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BI Quiz-1

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IBM Cognos Analytics was designed * 1 point

to segregate the tasks of administrators, modelers, authors, and consumers

to empower the consumer with select capabilities of administrators, modelers, and


to give consumers access to the administration portal

to provide an environment that needs no administrative intervention

Sales Managers want you to create a crosstab report with data in which 1 point

users can easily understand the sort order and can distinguish between
data based on appearance. The report should show revenue for each year
of operation for each Product type within each Product line. In the same
crosstab, you want to display Revenue for each Branch Region.Which type
of report will be used *





In Cognos Analytics Reporting what is a baseline? * 1 point

The bottom line border of a Table

A value in a List that other values are compared to

A value drawn on a Chart to indicate major divisions in the data

A border in a Crosstab that separates measures from aggregate totals

What is the purpose of a user prompt within a report expression? * 1 point

A user prompt allows users to dynamically modify column titles

A user prompt allows users to input data directly into the dataset

A user prompt allows users to add a page break

A user prompt allows users to change the run format of the report

Which mode would you use to author an IBM Cognos Analytics report 1 point

without having to see the actual data from the data source? *

Page Preview mode

Metadata mode

Page Design mode

Disconnected mode

You are creating a report to display revenue amounts. You want to prompt 1 point

the user for the year they wish to view. Which option should you add? *


SQL statement


What are the three general categories of reporting. * 1 point

reporting, summary, comparison

querying, analysis, processing

analysis, summary, comparison

querying, reporting, analysis

You want to create a report that shows revenue and quantity by Product 1 point

line and Region. You want the report to focus on Camping Equipment,
Mountaineering Equipment, and Personal Accessories sales for the three
European sales regions. You will build a crosstab report and add a
combination chart that reports on the same information. You will add a
micro chart to the crosstab for a quick overview of specified regions and
product lines.Which type of chart will be used to the crosstab to preview
data in a chart. *

Pie Chart

Gauge Chart

Micro Chart

Bar Chart

Which of the following is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, 1 point

nonvolatile collection of data in support of management decisions? *

Data Warehousing

Web Mining

Text Mining

Data Mining
Which of the following Cognos component is window based? * 1 point

Analysis Studio

Framework Manager


Event Studio

Executives would like you to create and format a report to highlight and 1 point

sort the product lines based on the revenue that they generated. They
would alsolike you to highlight the retailer type and sort revenue
descending by quantity sold.Name the two headers that will be used for
this *

List and Page Header

Page Header and Footer

List Page Header and Overall Header

Overall Headers and Footer

Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs 1 point

which includes ___________ ? *

Decision support

Data mining


All of These
You have been asked to provide a report showing product sales by date to 1 point
determine the revenue generated by each individual order. Because the
report contains detailed information, you want to be able to filter the
report to show only orders made after a specified date. You will create a
parameter to prompt a user for a date and the report will return all dates
greater than the one specified. *

Cross Tab Template

List Template



When creating a report, what should you use to create white space? * 1 point


Vertical bands



How can you add a prompt to a report? * 1 point

Create a parameter for an item on the report

Add a prompt item to a report.

Add a prompt page to the report containing one or more prompt items.

All of above
When creating a report using Cognos Report Studio, what tool can you use 1 point
to read the report? *

A Web browser


Microsoft Column Viewer

A text editor

Management needs you to create a crosstab report for users to analyze 1 point

the revenue generated and the quantity sold for different order methods.
You will add data to examine the revenue generated by different order
methods in the countries where your products are sold. You will also add
order year data to the report and explore the flexibility of layout options
using the crosstab drop zones. Which crosstab will be created? *




1 Beside 2 having one Crosstab and list report

What report object should you use to add your corporate logo to a report? 1 point




What is the result of the displayed expression? trim(trailing ' ',[Product line]) 1 point

Removes spaces from the end of database content text

Removes spaces from the beginning of each product line

Removes spaces from the end of each product line

Removes spaces from the beginning of database content text

When setting up drill-through access, what must be mapped so that the 1 point

source reports will pass to target parameters?? *





Which of the following is true of an OLAP data structure? * 1 point

Organizes dimension tables into hierarchies and levels.

Allows "real time" analysis against disparate data sources.

Cardinality must be defined.

Comprised of normalized dimension and fact structures

What should you be aware of when combining detail and summary filters? 1 point

Detail filters will affect the summarized numbers you are filtering on.

You can filter detail data items that you select from a catalog.

Summary filters are applied on summary values in the report.

Detail filters apply to individual records of a report.

When using Cognos Report Studio to build reports, in which area of the 1 point

work environment do you find objects and data items to add to the work
area? *


Properties pane

Framework Manager

Content pane

What should you do to set a Layout Component Reference object to 1 point

update manually? *

Change the object to a child object.

Change the object to a shared object.

Change the Embed property from Reference to Copy.

Change the Embed property from Copy to Reference.

Report templates can be found in what location? * 1 point

The My Content folder.

The Team Content folder.

Any folder in the IBM Cognos Analytics Portal.

The Report Templates folder

1.What is Active Report? Explain the Controls2. How active report is 1 point

different from Blank Report? *


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Big Data Analytics-Revision Test-1
Total points 26/30

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Name one of the drivers of Volume in the Big Data Era? * 1/1

Scalable infrastructure



Research and development

In Operations Analysis, we focus on what type of data? * 1/1

Location Data

Machine Data

Binary Data

Social Media Data

has the world’s largest Hadoop cluster. *






What is an example of a source of Semi-Structured Big data? * 1/1

Relational databases

Cameras files

Satellite files

JSON files
How to convert Boolean value to Integer? * 1/1

Change Function

Select Boolean column >> click on options>> convert Column>> select Integer


None of these are correct

In which node you can set the Measurement level *


Filler node

Data node

Type node

value node

The will select the appropriate graph and statistics, 1/1

depending on the field's measurement level. *

Data Audit Node

Table Node

Excel Node

Which of the following is the correct statement? * 1/1

The Distinct node can be used to remove duplicate fields.

The Distinct node can be used to remove duplicate records.

At most 8 key fields can be specified to identify a duplicate record.

The Distinct node is a terminal node.

Watson Studio incorporates many other AI services and APIs. Which of 1/1
the following is currently used in Watson Studio? *

Visual Recognition

Descovery service

Both A & B are correct

Watson Studio is a .* 0/1

collaborative platform

Sharing Resources Platform


All of the mentioned options are correct

Correct answer

collaborative platform
Which function is used for k-means clustering? * 1/1




none of the mentioned

Transforming your data into standard format, or tidy data, makes analysis 1/1
and storage easier down the road. Which of the following components
satisfies the task of tidying data (versus messy data)?Select one: *

Each variable forms a column.

Each observation forms a row.

Each type of observational unit forms a table

All of the above

Data Set is the: * 1/1

Tweets stored in a flat file

A collection of image files in a directory

An extract of rows from a database table stored in a CSV formatted file

All the above

In which sectors can IBM Watson be applied * 1/1

Healthcare information technology

Travel retail


All of the Mentioned Options

The confusion matrix is used to: * 1/1

Understand how attributes are related to each other

How data is spread on each dimension

Evaluate performance of classification algorithms within each class

It is a visual representation of the actual distribution of predicted values of target

labels in context of the actual values of the target labels
Fill in the blank:

streams depicted below. Only stream (A/B/C) can be created in 1/1

IBM SPSS Modeler. *

Table--> Aggregate-> Distribution

Aggregate-> Table--> Distribution

Excel--> Select--> Distribution

None of These
To open a stream by choosing File from the main menu, and then clicking 1/1
Open Stream. The palette only provides nodes to import
data files. *



Field Ops

Record Ops

In the node, the field's role is set in the Measurement column. 1/1



Field Ops


What are the major benefits of Big Data Processing? * 1/1

Businesses can utilize outside intelligence while taking decisions

Improved customer service

Better operational efficiency

All of the above

Tidy data satisfies three components. Use the key words below to 1/1
complete this sentence: Each variable forms a , each observation
forms a , each type of observation unit forms a .Select
one: *

Column, row, table

Table, column, row

Record, column, row

None of the above

Select a function to add a new column by adding specified expression * 1/1

mutate(provide_new_column = `<column>`<operator>`<column>`)



None of the above

represent records. * 0/1




None Of These

Correct answer


The first branch runs a node in the entire datasets. * 0/1

Data Audit



None of These

Correct answer

If Armen & JP wanted to work on the same project how they can do 1/1
that *





The number of iterations in apriori * 1/1

increases with the size of the data

decreases with the increase in size of the data

increases with the size of the maximum frequent set

decreases with increase in size of the maximum frequent s

Significant Bottleneck in the Apriori algorithm is Select one: * 1/1

Finding frequent itemsets


Candidate generation

Number of iterations
What is the role of Watson Studio? * 1/1

Watson Studio helps in working over the cloud for training and testing model

Watson studio leads to training the Sound

Only Watson will be used No requirement of Visual Recognition

None of these are correct

Which of the following is the correct statement? * 0/1

You can derive multiple fields using a single Derive node.

Within the Derive node, you can choose between creating a new field and
overwriting an existing field.

New field names cannot contain blanks

None of these

Correct answer

You can derive multiple fields using a single Derive node.

An integrated development environment (IDE) for data science projects 1/1
provides which of the following capabilities? Select one *

It has to be open source for the capabilities to be of use.

It must be a downloadable application and not just available through a browser.

It provides a suite of tools for data scientists, application developers and subject
matter experts

Without an IDE it is extremely difficult to include machine learning with data science.

