out at the
and Teamwork A8-13 beginning of the unit, expected to be completed
C8-3 by the end of the unit.
As the World Cup approaches, students will
C8-5 investigate a professional soccer team from the
nation of their choice (competing in the World
C8-6 Cup). By watching a video, they will research
D8-3 their specific skills and characteristics that help
D8-6 them work together as a team to achieve a
common goal.
Students will identify 3 skills, explain how it is
executed and when they would personally use X
the skill in a match.
Next, students will see how well their national
team works together and identify 3
characteristics that enable them to do so.
Based off this research, students will rank their
team chances of winning the World Cup.

Progression A8-5 (APPENDIX D)

Reflection A8-6 At the beginning and end of the unit, students
C8-3 will fill out a reflection in which they will self-
C8-5 assess and peer assess their individual, and
partners progression. This will serve as a
C8-6 valuable asset in which students can
D8-3 communicate feedback to a partner to help X X X
D8-4 improve their performance, etiquette, and most
importantly understanding. It is also an
D8-5 opportunity to reflect on and respect the
D8-6 feedback they themselves are given from their

This assessment corresponds to teamwork,

communication with others and learning how to
proper give and receive constructive criticism to
your peers. Being aware of your skill level in
certain sports allows students to identify what
their strengths and weaknesses are. Therefore,
doing reflections helps assist students in critical
think and breakdown each skill into sections to
achieve optimal performance. For students to
feel as if they achieved a skill will make them
motivated to keep practicing and engage in
physical activity outside of gym class.
(SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT)  30% (A8-5, A8-6, A8-
10, C8-3, C8-6, D8-3, D8-5)

Not only are students expected to attend each class, but also try to the best of their
abilities. Students will be required to have a positive attitude, be safe, adhere to and demonstrate
Soccer rules of proper etiquette and sportsmanship. Every other day, students will also have a
chance to self-assess their own participation to help acknowledge what is expected of them in the
class and form good habits. Students will develop attributes such as integrity, honesty, and
responsibility which are not only vital to soccer, but valuable in everyday life.

Every class, students will be marked on a 6-point scale. To achieve a full 6-points, ALL
of the following criteria must be met:

Participation Checklist/Rubric:
Excellent All listed criteria are met:
(6) o Effort  (students try to the best of their abilities regardless of
skill level (rate of perceived exertion checks)).
o Proper attire for activity.
o Etiquette/sportsmanship  (demonstrate and promote rules of
etiquette and sportsmanship that are vital to play Soccer. Supports
teammate(s) and other teams.)
o Attitude  (demonstrates positivity and respect for others, the
equipment, and oneself. Can you control your emotions in high-
intensity situations).
o Demonstrates Safety  (for oneself, others, and equipment.
Students receive, use, and return equipment safely and properly,
as discussed at the beginning of the unit).
o Arrives to class ON TIME.

Good (5) Almost all listed criteria are met.

Acceptable (4) Most of the listed criteria are met.

Needs Some of the listed criteria are met.

Improvement (3)
NOTE*** If students have 4 or more unexcused absences, students will be receiving an
unsatisfactory (failing) grade.

SKILLS AND TEAMWORK (A8-5, A8-6, A8-10, A8-13, C8-3,
C8-5, C8-6) /25
The 2022 World Cup is right around the corner, you are going to try and figure out who is most
likely to win based off their skills, and how they work together as a team.

What you are going to do:

 Individually, you will research a professional team by watching a video of them playing.
Then, you will use the template provided below to record your findings based on what
you have observed through their skill and how they work together to achieve a common

Your template must contain the following:

(use the check boxes to ensure you have completed each step)
1. The link to the video you watched. _______ ( /1)

2. The name of your professional soccer player or team. _______ ( /1)

3. What country do they play for? _______ ( /1)

4. From what we have learned in class, identify and explain 3 skills or shots that the players
used well. _______ ( /3)

a. Explain how they execute the skill based off of what we have learned in
class_______ ( /9)
b. When you would use it? _______ ( /3)

5. Identify 3 characteristics of your chosen team that showed how they worked well
together. _______ ( /6)
6. What are your team’s chances of winning the World Cup? _______ ( /1)

Soccer Skills and Teamwork Assignment – Template

Your Name:
1.Video Link(s): ( /1)

2.Name of Professional Soccer Team: ( /1) 3.What country do they play for? ( /1)

A. ___________________________________ ____________________________

4. (A) What are 3 skills the athlete(s) used well?

