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30/ 30
01Multiple Choice
1/ 1
Based on the text on page 13 “The Pecking Order”, what is the meaning of rebellious?

Likes to cause a trouble by not doing as they’re told.

Likes to cause a trouble by not doing as they’re told.

Shows admiration and consideration for someone.

Shows admiration and consideration for someone.

Doesn’t do things in the usual way.

Doesn’t do things in the usual way.

Often feel very unsure of themselves.

Often feel very unsure of themselves.

Only thinks about themselves.

Only thinks about themselves.

02Multiple Choice
1/ 1
Based on the text on page 19, “DEAR DIANA”, how many letters did May get from Sam?



More than 10
More than 10



03Multiple Choice
1/ 1
I loved going to my grandmother’s house because she ______ cook amazing dish every time I
visited her.

used to
used to


both used to and would

both used to and would

tend to
tend to


04Multiple Choice
1/ 1
My sister and I ____ with our parents before graduated.

tend to live
tend to live

used to live
used to live

will live
will live

both would live and used to live

both would live and used to live

would live
would live

05Multiple Choice
1/ 1
Based on the text on page 13 “The Pecking Order”, what is TRUE about the second child?

They can’t be better than the eldest child.

They can’t be better than the eldest child.

They don’t know the feeling about having siblings.

They don’t know the feeling about having siblings.

They are always rebellious.

They are always rebellious.

They give attention to their parents.

They give attention to their parents.

They are difficult to make friends.

They are difficult to make friends.

06Multiple Choice
1/ 1
Based on the text on page 19, “DEAR DIANA”, what is the writer’s plan to do?

She wants to send a letter to her relatives.

She wants to send a letter to her relatives.

She wants post on what she finds about Sam.

She wants post on what she finds about Sam.

She wants to find her missing Scottish relatives.

She wants to find her missing Scottish relatives.

She wants to make a mission about Sam.

She wants to make a mission about Sam.

She wants to go to Scotland.
She wants to go to Scotland.

07Multiple Choice
1/ 1
Based on the text on page 13 “The Pecking Order”, what is the similarity between the only child
and the eldest child?

They are rebellious.

They are rebellious.

They are both insecure.

They are both insecure.

They both have strong bond with parents.

They both have strong bond with parents.

They want to make their parents happy.

They want to make their parents happy.

They both want to leave home as soon as possible.

They both want to leave home as soon as possible.

08Multiple Choice
1/ 1
Which sentence is NOT CORRECT?

They didn’t use to like the teacher.

They didn’t use to like the teacher.

I would have very blond hair.

I would have very blond hair.

I would go shopping with her every day.

I would go shopping with her every day.

She used to live in London.

She used to live in London.

She would call me after class.
She would call me after class.

09Multiple Choice
1/ 1
Based on the text on page 16 “People Power to Help You with Your Problems”, what makes
Darren have a problem?

His brother likes to make a joke with him.

His brother likes to make a joke with him.

He and his brother are at the same school.

He and his brother are at the same school.

He and his parents are not in a good relation.

He and his parents are not in a good relation.

His parents can’t give advice to their children.

His parents can’t give advice to their children.

He is very protective towards his brother.

He is very protective towards his brother.

10Multiple Choice
1/ 1
When people get tired, they __________ (get) angry easily.

used to get
used to get

tend to get
tend to get

both used to get and would get

both used to get and would get

will get
will get

would get
would get

11Multiple Choice
1/ 1
Based on the text on page 19, “DEAR DIANA”, why Sam was not talked much in the family?

Sam passed away and nobody knew.

Sam passed away and nobody knew.

He lived in Scottish Highlands with relatives since he made a shame.

He lived in Scottish Highlands with relatives since he made a shame.

His family didn’t admit him as a part of family.

His family didn’t admit him as a part of family.

He disappeared since long time ago.

He disappeared since long time ago.

He became a policeman but his family didn’t like it.

He became a policeman but his family didn’t like it.

12Multiple Choice
1/ 1
Based on the text on page 19, “DEAR DIANA”, how Sam and May kept in touch?

He met May.
He met May.

He sent letters to May.

He sent letters to May.

He phoned May.
He phoned May.

May cut the news about Sam in newspaper.

May cut the news about Sam in newspaper.

He sent emails to May.

He sent emails to May.

