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Concerns raised by Ops

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Tue 7/19, 3:13 PM
Amit Dhiman;
Arun S;
Harish Aravindan;
Jonathan Eugene D'souza;
+24 more

Action Items

Hi Team,
PFB the feedback and issues raised by Namit and escalated to us on issues with Expedia, this is
getting difficult to manage so many escalations and issues. Please take owner ship of your batches
and ensure that the performance of new hires are not impacted and we spend enough time in the
training room coaching on top scenarios.
I continue to hear that batches are unaware of Worldspan, as trainers is there a knowledge gap
amongst us that is impacting new hires?
Please re-iterate and have the new hires login to Eureka every-day and conduct quiz on new articles
on a daily basis.
Please send KC fortnightly to the QAs to upload it to the QRA.
1.       Agents from training do not have strong knowledge on Worldspan
2.       Trainees are struggling with GDS usage on the floor
3.       Eureka – No ownership from training to drive usage in training
4.       Knowledge assessments not being conducted to gauge the knowledge level on
the floor, TLs, SMEs and support functions
5.       Refreshers not being conducted on the trends
6.       Mock calls not based on TNI
7.       Implementation – TnA’s needs to be worked on and ensure next batch doesn’t
have similar issues – Now we see common TnA’s on most of the batches.
8.       Still no structure for the V&A specialist to impact performance

Joshua Sanath | Manager – Learning & Development | [24]7 |  Work: +91-3058 1300 | Mobile: +91-9886 993

998 |Email: | Prestige Tech Platina, Marathahalli Outer Ring Road, Bangalore
560087 |Website: | We make it simple for consumers to connect with companies to
get things done |

Fyi: This will be applicable to all.

From: Srinivas V 
Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2016 9:01 PM
To: 247 India Management <>; hyderabadleadership
<>; HR-India <>; Directors-Hyderabad
<>; Directors-Bangalore <>; Hops-Hyderabad
<>; Hops-Bangalore <>; KSP-Managers&AMs-
Hyderabad <KSP-Mgrs&>; KSP AMs & MGRs - BLR <KSP-Mgrs&AMs-Blr@247->
Cc: Prashant Michael <>; Nina <>
Subject: Revised Career Advancement Process
Importance: High
Dear All,
As part of institutionalizing the talent management framework and making our career advancement
system more objective, the following process  will come into effect from 10th August 2016.
-          All employees hereafter will need to be certified on the learning intervention by OD for their
respective levels (ex – Blueprint, Bedrock, Elevate). (This is available till manager level right
now. By the end of FY 17, certifications will be extended till director level).
-          The enrollment into these certifications need to be carried out within the first 6 months of
assuming role.
-          Career advancements/ promotions to be based on the following;
o   Performance in the role (Inputs from performance review management system)
o   Performance during the OD certification (Tests, assignments, projects etc.)
o   Presentation on the impact of learning to a panel
o   Psychometric Assessment (Alignment with the behavioral requirements of the next
role)  (Assesses the traits and personality influencing behaviors and in turn the
o   Assessment Center (multiple tools to access the behavioral competencies. Ex – GD,
Interview, Role play etc.)

Please note that we are upskilling the pool of assessors to carry out the assessment center in both
Bangalore and Hyderabad.
I do believe that this revised structure will foster a culture of high performance and learning in the
geo. This will additionally ensure focus on behavioral competencies required for each role.
I encourage each of you therefore to support this change and ensure no deviation is allowed to the
above mentioned framework.
Do reach out to me or Prashant in case you have any queries.

DSAT Comments


Reply all|

Tue 8/9, 12:48 PM

Amit Dhiman;

Arun S;

Harish Aravindan;

Jonathan Eugene D'souza;

+27 more

Action Items

Hi Team,

PFB the DSAT comments from customers on the agents you have trained, please read them and take
back the opportunities back into training. These are basics that our agents are missing out which is
leading to so many DSATs.

Sl Agent Survey
Itinerary Case ID Call ID Customer Comments Sup Comme
Number Name Date

Customer ca
wanted boo
service and
Wasted time and had to Sales Agent
make another long call. I transfer for
07th S- think Expedia should have Location,  A
1 Ananya 7201316820423 15178968324
August 126588901 been  checking th
 able to help with transport realised the
to vevey on lake Geneva. minor sched
advised cus
repeat call.

2 Ananya 02nd 7201339332291 S- 15178883311 I have had to speak to 2 Customer ca

August 126535852 agents; one (Ananya) was complaining
supposed to have called us an Extra Gu
the following day after the Itinerary
having spoken to the hotel
(which she did not), so I
had to call again and then
spoke to a 3rd agent, who
I'm afraid was even more
clueless and put me on
hold several times. She also
called the hotel which told
her that they have no
record of any extra fee,
therefore it was from
Expedia itself. I did ask her
if she had any notes from
previous calls and she did
not. Why???? This meant
everything had to be
discussed from the
beginning. I don't fault the
agents' enthusiasm and
patience. There isn't any
rudeness, just a complete
lack of knowledge. The fact
that these calls go to a call
centre to Bangalore doesn't
help and you feel that there
is no-one with authority
who can resolve issues. The
last agent (Marunili?) has
placed an escalation with
Expedia regarding a refund
of these charges, so
awaiting this (should be by
tomorrow but won't hold
my breath!) Whoever
conducts training in the
centre needs to be trained
themselves. Have used
Expedia several times

Agent fairly useless,

difficult to understand due
Cux wanted
to strong Indian accent and
the return fl
Rohit 01st S- poor connection. Was
1 111626538943 15178434927 Ho chi minh
Shrinivas August 126336858 unable to change flight, I
wanted to R
will not be using Expedia
again since I am having to
buy a completely new flight

