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Bl ArPENeS LEARNING EXPERIENCE 9 Englis : Level AT This is Peru! =+ Doescean ---- oe “- Welcome to i Activity 5: Do it yourself! LEAD IN: Check “v/" aaa () recesmtnave attic. — Bic rosa tite Y 1022 frat messo0e. it has only one paragraph. It doesn't have any pictures. he characteristics of an article. LET’S CREATE! Este afio, por el bicentenario del Peru, se ha creado la revista Being Peruvian, que std invitando a todas las peruanas y todos los peruanos a compartir las diferentes acciones que podemos realizar y que contribuyen a mejorar nuestro pais, La revista ser publicada virtualmente, éQué acciones puedes realizar como cludadana 0 ciudadano del Pert para contribuir a la mejora de nuestro pais? éPodrias describir las acciones en inglés y compartirlas en la revista virtual Being Peruvian? Tu reto: describe las ac ones que realizan una buena ciudadana y un buen ciudadano, yaue contribuyen en Ia mejora de tu pais, a través de un articulo breve, Desarrolla las actividades 1, 2, 3 y 4. Te ayudaran a enfrentar tu reto. 24 Matorial olaborado on colaboracion con RELO Andos do la Embajada do Estados Unidos DIRECCION DE EDUCACION SECUNDARIA EDUCACION SECUNDARIA This is Peru! English: Level Al Step 1: Select a title for your poster. BEING A GOOD CITIZEN A GOOD PERUVIAN CITIZEN TO BE AGOOD CITIZEN HOW TO BE A GOOD CITIZEN Step 2: Make a list of "Do's" and "Dont's” to be a good citizen. © Put the garbage in the trash can. © Don't cut the line. @ Take care of the environment. © Don't destroy the monuments. © Feed stray dogs. @ Don ‘t litter the streests. @ Be kind and respectful. © Don’t mistreat the animals. Step 3: Write your first paragraph about the "Do's" to be a good citizen. Paragraph 1: Write your topic sentence, at least 2 supporting sentences and a concluding sentence for paragraph number 1 1. Topic sentence To be good citizens we should do good actions. Good citizens: Sort the garbage into plastic, paper and organic. 1. Take care of the environment. 2. A person who respects the traffic lights, helps people, among others. 2. Supporting sentences 3, Feed stray dogs. We can say that good citizens are good people too. 3, Concluding sentence Let’s change our actions to be great citizens. Peru needs us! ‘Step 4: Make your second paragraph about the "Dont's” to be a good citizen. Paragraph 2: Write your topic sentence, at least 2 supporting sentences and a concluding sentence for paragraph number 2. a We can say that good citizens are good people too. 1. Topic sentence To be good citizens we shouldn’t do bad actions. Good citizens: don’t destroy the monuments. 1. Don’t cut the line. 2. Don’t litter the street. 3. Don't commit crimes. 4, Don't use drugs. 2 Supporting sentences Citizens always respect other. Let’s change our 3. Concluding sentence . . actions to be great citizens. Peru needs us! Step 5: Choose an introduction and final message. INTRODUCTIONS FINAL MESSAGES 1. Being a good citizen is important 1. Let's become good citizens to if we want to make Peru better make Peru a better country for country. How can we be better everyone! citizens? 2. We need to be good citizens to 2. Peru is a great country, but there make Peru a better society for is still room to become a better everybody! society for everybody. What can we do? 3. Let's change our actions to be great citizens, Peru needs us! 3. Peru needs good citizens to be a great country. So, what is a good citizen? ‘Step 6: Organize your paragraph and add pictures. Introduction: Peru needs good citizen to be a great country. How can we be better citizens? Paragraph 1: To be good citizens we should do good actions. Good sop micrure ABour citizens: Sort the garbage into plastic, paper and organic, aoa 1. Take care of the environment. - 2. Feed stray dogs. Paragraph 2: We can say that good citizens are good people too. To be of : _. oo Picture aBour good citizens we shouldn't do bad actions. Good citizens: acne don’t destroy the monuments. Final message Citizens always respect other. Let’s change our actions to be great citizens. Peru needs us! EDUCACION SECUNDARIA English: Level Al ---- Doeao0ean - LET’S REFLECT! Ahora que ya terminaste las actividades 1, 2,3 y 4, lee los siguientes criterios con atencién y marca con un aspa "x" donde creas conveniente. Responde honestamente. ed Al escribir un texto en inglés: Desc) pier) éLo adectio al formato de un articulo breve para una revista 1| virtual que describe las acciones que contribuyen a construir un mejor pais? Organizo mis ideas en pérrafos, un titulo, una introduccién 2 y un mensaje final para describir las acciones que contribuyen a construir un mejor pais? iso el presente simple en forma positiva y negativa, y 3 | empleo el vocabulario adecuado correctamente, para describir las acciones que contribuyen a construir un mejor pais de manera coherente? éReviso si on mi texto utilizo el presente simple en forma positiva y negativa, si uso el vocabulario adecuado correctamente, y si describo las acciones que contribuyen a construir un mejor pais? x x *%/ Muestra lo que hiciste a tus padres, hermanas, hermanos, a quienes tengas en casa, © a tu profesora o profesor si estén en contacto, y explicales los criterios que debe cumplir tu texto. Toma nota de los aportes y mejora tu texto en inglés. Luego, incorpéralo en tu portafolio. EDUCACION SECUNDARIA This is Peru! English: Level Al ---- Goeaccan -- Sigue revisando lo que puedes hacer con el inglés seatin los estandares internacionales. Aqui hay algunas preguntas més. | Lo puedes lograr? Oe This is the end of Activity 5. Bye-bye! Tt © we no ce! presente documento tens fines excusivemente pedagegicos y forma pate de a estategia de educacion a dtancia 1 mparta el Mevsterio de Educacion

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