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(Asella BRANCH)






AUG, 2021

First of all I would like to thanks my God & next my advisor Gosa Setu for confiribution
necessary information as well as for giving advice to do this final research . Secondly, I would
like to thank my family and all their support give me by providing a necessary mercurial during
study period.
Last but not least, I would like thank for whom carefully types designed and this research paper.


This particular research which is cited will be conducted in Mojo town where the case
organization will Ethio-telecom. While copying out this research, primary data from the same
employees or customer of the organization were be collected and used accordingly and
secondary data which were prepared for some related purpose in the past was considered and
used accordingly. And while trying to seek data from these parties, simple random sampling were
use. Open and closed ended questionnare used while collecting primary data to make the total or
sample employees/ customer of the organization. The students or researchers are expected to
make conclusions and make persistence recommending on the problems relating to evaluation of
customer relationship management.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................................................................I
TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................................................................III

TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................................................................III

CHAPTER ONE.........................................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background of the study...................................................................................................................1
1.2. Background of the organization........................................................................................................3
1.3. Statement of the problem................................................................................................................4
1.4. Objective of the study.......................................................................................................................5
1.4.1. General objective.......................................................................................................................5
1.4.2. Specific objectives......................................................................................................................5
1.5. Significance of the study...................................................................................................................5
1.6. Scope of the study............................................................................................................................6
1.7. Limitation of the study......................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER TWO........................................................................................................................................7
2. LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................................................7
2.1. Basic Definition.................................................................................................................................7
2.2. Importance of customer relationship management.........................................................................7
2.3. Implementing customer relationship management..........................................................................8
2.4. Basic concepts..................................................................................................................................9
2.5. Customer satisfaction and retention.................................................................................................9
Expectation of purchase....................................................................................................................10
Benefit of customer’s area.................................................................................................................10
2.6. Customer manager.........................................................................................................................10
CHAPTER THREE ..................................................................................................................................10
3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...............................................................................................................10
3.1. Research design..............................................................................................................................11
3.2. Total population and sampling size.................................................................................................11
3.3. Types of data...................................................................................................................................11
3.4. Sampling techniques.......................................................................................................................12
3.5. Data collection methods observation to environment....................................................................12
3.6. Data analysis and interpretation method.......................................................................................12
3.7. Data presentation...........................................................................................................................12
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................13
DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULT AND DISCUSSION.........................................................................................13
5.2. Recommendations..........................................................................................................................21



1.1. Background of the study

Customer relationship management envolve methods and technologies used by companies to

manage their relationship with. Clients company’s in business market is likely to have among
complex pattern of contact with their customers . W. Lueas (2003).

The price that consumer pay for a product is conventionally. Measured by the amount of invoice,
however the affable of companies in business markets and the nature of their relationship very
widely even for superficially similar products. This make a simple comparison of price between
different companies very difficult but in a care of monopoly supplier kotter (2006).

This has on effects, also the expenditure of customer is not limited to the price it pay for the
products it receives. But also includes the adaptation to its own products processes, procedure
and the cost of handling the relationship to a customer and is either affected the customer. Glunn

This respective contribution are a matter of between them additionally the value received from
the expenditure made by a customer is measures solely in bet me of the quality of the service that
are delivered and provide. Instead value most be considered against the scope of relationship or
what suppliers or corporation actually does for the customer. Structure of customer relationship
is concerned with variation in suppliers approach to each individual customer relationship and
how that relationship handled by the corporation, personal contact patterns are important element
in relationship structure and in the management of the customer relationships for at least two
reasons Lueas Henerye (1997).

Personal contacts between the corporation and customers are a valuable way for a supplier to
deal with a customers is uncertainties and problems and to a supplier to deal with a customers
and for reduce its own uncertainties. The way that complex offering of supplier is communicated
and discusses, adopt, bring to and integrate with the customer is vital in meeting customer
requirement Kotler (1997)

The structure of customer relationship management is measure of the number and type of
customer relationship that coroporation has in particular is concerned with different contribution
that is expects from there .W. Lucas (2003).
1.2. Background of the organization

The introduction of telecommunication in Ethiopia data back to 1894. In those carly years. The
new technological scheme contributed to the integration of the Ethiopia society when the
extensive open wireless. System was laid out linking the capital with all the important
administrative entities of the country. Most of telecommunication network however was
completely destined during the Italian faseist aggression when later an Ethiopia had to start the
development of its telecommunication facilities all over again. Glunn (2006).