13Multiple Choice
1/ 1
When the weather was bad, I ______ read comic books at home.


both used to and would

both used to and would


used to
used to

tend to
tend to

14Multiple Choice
1/ 1
My mother ________ (water) the plant when she sees her flowers withered.

tends to water
tends to water

both would water and used to water

both would water and used to water

would water
would water

used to water
used to water

will water
will water
15Multiple Choice
1/ 1
Based on the text on page 13 “The Pecking Order”, what characteristics belongs to the eldest






16Multiple Choice
1/ 1
He ______know my name, but now he forgets.

both used to and would

both used to and would



tend to
tend to

used to
used to

17Multiple Choice
1/ 1
She _____________(interrupt) our conversation. She wants to know about everything.

tend to interrupt
tend to interrupt

would interrupt
would interrupt

is always interrupt
is always interrupt

will interrupt
will interrupt

is always interrupting
is always interrupting

18Multiple Choice
1/ 1
Based on the text on page 13 “The Pecking Order”, what is CORRECT about the text?

The only child tend not to follow their parents’ behavior.

The only child tend not to follow their parents’ behavior.

The eldest child tend to feel always good.

The eldest child tend to feel always good.

The youngest will be spoilt by their siblings.

The youngest will be spoilt by their siblings.

The second child can be better than the eldest.

The second child can be better than the eldest.

The second child will get full attention from parents.

The second child will get full attention from parents.

19Multiple Choice
1/ 1
Based on the text on page 19, “DEAR DIANA”, what is the relation between the writer’s mother
and May?






20Multiple Choice
1/ 1
I _______ quite jealous of my younger brother when I was little.

used to be
used to be

use to be
use to be

would be
would be

will be
will be

tend to be
tend to be

21Multiple Choice
1/ 1
People _____ need visa and passport to go abroad.

used to
used to

tend to
tend to



both would and used to

both would and used to

22Multiple Choice
1/ 1
We ________(go) to the same café for lunch when we were at same school.

would go
would go

will go
will go

tend to go
tend to go

both would go and used to go

both would go and used to go

used to go
used to go

23Multiple Choice
1/ 1
When I was young, I _________ (eat) fish, but now I eat it all the time.

tend to eat
tend to eat

will eat
will eat

didn’t use to eat

didn’t use to eat

used to eat
used to eat

will not eat

will not eat

24Multiple Choice
1/ 1
I don’t like her, she ______ people behind their backs.

would talk
would talk

tend to talk
tend to talk

is always talking
is always talking

used to talk
used to talk

is not always talking

is not always talking

25Multiple Choice
1/ 1
Teenagers nowadays _____ prefer junk food rather than fruits and vegetables.


both would and used to

both would and used to


tend to
tend to

used to
used to

26Multiple Choice
1/ 1
Based on the text on page 16 “People Power to Help You with Your Problems”, what is Lauren’s

He feels anxious about her little sister because she has a lot of boyfriends.
He feels anxious about her little sister because she has a lot of boyfriends.

He and his little sister are not in a good relation.

He and his little sister are not in a good relation.

He doesn’t like his sister to be tomboy, it is annoying for his family.

He doesn’t like his sister to be tomboy, it is annoying for his family.

His little sister seems to ignore him and prefer her friends.
His little sister seems to ignore him and prefer her friends.

He has anxiety to his sister since she is a bit of tomboy.

He has anxiety to his sister since she is a bit of tomboy.

27Multiple Choice
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Based on the text on page 16 “People Power to Help You with Your Problems”, what is the main
idea of Jo Kenny in case of encouraging Lauren?

Lauren should not give pressure to his little sister.

Lauren should not give pressure to his little sister.

His sister is still a teenager, and she will grow more. Just let her enjoy the moment.
His sister is still a teenager, and she will grow more. Just let her enjoy the moment.

Lauren should suggest his sister to change to be girly.

Lauren should suggest his sister to change to be girly.

Lauren is a good brother because he has eye on his sister.

Lauren is a good brother because he has eye on his sister.

Lauren should encourage his sister to be whoever they want to be.

Lauren should encourage his sister to be whoever they want to be.

28Multiple Choice
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Based on the text on page 13 “The Pecking Order”, what is NOT CORRECT about the eldest

They want to make their parents happy.

They want to make their parents happy.

They feel insecure when they have a sister/brother.

They feel insecure when they have a sister/brother.

They will do anything to please their parents.

They will do anything to please their parents.

They are not rebellious and do what their parents want.

They are not rebellious and do what their parents want.

They feel confident when another siblings come.

They feel confident when another siblings come.

29Multiple Choice
1/ 1
People _________(perform) their best in their first job interview.

would perform
would perform

will performed
will performed

are always performing

are always performing

will perform
will perform

tend to perform
tend to perform

30Multiple Choice
1/ 1
Based on the text on page 16 “People Power to Help You with Your Problems”, some people
give suggestion for Darren, which is NOT the suggestion?

He should do the same thing to his brother.

He should do the same thing to his brother.

He should pay no attention.

He should pay no attention.

He should wait because his brother will get bored soon.

He should wait because his brother will get bored soon.

He should have a deep talk to his brother.

He should have a deep talk to his brother.

He should tell his brother to be mature.

He should tell his brother to be mature.

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