North Philippines Visitors Bureau: Business Plan 2009 To 2011

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North Philippines Visitors Bureau

Business Plan 2009 to 2011

Executive Summary The North Philippines Visitors Bureau (NPVB) will be the prime mover for private sector-led tourism marketing, promotions and information dissemination efforts for North Philippines covering the Ilocos Region, Cagayan Valley, Cordillera Administrative Region and Central Luzon. It will serve as the umbrella convention and visitors bureau (CVB) for North Philippines and form alliances with local tourism councils in order to strengthen and increase private sector involvement in promoting the tourism industry that will result in increased visitor arrivals. It will focus initially on strengthening the local primary and secondary CVBs. As it grows, it shall expand the organization by laying the ground work for the creation of more CVBs in areas not covered by the current primary and secondary CVBs. The organization hopes to uplift the lives of the people of North Philippines by harnessing the economic potential of the tourism industry believing in the tenet that tourism creates jobs. Definition of Roles Given their co-existence in several tourism areas of North Philippines, it is important to define the roles of a Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) and a tourism council. A tourism council is an organization created by the local government and is composed of representatives from the government, tourism industry, academe and the media whose role is to help plan policy and local tourism projects. A CVB on the other hand is a private, non-profit, non-stock corporation, whose primary role is centered on promoting a destination for conventions and regular tourism. The CVB is composed of member organizations, businesses, local governments, and individuals seeking a better community through the visitor industry. These include tourism-related entities in such categories as lodging, dining, arts & attractions, shopping, and transportation, among others, as well as other companies indirectly involved in the visitor industry. The CVB also represents and supports the interests of the visitor industry as a whole. Competitive Advantage The NPVBs competitive advantage is the strong corporate involvement resulting in increased private-sector funding for tourism promotions and information dissemination about North Philippines leading to an increase in visitor arrivals. Strategic insights balanced with solid execution define NPVBs business philosophy. The NPVB ensures that the North Philippines is well-positioned as a prime tourism destination, interacting and bonding with potential visitors at various points of interaction.


Our mission is to enhance the local economy of North Philippines by marketing it as a preferred destination for conventions, meetings, events and leisure travel. The goal of these marketing efforts is to enhance the employment opportunities and economic prosperity of the region through increased visitor arrivals. Keys to Success As a sales and marketing organization, the NPVB will promote and market North Philippines not only as a vacation destination, but also as a Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions (MICE) site. The NPVB will create for North Philippines a sustainable publicprivate partnership that generates incremental and profitable tourism arrivals. It will strengthen the tourism industry and increase visitor arrivals in North Philippines by serving as a catalyst for private sector funding that will result in efficient and effective marketing, promotion, and information dissemination efforts for North Philippines. It will make North Philippines a major tourism destination not only in the Philippines but also in the Southeast and East Asian Regions. It will strive to deepen the quality and intensity of visitor experiences by providing them with relevant tourist information that will broaden their knowledge of travel possibilities in the region. This will be achieved by: Understanding comprehensively the regions attractions and competitive advantage as a tourism destination Developing programs anchored on strengthening the local involvement in tourism promotions Creating awareness among local stakeholders on the need to protect their tourism assets Optimizing costs, time and resources Ensuring operational integrity and efficiency Evaluating and assessing the effects of its activities on visitor attitudes and behavior towards North Philippines

To deliver tourism information efficiently and effectively and promote North Philippines as a viable tourism destination requires teamwork among all stakeholders, inspired and empowered leadership, a clear understanding of vital activation principles and consumer insights. Also required is a highly competitive positioning in the tourism industry, clear business objectives, and a simple, well-defined and efficient execution process. Organization Description The NPVB, the primary marketing and tourism promotion organization for North Philippines, is a private, non-stock, non-profit, membership based organization dedicated to building the local economy and the community's positive image through tourism and convention development, major events and destination marketing. It serves as the conduit for private sector tourism participation and provides high-level technical support and expertise vital to ensure the efficient operations of the CVBs and visitor awareness on travel possibilities in North Philippines.

