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Let’s Celebrate Diversity! GLOSSARY - noescesn -- INGLES. 1. beauty 2. colourful parades 3. costumes 4. dance competition 5. every year 6. festival 7. full of joy and good energy 8. it means 9. months 10. parades TI. paragraph 12. topic CASTELLANO belleza desfiles coloridos disfraces competencia de baile cada afio festividad lleno de alegria y buena energia significa meses desfiles parrafo tema ol arrenee | LEARNING EXPERIENCE 5 | English: Level At Let’s Celebrate Diversity! - doeaccan ~ ips, Gta am nape Mtoagnint tt | “Vetcome te Saye Ry 2 Activity 2: Let’s Promote Diversity! LEAD IN: Put the months of the year in the correct order. ON Tee ae se eR oda ol ae oe eee Dae ee eS Ce January 2 10. 2 5. 8. n. 3 6. 9. 12. aK Material elaborada en colaboractn can RELO Andes de la Embajada de Estados Unidos, DIRECCION DE EDUCACION SECUNDARIA EDUCACION SECUNDARIA Let’s Celebrate Divers English: Level Al ---+ a00accaa LET’S PRACTISE! LISTENING COMPREHENSION base PRACTISE-EXERCISE 1 meee Listen to Alberto’s presentation and check (/) true or false True False Example: Alberto’s favourite celebration is The Festival of San Juan. 1. The Festival of San Juan is celebrated only in tauitos. 2. The Festival of San Juan isin August 3. In this celebration, there are colourful parades and amazing costumes, 4.1 this celebration, most people go to restaurants to eat 5. In this celebration, some people participate in the parades and wear traditional costumes. PRACTISE-EXERCISE 2 Match the parts of a paragraph Topic sentence: Indicates what the paragraph is about Supporting sentences: Give more information about the topic. Concluding sentence: Reinforces the idea of the topic sentence. Example: Supporting Carnival is a fun festival. People celebrate on the streets. santences Topie ‘They eat traditional food. The kids play with water during sentence this celebration. Allinall,| love Carnivall Concluding sentence 1 3. My brother is very busy: He works ina sehoo! and he works in a university too. At night, he cooks dinner and he studies English. Allin all, he never stops! 2 PRACTISE-EXERCISE 3 What are the characteristics of a paragraph? Choose A or B. CORRECT ANSWER A paragraph has one| A paragraph has 3 to 5 sentence sentences normally. A paragraph has one | A paragraph has a topic supporting sentence, and | sentence, supporting a concluding sentence. sentences and a concluding sentence, A paragraph is about one | A paragraph is about two or topic. three topics. iNOTEMOS ALGO! eQué es un parrafo? ee cd Es un conjunto de oraciones sobre un mismo tema. S éCdiales son las partes de un parrafo? 1. Topic sentence: Oracion que resume lo que se dira en el parrafo. 2. Supporting sentences: Oraciones que dan mas Serre informacién o detalles sobre el tema. 3. Concluding sentence: Oracién que brinda una conclusién o cierre al parrafo. Recuerda que un parrafo no debe ser muy largo y Comers rea caes debe contener oraciones sobre un mismo tema. APRENDO soos @en casa | LEARNING EXPERIENCE 5 | English: Level Al Let’s Celebrate Diversity! Welcome to ‘Activity 3! Activity 3: Do it yourself! LEAD IN: Choose the correct topic sentence for the paragraph. There are parades and dances. People celebrate on the streets and they eat traditional local food. All in all, it is a great celebration! A. People love to eat traditional food, B. The anniversary of Tacna is my favourite fe: . My favourite dance is Marinera LET’S CREATE! El Perd es un pais de gran diversidad cultural. Existen diversas festividades enlas diferentes comunidades del pais, Por ejemplo, la fiesta de la Candelaria, €l inti Raymi, Camnavales, la fiesta de San Juan, entre otras. Sin embargo, no todos conacen estas festividades que tenemos en el Pert. Tureto: Describir una festividad de tu comunidad en dos parrafos en inglés, a Material elaborado en colaboracién con RELO Andes de la Embalada de Estados Unidos DIRECCION DE EDUCACION SECUNDARIA EDUCACION SECUNDARIA Let’s Celebrate Diversity! English: Level Al noesccan - Step 1: Decide on the festival that you want to describe, 1. What festival do you want to describe? 2. What is special about it? ‘3. What activities make it special? ‘4, What sentence can summarises the festival? Step 2: Paragraph 1: Write your topic sentence, at least 2 supporting sentences and a concluding sentence for paragraph number 1, Use the phrases from the box. 1. Topic sentence 2. Supporting sentence 3. Concluding sentence USELFUL PHRASES People celebrate it in April/May/ete. Most people Some people... Every year... It’s Amazing / It's beautiful / It’s interesting, Step 3: ‘Add one picture that represents paragraph 1. Step 4: Paragraph 2: About the activities people do in the festival o celebration, Write your topic sentence, at least 2 supporting sentences and a concluding sentence for paragraph number 2. 1. Topic sentence ee rT 3. Concluding sentence Step 5: Add one picture that represents paragraph 2 and organize your text. MY FAVOURITE FESTIVAL All festivals are great, but my favourite festival in my community is Come and participate in this celebration!

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