When the imperial telecommunication board of Ethiopia was established by proclamation 131/53
in 1953 it was granted full provision of administrative and financial antonym. They major
objective the board were to undertake the expansion of telecommunication services through. The
nation to represent Ethiopian at all international for regarding telecom activities except military
communication is allocate and control all communication frequencies and to train the required
personnel in way expedient to its operation. In order to achieve its objectives, the organization
had undergone through series of development programs Glunn (2005).

Even through the institution had been granted fall all tone may be the mentioned proclamation
this organizational right has been lineless bed during the reign of military requiem. Just before
the implementation of the telecom development program (1998-2001). In the transitional years
several projects have executed to rehabilitee the network damaged by 12 years of during
military regime M. Kurell (2006).
1.3. Statement of the problem

Customer relationship is subject of overall strategy in business market. The management of the
company is increasing affect the trends that are emerging in the supply strategies of customer
towards a reduction in numbers of supplies use by the major customers. Artinall (1996).

As per the researchers conducted on this elaboration the in balance between demand and supply
will enhance customer. Loyalty through satisfaction customer looking offer present. This may
lead to attraction repeat and increase business W. Lueas (1997).

The researcher will motivated to conducted this study due to several impacts of inbalance
between supply and demand an service delivery in case of ethio-telecom Mojo branch.

Generally in the view of the above problems the following questions will deserve attentions:-
· What are the factors that affects corporations customer relationship management?
· What are the different telecommunication service expansion and users need from
· How the market for the communication service is increasing in line with the preparation
of the population?
1.4. Objective of the study

1.4.1. General objective

The general objective of this study is to assess the customer relationship management practice of
telecom of Mojo branch.

1.4.2. Specific objectives

The specific objectives of study are the following

· To identify the factors that effects the corporations management of customer relationship.
· To identify the different telecommunication services expansions & users need from
· To assess how the market for telecommunication service is increasing in line with
proportion of the population.

1.5. Significance of the study

The study will expected to be helpful for the telecommunications identify the problem in relating
to relationship makes the management of telecommunication to handle their customer wisely.
For the researchers
· The study holy the researcher to relate his knowledge with what is going on in the real
· Increase the experience of researcher
· To holding his/her BA degree
For the researches
· The research finding will serve as on input for other researcher
1.6. Scope of the study

The research will be conducted to look specially the factors forwards the effect of good
customers relationship management and especially customers service in the case of
telecommunication corporation of Mojo branch.

1.7. Limitation of the study

These are constraints faced by the researcher is conducting the survey the limitations were:
· Lack of professional experience on the side of researchers.
· They maight be Managers of the organization are not willing to give all the necessary


2.1. Basic Definition

Defining customer service

Customer service: focuses organization determine and meet the needs of their internal external
customers. Their focus is to treat with respect and if they were special many attempts to have
been made to define the term customer serves however descending and the organizations focus.
Such as retiring industry manufacture or service the organizations the equal of graveling.
Customer service may vary. For the ability of knowledgeable and enthusiastic employee to
deliver products and service to their internal and external customer in a manner that satisfies and
unidentified needs and ultimately result in positive ward of month publicity and return business
W. Lueas (2003).

2.2. Importance of customer relationship management

Concept: long lerm relationship is the one that sustain organization. Why bother relationship
with customers?
They would seem obvious so, that you can say in business have when you are examining the
question of their find that there are more reasons that you think. At one time histories business
owners know their customers personally as. The society is more mobile people live in large
meta- political areas where relationship are distance large multinational organizational provides
the products and services are provided by the neigh buy hood. All this does not mean that the
customer provide relationships, Can no banger exist. Furtiell (2006).

Benefit of customer relationship management customer relationship management have different

· Evaluated profitability due to customer referrals and hanger customer retention during
life cycle.
· Less need to obtain new customer through marketing since current customers are aware
offering and take advantage.
· Enhanced customer layout due to pricing and service offering that meet current customer
· Targeted marketing based on the statics of which customer buy more and on high ticked
item sales.

2.3. Implementing customer relationship management

Customer relationship is a corporate level strategy customer relationship (CRM) soft ware
packages are violable which vary whether approach to CRM. However CRM is not a technology
by itself but rather a holistic approach in organization procecing the emphasis firmly on the
customer. Customer relationship governs in organizations philosophy at all levels invading
policies and process, front of turn house customer service employee training. Marketing system
and information management CRM system are integrated end to end cross marketing sales and
customer service.