NPVBs roles include the supervision of CVBs, maintaining the synergy between the CVBs, local tourism councils, local government units and the Department of Tourism; tourism marketing, promotions and information dissemination for North Philippines as a whole. Organization Objectives

Develop North Philippines as a brand and market it as a viable tourism destination Generate visitor-related economic impact for North Philippines Strengthen the synergy between the NPVB, CVBs, local tourism councils, LGUs and the DOT Enhance North Philippines' position as a destination region by working closely with local officials and business leaders to positively address issues that directly meet the needs of visitors; Develop systems and programs that put North Philippines at the forefront of innovative destination marketing; Expand community support by increasing member participation, and continue efforts to make every North Philippines citizen a "salesperson" for the city.

Organizational Structure The NPVB is governed by a policy-making body known as the Board of Trustees. The Board formulates policies and approves general work programs. The Chief Executive Officer of the NPVB is the Executive Director. Assisting the Executive Director are three deputies, one each for the NPVB's three units: Travel Trade, Conventions & Incentive Travel, and Administration. The office of the Executive Director shall also have department managers for Marketing Operations, and Advertising & Publications. Board of Trustees The NPVB shall be headed by a Board of Trustees that shall be composed of at least 9 but not more than 11 voting members: 1. Two (2) elected representatives from the CVBs of Central Luzon 2. Two (2) elected representatives from the CVBs on the Ilocos Region, Cagayan Valley and CAR 3. One (1) representative from the Philippine Convention and Visitors Corporation (PCVC) 4. One (1) representative from the Department of Tourism, preferably the Undersecretary for Tourism Promotions; and 5. At least three (3) but not more than five (5) representatives from Corporate Partners The Board shall also include the following non-voting ex-officio members: 1. Executive Director of the NPVB; and the 2. Four (4) regional directors of the Department of Tourism The Board shall elect from among themselves a Chairperson. Travel Trade Unit (TTU) The TTU promotes North Philippines as a general tourism and special interest travel destination for domestic and international markets. Its functions include the following:

Undertake sales missions in target markets directed towards wholesalers and retailers; Spearhead and coordinate the participation of North Philippines in domestic and international trade and consumer fairs in cooperation with the travel trade; Conduct invitational programs for tour wholesalers, retailers and travel trade media catering to general tourism and special interest markets; Undertakes joint sales promotion activities with tour wholesalers to increase travel demand among consumers; Organizes Educational Tour Programs for tour operators; Plans and implements special tourism projects.

Conventions and Incentive Travel Unit (CITU) The CITU is tasked to develop and promote North Philippines as a meeting, incentive travel, and convention and exhibition destination. This comprehensive function includes both marketing and developmental activities. Its functions include the following:

Undertake marketing activities such as sales missions and participation in selected trade fairs, directed towards national and international associations, corporate executives, and meeting/incentive planners; Encourages local associations and corporations to bid for national and international meetings and conventions Oversees the effective management of national and international meetings and conventions held in North Philippines; Provides comprehensive information, technical assistance, guidance to meeting planners who seek an ideal venue for their meeting; Maintains membership and affiliation with selected national and international organizations for updated market intelligence and market data file, and generation of leads; Undertakes developmental and educational programs designed to upgrade skills of the suppliers of the meetings, incentive travel, convention and exhibition industry.

Administration Unit (AU) The AU provides the NPVB with services relating to membership, finance, human resources management, information systems development and management, physical assets management and legal matters. Its functions include the following:

Provide overall support services to the NPVB management and the marketing units; Conduct membership campaigns and spearheads membership development programs; Maintain close coordination with NPVB members and undertakes the delivery of services to them; Assist the NPVB in all matters relative to budgetary, financial and management improvement.