Which of the following best describes what summary statistics 1/1

calculates?Select one: *




All of the above

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Big Data Analytics-Revision Test-2
Total points 24/30

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Wasim Akram

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What is the process of cleaning and analyzing data to derive insights and 1/1
value from it? *

Machine Learning

Exploratory Research

Data Science

Predictive Modeling
A retailer runs an analysis on what customers have in their shopping 1/1
carts to find out what popular product combinations are. This is an
example of: *




None of these

which statement is true about for simple sampling method? * 1/1

Records have the same probability to be included in the sample

Records have different probabilities to be included in the sample

All of the mentioned options are correct

None of the options are correct

will keep rows by the selected columns * 1/1




Is Equal To
is general-purpose computing model and runtime system 1/1
for distributed data analytics. *




None of the mentioned

has the world’s largest Hadoop cluster. * 1/1





The data science methodology includes the following stages: (fill in the 1/1
missing stage) business understanding, data exploration and preparation,
data representation and transformation, , validate data
models, , and environment feedback. *

Visualize data models, select appropriate models

Transform unstructured data into structured data, normalize data

Train data models, deploy data models

Decide if it is a classification problem or a regression problem, deploy the models

also called classification based or item-item 0/1
collaborative filtering, is a machine learning technique that establishes a
correlation between the products to make decisions. *

Content-based filtering

Collaborative filtering

Both A and B

None of These

Correct answer

Content-based filtering

Which of the following is required by K-means clustering? * 1/1

efined distance metric

number of clusters

initial guess as to cluster centroids

all of the mentioned

Select that apply to the characteristics of data * 1/1




Classification is * 1/1

A subdivision of a set of examples into a number of classes

A measure of the accuracy, of the classification of a concept that is given by a

certain theory

The task of assigning a classification to a set of examples

None of These

The Data assets type is added with all project starters. To add other asset1/1
types to your project, click .*

Access control

Add to project



What is the term used to describe an holistic approach that takes into 1/1
account all available and meaningful information about a customer to
drive better engagement, revenue and long term loyalty? *

Enhanced 360-degree view

Big Data Exploration

Operations Analysis

Customer Retention
takes a set of data and converts it into another set of data, where 1/1
individual elements are broken down into tuples (key/value pairs). *



Both A and B


For Drawing insights for Business what are need? * 1/1

Collecting the data

Storing the data

Analysing the data

All the above

Which of the following is finally produced by Hierarchical Clustering? * 1/1

final estimate of cluster centroids

tree showing how close things are to each other

assignment of each point to clusters

all of the mentioned

What is the file extension of an IBM SPSS Modeler stream? * 1/1





does not necessarily have to be placed on the 1/1

stream canvas manually, but can also be generated from a Table output
window *

Select Node

Record Ops


Field Ops

Value from Big Data can be ?* 1/1




Technical ability
What was Hadoop named after? * 1/1

Creator Doug Cutting's favorite circus act

Cutting's high school rock band

The toy elephant of Cutting's son

A sound Cutting's laptop made during Hadoop's development

Components of Apriori algorithm contains: * 1/1




All of the mentioned options

Frequent item sets is * 0/1

Superset of only closed frequent item sets

Superset of only maximal frequent item sets

Subset of maximal frequent item sets

Superset of both closed frequent item sets and maximal frequent item sets

Correct answer

Superset of both closed frequent item sets and maximal frequent item sets
1. The MapReduce algorithm contains two important tasks, namely 1/1

mapped, reduce

mapping, Reduction

Map, Reduction

Map, Reduce

Computer system of a parallel computer is capable of * 0/1

Parallel computing

Centralized computing

Decentralized computing

Correct answer

Decentralized computing
Which is the correct statement? * 0/1

A stream represents a flow of data from data reading, through a number of

manipulations, to running an analysis.

A stream is a data file in the native IBM SPSS Modeler format.

A stream is an output object produced by IBM SPSS Modeler.

A stream is a data-mining model.

Correct answer

A stream represents a flow of data from data reading, through a number of

manipulations, to running an analysis.

A node can be placed on the stream canvas by * 0/1

selecting the node from the Insert entry in the main menu & selecting the node from
the appropriate palette

selecting the node from the Manager pane on the Outputs tab

clicking the Run button in the toolbar

None Of These

Correct answer

selecting the node from the Insert entry in the main menu & selecting the node from
the appropriate palette
is an algorithm used by Google 1/1
Search to rank websites in their search engine results. *


Neural Net

PageRank (PR)

None of the mentioned above

Writing parallel programs is referred to as * 0/1

Parallel computation

Parallel processes

Parallel development

Parallel programming

Correct answer

Parallel programming
Calculate Accuracy based on the assign value * 1/1





With respect to the Distinct node, which of the following statements is 1/1
correct *

The option Discard only the first record in each group retains the first distinct record
as defined by the key field(s), and discards all duplicate records.

A field of any measurement level can be used to define duplicate records. A

field of any storage can be used to define duplicate records.

Both 2 &3

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Business Analytics IBM Total points 39/80

Final Practice Test

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Course *

BCA Big Data Analytics

Contact no *


Section A - Objective Type Questions 25 of 40 points

Each question consists of 01 mark. Attempt all questions.There will be no negative marking.
1. When creating reports with Cognos Report Studio, which report type 1/1
will format the output in a table?





2. View the results by running the report in the browser is it 1/1



3. Identify a strength of Cognos Analytics 1/1

Integrated user interface

Siloed user environments

Multiple user interfaces

Lightweight Java client

4. Which mode would you use to author an IBM Cognos Analytics report 0/1
without having to see the actual data from the data source?

Page Preview mode

Page Design mode

Metadata mode

Disconnected mode

Correct answer

Page Design mode

5. Report templates can be found in what location? 0/1

The My Content folder

The Team Content folder.

The Report Templates folder

Any folder in the IBM Cognos Analytics Portal

Correct answer

The Team Content folder.

6. When creating an expression, where should you look to find all of the 0/1
query items available from the package?

Source tab

Parameters tab

Data Items tab

Functions tab

Correct answer

Source tab

7. Can we add our own personal add source or data set 1/1



8. How would you incorporate data into a report from a personal data 1/1
source, such as an Excel spreadsheet?

Use the Upload files feature and create a Data module from the uploaded file.

Drag the spreadsheet into the report area.

Personal data files cannot be imported into IBM Cognos Analytics, due to the
security risk.

Data must be converted to a CSV format, and then uploaded to IBM Cognos
Analytics using the Upload files feature.
9. Where does the IBM Cognos Analytics user do content navigation, 1/1
management, and administration?

Data Modules

Framework Manager

Cognos portal

Cognos Configuration

10. When using Cognos Report Studio to build reports, in which area of 1/1
the work environment do you find objects and data items to add to the
work area?

Framework Manager

Properties pane

Content pane


11. Which type of prompt should you avoid using if the exact name or 1/1
spelling of an item is unknown?

Select & Search Prompt

Interval Prompt

Value Prompt

Text Box Prompt

12. If you add prompt items to a report or prompt page, you can choose 1/1
from the different types of prompts available in the tab according
to your needs

Work area



None of these

13. What is RAVE? 0/1

Rapidly Adaptive Visualization charts

Rapidly Adaptive Visualization Engine

Rapidly Adaptive Verification Engine

Rapidly Advanced Visualization Engine

Correct answer

Rapidly Adaptive Visualization Engine

14. What type of prompt is created when the Build a Prompt Page option 0/1
is used with a numeric value?


Text Box


Select and Search

Correct answer

Text Box

15. Which of the following is NOT a prompt type in Report Studio? 1/1

Date and Time Prompt

Time Prompt

Evaluate Prompt

Date Prompt
16. What do prompts function as? 0/1



Text boxes

Dynamic filters

Correct answer

Dynamic filters

17. How do you access a prompt page when editing a report in IBM 0/1
Cognos Analytics?

From the Page Views menu, select Prompt Page.

From the Navigate sidebar, use the Page Explorer.

Right-click the report background, and choose "Go to Prompt".

Scroll to the top of the report area.

Correct answer

From the Navigate sidebar, use the Page Explorer.

18. Which of the following is the correct filter expression syntax to use a 1/1
parameter called "Year"?





19. You can use the palette to control the colors or patterns 0/1
used in the columns, lines, data markers or areas in a chart.





Correct answer

20. Data can be visualized using? 1/1




All of the above

21. How do you add a calculated column to a list object in a report? 1/1

Drag one column onto another, and define the calculated expression.

Drag a Query calculation from the Toolbox into the list object.

Set the Calculated Columns property in the list object.

Use the Query Explorer to link a calculation expression to the list.

22. If you wanted to automatically include a user's selection from a 1/1

prompt page as part of the title of your report, you would use which of
the following?

Query Calculation

Prompt Calculation

Layout Calculation

Prompt Variable
23. In Report Studio, an author wants to add a calculation created in the 0/1
package to the report. On which of the following tabs is this item

Source tab

Function Tab

Data items tab

Parameters tab

Correct answer

Source tab

24. You wish to create a calculated data item to be used in a report. What 1/1
is the name of the Toolbox Item that you will need in order to create the

Expression Definition

Query Calculation


25. In Report Studio, for which task would an author create a query 0/1

Add report run-time information to a report.

Apply conditional formatting to data in a report.

Let users choose which filter to apply to a report.

Derive additional information from the data source

Correct answer

Derive additional information from the data source

26. <%AsOfDate()%> represent which type of calculation. 0/1




None of these

Correct answer

27. functions can be used to build dates, or to filter the report for 1/1
specific dates



All of the above

None of the above

28.Create calculated columns based on existing items in the model using 0/1





Correct answer


29. Add a layout calculation to the report title that returns a different 1/1
value depending on the prompt option a user selects.


30. You must create the report before you can set up drill- 1/1
through access.



31. Active Report is a report type whose output is an file 1/1




32. When you create an Active Report, there are additional controls 1/1
available for use.



33. There are two versions of most Active Report controls: 1/1

Static and Data.

Static and Data-driven.

Static Data and driven.

34. controls allow you to manually define values. 0/1



Data driven


Correct answer


35. Data-driven controls have values that are determined by the 1/1
associated data item.



36. Youcan use to define the behavior of controls and other 0/1
report objects.





Correct answer

37. Report consumers can view and interact with an Active Report data 1/1
without hitting the server and the database again



38. Which point justify the "interactivity". 0/1

interact with a rich user interface, and easily filter data

rich user interface, and easily filter data in reports with

interact with a rich user interface, and easy data in reports with reports

interact with a rich user interface, and easily filter data in reports with prompts.