A customer relationship management should:

· Identify relationship management to clients.
· Promote customer oriented philosophy.
· Adapt customer based measures
· Develop end- to – end process to serve customer
· Responsible for you customer relationship
Concept take responsibility for good customer relationship management by personalizing
service, listening keeping an open mind and respecting customers.
Ask for input term for your customers taking concerned one to one approach to working with
customers keeps satisfy immediate needs building a basic for long lasting relationships,
customers tend to enjoy dealing more with people who they believe are eariningg and having
their best interest of health to interact with same one the like a present experience. This can lead
to enhanced trust and to make each customers returns W. Hacas (2003).
Acquiring and deploying knowledge about customers and using this customer knowledge.
Increase revenues and profits increased service quality and maximum customer satisfaction,
recently, allied, medical evaporation medical service provide forced some interesting challenges
similar to those information focus. As a result customer and the agents who sold the companies
service were defecting customer retention rates were and operating cats escalating Kotler
Armsbar (2003).

There was an immediate need to establish customer relationship management strategy to ensure
the culture would take to trans into changed do recognize was following .

2.4. Basic concepts

The idea of customer relationship management is that helps business to use technology and
human resources to going in sight in to the behaover of customer. Customer relationship enables
a company to provide higher level of customer service and develop dipper customer relationship
by understanding customers better. This is a key for success and to both build long lasting
customer relationship. It is easier for customers to do business with one of your compitators
chances are which stay for long Kotler (1997).

Managers throughout the would start to know the fail and profitability of their organization are
directly liked in meeting or exceeding customer needs and expectations but cost of them fail to
consider how to match organizations. Potencial with customer expectation one company can
always increase customer satisfaction by lowering its price. But this result in hawer profit
“continue to senate more customer revnue and power profits continue to generate more customer
value and satisfaction but out give away the house, Kotler and Armstriong (2003)

2.5. Customer satisfaction and retention

Customer satisfaction also relates to meet expectations. Satisfaction reflects the customers
feeling about any differences between what is expected and actual experience with the purchase.
It satisfied, selling the chance of the customers in the future increase. If sofesticated with repeat
purchases, customers tend to continue today from the soles person.

Expectation of purchase

Actual experiences with received purchase repent customer purchase satisfaction purchase

The above may shows customer retention occurs when the buyer is satisfied with purchase over
time. Providing good service to customer in todays competitive market place is not enough serve
must be. Excellent service after requires technology and aoutomation M. Furtell (2006).

Benefit of customer’s area

With focus on customers care/ service quality on organization can expect a number of benefits.
Customer loyality through satisfaction looking after present may attraction and increased
business and may lead to creation of new customers from positive work of month

2.6. Customer manager

Customer management refers to customer value management. Customer centrity or customer

centricity management, regard less terms used. Customer management is management customer
relationship based on the integration of customer into motion throughout the business enterprise
all factors of the business including suppliers and retailers to actives maximum customer
satisfaction and retention smooth (2003).


3.1. Research design

The study will conducted on evaluation of customer relationship management in ethio-telecom

Mojo branch. Here under to obtain the required data, appropriate source of data was employed.
To care out the study, the descriptive research were conducts to describe appropriate aim of study
to get exact description of current status that will to focused one.

In this care the study will use descriptive researcher method intend to desmbile the existed
phenomenas regarding the evaluation of customer relationship management ethio-telecom Mojo

3.2. Total population and sampling size

The ethio telecom of Mojo branch will may has 100 customers out of 100 customers we need to
select as a sample 40 of them as they respondent by using simple random sampling techniques.
While we will take 40 of customers as a sample the researchers will use the following
3.3. Types of data

In this study both primary and secondary data will be used to collect data. The primary source of
data was the customers of the organization. Secondary source are published books, inherent (web
pages),journals and access of the organization(document) and the study. The type used to collect
the data is expected to be both quantitative and qualitative data collection method.

3.4. Sampling techniques

The sample is made up of the customers of the organization. Selecting a sample is a fundamental
element of the study. Simple random sampling is choose for taking the sample has non- zero
change of being actually included in sample and so that bias will eliminated at outset. And a
selection of any which does not affect others chance of being selected.