Membership Membership in the NPVB may include the officers and trustees of the CVBs, regional or national government agencies, organizations, corporations and businesses that are regional

or national in scope, and individuals whom the Board of Trustees may deem appropriate for the NPVB. Corporate Partners Corporate Partners must pledge a minimum of one million pesos (PHP1 million) for at least three years. Membership Benefits Our members benefit from the NPVB's marketing programs by gaining direct access to the visitor market. As a Member of the NPVB, your company benefits from a strong economy and, more directly, from marketing your business to the tourism and meeting industry in North Philippines, including convention groups, visitors, and other Bureau Member companies. Service Offerings Administrative Marketing Promotions Information Dissemination Evaluation Project Consulting Forging Alliances A. MARKETING SERVICES The NPVB's marketing services consist of the following: I. Sales Promotions Activities The NPVB undertakes programs and activities that support the marketing and sales efforts of its clients to influence travel decision makers and travelers themselves to come to North Philippines. These activities project the merits of North Philippine destinations, and the capability of local service sectors to meet the needs of different types of international travelers: * Sales Missions * Participation in selected international trade and consumer shows * Invitational Programs * Advertising and Publicity Campaigns * Special Events and other High Impact Projects * Sales support to tour operators and other travel industry members More importantly, these activities provide the best opportunity, particularly for NPVB members, to generate marketing leads, and/or close business deals. II. Promotional Material Support The NPVB has a wide selection of general tourism and specialized promotional materials that clients may avail of to support their marketing efforts here and abroad. These materials range from print, audiovisual, to other collateral materials.

III. Bid Assistance The NPVB renders assistance to travel and convention proponents in bidding for national and international events. Depending on need, the NPVB may be involved from bid preparation and presentation; to facilitation and technical assistance during site inspection visits by planners of national and international events. The NPVB expertise in bid process, its familiarity with the workings of the national and international travel market, and its linkages with the private sector and government agencies and members of the local travel trade are of great value in winning a bid. IV. Congress and Special Events Liaison The NPVB liaises with pertinent government agencies and private organizations to facilitate the requirements of national and international events held in the country.

Programs and Projects Key Events 1. Year-End Evaluation and Planning The NPVB must organize the Year-End Evaluation and Planning every December to assess the performance of the NPVB and CVBs for the year and come up with the plan of action for the following year. After this activity, a Christmas Party and GetTogether shall follow. 2. Mid-Year Evaluation The NPVB must organize a Mid-Year Evaluation to monitor the performance of the CVBs. This activity may be done with the individual CVBs in separate meetings. 3. Trainings and Seminars The NPVB must organize at least one training workshop or seminar for the CVBs as part of capacity-building objectives. These may include topics such as events management, promotions, marketing and bidding. 4. Special Events Aside from the required activities, the NPVB may also organize special activities as part of promotions efforts for North Philippines. These include: a. North Philippines Travel and Trade Fair This event must be organized outside North Philippines, preferably in major metropolitan areas such as Metro Manila and Cebu, to create interest and strengthen the position of North Philippines as a preferred tourism destination. b. NPVB / CVB TRICon As part of efforts to strengthen the network of the tourism-related industries in North Philippines, the NPVB may organize a single TRICon or assist the CVBs in organizing local TRICons to bring together stakeholders in the tourism

industry and discuss issues, concerns and moves to strengthen the position of North Philippines as a preferred tourism destination. c. North Philippines Caravan The NPVB may organize an annual caravan to create awareness and bring visitors to the various tourism sites of North Philippines. Major Projects 1. NPVB Website The website is one of the most important projects of the NPVB. With the advent of the Internet as a readily-available resource for visitors and convention organizers, a world-class website with the necessary information for every type of visitors must be created in order to promote North Philippines as a destination. In other countries, the websites of CVBs have been vital in promoting their areas.