Correct answer

interact with a rich user interface, and easily filter data in reports with prompts.

39.Calculations can be added to a list, crosstab, or chart, as well as to the 1/1

body, headers,and footers.


40. controls have values that are determined by the 1/1
associated data item.



Both a and b

None of the above

Section B 14 of 40 points

Each question consists of 02 mark. Attempt all questions.There will be no negative marking.

41. Which statement about a list page header is true? 0/2

A list page header and overall header cannot appear on the same page

List column titles cannot be placed at the start of the details of a report

When a header is created from a column, the header stays within the list object

You can create multiple headers out of a spanned column

Correct answer

When a header is created from a column, the header stays within the list object
42. In Report Studio, what is true about a crosstab node? 2/2

It contains at least one nested crosstab node

It contains at least one crosstab node member

It contains more than one nested crosstab node.

It must contain more than one crosstab node member.

43. Use this to start creating new Reports, Dashboards, Stories, Data 2/2
Modules, or upload files to the Cognos Analytics portal




All of the above

44. You have been asked to create a report that shows products that 0/2
have generated revenues over $1 million by creating a list and applying a
summary filter. Which expression will display the products?





Correct answer


45. Which of the following statement is true about detail filter? 0/2

Detail filter is applied to summary data item in a report

Applied only to detail items from the data source

A & B both

None of above

Correct answer

Applied only to detail items from the data source

46. Which type of prompt has a hierarchical relationship, where a prompt 0/2
selection is determined by the choice of the user in the previous

select and search



cascading prompt

Correct answer

cascading prompt

47. Which type of prompt is valuable for reporting time elapsed between 2/2
two points.

Interval Prompt

Select and Search Prompt

Text Box Prompt

Value Prompt
48. How can you add a prompt to a report? 0/2

Use the filter() function in a query expression.

Create a parameter for an item on the report.

Add a Variable Text Item to the report page.

Use the Prompt icon on the toolbar.

Correct answer

Create a parameter for an item on the report.

49. In Cognos Analytics Reporting what is a baseline? 0/2

A value drawn on a Chart to indicate major divisions in the data

The bottom line border of a Table

A value in a List that other values are compared to

A border in a Crosstab that separates measures from aggregate totals

Correct answer

A value drawn on a Chart to indicate major divisions in the data

50. Which charts highlight data proportionally against a measure, 2/2
allowing for quick identification of major performers.

Column Chart

Pie Chart

Bar Chart

Gauge Chart

51. For example, you create an invoice report, and you want to see the 0/2
total sale amount for each product ordered. Create a calculated column
that multiplies the product price by the quantity ordered.

Is it true we have to create a calculated column

is it true or we have to create a layout column

Both a and b

None of the above

Correct answer

Is it true we have to create a calculated column

52. Which options is available for passing values between reports when 0/2
setting up drill-through access? (select two)

Pass Parameter List

Pass data item value

Pass Value List

Pass parameter value

Correct answer

Pass data item value

Pass parameter value

53. Which step is required in order to create a drill through access 0/2
navigation in a report?

Create a Drill-Through Burst Key

Create a Drill-Through HTML object

Create a Drill-Through Expression.

Create a Drill-Through Definition

Correct answer

Create a Drill-Through Definition

54. Which IBM Cognos tool lets you see values that are passed from the 0/2
source report to the target report?

Drill Through Assistant

Page Structure

Conditional Render

Data Frame List

Correct answer

Drill Through Assistant

55. Date/Time functions can be found under the Business Date/Time 2/2

Data items


56. Drop Down List, Radio Button Group, and Check Box Group are all 2/2
controls whose values are created manually by the report author. Are
examples of:

Data Driven controls

Static controls

Both a and b

None of above

57. You can use variables to define the behavior of controls and other 2/2
report objects.Variables allow you to specify a control's selection
behavior or reaction behavior.



58. Which option are useful for labeling report objects in a meaningful 0/2


Text items

All of these

None of these

Correct answer

Text items
59. Which statement about a list page header is true? 0/2

A list page header and overall header cannot appear on the same page.

List column titles cannot be placed at the start of the details of a report

When a header is created from a column, the header stays within the list object

You can create multiple headers out of a spanned column.

Correct answer

When a header is created from a column, the header stays within the list object

60. Which options allows you to switch between open reports and the 0/2
welcome page

Application bar

Side bar

Content Pane

Correct answer

Application bar

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Business Intelligence - Quiz Total points 12/20

Internal Quiz

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Name *

Wasim Akram

Which of the following you can find in the quick launch option * 0/2

Upload Data

Prepare the Data


Present the Data

All of These


Correct answer

All of These
Which report object is best suited to analyzing and comparing summary 2/2
data? *




Query item

IBM Cognos Analytics was designed * 0/2

to segregate the tasks of administrators, modelers, authors, and consumers

to empower the consumer with select capabilities of administrators, modelers, and


to give consumers access to the administration portal

to provide an environment that needs no administrative intervention

Correct answer

to empower the consumer with select capabilities of administrators, modelers, and


Data Mining Refers to * 2/2

extracting the information

extracting the data

extracting the exact information needed

University Name *

Lovely Professional University

Can we use our own personalized data set in cognos * 2/2




Roll No. *


How would you incorporate data into a report from a personal data 0/2
source, such as an Excel spreadsheet? *

Use the Upload files feature and create a Data module from the uploaded file.

Drag the spreadsheet into the report area.

Personal data files cannot be imported into IBM Cognos Analytics, due to the
security risk

Data must be converted to a CSV format, and then uploaded to IBM Cognos
Analytics using the Upload files feature

Correct answer

Use the Upload files feature and create a Data module from the uploaded file.
Which of the following are the advantages of the cognos. * 2/2

Provide insights

Time consuming

Expensive to install

None of These

When creating a report using Cognos Report Studio, what tool can you 2/2
use to read the report? *


Microsoft Column Viewer

A text editor

A Web browser

Identify a strength of Cognos Analytics. * 0/2

Integrated user interface

Siloed user environments

Multiple user interfaces

Lightweight Java client

Correct answer

Integrated user interface

Do cognos provide us an option of sharing the report into different 2/2
formats as well *



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IBM - Cognitive Analytics Total points 17/22

IBM Cognos Test Link

Email *


In IBM Cognos Analytics Reporting, the user has designed the following 1/1
two queries. Query 1 : [Order Number],[Product] Query 2 : [Product],
[Quantity], [Revenue] Which statement is true ? *

The author can join the queries because they have a common data item

The author cannot join the queries because they have different data types

The author cannot join the queries because they have different fields

The author can union the queries to combine the results

What should you do to add additional complexity to an existing join ? * 0/1

Convert the query to a Report Studio query object

Convert the expression to an MDX statement

Convert the join relationship to an expression

Convert the expression to an SQL statement

Which set operations is possible between queries in Cognos Analytics 1/1
Reporting *


Inner Join

Outer Join


What are the first step when you create a custom query using SQL ? * 0/1

Convert the query to SQL and then edit the query statement

Enter the required statement in the SQL object to create the query.

Modify the query object's properties and add query data to the report layout

Add an SQL object to a query and link the SQL object to a data source

Which cognos analytic object can a bussiness user create from an 1/1
uploaded personal data file? *

Data module


Name *


Data warehouse is technically defined as * 1/1



S.I.N.T collection of data

Shopping Malls

University *


Business Intelligence is the process of converting raw data into useful 1/1
info for .. *

better insights

taking decisions

both better insights and taking decisions

Which operator combines two queries into one result set, and includes 0/1
only data from the first query that is not also retrieved by the second
query? *





Which statement about Templates in IBM Cognos Analytics is true ? * 1/1

Report Templates define the columns and underlying queries in a report

List reports are the best for comparative analysis

Templates and themes allow the author to create a professional looking reports
quickly, without needing a lot of authoring experience

Report templates do not define the header or footer of a report

Which IBM Cognos Analytics report feature would you use to create a 0/1
relationship between data in separate queries in order to answer a
specific business question ? *

Drill Through

Conditional render


IBM Cognos is used by * 1/1

Security Experts

Common People

Managers and Executives

Students and Faculties

Which type of filter expression would you use in order to create a filter 1/1
condition that uses calculations based on items in the query or from the
data source ? *



Custom based on Data Item


Which report option should you use when the same information needs to 1/1
appear on each page of a report ? *

Page Footer

Data Frame List


Horizontal Band
When creating reports with IBM Cognos Analytics Reporting, which 1/1
report object will format the output in a table? *



Cross Tab


You are creating a report using IBM Cognos Analytics Reporting. The 1/1
report will show a list of sales representatives and the revenue that they
have generated to date. You have all columns arranged in the work area,
but have decided to remove Commission Rate from the report. Although
commission rate will not appear on the report, you want to keep the data
item in the query so it can be used in calculations later. Which toolbar
button should you use to remove commission rate from the report ? *




Can we upload our personal data set on cognos * 1/1



may be

How would you incorporate data into a report from a personal data 1/1
source, such as an Excel spreadsheet? *

Use the Upload files feature and create a Data module from the uploaded file.

Drag the spreadsheet into the report area

Personal data files cannot be imported into IBM Cognos Analytics, due to the
security risk.

Data must be converted to a CSV format, and then uploaded to IBM Cognos
Analytics using the Upload files feature.