3.5. Data collection methods observation to environment.

The data was collected from primary sources as well as secondary sources. Before collecting
data through data collection tools (questionnaire and interviews), the researcher was make an
observation in corporation. This observation was help the researcher to have more insight and
primary data were collected by scheduled questionnaire in which both closed and open ended
type of questions. The secondary data will also collected from different sources like review of
books,related documents and browsing of the internet.

3.6. Data analysis and interpretation method.

As far collecting all questionnaire from respondents using above method of data collection and
sampling methods, data analysis will performed. In order to arrange the gabs which is made by
respondents while responding the questionnaire, a lot of adjustment is take place through coding,
categoring and recording the data in a convenant way. Analysis of data is depart on information
gathered from different sources. Tables are used for predation of data and interpretation is make
under each table through descriptive method due to qualitative nature of data.
3.7. Data presentation

After all information is collected and result are achieved, there will be the presentation of data or
result through.
· Explain the result through detail
· Presentation of the result using tabulation and percentage and so on.



This chapter mainly focused on the assessment and analysis of the data where abdated thorough
questionnaire and interview the respondents where manager customers of Ethio-telecome coredi
nation in Asella branch.
Bank ground profiles of respondents
1 demography of respondents customer
Description Respondent
Sex Frequency Percentage
Male 25 62.5
Female 15 37.5
Total 40 100 %
Source primary Data 2013
From the table 4.1 the largest percent 25 (62.5 of the respondants are male and the remaining
37.5 (15)are female this shown that number of male participated on questionnaires where greater
than female this impels that there are the low every participation of a female and male
domination emerges in the organization
Table 4.2 age of respondent’s customer
Age interval (in years) Respondent
Frequency percentage
From 20-30 15 37 %
From 31-40 12 30 %
From 41-50 8 20 %
Sound about 5 12. 5 %
Total 40 100 %

As we can see from the table 4.2 the largest portion other respondent that account 37. 5%,15, are
found in the age group 20 to 30 years old 30 % 12 of the respondents are found between 31 to
40 years old 20 %of the respondent are found between 41 to 50 years old and the tenanting 12’5
%5 of the corporations customer are fund with the age group of 20 to 30 year old so this
indicates that mast of the customers of organization are eyeing man

Table 4.3 education level of Respondents customer

Education level frequency Percentage
Grade 1-8 5 125. %
Grade 12 6 15 %
Certificate 8 20 %
Diploma 10 25 %
Degree 11 27 %
Total 40 100 %

As shown an the table 43 show 27.5 % of the customer are degree holder 25 % 10 of the
customer are diploma holders 20 %8 of the highest percent is certificate 15 % .6 of the customer
are high school and 12.5 % 5 of the customer are elementary school.

Table 4.4 occupation of the Respondents customer

Occupation frequency Percentage
Thaddeus 5 37.5 %
Hunsewites 8 20 %
Officers 12 30 %
Others 5 12.5 %
Total 40 100 %
Source: questioner data

The about table 4.4 shows the current job of the respondents from the table 37.5% (15) of the
respondents are table 30% (12) of them office 20% (8) of them are housewives and the
remaining 12.5% (5) of the garage workers teachers students and shoes shine this shows that the
targets proportion of activities is trade.

Table 4.5 length of using telecommunication service

Occupation Frequency Percentage
From 1-4 15 37.5 %
From 5-8 18 45 %
From 9-14 5 12.5 %
About 14 2 5%
Total 40 100 %
Source: questioner data

From table the service used by customers are 45% (18) from year 5 to 8 37.5% (15) from year 1
to 4 12.5% (5) from year 9 to 14 and 6% (2) above year 14. From the above large number of
respondents are using telecommunication service year from 5 to 8 the organization and from year
1 to 4 which have good experience about the organizing condition.

This implies as the number of experience year increase the frequency decrease and shows that
the service is started to reach deferent users yet now even if the number of customers increase.
From time to it is not suffiently distributed towns.

