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I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. stable B. maintain C. scholarship D. dominate
2. A. hold B. offer C. bloc D. solidarity
3. A. participates B. athletes C. dominates D. activities
4. A. avoided B. recommended C. permitted D. practiced
5. A. promote B. confusion C. focus D. association
II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
1. A. maintain B. charter C. finish D. practice
2. A. solidarity B. cooperation C. voluntarily D. economically
3. A. membership B. integrate C. principle D. consider
4. A. promote B. enjoy C. involve D. realize
5. A. remember B. understand C. imagine D. encourage
III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences.
1. Thailand has dominated in most of the recent ASEAN GAMES in the region, winning the
biggest numbers of gold medals.
A. has been the most successful B. has been the least successful
C. has been the most dedicated D. has been the least dynamic
2. In making policy city, officials depend on over fifty citizen advisory boards and commissions for
citizen input.
A. decide on B. rely on C. impact on D. insist on
3. Most Vietnamese students know what the red colour on their national flag stands for.
A. targets B. symbolizes C. belongs D. infers
4. Mainstream economists argue that the purpose of the policy is to promote economic efficiency.
A. begin B. stabilize C. boost D. activiate
5. Negotiation is among a few effective ways to resolve any dispute.
A. disrespect B. organization C. acceptance D. disagreement
IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each
of the following sentences.
1. The 27th SEA Games, featured 33 sports with 460 gold, 460 silver and 637 bronze medals,
ran from Dec 11 to Dec 22,2013 in Myanmar.
2. The official mascot of the 2013 Southeast Asian Games was a couple of owls which
are considering lucky charms in Myanmar tradition.
3. Gifts normally exchange at the beginning of meetings with Japanese and should be given
and received with both hands.
4. The Netherlands, with much of its land lying lower than sea level, have a system of dikes
and canals for controlling water.

5. In Southeast Asian, many forests have been cut down to produce timber and clearing land
for farms and industries.
V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
1. As an ASEAN member, Vietnam has actively participated in the group's programs and has also
created new _______ and cooperation mechanisms.
A. initiatives B. initiates C. initiations D. initiators
2. The population of ASEAN is more than 600 million people, _______ about 8% of the world's
A. counting on B. setting for C. accounting for D. making of
3. The ASEAN gross domestic product grew _______ 4.6% to reach US$ 2.57 trillion in 2015.
A. on B. by C. in D. with
4. The government hopes their program will help new immigrants _______ well in the community.
A. enter B. immerse C. exchange D. integrate
5. Many volunteer organizations have been _______ to give help and support to disadvantaged
children in the area.
A. laid out B. looked on C. setup D. got by
6. It came as no surprise that Thailand ended the latest SEA Games at the top of medals _______.
A. host B. standing C. participating D. earning
7. The children would love to join the exchange program where they can _______ themselves in
different traditional and cultural activities.
A. immerse B. dip C. imply D. obtain
8. It is important that young people be taught the importance of _______ the national heritage.
A. preserving B. reversing C. reserving D. conserving
9. Vietnam, along with China, stands out as a rare story among transition economies.
A. successful B. successive C. success D. succeeding
10. There is a _______ shortage of food in the disaster-stricken areas of ASEAN.
A. deep B. critical C. erratic D. strong
11. Young people are supposed to _______ themselves in several voluntary social activities.
A. promote B. involve C. serve D. participate
12. ASEAN always attempts to _______ adequate support to victims of natural disasters in the area.
A. conduct B. involve C. present D. administer
13. She is afraid of the dentist, so she always puts off _______ till the last possible moment.
A. to go B. going C. go D. gone
14. I don't regret _______ her what I thought, even if it upsets her.
A. tell B. to tell C. to have told D. telling
15. I simply couldn't resist _________ you to tell you the good news!
A. phoning B. to phone C. phone D. phoned
16. They were expected _______ back by eleven.
A. being B. been C. have been D. to be
17. We'll get Robert _______ it.
A. delivers B. delivering C. to deliver D. deliver
18. Let's not waste time _______ about this.
A. argue B. arguing C. having argued D. to have argued
19. I went to the airport _______ to meet her, but she didn't arrive.
A. expecting B. to expect C. to be expected D. to have expected