2 Rohit 03rd 7193120580940 S- 151788125138 When I use a UK company, I Cus called in

Shrinivas August 126538565 expect to be put through to was talking
a UK call centre when I earlier and h
have things to discuss. The the Call, Cus
foreign call centre you use basically wa
is a total joke. The people complain ab
there are only capable of Service he r
answering questions that Avis Car ren
are written down on their agent guide
list and are incapable of customer to
thinking out of the box. I Escalation t
found the experience team,
totally frustrating - the first
person I spoke to gave me
incorrect details and the
person I spoke to the
second time did not
understand my question at
all and culminated in me
having to repeat things
several times. When I asked
for a telephone number
that would put me through
to someone actually in the
UK to discuss my problem
with, I was told this was not
possible. Furthermore, the
person spoke very quickly
making it extremely
difficult together with her
accent, to understand what
she was saying. I will think
twice before using Expedia
again for this reason alone.

It was a huge frustration

not to be able to change
my flight time either on line
or when i called (twice) to
Cus called in
Expedia agents. There was
Rohit 04th S- some chang
3 112711306311 151785321843 no indication on the
Shrinivas August 126426706 Plans and w
website that I would not be
change the
able to change my flight (it
was not a question of
money I was quite happy to
pay a penalty fee)

4 Rohit 04th 19956984552 S- 15178961514 I cancelled my holiday Cus called in

Shrinivas August 126587969 booked with expedia on 20 she had to c
February 2016 i replied to Booking due
an email you sent me due bereavemen
to unforseen circumstances not Empath
a bereavement i have the was Death i
email as proof but the hotel
charged me for the room
because we didnt turn up i
explained to your agent i
cancelled via email and it
didnt bounce back and was
in my sent items so i
presumed the holiday was
cancelled until i checked
my acvount and Creta Blue
hotel had taken money out
of my acvount your agent
said there was nothing he
could do abdcyo contact
the hotel direct to request
a refund which i did but
was told as the room was
left empty we cud not
receive a refund. I think this
is very unfair as i have
proof i sent the email.

Customer ca
Said his Flig
Rohit 06th S- Horrible experience. Will
5 112760397289 15179040921 cancelled an
Shrinivas August 126645077 not use Expedia again
know what

1 Bharath S 03rd 111280428581 S- 15177310113 Received an email that told Agent recei
August 125710253 me to contact expedia from a Sche
about my trip.When i called team, and w
they told me my return cancel the s
flight was cancelled but this shuttle book
was not aproblem as they customer ha
would contact the airline decided to c
and arrange another Entire Packa
flight.They later called me
back and told me this was
not possible and i would
have to cancel my entire
trip.I asked if they could
book me with another
airline they said no.So i
cancelled and had to
rebook my trip and
received a refund.I
rebooked but i did not
receive any help our
compensation for the stress
and worry this has caused.I
had to phone on more than
one occasion to receive my

Cus bbooke
on a differe
I am awaiting resolution so it should be
05th S-
2 Bharath S 7174312778696 15178926188 can someone please call Bartholome
August 126576784
me today Little. Agent
back once a
to Vendor.


Joshua Sanath | Manager – Learning & Development | [24]7 |  Work: +91-3058 1300 | Mobile: +91-

9886 993 998 |Email: | Prestige Tech Platina, Marathahalli Outer Ring
Road, Bangalore 560087 |Website: | We make it simple for consumers to
connect with companies to get things done |

Project 90 - Quality/Agent Wise Scores - Aug'16

Reply all|
Fri 8/26, 5:55 PM
Mridhula Vidyasagar;
Rohit Das;
Khushboo John;
Amit Dhiman;
Harish Aravindan
+91 9886993998
From: Vinod Sharma 
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 5:50 PM
To: Ashfakh Syed <>; Venkata Subramaniyam R <venkata.r@247->; Michael Angelo <>; Sandeep Yadav G <sandeep.g@247->; Antony Shwetha J <>; Padmanabhan J
<>; Ashish Malhotra <>; Roopa Sugur
<>; Sajid Sami Khan <>; Darshan R
<>; Harish V <>; Ameet Athani <ameet.athani@247->; Anson Pailo <>
Cc: Josh <>; Allam Prasanth Kumar <>;
Sabha Afshan <>
Subject: RE: Project 90 - Quality/Agent Wise Scores - Aug'16
Hi Ashfakh,
We had a daily stand-up for project 90 yesterday. Below are the expectation set with the team –
The Project 90 refreshers will be conducted by the respective TL’s and an update will be
shared with all stakeholders.
Next week onwards the agents will be called on the 6 th day for the refresher, with TL’s &
L&D team conducting refreshers.
TL’s will monitor all DSAT calls for their respective teams and will make the agents listen to
these calls and coach them with L&D team being part of this session.
All the managers have been informed to send nominations for the 2 refreshers being currently
conducted for DSAT.
Implementation is the key and we all have to ensure that these training are being conducted as
From: Ashfakh Syed 
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 4:43 PM
To: Venkata Subramaniyam R; Michael Angelo; Sandeep Yadav G; Antony Shwetha J; Padmanabhan
J; Ashish Malhotra; Roopa Sugur; Sajid Sami Khan; Darshan R; Harish V; Ameet Athani; Anson Pailo
Cc: Vinod Sharma; Josh; Allam Prasanth Kumar; Sabha Afshan
Subject: RE: Project 90 - Quality/Agent Wise Scores - Aug'16
I am not seeing any movement in DSAT scores of this group, why?

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