Table 4.6 user of telecommunication corporation in different service

Occupation Frequency Percentage
Mobile 12 30 %
Internet 10 25 %
Fax 5 12.5 %
Fixed line 13 32.5 %
Total 40 100 %
Source: questioner data
As the study is concerned to actual customers relationship with the all the respondents are users
of the telecommcuation corporation can be seen from table 4.6 anions the users 32 %13 of the
respondents are fixed phone users 30 % 12 of the respondents were mobile users 25 % to are
interment users and remaining small portion of the respondents are tax users that is 12.5 % of
total sample size so according to the sample taken almost half of the customer uses are fixed line
phone users.
The next larger preparation of respondents immobile user as it is most usefull for merchants daily
activity and other to communicate timely new information and there is no needed of guarantee
for uses have mobile as it is prepaid.
Table 4.7 factors that affect the actual users of telecommcancation services.
Description Respond dent customer
Frequency Percentage
Problems faced by actual users 18 45 %
Technical problem 12 30 %
Network problem 10 25 %
Heat of higher service change
Total 40 100 %
Source: questionnaire data

As the table 4.7 indicate from the service currently beans offered the corporation 18.45%
respondents faced technical 10.25% faced at heat of higher service change so in generally actual
user of telecommunication service are ant getting sufficient service. So this in temmary reduce
this telecommunication customers satisfaction. This intern may reduce this telecommunication
customers satisfaction.
Table 4.8 customers opinion towards the service
Respondent customer
Description Frequency Percentage
Naver you been satisfied with service given of
Yes 15 37.5 %
No 25 62.5 %
Total 40 100 %
Source: questioner data

Customer satisfaction reters feeling perceived purchase. As illustrated in the diagram below.
percentued purchase satiation reflects the customers feeling about and difference between what is
the expected and actual experience with the purchase.
It sutified with repeat purchases. Customers tend to continue to day from the service rendered.

Received service satisfaction

Repent servicing
Customer retention
Expectation of customer

Actual experience with serious

Glynn and G.Barnes 2006.

As stated above customer is satisfied by service given from the service provider. The customer
become the loyal. This makes the harmonious relationship between the organization which give
service and customer from table 4,8 large proportion of customer are not satisfied by the service
currently given by the telecommunite that is 62.5% (25) of the total sample size this happens
because of problems that earlier mentioned. In this study like delay in maintained service
techniques problem, inability to communicate should reduce this problems to create good
customer relationship.
Table 4.9 the number of the respondent who known the service rendered, given by the
telecommunication other than telephone services.
Service mentioned darit knows
Know Don’t knows Mobile Internet Fax
Actual users 15 25 12 10 5
Percentage 37.5% 62.5% 305 25% 12 %
Source: questioner data

The table 4.9 indicates that 37.5% (15) of know that their is providing service other than
telephone. Service and 62.5% (45) of do not know the service mobile internet and fax services
this is due to how interaction with the customers.

Table 4.10 quality of service given by telecomm

Respondent customer
Description Frequency Percentage
What is the service quality give by
Very good 20 50 %
Good 12 30 %
Poor 8 20 %
Total 40 100 %
Source: questioner data

The table 4 to indicates that about 50% (20) of the respondents that use telecomm. Service are
solitude by the customer service and they are believing doing well 30% (12) of the respondents
are on the average they think the customer service is not that much very good or poor but it is
Means the department has its strong and weak side
The remaining 20% (8) of the respondents are balancing the marketing department and customer
service department they say the marketing is focusing on salver rather than services the
Table 4.11 problem with market service by ethio- telecom
Respondent customer
Description Frequency Percentage
Is there any problem with market service give by the
ethio- telecom
Yes 15 37.5 %
No 25 62.5 %
Total 40 100 %
Source: questioner data

The above table 4.11 show that 62.5% (25) of respondents ideas is no problem with marketing
service given by the rest 37.5% (15) respondents idea is that the problem is available. The
problem is like high price of market service. From time to time absences of cooped five market
and fluctuation of faced line phone price.

From the interview conducted in Asella branch ethio-telecom office the effect of good customer
relationship management is not an easy task for the marketing is taking responsibility of
customer relationship management so the customer relationship managements under the
marketing. And customer service the following thing were done to effective to change the
customer. The problem that affect the actual user of telecom is obvious and exist weakness is not
removed in one time and the problem of actual were are delay maintenance. Unclear should
because of error in network, technical problem the unfired seen and mobility to excommunicate
near by rural area. For the problem advisable to follow timely and expend among customers to
follow timely and expend customers to problem occurred their capability urgently report for
higher argent in the.
The management of customer relationship in values the developed and economic change of the.
in contrast it can be affected by many this like. Delay is maintainance and installation lack of
relationship between calculation of customers relationship management and its serving the
focusing on customers. The are advisable to change the habit existence factors by training and
giving external education for customers as they create harmonious relation with in regarding to
handling customers.