20. _______ that I would be late for school, I took a taxi instead of a bus.
A. Thinking B. Thought C. To think D. To be thinking
21. I tried _______ her flowers but it didn't have any effect.
A. to send B. sending C. sent D. to be sent
22. I insist on _______ this small present as a token of my appreciation.
A. your accepting B. you to accept C. yours accepting D. you accept
23. Susan hoped _______ to Terry's party.
A. for being invited B. to be invited
C. she will be invited D. being invited
24. The universe is supposed _______ all the time.
A. to expand B. expanding C. to be expanding D. to have expanded
25. You should avoid _______ to the downtown area during the rush hour.
A. traveling B. to travel C. traveled D. to traveling
26. I greatly regret _______ those boots when they were so cheap.
A. not having bought B. not to have bought
C. not to buy D. didn't buy
27. He is very skillful at _______ animal noises.
A. being made B. to make C. made D. making
28. Some people are against children _______ to school before they are six.
A. being sent B. to send C. to be sent D. having been sent
29. - A: "Would you please go over my presentation on ASEAN?"
- B:" _______ "
A. I'm glad to go. B. No problem. C. I'll be fine. D. Yes, I would be.
30. - A:" _______ "
- B: "I've just asked where you are from."
A. Pardon? B. Repeat. C. Excuse me! D. What's your name?
VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word
or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Vietnam is a (1) _______, developing country that in the last 34 years has had to recuperate
from the ravages of war. Substantial progress was (2) _______ from 1986 to 1997 in moving
forward from an extremely low level of development and significantly reducing poverty.
Since 2001, Vietnamese authorities have reaffirmed their (3) _______ to economic
liberalization and international (4) _______. They have moved to implement the structural reforms
needed to modernize the economy and to produce more competitive, (5) _______ industries.
Vietnam’s membership in the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) and entry (6) _______ force of
the US-Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement in December 2001 have (7) _______ to even more
rapid changes in Vietnam’s trade and economic regime. Vietnam’s exports to the US doubled in
2002 and again in 2003. Vietnam joined the WTO (World Trade Organization) in January 2007,
following over a decade long (8) _______. This should provide an important boost to the economy
and should help to ensure the continuation of liberalizing reforms.
Vietnam is working to create jobs to meet the challenge of a (9) _______ that is growing by
more than one million people every year. Vietnamese authorities have tightened monetary and fiscal
(10) _______ to stem high inflation.
1. A. dense-populated B. densely-populated C. dense-populating D. densely-populating
2. A. improved B. advanced C. maintained D. achieved
3. A. commitment B. promise C. determination D. assurance
4. A. incorporation B. integration C. combination D. inclusion
5. A. export-driving B. export-driven C. exporting driving D. export-to drive
6. A. in B. on C. into D. of

7. A. guided B. went C. led D. directed
8. A. negotiating process B. negotiable process
C. negotiation process D. negotiated process
9. A. labor force B. labor movement C. labor relation D. labor shortage
10. A. guidelines B. procedures C. rules D. policies
VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
The Spring festival season in Vietnam starts with the Lunar New Year and closes with the
celebration honoring the mythical founding fathers, the Hung Kings, on the tenth day of the third
lunar month.
Underlying the origins of these rituals is the farming cycle and its association with fertility rites
and ancestor worship. Ancestor worship is a belief of wet-rice farmers who keep their ancestors'
graves in their village. This strong attachment to the village of one's birth and the recognition that
the inhabitants all descend from the same ancestral line creates strong bonds. The village festival is
based on the spirit of unity and family. The farmers are the festivals' creators, actors and audience.
Ancient ceremonies related to farming sometimes take on additional meanings: the
commemoration of heroic deeds and the village heroes' birth or death. Each village in the North of
Vietnam has such a heroic or super-human figure as a tutelary or guardian spirit. The heroes were
honored in their own temples and communal houses which became the heart of the village
There are basic themes which are common to all Spring festivals in the Red River Delta. For
instance, water takes on an essential role. Water is collected and blessed and later used for ritual
washing. There are boat races, fishing contests, snake dances and water puppet performances. In
Chem village, in the suburbs of Hanoi on the banks of the Red River, the main part of the festival
actually occurs on a barge carrying over 200 people waving flags, singing, dancing and chasing a
unicorn. The barge sails from the temple out into the middle of the Red River, while elders in
smaller boats fetch three large jars of water to be blessed and used in rituals during the year. The
next day the blessed water is used for the symbolic washing of the wooden statue of the village
1. According to paragraph 1, how long does the the Spring festival last?
A. one month B. less than one month
C. more than three months D. just more than two months
2. With which of the following are the rituals of the festival NOT associated?
A. Ancestor worship B. Fertility rites
C. Festival creators D. Unity and family spirit
3. The word "descend" in the passage is closest in meaning to _______.
A. improve B. originate C. transform D. exchange
4. What is stated in paragraph 4 about boat races, fishing contests, snake dances and water puppet
A. They are very basic activities. B. They take on an essential role.
C. They are all done on the water. D. They take place in Chem village.
5. Which of the following is true about the blessed water in the festival of Chem village?
A. It is carried on the barge. B. It used for the ritual of the next day.
C. It is taken from the village guardian. D. It helps make wooden statues clean.
VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
Thailand's most celebrated festival is the Songkran Festival. It starts on April 13 and lasts
between three to ten days, depending on where you are in Thailand. The word Songkran is from
Sanskrit, meaning the beginning of a new solar year.