2. International-standard Tourism Signs

Tourism signs are vital for the promotion of North Philippines and ease in visitor travel. All signs must contain the NVPB logo as well as the logo of the CVB where appropriate. Tourism signs fall into three categories, namely features, facilities and promotional. Their purpose is to direct visitors to tourism features and facilities and inform them of key aspects of the regions tourism industry. These signs include the following: a. Natural, Cultural and Historic Feature Signs Signs colored with a white legend on a brown background, erected to indicate the location of natural, cultural or historic features. b. Commercial Tourism Facility Signs Signs colored with a yellow legend on a blue background, erected to indicate the location of a commercial tourism facility. c. Promotional Signs Signs erected to highlight elements of the region. 3. Information Centers At least one Information Center must be set-up by each CVB. Information Centers must follow the NPVB standard design to create familiarity across North Philippines. 4. Tourism Hotline The NPVB will establish a tourism hotline number common to North Philippines. In cases where the CVB is capable of establishing information centers, calls regarding their localities will be forwarded to them. For all other areas, calls shall be forwarded to the information center of the NPVB. 5. Publications Printed information materials are vital for the promotion of North Philippines. The NPVB must come up with all of the following as part of its pool of marketing and promotional materials: a. Magazine b. Brochures c. Maps d. Directories

6. Calendar It is important to keep people informed of the events and activities in North Philippines. In order to do that, the NPVB must come up with the following: a. Events Billboard b. Annual Calendar of Events Funding The majority of funding received by the NPVB shall come from the annual financial commitments of its corporate partners. As a membership organization, NPVB also receives financial support from member dues and promotional assistance from the membership through donated in-kind services. The NPVB may also request local government units to levy taxes on certain tourist services that will go to the CVBs and NPVB to support the promotion of the area. An example of this would be a Transient Occupancy Tax on hotel rooms in North Philippines.

Competitive Assessment * SWOT * Tourism Infrastructure in NP DMIA, SIA, Subic Port, LIA, SFIA, Poro Point * Key TRI Players in NP 2009 to 2011 Key Themes In order to meet the core objectives, the NPVB has identified key themes to be used in sales and marketing programs, and in Bureau operations when applicable: 1. North Philippines as a Brand 2. Rediscover the North as a Brand Strategy

3. Promoting North Philippines Heritage, Arts and Culture

North Philippines has many of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of the country namely the Rice Terraces of the Ifugao (Bangaan, Batad, Hungduan, Kiangan & Mayoyao), the Historic Town of Vigan, and two of the Baroque Churches of the Philippines: Paoay and Sta. Maria. The cultural landscape of Batanes is currently being nominated to the same list. Almost every province in North Philippines has a National Cultural Treasure. It plays host to a diverse and colorful mix of ethnic backgrounds and indigenous peoples. 4. Focus on Fiestas and Festivals

5. North Philippines as an Outdoor and Adventure Destination

From the beaches of Ilocos Norte, the Hundred Islands in Pangasinan, the surfing haunts of La Union, Zambales and Aurora, the mountain destinations in the Cordilleras, Carballo, Sierra Madre and Zambales mountain ranges to white-water rafting in Cagayan, Kalinga, and Quirino, the Callao Caves and Candaba Bird Sanctuary, North Philippines is the ideal outdoor and adventure destination for all interests.

6. Golf and Entertainment in North Philippines

7. North Philippines as a Culinary Adventure

Appendix DISTRIBUTION OF REGIONAL TRAVELLERS IN THE PHILIPPINES January - December 2006 Preliminary Report Overse Domest Region/Province/City Foreign as ic Total Total Travell Filipino Travell ers s ers 2006 2005 CAR (Cordillera 902,91 992,9 866,2 Administrative Region) 76,812 13,191 7 20 42 Abra Apayao Baguio City Benguet Ifugao Kalinga Mountain Province 1,519 93 30,919 4,711 29,860 6,037 3,673 1 8,679 77 3,747 687 1,611 3,087 670,073 101,594 59,432 21,833 45,287 281,58 2 140,614 53,418 42,477 45,073 610,71 5 4,648 243,232 78,432 88,367 78,245 117,791 251,63 3,130 3,181 709,67 1 106,38 2 93,039 28,557 48,960 336,1 61 177,09 5 56,412 49,250 53,404 635,1 68 5,590 249,68 5 82,127 92,771 82,018 122,97 7 408,2 4,054 1,691 637,29 8 84,192 90,874 24,433 23,700 287,6 49 166,80 6 40,480 36,971 43,392 624,0 21 5,464 248,02 6 81,042 91,061 81,717 116,71 1 396,2

