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oa Aree LEARNING EXPERIENCE 7 | English: Level A1 Inventions and Technology in our Lives! -- p0es00en --- it And 1am Nantu, Welcome to ‘Activity 2! is me, Sayri Activity 2: Creativity to Solve Problems LEAD IN: Match Example: | ride it every day. a) a compass 1, Generally, | write with it. 'b) scissors 2. We grow plants and flowers in it. ©) a greenhouse 3. We cook with it d) a pen 4, We make videos and take photos with it. e) aradio 5. Usually, | use them to cut things. ) asmartphone 6. listen to it every day. 9) an oven, 7, Sailors use it for navigation. hy a bike iv 2K Material elaboracio en colaboracién con RELO Andes de la Embajada de Estados Unidos. DIRECCION DE EDUCACION SECUNDARIA EDUCACION SECUNDARIA Inventions and Technology in our Lives! English: Level Al -- goescean - LET’S PRACTISE! PRACTISE-EXERCISE1 LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the interview and complete the sentences. Circle a, b or c Example: The name of the podcast is . a. Inventors of Peru @®nnovation time ¢. Good morning technology The name of the inventor is: a. Martha, b. Ruth. . Rosario. . The invention tries to solve this problem: . a. People use too much plastic. b. People use too many plastic pens and produce plastic waste. ¢. People don't have plants in their houses. . The invention is a a. pen made of organic material and a seed. b. pen with organic ink plant that cleans the air. |. The name of the invention is. a. Magic Pen. b. Plantastic. ¢. Titanum, PRACTISE-EXERCISE 2 Complete the descriptions with the correct form of the verb. Example: f) DUCACION SECUNDARIA Inventions and Technology in our Lives! English: Level Al noescean en to music with it ) (use it every day small useful Cesar’s favourite invention is his pen. He tes with it. He Sear ee ™ tg 1 wa headphones. | with them. | They are take photos use it every day ew favourite invention are smartphone. with it. She It Se fo) : My favourite invention are scissors. xX, f ———— with them, | Ss) Theyare . cook use it every day fantastic = Pedro’s favourite invention is with it. He Itis EDUCACION SECUNDARIA English: Level Al Inventions and Technology in our Lives! -- Doea0ean - | iNOTEMOS ALGO! ‘Observa las oraciones e indica que pasa con el verbo y el adjetivo posesivo: 1. |use my bike every day. 2. Marina uses her bike every day. 3. We speak with it. 4. My brother speaks with it Ahora, responde: ‘A. éSe mantiene en su forma base en todas las oraciones? asi b)no B: éEn cudles son iguales? y C: eQué cambio en las otras oraciones? = Se le aumento una después del verbo. = Cuando es varén, el adijetive posesivo que usa es a) his b) her ~ Cuando es mujer, el adjetivo posesivo que usa es: a) his b) her APRENDO soe.@en casa 2 | LEARNING EXPERIENCE 7 | English: Level A1 Inventions and Technology in our Lives! can't grow vegetables 2. inexpensive 3. east 4. fabric 5. far from where the wind blows ‘6. flat area 2. frame of a bike 8. glass roof 9. lack of electricity 1o.light Mi north 12. oxygen for their lungs 13. public transportation is crowded 1¥4.right amount each patient needs 1B. seed 16.too far 17. water supply 18. west 19. need to GLOSSARY noescean CASTELLANO no pueden sembrar vegetales/verduras barato este tela lejos del viento “area plana marco de la bicicleta techo de vidrio falta de electricidad ligera(o), liviana(o) norte oxigeno para sus pulmones transporte piblico estd abarrotado/lleno de gente. la cantidad correcta que cada paciente necesita semilla muy lejos suministro de agua este necesitar 2 Material elaborada an colaboracién con RELO Andes de la Embajada de Estados Unidos. contenido del presente documento tlene fines exclusivamente padagdsicas forma parte de la estrategia de educacién a dstancia DIRECCION DE EDUCACION SECUNDARIA EDUCACION SECUNDARIA Inventions and Technology in our Lives! English: Level A1 ---+- does00an ------- “ THE CHALLENGE La innovacién a través de inventos y/o el uso de la tecnologia busca una solucién creativa a problemas que se presentan alo largo de nuestra vida, Existen iniciativas en el Pert que buscan dar solucién a problemas a través de inventos muy creativos. éPuedes identificar inventos que nos ayudan en acciones de nuestra vida diaria? éCémo nos ayudan, qué problemas resuelven? éPodrias responder @ preguntas sobre un invento que consideres importante para tu vida diaria? éPodrias describir el invento que otra persona considere importante en su vida diaria? Tu reto: Recibiste el correo electrénico de Fernando quien esté muy interesado en los inventos que usamos en nuestra vida diaria. Respéndele conténdole sobre el invento que m4s usas tl y un miembro de tu familia en sus vidas diarias. Desarrolla las actividades 1, 2 y 3 te ayudardn a enfrentar tu reto, Activity 1: Cool Inventions LET’S OBSERVE! Select five inventions and rank them from Ito 5. 1= Most important for my everyday life 5 = Least important for my everyday life pens smartphones a laptop X@) HN & ® Ga a greenhouse cars the internet ovens I Least important APRENDO coe sen casa | LEARNING EXPERIENCE 7 | English: Level A1 Inventions and Technology in our Lives! += B0eas00an ~ Hello again! It And 1am Nantu. is me, Sayri. ‘Welcome to Activity 1! LET’S SELF ASSESS! Expresa cudnto sabes hacer en inglés marcando con una “X" donde creas conveniente. Aqui no hay respuestas correctas. Responde honestamente. et a ee ul un] es 1 |

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