The festival begins on April 13 and everyone is awakened at dawn to the sound of firecrackers
used to drive away evil spirits. This is the day when everything is scrupulously cleaned from the
self, clothes, Buddha images, to houses, shops and streets in preparation for the New Year.
April 14 is the day between the old year and the new year. It is customary not to quarrel or use
harsh words on one another. The morning is spent shopping and preparing food for the following
day, while the afternoon is reserved for visiting a temple in the neighborhood. It is imperative that
they carry a fistful of sand with them to compensate for the dirt that they have carried away from
the temple during their visits throughout the year. The sand is then sculpted into stupa-shaped piles.
April 15 marks the New Year's Day called Wan Phya Wan. It is a day of great importance. It is
customary to visit the temple early in the morning to take food to the monks, as a form of merit
making and later in the afternoon to return to place small banners, known as Thung, on the top of
the stupas built the day before.
After that, visits to family and relatives are carried out. The gifts during the visit include areca
nuts, clove leaves, turmeric water and acacia oil. Family members ask for forgiveness from their
respected elders for any wrong doings they may have committed throughout the year and to receive
their blessings for the year to come. At the end of this ceremony, a little water is sprinkled onto the
hands and heads of the old people as a blessing and then quite a lot is thrown at the rest of the
family in anticipation of the water wars that are to follow.
Traditionally water should be thrown on April 16 but nowadays it is not unusual for water to be
thrown throughout the whole of the Songkran festival. Armed with high-powered water pistols,
bowls, buckets or anything that will hold water revelers gather on the streets to throw water at one
another. Even the policemen directing traffic are not spared. Each and every participant is expected
to receive the 'blessing' with good humor.
If you want to stay dry and still do not want to miss the fun, you can always view the scene
from inside an air-conditioned tourist bus - just remember not to open the windows.
To attract tourists, other activities are held in big cities. These include the sand-stupa building
contests, local cultural performances and Miss Songkran Beauty Queen Contests. Demonstrations
of Thai cooking and handicraft making are also held at well-known hotels in cities like Bangkok.
1. According to the passage, the Songkran Festival ______.
A. varies in length across the areas in Thailand
B. is celebrated when everyone is awakened
C. marks the beginning of a new lunar year
D. takes place mainly on April 13
2. The word "scrupulously" in the passage is closest in meaning to ______.
A. carefully B. honestly C. frankly D. completely
3. The word "harsh" in the passage is closest in meaning to ______.
A. angry B. extreme C. unkind D. unenjoyable
4. Why do people have to carry a fistful of sand with them when visiting the temple?
A. To drive away the evil spirit
B. To remind them to avoid quarreling
C. To make up for the dirt brought away
D. To help make the stupa-shaped piles there
5. The word "sculpted" in the passage mostly means ______.
A. cooked B. formed C. taken D. brought
6. According to the passage, when do people bring food to the monks at the temple?
A. On the first day of the festival B. On the second day of the festival
C. On the third day of the festival D. On the fourth day of the festival
7. What often happens at the visits to family and relatives?
A. The elders tell the other family members the wrong doings they made.
B. The elders have a lot of water thrown at them as a blessing.

