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STATIS130 - Basic Statistical Methods Applied to Research

Submitted by: JESSELA D. ESTRELLA (MaGC)

PERFORMANCE TASK 1 (Introduction to Statistics)

Organizing and Visualizing Variables

One of the major measures of the quality of service provided by an organization is the speed with
which the organization responds to customer complaints. A large family-held department store selling
furniture and flooring, including carpet, had undergone a major expansion in the past several years. In
particular, the flooring department had expanded from two installation crews to an installation
supervisor, a measurer, and 15 installation crews. A business objective of the company was to reduce
the time between when the complaint is received and when it is resolved. During a recent year, the
company received 50 complaints concerning carpet installation. The number of days between the
receipt of the complaint and the resolution of the complaint for 50 complaints are:

a. Construct a frequency table and percentage table. (THE CLASS INTERVALS ARE
Frequencies for Class Code
1-20 Class Code Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
1-20 15 30.000 30.000 30.000
21-40 21-40 21 42.000 42.000 72.000
41-60 2 4.000 4.000 76.000
61-80 3 6.000 6.000 82.000
61-80 81-100 2 4.000 4.000 86.000
101-120 2 4.000 4.000 90.000
81-100 121-140 3 6.000 6.000 96.000
141-160 1 2.000 2.000 98.000
161-180 1 2.000 2.000 100.000

121-140 Missing 0 0.000

Total 50 100.000

Class Interval f
1-20 15
B. Construct a histogram. 21-40 21
41-60 2
61-80 3
81-100 2
101-120 2
121-140 3
141-160 1
161-180 1

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