Data Mining means * 1/1

extracting the exact information needed

extracting the data

look for the data in excel

Which function returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to 0/1
numeric_expression ? *





Which feature of IBM Cognos Analytics allow users to choose a layout for1/1
new reports ? *

Page Preview

Report Templates

Page Structure

Properties Pan

The velocity in the 5 V represents * 1/1

the speed at which data is generated

accuracy of the data

size of the data

You have designed a report that shows sales of all employees. You are 1/1
asked to create hyperlinks on each employee name that allow the user to
go to a new report that displays HR details about the employee selected.
Which IBM Cognos Analytics feature should you use to achieve this
requirement ? *

Drill Trhough Definitions

Master Detail Relationships


Run the report with full interactivity

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IBM - Cognitive Analytics Total points 10/22

IBM Cognos Test Link

Email *


Name *

Wasim Akram

Which report option should you use when the same information needs 0/1
to appear on each page of a report ? *

Page Footer

Data Frame List


Horizontal Band
Data warehouse is technically defined as * 0/1



S.I.N.T collection of data

Shopping Malls

IBM Cognos is used by * 0/1

Security Experts

Common People

Managers and Executives

Students and Faculties

In IBM Cognos Analytics Reporting, the user has designed the following1/1
two queries. Query 1 : [Order Number],[Product] Query 2 : [Product],
[Quantity], [Revenue] Which statement is true ? *

T he author can join the queries because they have a common data it em

T he author cannot join the queries because they have different data types T he

author cannot join the queries because they have different f ields

T he author can union the queries to combine the results

Which operator combines two queries into one result set, and includes 0/1
only data from the first query that is not also retrieved by the second
query? *





Data Mining means * 1/1

extracting the exact information needed

extracting the data

look for the data in excel

When creating reports with IBM Cognos Analytics Reporting, which 1/1
report object will format the output in a table? *



Cross Tab

Business Intelligence is the process of converting raw data into useful 0/1
info for ... *

better insights

taking decisions

both better insights and taking decisions

Which function returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to
numeric_expression ? *

mod(numeric_ expression)

f loor(numeric_ expression)

between(numeric_ expression)

t rim(numeric_ expression)

Can we upload our personal data set on cognos * 1/1



may be
What should you do to add additional complexity to an existing join ? * 0/1

Convert the query to a Report Studio query object

Convert the expression to an MDX statement

Convert the join relationship to an expression

Convert the expression to an SQL statement

Which cognos analytic object can a bussiness user create from an 1/1
uploaded personal data file? *

Data module



How would you incorporate data into a report from a personal data 1/1
source, such as an Excel spreadsheet? *

Use the Upload f iles feature and create a Data module from the uploaded f ile.

Drag the spreadsheet into the report area

Personal data f iles cannot be imported into IBM Cognos Analytics, due to the
security risk.

Data must be converted to a CSV format, and then uploaded to IBM Cognos
Analytics using the Upload f iles feature.
Which set operations is possible between queries in Cognos Analytics 0/1
Reporting *


Inner Join

Outer Join


Which statement about Templates in IBM Cognos Analytics is true ? * 1/1

Report Templates define the columns and underlying queries in a report

List reports are the best for comparative analysis

Templates and themes allow the author to create a professional looking

reports quickly, without needing a lot of authoring experience

Report templates do not define the header or footer of a report

You have designed a report that shows sales of all employees. You are 0/1
asked to create hyperlinks on each employee name that allow the user
to go to a new report that displays HR details about the employee
selected. Which IBM Cognos Analytics feature should you use to
achieve this requirement ? *

Drill Trhough Definitions

Master Detail Relationships


Run the report with full interactivity

Which IBM Cognos Analytics report feature would you use to create a 0/1
relationship between data in separate queries in order to answer a
specific business question ? *

Drill T hrough

Conditional render


You are creating a report using IBM Cognos Analytics Reporting. The 0/1
report will show a list of sales representatives and the revenue that they
have generated to date. You have all columns arranged in the work
area, but have decided to remove Commission Rate from the report.
Although commission rate will not appear on the report, you want to
keep the data item in the query so it can be used in calculations later.
Which toolbar button should you use to remove commission rate from
the report ? *





University *

Lovely Professional University

Which type of filter expression would you use in order to create a filter 1/1
condition that uses calculations based on items in the query or from
the data source ? *



Custom based on Data It em

What are the first step when you create a custom query using SQL ? * 0/1

Convert the query to SQL and then edit the query statement

Enter the required statement in the SQL object to create the query.

Modify the query object's properties and add query data to the report layout Add

an SQL object to a query and link the SQL object to a data source

The velocity in the 5 V represents * 1/1

the speed at which data is generated

accuracy of the data

size of the data

Which feature of IBM Cognos Analytics allow users to choose a layout 1/1
for new reports ? *

Page Preview

Report Templates

Page Structure

Properties Pan

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IBM Cognos Analytics Reporting
Review questions for courses B6058, B6059, and B6098
B6058 - Cognos Analytics Reporting Fundamentals
A) Overview of IBM Cognos BI
1. Introduction to the Reporting Application
2. Create List Reports
3. Focus Reports Using Filters
4. Create Crosstab Reports
5. Present Data Graphically
6. Focus Reports Using Prompts
7. Extend Reports Using Calculations
8. Use Additional Report Building Techniques
9. Customize Reports with Conditional Formatting
10. Drill-Through Definitions
11. Enhance Report Layout
IBM Cognos Analytics
Author Reports Fundamentals (v11.0)
A. Introduction to
IBM Cognos Analytics
Back to TOC
IBM Cognos Analytics was designed
A) to segregate the tasks of administrators,
modelers, authors, and consumers
B) to empower the consumer with select
capabilities of administrators, modelers, and
C) to give consumers access to the
administration portal
D) to provide an environment that needs no
administrative intervention
B6058 – A
How would you incorporate data into a report from a
personal data source, such as an Excel spreadsheet?

A) Use the Upload files feature and create a Data module

from the uploaded file.
B) Drag the spreadsheet into the report area.
C) Personal data files cannot be imported into IBM
Cognos Analytics, due to the security risk.
D) Data must be converted to a CSV format, and then
uploaded to IBM Cognos Analytics using the Upload
files feature.

B6058 – A
Where does the IBM Cognos Analytics user do
content navigation, management, and
A) Data Modules
B) Framework Manager
C) Cognos portal
D) Cognos Configuration

B6058 – A
Identify a strength of Cognos

A) Integrated user interface

B) Siloed user environments
C) Multiple user interfaces
D) Lightweight Java client
B6058 – A
You are creating a report using Cognos
Analytics Reporting. The report will show a
list of sales representatives and the revenue
that they have generated to date. When you
run the report, which Cognos tool displays
the results?

A) Query Viewer
B) Report Viewer
C) Cognos Viewer
D) Workspace Viewer
B5A58 – A
In Framework Manager, what describes
the subset of metadata objects, structure,
and grouping, as well as relationships and
security, that are published to Cognos
A) Target
B) Model
C) Drill-through definition
D) Package
B5A58 – A
Which of the following Cognos
component is window based?
A) Analysis Studio
B) Reporting
C) Event Studio
D) Framework Manager

B5A58 – A
When using Cognos Report Studio to build
reports, which tool must be used to make
changes to the structure of the package?
A) IBM Cognos Framework Manager
B) IBM Cognos Administration
C) Data Modules
D) Reporting

B6058 – A
When creating a report using Cognos
Report Studio, what tool can you use
to read the report?

A) JavaScript
B) Microsoft Column Viewer
C) A text editor
D) A Web browser
B5A58 – A
Which IBM Cognos Business Intelligence (BI) tool
would you use to perform self-service reporting
and analyses of data, including external data
A) IBM Cognos Analysis Studio
B) IBM Cognos Workspace Advanced
C) IBM Cognos Insight
D) IBM Cognos Query Studio

B5A58 – A
1. Introduction to the Reporting
Back to TOC
Which report object is best suited
to analyzing and comparing
summary data?
A) Crosstab
B) List
C) Singleton
D) Query item
B6058 – 1
Which mode would you use to author
an IBM Cognos Analytics report
without having to see the actual data
from the data source?
A) Page Preview mode
B) Page Design mode
C) Metadata mode
D) Disconnected mode
B6058 – 1
What are the three general
categories of reporting?
A) reporting, summary,
B) querying, analysis, processing
C) analysis, summary, comparison
D) querying, reporting, analysis
B6058 – 1
Report templates can be found in
what location?
A) The My Content folder.
B) The Team Content folder.
C) The Report Templates folder.
D) Any folder in the IBM Cognos
Analytics Portal.
B6058 – 1
Which feature of Cognos Report
Studio provides users with a
layout to apply to new or existing
A) Page Design
B) Page Explorer
C) Report Types
D) Report Templates B5A58 – 1
When creating reports with Cognos
Report Studio, which report type will
create output in a format that is useful
for directly comparing numbers?
A) Chart
B) Table
C) Crosstab
D) Map
B5A58 – 1
When creating reports with Cognos
Report Studio, which report type is
useful for graphically showing
comparisons, relationships, and
A) Map
B) Comparison
C) Chart
D) List B5A58 – 1
When using Cognos Report Studio to build
reports, in which area of the work
environment do you find objects and data
items to add to the work area?
A) Framework Manager
B) Properties pane
C) Content pane
D) Toolbar
B5A58 – 1
You are creating a report using Cognos Reporting. The
report will show a list of sales representatives and the
revenue that they have generated to date. You have all
columns arranged in the work area, but have decided to
remove Commission Rate from the report.
Although Commission Rate won’t appear on the report,
you want to keep the data item in the query so it can be
used for calculations later.
Which toolbar button should you use to remove
Commission Rate from the report?
A) Delete
B) Cut
C) Remove
D) Hide
B5A58 – 1
Which statement about Report Studio templates is true?

A) Different report templates can be combined on the

same page.
B) Report templates do not define the header or footer of
a report.
C) List report types are best for comparative analysis.
D) Report templates define the columns and underlying
queries in a report.

B5A58 – 1
When creating reports with Cognos Report
Studio, which report type will format the
output in a table?

A) List
B) Chart
C) Crosstab
D) Table
B5A58 – 1
When creating reports with Cognos Report
Studio, which report type is useful for
presenting geographical data?