C. The water wars take place before the blessing exchange.
D. The wrong doings of family members are confessed to the elders.
8. The word "they" in the passage refers to ______.
A. blessings B. respected elders
C. family members D. gifts
9. According to the passage, the water wars ______.
A. only take place on April 16
B. should exclude policemen
C. can be seen throughout the festival
D. require participants to have good humour
10. According to the passage, all of the following have been done to attract tourists to the festival
EXCEPT ______.
A. competitions of building sand-stupa
B. restricting throwing water at tourists on the bus
C. beauty contests bearing the name of the festival
D. holding demonstrations of Thai cuisines and handicraft.
IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of
the following sentences.
1. I regret missing the opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night.
A. I wish I could miss the opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night.
B. I wish I did not miss opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night.
C. I wish to miss opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night.
D. I wish I had not missed opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night.
2. Lucy is excited about meeting her new pen pal from Thailand.
A. Lucy can't wait to meet her new pen pal from Thailand.
B. Lucy is waiting to meet her new pen pal from Thailand.
C. Lucy is excited that her new pen pal from Thailand is waiting for her.
D. Lucy can't bear meeting her new pen pal from Thailand.
3. Our group managed to deliver a presentation on ASEAN yesterday.
A. Our group found a manager to deliver a presentation on ASEAN yesterday.
B. Our group succeeded in delivering a presentation on ASEAN yesterday.
C. A presentation on ASEAN was delivered to the manager of our group yesterday.
D. The delivery of our presentation on ASEAN was managed yesterday.
4. Perhaps Vietnam will defeat Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game.
A. Vietnam must defeat Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game.
B. Vietnam may probably defeat Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game.
C. Vietnam should have defeated Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game.
D. Vietnam can't have defeated Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game.
5. It is unnecessary to apply for a visa to enter Singapore.
A. There is no point in applying for a visa to enter Singapore.
B. It's hopeless to apply for a visa to enter Singapore.
C. You should not have to apply for a visa to enter Singapore.
D. You don't need to apply for a visa to enter Singapore.
X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences given.
1. Han was so busy surfing the Net for information about ASEAN members. He did not hear his
Mom call.

A. Being busy surfing the Net for information about ASEAN members, Han did not hear his
Mom call.
B. Han was so busy surfing the Net for information about ASEAN members, but he did not hear
his Mom call.
C. Having not heard his Mom call, Han was so busy surfing the Net for information about
ASEAN members.
D. Han was so busy surfing the Net for information about ASEAN members, or he did not hear
his Mom call.
2. Michelle likes travelling to Vietnam very much. She made a lot of friends while travelling there.
A. Michelle likes travelling to Vietnam very much because she wants to make a lot of friends
while travelling there.
B. Michelle really likes travelling to Vietnam where she made a lot of friends while travelling.
C. Michelle likes travelling to Vietnam very much, but she made a lot of friends while travelling
D. Michelle likes travelling to Vietnam very much in spite of making a lot of friends while
travelling there.
3. ASEAN is an international organization. It consists of 10 countries located in Southeast Asia.
A. ASEAN is an international organization, so it consists of 10 countries located in Southeast
B. An international organization which consists of 10 countries located in Southeast Asia is
called ASEAN.
C. ASEAN is an international organization, consisting of 10 countries located in Southeast Asia.
D. ASEAN is an international organization having consisted of 10 countries located in Southeast
4. The students look forward to participating in the activities. They are arranged by the ASEAN
volunteer program.
A. The students look forward to arranging the activities together with the ASEAN volunteer
B. The students look forward to participating in the activities arranged by the ASEAN volunteer
C. The students, arranged by the ASEAN volunteer program, look forward to participating in the
D. The students look forward to participating in ASEAN volunteer program that arrange the
5. More and more Vietnamese youngsters are studying English. They recognize the importance of
the language.
A. As more and more Vietnamese youngsters are studying English, they recognize the
importance of the language.
B. Seeing the importance of English, more and more Vietnamese youngsters are studying the
C. More and more Vietnamese youngsters are studying English, but they recognize the
importance of the language.
D. More and more Vietnamese youngsters are studying English, or they recognize the
importance of the language.

