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Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship

CBET- 20 – 303P
Human Resource Management

Submitted by:
Gonzaga, Lorenz Lhoyd D.

Section: CBET-20-303P

Submitted to:
Mr. Jessie Sergote

Case Study 6 : Job Evaluation for Managerial Position

I. Introduction

All managerial roles should be included for the corporate job appraisal, according to a proposal made by
the chairman of the board of directors of Jonadel Corporation. The CEO then requests that the Job
Evaluation Program be implemented for managing jobs once the Human Resource Department has
studied the proposed program.

II. Point of View

Every business aspires to have productive workers who will help the business grow. An executive team
can decide where pay increases are required and where it might potentially be necessary to reduce
compensation based on employees' performance by considering the results of job evaluation. The
downward system adjustment in their pay won't affect the managers of Jonadel Corporation if they are
performing their duties effectively. They may thus benefit from the evaluation since they may receive a
pay raise.

III. Time Context

The moment when Jonadel Corporation workers are struggling to decide whether to apply the job
evaluation program to all managerial positions.

IV. Statement of the Problem

 Is it beneficial to implement all managerial roles in Jonadel Corporation's corporate job evaluation
V. Statement of the Objectives
 To create successful and efficient managers who will one day be a resource for the business.
 To increase business productivity, identify areas where pay increases are required, and assess
whether it would also be essential to reduce compensation based on employee performance.

VI. Areas of Consideration

- The human resource team of Jonadel Corporation can assist with identifying the
areas where each manager needs to improve by assessing manager performance.
The organization can use this data to create a training schedule that will help improve
manager abilities and enable each of them to perform their jobs with competence.
- A work review can highlight the individuals who perform at a higher level while also
providing an opportunity to assess their suitability for promotion.
- A work review can be used to identify those who perform at a higher level and to
determine whether they are qualified for promotion.
There may be periods when the market requires greater output from
employees, which puts more pressure on them and requires more effort, but
the salaries are fixed thanks to job evaluation.
- It is not appropriate for small businesses because it is a time-consuming
and expensive system.
- The mental bias of those who participated in the job evaluation is likely to
taint the validity of the results.
- Opportunities exist to encourage people who are stuck in their current roles
to develop through training.
- Due to thorough personnel evaluation, Jonadel Corporation will establish a
reputation for providing great customer service.
- They must research the suggested program by taking into account all
relevant factors, weighing advantages and disadvantages, understanding
the procedure, and addressing the question of why it needs to be executed.
VII. Alternative Course of Action

 They should evaluate the jobs of all the managerial position before implementing new program.
 In order to decide whether to apply the proposed program of job evaluation to all managerial
positions, they must reevaluate their strengths and weaknesses.
 They must study the proposed program considering all the areas , giving the advantages and
disadvantages, knowing the process and answering why it is needed to be implemented.

- Most importantly, the job evaluation process aids businesses in establishing a structured and
effective work environment. This strengthens management, which is crucial for a business to survive
and expand amid volatile market conditions. Furthermore, the chairman only wants what is best for
the business, and the proposal came from a number of his friends who work for other Chambers of
Commerce and Industries companies, indicating that they have tested the program.

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