A) Map
B) Table
C) Chart
D) List
B5A58 – 1
You are using Report Studio to create a report from a dimensionally-
modeled relational data source. What is true about dimensionally-
modeled relational data in Report Studio?
A) Dimensionally-modeled relational data excludes dimensional
capabilities for relational sources.
B) Dimensional models do not allow drill up behavior in analyses and
C) Dimensional models do not allow drill down behavior in analyses
and reports.
D) Dimensionally-modeled relational data extends dimensional
capabilities to relational sources.

B5A58 – 1
Which of the following options is the correct steps for a report
in Report Studio?
A) Specifying the package, choosing a basic report layout,
adding data, validating the report, saving the report,
running the report
B) Specifying the package, adding data, validating the report,
saving the report, running the report, choosing a basic
report layout
C) Specifying the package, validating the report, saving the
report, running the report, choosing a basic report layout,
adding data
D) Specifying the package, validating the report, saving the
report, choosing a basic report layout, adding data, ,
running the report

B5A58 – 1
In Report Studio, a report contains several
blocks and tables. To determine if there is
sufficient space between objects, what will
show how the report looks when it is
A) View a Print Preview.
B) Hide the boundary lines.
C) Unlock the report objects.
D) Open the Page Structure view
B5A58 – 12
2. Create List Reports

Back to TOC
You want to create a report that shows
detailed information grouped by
country. What type of report should
you use?
A) List
B) Pie Chart
C) Line Chart
D) Crosstab
B6058 – 2
Which one of the following statements
about grouping items in a list is TRUE?
A) You can only group the first column of a
B) You can only group the last column of a
C) You can group multiple columns in a list.
D) You can only group a single column in a
list, but it can be any column of the list.
B6058 – 2
Which of the following statements about headers and
footers are TRUE? (Choose three)
A) A page header can be created at the top of each
page of the report.
B) Headers and footers cannot be added to an Active
C) An overall header can be created to appear once at
the top of a list.
D) In order to add data items to a page header or
footer, you must associate a query to the page.
E) Headers cannot be added to grouped sections of a
F) Data items cannot be added to page headers or
B6058 – 2
Which statement about a list page header is true?
A) A list page header and overall header cannot
appear on the same page.
B) List column titles cannot be placed at the start
of the details of a report.
C) When a header is created from a column, the
header stays within the list object.
D) You can create multiple headers out of a
spanned column.

B5A58 – 2
You are formatting a Cognos list report. You want the
Revenue column grouped by Product Line. After
clicking the container, how do you access the Groups
A) Choose "Grouping & Sorting" from the Properties
B) Select the Revenue column and choose "Tools",
C) Right-click the Revenue column heading and
choose "Groups".
D) Right-click a data item in the query properties.

B5A58 – 2
When grouping list reports, what is the preferred
method of displaying the groupings properly?
A) Follow a 1:n cardinality from left to right.
B) Add a "where" clause in the SQL statement..
C) Level-span grouped items by the last group in
the report.
D) Level-span grouped items by the first group in
the report.

B5A58 – 2
When grouping data on a list report, how do you cause a
grouped item to appear at the top of each new page?
A) Level-spanning causes a grouped item to appear at
the top of each new page.
B) The grouped item will appear at the top of each new
page automatically.
C) A grouped item will appear at the top of each new
page only when non-contiguous columns are grouped.
D) An "order by" clause in the SQL statement causes a
grouped item to appear at the top of each new page.

B5A58 – 2
When grouping data on list reports, what is one important
rule about level-spanning grouped items?
A) Level-spanning is limited to the first column of data in
the list report.
B) The data will not re-display at the top of the page if the
grouping remains the same.
C) You can level-span grouped items only by other
grouped items on the report.
D) Your level-span grouping must be done across
multiple, contiguous columns.

B5A58 – 2
In the grouping and sorting properties
of a list, where can you find the
grouped items?
A) in the Groups folder
B) in the Sort List folder
C) in the Query folder
D) in the Order By folder
B5A58 – 2
How can you cause Cognos Viewer to be expanded
A) Hold down the Ctrl key while maximizing the Cognos
Viewer window.
B) Choose the "Auto-Expand" checkbox in the Properties
C) Right-click the column heading and choose "Auto-
D) Choose the "Resize IBM Cognos Viewer window"
checkbox from the Tools Options.

B5A58 – 2
The author wants the report to show the total
revenue generated by each Product line.
How can the author accomplish this?
A) In Query Explorer, change the Rollup Aggregate Function property
for the Revenue data item to Total.
B) In Query Explorer, change the Rollup Aggregate Function property
for the Product line data item to Total.
C) In the layout, group the Product line column and then add an
aggregate row showing total revenue values.
D) In the layout, group the Product type column and then add an
aggregate row showing total revenue values.

B5A58 – 2
Which object will be used to create following
report? “You are a report author at The Great
Outdoors Company, which sells sporting
equipment. You are requested to create mailing
labels for all of the company's retailers.”
A) Singleton
B) List
C) Crosstab
D) Repeater

B5A58 – 2
This report contains two rows above the column header.

How these rows were created?

A) By using a table outside of the list
B) By inserting list row cells in the list header
C) By unlocking cells and inserting text items into the column header
D) By using a block, padding and text items added to the overall header

B5A58 – 2
An author wants to apply formatting to a list report. In Report Studio,
the author clicks a column, Clicks Select Ancestor, and then clicks
List Columns. In this situation, which of the following is true?
A) Formatting all columns will also format aggregate rows in the list.
B) Formatting all columns overrides formatting for an existing
formatted column in the list.
C) Formatting all columns affects all subsequent objects added to the
report page.
D) Formatting all columns ensures any new columns added to the list
will have the same formatting.

B5A58 – 2
In Report Studio, what can an author do to
organize list data into logical sections?
A) Insert a table.
B) Add a header or footer.
C) Pivot the list to a crosstab.
D) Modify the Spacing & Breaking property.

B5A58 – 2
When creating an expression, where should you
look to find all of the query items available from
the package?
A) Source tab
B) Parameters tab
C) Data Items tab
D) Functions tab

B5A58 – 2
Which statement about the tabular data retrieved by
Report Studio queries is true?
A) Tabular data includes a column for each data item in
the query. No grouping is applied to the tabular data.
B) Tabular data includes a column for each data item in
the query. Grouping applied in the report layout is also
applied to the tabular data.
C) Tabular data can only include columns for data items
that appear in the layout. No grouping is applied to the
tabular data.
D) Tabular data includes a column for each data item that
appears in both the query and the layout. Grouping
applied in the report layout is also applied to the
tabular data.

B5A58 – 2
3. Focus Reports Using Filters

Back to TOC
Which of the following statements about filters
are TRUE? (Choose two)
A) Filters can be applied before or after
B) Filters are defined in the Condition
C) Filters can include parameters that come
from report prompts.
D) Filters cannot be applied to data from Data
E) Filters cannot reference data items in the
B6058 – 3
You are creating a report to display revenue
amounts. You want to prompt the user for
the year they wish to view. Which option
should you add?
A) Filter
B) List
C) SQL statement
D) Aggregation

B5A58 – 3
Which type of filter expression would you use in
order to create a filter condition that uses
calculations based on items in the query or from
the data source?
A) Combined
B) Custom based on data item
C) Simple
D) Advanced

B5A58 – 3
You want to create a filter expression to focus a report and
minimize processing time by excluding unwanted data. Identify
the three ways that you can create the filter expression. (Select
(Please select ALL that apply)
A) Create a filter condition that uses advanced calculations
based on the items in the query or from the data structure.
B) Use the filter editor to create calculations that reference the
set being filtered.
C) Combine filter conditions based on selected values from
multiple data items in the query into a single filter.
D) Create a simple filter condition based on selected values
from only one data item in the query.
E) Edit the default All Warnings Errors filter for a set expression
in order to expand the focus of the query.
B5A58 – 3
Which of the following statement is true about
detail filter?
A) Detail filter is applied to summary data item in
a report.
B) Applied only to detail items from the data
C) A & B both
D) None of A and B

B5A58 – 3
Look at the displayed graphic. What will the Revenue
results be when the report is run after auto aggregation?

A) Revenue under $100 Million will be totaled.

B) Revenue under $100 million will not be displayed.
C) Revenue over $100 million will be averaged.
D) Revenue over $100 million will not be displayed.
B5A58 – 3
An author wants to
create a filter on
this report to only
show Product line
totals larger than 1
What calculation is
used to create this
B5A58 – 3
C. o
A Dnetta.il filter as:
[Total (Revenue)] for [Product line] >1000000000
Application = After auto aggregation
B. Detail filter as:
[Total (Revenue)]>1000000000
Scope = Product line
C. Summary filter as:
Scope = Product line
D. Summary filter as:
[Total(Revenue)] for [Product line]>1000000000)
Application = After auto aggregation
B5A58 – 3
You have been asked to create a report that
shows products that have generated revenues
over $1 million by creating a list and applying a
summary filter. Which expression will display the
A) <#Revenue#><1000000>
B) Total(Revenue)>1000000
C) Total>1000000
D) Total(1000000)<(Revenue)

B5A58 – 3
Which type of filter should you use to
filter grouped data on summary
A) Summary Filter
B) After Auto Aggregation
C) Detail Filter
D) Before Auto Aggregation
B5A58 – 3
What should you be aware of when combining detail and
summary filters?

A) You can filter detail data items that you select from a
B) Detail filters will affect the summarized numbers you
are filtering on.
C) Summary filters are applied on summary values in the
D) Detail filters apply to individual records of a report.

B5A58 – 3
You want to filter individual transactional values.
When do you apply the filter?

A) Apply a summary filter before auto

B) Apply a detail filter before auto aggregation.
C) Apply a detail filter after auto aggregation.
D) Apply a summary filter after auto aggregation.

B5A58 – 3
This report was
created in Report
Studio using a
relational package
and shows revenue
by sales rep, city,
and country.