Yes. Ever since I was a child, I have always been

interested in reports and programs related to the history

of my country as well as the world. To this day, history
has always been my favorite subject and I continue to
learn about it every day

I think it is very important to study history, especially

the history of our country. Studying history will help us
gain more knowledge about people, countries and
national cultures in different eras. From there, we know
to appreciate the values that we have now

Yes of course. I finished reading a book called Dai Viet

Su Ky Toan Thu, which records the historical progress
of Vietnam in different eras. Each period is narrated in
detail so I can get the most accurate information about
my country's history.

I don't really like this genre. They are quite boring and I
prefer to learn about history through books or real
images rather than movies like that.

most of the time I study history in history classes, when

the teacher gave us a lot of useful information. In
addition, when I want to learn more about a certain
aspect, I often look up information on the internet in my
spare time or read books about history.

Children are very impressed with things that are highly
aesthetic and artistic, so we can create magazines, comic
books with unique illustrations to attract them more.
Historical cartoons are also very suitable for children to
absorb historical knowledge

noadays, I am búy with my school work so I don’t visit

history museums very often. But in the past, I used to
visit famous museums because I love see natuarl artifacts
and leraningbout people, cultures in the past

I think students can learn to respect the long history and

culture of our country. they also have more knowledge
about past events and periods such as battles, the process
of building the country's independence and many other
useful things.

There are many good traditions in my country but I think

the most popular one is celebrating Tet. Tet is the
beginning of a new year and a time for family reunion. It
has existed for a long time in my country and everyone
in the country celebrates it. I love this tradition very
much because it gives me a lot of good memories with
my loved ones. Especially the moment on New Year's
Eve, my whole family always stay up late and watch
fireworks together, worship ancestors and give each
other best wishes. Tet is also the time when all people
gather and make traditional Vietnamese dishes,
including Tet cakes such as banh chung and banh day.
Every New Year's Day, I also receive lucky money from
my family, relatives and best wishes to have more
motivation for a passionate new year. In short, Tet is a
precious and life-saving tradition of the nation that will
continue to exist in the coming centuries.

I think there are quite obvious differences in the

traditions of the past and the present. These can be
mentioned as the reduction and reduction of the process
of the modern tradition. People often try to take quick
steps to be able to do many other things and traditions
also gradually lose the unique features that they had in
the past.

I am quite sad that there are good traditions that are

being lost more and more. It is understandable that
although some traditions are no longer compatible with
modern values that society has, I think we should still
preserve and try to keep those precious traditions
because it reflects the beauty of the world. of our culture.

in my country, There’re several buildings that hold significant meaning in

our cultures. Among these, the one which I have the most impression
when I visited it is Duc Ba Cathedra.

It’s located in District 1 – right in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City. The church is
surrounded by other important structures such as Reunification Palace on
the right, HCM Post Office on the left and at the back Diamond Plaza - a
great place for shopping. Even though there’re plenty of churches
around here, this one is quite unique for it was built by French colonizers
before they left Vietnam.

The architecture of it is not only impressive but also unique. It was built out
of bricks and concretes. The church comprises of a rectangular building
with 2 towers at the sides of the entrance, along with the statue of Mother
Maria in front. Because the building is quite old, certain parts of it have
been reconstructed 

I guess I love this building not only because of its distinct look but also due
to the memories I have had there with my family. Looking
at Ho
Chi Minh City, along with that construction around other
modern buildings, I can still feel the ancient features of a
long-standing culture, giving me a very peaceful feeling.
If I have a chance, I will definitely visit this place again

I think first of all, everyone will be very impressed with

the unique architecture of the building, from lines,
shapes to colors. Next, they will be impressed with the
architects, engineers and millers who have created that
beautiful building for so long. Finally, I think they will
pay attention to historical events that happened in the
building such as conferences, battles.
I think most Vietnamese people love history. They read a
lot and take pride in the country's history. From the wars
against foreign invaders and the process of nation
building and defending the country up to the present
time, every citizen is aware of the importance of
sovereignty and knows how to appreciate the good
values we are living. yes now


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