Chapter five
Conclusion and recommendation

5.1. conclusions
In assessing the expansion of telecommunication service in the Asella branch taking in to
account customer relationship and management in corporation and the contribution of good
customer relationship for the service expansion it is concluded that there is gap between the
supply of telecommunication service and the satisfaction clients get from the service provision as
compared to the corporations annual capacity to offer there. Service all among respondents are
user of telecom service and this implies that indecent slabolizaion area peoples become the user
of telecom services from corporation like tax mobile internet and fixed phone large number of
respondents want to be fixed phone because of how cost less technical assistance and un problem
of high service change as computed with others.

The customer has the threat problem of cross-talking other technical problems such as unclear
sound delay in antennal service and unexpected disconnection of lines but after the
commencement of dieselization the corporation was began to use digital system in place of
analogue. System and as result there is an improvement in accuracy and cross talk and other
stated problems can be saved. There is higher degree of centralization by the corporation and this
causes impact inefficient utilization of all its capacities and it has also on the development
expansion of telecommunication service.

Finally there is inefficient technical capability of employees that would have an impact on full
utilization of its capacities to maximize the satisfaction clients get from service provided.
5.2. Recommendations

· The following recommendation are made from what is already analyzed in chapter four.
· The corporation has to device of saving problems efficient utilization of equipment with
skilled in manpower.
· The awareness level of the population has to being increase by using different promotional
activities of the need for modern of telecom magnification would be increased in line with
their economic status.
The market expansion of telecom is advantage in order to increase clients satisfaction
because of the telecom crater for the development of nation .
It is the better for customer to solve crowdedness unscrew system over payment network and
un planned expansion of normal telephone line.

· Futre (2006) fundamental of selling 6th ed prentiu hall pubishing compant, new work.
· Http://www.ethionet
· Philip kotler (1997) marketing management gated.
· Rober w. wceas (2003) customer service sthied rsumalthis (2003) markeing research and
customer behaved 6 thed.
· Willtam J Glun and James G. Beurness (2006) understanding service management 5th ed.
· Wilke willion L (1994): consumer Behavior 3rd ed New York Jon willey and song Inc.
Table filled by customers

Dear respondents, the main objective of this questionnaire is to collect data for conducting
research on the evaluation customer relationship management for the partial fulfillment of
bachelor degree in business management.

This information connected from this questionnaire will be keep to confidential please mark (x)
in box. Don’t necessary to write the fact there is no need to write your name.
3. Sex Male  Female 
4. Age From 20-30  From 31-40 From 41-50  above

5. Educational background: Elementary school  Diploma 
Degree  Certificate  high school  Above 
4. Occupation: traders  house wifes  officers  others 
5. Length of services(Experience): year 1-4 5-8 9-14 above year 
6. Type of service used from telecommunication corporation
Mobil  Internet 
Fixed phone  fax 
7. Is there any problem that affects the actual users of telecommunication services?
Yes  No 
8. If your answer is yes in question above , what is the reason behind?
9. Have you been satisfied with the service give from telecommunication?
Yes  No 
10. If you answer is no in question above what is the reasons?
11. Do you know the service rendered by telecommunication other than telephone services?
Yes  No 
12. If the answer in question above is no specify reasons?
13. In which position the given service should fall by telecommunication corporation?
Very good  Good  Poor 
14. If your answer question 13 is poor specify the reason
15. Is there is any problem with market service giving by the corporation?
Interview guide for the manager of the corporation
6. What are the problem of the corporation that affect the actual user of telecommunication?

2. What are the measure of the corporation to manager customer relationship?


3. What are the measure of the corporation to satisfy customers?


4. What are the measure of the corporation to increase a good relationship with customers?

5. Why the corporation is not giving end customers care currently?

Appendix II
General instruction
Dont hesitate to write the fact
There is no need to write your name
This questionnaire is used for only academic purpose
Put “x” for closed ended question in the box


1.1. To be filled by employees
General background of the respondent
7. sex Male  Female 
8. age From 20 – 30  From 31-40 
From 41-50  above 
3. educational background: elementary school 
Diploma  certificate  high school
Degree  above 
4. income level per month 600 1000  1000 – 3000 
3000 – 5000  above 5000 
5. occupation traders  House wits  officers  others 
6. length of services year year 1-4  5-8 9-14  above year 
7. type of service uned from telecommunication corporation
Mobile  Internet  fixed phone  fax 
8. What is service given be telecommunication cogitation?
Very good  good  poor 

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