B5A58 – 3
WChoant tw.ill the report show if the author creates a detail
filter for Revenue > 500,000
and applies the filter AFTER auto aggregation?
A. Only reps who generated total revenue greater than
B. Only cities that generated total revenue greater than
C. Only countries that generated total revenue greater
than 500,000
D. Only reps who had individual sales transactions of
greater than 500,000

B5A58 – 3
In Report Studio, an author is using a relationally
modeled package and wants to filter a report to only
include three specific products. If the author is not
sure how to spell the product names, what is the
fastest way to add the product names to the filter
A. Use a value prompt to have users select the
product names.
B. Use the Select Multiple Values feature to search for
the product names.
C. Add the product names from the Source tab in the
Available components pane.
D. Add the product names from the Data Items tab in
the Available components pane
B5A58 – 3
4. Create Crosstab Reports

Back to TOC
Which of the following statements about
crosstabs are TRUE? (Choose two)
A) A crosstab displays the relationship
between two or more query items.
B) Crosstab rows and columns can be
nested to display more detail.
C) Data in a crosstab should not be sorted.
D) Crosstabs cannot display data from a
multidimensional data source.
E) Columns in a crosstab must be related to
each other.
B6058 – 4
The sales department require a report that
numerically compares the gross profit generated
for all products lines in each territory. In Report
Studio, which is the most appropriate report
A) List
B) Chart
C) Crosstab
D) Repeater

B5A58 – 4
Which of the following is true of an OLAP data
A) Comprised of normalized dimension and fact
B) Organizes dimension tables into hierarchies
and levels.
C) Allows "real time" analysis against disparate
data sources.
D) Cardinality must be defined.

B5A58 – A
In Report Studio, what is true about a crosstab
A) It contains at least one nested crosstab node.
B) It contains at least one crosstab node member.
C) It contains more than one nested crosstab
D) It must contain more than one crosstab node

B5A58 – 4
In Report Studio, based on the crosstab below: which of
the following is true?

A. Sales territory is a parent to Quantity and Revenue.

B. Quantity and Revenue are a child to Gross Profit.
C. Order method is a peer of Retailer type. Gross Profit is
a child to all row and column headers.
D. Sales territory is a peer of Order method
B5A58 – 4
5. Present Data Graphically

Back to TOC
What charts would be appropriate to use
in order to rank values in ascending or
descending order? (Choose two)
A) Bar Chart
B) Point Chart
C) Gauge Chart
D) Column Chart
E) Line Charts
B6058 – 5
Which of the following charts should
be chosen to show trends and
changes over time? (Choose two)
A) Column Chart
B) Pie Chart
C) Bar Chart
D) Gauge Chart
B6058 – 5
In Report Studio, which chart lets
the report author plot a third
A) Area
B) Bubble
C) Scatter
D) Progressive column
B5A58 – 5
In Cognos Analytics Reporting what is a
A) A value drawn on a Chart to indicate major
divisions in the data
B) The bottom line border of a Table
C) A value in a List that other values are
compared to
D) A border in a Crosstab that separates
measures from aggregate totals

B6058 – 5
In Report Studio, an author creates a list report with four data items,
then adds a crosstab to the report. Which of the following is true?
A) Report Studio links the crosstab to the same query as the list
B) Report Studio populates the crosstab with data items of the list.
C) Report Studio creates a new query for the crosstab report.
D) The author must select the "Delete unreferenced query objects"
option if the author wants Report Studio to link the crosstab to
the same query as the list report.
E) Report Studio automatically filters on data items that the list is
filtered on.

B5A58 – 5
You want to change a Bar chart in your
report into a Column chart. What is the most
efficient way to do this?

A) Change the chart's Chart Type property

from Bar to Column
B) Select the chart, and then click the
Change chart type icon
C) Delete the chart and add a new chart
D) Swap the data items in the X and Y Axes
of the Bar chart
B5A58 – 5
6. Focus Reports Using
Back to TOC
How can you add a prompt to a report?
(Select three)

A) Use the filter() function in a query

B) Create a parameter for an item on the
C) Add a prompt item to a report.
D) Add a Variable Text Item to the report page.
E) Add a prompt page to the report containing
one or more prompt items.
F) Use the Prompt icon on the toolbar.
B6058 – 6
Which of the following is the
correct filter expression syntax to
use a parameter called "Year"?
A) [Year]=pYear
B) [Year]=parameter('Year')
C) [Year]=?Year?
D) [Year]=filterParameter('Year')
B6058 – 6
Which of the following statements about prompts are TRUE?
(Choose two)
A) Prompts store the results of user selections in the XML
report specification.
B) Prompts can be configured to automatically submit the
prompt selection as soon as the user selects a value.
C) Prompts can be configured to only submit the user's
prompt selection after the user has clicked OK.
D) You must define a Master-detail relationship in order to use
a prompt in a report.
E) A separate report page is needed for each selection the
user can make in a prompt.

B6058 – 6
How do you access a prompt page when
editing a report in IBM Cognos Analytics?
A) From the Page Views menu, select Prompt
B) From the Navigate sidebar, use the Page
C) Right-click the report background, and
choose "Go to Prompt".
D) Scroll to the top of the report area.
B6058 – 6
What do prompts function as?

A) Values
B) Text boxes
C) Placeholders
D) Dynamic filters

B5A58 – 6
Identify the three ways to prompt for report
specifications, so that the user will provide the value for
the parameter that will filter the report results. (Select
(Please select ALL that apply)
A) Create a parameter for an item on the report.
B) Add a prompt name, based on the prompt's metric
type and home scorecard.
C) Change the default prompts settings during the
initial installation and configuration.
D) Add a prompt item to a report.
E) Add a prompt page to the report containing one or
more prompt items.
B5A58 – 6
What type of prompt is created when the
Build a Prompt Page option is used with a
numeric value?
A) Dynamic
B) Text Box
C) Value
D) Select and Search

B5A58 – 6
Which type of prompt is valuable for
reporting time elapsed between two points?

A) Interval Prompt
B) Select and Search Prompt
C) Text Box Prompt
D) Value Prompt

B5A58 – 6
Which type of prompt has a hierarchical
relationship, where a prompt selection is
determined by the choice of the user in the
previous prompt?
A) select and search
B) generated
C) value
D) cascading
B5A58 – 6
Which of the following is NOT a prompt type in
Report Studio?

A) Date and Time Prompt

B) Time Prompt
C) Evaluate Prompt
D) Date Prompt

B5A58 – 6
Refer to the graphic.
Which prompt can
show the users a list
of choices when first
A) Select & Search
B) Generated
C) Value
D) Text Box
B5A58 – 6
Which type of prompt should you avoid
using if the exact name or spelling of an
item is unknown?
A) Select & Search Prompt
B) Interval Prompt
C) Value Prompt
D) Text Box Prompt

B5A58 – 6
In Report Studio when should authors use generated
A) They only want the user to be able to choose one
B) They want to use the same prompt on a prompt page
and report page
C) They are unsure of the most appropriate prompts type
to choose
D) They want the options to be based on selections made
in another prompts.

B5A58 – 6
In Report Studio, if an author adds a prompt to a report
page containing a list, how can the author prevent an
automatically generated prompt from appearing when the
report runs?
A) Add a Static Choice
B) Specify a Default Selection
C) Set the Auto-Submit property to Yes
D) Change the Required property to No

B5A58 – 6
In Report Studio, why would an author create Static
Choices for a prompt?
A) To provide prompt options that are not found in the
data source.
B) So that the prompt appears with an option selected by
C) To provide default values to satisfy a parameter so a
prompt page will not appear.
D) So that the items that appear in the prompt depend on
items selected in another prompt

B5A58 – 6
7. Extend Reports Using
Back to TOC
Which of the following statements about calculations in
reports are TRUE? (Choose two)
A) Data items cannot be directly referenced in a
B) Calculations can be added to a package by a data
C) To remove lowercase letters from the front and back of
a string value, use the upper() function.
D) Calculations can be built by selecting a report item
and clicking Insert Calculation.
E) Functions for calculations can be found in the Data
Items tab.
B6058 – 7
How do you add a calculated column to a list
object in a report?
A) Drag one column onto another, and define the
calculated expression.
B) Drag a Query calculation from the Toolbox into
the list object.
C) Set the Calculated Columns property in the list
D) Use the Query Explorer to link a calculation
expression to the list.
B6058 – 7
If you wanted to automatically include
a user's selection from a prompt page
as part of the title of your report, you
would use which of the following?
A) Query Calculation
B) Prompt Calculation
C) Layout Calculation
D) Prompt Variable
B6058 – 7
In Report Studio, an author wants to add a
calculation created in the package to the report.
On which of the following tabs is this item
A) Source tab
B) Functions tab
C) Data Items tab
D) Parameters tab

B5A58 – 2
You wish to create a calculated data item to be
used in a report. What is the name of the Toolbox
Item that you will need in order to create the
A) Expression Definition
B) Query Calculation
C) Chart
D) Singleton

B5A58 – 7
In Report Studio, for which task would an author
create a query calculation?
A) Add report run-time information to a report.
B) Apply conditional formatting to data in a
C) Let users choose which filter to apply to a
D) Derive additional information from the data

B5A58 – 7
You are creating a query. You want to examine
information about how much revenue a product line will
generate if revenue is increased by 7%. You add a Data
Item to the query to calculate the increased revenue.
Where would you add [Revenue]*1.07 to get the
A) In the Filter dialog box
B) In the Data Item properties
C) In the Data Item Expression dialog box
D) In the Insertable Objects pane

B5A58 – 7
Which date/time function returns an integer
representing the value of datepart (minute)
in your datetime expression?

A) substring()
B) extract()
C) trim()
D) cast()

B5A58 – 7
What is the result of the displayed expression?
trim(trailing ' ',[Product line])

A) Removes spaces from the end of database content

B) Removes spaces from the end of each product line
C) Removes spaces from the beginning of each product
D) Removes spaces from the beginning of database
content text

B5A58 – 7
In this report, the last
column calculates the
percentage that each
Product type contributed
to the overall revenue.
What is the calculation in
the last column?
A) percentage ([Revenue])
B) percentage ([Revenue] for [Product type])
C) percentage ([Product type] for [Revenue])
D) percentage ([Product type])

B5A58 – 7
Which type of calculation is highlighted in
red on the displayed image?