( /3)
(e.g. Curl passes, Retaining the ball from

(B) Explain how they executed each skill. ( /9)

(C) When would you use each skill? ( /3)
Example: Lionel Messi used standard passes very efficiently. He would fake out the defender to open up space. By creating
this space, it gave him multiple options to execute a standard straight pass to various teammates. To execute this skill, Messi
would take a step forward to generate power, then swing his dominant leg through the ball, and use the inner side of his right
foot to control where it went. I would use this skill when there is lots of space and few defenders around me.

Skill 1:

Skill 2:
Skill 3:

5. Identify 3 characteristics that demonstrated how your soccer team worked well together. Briefly
explain how this might help achieve a common goal? ( /6)

Example: Argentina would “high 5” each other before starting the game. This shows how everyone wanted
each other to feel motivated and get ready to play.
Characteristic #1: Characteristic #2:

Etiquette Rule #3:

What are your team’s chances of winning the World Cup? Rank your team out of 10. (1 = No chance
they suck! ----- 10 = 100% winning) ( /1)
Performance Task Rubric
Soccer Skills & Teamwork Assignment Checklist/Rubric
All listed criteria are met:

1. The link to the video you watched. _______ ( /1)

2. The name of your professional soccer player or team. _______ ( /1)

3. What country do they play for? _______ ( /1)

4. From what we have learned in class, identify and explain 3 skills or shots that the
players used well. _______ ( /3)

a. Explain how they execute the skill based off of what we have learned in
class_______ ( /9)
b. When you would use it? _______ ( /3)

5. Identify 3 rules you observed by your professional soccer player(s), and explain their
importance. _______ ( /6)

6. What are your team’s chances of winning the World Cup? _______ ( /1)


Appendix D – Soccer Progression Reflection
Self and Peer Assessment Forms (2 marks each) (A8-5, A8-6, C8-3, C8-6, D8-3,
D8-4, D8-5, D8-6)
Name: ______________________ Name of peer evaluator: ___________________________
Date: ______________________
Categories Performance Criteria Peer Assessment Self-Assessment
(Scale 1-5 + (Scale 1-5 +
advice/positive advice/positive
reinforcement) reinforcement)
5: Mastered the skill 5: Mastered the skill
1: A lot of things to still 1: A lot of things to still
work towards work towards
Warm-up Took the time to make sure you took
care of your body by stretching, and
ensuring your muscles were warm and
ready to be used, BEFORE

Retaining Can you control the ball without losing


Can you protect the ball from an

Passing Can you make an accurate pass to a
team member?

Are you consistently accurate?

Can you execute various passes? (i.e.

standard, loft pass, through pass)

Shooting Are your shots accurate?

Do you keep your shots low?

Self-Regulation Do you stay calm if someone disagrees

with you?

Do you keep your head high even if

you lose?

Rules of the Do you abide to the rules of soccer?

Game/ Do you play fair?
Do you stop play to call a penalty, or
prevent someone from cheating?

Safely used equipment.

Do you help someone up when they


Team work -Can you play efficiently on a team?

-Do you know how your individual
role benefits your team?
-Do you know how other’s roles
benefits the team?

Skills Progression (1 mark each) (A8-5, A8-6, C8-3, C8-5, C8-6, D8-3,
D8-4, D8-5, D8-6)
Students will reflect on skills questions for the unit, which include:
 List and explain TWO skills you learned in the soccer unit.

 What was ONE skill your improved on, during the soccer unit?

 What was ONE skill you wish to work on more?


This assessment corresponds to teamwork, communication with others and learning how to proper give
and receive constructive criticism to your peers. Being aware of your skill level in certain sports allows
students to identify what their strengths and weaknesses are. Therefore, doing reflections helps assist
students in critical think and breakdown each skill into sections to achieve optimal performance. For
students to feel as if they achieved a skill will make them motivated to keep practicing and engage in
physical activity outside of gym class.

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