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This project main aim was to design a hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP)
system at the COPROBICH quinoa processing plant located in the Colta canton. It started with
the evaluation of the prerequisite of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) applying a checklist
and then performing the HACCP plan with twelve fundamental steps. A HACCP team was
formed with the processing plant personnel, they prepared descriptive sheets of raw material and
final product with physical-chemical, microbiological and organoleptic parameters based on the
NTE INEN 1673 (1988), (2013) standards and NTP 205.062 (2009) Quinoa Requirements. The
final use and destination of the product was determined, elaborated and confirmed in situ along
with the process flow chart. Subsequently, a list and determination of potential hazards were
found, finding: physical, chemical and biological that were then subjected to an analysis in the
decision tree with a result of three critical control points (CCP); in the stage of raw material
reception (CCP1), raw material storage (CCP2); and magnetic desk (CCP3). 79% compliance
with GMP was obtained; Critical limits were established for each CCP, in the CCP1 absence of
pesticides and a maximum humidity of raw material of 14% to inhibit the development of
mycotoxins concentration. For the CCP2 ambient temperature of 20 0C, and a relative humidity
of 70%, to not allow the Aspergillus Flavus growth. For the CCP3 absence of ferrous metals,
since the product cannot contain any type of metal. A surveillance system, corrective actions,
procedures, instructions and records were designed so that in case of deviation from a CCP there
are preventive measures, as well as its action records to ensure control over the process. The plan
design will eventually help for its implementation by a certified company, therefore, it will be
possible to obtain an innocuous product under accredited certification.



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