A) Model
B) Layout
C) Query
D) String

B5A58 – 7
Who can set the quality of service (QoS)
indicator on functions, in order to give a
visual clue about the behavior of the
A) Data administrator
B) Report authors
C) BI Administrator
D) Data modeler

B5A58 – 7
Which expression will return all product lines in upper
A) upper()([Sales (query)].[Products].[Product line]
B) ([Sales (query)].upper([Products].[Product line])
C) upper([Sales (query)].[Products].[Product line])
D) ([Sales (query)].[Products].upper([Product line])

B5A58 – 7
Which function converts "expression“
to a specified data type?

A) floor()
B) mod()
C) cast()
D) between()

B5A58 – 7
Which function returns the largest
integer that is less than or equal to
A) mod()
B) trim()
C) floor()
D) between()

B5A58 – 7
8. Use Additional Report
Building Techniques
Back to TOC
What report object should you use
to add your corporate logo to a
A) Block
B) Picture
C) Hyperlink
D) Image
B6058 – 8
Which report option should you use
when the same information needs to
appear on each page of a report?
A) Block
B) Data Frame List
C) Page Footer
D) Horizontal Band

B5A58 – 8
Identify three best practices for enhancing your
report design. (Select three.)
(Please select ALL that apply)
A) Avoid using fixed-size objects.
B) Set properties on the highest item level.
C) Use only fixed-size objects.
D) Use padding, margins, and blocks to create
white space.
E) Set properties at the lowest level.

B5A58 – 8
In Report Studio, to add white space
around text within a block, which of the
following properties must be set on the
A) Size Overflow
B) Positioning
C) Margin
D) Padding

B5A58 – 8
When creating a report, what should
you use to create white space?

A) Vertical bands
B) Margins
C) Tables
D) Lists

B5A58 – 8
What should you do to set a Layout Component
Reference object to update manually?

A) Change the object to a child object.

B) Change the Embed property from Copy to
C) Change the object to a shared object.
D) Change the Embed property from Reference to

B5A58 – 8
In Report Studio, When Creating a list
report, What is the difference between
creating a section and creating a header?
A) Headers appear outside the list
B) Sections appear outside the list
C) Headers appear once at the top of the list
D) Sections appear once at the top of the

B5A58 – 8
In Report Studio, a block object contains a text item
in the page header. If the author reuses the block in
the page footer, which of the following is true?
A) The author can replace the child object with an
object of a different type.
B) The author must replace the child object with an
object of the same type.
C) The author can replace the parent object with an
object of the same type.
D) The author must replace the child object with an
object of a different type.
B5A58 – 8
Which setting for the data frame property
called "No Data Contents" will produce this
A) No
B) Null
C) Yes
D) Empty

B5A58 – 8
You have created a report and you want to
reuse the formatting with other packages.
What should you do?
A) Remove all query-related data from the
B) Convert the report to a child object.
C) Convert the report to a template.
D) Remove the shared page header.

B5A58 – 8
9. Customize Reports with
Conditional Formatting
Back to TOC
Look at the displayed graphic.
What type of formatting has been applied to
the Returns value?

A) Enhanced
B) Conditional
C) Dynamic Drill Through
D) Condensed list B6058 – 9
Where do you define variables to
conditionally format content in a

A) In the Condition Explorer

B) On the Properties pane
C) On the Active Report Variables tab
D) On the Data Items tab
B6058 – 9
Which one of the following statements about
conditional formatting is TRUE?
A) Conditional rendering controls the size and
resolution of the report based on the device
used to view the report.
B) A measure in a crosstab can be formatted
based on the value of another measure in the
crosstab using Conditional Styles.
C) All conditional formatting variables are
D) List columns cannot be conditionally
B6058 – 9
What is the first step in creating a
conditional format?
A) Create a target.
B) Assign the variable to an object.
C) Apply formatting to the object.
D) Create a variable.

B5A58 – 9
Which color will the Explorer bar be when
you select a value in the Conditional
A) Yellow
B) Blue
C) Green
D) Red

B5A58 – 9
An author wants to create a report that displays
certain list columns depending on the user's
prompt selection. What property of the list
column must the author define to create this
A) Text Source Variable
B) Render Variable
C) String Variable
D) Style Variable

B5A58 – 9
You are creating a report with a conditional
rendered column. This report can be run with or
without the column, based on the format of the
report. Which type of variable would you use to
show, or not show, the column?
A) Boolean
B) String
C) Text
D) Style

B5A58 – 9
What must be defined when you create
a Boolean or String variable?
A) Language
B) Style
C) Render
D) Condition

B5A58 – 9
In Report Studio, which variable
requires the author to create values?
A) Style Variable
B) String Variable
C) Boolean Variable
D) Language Variable

B5A58 – 9
In Report Studio, an author wants the report title
to appear in the language in which the report is
run. What property of the report header must the
author define to create this variable?
A) Style Variable
B) String Variable
C) Render Variable
D) Text Source Variable

B5A58 – 9
In Report Studio, what must an author
create to let users view a report as either a
list, a crosstab, or a chart?
A) A Render Variable
B) A String Variable
C) A Boolean Variable
D) A Query Calculation
E) A Layout Calculation

B5A58 – 9
You have been asked to modify a report to show
different colors in separate columns as shown in
this graphic. Which format option should be used
to show different colors in separate columns?
A) Conditional
B) Crosstab
C) Table
D) Substring

B5A58 – 9
10. Drill-Through Definitions

Back to TOC
In what scenarios can you drill up and down in a
report? (Select two)
A) When the report uses a multidimensional
data source.
B) When the report only contains a list object.
C) When drill-up and drill-down have been
disabled in the report properties.
D) When the report only contains a crosstab.
E) When the report uses a relational data source
that is not a Dimensionally-Modeled
Relational (DMR) data source.

B6058 – 10
Which of the following statements about drilling in
reports are TRUE?
A) Drill-through lets users navigate between reports
to view related data.
B) Drill-up lets users navigate to a parent report.
C) Report consumers can drill up and down in any
report, as long as it uses a dimensional data
D) A package drill-through definition can have only
one target.
E) A package can only have one drill-through
definition defined.
F) Report authors can use the Drill-Through Assistant
to troubleshoot drill-through definitions.
B6058 – 10
Which of the following actions can
NOT be performed while running a
report in limited interactivity mode?
A) Drill up and down
B) Run JavaScript content
C) Modify report objects using the On-
demand toolbar
D) Scroll through the report
B6058 – 10
What is Dynamic Drill-through?
A) A method that allows administrators to create
reliable drill-through definitions between any
reports, provided they have common items
with conformed values.
B) A drill-through definition that allows the
report consumer to choose the target report.
C) A method to drill up and down in Active
Reports, provided drill behaviour has been
D) Parameterized drill-through between two
reports based on Dynamic Cubes.
B6058 – 4
Reports from which type of data sources can
be used to set up drill-through access?
(Select two.)
(Please select ALL that apply)
A) value
B) dimensional
C) conditional
D) crosstab
E) relational
B5A58 - 10
What must first be created before you
can setup drill-through access?
A) Condensed list
B) target report
C) Dynamic Drill-Through
D) Enhanced list
B5A58 - 10
You are creating a report which shows the sales revenue for
each region of your company. You want a link so that users
can click on a region's revenue total and be navigated to a
second report that displays the breakdown in sales for the
selected region. How is this done within Cognos Viewer?
A) The first report passes a data item as a parameter to the
second report.
B) The first report navigates to the second report using an
HTML object.
C) Tooltips link the target report to the source report
through an HTML object.
D) Data items are passed to the bookmarks in the source
B5A58 - 10
Which options is available for passing
values between reports when setting up
drill-through access? (select two)
A) Pass Parameter List
B) Pass data item value
C) Pass Value List
D) Pass column header
E) Pass parameter value
B5A58 - 10
Which step is required in order to
create a drill through access
navigation in a report?
A) Create a Drill-Through Burst Key.
B) Create a Drill-Through HTML object.
C) Create a Drill-Through Expression.
D) Create a Drill-Through Definition.
B5A58 - 10
When setting up drill-through access,
what must be mapped so that the source
reports will pass to target parameters?
A) Variables
B) Parameters
C) Values
D) Conditions
B5A58 - 10
In Report Studio, an author creates a report using
Package A. Users should be able to drill through to
target reports created for this package. What must
the author do?
A) Enable package drill-through behavior for the
B) Add this report as a source report for each target
created for the package.
C) Add all drill-through definitions created for the
package as targets for the source report.
D) Add all drill-through definitions created for the
package to the scope of the report.
B5A58 - 11
An author creates a report in Report Studio. The report contains a
parameter for the Product line query item. The author wants to let
users drill through to this report from a variety of reports created
using the GO Data Warehouse (query) package. To ensure that this
target report contains data for the appropriate products, the author
wants to limit the report cells that users can drill through from in
source reports. What must the author do when creating the drill-
through definition?
A) Set the Product line query item as the target of the drill-through
B) Set the Product line query item as the scope of the drill-through
C) Add a parameter for the Product line query to the drill-through
D) Delete all data items except for the Product line query item from
the drill-through definition.
B5A58 - 11
What is the purpose of setting the scope
of drill-through access on a report?
A) to limit the data source type
B) to limit the number of possible target
C) to set the number of parameter values
D) to allow the passing of both data item
values and parameters
B5A58 - 11
Which IBM Cognos tool lets you see
values that are passed from the source
report to the target report?
A) Drill Through Assistant
B) Page Structure
C) Conditional Render
D) Data Frame List
B5A58 - 11
Which IBM Cognos tool eliminates the
need for pre-authored drill-through
prompts and parameters?
A) Dynamic Drill Through
B) Target Report
C) Measure-based scope
D) Drill Through Assistant
B5A58 - 11
Dynamic Drill Through matches source
model item names to which two target
names? (Select two)
A) Target parameters
B) Target details page
C) Target report data
D) Target scope
E) Target model B5A58 - 11
12. Enhance Report Layout

Back to TOC
In Report Studio, why would an author
use the Page Structure view?
A) To move objects in a report
B) To change the underlying query
C) To add a new page to the report.
D) To drive page layout using a query.