Growt h Rate 14.62 % 22.79 % 88.11 % 11.36 % 26.36 % 2.38% 16.88 % 106.58 % 16.86 % 6.17% 39.36 % 33.21 % 23.07 %

Region I Ilocos Norte Ilocos Sur La Union Pangasinan

52,786 36,481 2,839 6,326 7,140

1,793 155.00 447 1191

Region II*/a Batanes Cagayan Isabela Quirino Nueva Vizcaya Santiago City Tuguegarao City Region III

24,453 942 6,453 3,695 4,404 3,773 5,186 155,39


1.79% 2.31% 0.67% 1.34% 1.88% 0.37% 5.37% 3.03%

Aurora Bataan Bulacan Nueva Ecija Pampanga Tarlac Zambales

4 3,469 2,337 1,928 91,742 1,914 54,004

205 105 408 158 332

4 21,795 40,633 12,650 73,075 8,222 95,259

36 25,469 43,075 14,578 165,22 5 10,294 149,59 5

14 24,669 44,958 15,655 151,81 7 6,019 153,09 6

3.24% -4.19% -6.88% 8.83% 71.03 % -2.29%

DISTRIBUTION OF REGIONAL TRAVELLERS IN THE PHILIPPINES January - March 2007 Overse as Filipino s 4,826 70 3,294 0 1,129 333 Domest ic Travell ers 244,23 1 1,618 195,310 27,316 14,797 5,190 Growt h Rate 14.58 % 260.20 % 27.99 % 20.92 % 8.49% 33.54 % -

Region/Province/City CAR (Cordillera Administrative Region) Abra Apayao Baguio City Benguet Ifugao Kalinga Mountain Province

Foreign Travell ers 26,232 113 9,630 1,109 14,643 737 -

Total 2007 275,2 89 1,801 208,23 4 28,425 30,569 6,260 80,59 9 43,527 12,505 12,284 12,283 137,9 40 587 45,043 19,862 21,195 20,235 31,018 99,71 7 0 4,805

Total 2006 240,2 66 750 162,69 5 23,508 28,178 9,419 15,216 77,75 8 40,993 11,679 12,195 12,891 134,8 51 1,245 43,922 20,172 20,506 19,610 29,396 102,3 98 5,414

Region I Ilocos Norte Ilocos Sur La Union Pangasinan

9,999 7,326 684 1,139 850

334 102 232

70,266 36,201 11,821 11,043 11,201 131,49 8 498 43,289 18,872 20,048 19,150 29,641

3.65% 6.18% 7.07% 0.73% -4.72%

Region II*/a Batanes Cagayan Isabela Quirino Nueva Vizcaya Santiago City Tuguegarao City

6,442 89 1,754 990 1,147 1,085 1,377

2.29% 52.85 % 2.55% -1.54% 3.36% 3.19% 5.52% 2.62% 11.25

Region III Aurora Bataan

31,855 654

742 94

67,120 4,057

Bulacan Nueva Ecija Pampanga Tarlac Zambales

823 356 19,904 1,168 8,950

14 179 423 32

9,158 1,897 23,451 4,276 24,281

9,995 2,253 43,534 5,867 33,263

10,079 3,417 44,786 1,819 36,883

% -0.83% 34.06 % -2.80% 222.54 % -9.81%

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