B5A58 – 12
In Report Studio, a query contains the data item
Product Line, which is grouped. Which of the
following will add a page break for each Product
A) Create a section on Product Line.
B) Add a new page for each Product Line.
C) Set the rows per page property to Product
D) Create a page set that is associated with the
B5A58 – 12
What would you use to span wide reports
across multiple PDF pages?

A) Condense List
B) Crosstab
C) Cascading Style Sheet
D) Horizontal Pagination

B5A58 – 12
You are creating a report with Cognos
Report Studio and need to repeat columns
across multiple pages. What should you
click under the Properties pane, under
General, in order to repeat the columns?
A) ellipsis
B) Pagination
C) Crosstab
D) Conditional Render
B5A58 – 12
In Report Studio, why would an author unlock a report?
(select two)
A) To open a report saved locally in XML.
B) To insert an object inside a list column.
C) To apply conditional formatting.
D) To view data that has been restricted in Framework
E) To merge query items into a single column
F) To merge a query item into a text item
G) To merge report objects in a table
H) To merge two report types into a single report

B5A58 – 12
You need to combine information into one
column by condensing report data. Which
part of the report do you need to unlock?
A) Cells
B) Columns
C) Rows
D) Layout

B5A58 – 12
Refer to the exhibit. Which type of report is displayed?

A) Crosstab
B) Condensed List
C) Expanded List
D) Chart

B5A58 – 12
In Report Studio, where can an author modify a
global class to apply a change to all objects that
use that class?
A) Conditional Explorer
B) Query Explorer
C) Page Explorer
D) Page Structure View

B5A58 – 12
In Report Studio, an author creates a weekly sales
report and modifies the global class settings in
the report.
Which reports will this modification affect?
A) All reports.
B) Reports created using the same package.
C) Reports created within the log on session.
D) Only the current report.

B5A58 – 12
Distribute Reports Through
Back to TOC
What steps are required in order to perform report
bursting in IBM Cognos BI? (Select two)
(Please select ALL that apply)

A) Run the report interactively in Report Studio.

B) Add Burst Recipients in Cognos Connection.
C) Add Burst Recipients in Report Studio.
D) Assign a data item for the intended recipients.
E) Create a burst key in Cognos Connection.
B5A59 - 7
The "Burst the report" checkbox is not available in the
Advanced Options dialog box.
What could be the reason for this?

A) The "Make available for bursting" option has not been

B) You have not created a burst key yet in Report Studio.
C) The authentication source is denying the required
session parameters.
D) You are bursting the report to a directory rather than
email addresses.
B5A59 - 7
Which two statements are true concerning burst reports in IBM
Cognos Report Studio? (select two)
A) Viewing the output of a burst report is specific to the user’s
security profile.
B) You can enter recipients email addresses manually in
Report Studio
C) You can burst an authored report to email addresses or a
D) Burst reports must be distributed in either XML or CSV
E) Burst table cannot be built independently of Report Studio
B5A59 - 7
Which task is specific for configuring the bursting of a
report to email recipients?
A) The database administrator must create a burst table.
B) Assign the "Burst Recipient Type" to Email addresses
in the Burst Options.
C) Enable burst reports in IBM Cognos Connection before
running the report.
D) Assign the "Burst Recipient Type" to Directory Entries
in the Burst Options.

B5A59 - 7
Which statements are true concerning bursting reports to
email recipients? (Select two.)
A) You must specify your "Burst Recipient Type" to be
directory entries.
B) You cannot send burst reports as attachments to
C) You must select the "Send report by email" option.
D) Recipients do not have to log on to IBM Cognos to
access reports.
E) You can send the burst reports as a link to the
B5A59 - 7
You wish to burst a report to the public folders in IBM
Cognos Connection. What must you do in order to burst
the report to the public folders?
A) Create a burst key and select the designated
expressions manually.
B) Select email addresses as the Burst Recipient type.
C) Create a burst key and select Directory Entries as the
Burst Recipient type.
D) Reference the appropriate burst table column.

B5A59 - 7
You are preparing to burst a report to assigned email
recipients. You want to ensure that non-IBM Cognos users
do not receive these reports. What step can you take to
burst a report that does not go to non-IBM Cognos users
and does go to all other assigned email recipients?
A) Obtain burst recipient values for LDAP namespaces.
B) Assign the "Burst Recipient Type" to Directory Entries
in the Burst Options.
C) Send the burst report as a link.
D) Deselect the "Send the report by email" option in Burst
B5A59 - 7
Which statement is true about using a burst key
to burst reports?

A) A burst key can be added to a crosstab report.

B) A burst key can be added to a list report.
C) A burst key can be added to a chart report.
D) A burst key can be added to a map report.

B5A59 - 7
In Report Studio, an author creates a list report containing columns:
Staff Name, Order number, and Revenue. The author wants to burst
this report to various sales staff members. Each member should see
only data relating to sales they have made. What must the author do
to specify that the burst report output will contain only data for the
appropriate sales staff member?
A) In the report layout, create a master-detail relationship on the
Staff Name data item.
B) In the report layout, add the Staff Name data item as a property of
the List object.
C) In the burst options for the report, use the Staff Name data item to
specify the Burst Recipients.
D) In the burst options for the report, use the Staff Name data item to
specify the Burst Groups.
An author creates a report for bursting. In Report
Studio, the author sets the burst type for the report to
Directory entries. In Cognos Connection, the author
sets the run options to burst the report and send the
report by email. If the email addresses for the burst
recipients are accessible by IBM Cognos BI, what is
the expected result?
A) The report is burst to email addresses only.
B) The report is burst to both email addresses and
directory entries.
C) The report is burst to directory entries only.
D) A warning message appears indicating a conflict in the
run options.
B5A59 - 7
Enhance User Interaction
with HTML
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You wish to create a tooltip to deliver greater
detail to users, detail that isn't included in the
report layout. Which object can be used to
integrate JavaScript?
A) Plain text
B) HTML object
C) Formatted Text
D) JavaScript object

B5A59 - 8
You want to add a tooltip for the term “Profit
Margin”, which appears in your report layout.
What type of object from the toolbox you would
use to embed a tooltip in Report Studio?
B) Filtering
C) Query

B5A59 - 8
Examine the image below, which shows the results of running a
report that allows users to click on an employee's name and open up
an email addressed to the selected employee. What is the name of the
Toolbox object required in order to accomplish this?

A) MailTo Item object

B) HTML Item object
C) Mail Item object
D) Text Item object

B5A59 - 8
A report needs to have additional elements that
are not available in Report Studio. What is one
method for accomplishing this?
A) Make the user a burst recipient
B) Save the reports in XML code
C) Add an HTML item
D) Apply conditional formatting

B5A59 - 8
In order to dynamically include the
recipient's email address in an HTML email
link, what would the appropriate source
type be?
A) Report Expression
B) Data Item Label
C) Text
D) Data Item Value
B5A59 - 8
IBM Cognos Analytics
Author Active Reports
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You need to create an interactive
report that can be accessed when not
connected to the network.
What type of report should you use?
A) Burst Report
B) Drill-through Report
C) Static Report
D) Active Report
B6098 – 1
3. Active Report charts,
visualizations, and decks

Which of the following statements is true
about traditional charts vs. RAVE
visualizations in Active Reports?
A) Traditional charts support animations
B) RAVE visualizations can be generated
on the client side
C) RAVE charts cannot be used in Active
D) Traditional charts cannot be used in
Active Reports
B6098 – 3
IBM Cognos Analytics –
Create Data Modules (v11.0)
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For which of the following are IBM Cognos Analytics
Data Modules designed?
(select two)
A) to give business users access to entire data
schemas so they can avoid asking administrators
for data
B) to let business users perform lightweight modeling
C) to let business users focus on the data they need
without lots of irrelevant columns and attributes
D) to give business users the ability to create difficult
calculations and complex joins
What are the three types of data
sources you can use for a new data
(select three)
A) Data servers
B) Data modules
C) Data models
D) Uploaded files
What type of connection must be
used to create a Data server?
C) DB2
D) Active-X
Which of the following statements are true about
Data servers? (select three)
A) You can create Data servers by way of the
Manage menu
B) Most business users will not create Data
C) Database authentication information is stored
with the connection so you don’t have to log
in each time you access data from a Data
D) You must have the Create Data Server
capability to create and manager data servers
What are the three steps to create
a Data module? (select three)
A) Start the Data module
B) Select the data sources for the
Data module
C) Create a Data server
D) Populate the module
Which of the following statements are true?
(Select three)
A) Data servers can be located by using the search
B) Data servers can be either Excel spreadsheets or
coma delimited files
C) If you select a Data server as your input source, you
will also need to select a schema
D) You can start your Data module either by clicking Try
It before it is saved, or by clicking Start after it is
E) You can use multiple input sources for your Data
module B6090
To use an uploaded file as an input
source for a dashboard, once the file
is uploaded, you must create a Data
module using the file as your input
A) True
B) False
Which of the following statements about Data modules used as input
sources is correct?

A) Using a Data module as a source for other Data module creates a

reference to the original Data module so that changes to the
original Data module are automatically reflected in the new Data
B) It is quite common to use one Data module as the input source for
another as a method of copying the original
C) A Data module used as an input source that is accompanied by
other input sources must be joined to the other input sources
D) To use a Data module as an input source for another Data module,
the original Data module must exist in one of My content, Your
content or Team content folders
Which of the following is NOT an IBM Cognos
Analytics mechanism contributing to faster, more
efficient modeling efforts?
A) Data modules let the modeler work on a
subset of the overall data
B) Smarter software, such as the Intent feature
C) Ability to cache queries so you can
interactively test your data instantaneously
D) Immediate access to all tools you need in the
modern user interface

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